When the tomatoes start to sing. We bring to your attention our collection of pelargoniums

  • 12.06.2019

Hello dear readers! The anticipation of when, finally, the fruits of the tomato in the greenhouse, which you have been growing for a long five months, will finally pour, can seem like an eternity. But checking the greenhouse daily for reddening tomatoes will only delay the wait. A competent summer resident knows when to harvest, because he understands the nature of his plants and remembers the conditions under which they grew.

Tomato ripening occurs at a very different speed, and this may depend on the variety, climate and daylight hours. It is impossible to simply answer the question of how many tomatoes ripen, but you can speed up the ripening of fruits by creating the necessary conditions, regardless of the place of ripening, whether at home, on the balcony, in a box or on a bush.

There are several factors that allow you to speed up the ripening process of tomatoes, and in this article we will consider them all.

ripening temperature

The redness of a tomato is due to a chemical called lycopene. The plant produces this substance only at an adequate growing temperature. If the summer turned out to be hot, and the greenhouses were poorly ventilated, then the temperature, at least for a short time, rose to 30 degrees, or even higher. At these moments, lycopene, like carotene, is not produced, which means that the process of pouring berries is inhibited.

By the very end of the tomato growing season, the nights become cooler and the temperature stabilizes, which is why active reddening begins, which is often due not to the right time, but to the right conditions.

But, if the night temperature falls below the norm and is 8-9 degrees, the green fruit will no longer ripen, and may even be damaged. Partially ripened fruits can ripen in a dark place in the room, but the green ones should be removed before the cold snap, otherwise they can be lost.

ripening time

Varieties of large-fruited tomatoes, for example, Beefsteak, please with fruits ready for ripening already on the 34th day after flowering, and the first fruits begin to redden already 18 days after they have reached their maximum size. But these tomatoes may not ripen for another month.

In general, any full-sized fruit from any variety can hang green for several weeks. This is a natural factor, or genetic, but it cannot be changed, and it is easier to remove such fruits and leave them to ripen outside the bush, without preventing others from blushing and saving the plant's strength.

By wrapping each fruit in a separate paper material, you will speed up the ripening process, as you will not let the gas emitted by the tomato be sprayed, since this gas, ethylene, contributes to the reddening of the tomato.

unripe tomatoes

After the tomato has reached its optimal size that corresponds to the grade, remove it and cut it in half with a sharp knife. Inside, the fruit should resemble jelly, its color should have a yellowish tint throughout, but red at the base. Such a fruit will ripen outside the bush.

But, if the tomato has soft seeds and a completely different picture than that described above, then this fruit will remain green if you pick one from the branch.

When you are about to shoot green fruits for ripening, leave a short stem on the berry. If you remove the stalk carelessly, you will leave a hole in the fruit, which can lead to decay.

Fruit should be stored at ripening at a temperature between 13 and 20 degrees, and after redness - from 7 to 10 degrees. Humidity should be high, not lower than 90%.

What slows down maturation

To create a tomato bush at an early age will allow early sowing of tomatoes for seedlings, and early pinching, with four true leaves, allows the tomato to branch into stems. Such methods of formation are very effective on tall and vigorous varieties to increase productivity, and save well from lodging, but delay fruit ripening for some time.

Experienced summer residents argue that it is worth limiting the number of brushes on a bush, depending on the growing band. In the southern regions, up to seven brushes are left, in middle lane- up to five, and in the northern regions - no more than 3 - 4 brushes.

The number of racemes on the plant significantly affects the rate of fruit ripening, from green to red. The fewer brushes, the sooner the berries turn red.

The clusters usually bloom sequentially, but climatic disruptions can change this. Recently, after the summer became shorter, and the cold dragged on, flowering began to be delayed, and when restored desired temperature brushes can bloom at the same time.

Because of this, maturation cannot be predicted or tracked. But the flowering phase of tomatoes must be protected from rain and temperature drops so as not to be left without a crop at all.

How long the tomatoes will ripen can determine an excess of moisture, adversely affecting the state of pollen, sticking it together. Fertilization becomes difficult or impossible. The flowers fall without being tied.

To avoid excess moisture, the greenhouse should also be ventilated. Try not to thicken the plantings so that the air circulates freely in the tomato thickets.

What accelerates maturation

  • Foliar top dressing significantly reduces the ripening time of tomato fruits. At the moment when the first brush blooms, the bush is sprayed with a half-percent extract, which is prepared in advance. Blooming flowers can be sprinkled with a solution at the rate of grams per ten-liter bucket. Do it in the morning in dry weather.
  • It is possible by providing the fruit brush with sunlight. For this, the brush is lifted from under the foliage and laid on the stem, or a support is provided for it. This method is applied to brushes only after fruit set.
  • The restriction of tomatoes in watering or in nutrition also noticeably brings the reddening of the fruit closer. To do this, in the stem, at a height of about 10 cm from the soil, a through incision is made and a stick or plate is inserted, pushing the walls of the stem apart. You can slightly disturb the root system by pulling the stem vertically up or turning it around its axis. The roots are partially torn, and the nutrition of the plant is weakened.
  • In anticipation of the ripening of tomatoes, one should not forget that precocity most often depends on the variety.

And more: in autumn-winter period you can practice so that during the summer season, without fear, without fear of undesirable consequences, apply all agricultural practices for growing vegetables that are aimed at obtaining a good harvest.

And to be sure of the correctness of your actions, let's train virtually - video simulator "A bountiful harvest" will become a reliable assistant in such an important matter!

Happy harvest and see you soon!

Sincerely, Andrei!

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Hello dear readers!Any experienced or novice summer gardener passionately desires to get a rich harvest of tomatoes, which, in addition to everything, will also have an exquisite taste and beauty of form. But not everyone understands how scrupulous work can be from planting seeds in the ground to fruiting an adult plant.

There are many nuances in the cultivation of tomatoes. Entire books are written on this subject, where secrets are revealed and deeply considered various ways to produce healthy specimens. But, as the saying goes, “you can’t know the peaks without having studied the foundations,” so every gardener should first learn the basics, and only then succumb to the general boom in breeding rare varieties.

In this article, we will figure out how much tomatoes grow, how long it takes a tomato in each phase of its growth to form into a full-fledged, generously fruiting bush.

How long does it take tomato seeds to germinate

Seed choice has a lot to do with it. If you are a beginner, then in no case do not buy rare unique varieties. They usually require special growing conditions, and for starters, it is worth considering the option of unpretentious tomatoes.

Do not think that their unpretentiousness lies in the fact that they do not require care, just undemanding tomatoes are not capricious and allow you to carefully familiarize yourself with agricultural technology.On the package with seeds you can read about the height of future tomatoes and their resistance to diseases.

In order to understand when to sow seeds, you need to know how long the seedlings will develop to the desired state and size, suitable for planting in a permanent place.

There is no definite answer here. Dry seeds usually germinate in about 10 days, and if they are soaked in advance in the correct solution of epin or, and germinated in gauze, they will sprout 2 times faster.

Age planting material also takes place. For example, three-year-old seeds most often sprout a week after planting, and the same variety of a year ago will sprout already on the fourth day.

In order to speed up germination, you need to soak the seeds only in a warm solution, sow only in warm nutrient soil, water only warm water, and keep until shoots under the film, that is, warm. The box with crops should be in a room with a constant temperature in the range of 23-25 ​​degrees around the clock.

How long do tomato seedlings grow

Ready-made plants from the store will save you time and effort, but this is a big risk and you never know for sure what kind of crop these strangers will produce. Most often, purchased seedlings are of poor quality, with low immunity.Healthy seedlings can be grown independently, providing them with all the necessary nutrients, in good soil.

Seedlings should be 25 cm tall or so before it is time to plant them in a greenhouse or open field. So she will survive the transplant more easily than if she was shorter or taller than normal height.The correct age of seedlings is 50-65 days - during this time it will have time to get stronger and the threat of May frosts will just pass.

The right conditions for tomatoes

When preparing the soil mixture for seedlings, we mix the soddy soil with and humus, for which we take two parts of the earth and one part of peat and humus. It is advisable to prepare the soil in the fall, but it can also be purchased in the spring at a supermarket or flower shop.

When planting seedlings in a permanent place, wood ash is poured into each hole and, and then well spilled with water.Some tomato experts deepen the shoots to the very leaves - this allows the tomato to take lateral roots and develop a good root system, and with powerful roots, tomatoes grow, as they say, "by leaps and bounds."

Tomatoes prefer relatively dry air with moist soil, so tomato beds are often mulched to keep moisture in the ground and avoid evaporation. Excess moisture provokes phytophthora fungus on plants. Water the tomatoes twice a week with warm water under the root.

During the period of active setting, about 30 days after, watering the tomato beds is increased by one and a half times. Usually increase the amount of water supplied to the beds, but you can simply add another watering day per week, that is, increase the frequency of watering.

Growth phases

Different stages of tomato development require different care. During the adaptation period - the first 10 days after planting, no procedures should be carried out with tomatoes, even watering is not recommended. They must get used to the new conditions, and if they are disturbed, young plants can weaken and get sick.

It is best to produce in the third week after transplanting and form no more than two trunks, unless your tomatoes are cherry varieties.When a month has passed, the tomatoes are tied up, since even a short-term lying on the ground can lead to fungal diseases or pest attacks from the soil.

If all the minimum measures for the favorable development of the plant are observed, then approximately forty days after the seedlings are planted in the ground, the tomato begins to bear fruit, and another 20 days after the ovary, the tomato fruits will begin to turn red.

Full maturation to wilting of a tomato as a plant will take place around the 90th day if your tomatoes are an early ripening variety and on the 110th day if they are a regular variety. In general, the whole life of a tomato from sowing to full ripening stretches for a maximum of 140 days.

But these are the plants that we are used to growing on the ground, and if we talk about domestic or indoor tomatoes, then, by choosing the right variety, this plant will grow up to five years and constantly delight in the harvest.

with virtual trainer "A bountiful harvest" grow tomatoes much faster, and an unsuccessful crop will not be a pity to throw in the trash, because it still cannot be eaten. But you can see your mistakes in order to prevent them in the future and grow excellent vegetables.

Tomatoes grown in a hydroponic greenhouse should be supplied with a nutrient solution up to 3 times a day, and with such care, tomatoes grow for about 70-80 days, but hydroponics implies completely different growing conditions and intense daylight hours.More on this in another article.

Happy harvest and see you soon!

Sincerely, Andrei!

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Tomatoes in our country have long competed with native Russian vegetable crops. Most often, polycarbonate-based greenhouses are used to grow tomatoes. This covering material has excellent technical specifications and well suited for the cultivation of heat-loving plants.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse are grown on the territory of our country, not only in the suburbs, but also everywhere. It is possible to shoot ripe and juicy fruits in a greenhouse even in cold and rainy summers. The ripening time for tomato crops in a greenhouse varies greatly and depends on a properly organized growing technology.

Of course, sometimes you need to harvest tomatoes for ripening, notomata form a full-fledged crop of fully ripened tomatoes directly in the greenhouse.

signs of maturity

Any vegetable grower knows that you need to pick or pick tomatoes at the stage of incomplete maturity. Properly harvested in a greenhouse, the crop becomes a guarantee of obtaining high-quality tomatoes, which can be used not only for ripening, but also for full processing. The collection of tomatoes must be carried out, observing the ripening dates, and the first tomatoes in the greenhouse are picked at the stage of full maturity.

The main signs of maturity that allow you to harvest on time depend on the variety of tomato and the method of growing them. The timing of when fully mature tomatoes can be harvested in the greenhouse varies greatly. Climatic conditions In Russia, it is planned to plant early-ripening varieties, which can be harvested as early as possible.

How to speed up the ripening of a tomato (video)

Ways to accelerate maturation

Currently, there are several ways to influence the ripening of tomatoes when grown in a greenhouse. As a rule, it is especially easy to speed up the process of fruit ripening in a polycarbonate greenhouse, which is due to the characteristics of this modern and high-quality plastic. Carrying out affordable and uncomplicated activities helps to accelerate the filling of fruits, when they can be cut off already fully ripe in natural conditions.

The main activities that accelerate the collection of tomatoes in a greenhouse based on a polycarbonate coating are as follows:

  • spraying with an iodine solution when the fruits enter the stage of milky ripeness. Such treatment is combined with a short-term cessation of watering and fertilizing plants grown under a polycarbonate coating;
  • turning the branches of a plant with tassels of formed tomatoes towards maximum illumination. Such manipulation is especially effective when daylight hours are the longest;
  • it is possible to harvest the fruits earlier when removing the largest fruits from the plants, which are sent for ripening. You need to pick such fruits correctly, along with the stalk. The collection of the largest fruits has a beneficial effect on the ripening of subsequent tomatoes;

  • very effective method, accelerating the ripening of fruits, is pinching the top part of a tomato bush grown under a polycarbonate cover. This procedure can be carried out on cloudy days in order to injure the plants less. With a correctly performed pinching, you can bring the collection of ripe fruits closer for several days;
  • when removing excess green mass from a tomato, it is necessary to leave two or three leaves above an already formed brush with fruits, which will increase the yield and speed up ripening. All lower leaves, as well as leaves shading bushes growing under a polycarbonate coating, must be removed;
  • if a lot of fruit brushes grow on one tomato bush, then some of them will have to be broken out, which somewhat reduces the yield, but harvesting ripe fruits will occur much faster. On a properly formed plant, no more than five fruit clusters grow, which will provide a harvest of fully ripened fruits.

In addition, depending on how many times a week watering is done and how many top dressings are performed over the entire growing season, the ripening time can either be lengthened or shortened. If the humidity in the greenhouse is too high, tomato ripening can be influenced by limiting the flow of water from the root system into the green mass.

Fruit harvesting can be approximated by performing such a simple manipulation as partial pulling of the stem at a distance of five centimeters from the soil surface. Some growers collect good harvest, performing stem splitting. How long will the growing season of plants in the greenhouse take? open ground depends on the variety and method of cultivation.

Ripening terms

Of course, in closed ground, plants form fruits faster, and their ripening period is much shorter than when growing tomatoes under open sky. How long it takes from germination to fruiting depends on the variety or hybrid. The most profitable from an economic point of view in the conditions of a short and cool summer is the cultivation of hybrid plants.

Hybrid seeds are designated by the manufacturer on the packaging with the marking F1. Experienced vegetable growers already have their own preferences in varieties and hybrids. It is not easy for gardeners who begin growing tomatoes to understand the huge assortment of seeds, and in the pursuit of a large harvest, mistakes are sometimes made that affect the number of formed and ripened fruits.

There are several unpretentious varieties and hybrids, the cultivation of which is especially successful for novice vegetable growers. Such tomatoes not only compare favorably with early maturity, but also form a friendly and big harvest quality commercial fruits. These varieties and hybrids include tomato seeds Typhoon, Semko, Verilioka and Druzhok. To obtain a very early harvest and minimize the time spent on ripening, it is recommended to plant varieties "Hurricane", "Samara", "Amber" and "Junior".

It is very important to remember that the earliest ripening is characteristic of varieties belonging to the determinant type. However, the indeterminate type of tomatoes produces a more abundant crop. If necessary, to grow an unpretentious abundantly fruitful and early ripening plant, preference should be given to modern zoned hybrids. Knowing how long the growing season takes, it is quite easy to determine the timing of planting such tomatoes.

harvest time

It is possible to increase the quantity and significantly improve the quality of fruits only with strict observance of the harvesting rules. Regularity of collection is also important. Harvesting can be carried out in the phase of partial ripening or full ripening of tomatoes. In the first case, fruit ripening may be required, however, already at the stage of milky ripeness, tomatoes are edible and can be used to prepare soup dressings, salads and canning.

In closed ground, harvesting is longer. When growing plants in the open air, the last fruits should be removed before the end of August, and in cold and rainy summers, the collection time is reduced to the second decade of August.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse: general principles of growing (video)

There is a limited number of maturing varieties of tomatoes. Most tomatoes harvested at full maturity have a very short shelf life. For longer storage, tomatoes should be harvested with the stalk and in the phase of milky ripeness.

The flowering of tomatoes in a greenhouse or in the open air is accompanied by the emergence of new ovaries, which leads to the formation of new fruits. Since tomatoes are self-pollinating plants, they do not need insects. During the flowering period, it is only necessary to periodically shake the branches where the inflorescences are located. It is also recommended to tap the stem once every 3-4 days to chip some pollen onto the lower inflorescences.

The most favorable temperature for flowering tomato is 23-25° above 0°. That is why it is recommended to grow them in greenhouses, where it is possible to control the air. However, during the flowering period, the room should exclude high humidity, the incoming air should be drier.

When growing tomatoes, it is very important to provide proper care during the flowering period. As a rule, this comes down to the timely watering of plants, top dressing and pinching. Tomatoes love moisture in moderation, and their leaves must remain dry during watering, otherwise there is a risk of developing late blight.

Flowering of tomatoes is an important stage in fruit ripening. At this point, the second feeding should be carried out. And if during the planting period, gardeners place great emphasis on nitrogen fertilizers in order to accelerate the growth of green mass, then during flowering, plants already need potassium supplements.

It is also important to consider that tomatoes are not supporters of fertilizer in excess: they will begin to stretch more, and the inflorescences will fall off if the ovaries are not reinforced. Thus, the correct determination of the necessary feeding can be equated to half the distance traveled.

You can feed tomatoes with both store-bought complex preparations and means national production. Moreover, the latter will not be inferior to the former in terms of efficiency. Besides, folk methods have been tested for years, so a favorable result of their use is guaranteed.

Most crops grown outdoors or greenhouse conditions, very fond of yeast fertilizer. And this is understandable, since this top dressing contains the necessary proteins and other active components that positively affect the growth and development of plants.

Top dressing of tomatoes with yeast is carried out at least 3 times per season:

  1. Produced 1-2 weeks after planting tomato seedlings in the ground;
  2. The next time it is necessary to repeat the procedure during the period of flowering and active budding;
  3. The last mandatory top dressing should be carried out during the fruiting of tomatoes.

The recipe for making yeast dressing is very easy. For cooking, you need 10 g of dry yeast and 10 liters of water. The ingredients are mixed in a suitable container, then infused for 2 hours. Plant bushes are watered with a solution.

Feeding with iodine is no less in demand. It should be done every 2 weeks. To prepare the solution, you need only 10 g of iodine and 10 liters of water. Tomatoes should be watered only under the root, otherwise the consequences can lead to the death of not only the leaves, but the entire crop. 500 ml of solution is enough for one bush.

Also, tomatoes love the ancient recipe for top dressing - ash. To prepare this top dressing, it is necessary to dilute 1.5-2 liters of ash in 5 liters hot water. After 2-3 hours, add more water to make about 10 liters. Bring the solution to a boil. In the resulting composition, you can add 10 g of iodine or boric acid.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Pasynkovanie tomatoes and pollination of flowers

During the flowering period, pinching of tomatoes should also be carried out so that it is easier for the bushes to form correctly. In addition, such actions contribute to the development of large fruits in larger quantities. At the same time, pinching eliminates the risk of developing late blight.

The stepping procedure involves getting rid of plants from side leaves and stepchildren. During the flowering period, it is necessary to carry out the second pinching.

Pollination by bees also has a beneficial effect on fruit development. Unfortunately, there are no such conditions in the greenhouse, which is why some actions are required. In warm sunny weather, it is recommended to shake the flower brushes of tomatoes a little. But be sure to do it as carefully as possible. In order for the pollen on the pestle to germinate faster, after the pollination procedure, the plants should be sprayed with water, and it is the flowers and only with a fine spray, and the soil can simply be watered.

After 2-3 hours, in order to reduce the humidity in the room, it is necessary to slightly open the window and the door. Ventilating the greenhouse is very important, because it has a beneficial effect on the flowering stage of tomatoes. However, condensation must not form on the film.

Waterlogging of the soil helps to reduce the level of sugar and dry matter in fruits. This can cause sour and watery tomatoes, which are common in market tomatoes, for example. Proper watering of tomatoes in the greenhouse allows you to get as a result - a high and high-quality crop.

Growing tomatoes on the site, the gardener controls the development, focusing on the timing of emergence, development of the bush, flowering and ripening of the tomato. Knowing how many days after flowering tomatoes ripen, you can adjust the basic care, supplementing it with procedures to accelerate or enhance fruiting in the open field.

Tomato varieties used for planting on suburban area, can be divided into the following:

  • Early ripe;
  • Mid-season;
  • Late varieties;

Each type of tomato ripens at its own time, provided that the basic agrotechnical planting practices have been followed. It is also worth noting that additional stimulation, for example, early pinching, top dressing, and others, affects the development of tomatoes in the open field, accelerating it.

Note to the gardener: after early pinching of a tomato (apical shoot), powerful stems are formed in phase IV.

Tomato ripening after flowering is also affected by the selective removal of shoots and inflorescences - only strong ones are left that can quickly form and transform into ovaries. How to identify strong shoots? Often, the shoots are determined in a standard way, based on the fruiting history, focusing on the zone of the bush that was most fruitful in the last season.

How many days after flowering do tomatoes ripen:

  • The first clusters of inflorescences appear when there are up to 8 leaves on the seedlings.
  • Subsequent (second and third) - after planting in open ground.
  • The speed and volume of fruiting depends on the number of leaves on the bush.
  • Flower racemes appear 1 week after the last flowering.
  • Fruiting occurs depending on the variety, biological characteristics and weather conditions.
  • From the beginning of flowering to the appearance and filling of fruits, a tomato takes from 40 to 55 days.

Note to the gardener: the same variety can bear fruit in different time. The timing of ripening tomatoes in the open field, in this case, depends on favorable growing conditions, which include weather conditions, processing the tomato at the seedling stage, caring for tomatoes in the open field.

Why do tomatoes bloom but not fruit?

A common problem among gardeners when growing tomatoes in open ground is why do tomatoes bloom but do not bear fruit?

What will help accelerate the development of tomato fruits in the open field?

In order to speed up the ripening of a tomato in the open field, you can use effective root and foliar dressings in the open field. Root dressings are based on the application of mineral fertilizers and trace elements.

Foliar top dressing tomato for fruiting in the ground:

  • Spray with an extract of superphosphate (0.5%) - prepare 1 day before use;
  • Treat with a solution: 50 grams of superphosphate + 10 liters of hot water - mix several times, leave for 12-24 hours.

After the implementation of the procedures, monitor the reaction, continue to water moderately. Repeat spraying if necessary.

(3 rated, rating: 7,00 out of 10)


Feeding tomato seedlings before picking

How often to feed tomatoes in the open field?

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in the open field?

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