Design from conifers in the country. Conifers in the landscape design of a summer cottage

  • 29.08.2019

Coniferous trees and shrubs are in great demand in landscape gardening, their photos can be increasingly found in magazines and sites dedicated to landscape design. They are frost-resistant, decorative, hardy, unpretentious in care and are distinguished by a variety of crown shapes.

Gardeners love coniferous plants and for their many other virtues:

  • many varieties of conifers tolerate limited solar lighting thrive well in partial shade
  • well-developed root system of conifers allows them to tolerate long time without watering, some types of plants grow well on stony soils. In addition, due to powerful and developed roots, they can be used to strengthen the slopes.
  • most conifers tolerate shearing well, they (some varieties of thuja look especially attractive in this regard) can be used to obtain a variety of figures that are often found in photos of regular English gardens. And some varieties of conifers by nature have a geometrically correct shape, so they practically do not need care.
  • coniferous tree - a source of useful phytoncides, a walk in the garden with coniferous plantings has a beneficial effect on both the physical and psychological state of a person
  • conifers perfectly tolerate a smoky urban environment
  • maturing cones will attract birds to the garden, filling it with life and movement

But the main thing that attracts conifers and shrubs, for which they are “loved by design” - with their green color, they bring variety and liveliness even to a gloomy, gray and gloomy autumn-winter garden.

Coniferous plants: how to place in the garden correctly

Conifers are universal plants, the abundance of forms and species allows them to be used in landscape compositions of different styles (you will find confirmation of this in our photos). At the same time, the size of the plot will not become a problem - if conifers are tall enough in nature, then decorative varieties and species used for landscaping rarely exceed 4 m in height. Design alpine slides it is difficult to imagine without undersized conifers and shrubs (Humpy dwarf pine, Lobers spruce, Mini Pug pine, some types of thuja, coniferous shrubs).

Site design can give the conifer the function of a color delimiter that will resist the merging of natural shades. Thus, conifers will help complicate the color combination of the garden, make it richer and deeper. Often undersized varieties tui with dark needles, they are used as a border for the club, enclosing the flowers inside in a kind of green frame that sets off the bright colors of the flowers. Conifers are always present in the photo of gravel gardens, while cones or medium-sized bark can be replaced in some places.



For zoning a site, designers often use coniferous trees and shrubs. It turns out not just beautiful barriers (in the photo they look like a monolithic wall), but at the same time - practically impenetrable, i.e. just the qualities that are required for perimeter fencing fence. For this, coniferous plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern, arranged in 2-3 rows. Of course, to achieve a full-fledged effect, it will take considerable time, but the result will exceed the wildest expectations.

For zoning a site (garden), medium-sized (1-2 m high) varieties are most often used, which will not close the general perspective. Moreover, evergreen hedge will act as an excellent background for blooming colorful perennials, this technique is especially common in modern or landscape style gardens.

Advice! Good for making hedges different kinds thuy - thanks to the dense crown, it will be enough to land them in one row, saving space.

360° view composition

Coniferous plants go well with cereals, flowers (especially lilies) and deciduous plants. Coniferous shrubs will look picturesque near water bodies, where they will be accompanied by deciduous weeping plants. Intense green thuja with a bluish tint of needles with small spotted patches will be an excellent photon for junipers.

In order for a composition of coniferous plants to look spectacular and harmonious, its design should include the following factors:

  • the best background for conifers will be a regular well-groomed lawn
  • so that the composition of their conifers (both trees and shrubs) looks harmonious and holistic, a place for best view(location of the gazebo or observation deck) should be located at a distance of not less than 2 lengths of the composition
  • most effective in landscape design the location of coniferous species oriented to the west or east is considered
  • geometric shapes - in landscape design it is good to use the principle of contrast, for example, place pyramidal high conifers next to one of the undersized spherical types of thuja. This arrangement of trees of different heights will help to achieve some visual effects - against the background of low-growing mountain pines, several even medium-sized thujas will look very tall

Coniferous trees and bushes are an ideal material for curly haircuts, with the help of which they acquire geometric and fantastic shapes.

They try to structure each garden around some kind of reference point, some kind of skeleton, which can be artificially created as a sculpture, a fountain, or natural in the form of an evergreen plant. Now more preference is given to coniferous trees, shrubs, especially their dwarf versions, which also retain excellent decorative properties. all year round, regardless of the season. Dwarf conifers for the garden 55 photos of landscape design ideas.

In fact, dwarf and creeping conifers are extremely rare in the wild, yielding to their giant relatives. miniature plants they are mainly created artificially based on structural anomalies known as "witch's brooms", grafting their cuttings onto a prepared rootstock of the desired breed. The second popular method of growing "dwarfs" is the cross-pollination of conifers in the nursery. Coniferous plants for the garden photo:

Amateur gardeners understand under the name - dwarf plants - a flora that does not exceed the height of human growth in adulthood, that is, almost up to two meters. Dwarf conifers for the garden, shrubs do not need annual pruning, perfectly tolerate curly haircut corrective form, unpretentious to the soil, most of them tolerate shade and frost well. Due to the wide variety of crown outlines, needle colors, they are serious tools for the work of landscape designers.

Often decorative conifers for the garden, trees find their refuge on alpine hills, in rockeries or other types of rocky gardens. In these options, they act as the center of the composition, grouping other types of plants around themselves, it is worth taking advantage of all the wealth colors, forms of coniferous dwarfs. If you skillfully use the principle of different heights, you can avoid monotony, create several original viewpoints at once.

Already traditionally low-growing conifers for the garden are taken for arranging borders, organizing hedges of low, medium height. Forms with dense bushes of cypress, spruce, juniper, and western thuja are asking for borders. Medium hedges can form spruce, yew berry, juniper, having a crown in the form of columns.

Heather surroundings will help emphasize the graceful appearance of low-growing conifers. The entrance to the territory of the estate in the form of a thuja arch will look stylish, and the approaches to the porch of the house will be decorated with common spruce, prickly spruce in containers. Coniferous plants for the garden photo:

Trees in garden landscaping

Large-sized trees over two meters in height, as well as coniferous trees for the garden, are widely used in landscape design. When carrying out landscaping work in city parks, almost always, so as not to disturb the " green interior”, large-sized trees are planted to the old-timers. On private country estates, mature plants with a properly formed crown can also act as hedges. In both cases, tree planting is carried out in accordance with the texture and characteristics of the habitation of permanent natural representatives.

Landscape large-sized and dwarf conifers for the garden are grown in nurseries, from where they are delivered to a new landing site. Companies selling large trees monitor the quality of the specimens offered. On their websites, they place offers for the sale of trees various breeds no trade markups. Low-growing coniferous garden photos, see below:

The degree of survival of trees in a new place is influenced by factors such as resistance to woody insects, general condition, compliance with all standards when growing, digging out of the ground, transportation and final planting, also consider the location where it is better to plant shade-loving conifers for the garden, and where loving the sun.

Nursery experts advise purchasing large sizes in winter period time. Planting trees in winter provides a high percentage of survival on the new site.

Winter planting is recommended after a slight freezing of the soil. The optimal planting period is from late autumn to early spring at a temperature of -15 0C. Since coniferous trees for the garden at this moment are in a state of deep dormancy, its root system is less susceptible to various damages, and the chances of taking root in a new place increase exponentially.

It is worth taking into account the fact that in winter the root system of the tree completely freezes. This process proceeds gradually, while the air temperature is much lower than the ground temperature. When digging up plants, their roots are protected with an earthen clod, the size of which should correspond to their size. If you allow weathering and freezing of the coma, then the root system will die. Accordingly, the tree will not wake up in the spring.

Modern landscape design is unthinkable without majestic firs, luxurious thujas, mighty oaks, serious larches, frivolous pines, dwarf conifers for the garden are also always held in high esteem. Woody compositions of large-sized trees are a timid reminder of the forest, noisy and green in summer, silent and thoughtful in winter. Coniferous plants for the garden photo:

Increasingly, in landscape design, a variety of coniferous plants are used to decorate plots, which create harmonious combinations with lawns, decorative deciduous and flowering shrubs, perennial flower crops. This article is all about conifers for the garden; creation rules harmonious compositions; to help gardeners photos of various conifers with the exact names of varieties.

Coniferous plants: types, cultivation techniques

The inclusion of conifers in garden compositions allows you to create unique beauty corners of the garden that remain decorative at any time of the year. The range of coniferous crops for landscaping areas is constantly expanding, including spruce, cypress or juniper, unique in color.

Advice. Trees with needles of different shades fit perfectly into garden design, creating a fresh spot against other plants.

Decorative conifers for the garden are very popular in the design of landscape compositions due to their positive qualities:

  1. Coniferous trees retain an attractive shape, as they grow, their crown only becomes thicker and more elegant.
  2. Plants do not freeze even in the most severe winters, decorating the winter landscape, coniferous trees and shrubs are easy to care for and hardy.
  3. The powerful root system of these plants fully provides the conifers with moisture, so mature trees can be watered infrequently.
  4. Ephedra easily tolerate insufficient lighting, put up with shading.
  5. Many varieties of coniferous plants have a compact shape that does not require special care.

Landscape design using conifers

Coniferous cultures are so diverse that they can be used to create landscape compositions of any style, compact and miniature forms of conifers look appropriate in rockeries and alpine slides.

Types of coniferous plants

Usually, the following coniferous crops of various varieties are used for landscaping plots, differing in height, shape of branches, and color of needles.


Pine is the oldest representative of the green coniferous kingdom. Pine trees are not demanding on soil, they are highly resistant to drought and winter cold, but they require a lot of free and bright space. When planted in an urban area, pine trees react strongly to smoke and air pollution, so their widespread use in creating landscape compositions near an industrial area is very limited. Pines are conventionally divided by height into three groups:

  • Tall - the height of the tree reaches more than 10 meters.
  • Medium-sized - from 3 to 9 meters.
  • Low and compact forms - reach no more than 3 meters in height.

Habitual green color pine needles is not the only one, in modern pine varieties the needles can be blue or yellow, there are species with a two-tone color of the needles.

Attention! For landscape gardening, all types of pines are used, but a special group is made up of compact types of mountain pine, which is widely used for planting in the form of a tapeworm on an alpine hill.


Spruce is a coniferous culture that is perfect for planting in city parks and squares to create a variety of compositions. Spruce remains green in winter and summer, so parks with spruce compositions acquire a special charm in winter. The needles of the fir trees have various colors: green, blue, gray, which adds decorativeness to the created landscape compositions.

A huge variety of spruce crown shapes allows the use of these trees as group and solitary plantings; elfin trees are an ideal decoration for mixborders or rockeries.
Spruce varieties are suitable for creating hedges.


Fir is a tree with dense needles and original cones, indispensable for creating landscape compositions. For normal development plants need to create certain conditions for fir trees:

  • Uniform moistening of the soil, to prevent stagnation of water in the near-trunk circles.
  • Fertile soil.
  • Places sheltered from the wind.
  • Fir does not tolerate air pollution.
  • Shelter in winter for young seedlings from frost.

Fir is the only coniferous crop that can reproduce by growth. Near an adult tree, you can always see rooted young shoots that are easy to separate from the mother tree for a separate planting.


Cypress trees are very much appreciated for the design of urban and park areas. The plant may have different shape: filamentous, weeping, dwarf, in total there are more than 80 species of various crowns. The needles on the shoots of cypress trees can have a needle or scaly shape in various shades of green, blue and light green.

Cypress trees are highly resistant to drought, the plant is winter-hardy, adapts to any growing conditions, puts up with shading.


The slender Lavson cypress is most suitable for planting in cities; ideal compositions are created by landscape architects using virgin cypress varieties.


Junipers are highly decorative, a variety of species and forms. Plants look great in compositions different style, including group plantings of conifers on green lawns and creating rocky hills.

The prickly needles of junipers are usually needle-shaped and can be colored in different tones of green or blue flowers. Often the needles have a specific bluish coating.

The most common and undemanding type of juniper is the Cossack juniper, which has scaly needles. On urban lawns and in rockeries, this type of plant is most often found.


Chinese juniper usually reaches a height of up to 10 meters, its slender crowns are painted in green or golden tones of various shades. The plant is used for single plantings and when creating decorative hedges.


Most often, arborvitae are used for landscaping cities. These plants are undemanding to growing conditions, give good growth, are very decorative, especially during the period of fruit formation. Thuja has a different crown shape: pyramidal, sprawling, columnar, which makes it ideal for creating landscape compositions of different styles.

Especially often, western thuja is used for landscaping urban areas, which has proven itself well when grown in difficult urban conditions. The variety of species of western thuja allows you to create ideal compositions from tall and short varieties.


special artistic expressiveness park design able to give yews, which are usually planted in the form of hedges. Yew is an amazing plant that has leaves reduced to needles and bright berries. In total, there are 8 types of yews in nature, most of which have decorative forms.

Yew berry is the most decorative look from the Tisov family. The plant is remarkable for its bright green needles and red berries, which do not ripen on all plants. The thing is that yew is a dioecious plant. All yews are characterized by slow growth, plants can live to a very respectable age. Besides berry yew, medium yew and spiky yew are successfully used in landscape design.

Coniferous plants on the site: video

Conifers in landscape design: photo

More recently, it was believed that it would be more correct to decorate a garden with deciduous trees and flowers. “Christmas trees should grow in the forest,” domestic gardeners were sure. But times and views have changed, and conifers in landscape design began to occupy one of the most significant places. Today, almost every owner garden plot dreams of his fabulous coniferous garden.

Conifers are very popular among amateur gardeners.

Many summer residents try to plant popular coniferous crops in their garden, such as spruce, fir or pine. In seedlings, these conifers seem miniature, but do not forget that some of them can grow up to the size of a three-story house. This fact must be taken into account when determining the style of your coniferous garden. What else important points should become mandatory for the attention of the owners of these amazing plants? We decided to tell you the basics of a coniferous landscape for beginners.

Best of all, coniferous plants are combined with cereal and deciduous flowers. Take a look at this splendor by the pond

When these coniferous trees grow and get stronger, this corner will turn into a real "coniferous paradise"

Pines - amazing plants- evergreen and unpretentious, fast-growing and diverse: spherical, pyramidal, shrubby, creeping. These long-lived plants can be safely chosen by the most demanding gardeners to decorate their rock garden.

Coniferous plants of different varieties have completely different shades, and if you think over the combination of colors in advance, then you will get an excellent coniferous composition in landscape design.

What are the best conifers to plant in your garden?

Among the variety of coniferous varieties, there are those whose decorative effect is determined by young shoots (candles). For instance:

1. Grow gold. This ornamental pine stands out for its bright yellow fresh candle color.
2. Candel light. The shoots of this variety are bright green. Looks great and grows fast.

The Panderose pine variety will be specially bred for arranging garden and summer cottages. Its fluffy crown and long needles will not leave anyone indifferent.

The Nivaki pine variety was bred in Japan and is the most popular plant in the homeland for creating a bansai garden.

main feature varieties - this is its plasticity, the plant can be given any form of growth

  • Panderose. It has very long needles and a fluffy crown, belongs to the so-called yellow pines, which for a long time were considered unacceptable for our climate. However, thanks to the efforts of modern gardeners, these species are not only successfully grown in our area, but also winter without shelter.
  • Nevaki (bansai). Variety bred in Japan. It is notable for its plasticity - it can take any shape when shearing.
  • Black pine "Nana". This is the most unpretentious coniferous species. It has a dense, dark green crown.
  • Velda. Creeping variety, in which each shoot grows horizontally. If the veld is not cut, it can take up to 3 meters of area.
  • Pinus flexilis "Pygmy". A very pleasant looking plant with a dense crown. A feature of the Pygmies is that needles grow on branches in thick bunches.
  • Cedar. Cedars grow slowly for the first 2-3 years. They are good because, in addition to decorativeness, they have a special type of cone. The most common - Siberian cedar, but other species are also noteworthy: Korean cedar, European cedar. A prerequisite for their growth is the sufficient presence of the sun - most of the daylight hours.
  • Fir, thuja, juniper. These conifers are the favorites of our gardeners. They successfully decorate yards, grow at the entrance and even form a “living” hedge.

Coniferous plants go well with roses. Just combine your rose garden with a couple of coniferous plants and get a beautiful garden.

The best dwarf coniferous varieties

If your garden is not large enough to accommodate many coniferous varieties, or the site does not need shade, do not rush to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcultivating a coniferous garden. You can plant dwarf conifers:

  • Spruce "Konika". This slow growing ornamental plant will fit even on the most small plot. A feature of the growth of Spruce "Konika" is low winter hardiness. To solve the problem of freezing, this species must either be well covered or grown in pots.
  • mountain pine. The plant is good because it lives well both in sheared and in free form, loves partial shade and is not at all capricious. The only drawback of mountain pine is the high price.

Take a look at this area. Great, isn't it? But the plants were only recently planted and all the beauty is yet to come.

Designer's tip: If a few skeletal branches are removed from a pine tree, the rest will go up and form branches with beautiful caps. The wood style will be similar to Japanese.

  • Balkan pine grows up to 3 m, which depends only on you. If you pinch a pine, it will be as tall and shaped as you need.
  • Pine "Negishi" can become a real pride of your pine garden. The bumps on its young shoots are bright lilac, which makes this tree look like an unusual flowering conifer.

Do you want to create a rockery or rock garden on the site? Conifers are best suited for this area

Pro tip: For pines, the best neighbors are hostas, barberries and cereals.

How to plant a coniferous plant correctly

Even the most experienced gardeners often make mistakes when planting conifers. In order not to repeat them, we advise you to plant your pine trees according to this scheme:

  1. Planting time is late summer or early spring.
  2. You need to dig a hole 50-70 cm.
  3. We provide 20 cm drainage (gravel or expanded clay).
  4. Pour a bucket of water with a rooting stimulator into the pit.
  5. We take out the seedling from the pot with a lump, straighten the roots and place them in the hole so that the root neck is slightly above the ground.
  6. We fill the pine with soil with superphosphate (half a glass) and humus (1 bucket).
  7. We dig in the seedling so that we get a mound around the trunk and a hole for watering.
  8. Watering the seedling needs from 2 to 4 buckets, which depends on the size of the coniferous plant.
  9. At spring planting over the needles you need to build a frame to protect against scorching rays.

An amazing and simple coniferous composition in landscape design in which all the basic rules are observed

Pro tip: Mountain pine doesn't need a hole. It is enough to overlay the roots with stones and sprinkle with soil.

  • The soil must always be maintained in a semi-moist state for at least the first months after planting.
  • In the same period, the needles need constant water spraying.
  • You can water and spray spruce antifungal drugs.
  • Needles love sandy soil, especially pine and spruce.
  • It is necessary to carry out molding (plucking) of young shoots in early summer.

The conditions for the growth of coniferous plants are not difficult and quite feasible in our area. Create your own coniferous compositions in landscape design and you will undoubtedly love them. And we wish you every morning to inhale the unique pine aromas and admire the harmony of green thujas. Happy landings!

The composition of conifers in the country is becoming an increasingly common element of landscape design. This design of the territories adjacent to the buildings looks original and aesthetically pleasing. But the implementation of design projects using coniferous plantations cannot be called simple, since it requires not only artistic taste and imagination, but also theoretical preparation.

The topic of the article is not accidental, since conifers are popular in landscape design, but not everyone knows the instructions for planting, arranging and combining these plants. In this article we will talk about which plantings to choose and how to use them for their intended purpose in order to simplify the care of conifers in the country.

Plant selection

The science of decoration suburban area ornamental plants not easy. Therefore, beginners who decide to join landscape design are forced to combine practice with a permanent search. useful information. Meanwhile, planting conifers in the country can serve as a good start in your passion for landscape design ().

Breeding such plants is not particularly difficult, if you decide in advance on the choice of a suitable species. It would seem that it is not easy to determine which types of conifers are suitable and which are not, but in reality there will be no problems with the choice.

The fact is that all types of coniferous plantations used by domestic designers are derived from three varieties of trees and shrubs:

  • juniper,
  • pines,

Species bred by breeders are optimally adapted for existence in domestic difficult climatic conditions. It is not advisable to choose something from import catalogs or import it from abroad, since it is likely that an exclusive foreign ephedra simply will not take root in our open spaces.

Tip: when choosing the best solution, purchase domestic products, the price of which, by the way, is more affordable.

Properly selected conifers are characterized by a number of advantages, including:

  • unpretentiousness in terms of soil on the site;
  • no special lighting requirements;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • unpretentiousness in relation to moisture content parameters;
  • acceptable cost in comparison with other varieties of ornamental plantings;
  • ease of care, which is very important if Vacation home used primarily for seasonal living.

Features of application in landscape design

Coniferous plants are not unreasonably considered one of the most popular plantings for landscape design. Such plants are widely used to create decorative backstage, alleys, hedges and a wide range of different compositions in combination with other plants.

We bring to your attention an overview of the main ways of using conifers in landscape design.


Mixborders in landscape design are usually called variants of mixed and prefabricated flower beds.

Tip: In most cases, coniferous shrubs and small trees are of paramount importance in the formation of a mixborder. The main concept of mixed compositions is the compatibility and compactness of seemingly incompatible plant forms.

When forming mixborders with your own hands, try to apply the following recommendations:

  • Do not use tall wild spruces, junipers and arborvitae in the composition.
  • The best solution for the implementation of most ideas are low-growing plants, such as creeping juniper, narrow-pyramidal thuja, dwarf globular spruce, yew, mountain pine.
  • Rhododendron, undersized barberry, dwarf spirea, heather, creeping cotoneaster, etc. can advantageously emphasize the aesthetics of coniferous plantations.
  • When forming a mixborder using pine needles, it is advisable to use bulbous flowers in combination with ground cover plants.. Such combinations are justified from the point of view of aesthetics, and based on agrotechnical aspects.


It is no secret that coniferous plants are used to create flower beds. Such solutions have been relevant for a long time. But you need to understand that the optimal aesthetic effect will be guaranteed only with the competent implementation of the design project.

  • In the flower beds we plant only compact and undersized plants. However, the center of the composition can be distinguished by a shrub or tree, the size of which will be above average.
  • At the heart of the composition, in the absence of a central element, you can use the principle of different shapes and contrast of colors. For example, vertically arranged cylindrical elements can be emphasized or highlighted using dense creeping shrubs. If desired, within the same flower bed, you can combine different plants with needles different shapes and colors.
  • In order to facilitate the subsequent care of the flower bed, slow-growing plantings should be used.
  • Ground cover plants such as horizontal juniper, cross-pair microbiota, etc. can be used as the main background.

rock garden

This kind of landscape design is a miniature imitation of mountainous terrain. A feature of such design projects is the use of those plantations that will create the impression of a natural landscape, in the formation of which a person did not take part. It is not difficult to create such an effect with your own hands using coniferous plants in your backyard.

The only recommendation in this case will be the use of those trees and shrubs that grow in the mountains. Of course, you will have to make an adjustment for the size of the plantations, so that the rock garden becomes a miniature likeness of mountains.

A good solution would be to imitate the transition of the forest into alpine meadows. To do this, a hill is formed from dense soil without stony inclusions, on which dwarf trees will be adjacent to juicy grass.

Tip: When forming a rock garden, the best solution would be to use subalpine fir, Cossack juniper, western arborvitae, drooping thuja, pea-bearing cypress, mountain pine, etc.


Now that we have looked at how to apply conifers in the landscape, we can take a fresh approach to design formation. personal plot ().

If you still have questions, you can find more useful information by watching the video in this article.