Breeding thuja cuttings at home. Thuja cuttings at home

  • 06.06.2019

The thuja plant belongs to the cypress family. This evergreen shrub is often used to decorate suburban areas, as well as adjoining areas, city parks and gardens. A perennial plant loved by many summer residents. Some garden compositions require many seedlings. Reproduction of thuja by cuttings in the fall at home will be possible even for a beginner.

General description of culture

This evergreen plant has excellent decorative properties. Thuja is a very durable tree. It is bred by many gardeners, the shrub is considered very popular among landscape designers. The wood of the plant is often used for making furniture and for carving.

Thuja is a low tree or shrub that is covered with cracking bark. The whole plant consists of skeletal branches, short, they can be sticking up or outstretched in different directions. Branches create a narrow crown. In young shrubs, the needles are needle-shaped, with time it turns into a drop-down.

The crown of the thuja is oval or pyramidal in shape, the root system is not too voluminous. The plant grows very slowly, however, it can reach a height of 20 m. In young specimens, the bark is smooth, red-brown in color, but with age it becomes Brown color. In older plants, the bark peels off, and narrow strips extend from the trunk. In thuja, fruits are formed in the form of scaly cones, the diameter of which is from 8 to 12 mm. These cones emit a pleasant pine aroma.

Main varieties

Science knows a large number of thuja varieties. Specialists also bred special varieties of plants that are planted in city gardens, parks and squares. In the conditions of the Russian climate, 14 frost-resistant species of arborvitae can be grown, which are adapted to the natural conditions of Russia. The most popular of them are:

Tui breeding methods

Quite often, dozens of shrub seedlings are required to decorate a garden composition, for example, to form a hedge, so the question of plant propagation methods is relevant for gardeners and summer residents. This coniferous plant can be propagated in three ways:

  • cuttings.
  • Seeds.
  • Ready seedlings in the form of grown bushes.

Sowing seeds

It should be noted right away that the propagation of thuja by seeds is a very long process, labor-intensive. Basically until the moment of planting the shrub in open ground it takes about 5 years from the time of sowing the seeds. In addition, it may lose all its varietal characteristics while it develops. The only advantage of this propagation method is that plants for such long time development adapted to climatic conditions one area or another. Before sowing seeds you will need to prepare a substrate consisting of the following components:

  • Coarse-grained river sand.
  • Coniferous land.
  • Deciduous land.

Care must be taken to purchase quality seed. To do this, you need to make sure that the seeds have been stratified before being sold, which means wintering under a layer of snow.

Sowing is recommended in the spring. At this time, the seeds of the plant are placed in a jar or container with nutrient soil mixture, and sprinkled on top with earth, which must be mixed with sawdust coniferous trees. Reproduction of a coniferous plant using seeds at home implies a certain amount of care:

  • Protection of young seedlings from direct sunlight in the hot season.
  • Timely watering.
  • Regular cleaning of weeds.
  • Periodic feeding.

When the seedlings grow up, and this happens, as a rule, in the fifth or sixth year of their life, young trees can be planted in open ground.

Planting cuttings

Speaking about how thuja propagates at home, it is worth noting that the most convenient and effective method propagation is cuttings. Both an experienced gardener and a beginner in this business can grow a thuja from a twig.

The main advantage of this breeding method is the preservation of the varietal qualities of the plant, as well as the ability to grow full-fledged small coniferous trees in just a couple of years. The only negative can be attributed to poor endurance and a small percentage of the survival of the bushes. But if everything is done according to the rules, then there will be no problems with reproduction and cultivation from cuttings.

Before rooting a thuja from a branch, you should decide on the time. Cuttings take root best in the spring. The main stages of cuttings of thuja in the spring:

Some prefer to propagate conifers in the fall. Before propagating thuja with cuttings in the fall, it should be borne in mind that the rooting process at this time of the year takes longer. This is best done in October, when the leaves have already fallen from the trees in the garden. Cuttings are recommended to be cut from the top of the shrub, whose age is about 3 years. For this, only lignified branches are selected, the length of which is not more than 50 cm. Further, the cuttings take root in exactly the same way as in the case of propagation in the spring.

In addition, there is also another convenient way to propagate thuja in the fall, which requires peat moss. This breeding method is swaddling cuttings in sphagnum. In addition to peat moss, for reproduction you will need plastic wrap, clean shreds of fabric and Kornevin growth stimulator. Walkthrough:

This thuja propagation method is the simplest, thanks to sphagnum, the necessary level of air humidity is created, which is constantly maintained.

Tui propagation is a very productive and interesting procedure, because up to 10 new plants can be obtained from one shrub. After a couple of years, full-fledged small bushes are formed, with which you can arrange your own suburban area giving it some personality.

Of the numerous coniferous trees, the cypress family, in particular, thuja, is most in demand among gardeners and summer residents - this unpretentious, evergreen tree pleases the eye in winter and summer, serves as a wonderful decoration for any site. Thujas are planted along fences, paths, they decorate corners for rest, as thujas smell pleasant and fresh, and trees purify the air around them with phytoncides.

Thuja is also interesting for site owners in that it can be propagated and grown at home without spending too much effort and money on it: purchasing seedlings in stores is not cheap.

Growing thuja seeds

This is what thuja seeds look like

If it is impossible to provide oneself with the required number of cuttings, they resort to propagating the tree by seed.

This process is painstaking, lengthy (from 3-5 years), but it allows you to grow a sufficient number of planting material to realize all your ideas, and the remaining copies can be presented to relatives or friends.

It is necessary to start with harvesting fresh seeds, they will ensure good germination.

The period of seed harvesting falls on the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Cones with seeds must have time to collect before they begin to open, and spread them out in a dry room until completely dry.

The seeds will be ready in 2-3 days, they will easily begin to spill out of the cones, small, brown or reddish.

After receiving the seeds, it is best to sow them in the near future, with long-term storage in warm rooms, they lose their germination percentage.

Autumn (winter) sowing

We make grooves at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other

With this method of propagation, crops will undergo natural stratification, which will provide stronger seedlings and their active growth. This will require:

  1. Suitable wooden box fill with prepared soil, consisting of 1 part of soddy land, 2 parts of peat, 0.5 parts of fine sand.
  2. Level and compact the soil.
  3. in-depth make grooves at a distance of 5-6 cm, slightly expanding them for ease of sowing.
  4. Distribute the seeds evenly in rows, sprinkle with a layer of soil 1 cm thick.
  5. Carefully pour out, being careful not to wash the seeds.

Install the box in a convenient place on the street, best of all under a sprawling tree, so that the sun dries out the earth less in the box. And in the spring, the branches of the tree will protect the seedlings from direct sunlight. Moderate watering is required as the soil dries out; seeds cannot be poured, otherwise they will begin to rot.

Podzimny sowing can be carried out directly into the ground by preparing a small bed in partial shade, because the bright direct sun for young seedlings will be fatal. Care should be taken that pets do not enter the garden by fencing it or covering it. nonwoven fabric.

spring sowing

If the sowing of thuja seeds was planned for the spring period, they must be subjected to hardening (stratification) so that the seedlings are strong and fully developed. Would need:

  1. Before the onset of cold weather, the seeds wrapped in a cloth are buried shallowly in the ground, covered with a layer of fallen leaves.
  2. To prevent freezing of seeds, make sure that they are covered with snow, or additionally insulated.
  3. With the onset of spring, after the snow melts, remove the seeds from the ground, transfer to a suitable container, sprinkle with wet sand, and place in the refrigerator until sowing.

By the end of March - the beginning of April, when the earth warms up, you can plan to sow the seeds in the ground. Sowing is done shallow, the distance between rows is 10-15 cm. The sown seeds are sprinkled with a very thin layer of earth and gently watered.

Further care consists in regularly moistening the soil, destroying weeds, and shading the seedlings from the sun.

You can plant each seed in a separate pot so that future sprouts grow and develop individually for a whole year, until the next transplant:

  1. Purchase special soil in advance for coniferous plants.
  2. Prepare pots or cups, pour a layer of drainage on the bottom, soil on top, compact it, spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Soaked the day before sowing and hatched seeds, place in pots, pour warm water on top.
  4. Put the cups in a warm place, cover with foil on top.
  5. After the appearance of sprouts, take the cups to a bright, cool place. If the pubescent roots are on the surface, they must be sprinkled with sand and moistened with a spray bottle.

For the summer-autumn period, pots with young sprouts can be taken out into the street, placed under a tree.

Care of seedlings in boxes

  • In the first year, seedlings grow only 7 cm., special care is not required for it, the main requirements are watering, spraying, sprinkling the earth, top dressing.
  • The following year, in the spring, they start picking seedlings into separate pots or cups with soil for coniferous plants. After the seedlings take root, it can be placed on the street, finding a shaded place, watering regularly and inspecting the seedlings in order to identify diseased specimens in time. In winter, the cups are carried away to the shelter.
  • In the third year, the seedlings again need to be transplanted into larger pots., from May they can be safely taken out into the street, and in the fall they can be planted in a prepared permanent place, leaving the root neck at the level of the soil.

Propagation of thuja cuttings

Tui cuttings need to be torn off with a heel

For cuttings, you can use the end of April, until the buds are completely swollen, or the middle - the end of June, when the growth of the shoots ends. Lignified branches 30–40 cm long are taken from young healthy thujas, 2–3 years old. It is necessary to tear off the cuttings so that a piece of bark (“heel”) leaves the mother tree with them.

Remove the needles from the lower edges of the broken branches by 8-10 cm, soak in one of the root formation stimulators (act according to the instructions).

During this time, prepare a bed with suitable soil:

  • peat;
  • river sand;
  • sod land.

The components are taken in the same amount, mixed. The soil is brought into the garden, mixed with garden soil, spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Cuttings are deepened by 2-3 cm, watered to compact the ground around the cutting. Further watering is replaced by spraying, so the required humidity is created.

Growing thuja from a branch

This method of propagation is almost no different from planting cuttings. Branches 25–35 cm high are cut from the healthy tree you like with its middle part with sharp scissors, the larger the branch, the take root better. The cut is processed by "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin", all lower leaves are removed.

  1. A hole is being prepared in a secluded, semi-shaded, damp place, the soil is well loosened, organic fertilizer is added, and water is spilled.
  2. After the soil is saturated with water, a thuja branch is stuck, the earth around it is slightly compacted.
  3. The planted branch is covered with a jar or a transparent plastic bottle, the edges are sprinkled with earth, and again a little water is poured from a watering can.

The jar or bottle will need to be periodically removed for ventilation, but not earlier than 2 weeks after planting.

Rules for caring for thuja sprouts from cuttings and twigs

After rooting cuttings and twigs, they need regular watering (but not waterlogging), regular spraying of needles, fertilizing with complex fertilizers 2-3 times, constant weed removal, and frequent surface loosening of the soil.

Before the onset of cold weather, warm the ground around the trunks with bark, dry leaves, sawdust or spruce branches, and wrap the upper part of young trees with a film.

September next year- time to transplant grown trees to a permanent place.

It is important not to bury the trees, leave the root neck at the level of the soil, a deeper planting will lead to the death of the plant.

Tui is afraid of direct sunlight and drafts

Conical, pyramidal, egg-shaped, spherical - thuja will be a wonderful decoration for any garden, if you provide them with the right care.

A landing site must be chosen such that:

  • direct sunlight fell on the trees in the mornings or evenings, exposure to the daytime sun will dehydrate the needles, the plant will lose its beauty;
  • thuja does not tolerate strong winds and drafts, if planted in such a place, it will be difficult for her to endure winters;
  • a thick shadow will affect the density of the crown, it will be rare and unattractive;
  • Tui love moist soil, but prolonged late spring flooding will kill them.
  • only a year after planting, when the tree gets stronger and takes root well, you can start feeding it.

To maintain the correct shape, the trees need a decorative haircut: from the age of two, the plants are cut with sharp secateurs, branches that go beyond the shape of the design idea. Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to prune small, but frequent.

Tui is native to East Asia. This tree quickly gained popularity in our latitudes for its appearance and unpretentiousness. With the help of thuja, you can ennoble any garden; it is an excellent solution for many architectural compositions. Therefore, novice gardeners are increasingly interested in the question of how to propagate thuja at home, so as not to buy ready-made seedlings.

Advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation

If thuja is propagated by cuttings, then you can get a completely normal tree, although less hardy than the one grown from seeds.

With the help of rooting cuttings, after 2 years, you can get a young plant.

But vegetative propagation has its advantages:

  1. When propagated by cuttings, maternal qualities (appearance) are preserved.
  2. Reproduction by seeds is a long process. It takes about 6 years from the preparation of planting material to the appearance of seedlings.
  3. You can get a young thuja with the help of cuttings propagation after 2 years.

Of the shortcomings this method the following can be noted - not all cuttings become trees. About 30% of harvested cuttings disappear, despite full compliance with all growing rules. If this process is treated without special care, then the percentage of dead branches increases significantly.

Selection of planting material

Twigs from thuja can be taken only in the midst of leaf fall of other deciduous trees, this period takes place around mid-October.

Planting material must be chosen carefully, observing a number of rules:

  1. The branch should be woody. Otherwise, it will not take root.
  2. It is best to give preference to the branches at the top of the tree. This ensures the development of the correct crown for the future tree.
  3. The length of the handle should be no more than 50 cm.
  4. A sprig should be taken on a middle-aged plant, best of all in a specimen that is at least 4 years old.
  5. At the end of each branch should be a "heel". This is the name of the area of ​​lignified bark formed in the previous year.

Rooting cuttings are taken from trees that are already 4 years old.

Preparation of cuttings

Selected branches need to be prepared for rooting. To do this, unnecessary foliage is torn off from the lower part, the places where the bark leaves (near the heel) are cut off.

Features of reproduction in the fall

To reduce the number of dead cuttings, gardeners recommend propagating thuja in the fall. It is at this time that the flow of juice in the plant slows down, and the harvested material suffers less from lack of water. There is also a small drawback of autumn breeding - it takes much more time to root.

Rooting methods

You can root thuja in several ways:

  • in the substrate;
  • in water;
  • in a diaper.

Rooting thuja in the substrate

In the first method, rooting is carried out in the substrate, and the seedlings are more hardy.

To do this, you will need to do the following:

Tui rooting in water

The easiest way to root thuja from a branch is to use the water method. To do this, you need to choose a container in which the foliage of the cutting will not touch the water. Pour ordinary water into it, put no more than 3 cuttings. Containers should be stored in a cool but lit place.

The main disadvantage of this method is that the water does not contain the necessary nutrients. Therefore, the seedlings turn out to be weak, they take root poorly. But with this method, the cuttings quickly sprout roots.

Rooting thuja in a diaper

Another way to root thuja is to use a diaper.

To do this, prepare the following:

  1. Disposable baby diaper.
  2. Plastic bag.
  3. Kornevin or other growth stimulant.
  4. Sphagnum.

Before proceeding with the next procedure, you need to put the cuttings in a solution with Kornevin for 12 hours.

After that, you can do rooting:

This method is one of the most effective and at the same time simple. The branches are constantly in a humid environment, moss completely protects the plant from fungal diseases. Seedlings are hardy, well tolerate planting in the ground.

Caring for cuttings during the autumn rooting period

When rooting cuttings in the substrate, you need to moisten the soil. A spray gun is used for this, since such watering will not clot the soil and expose the heels. The earth should be moderately moist. Any deviation from the norm has a detrimental effect on the plant.

When rooting cuttings in water, it is only necessary to periodically change the water so that the plant does not rot. The process of changing water is simple. Remove the cuttings from the jar, wrap them in a damp cloth. Rinse the jar with potassium permanganate water. Pour water and put the cuttings again.

When rooting thuja in a diaper, you only need to observe the presence or absence of condensate on the package. If it is, then the cuttings are in order. In its absence, you just need to moisten the diaper.

Features of reproduction of thuja in spring

Rooting thuja in the spring has its own characteristics. Spring is a time of rapid development of plants. Therefore, rooting, as a rule, is faster. However this way has its drawbacks - the need for constant moisture. If the stalk is left without moisture for at least one day, which is required at that moment in large quantities, then it simply may not give roots.

In the spring, thuja cuttings take root faster, but they need more moisture.

Harvesting cuttings in spring

In this case, there are no special differences in the preparation of planting material from the above. The plant should be healthy, it should be about 3 years old. The only thing is the time when it's time to tear off the stalk with the heel - mid-April. If you missed this period, then you can tear off a branch in July, at the moment when the second phase of growth begins in the plant.

Important. You will have rooted seedlings only next spring.

Rooting methods

To properly root the stalk in the spring, it is best to use the method using the substrate. Only this method can fully provide the plant with nutrients, and this is the key to the success of the rooting procedure.

The technology of rooting spring cuttings in the substrate is no different from rooting autumn twigs. Therefore, follow the instructions above. The only thing to remember is that the plant in the container must be in a room with comfortable temperature. It can be a greenhouse, a greenhouse or a cool room. It is impossible to leave a container with cuttings on the street, the plant needs a temperature in the region of 20 degrees Celsius.

Spring cutting care

Many gardeners are negative about the rooting of thuja in the spring just because the cuttings need to be looked after daily.

Thuja cuttings that were rooted in the spring require a little more care.

Seedlings are watered with a spray gun every day. If the weather is hot outside, then the amount of watering doubles. At the same time, water should not get on the foliage, as this can lead to rotting of the plant.

Roots on seedlings appear within 2 months. At this time, the plant is already less sensitive to a lack of moisture, so there is less maintenance work.

Growing thuja in schools

Grown by any method and in different time thuja seedlings will need to be transplanted into shkolki - special beds. They will become a home for young trees for the next 3 years. Spring twigs, which were plucked in April, are planted in the ground in September of the same year. Autumn cuttings are transplanted the following year.

Schools must be properly prepared:

  1. The site should be in partial shade.
  2. The land should be loose and fertilized with peat - a bucket per square meter.

To transplant a thuja from a container, you need to moisten the plant and carefully pull it out of the pot without touching the root system. Planting of seedlings is carried out at a distance of 25 cm from each other, with mandatory watering of the earth.

When transplanting thuja, the root system cannot be damaged.

After the thujas are planted in shkolki, they will no longer be such "sissies". You just need to water your trees and rid them of weeds. It will be almost impossible to destroy such a plant. After 3 years, the trees can take their permanent place. The main thing is not to damage the root of the plant during the next transplant.

Tui grown from cuttings will be a wonderful decoration for any site. These plants do not need special care, but from year to year they delight their owners with evergreen foliage and the ability to form a crown according to their needs.

In the video, the specialist tells and shows how to properly grow thuja and care for it.

You know perfectly well that not only well-groomed beds or original flower beds, but also ornamental trees play an important role. Often near houses there is a beautiful thuja - an evergreen tall tree. Have you thought about how it reproduces? Do you think that only professionals can grow such beauty? Nothing like that, even you can handle it, because now I will tell you how to propagate thuja at home on your own, and very quickly and simply. In a few years, a wonderful tree will flaunt on the site.

When propagating thuja with seeds, get ready for a long process, because it will take several years to grow a full-fledged seedling. Let it not scare, but an amazing one will appear hedge or a long alley, which will become an unusual and original design element of the site.

Seeds should be collected before the cones open - at the end of summer. Putting them in a warm, cozy place, after a few weeks you will notice that they have opened and the seeds have spilled out. Do not waste time, because the similarity will decrease after 3-4 months. It is better to plant outside, before the cold. We decided to grow thuja indoors, then we will have to keep it in the cold for a long time.

The soil for growing needs special. Prepare your own by mixing:

  • 1 liter of soddy soil;
  • 2 liters of garden soil;
  • 1 liter of peat;
  • 0.5 l of river coarse sand.

Seedlings should be grown in shallow wooden containers. Having poured the prepared earth, tamp it lightly and draw wide grooves. Evenly lay out the seeds, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil and water a little. It remains to put the box in the fall on the street near the house and wait for spring shoots.

With the onset of spring, tiny shoots will begin to appear from the ground. During the season they will grow quite a bit, up to 10 cm. You can leave them in a box until next year, but if the seedlings are crowded, then transplant some plants to a separate bed. Only after a few years can thuja be planted in a permanent place, during which time it will grow to half a meter, get stronger and turn into a chic tree.

Thuja cuttings

For rooting, choose the most beautiful branches - not stiff, but not too green. They should be long, up to half a meter, with a small piece of tree bark at the end. In order for the “heel” to necessarily form, it is better to separate the cutting from the tree with your hands, pulling the shoot with a sharp downward movement. Pre-prepare the soil by mixing an equal amount of peat with leafy soil. Shoots planted shallow, at a slight angle.

After watering, build a simple greenhouse from a can or plastic bottle. Place a container with thuja cuttings on a sunny windowsill and be sure to monitor the soil moisture - an abundance of water can lead to decay. I don’t even advise watering the soil, it’s better to periodically spray it with warm water.

When you notice the growth of new branches, be sure that the work was crowned with success, the cuttings took root. Do not rush to send the bushes to the garden, harden them a little, regularly leaving them outside for a while. Only after they have become accustomed to cool conditions, land on a permanent place of residence. Be sure to protect young plants from encroachment by animals or children by building a simple fence.

Planting young plants

Are your bushes, reverently grown for several years, ready for transplanting to a predetermined place? Take your time, there are several important nuances! Be sure to select a site that will be well warmed up by the sun in the morning, the evening hours should bring the tree coolness and light shade from nearby trees and buildings.

In each hole, be sure to put a mixture of rotted manure, compost and ordinary garden soil. When planting, make sure that there are no broken roots, and the root neck is above the ground. After abundant watering, lay mulch (pine bark or sawdust). A thick layer will protect the roots from frost in winter or hot sun in summer.

A little secret - make sure that the lower branches and the fragile trunk are not sprinkled with mulch, they can ban it.

Subtleties of care

It is important that it is carried out proper watering. Every week, add a bucket of water to the soil (adult seedlings will need more), and shower the plants several times a season. It will not only have a beneficial effect on development and growth, but will also wash away the dust, refreshing all the branches. Care for her will not do without top dressing. Add some complex fertilizers to the soil when planting, then the next portion of nutrients will be needed only after a few years.

Another necessary process that will have to be carried out if a thuja has settled on the site is pruning. You need to arm yourself with a sharp pruner once a year, better in spring. Cut out all dry branches, while shortening the shoots and forming a beautiful crown. It is especially important to give the necessary shape if the thuja grows in a group planting, otherwise your original composition threatens to turn into a unkempt pile.

Young plants will need a winter cover for the first few years after planting in open ground. Spend a high hilling with soil, then put a thick layer of mulch - dry leaves or pine needles, also cover the plant itself with spruce branches. After heavy snowfalls, check to see if a thick layer of snow will damage delicate twigs, if necessary, help the trees to shed their heavy weight.

Expect a snowy winter, tie the crowns with twine, so it will be easier and easier for them to resist snowfalls. In the spring, be sure to remove the cover and twine, but on especially sunny days, throw burlap on top, because the sun's hot rays can also do a little harm. I almost forgot - carefully inspect the bark, it often cracks in very coldy. Cover each crack with garden pitch, injuries will heal quickly.

I prepared a small gift, wonderful photos of thuja. True, the trees on the site look original? Do you want this beauty for yourself? I say goodbye with regret, but not for long. All the best and see you soon!

Pursuing landscape design at home, you gradually realize that there are no more grateful plants than arborvitae. They delight with their greenery all year round, are unpretentious in leaving, are esthetic and well give in to formation.

But they have one drawback - certain difficulties that accompany the reproduction of thuja, especially if such a task is performed for the first time in life. In practice, it is really possible to do this in only two ways - to separate the cuttings from an already adult plant, or to collect ripened seeds. What to choose? You will understand as soon as you read the article to the end.

Painstaking and long work with seeds will pay off with the appearance of hardy sprouts that can resist diseases and atmospheric manifestations.

The only thing that can scare away from this method of self-increasing the number of plants by personal plot- its cost in terms of time.

Cultivation will have to be done for 3, or even all 6 years, and it is not a fact that an adult will demonstrate all the qualities of an ancestor.

Before trying to propagate the thuja with seeds, you need to collect the August unopened cones and place them in heat until they open their scales.

Literally in a couple of days, you can shake out the seeds and put them in a bag made of natural fabric, in which they can lie for 2-3 years without harm to their germination.

With the onset of winter, a procedure for stratification of planting material is carried out, for which it, together with a bag, is buried in the snow.

The following steps on how to properly propagate evergreen thuja with its own seeds are as follows:

  • In the spring, a mixture of sand and peat, taken in equal proportions, is prepared for crops;
  • In containers, beds are made with a depth of no more than 2 cm;
  • From above, the landings are mulched with dry needles or the same dried peat;
  • As soon as the first sprouts hatch, they need to be provided with the correct watering regime, protected from direct sunlight, fertilized, freed from weeds and loosened;
  • In late autumn, or rather, with the onset of persistent frosts, a young thuja is either brought into an illuminated basement, or covered with spruce branches if it is sown on an open ridge;
  • Picking seedlings is done only after three years, and transplanting to a permanent place - after 5-6 years.

The main advantage of propagation by cuttings by conifers is that a full-fledged plant is obtained after three years. Moreover, it will be exactly the same as the mother, only with survival it will have to go through certain difficulties. The fact is that rooted cuttings survive transplantation, illness and sudden changes in temperature very badly.

In propagation by cuttings, there are the following subtleties:

  • Cut planting material it is possible only from those branches that have already reached the age of two;
  • The length of each shoot cannot be less than 20 cm;
  • It is better not to cut the stalk with a pruner or a knife, but to break it off from the mother branch so that a “heel” of bark forms at the end;
  • Planting material for several hours is placed in a container with water, in which the growth stimulator and rooting agent are diluted in advance;
  • The cultivation of thuja by cuttings takes place in a greenhouse filled with river sand, peat and soddy soil, taken in the same volume. By the way, the soil mixture must be disinfected with a burgundy solution of potassium permanganate;
  • In the dried soil, at a distance of 5-7 centimeters, twigs are planted. They should be buried no more than 2 cm;
  • The greenhouse must be covered with a transparent film and shaded from the direct rays of the sun.

Having figured out how to propagate thuja at home in practice, we turn to the conditions for their cultivation after rooting. They consist in regular airing of the greenhouse, spraying plantings from a spray bottle and watering with slightly heated water.

After a couple of months, when the first roots are formed, you can proceed to hardening and fertilizing with special fertilizers for coniferous vegetation. Having fulfilled these requirements regarding how to propagate evergreen tree, get ready that in the fall the thuja, or rather, the greenhouse with its cuttings, will need to be covered with spruce branches.

Never insulate plantings with polyethylene, due to which they can fade in the spring, with foliage or sawdust that provoke the formation of mold or fungus.

If you managed to grow a thuja and protect it from freezing, it can be planted in a permanent place with the onset of a stable positive temperature.

Please note that the conifer loves good lighting, which is required to form a correct and beautiful crown.

Self-propagation of thuja is a great activity for avid gardeners and landscape design lovers.

If you do everything right, you will definitely be able to organize your own nursery and make good money.

Thuja cuttings in autumn, winter, spring at home

Thuja cuttings, like many conifers, can be carried out in autumn, winter and spring. In some regions, cuttings of thuja in winter are even more successful than at other times of the year. The article will talk about the features of thuja cuttings at home. In the same way, you can cut other conifers, such as cypress, juniper or spruce.

In winter, gardeners have much more free time, so why not start breeding thuja.

Thuja refers to those conifers that reproduce much more easily at home than, for example, spruce. Cuttings can be practiced at almost any time of the year, even in summer. Summer cuttings are the same as spring cuttings, but I do not recommend doing it to residents of the northern and northwestern regions because of the short summer and the fear of freezing young seedlings in winter.

Thuja cuttings in autumn or winter (but not earlier than December 21-22).

Break off (sharply tear off) a side branch from the tree. The needles should be healthy, rich green. The handle is no more than 10-12 cm, on which a piece of wood should remain, this is the so-called "heel". If you tear off a long "heel", cut it with a sharp pruner.

Note. There is a lot of disagreement about the size of the handle on the Internet: someone advises not to take too small, it is better to take more, about 25-30 cm. But this is understandable: different regions cultivation, other conditions - even in neighboring apartments, the microclimate will not be the same. The advice is this: prepare cuttings of different sizes, let them be 10-15 cm and 20-25 cm each.

Clear the lower part of the cutting from the needles, about 2-2.5 cm and trim the top a little.

The cuttings prepared in this way can be placed in water with any growth stimulator for 8-12 hours. If you take Epin, then 1-2 drops per 100 ml, and if HB-101, then 1-2 drops per 1 liter of water.

Note. Take melt water from snow or ice (preferably from a summer house, and not where there are a lot of cars), it has powerful energy reserves and will help the cutting take root.

Prepare a mixture of loam, peat and sand, 1:1:2. Plant cuttings; just do not stick the cuttings with force, first make holes, then set them to 1/3 and, after sprinkling, compact the ground around. Place a wire arc on top and cover with polyethylene.

Note. Set the pots with plantings so that there is free air circulation between their bottom and the bottom of the container in which they stand - necessary condition so that the substrate does not mold and the roots do not rot. For example, you can first put a plank in the container, pour water so that it only slightly covers the top of the plank and place the pots on it. Abundant watering is not required for cuttings, it is more important for them to maintain a humid microclimate.

About the illumination of cuttings. Tui in this sense are unpretentious: enough light through window glass. But if you already have a special supply and the place is not occupied by seedlings, then you can put thuja cuttings under it.

Another way of cutting thuja in autumn, winter: overexposure.

Another way of grafting thuja is not in planting, but in overexposure of the cuttings.

Cuttings taken from a tree in winter best time- end of December or February) prepare as in points 1, 2.

Prepare sphagnum moss: soak it to soak well, drain excess water and spread the moss in a thin strip on a disposable diaper.

Dip each cutting into the Kornevin growth stimulator and place it on a sphagnum strip.

Cover the cuttings with the other side of the diaper and twist them into a roll.

In this form, you can place all the cuttings in a suitable container or a regular plastic bag and put them in a cool place, for example, on the top shelf of the refrigerator or put them in balcony door. In the spring, put the cuttings on the windowsill, but not in direct sun, they will continue to grow. You can transplant them into disposable cups if there is room on the window.

It is better to plant germinated cuttings after the end of return frosts and only after acclimatization and hardening. To do this, take them out periodically to the balcony or garden in the shade, under the bushes.

Thuja cuttings in the spring (not earlier than the end of March - the beginning of April).

The procedure for harvesting cuttings is the same as in December (points 1, 2).

It is better to root cuttings in spring in seedlings. Make them drainage holes and fill with clean river sand. For disinfection, spill with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Make shallow holes with your finger, about 1.5 cm, and carefully lower the cuttings into them. Compact the soil around the branches and spill.

Remove seedling boxes in a shady place and cover with polyethylene or put in a greenhouse and be sure to shade.

Humidity needs to be maintained, so spray your plants once a day, preferably in the morning or evening, and cover the cuttings with non-woven material (even gauze).

The optimum temperature for germination is between 18°C ​​and 23°C. After two months, rooted cuttings can be planted in the garden. For the winter, they must be covered, for example, with spruce branches.

Why are we so attracted to thuja? Of course, with its correct pyramidal shape; in another way, it is called the correct habitus of columnar forms of conifers. Here, in order to get the same wonderful shape from cuttings, they need to be taken only from the top of the tree from the leading trunk. Tui cuttings in autumn, winter or spring are best done on the waning moon when it is in Libra. Plant seedlings in a permanent place no earlier than two years later. By this time, the tree will get stronger and will be able to survive the transplant.

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Thuja is a coniferous evergreen plant that can decorate your site, because with the help of various kinds these trees can create a great composition. And given that with the help of a haircut you can create beautiful corners, arches, various landscape compositions, thuja can undoubtedly become a favorite in your garden. Many gardeners plant thuja on their plots, as the tree is unpretentious. She does not require special care. With pruning, you can give any shape to the trees on your site. Pruning coniferous plants is one of the interesting and exciting activities for both beginner gardeners and experienced landscape designers. Thuja is one of the most preferred plants in design. We especially note that the more often you cut the thuja, the more interesting, more beautiful and more magnificent its shape will be. In thuja, the needles do not consist of needles (like those of a Christmas tree and pine), but of scales that overlap each other.

Thuja is unpretentious in reproduction, there are several ways to propagate it at home.

You can propagate the plant by seeds, cones and cuttings. When growing a plant from seeds, the same variety of arborvitae will grow, but a different variety may grow. At the same time, seedlings grow much more slowly, usually it takes about six years. With such cultivation, the undoubted advantage will be that when planted with seeds, the seedlings will be more hardy than when propagated by other methods.

One of the faster and more commonly used methods in thuja propagation is propagation by cuttings. This method is less laborious and it takes much less time for the plant to germinate. When cutting, after 2-3 years you can get a full-fledged plant that can be planted in open ground for the design of your site. For cuttings, you need to choose a tree from which you will take cuttings. It depends on the choice of tree how good your cuttings will be, whether they will take root. Take cuttings from the top, greener part of the plant, which has a beautifully formed crown. The place where you will pinch off the sprouts is also very important. If you take side branches, then there is a chance that the plant may grow crooked and ugly. In order for the cuttings to be good, we recommend taking them not from an annual plant, but from a tree of two or more years. The thuja of the first year has not yet managed to accumulate enough nutrients, they may not be enough to grow cuttings.

Prepare cuttings for propagation better in autumn. At this time, sap flow slows down in plants. It is desirable to start harvesting branches during leaf fall. It is necessary to cut off branches from the shoots, while trying to make the heel longer.

After harvesting, determine which rooting method is more reliable for you. Can be rooted

The easiest way, in our opinion, is to root in water. You need to take a jar and lower several cuttings into it. You do not need to put a large number of them in a jar, 3-4 pieces are left. There should not be much water in the jar, it should slightly cover the heel. Place the jar in a well-lit area. Make sure that the leaf blades do not touch the water, as they may begin to rot. When propagating in this way, there is a high probability that the cuttings will take root poorly, since the water contains insufficient nutrients for full growth.

In order to change the water in the jar, you need to pull out the cuttings. Wrap the cuttings in a damp cloth while you change the water. Some gardeners recommend not pulling the cuttings out of the jar, but adding water.

Many experienced gardeners recommend rooting method: in the substrate. To do this, you need to choose a special container with holes. In thuja cuttings, scaly leaves are cut off, then the cut is treated with Kornevin. A little gravel is placed at the bottom of the prepared container, equal parts of river sand, peat and leafy soil are laid out on top. Pour a mixture of peat, sand and earth into a container with holes on top of the gravel. At an angle of 60%, place the thuja cuttings at a shallow depth, pour water and sprinkle with calcined river sand. Next cover everything plastic wrap or a bag and place in a well-lit area. Condensation often forms on the bag, in which case just slightly open the bag. Use a spray bottle to moisten the twigs to prevent rotting.

When propagating in this way, we place the cuttings for a day in Kornevin or another growth stimulator. We take a baby diaper, sphagnum moss and a bag. Pour sphagnum moss for 2-3 hours with boiled water so that it has time to soak. Next, in the middle of the oilcloth, we spread the moss in full length, on top of the moistened moss, lay out the cuttings. We fold the diaper so that the heels are inside, and the tops of the branches are outside. We put the roll in a bag and put it between the window frames, you can hang it on the window. Moss has bactericidal properties, so the risk of rotting branches is significantly reduced. Watch out for condensation, if there is not enough moisture, you can slightly moisten the diaper.

As soon as you see that leaves are about to appear, or if they have appeared while the cuttings are in a jar of water, place the cuttings in the shade. In the light, a bare stem develops well, and in the shade, the root system of plants develops better.

A little patience, and with proper and not very painstaking care, the thuja you planted will soon grow on your site.

Growing thuja cuttings at home helps gardeners preserve the properties of mother plants for future trees.