What can be the problem with a pine board. What to do if the lumber is darkened, blackened or moldy? What is fraught with the use of wood with blue

  • 16.06.2019

The eternal problem of freshly sawn material or the main questions of customers. How to store material? Correspondence example:

QUESTION client:

A stack of new, purchased pine boards lay for 2 weeks, after which some of the boards went black and blue in spots. The boards lay on sleepers laid on the ground, each layer was laid with a bar. In each layer, the boards were laid with a gap of 1-2 cm, during the rain they were covered with a film.
Tell me, please: What is this black and blue disease and is it possible to “cure” pine?

ANSWER TorgLes-a:

Hello Dear Client!
I have been manufacturing and supplying lumber for 15 years. I sell lumber at the Slavic World market.
Your mistake was that in dry and hot weather the wet board remained closed, thus the greenhouse effect and the board turned blue. Actually this is a common headache as a seller as well as a buyer. Because the suppliers do not comply with any standards, because the harvesting technology and GOST are becoming a thing of the past as the Union.
A freshly felled and sawn tree will definitely turn blue. That is, we are talking about a violation of the harvesting technology, since a sawn tree in a round timber must be left to winter, when temperature regime does not rise to -10 degrees Celsius. That is, moisture is removed by freezing by squeezing out of the pores - in a natural way.

Winter Wood- the most favorable for construction, because it has a lower percentage of humidity and is further less susceptible to fungal bacteria, i.e. it does not turn blue.

Tree felled in spring and summer- does not freeze and has high humidity. The board and timber starts to turn blue despite the fact that you laid it out on gaskets and covered it, moreover, even when transporting it to the customer’s construction site in a car closed type the material may darken in places.
A small board with a cross section is especially susceptible to this process, sometimes very rarely.

Because of this, disputes often arise between the supplier and the customer. Many capricious Citizens are not in the house that darkening is a property of freshly cut and sawn pine material and does not lose its building functions as a board or timber material.

Sometimes when sawing logs, it becomes clear that the forest is blue in the bud. I, as a supplier, consider this issue as a loss of presentation, the only question is the price. Moreover, we dissolve it as a 2nd grade, i.e. we leave one working surface (we maintain the size in width), the other comes out ashed. Because this board has no special claims to quality and goes to rough work.

FALSE sellers and suppliers:

By the way, the statement of many sellers and suppliers of edged lumber that they sell winter wood in the midst of the "Construction Season" is a "FALSE". As a rule, by mid-July-August, wood harvested in winter from suppliers who serve large metropolitan areas ends. And then goes to the case "SVEZHAK". That is, a tree after cutting down in a round timber is immediately delivered to a sawmill and sawn to the ordered sizes.

Why is this happening:

  • because lumber of natural moisture is of biological origin and reacts with environment.
  • temperature fluctuations, and fluctuations in humidity during the whole time after processing into edged lumber naturally affect the external and internal state of the wood.
  • the chips that remain after cutting on a beam or board are the first to begin to rot and react with the environment and, naturally, with wood. From what the board or timber is covered with a green coating.
  • from improper stacking.

This question has a simple and obvious answer.

If the edged timber or board, floor joists or floor beams are covered blue-green bloom, or even completely blackened, it's not a problem. Because timber and edged board still construction material - biological origin, from this building properties like construction material does not lose. You just need to treat this as an inevitable process - with patience and understanding. Purchase antiseptics in the required quantity, spend a little time processing. This is quite enough so that the blue does not turn into blackness and does not go into the depth of the wood by 2-3 mm. In the photo below, I show the action of one of them!

The beam lay on the gaskets for a month - one and a half, in the first rows from the ground. Turned as black as patent leather boots, with mildew showing through in some places.

It was

In about 5-8 minutes, the two of us managed to drag three beams with a section of 150x150x6000mm into one layer and process them with a brush. The result is obvious.

It became after 5 min.

Wood bleaching agent which was performed this work.

Senezh EFFO-wood bleach

count it the best way out than to spend time and nerves combing through all the markets of the city in search of a supplier of white lumber, tk. After unloading, the material must be stored somewhere. The situation with lumber from all suppliers in the trading areas with "variable success" is the same everywhere. By the time of purchase, it may not be quite fresh (ie, it has lain down for 2-3 weeks). Luck will smile if you find fresh material that has just arrived on retail space and is unloaded. Do not torture yourself and people with the selection and sorting of material because of the small blue on some boards and beams! Take advantage of my recommendations!

Water-soluble antiseptics that protect against mold include sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicon, ammonium fluorosilicon, VVK-3, KhP and MCHC. Their solution is applied to the wood with a brush or by spraying.

I strongly recommend the obligatory septation of edged sawn timber of natural moisture from coniferous species, regardless of the season and the condition of the wood (the material has turned blue or completely white).

SENEZH "EFFO" - properties:

Deep bleaching of wood due to increased penetration.
- Intensive formula of the bleaching composition SENEGE EFFO based on an oxygen-carrying agent.
- SENEGE EFFO retains the effectiveness of bleaching during long-term storage.
- The bleaching composition does not leave chemical burns on the treated wood.
- Bleached wood is safe for humans and pets.
- Wood bleach SENEZH EFFO removes all types of surface damage to wood.
- Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
- The whitening composition withstands freezing without loss of properties.
- SENEGE EFFO self-neutralizes, does not form efflorescence on the surface.
- Wood bleach SENEZH EFFO is suitable for processing food wooden shipping containers.
- The bleaching agent has a pleasant lemon smell.

By the way, there are still a number of positive points.There is a "NATURAL SELECTION" of the board, i.e. it will be possible to find out which board and where to put it in the construction process, because some boards will be twisted in the sun and they can be put aside and used for rough work (formwork, scaffolding, subfloor, etc.), the rest of the boards, the longer they lie, the greater the “WEIGHT” as the material will gain.

AT total in nature, there are about a hundred species of marsupial fungi of the genus Ceratocystis, which color certain types of tree species in blue color. In wood protection guides, the term blue or chemical color is used to refer to such fungi.

The most famous blue of the pines, which colors the lumber sawn from pine in a bluish-gray color. Pine lumber begins to turn blue when wet and warm weather sets in, when the average daily temperature is above + 10 ° C, while the appearance of blue requires wood moisture content of more than 20% and poor ventilation. For the Ural region, this time usually comes at the end of the May holidays and ends with the onset of the first frost, so it is more advisable to purchase lumber for construction in the winter.Purchased lumber is stored at the construction site in piles on spacers, i.e. each row in a stack for better ventilation separated by spacers. Such stacks of lumber are very well ventilated during the spring months, and by the beginning of the construction season you get dry lumber with a moisture content of about 18%, which is no longer afraid of blue.

Blue lumber with a moisture content of less than 20% humidity is quite suitable for construction purposes, the strength of such lumber does not deteriorate, it is also noted that when such wood is painted or coated with any compositions, the absorption of such wood is much higher. However, it should be remembered that it is necessary to prevent the recurrence suitable conditions for the growth of the fungus, since the process of blue development will be started again.

Blue on wood can also develop in an already built house, again if favorable conditions arise for its development. As a rule, if blue develops inside the house, then this first of all indicates very poor ventilation of the premises in the house, excess moisture is not removed, thereby contributing to the development of blue, and then the appearance of mold.

During normal use of a house built using lumber, the wood inside the building has a moisture content of about 6 - 12%, and on the outside of the house, such as the roof area, the edged board has a moisture content in the range of 15 - 18%. From this it follows that, only under very difficult weather conditions (rainy season, flood) and poor ventilation, the moisture content of wood in such areas can exceed the 20% level.

Let me remind you once again that the main reasons for the appearance of blue on wood are: poor ventilation or stillness of the air, very high humidity, average daily temperature above + 10 ° C. Freshly sawn lumber is more prone to bluing than dried lumber, but dry lumber can also turn blue. Therefore, do not allow the occurrence of the above conditions, and this misfortune called "blue" will bypass you.

Your home depends on its reliability and durability. And by doing production of round logs , you need not only take away the log the desired diameter, but beforehand at the right time, cut down the tree in compliance with the necessary requirements and properly store the timber.

It is very common to believe that there is nothing worse than fire and beetles for wood. But this is a superficial view, often the owners wooden houses faced with other, much more difficult problems to solve. As for the bugs, it is easy to get rid of them with the help of appropriate processing, using special formulations the necessary degree of fire protection of wood is also provided.

But what if the log turned blue and you did not have time to prevent it? First of all, you should know that if the log turns blue, then there is no change in its properties, which means that the fight against blue will not be in vain. If the blueness has affected only the surface of the log, then the usual Whiteness used for economic purposes can cope with the task of eliminating it. A side effect will only be a bleached color of the wood at the processing site. If the blue has already eaten into the surface of the log, then the use of Svetelka, a product consisting of a fixative and a developer combined in the required ratio, will help. In the case of using such a tool, you will completely get rid of the blue, and at the same time the surface of the log will not be distorted in any way, and the color and texture will remain unchanged. If the process has already been started and the log has begun to rot, then it is simply useless to fight rotting with the help of any compounds, only mechanical intervention will help here. That is, in this case, you need to get rid of the affected area on the log. If you don't want to spoil appearance logs and cut down damaged parts of logs with an ax, then it is much better to take care of preventing putrefactive processes in advance.

Logs should be stored only in piles, ventilated from all sides, using special gaskets. It is necessary to protect the stacks from precipitation, that is, to cover them. And, of course, harvested wood needs special treatment - antiseptic treatment.

The eternal problem of freshly sawn material or the main questions of customers. How to store material? Correspondence example:

QUESTION client:

A stack of new, purchased pine boards lay for 2 weeks, after which some of the boards went black and blue in spots. The boards lay on sleepers laid on the ground, each layer was laid with a bar. In each layer, the boards were laid with a gap of 1-2 cm, during the rain they were covered with a film.
Tell me, please: What is this black and blue disease and is it possible to “cure” pine?

ANSWER TorgLes-a:

Hello Dear Client!
I have been manufacturing and supplying lumber for 15 years. I sell lumber at the Slavic World market.
Your mistake was that in dry and hot weather, the wet board remained closed, thus there was a greenhouse effect and the board turned blue.
In fact, this is a common headache, as a seller as well as a buyer. Because the suppliers do not comply with any standards, because the harvesting technology and GOST are becoming a thing of the past as the Union.
Freshly felled and sawn pine is sure to turn blue. That is, we are talking about a violation of the harvesting technology, since a sawn tree in a round timber must be allowed to stand for the winter, when the temperature regime does not rise to -10 degrees Celsius. That is, moisture is removed by freezing by squeezing out of the pores - in a natural way.

Winter Wood- the most favorable for construction, because it has a lower percentage of humidity and is further less susceptible to fungal bacteria, i.e. it does not turn blue.

Tree felled in spring and summer- does not freeze and has high humidity. The board and timber begin to turn blue despite the fact that you laid it out on gaskets and covered it, moreover, even when transported to the customer’s construction site in a closed type car, the material may darken in places.
This process is especially susceptible to a small board with a section of 100x25, 150x25, sometimes 150x40 and very rarely timber. Because of this, disputes often arise between the supplier and the customer. Many capricious Citizens are not in the house that darkening is a property of freshly cut and sawn pine material and does not lose its building functions as a board or timber material.

Wood and board 2-GRADE- sometimes when sawing logs it becomes clear that the forest is blue in the bud. I, as a supplier, consider this issue as a loss of presentation, the only question is the price. Moreover, we dissolve it as a 2nd grade, i.e. we leave one working surface (we maintain the size in width), the other comes out ashed. Because this board has no special claims to quality and goes to rough work.

FALSE sellers and suppliers:

By the way, the statement of many sellers and suppliers of edged lumber that they sell winter wood in the midst of the "Construction Season" is a "FALSE". As a rule, by mid-July-August, wood harvested in winter from suppliers who serve large metropolitan areas ends. And then goes to the case "SVEZHAK". That is, a tree after cutting down in a round timber is immediately delivered to a sawmill and sawn to the ordered sizes.

ADVICE TorgLes-a:

Yes, I agree that there is one and reliable way removal of this problem - "SEPTING".
But there is also the old-fashioned way, when there was no chemistry at all, by the way, many sellers on the market still use this method:
In good dry, sunny weather, row by row, the board is laid out in the sun and dried. Under the influence of sunlight, the board is burned and the surface darkens a little and the places where stains form, too, as a result, stains and blue do not appear anymore. (don't forget to turn them over during the day)

It looks like a board that lay in the sun and dried up (in the photo on the right), on the left (SVEZHAK):

By the way, there are a number of positive points here. There is a "NATURAL SELECTION" of the board, i.e. it will be possible to find out which board and where to put it in the construction process, because some boards will be twisted in the sun and they can be put aside and used for rough work (formwork, scaffolding, subfloor, etc.), the rest of the boards, the longer they lie, the greater the “WEIGHT” as the material will gain.

Blue and the appearance of signs of the development of mold formations indicate the emerging processes of damage to the fibers. The color of the mold can be different: the spores are blue, black, green, pink.

Lumber with such defects becomes unsuitable for construction. Knowledge of the causes, types and factors that influence the formation of mold, allows you to achieve prevention and elimination of the problem.

Causes of blue and mold

If the lumber began to change its natural color and there were signs of blue, this indicates the development of fungi in the fiber structure.

Detecting blue stain on a growing tree can be difficult, as the sapwood usually remains intact. Mold and blue become noticeable when cut.

The appearance of mold on sawn materials may occur as a result of incorrect storage, violation of the drying rules.

Conditions for the formation and development of mold fungi

The spread of mold fungi on the surface of a tree is facilitated by three conditions that are very comfortable for fungal microorganisms:

  • the optimum temperature for their development is 25-27 degrees above zero, mushrooms are able to live at temperatures from 5 to 30 degrees above zero;
  • with wood moisture content from 35 to 70%, fungi develop actively;
  • organisms live in the presence of oxygen.

Mold fungi can penetrate the wood structure shallowly (a couple of millimeters). Affected areas are prone to increased moisture absorption and are more susceptible to rot and other types of bacteria.

Ways to protect against mold fungi

Given these facts, it becomes much easier to protect wood from fungus.

  • Sawn materials are treated with protective compounds within three days after the saw cut. Only in this form they are stored.
  • If the wood is in a high temperature of about 40 degrees above zero, the development of the fungus stops.
  • Drying the wood also helps stop the mold infestation process. At a humidity of 25%, the formation of mold fungus slows down. At 15% humidity, the fungus dies.
  • There is also a reverse protective technique: sprinkling of wood, rafting along the rivers. High humidity of 100% can also kill molds.
  • Flooding of wood helps to eliminate the development of mold. In this case, the spores also have no access to air, without which they do not develop.

For emergency drying of wood on which mold has begun to form, special heating devices are used: industrial heaters, specialized heat guns.

If a shallow surface lesion is detected, the area is polished until the blue is completely eliminated, after which a neutralizing composition is applied to it. If the lesion is deep, then the grinding step can be skipped.

As for the compositions, it is necessary to choose neutral liquids. Alkaline solutions have a bad effect on the composition of wood, they can cause the destruction of fibers.

To prevent re-infection, protective compounds. They are produced specifically to protect wood from mold fungi. Good septic treatment is also suitable for protecting wood from blue stain.

The surface of the lumber is also covered with mastic. If there were no specialized compounds at hand, then clay, bitumen, paint can be used for these purposes.

Our production

Edged board (1 grade)
40x150x6000 5800 rub.
40x200x6000 6000 rub.
50x150x6000 5800 rub.
Edged timber 150x150x6000 6000 rub.
Edged timber 200x200x6000 6700 rub.
36mm 540 rub.
46mm 600 rub.