How to cover the wooden floors on the veranda. How to paint the floor on the terrace

  • 16.06.2019

Any host suburban area wants to add a wooden veranda to the house. This cozy place becomes the most demanded for all family members. After the construction of the main structure, it is necessary to paint it. What paint to choose for the terrace in order to reliably protect the wood from external factors? Today we will try to consider this issue from all sides.

Before you start painting the veranda, you need to prepare in advance desired material. About what material is better to use for coating wooden surfaces under open sky have been debated for a long time. The fact is that outdoor areas made of wood can only be protected for a while, since it is a natural material that is difficult to save.

The main destructive factors

The product made of wood is constantly under the influence of weather conditions. The structure of this material is able to easily pass any liquid. The moisture content of the tree allows a variety of harmful organisms to develop. As a result, the product begins to rot and disintegrate. In addition, fibers swollen from moisture can begin to destroy the tree from the inside, especially during the cold winter period.

Throughout the year, the boards are subject to strong drops. temperature regime. As a result, they change their shape. In this case, not every coating can become reliable protection from such deformation of the material.

Natural wood is the most nutrient medium for many mold fungi. They quickly attack material with a large presence of moisture, destroying all the fibers inside with their juices.

Important! There are fungi that can destroy the entire building in a short period of time.

The ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun adversely affect some properties wood flooring. They can also ruin the painting, turning it into a faded look.

Wood is very fond of a variety of worms, larvae and other harmful insects. Bark beetles gnaw through many passages, and eventually eat the structure. In addition, wood is attacked by mice and rats that love to settle in summer cottages.

Now we know that there are quite a few enemies at the veranda made of wood. As a result, there are difficulties in caring for this construction. Therefore, it is necessary to find the best option to protect the object from rain, sun, heat and frost.

The choice of material for the veranda

The best option for coverage wooden veranda is paint. However, when choosing this material, you need to pay attention to the fact that you should buy a special paint composition for the floor. To paint the rest of the structure, you can use any paint intended for outdoor woodwork.

Often coniferous wood is used in the construction of the veranda. They are the most available material among tree species. In addition, they have a natural protection against water - these are the resins with which the wood is impregnated.

For terrace board conifers will need a significantly smaller amount of paint to cover it.

Acrylic latex paint

This coating has recently become more and more popular among consumers. It has good feedback about operational properties. In addition, the paint is easy to work with: it is odorless and also does not harm health. Manufacturers produce this composition in a huge range of colors and shades.


Scuba diving today is also popular among summer residents. They are great for processing decking boards.

Oil waxes

Such a coating is used when they want to preserve the beautiful texture of wood. However, this composition has one drawback - it is a high cost.

I would like to note that all of the above compositions are expensive types of coating wooden surfaces. But, their advantage is that they look very nice, and they also have the longest service life.

Now we can talk about flooring on the terrace. This is a separate issue and quite vulnerable. This building in the country carries a heavy load due to the constant influence of unfavorable factors from the outside. And for the floor, such a load increases many times, so they walk on it in shoes, which often happens in a swamp, and also the water on the floor does not dry out for a long time, etc.

Floor Features

Every year, summer residents have to deal with such a problem as replacing a terraced floor board. As mentioned earlier, atmospheric conditions can damage even a strong coating. Sometimes wooden floors can be saved by proper installation, which provides for a gap between the boards of 2-4 mm.

But even with perfect laying, it is necessary to process the wood paintwork materials to keep the floor from collapsing. They are selected depending on what kind of wood the flooring consists of.

Basically, they prefer to buy a floor board from coniferous species, in particular, larch. Whoever has the opportunity, order a terrace board for this purpose.

It is very important before covering the veranda with paint, to properly prepare it for this process. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the floor and other structural elements with a primer and an antiseptic. In this case, it is possible to use the object as long as possible.

Any paint finish designed for exposed wood can last up to three years.

Ordinary enamel paint or varnish is only suitable for indoor use. To cover the floors of open verandas, it is better to use terrace oil, which does its job perfectly.

Preparing wood for processing

  1. If the wood floor has been previously painted, be sure to clean it from old paint. AT advanced cases it is recommended to use any solvent for this purpose.
  2. Before painting the wood, all kinds of knots and other defects should be removed. Sometimes the material after a long contact with rain and sun becomes unsightly dark color. To get rid of not only defects, but also the fungi that have settled in the wood, it is necessary to remove upper layer using a special device.
  3. Boards that have become unusable must be replaced with new ones, otherwise they will simply crack.
  4. If during the period of use of the material, cracks, holes and other holes appeared in it, they must be repaired with putty and then sanded.
  5. Before proceeding with the coating of the boards with a protective substance, the floors must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and foreign objects.
  6. It is recommended to cover the floors with more than one layer of primer so that the composition soaks the wood well. Complete drying of the material is achieved after three days. And only after that you can start covering the floor with paint or terrace oil.

Floor covering

After completing the preparatory work, we begin the painting process, which should take place in several stages. The first layer of paint can be applied with a roller, and the gaps between the boards can be painted with a brush.

If the tree is being painted for the first time, the paint must be applied in a thin layer and allowed to dry completely, which can take up to 7 days. There must be at least two such layers, and all of them must be applied in the thinnest possible layers. After finishing work, the floor must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

Terrace - an open area, which is a "transit point" between the house and the street. Choice floor covering For her, it is not an easy task. The terrace is open to rain, snow, summer heat and winter frosts. Therefore, the material for its coating must retain its functionality in difficult, almost outdoor conditions. And, of course, to have high aesthetic qualities.

Floor coverings for the terrace should have the following properties:

  • High frost resistance. This characteristic is provided by a low rate of water absorption - up to 3%. Materials with this indicator are not impregnated with moisture, it does not freeze in the cold and, accordingly, cannot lead to cracking and damage to the coating.
  • Moisture resistance. The floor on the terrace is exposed to atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, the materials used for coating should not absorb moisture, deform from it, or rot.
  • Durability. Any coating that "works" in atmospheric conditions must be more durable than home coatings. Otherwise, after 2-3 years it will have to be changed.
  • Low abrasion. This indicator directly affects the durability and appearance terrace floor. The minimum abrasion class of materials that are acceptable for terraces is IV.
  • Anti-slip properties. They are important for the safety of people, especially when walking on a wet or icy terrace floor.
  • UV resistant. If a canopy is not planned to be installed above the terrace, then the sun's rays can reduce the color intensity of the coating. This will not happen if you use materials with a high degree of protection from UV rays.

All these characteristics are inherent in the following materials, which are considered the best for covering terraces:

  • decking from WPC;
  • ceramics (clinker, porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles);
  • concrete plates and tiles;
  • stamped concrete;
  • stone slabs;
  • wooden boards.

Let's consider all these options in detail.

Option 1. Composite decking

To cover the terraces, a very convenient material is a specialized decking board. It is made from a wood-polymer composite (WPC), consisting of plastic (20%) and shredded wood (80%). Composite board is a good alternative to natural wood, combining the aesthetics of wood and the hassle of plastic.

WPC boards look almost natural, but are much easier to care for. They are easy to wash, they do not require special care. WPC material is pleasant to the touch, there are no cracks and knots in it, it does not slip - thanks to the longitudinal grooves.


  • high moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance - withstands temperatures from -45 ° C to + 80 ° C;
  • the presence of anti-slip grooves on the surface;
  • does not need additional processing and coating;
  • simple installation (dismantling);
  • simple care.

The disadvantage of composite decking is the visual and tactile difference from natural wood, which, despite the efforts of manufacturers, is still traceable.

At the moment, decking is the most popular option for patio flooring. However, we recommend that you purchase such a decking board only in specialized and time-tested stores, for example, This store offers excellent value for money and is well established.

Option #2. Terrace ceramics

Most Suitable ceramic products for the terrace floor:

  • clinker;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • ceramic tiles for outdoor use.

Clinker tiles (paving stones) are used for finishing terraces on the ground or on a screed. In fact, clinker is burnt brick, which has absolute frost resistance and does not absorb moisture at all. Available in smooth and ribbed surfaces different colors: Neutral white to rich red. The shape of the clinker tiles is square or rectangular, with straight or beveled edges.

Porcelain stoneware is a frost-resistant and reliable tile that combines ceramics and granite in its composition. Differs in a variety of design, thanks to ability to imitate different materials: natural stone (any - from granite to marble), wood, leather. Only unpolished porcelain stoneware with a rough surface is suitable for terraces. Laying is carried out on a prepared concrete slab, on frost-resistant glue.

Ceramic tiles are also used for terraces. But you need to choose it more carefully than clinker and porcelain stoneware. It must be frost-resistant (look for the designation on the packaging!), Specially made for paving on the street. Products with a corrugated, structured surface are suitable. Despite the high decorativeness, it is strictly forbidden to use tiles with a glazed, shiny surface for terraces. A suitable degree of abrasion is IV or V class.

Advantages of ceramic products:

  • high frost resistance;
  • durability;
  • color stability under the influence of precipitation and UV rays;
  • variety of textures, shapes, colors;
  • simple care;
  • easy repair (if necessary, you can replace each tile separately).


  • when paving, it is required to observe a slope so that water does not accumulate on the coating;
  • moisture can seep into the seams between the tiles, deforming the coating;
  • low impact strength;
  • porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles become slippery when iced (this drawback can be circumvented by using special rubber mats with a non-slip effect).

The laying of ceramic tiles is carried out on raised terraces, which are a reinforced concrete slab with a leveling screed. To fix the tiles, use a special adhesive for outdoor use.

We will tell you about how to properly prepare the floor and lay porcelain tiles on it in the material:.

Option #3. Concrete slabs and tiles

The terrace area can be formed by paving concrete slabs or tiles on the ground. Laying is carried out on a cement-sand base. If the terrace is a raised concrete platform, then the slabs can be glued onto it using adhesive mixtures for outdoor work. However, laying on a cement-sand mortar is preferable, especially when using large concrete slabs.

With the help of large-sized concrete slabs, you can pave a large area, spending very little time on it. The shape of the plates is rectangular or square. Common sizes: 60x60 cm, 50x50 cm, 60x45 cm, 30x30 cm.

Modern concrete slabs imitate hewn natural stone or ceramics. Plates with an unusual, figured surface. For example, with stamped lines that visually divide the slab into several bricks - for styling ceramic paving stones.

Smaller concrete or paving slabs offer a wide variety of designs. They can be of any shape: rectangular, square, diamond-shaped, polygonal, complex wavy. On the surface, various embossings are often performed in the form of lines, cracks (craquelure), squeezes (“under the skin”), geometric shapes, colors, etc.


  • strength;
  • durability (at least 25-30 years);
  • variety of sizes, shapes, colors and surface structures;
  • the ability to create various patterns and ornaments from tiles;
  • simple installation;
  • ease of dismantling and restoration (for example, if it is necessary to lay communications under the coating, it is enough to remove a few tiles and then lay them in place again without changing to new ones).


  • when paving, it is necessary to observe a slope for water flow;
  • in winter, the surface of the tile can be slippery;
  • with an improperly prepared base, uneven subsidence of the tile is observed;
  • difficult to choose, as high and low quality tiles in the store can look the same.

Thanks to the introduction to concrete mix coloring pigments, the color of the tiles can be amazing. Now it's not just gloomy gray tones! In free sale there are tiles of absolutely any color: from white and yellow to rich red and deep blue.

Option #4. stamped concrete

This is decorative concrete, the surface of which can copy slabs. natural stone, paving stones, wooden parquet, bricks, river pebbles, ceramic tiles. Such a surface can be made on raised terraces, the base is a reinforced concrete slab.


  • durability;
  • strength;
  • the ability to imitate any material;
  • solid concrete surface does not allow moisture to seep under the coating;
  • ease of maintenance.


  • gets very hot in summer;
  • when using smooth stamps, the concrete surface may be slippery;
  • long installation process.

Advantages of a wooden surface:

  • warm surface;
  • depreciation properties;
  • high decorative effect;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a wide range of colors, sizes, structures of boards.


  • changes color under the influence of UV rays;
  • difficulties in care;
  • regularly requires treatment with antifungal coatings.

In the manufacture of the terrace, planed boards (treated with antiseptics and flame retardants) or special terraced (deck) boards are used. Last option- the best. Terrace wooden boards (decking) are made only from hardwoods (otherwise, heat treatment is used). Their edges are rounded, tenon-groove fastening is not provided. Decking elements are laid at a small distance from each other, due to which atmospheric moisture flows freely through the gaps. The surface of the boards can be not only smooth, but also corrugated (with grooves) - this increases the anti-slip properties of wood.

When choosing materials for the flooring of the terrace, it is not necessary to dwell on one option. If you like several paving methods, why not combine them? For example, combinations of tiles and wood, stone and clinker, clinker and decking are very popular.

The open veranda is a great place to relax for the whole family. Thanks to the presence of such a facility in summer and on warm days, you can enjoy fresh air in pleasant company. In winter, the veranda is usually covered with polyethylene. To make a wooden building look attractive, you need to think about its processing. The main thing is to decide how to paint the floor on the open veranda.

During the care of a wooden surface, certain difficulties may arise. It needs to be processed special formulations to protect against moisture and pests. Also, the veranda must be protected from temperature extremes and fire.

Features of open verandas

Many owners of suburban areas change part of the floorboards every few years. This is due to the fact that being on outdoors, wood is exposed not only to mechanical stress, but also to the effects of rain, snow, sunlight. Under such conditions, even the most durable material. In this regard, many people want to know how to paint the wooden floor on the veranda so that it serves for a long time and reliably.

Sometimes the key to the safety of the boards is their proper installation. With quality work, the wood will not collapse. For example, if you lay boards with a gap of 3-5 mm, you can avoid accumulation on the surface of the terrace excess water. In this case, the flooring will be well ventilated. If provide good ventilation and moisture removal, you can significantly reduce the risk of rot.

It is worth considering that even with the most correct laying of boards, untreated wood can deteriorate quite quickly. Materials for painting the veranda in the country should be selected in accordance with the characteristics of the coating. Most often, verandas are made of pine boards. However, today a terraced composite is also used quite often - it is shown in the photo below.

Boards from solid pine are usually selected in natural moisture. You can also use ordinary boards of medium quality. If the veranda has not yet been completed, you should choose the right materials for flooring, as well as means for protecting and coloring the boards.

Coloring materials

To figure out how to paint the veranda of the house from the outside and from the inside, you should decide on the materials. Properly treated wood does not need special care for at least 3 years. Primers and antiseptics are selected for processing. At right choice materials can be expected to significantly extend the life of the flooring. With proper processing, a significant extension of the life of the flooring is possible.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared for painting:

  • surface grinding machine;
  • putty knife;
  • primer;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • solvent;
  • paint (it is worth deciding in advance on the choice of color).

First you need to choose the materials with which the floor surface of the veranda will be painted. It is worth remembering that ordinary enamel paint can only protect the coating that is inside the enclosed space. Open verandas with such processing will not be able to last more than 1 season.

The best option for processing the veranda of a wooden house is terraced oil. It is recommended for covering verandas, piers, floorings of summer cafes. This material provides complete protection. wooden elements from moisture.

There are quite a lot of types of terrace oil on the construction market. Each of them is selected in accordance with certain operating conditions of the flooring. For example, there is a terrace oil used to treat boards that are not ready for quick laying. Such products should lie in the warehouse for several years. During this time, the oil perfectly impregnates the wood.

Other brands of oil can be used already on the finished flooring. Even when processing the floor and external walls open veranda, you can not worry about the effectiveness of such funds. Outdoor work with them is carried out quickly and simply.

If you want to preserve the beauty of wood, as well as reliably protect it, you should pay attention to the combination of stain and varnish. If this option is selected, the floor must first be prepared and then stained. Only then can a waterproof varnish be used. It is better if he also protects the tree from ultraviolet rays. This property of the varnish will allow you to maintain the high quality of the impregnation applied before it. It is also worth preparing for the fact that the price of such material will be quite high.

If there is no need to preserve the wood pattern, you can purchase paint for yachts. Acrylic paint for verandas will also cope with the task of preserving the flooring. Before starting paint and varnish work, the floors should be thoroughly prepared. First, a glazing antiseptic is applied to the tree. If acrylic paint for verandas is chosen as the coating, you should follow the instructions when applying it. Otherwise, the varnish layer may be damaged. With proper processing, the floor of the veranda will serve for many years without the need for preventive maintenance. Builder's shops sell porch paints in different colors, which allows you to give the building a personality.

Floor preparation

The floor of the veranda will last a long time only if it is properly prepared for painting. When processing old floors, paint residues are removed with a solvent and a spatula. You can also use emulsion CM-1.

In addition to removing paint from the surface, you should get rid of the found wood defects. If the material has been in contact with water or sunlight for a long time, you will notice that it has acquired a gray color. You can eliminate such a defect using a grinding machine. In this case, the top layer is simply removed.

Work is carried out until a light shade of wood appears. If the boards are damaged by rot, they should be replaced completely. If cracks are found in individual elements, they can be puttied. As soon as the grinding machine is completed, the floor should be cleaned of debris and sawdust. Now you can start impregnating the flooring.

It is important to consider the composition material that will be applied in the first stage. For example, if a primer is chosen, it should be applied in layers. After each treatment, you need to wait for it to dry for 3 days. The antiseptic primer should saturate the wood well.

Once last layer completely dry, you can apply terrace oil or acrylic paint. When using such materials, wooden flooring will serve for many years without requiring regular repairs.

If the floors are treated with special impregnation, varnish must be applied on top. The method of covering the boards differs depending on the manufacturer. The application technique is described in detail in the instructions. Which color better fit for a certain veranda, depends on general style Houses.

Floor painting

Painting of the veranda flooring is carried out after the completion of the preparatory work. Paint is applied in several stages. It is also worth observing a certain technology of work. For example, paint is applied along the boards, not across. The main work is done with a roller. The sides of the boards are painted with a thin brush. It is better to choose for painting those materials that can prevent stagnation of water on the surface of the flooring. For example, all wood oils have this property.

If painting is carried out for the first time, it is worth shading the coating as much as possible so that the layer is as thin as possible. Then it must be left to dry for 4-5 days. In some cases, complete drying is possible only after a week. In total, 2-3 layers of paint are applied.

Important! All layers of paint should be applied to the floor of the veranda as thinly as possible. This will allow the material to dry quickly, retaining its beneficial features and aesthetic appeal.

As soon as the paint is completely dry, it is necessary to rinse the floor hot water. With timely care of the flooring, it will serve for many years without changing its physical and aesthetic parameters.

To prevent snow from affecting wooden surface verandas, with the onset of cold weather, it should be covered with plastic wrap. In order not to slip while walking on it, you should lay rugs on the veranda.

Important! When arranging a new veranda, it is especially important to choose quality materials for the floor. It is better to choose hard wood. Soft ones dry out and crack faster, and are also more prone to rotting.

Given these tips, you can paint the floor of the open veranda as efficiently as possible. Particular attention is paid to the choice of paint materials and impregnation. When choosing the color of the floor of the veranda, you should choose more pleasant, calm shades.

This article will discuss the most popular materials for the floor on the terrace, including tiles, board, concrete, linoleum, etc. Let's talk about correct painting flooring for the outdoor terrace, as well as the choice of type of paint.

You will find out what are the main differences different types materials, and choose the best solution for your terrace.

Requirements for covering on an open terrace

The terrace is an open or roofed area with a foundation and flooring, located next to the house or separately from it.

Based on this, it can be obtained that the coating on outdoor terrace exposed to:

  • moisture from rain, fog or snow;
  • direct sunlight;
  • wind and other weather events.

Based on this, we conclude that the flooring for the terrace should:

  • repel moisture;
  • be resistant to constant exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • easy to fix on the foundation surface without leaving large gaps for wind damage.

Otherwise, the coating for the open terrace will deteriorate very quickly under the influence of external factors and become unusable.

When choosing a floor option for a terrace, it is also important to take into account the characteristics of the region, especially the average annual rainfall and temperature. Not every material will be able to withstand the cold winter.

Material selection

How to cover the floor on the terrace, when the market offers a wide range for every taste? During the selection, it is worth considering the cost of the material - especially when creating a large terrace.

paving slabsfrom 140x70mm to 300x300mmFor a square from 500 r for the simplest tile. More expensive options are priced from 1000 r and above.
Tilefrom 100x100mm to 300x300mm500-1500 r per square, depending on the manufacturer
Porcelain stonewarefrom 165x165mm to 1500x3000mmThe price per square starts from 600 rubles, for some manufacturers the price is even more expensive.
Terrace boardfrom 1500 to 6000mmFrom 1000 rubles per square, depending on the manufacturer again. There are options from 2500 rubles.
1200x20000mmFrom 1500, more expensive options come across more often
from 1000x500 to 5000x500mmCheap, from 200 rubles and above.

Paving slabs for the terrace are stone, concrete or polymer, which is given the required shape. At the moment, the most common are square shapes, as well as typesetting tiles.

The biggest advantages of this type of material are:

  • water resistance;
  • fade resistance;
  • carelessness.

The main requirement of paving slabs for the foundation is Smooth surface- for example, a poured concrete floor is required. Tiles are laid with cement mixture, which firmly fixes it on the surface. Use a standard solution - crushed stone with sand and cement

When installing tiles next to the pool, it is necessary to make drain gaps - gaps of 5-10 mm should be left between the tiles, and the foundation itself should be made with a slope of 1-1.5 degrees towards the desired drain.

Also, best solution there will be the use of tiles without a deep pattern - this can lead to excessive accumulation of water.

This floor tiles for the terrace is made by firing a clay mixture in the form of rectangles. After that, various patterns and drawings are applied to them. Forms tiles usually do not differ in variety - the most common are square and rectangular, but you can also find on sale non-standard options, like round or oval tiles.

Like paving slabs, tile is waterproof and fade resistant, but with its beautiful appearance, it has a slippery finish and is much more fragile.

For installation, the tile requires an even foundation, which will provide an opportunity to create an even tiled floor for an outdoor terrace. It is an excellent solution for a pool deck due to its water repellent properties.

Terrace flooring is an extremely versatile material. At the moment, this concept can include a huge amount of materials, but for the terrace the most suitable would be:

  • solid wood;
  • thermally fired terrace board and WPC;
  • MDF and other particle boards.

can be done too

The massif of a tree represents usual boards from a tree of various breeds. They are relatively cheap, easily installed on various foundations (columnar, concrete, and others), and also do not require special skills in work. The main disadvantage is low resistance to moisture and rapid destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This is solved by pre-coating the board:

  • antiseptic before styling;
  • oil for wood (after laying and after 1-2 years).

When choosing a board for the floor on the terrace, it is better to give preference coniferous species- for example, pine or spruce. Coniferous trees generally denser and better resistant to moisture and fading. Near a swimming pool or other bodies of water that are likely to be a large number moisture on the terrace, it is better to give preference to larch due to its unique, water-repellent properties.

The terrace board is a specially prepared for laying boards made of solid wood or wood-polymer composite, with special holes for ventilation. The usual solid wood is treated with high temperatures, compacting the structure, due to which it easily repels moisture. Most often, such a board is made of larch. WPC is generally devoid of the disadvantages of wood, but is a synthetic material, and the appearance of wood is given to it using a press.

To cover the floor on the terrace with a board, it is important to make gaps between the ceilings, as during hot weather the board will expand. We recommend that you do the following distances:

This type of coating is definitely the most expensive and spectacular. It is made by cutting natural stone into slabs - for example, marble, slate and others. The stone coating is fade resistant, maintenance free and completely waterproof.

The stone makes the greatest demand on the foundation - a rather high mass of slabs can easily destroy weak strapping, therefore it is better to make a completely cast concrete foundation.

The main disadvantage of the stone is its high slipperiness, therefore, you should not choose it to cover the terrace next to the pool or other water bodies.

Excellent with concrete floor

The concrete floor on the terrace is the most undemanding surface. It can be made part of the foundation, and, subsequently, polished to a mirror look. In addition, the concrete foundation can be covered with rubber paints - they create an extremely resistant and pleasant to the touch coating.

The main disadvantage is the high labor intensity of creation - in order to make a smooth concrete floor without cracks and transitions, it is necessary to fill the entire surface at once, or with the shortest intervals - otherwise there is a risk of cracking and destruction of the coating by rain and wind.

The rubber floor for the terrace is one of the most modern coatings. It looks like a rubberized canvas, which is made from a mixture of polymers and rubber. The biggest advantage is high strength and resistance to moisture.

Similar material is produced both in the form of separate tiles with or without fasteners, and in the form of rolls, like linoleum. Working with them is quite simple - a relatively flat surface is required.

Rubber board is an excellent material for a terrace next to water bodies - it is pleasant to the touch, easy to work with and not demanding on humidity. The main disadvantage is low stability to frost and high temperatures, since the rubber is easily compressed and cracked.

Linoleum is the most common deck covering. It is easy to use, does not require large expenses and has a wide variety of textures and colors.

Linoleum perfectly repels water, but, with poor-quality lamination of the top layer, it quickly fades. Also, linoleum is very susceptible to various cutting damage - it does not have such a strong structure as wood or tile.

For laying linoleum on the terrace, a flat surface is required. There are no special requirements for the strength of the base - the material is quite light, therefore even a columnar foundation with a full overlap of wood or wood slab can withstand it.

The polymer floor for terraces is inherently not quite a coating - it is a bulk polymer liquid, which, when solidified, forms a durable coating. A similar composition is sold in a liquid state, most often from epoxy resin or polyurethane.

In addition, the floor perfectly resists moisture, does not fade and is extremely resistant to all types of damage. Even after a year, the coating does not fade. Appearance depends on the presence of color or other components.

To use the coating, it is necessary to create a more or less uniform surface, without cracks and holes - the liquid itself will fill in the bumps. It is extremely important to observe the presence of sides, otherwise, the paint will simply spread, especially if there is a skew.

Comparative table of coatings

This table compares all the presented materials according to the most important characteristics. After getting acquainted, you yourself will answer the question of what is better to make the floor on the terrace.

Coating nameDurabilityFinished coating weightDifficulty at workThe need for painting or polishingPrice


MediumMalayaMediumPolishing and paintingMedium

HighBigHighPolishing of some typesHigh





Highlights of the installation of the coating

It is necessary to choose how to cover the terrace even before the construction of the building - depending on the chosen coating, you will need to choose the right foundation. For linoleum, tiles, rubber flooring, a complete foundation with dense strapping or concrete pouring will be required. For terrace boards and materials similar to it, a columnar one with lags is also suitable.

The easiest option to build is a columnar foundation with timber strapping. Wooden panels can be placed on top of such a strapping, which will allow you to put almost any floor covering on it. Tape and completely filler are much more difficult to work with.

Before laying the floor on an open terrace in the country house, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation. Regardless of the chosen material, excessive moisture under it will lead to its rapid destruction.

Waterproofing can be done special materials, created for certain coatings, and with the help of conventional polyethylene film. The main thing is to make sure that there are no holes or crevices in the film - through them the condensate will penetrate into the coating.

When choosing a floor covering, it is not necessary to be limited to only one material - for example, the entire terrace cover can be made of boards, and the points of contact with the pool or access to the terrace can be made of stone or tiles.

Further installation of the floor for the open terrace is depending on the material. Most important rule is the need to check the level - the smoother the floor, the better its operational properties will be.

If materials are used in the work that need additional coverage, then you should not refuse this - a tree treated with an antiseptic, stain and varnish will last much longer than a tree that has not been treated. This process is described in more detail in our separate article about what it is and how to do it correctly.

Paint for a terrace made of wood or how to paint the floor

Paint for a wooden terrace is divided according to the area of ​​​​application. In addition, not every material can be effectively painted - for example, linoleum or rubber will not hold paint, and the effect itself will turn out to be rather negative.

Most often, wood is painted - it requires a coating for protection. The most effective for a tree are:

  • stain;
  • wax impregnation.

Separately, latex paint for the floor on the terrace can be distinguished - it is perfect for almost all materials, except for stone and linoleum.

The stain is a special tinted impregnation for the wooden floor on the terrace and similar materials. The composition of the stain includes an antiseptic that protects the material from the development of pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria, as well as a water-repellent component that makes the wood more resistant to moisture and the painting itself.

With the help of stain it is possible to imitate various breeds wood for the floor on the terrace, even those that are not usually used in construction - walnut or alder.

The stain fits perfectly on polished wood, WPC and other wood-based materials. After staining, the floor can be varnished - it will fix the effect. There are also varnishing stains on sale, which simultaneously perform two tasks.

Terrace varnish is clear or tinted finishing layer on the various coatings. Varnishes lie down both on a tree, and on other materials in which impregnation is possible. Under the varnish, you can either apply another paint that sets the main color, or paint clean material with it.

An important condition when working with varnish is the absence of surface roughness and dust - otherwise, after varnishing, each speck of dust will appear as small bumps that are extremely noticeable to the touch.

When processing wood, the combination of varnish and stain is a reliable protection against various damages. In this way, even the most fragile woods, which under normal conditions could not serve as a floor covering, can be preserved.

Wax paint for the terrace is an excellent method to get rid of excessive slipperiness of the coating. It was created as a method of protecting wooden coverings from UV rays and rain.

Wax is the main element in this terrace flooring paint. After application, the solvents erode and it forms a thin crust that perfectly protects wood and other materials from negative environmental factors.

Latex paint is not quite paint in the usual sense - it is a polymer composition that, when cured, forms a coating that looks like rubber. Almost any surface on the terrace can be treated with similar paint.

The main advantage is complete water resistance, which is ensured by the presence of latex in the composition. The coating does not fade over time and does not require special care - it can be simply washed with water from a hose or car wash.

The greatest use of latex coating is in the treatment of floor areas on the terrace next to pools or other bodies of water.

Highlights when painting the floor

Before treatment with any coloring matter, the surface must be cleaned of dust and grease. Dust will leave extra lumps that will be very noticeable, and grease will prevent the paint from sticking to the surface.

In addition, when working on an open terrace, it is necessary to check the weather forecast - you should not paint before the rain, as it will wash off the coating, and after painting it cannot be covered with anything for 6-8 hours.

Of the tools, you must have several brushes - synthetic or natural (in fact, this does not really matter, since both types are similar to each other), a paint bath.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of paint - the excess will either accumulate in the recesses of the coating, or leave smudges that will take longer to dry and spoil the appearance of the work on the terrace.

When working with latex paint, you will need a special leveler - a spatula with a long handle. Work with it is carried out only in dry weather - rain, even a little, will spoil the drying latex, which will require removing it and repainting the surface.

AT last years the element of a private house, called a veranda or terrace, has become widespread. During the construction of these structures, in order to increase the service life, it is important to comply with the list of necessary requirements. Particular attention should be paid to the flooring, having previously decided on the material and its characteristics.

Choosing material for the floor of the terrace

According to the version of the terraces can be divided into three types.

  1. Closed - having completely sealed walls, which can be made in a solid form, with glazed windows or made of monolithic or cellular polycarbonate. From the point of view of saving the floor material, this option is the most profitable.
  2. Semi-closed - having part of a wall or a solid fence around the perimeter of the site. This allows you to reduce the impact of atmospheric factors on the floor material, but it will not be possible to completely level it.
  3. Open - having a fence that does not prevent the penetration of precipitation, wind into the interior of the terrace. With this method of execution, the negative impact on flooring maximum.

Based on the above, taking into account the operating conditions of the floor, you should choose one or another type of coating. Otherwise, the forces and funds spent on construction will be in vain.

The next factor influencing the choice of material for arranging the floor of the veranda is the type of foundation of the building and the presence of an underground - free space separating the floor of the site and the ground. As a rule, for light buildings attached to the house, a columnar or pile foundation is used. sometimes tape, less often monolithic. Depending on the type of foundation, select various options floor arrangement.

Ceramic tile

Plate materials are still widely used for verandas, terraces and gazebos. They are distinguished by the relative ease of installation, affordability, and the availability of options with anti-slip coating, which makes the operation of these buildings safe at any time of the year. Due to the high mass of the material itself, the adhesive line and the leveling concrete layer, finishing is not recommended. ceramic tiles wooden floors.

Typically, this option is used when monolithic foundation. The tiled floor does not require additional finishing with paints and varnishes and is quite durable. A significant drawback of this type is the weak resistance to impact loads - fallen tools and various massive objects can lead to splitting of the tiles. At the same time, a simple replacement process allows you to quickly restore the coating.

Thematic material:

A wide selection of tiles allows you to diversify the options for finishing horizontal surfaces. High abrasion resistance makes it suitable for use in high traffic areas such as porches. If the terrace is combined with the entrance to the main building, this choice is justified.

A more characteristic way of arranging the floor of the street veranda of the house is to use natural wood floorboards. Natural material highlights individual style homeowner, wood is affordable and widely available. A significant disadvantage of natural floorboards is their low resistance to moisture and various biological factors. This must be taken into account when preparing and performing the installation process.

At the same time, there are breeds with higher moisture resistance. Many of them belong to the exotic group, which negatively affects the cost. The most affordable for the average buyer is larch - the most common coniferous species in Russia. Its wood is absolutely not afraid of water and can last for a long time. But it also requires processing with special oils and varnishes to preserve its natural look.

Decking for terraces and verandas

In recent years, a new composite material, called decking, has burst into the Russian construction markets. It is boards or tiles made from shredded wood waste mixed with molten plastic and molded at high enough pressure.

The advantages of decking are:

  • immunity to moisture, fungus and mold;
  • high (up to 50 years) durability of the coating even on open verandas and balconies;
  • the presence of many options for the working surface from smooth, imitating the texture of wood on the end sections, to corrugated;
  • ease of installation, available for do-it-yourself.

At the same time, the presence of natural components from wood in the mixture limits the atmospheric resistance of the material. In particular, during long-term operation on the illuminated, sunny side, the decking surface may change color, which is restored by special, additional processing. This aspect requires periodic attention to coverage and financial costs.

Terrace floor technology

Having familiarized ourselves with the abundance of materials used for laying floors in extensions, we will consider the main installation methods available for do-it-yourself work.

Tiled floor

As noted above, it is good to use tiles when arranging outbuildings located directly in entrance group. As a basis for such a floor, a concrete monolith is suitable. In case of surface level differences exceeding 1-1.5 cm, a leveling screed must first be made of cement mortar. They do the same to raise the future site to the proper height to the entrance to the premises of the house.

For installation on a terrace, you should choose tiles with a corrugated front surface, which increases the adhesion of the shoe soles with it and prevents slipping even in winter period. The flooring of the coating is carried out using tile adhesive for outdoor use. The main tools are a notched trowel with rectangular teeth and a rubber mallet.

The mixture prepared in advance is laid and leveled to obtain the same thickness of the seam. It is better not to leave gaps between the tiles to prevent the accumulation of dirt and water ingress. The position of the laid elements of the coating is controlled by the building level.

Solid wood floor

The flooring of grooved boards is laid on any type of base. For high-quality fastening, a base is made in the form of a log - beams with a section of 150x150 mm. Construction material from natural wood are processed from:

  • fire;
  • moisture;
  • mold;
  • insects;
  • ultraviolet exposure.

Impregnation of long parts is carried out by spraying, paint rollers and brushes, as well as dipping in self-made tubs of edged boards and polyethylene film, which is lined with the bottom and sides.
Processed and dried boards are laid in one layer.

Fastening is carried out in the following ways.

decking floor

The design of the decking floor is represented by adjustable supports for logs, transverse bars and artificial floorboards. It is quite difficult to lay such a coating for a terrace (veranda) without familiarizing yourself with the process.

Video editing technology.

General installation rules.

Terrace floor finishing

So that the floor of the terrace pleases the owners for a long time and creates home comfort even outside the building, the coating must be properly maintained. Natural wood materials must be covered with weather-resistant varnish, special oils and stains. You can also just paint the wood floor.

Suitable for large areas paint roller, which allows you to get a uniform application and reduce the consumption of paintwork materials. With intensive use of the surface, it is recommended to apply at least three layers and periodically, once every three to four years, renew it.

Thematic material:

Thus, there are a lot of options for arranging the floor of the terrace. The choice depends on the foundation of the extension, the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.