The incomparable beauty and practicality of a ground cover rose. Planting ground cover roses and especially caring for creeping varieties How quickly a ground cover rose grows

  • 13.06.2019

If you want to see ground cover roses at your dacha, planting and care should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations. These creeping flowers are extremely popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. This is due to their incredible beauty, variety of colors, unpretentiousness and the ability to fully develop and bloom even in difficult climatic conditions.

Ground cover roses are popular all over the world for their beauty, variety of varieties and unpretentiousness.

Landscape roses cover the gentle slopes with a bright carpet, hanging with lush flowering branches from flowerpots, wicker baskets and raised flower beds. Flowering continues long enough (from spring to autumn frosts). They are valued for their unpretentiousness, ease of care and frost resistance. Aristocratic landscape roses owe all these qualities to their distant predecessor, the wild rose. They are romantic and colorful. A variety of varieties allows you to choose plants that can decorate any area, create "live" borders and hedges. Pink, red, white, yellow, orange inflorescences will become a real highlight of landscape gardening.

If you want to plant gorgeous ground cover roses in your area, listen to our recommendations for planting and caring for them.

Stage 1: determine the landing site

Consider the factors affecting the development of ground cover roses:

  • air and soil temperature;
  • illumination;
  • soil moisture and acidity;
  • plot slope;
  • planting density.

All roses are photophilous plants, but they do not tolerate the hot rays of the sun. Therefore, we choose a place where the plant will be well lit until noon, and during the period summer heat- be in the shade (for example, near shrubs or trees). If you decide to plant roses on the slope of the site, then it should be southeast or west, the slope should not exceed 11 °. By the way, planting a rose garden on a slope has 2 advantages:

  1. The roses will be protected from frost because cold air accumulates below.
  2. Optimal insolation of the site.

Roses treat wet soils extremely poorly: oxygen circulation slows down, plants become supercooled in winter time of the year. Such soils usually have high acidity. You can solve the problem of water drainage from the rose garden with the help of drainage systems.

The optimum air temperature for a landscape rose is 15-22 ° C, and for soil - 17-20 ° C. Other temperatures lead to inhibition of development and a decrease in the number of flowering shoots. So that the soil does not overheat, you can mulch it with humus, peat, and cut grass is also suitable.

Roses do not tolerate the hot rays of the sun, so it is better to choose shady places for planting them.

Roses respond well to loamy soils. If the soil is sandy, then you can improve it with compost mixed with soddy soil, clay, peat. Sand can be added to clay soil or drained with small grooves.

The acidity of the soil should be 5.5-6.5 pH. Alkaline can be acidified with superphosphate, humus of leaves and needles, as well as peat, and acidic can be neutralized with limestone, gypsum, ash, bone or dolomite flour.

It is not recommended to plant flowers where a rose garden has been planted or rosaceous trees have grown. However, if the old soil is replaced with a fertile soil mixture, then a rose garden can be created again. The required depth for replacement should be at least 0.5 m.

If creeping roses are supposed to be planted with other flowers, leave room for them to be conveniently cared for. This distance depends on the plant variety and can vary from 50 to 100 cm.

Stage 2: preparing for landing

Landing holes are prepared in advance: for spring planting - in the fall, for autumn - in the spring. If you do not have that much time, you can make holes a few weeks before planting. This takes into account the features of creeping roses: the width exceeds the height, the bushes have a densely branched shape.

When purchasing a seedling in a container, it is necessary to remove the packaging and cut the rhizome to 30-35 cm. Damaged shoots must also be removed.

If you have to plant a seedling with an open rhizome, renew the sections of the roots and hold them in water for a day.

For a quality seedling:

  • 3 well developed shoots;
  • branched root system;
  • the diameter of the rootstock is equal to the diameter of the scion (6-8 cm).

Plants should be disinfected before planting. blue vitriol(5% solution), and the roots are kept in a mash of mullein and clay in a ratio of 1: 2.

Where the harsh winter is preferable spring planting. For areas where winters are warm and mild, autumn. Pruning of seedlings during planting in the spring is carried out so that 2-3 buds remain at the bush. If the seedling is weak, then 1-2. You can not cut the shoots, but only shorten the root processes. When planted in autumn, the shoots are slightly shortened, and the main pruning will be carried out in the spring season.

Stage 3: planted in the ground

Seedlings are planted in holes 50-70 cm deep, the diameter should be about 0.5 m. Depending on the type of soil, gravel sand is poured into the bottom (with clay soil), clay with a layer of 10 cm (with sand). If the soil is not quite suitable for planting roses, you can dig a hole deeper, then loosen the bottom for better rooting of the plant.

When planting ground cover roses, it is recommended to water the soil to be filled in layers so that there are no voids. Then upper layer tamped, the plant is abundantly watered and spudded. When the young shoots reach 5 cm, the bush needs to be unraveled and mulched.

The soil mixture for planting holes includes garden soil, turf, sand, weathered clay, humus, peat (garden soil - 2 buckets, the rest - in a bucket). 2 cups of ash and bone meal and 1 cup of superphosphate are added to it.

When planting dry, soil mixture is poured into the bottom of the hole. The seedling is lowered so that the place of budding is 3-5 cm below the ground level, and the roots are carefully straightened. Gradually pouring the soil mixture, it is compacted.

At the last stage, they are heavily tamped and watered. Then the plant is spudded (the resulting mound should be about 20 cm) and shaded. After 10 days, the cover is removed.

When planting wet, water is poured into the pit (1-2 buckets). Then the soil mixture is poured into the hole, and the seedling is held by hand and sometimes shaken so that the soil is distributed between all the roots. Next, the plant is spudded and covered for shading.

Stage 4: rose care

In the first year, bushes are being formed, so all the processes that have appeared from the graft and the root neck are cut into a ring. This activates their further growth and branching. Actively developing lateral shoots must be pinched. Faded flowers are removed.

At the end of summer, the rose needs to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

In all subsequent years, rose care consists in sanitary pruning of the bush and fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Spring pruning consists in removing broken and dry branches, they are cut back to fresh wood. Shoots directed to the center of the bush and old 3-4-year-old unproductive branches are removed. The remaining shoots are shortened to 7-10 buds.

Ground cover roses need heavy pruning every 5 years. But not all experts in floriculture agree with this, arguing that you should not violate the natural shape of creeping roses.

The plant should be watered at least once a week. Better in the morning and warm water. An adult bush requires 10-12 liters of water. Young plants are watered more often. However, keep in mind that for these flowers, a lack of moisture is preferable than an excess of it.

What fertilizers to use for landscape roses? It all depends on seasonality: (in spring - nitrogen and organic). During the budding period, calcium nitrate and organic matter are introduced into the soil, and before flowers bloom, potassium or magnesium sulfate or sodium humate is added. After flowering, roses respond well to fertilizing with phosphate and potash fertilizers and organic matter. In August, the plant is fed for the last time with organic fertilizers, after 2 weeks - with potassium-phosphorus, after another week - with potassium sulfate. You can also use foliar supplements.

Ground cover roses were separated into a separate group about 20 years ago. The presented flowers do not require careful care during cultivation and look very beautiful. That is why they are popular in areas where there is a difficult climate.

Color Features

Ground cover roses are distinguished by the fact that they creep along the ground and slightly bend in an arc. Flowers are often collected in inflorescences - semi-double, simple or double. The diameter of the flowers reaches 1.5-9.0 centimeters. Shoots in length range from half a meter to 2 meters. Petal color:

  • orange;
  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

The bush is able to cover an area of ​​​​3 square meters.

Features of roses in the description and in the photo

  • After the planting is carried out, the plants grow to the sides, and not in height, this is clearly seen in the photo.
  • Frost resistance - some varieties are not afraid of cold weather and do not need shelter.
  • All varieties are characterized by abundant flowering, up to 500 flowers can form on one bush.
  • The smell is almost imperceptible.

  • Winter-hardy and other species are not afraid of diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot.
  • Blooming roses have shoots covered with shiny and small foliage.

Varieties are divided by height into several types:

  • Large - above a meter, arched shoots, drooping (Fiona). Caring for them is easy.
  • Low - from 50 to 95 centimeters, drooping roses, grow slowly, stiff shoots, (RedBlanket, IceMeillandecor).
  • Widely growing - stretching upwards, (DagmarHastrup).
  • Low - up to 50 centimeters, spread horizontally, grow quickly (SnowCarpet, Avon).

Names of winter-hardy and summer-blooming varieties

Snowballet (New Zealand)

The plant has a light aroma. Terry flowers, white color (they have 17-25 petals). The bush is loose. Supports required. Flowering is continuous, which makes it possible to create an excellent design on the site. For the winter, shelter with lutrasil 60 (2 layers) is necessary.

Merry Maker (Germany)

Fragrance free. The color of the flowers is apricot, the inflorescences are medium in size, they look good in the photo. Blooms almost all the time. The size is large - up to 6 cm. From the rain, "freckles" may appear. The spikes are small. Plant height - up to 50 cm. Wintering goes under 2 layers of spunbond 60. Easy care.

Lovely Fairy (UK)

Flowers reach 4 centimeters. Color is bright pink. The design of the garden with these plants is gentle. Terry flowers. The width of the plant reaches 1 meter. The height of the bush reaches 50 centimeters. Flowering occurs from July until frost. The plant is good for shearing. Care is simple. Rosa is not afraid of rain and practically does not get sick. The plant is not affected by powdery mildew, black spot. The flower is frost-resistant. In the garden, it goes well with cereals.

Gärtnerfreude (Germany)

Fragrance free. The color of the flowers is raspberry-red, they look original in the photo. The leaves are dark green, glossy. In height reaches 50 centimeters. Care is very simple.

Swany (France)

The rose has a light fragrance. Flowers white color. The width of the bush is from 80 to 200 centimeters. In height, the plant reaches from 40 to 75 centimeters. In the garden, the rose blooms profusely.

Lovely Meilland (France)

The aroma is absent. The flowers are cup-shaped, medium in size, color - light pink. The leaves are slightly glossy. The height of the bush reaches up to 80 centimeters. Flowering is plentiful, but the reaction to rain is poor.

Unicef-Rose (Germany)

The aroma is absent. Flower color is salmon pink. The width of the bush reaches from 70 to 140 centimeters. In height, the plant reaches from 80 to 120 centimeters. Ground cover roses of the presented species are reliable and inflexible. For small areas, a rose is not suitable. Brushes bloom with a certain frequency. Over time, a solid carpet forms on the site. Flowering goes on throughout the summer.

Reproduction features

Groundcover roses reproduce in several ways.


The most common propagation is by layering. It is carried out in early spring. From a long lash, several plants are obtained at once, which is good if your goal is to create a site design.

  • Choose a long annual shoot.
  • Find a place on the ground where you can bend down the shoot.

Root offspring

  • Dig a groove in the ground. Its depth should be 10 centimeters.
  • Conditionally divide the escape into several parts. Each part should have 1 bud (for roots) and a couple of buds for shoot development.

Varieties of ground cover roses (video)

  • Make an annular incision in the bark under the root bud and pin the shoot into the groove so that the incision is at the bottom.
  • Raise the continuation of the stem above the ground, pin the next bud so that the pinned stem looks like the letter W.
  • Extremely 2 buds should remain free above the ground.
  • The trench should be covered with fertilized soil.
  • In autumn, the reproduction of ground cover roses should be continued - separate the rooted parts and plant them on the beds for growing.
  • You can save rooted parts in wet sand in the basement. In the spring they are planted in the garden. But cuttings can be planted in a permanent place only after a year.

Only those roses that suit your site and look good in the photo should be placed in the garden. Find out in advance what the size of the plant will be and how quickly it will grow.

Landing and care

Growing conditions

Ground cover varieties are not only roses with a height of 15 to 20 cm. They can reach 2 meters, which will not prevent you from creating an excellent site design. From English, many names are translated as flowery, magical, and everything in this vein, for example, faerie is a fairy. In the garden, plants can form not only carpets, but also real waterfalls and cascades.

Summer in different regions is different. This must also be taken into account when choosing varieties. Plant shoots will not cope with weeds on their own, and interspersed with them not only look bad in the photo, but also feel bad. You will have to do the weeding yourself.

Landing goes to a pre-prepared place. From the soil, the roots of perennial weeds should be selected. Trunk circles of bushes mulch or cover nonwoven fabric black color.


Landing is subject to certain rules. It is necessary to choose the right place, prepare the soil, fertilize. Care consists in preliminary digging of the soil and removal of weeds and their roots. All varieties of roses, if the soil is properly mulched, will grow and in a couple of years will defeat the weeds.


Care is almost the same as for other roses. However, watering will require 10-15 liters for each bush. Watering is done in the morning, the water should be warm. If the planting was carried out recently, young plants are watered frequently. Adult roses are watered at least once a week. Summer can be dry, and underwatering will cause the leaves to be of the usual color, but the flowers will be small. In autumn, watering should be reduced.

Use cases in landscape design

Planting roses is often used in landscape design. Varieties differ in shape and color, which means that they can be applied in any part of the garden. White and other rose colors are great for any style. Summer in Europe in an elite garden is hard to imagine without the presented plant.

Planting ground cover roses is widespread, as the flowers are unpretentious in care and frost-resistant. Care is very simple - pruning is not required, flowering is plentiful. The species diversity of roses is extensive.

The design can be decorated with 5 groups of varieties:

  • low with shoots;
  • low branching;
  • low creeping;
  • wide upright;
  • wide, with whip-like shoots.

Care of any species is simple. All roses with hanging branches look great in flowerpots. The design of hedges and pergolas is also hard to imagine without the queen of the garden. Whip-shaped plants are often used as tapeworms. Roses help not only to make the design spectacular, but also strengthen the topsoil and protect gentle slopes from being washed out. Planting plants along the paths makes it possible to create a bright border. Next to roses, flowers look great, the names of which are well known to you - delphinium and daylily.

Ground cover roses in landscape design (video)

From ground cover plants you can create original garden. All roses are easy to care for and look very attractive.

The name ground cover roses appeared towards the end of the 20th century. Under this term, all types and varieties of garden creeping roses were collected.

The first variety, which belonged to the ground cover flowers, was bred in 1919. To date, this conditional group is very popular and many species have been obtained.

Plant characteristic

The main part of the varieties was bred in the 70s of the last century in Northern Europe. The climate of this area is very suitable in all respects for the breeding of this plant. In addition to their beauty, these flowers also play the role of “fighters” with weeds, which is why it grows mainly in breadth, and not up. Other character traits this group:

  1. Roses are shrubs and perennials, the height of which ranges from a few centimeters to one and a half meters. Evergreen specimens may bloom all year round, so they have an advantage over other species.
  2. Steep banks, slopes, areas along sidewalks and driveways are ideal places for growing ground cover roses.
  3. Caring for them is not very difficult, as the plants are resistant to diseases and have a low need for moisture and top dressing.
  4. Low-growing varieties are excellent for growing on the borders of garden plots, in flower beds and in hanging planters.

Creeping roses have a wide range of colors and shades of flowers, depending on the variety.

Classification of creeping roses

Until now, experts have not been able to decide on the classification of these colors. For example, German botanists divide them into four subgroups:

Reproduction of dendrobium nobile and care at home

Preliminary work before boarding

Before planting ground cover roses, you should choose a place on garden plot. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in the area where cherries, apricots, hawthorns, pears and other types of roses grew before, as these plants greatly deplete the soil. The ideal place would be a plot with a slight slope to the west or southeast.

In this case, landing in the morning will be under the sun, and in the afternoon - in the shade. Long-term exposure of the plant under the scorching rays has a detrimental effect on the general condition of the flowers. And also, seedlings should not be planted next to large plants or trees, as young plants will not have enough moisture. However, a site with high humidity is also undesirable for flowers.

On such a plot, before planting a creeping rose, so that care is not difficult, flower growers first carry out work on draining the soil. Having chosen a site, proceed to the preparation of the soil cover. Loamy areas are excellent for roses, which can pass moisture and oxygen well.

Heavier soil is softened by adding sand, peat and compost to it. Then carefully dig the site, removing weeds.

Planting roses in the field

Under each seedling, they dig a hole about 50 cm deep and the same size in diameter. The distance between the pits will vary between 30-100 cm, depending on the planted variety. Flower growers prepare a fertile mixture of soddy soil, sand, peat and humus, adding a little superphosphate and wood ash to it. A drainage layer of broken brick or rubble is laid out at the bottom of each hole. A small hill of fertile mixture is poured in the center of the pit.

List of home indoor and balcony plants with the letter b

On it, carefully, aligning the roots, lower the seedling. Previously, the shoots of each young plant are cut off, leaving 25-30 cm each and treated with copper sulphate. The hole is filled with the remaining fertile mixture, lightly tamped and abundantly moistened with warm and settled water. Then you can spud the seedlings or pour mulch from peat and sawdust. It is recommended to shade each bush after planting a ground cover rose.

Creeping flower care

The rules for caring for ground cover roses are practically no different from caring for ordinary species. It is necessary to carry out a number of activities: watering, top dressing, pruning, preparation for winter. Watering is carried out during periods when rose bushes are in the shade. This condition must also be observed when spraying plants. Basically, watering roses is carried out, focusing on the state of the soil cover. The fact is that these flowers do not tolerate both too wet soil and dry soil.

Watering should be done when the surface of the soil dries out 3-4 cm deep. In autumn and during rainy periods, the frequency of watering is reduced. After each moistening procedure, it is necessary to loosen the soil around each bush. In the process of active growth of the shrub, roses are fertilized three times per season. The first falls in the spring, when the leaves begin to appear. For this, mineral mixtures containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are used. A month later, fertilizers are applied again, but this event is not carried out during the flowering period.

During crossing climbing rose Vihura with miniature varieties were obtained original Bodendecker - ground-blooded roses, which have gained recognition in almost all developed countries of the world community. This happened at the end of the seventies of the last century, but they were identified in a separate garden category only in the eighties. This group includes a large number of varieties, which are sprawling arcuate shoots with bright, fragrant inflorescences and small size leaves.

Look at the photo of the ground cover roses presented on this page in a wide variety:

The most exquisite varieties with descriptions have been selected, their incomparable beauty allows the use of group plantings in garden design. The practicality of the species lies in the fact that planting is available even for not very experienced flower growers. Aftercare includes a number of simple activities.

Description of ground cover roses with a photo

Despite its aesthetic appeal, this variety is quite unpretentious in care and cultivation. At the same time, both in life and in the photo, ground cover roses look beautiful, bright, non-standard. Their bushes seem to spread on the ground or wrap around special supports, and a large number of small double flowers cover the numerous shoots of the plant. Both the height and width of such original shrubs can reach 2 meters.

If you read any description, it becomes clear that the flowering of ground-blooded roses lasts all summer - from the very beginning of June until the first frost. In addition to periodic watering and high-quality top dressing with fertilizers, these perennial shrubs do not require special care. However, severe frosts for them, as well as for most other decorative representatives of the flora, can be fatal. Therefore, winter shelter is an indispensable element of appropriate care - in this state, flowers can withstand temperatures down to minus 35 degrees.

Look at the photo of ground cover roses related to various varieties and varieties:

Common classification - categories and varieties of ground cover roses

This type of rose bushes has a rich color, so often for bright inflorescences you can't even see the leaves. Officially, plantings are divided into 4 categories (according to some experts - into 5), each of which has its own characteristics and varietal affiliations. The division into subgroups and varieties of ground cover roses is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • large creeping. The width of the shrubs can reach sizes of more than 1.5 meters, and the height - more than 45 cm;
  • small creeping. The width of the bushes does not exceed one and a half meters, and their height is from 30 to 45 cm.
  • large drooping. The width of the shrubs is from one and a half meters or more, and the height is from 1 meter;
  • small drooping. Bushes, whose height is up to 95 cm, have a width of about 1.5 meters.

Plants of creeping varieties have horizontally growing stems, often rooting at the nodes. Drooping varieties are types of original sprawling bushes with drooping arcuate branches. The generally accepted classification is also carried out into categories. A number of varieties have been developed that are the most relevant and preferred for growing in different areas and modern landscape decoration. Among them, one can especially highlight the varieties of ground cover roses used in the landscape design of a modern garden.

Popular in many countries ground-blood roses Fairy (Fairy). Attractive looking polyanthus roses range in color from white to pale pink. Grow with prefabricated brushes up to 40 medium-sized double flowers in each. Flowering begins late and continues continuously until the first cold weather. Fast, confident rooting cuttings make the shrubs ideal for hedges, mixborders or cozy patios.

The next variety was bred by the French company Meilland and is called Swany (Swany) - a ground cover rose that has bright white flowers with a pinkish tinge in the center. Hustomahrovye medium-sized flowers have a diameter of about 5-6 cm, and graceful umbrella-type inflorescences are collected on long shoots up to 20 pieces. The shrub has attractive dark green foliage that is small and evergreen. The grade is winter-hardy, plentifully blossoming.

Attracts the attention of many ordinary inhabitants and gardeners and scarlet ground-blooded rose with dark green glossy leaves and bright red dense double flowers. The height of the bushes reaches 50 cm, flowering is long, throughout the summer and autumn. Young seedlings quickly adapt to different conditions, the variety is considered one of the most hardy.

The next variety is small (about 3 cm in diameter) pink flowers collected in inflorescences of 10 pieces. The height of the Super Dorothy groundblood rose bushes can reach 70 cm, and the length of one lash can be 250 cm. Considering the diameter of one bush, up to two square meters, you can use this variety in the form of decorating flower beds with the help of special supports.

The spherical, regular shape of the red-crimson flowers of the ground-blooded rose Morsdag distinguishes shrubs from a variety of varieties and allows them to be used in landscape design in a variety of areas. At the same time, crimson-scarlet tones can be diluted with strokes of various soft pastel tones. Delicate terry flowers of 15-20 petals are collected in graceful tassels from gradually blooming buds. Both in rural and urban conditions, it looks quite attractive and non-trivial.

continuously flowering variety ground cover rose Amber Viel has attractive spherical flowers with a diameter of approximately 10 cm - these are one of the largest types ornamental plants. The flowers have a delicate spicy aroma and an original amber-apricot color. Powdery mildew and black spotting have almost no effect on even bushes reaching a height of 70 cm.

Semi-double clusters of orange-red petals of 15-16 pieces represent the variety of ground-blooded roses "Magic Cover". The diameter of each flower is 4-5 cm, they have the shape of a flat bowl and are collected in large brushes. Shrubs bloom all season continuously, the flowering of each rosette lasts from 3 to 5 days. The leaves on the bushes are dark green, glossy, the aroma is almost not expressed. AT garden landscaping one of the most popular varieties.

Before purchasing seedlings, it is important to consult what varieties these or those flowers belong to, how to properly care for them, and what size an adult bush will be. This is necessary for better and more accurate planning of growing flowers and decorating individual sections or corners of the yard. Some of them can bloom once a season, some species - twice.

Features of planting ground cover roses and caring for them

A large number of people prefer to see in their yard, on the site, in the garden, various varieties of these presentable ornamental plants. However, before planting ground cover roses, it is necessary to clarify a number of nuances and determine the procedure. Some factors and features of planting can be decisive in the development of the root system and the successful cultivation of rose bushes.

Any varieties of the "queen of flowers" love a lot of light, ground covers in this regard are no exception. Proper access to sunlight can ensure high-quality bud formation and long flowering periods. At the same time, the scorching rays of the sun at midday are highly undesirable, due to which flower petals and leaves can get burned. The southeastern or western parts of the yard, garden, plot are the best options for planting these plants. The first half of the day will cause the roses to receive the required amount of ultraviolet light, and trees and other shrubs that cast a shadow in their direction will then be able to protect them from the midday sun. It is undesirable to plant shrubs in the shade - under the walls of buildings, under trees, in the corner sections of the yard or garden.

Features of caring for them also have a considerable number of aspects. Big trouble for anyone rose bush may be spring melt water. To protect against them, and in winter - from frost, shrubs are planted on a hill of about 30-40 cm and at a slight slope. The soil on the site should not be too wet and acidic.

In addition, what was growing earlier on the site where they want to plant shrubs is of great importance. The soil may be too depleted after growing apricots, cherries, hawthorn, as well as other pink representatives on this plot of land. In such places, the soil should be allowed to rest a little and, possibly, feed.

About caring for ground cover roses, the description can be made quite concise. They require the most elementary conditions and rules to be maintained. At a minimum, this is pruning and fertilizing with organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Every year it is necessary to carry out pruning in minimal volumes, getting rid of dry and broken branches. Once every five years in winter, more global pruning can be done.

Watering is done once a week with water at room temperature. Young shrubs can be watered a little more often. Plantings are fertilized abundantly from April to October, and for the winter period it is important to take care of shelter when severe frosts. If the cold is insignificant, these representatives of the flora are able to endure them on their own due to their frost resistance.

Design solutions to create a vibrant atmosphere

in variety design solutions and abundance modern ideas for landscape design decor, ground cover varieties of roses are incredibly successful. Blooming as profusely as possible and breaking around the bush with a large number of bright, colorful inflorescences, such plants can decorate any garden or plot. With their help, they often prefer to ennoble arches and hedges. We can safely say that ground cover roses in the design of a garden or yard play a tangible, quite significant role in our time.

Through these shrubs, attractive in appearance and in their internal characteristics, it is possible to decorate slopes, flower beds, terraces with high quality and worthy. Confidently resistant to frost and numerous diseases, creeping varieties are able to create whole carpets for long periods of time, and drooping varieties of flowering decor with the help of supports can transform any garden and yard interior.

Weaving varieties can successfully decorate fences, hedges, pergolas and arbors. And the decorative, aesthetic functions of rose plantations can adequately complement the more practical qualities of plants - when planting soil deposits on the slopes with elements of erosion and depletion, such shrubs will help to strengthen the upper layers of the earth, preventing soil from washing out during an abundance of seasonal precipitation and floods.

“Magic carpet”, “flower carpet” - all these epithets refer to a relatively new hobby of flower growers, namely ground cover roses. This species claims to be one of the brightest representatives of the Rosaceae. But as in any large group, among the varieties there will always be favorites that have improved characteristics and features.

What is a ground cover rose

Ground cover roses are successfully used in landscape design and as an independent element. garden decor. Got this view from spray roses, which had a tendency to creeping form.

Ground cover roses will bring even the most rigorous landscape a touch of tenderness and romanticism.

A ground cover rose should not be confused with a climbing rose. The latter has longer stems, thanks to which this group of roses can braid any support. A groundcover rose can also be grown on a support, but will look like a shrub.

A climbing rose, unlike a groundcover, can easily weave through any obstacles in its path.

A feature of the ground cover rose is drooping or creeping shoots along the ground. Plant height can vary significantly depending on the variety - from 20 cm to 1.5 m. But the width of the bush always exceeds the height. The color scheme is striking in variety. The flowers are not very large - from 10 to 50 mm, collected in many-flowered inflorescences. The valuable qualities of this type of roses are abundant and long flowering, disease resistance and frost resistance.

What are ground cover roses

There are varieties that really resemble a carpet, but there are also cascading varieties. Therefore, this species can be conditionally divided into 4 subgroups:

  • undersized creeping roses - their height above the ground is from 30 to 45 cm, the lashes spread to a width of no more than 1.5 m;
  • tall creeping - the height of the bushes is from 45 to 50 cm, the width is more than 1.5 m;
  • small drooping - the height of the bush is from 40 cm to 60 cm (sometimes a little higher), the width of the bush reaches 1.5 m;
  • large drooping - the height of the bush starts from 90 cm, and the width reaches 1.5 meters or more.

Rose Magic Meidiland is a typical representative of a subgroup of low-growing creeping varieties

In representatives of the first two subgroups, creeping shoots can take root in the internodes, intertwining into a thick coating that can hide all the flaws in the soil surface. Varieties from the third and fourth subgroups form sprawling bushes.

The best varieties

Great popularity creates demand, so many new varieties of ground cover roses have appeared with unique characteristics.


Breeders have been able to achieve incredible success in creating varieties that can withstand the complex effects of the environment in winter and early spring. Varieties considered winter-hardy:

  • The Fairy. This variety can be considered the standard in terms of winter hardiness and the most unpretentious in cultivation. The bush is sprawling, up to 70 cm high. The width of the growth of shoots is 1.2 m. The leaves are small, shiny, bright green. Shoot growth rate is average. The flowers are pale pink, but in the sun they can fade to almost white. Beam-shaped brushes contain from 10 to 20 rosette-shaped buds. Flower size - 3 - 5 cm. The variety grows well in partial shade. Withstands without shelter frosts from -20 to -23°С;

    The Fairy variety, although it blooms a little later than the others - in July, but pleases the eye until October

  • Fiona. The variety belongs to large drooping. The height of the bush can reach 1 m, width - up to 2 m. The leaves are small, shiny. Flower brush consists of 5 - 15 buds. The flowers are large, up to 7 cm in diameter, semi-double, bright red or scarlet. Brightness of color visually enhances White spot located at the base of the flower. The variety is suitable for middle and northern latitudes. In the south, flowering continues until November. The variety is winter-hardy - withstands frosts from -26 to -28.9 ° С;

    Due to the height of the bush, the Fiona variety may well be the soloist in a flower arrangement.

  • Hello. The variety is considered extremely hardy, withstands frosts down to -30 ° C. Compact, spreading and profusely flowering shrub, reaching the effect of a flower carpet. Plant height - 50 - 60 cm, width - 1 m. The flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, densely double. The number of buds on the stem - 5 - 10 pcs. During flowering, the flowers can change color from dark red to deep cherry.

    Because of abundant flowering variety Hello sometimes leaves are not visible

disease resistant

The following varieties are considered the most resistant to common rose diseases:

  • ballerina. This variety has a long flowering period and a large number of flowers with a wonderful aroma. The plant belongs to large drooping ones - the height of the bush is from 90 cm to 120 cm, sometimes up to 150 cm. The width is 175 cm. The branching is strong. The flowers are simple, collected in racemose inflorescences of 5 - 10 pcs. Flower size - 2 - 3 cm. The newly opened bud is painted in a dark pink color, but then the petals brighten, become white with a pink border around the edges. The variety has high resistance to powdery mildew and black spot;

    The Ballerina variety, although it has simple flowers, looks very gentle.

  • Appleblossom Flower Carpet. The plant is tall - up to 80 cm, shoots grow up to 150 cm wide. Bushes are dense, sprawling. The leaves are small, dark green, shiny. The flowers are small - 3 - 4 cm, semi-double, collected in brushes. The color of the petals is light pink. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and black spot;

    Variety Appleblossom Flover Carpet pleases with lush flowering

  • Bassino. A very popular variety that does not require special care. The bush is high - 80 - 100 cm, the width of the growth of the shoots is 150 cm. The leaves are small, dark green, shiny. The shape of the flower is simple. The petals are painted bright red, which is enhanced by a white spot in the center and bright yellow stamens. Large flower brushes - 10 - 30 pcs. Flowering is long - until autumn. High resistance to powdery mildew and black spot.

    Bassino variety, incredibly popular all over the world, is called Suffolk in the UK

Most beautiful

Varieties considered one of the most beautiful:

  • Amber Cover. Plant height - 80 - 100 cm, width - 90 - 150 cm. The bush is dense, grows evenly in width. A feature of the variety is a small number of spines. Terry flowers are quite large, up to 10 cm in diameter. Against the background of dark green foliage, yellow flowers of spherical shape look amazingly bright. In fading flowers, the color becomes lemon. During flowering, roses exude a pleasant aroma of wild rose;

    Amber Cover rose has attractive cup-shaped flowers that constantly appear during the growing season

  • Jazz. This variety is designed to be planted in masses, but looks great in small flower groups and in narrow beds. The flowers are small - 3 - 4 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is simply mesmerizing - at the beginning of flowering, the petals are copper-orange, then they become peach. The flowers collected in the brush abundantly cover the bush. But at the same time, the variety does not lose its aesthetic appeal, as it has the ability to self-clean - the petals have time to crumble even before they dry out;

    The unusual color scheme of the Jazz rose allowed her to win many awards at prestigious exhibitions.

  • Swany. This rose is recognized as one of the best ground cover varieties. The bush is sprawling, low - 60 - 70 cm, wide - 150 cm. The flower is densely double, 6 - 7 cm in size. The color is pure white, turning into a pale pink tone closer to the center. The inflorescence consists of 5 - 20 buds. The foliage is dark green, shiny, evergreen.

    Based on the Swany variety, many variety forms have been created that have the same name.

When choosing a variety of ground cover rose for your garden, pay attention not only to the beauty of the flowers, but also to the ability of the plant to withstand the vagaries of nature and disease.