Dolphin tattoo what does it mean. Dolphin Tattoo Meaning

  • 29.06.2020

Those people who have not yet had the opportunity to personally get acquainted with these beautiful animals are seen as cute and good-natured animals, they are adored by both adults and children. They not only conquer the audience with their positive and smile, but also with their mind. Scientists have proven that dolphins are among the living on the planet.

Today, the image of a dolphin is very often stuffed on different parts of the body. "Dolphin" - a tattoo with a meaning. What does it mean? This will be discussed in this article.

The sacred meaning of the dolphin

"Dolphin" - a tattoo that has a certain sacred meaning. In world cultures, you can find far more than one symbolic representation of this mammal. For example, according to the philosophy of yin-yang, two dolphins depicted together are one of the main symbols.

It is known that dolphins were sacred animals of the gods. Poseidon (Neptune) and Venus (Aphrodite) loved these mammals very much and kept them under their personal protection.

Tattoo "Dolphin": meaning

The meaning of a tattoo in the form of a dolphin usually depends not only on the exact position in which it is depicted, but also on the stylization of the drawing. Celtic is the most popular. Among the local population, the image of a dolphin was considered to be a symbol of water. But among the ancient Greeks, it denoted a symbol of carnal love. For the Indians, the dolphin is a symbol of the mind. They respect this animal, considering it one of the wisest on earth.

The image of a dolphin and an anchor indicates speed. If the mammal is drawn in a sailor suit, it means that the owner of such a tattoo is in some way connected with the navy.

A chained or impaled dolphin is a symbol of Christianity. For many, it is associated with This tattoo is usually done by people for whom religion in life is far from the last place.

It may also have a drawing in which a dolphin is leading a ship. In this case, he still personifies Jesus Christ.

"Dolphin" (tattoo) denotes a person's presence or desire, which he tries to fulfill as soon as possible.

It is also worth making such a tattoo for people who infect others with their energy.

On what part of the body should a dolphin be depicted?

"Dolphin" is a tattoo for which there are no specific criteria when choosing a place. Everyone who wants to independently, individually, chooses a place where his personal drawing will flaunt.

In the event that the drawing will have any sacred meaning, the tattoo should be placed in an inconspicuous place. Then she will definitely be able to bring good luck to her owner.

If, for a person who has become the owner of a bright tattoo in the form of a dolphin, the meaning of the drawing is not as important as his appearance, that is, aesthetic beauty, the tattoo should be done in a conspicuous place. Thus, a person will be able to distinguish himself from the crowd by drawing the attention of the public to himself with his colorful pattern on the back, leg or any other part of the body.

Why do people get Dolphin tattoos?

We already know the meaning. Now it’s worth understanding why some people choose it. By making a tattoo in the form of a dolphin drawing, many people want to show their love for the sea in this way. Swimming enthusiasts, professional swimmers, or those people who, by the nature of their activities, are connected with the sea, can safely make such a tattoo without fear of being judged by others. After all, they can always explain it with their passion for the maritime business. Also, many people do such a tattoo because from the outside it looks elegant.

Not everyone thinks about what the Dolphin tattoo means. For many people, it is certainly important to stand out from the crowd and be an individual. Guys and girls use any means to attract the attention of the public with their dissimilarity to the rest. Having made a tattoo, you can add a twist to your image. Due to the fact that the theme of the tattoo in the form of a dolphin is not hackneyed, unlike many other drawings, it will be possible to do this with it in no time.

It does not matter in what style the dolphin will be depicted. The main thing is that the owner of the tattoo can independently determine its meaning for himself and, if necessary, be able to tell others about it, who will probably be interested in the unusual pattern depicted on the body of their loved one, friend or just an acquaintance.

And the important thing is that the Dolphin tattoo looks very nice. The photos in the article demonstrate this. So the choice is yours!

The dolphin is one of the friendliest creatures in the animal kingdom. People are attracted by their intelligence, grace and beauty, playfulness and positive attitude. Perhaps one cannot help but admire these animals. Perhaps that is why this wonderful kind and sincere animal is very popular in tattoo culture.

Dolphin tattoos can be inked by both genders. The dolphin is a truly versatile image. Currently, a dolphin tattoo is considered one of the strongest amulets. The meaning of the Dolphin tattoo can be different - and it depends, first of all, on the style of the image.

The most common stylization is Celtic. The dolphin was for a long time a popular animal in Celtic culture. For a long time, the Celts watched dolphins and, of course, could not help but notice the cheerful and friendly disposition of these animals. Therefore, dolphins personified playfulness and fun, cheerfulness and positive attitude, freedom. It was also a symbol of water, which is not surprising, since dolphins are inhabitants of water spaces. Dolphins, the eternal companions of ships, began to symbolize changes over time, a transitional stage from one period to another. In addition, dolphins were a symbol of dreams, they personified the life you aspire to.

A tattoo with a dolphin is chosen by cheerful and cheerful people who know how to enjoy life, who know how to get the most out of it, and who are always ready to help others. Such a tattoo is also suitable for people with positive energy, positive, loving the sea, speed, freedom.

As for other interpretations of the tattoo, the image of a dolphin with an anchor symbolizes speed and activity. The meaning of the Dolphin tattoo in a sailor suit is that the one who wears the tattoo belongs to the fleet. A chained or impaled dolphin symbolizes the crucified Christ. Also to christian symbols the dolphin leading the ship can be attributed - it symbolizes Jesus leading the church. The meaning of a tattoo with two dolphins is the duality of nature, they can also symbolize yin and yang.

The image of a dolphin is reflected in the cultures of many nations. The ancient Greeks associated the dolphin with love and eroticism, because these are the only animals that have sex for pleasure, and not for the sake of procreation. The ancient Greek god of winemaking, Dionysus, turned drunken sailors into dolphins. He himself could also turn into a dolphin in order to deliver pilgrims from Crete to his Delphic sanctuary. In ancient Egypt, the dolphin personified the positive force of nature, was a symbol of motherhood, healing, and also an attribute of the moon goddess. The Indians endowed the dolphin with such positive qualities like kindness, energy, wisdom.

Since today there are many stories about how dolphins rescued people who fell or were thrown overboard, these animals have become a symbol of salvation. The meaning of a tattoo can be considered, first of all, as a symbol of the desire for freedom, faith in the best, readiness to help in difficult times.

Any person who sees a dolphin will be delighted with the intelligence, beauty and grace of these sea ​​creatures. As a tattoo, this wonderful and exceptionally light image has a rich, rich history. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that it has a lot of meanings, and not a single negative one. It is impossible not to talk about dolphins or treat them with indifference, there are a huge number of legends about them. And in every fiction, as you know, there is some truth.

Three dolphins on the shoulder

The history of the dolphin as a symbol

The vast majority of peoples living on the shores of the seas and having the opportunity to watch dolphins at least occasionally have endowed them with a variety of properties since ancient times.

For example, the Romans and Greeks considered them to be the guides of souls in afterworld. And in Greece, the dolphin was also the king of the sea and the assistant of the god of the seas, Poseidon. Also, these developed mammals were associated with love and sexual energy.

In Egypt, the dolphin was the patron of the forces of nature, fertility, motherhood and the feminine.

Among the Celts, the dolphin symbolized rebirth and renewal in life.

The Indians still associate dolphins with wisdom and kindness.

Dolphin in a wave on the side of the body

Who chooses a dolphin as a tattoo

In today's culture, this is predominantly done by women. But this was not always the case, and this does not mean at all that a dolphin tattoo can somehow deprive its owner of masculinity. On the contrary, these creatures are distinguished by courage, they have repeatedly saved the lives of drowning people. This was the reason why sailors began to apply tattoos with dolphins.

Did you know? Recent scientific discoveries have shown that dolphins are just as intelligent as humans, if not more so. Some scientists are in favor of recognizing these marine mammals as non-human intelligent life forms. But, unfortunately, the current state of affairs is such that even a ban on hunting and fishing for dolphins has not yet been achieved in all countries. In Japan, they are caught for their meat, while in Norway they are simply killed for fun. Once a year, a bloodbath necessarily takes place, in which thousands of dolphins die, and all this is presented as a tribute to the traditions of their ancestors, although their meat has not been used for food for a long time, this is no longer necessary.

In other words, a dolphin is a tattoo of a smart, decisive and good-natured person at the same time. These people love water and try to visit the sea as often as possible.

Jumping common dolphin

Dolphin tattoo: meaning

If the choice of a person who decided to get a tattoo fell on a dolphin, this definitely says a lot about him. And speaks exclusively in his favor. Basically, a dolphin tattoo is interpreted as follows:

  • The two dolphins may represent the yin-yang symbol.
  • The dolphin that controls the ship, in the Christian religion, is a symbol of Christ, who controls the church. In fact, the symbol of Jesus is a fish, but at the time of the formation of religion, Christians considered dolphins to be large fish.
  • A dolphin dressed in a sailor suit is a fleet.
  • Talisman for good luck.
  • Freedom and happiness. According to the prevailing opinion, dolphins lead a full of joys, carefree life.
  • Wisdom and friendliness.

Dolphin drawing on the girl's wrist

Recently I got a long-awaited dolphin tattoo. The sketches have already been posted on the page in social network. As soon as I fill the tattoo itself with paint (as long as there is only a black outline), I will definitely show off.

Maria, Perm.

Dolphin Tattoo Options

Dolphins will look good no matter what style of tattoo you choose. Realism, and Old School, and ethnic motifs, and ornament are appropriate here, only your tastes and preferences play a role. as the most best places Applications can be recommended shoulder, wrist, ankle, chest or abdomen.

You can complement the dolphin with a landscape of the sea, sunrise or sunset, an abstract drawing is also possible. The latter is often used just in folk motifs and ornaments.

Flower with dolphins on the leg

At different points in my life I did a lot different tattoos. But the dolphin on my left shoulder is the most important for me, it occupies an important place in my biography and reminds me of how one person saved my life. Of course, he has nothing to do with the sea and dolphins, but I chose him. This is no coincidence. Dolphins saved many times human lives, and at the mention of these animals, this fact pops up almost immediately in my head.

Sergei, Khanty-Mansiysk.

Space in a Dolphin

I can’t live without the sea, every year I try to go there regardless of other circumstances. My favorite animal is, of course, the dolphin. They are in many ways better people. Trusting, sincere, never betray their family, well, how can you not fall in love, you ask? If there was an opportunity, I would start a home or open a dolphinarium. But so far, the only option available to me for a personal dolphin is my tattoo on my leg. Two dolphins emerging from the water. It looks very bright and noticeable, but at the same time feminine and not defiant at all. Now, even if I cannot go on vacation, my personal piece of the sea is always with me.

Karina, Nizhny Novgorod.

Dolphin with watercolor theme

Some more interesting information about dolphins

A dolphin's brain has twice as many convolutions as a human's. They have their own social hierarchy, their own language, which, by the way, contains more sounds and intonations than such complex languages ​​as Russian, Arabic or Chinese. After all, it is not just that in terms of mental development they are put on a par with people.

Often, dolphins are endowed with human traits and even identified with them. In this list: dignity, intelligence, kindness, caring, the ability to cherish freedom, love of life and optimism. A person who combines all these qualities, and on an ongoing basis, can only be kindly envied and wished not to lose them during life path. And dolphins are born like that and remain so until the end of their days. Truly amazing creatures worthy of taking a place on your body.

Video: 3D dolphin tattoos

Dolphin tattoo sketches

Dolphin tattoo

Dolphin is an aquatic mammal that people associate with the sea, freedom, grace, intelligence.

These animals always call positive emotions, the joy of meeting them on the sea.

Perhaps this is what makes the dolphin tattoo so common. Each master of a tattoo parlor at least once, but stuffed this drawing.

Who chooses a dolphin as a tattoo

Dolphin has long been popular. The image of these mammals is popular with different peoples peace. Among the Celts, it symbolized the rebirth from the water element. The ancient Greeks believed that the dolphin leads the souls of people through the seas of death.

The Egyptians associated them with the goddess of the moon, endowed with such qualities as:

  • femininity
  • motherhood
  • love

believing that it is a symbol of eroticism, sexuality.

It is known that only two kinds of creatures - a man and a dolphin - make love, not just for reproduction, but for pleasure. The ancient inhabitants of Crete believed that the heavenly gods moved using these mammals harnessed to chariots.

The Romans said that the god of winemaking, Dionysus, turns heavily drinking sailors into these mammals.

The dolphin has a sacred, religious meaning. The image of a mammal can often be found at the bow of ancient ships. The dolphin thus symbolized Christ leading the sailors across the ocean.

The tattoo of this animal meant purity, spiritual purity, religiosity of the wearer. Such a pattern could be seen on fishermen, sailors for protection while sailing.

Dolphin is filled with free, travel-loving people. This is a symbol of the fulfillment of a dream, a sign that attracts good luck. The carrier is an active, creative person who loves communication, appreciating every minute of life.

The meaning of the tattoo

Dolphin is one of the few drawings, the meaning of which depends on how it is stuffed, what additional elements are present in the sketch. Since ancient times, it has had a positive meaning, but each carrier put its own meaning.

A sketch can be stuffed as a talisman by people associated with:

  • swimming
  • sailors
  • surfers
  • divers.

Drawing in a vest brings good luck to ships, sea vessels.

A sketch of a dolphin means that its carrier is ready to help, to provide support to anyone in need. A sketch made in the style of cartoons means that its owner has a cheerful, playful disposition and good-natured character.

A dolphin tattoo can be found in people with a criminal past. Such a tattoo means the desire for freedom or the nobility of the wearer. The drawing also symbolizes wisdom, a friendly attitude towards people.

Dolphin tattoo for girls

A sketch of a dolphin is often drawn by young girls. These cute animals will look great in both color and black and white.

In monochrome, one or two dolphins are more often performed as a sketch, in several smooth lines. Usually her vulnerable girls, soft in character, or ladies of creative professions, draw for themselves.

Stuffed in the zone, shoulder blade, foot, ankle. Dolphin tattoos on the female body are depicted above the water or jumping out of the waves.

Color drawings look bright, where an animal, one or a flock, is stuffed against the backdrop of sunset or dawn, with the moon or the sun's rays.

Girls can complement dolphin tattoos with curls, foamy waves. Moreover, in young ladies, paired dolphins are more common, as a symbol of love, fidelity, devotion. Such a pattern is performed in the form of a frolicking or pardoning couple.

A sketch of an adult mammal with a dolphin is stuffed as a symbol of motherhood. But a tattoo can have a different meaning, and it means sometimes playfulness, playfulness, youth, the desire to stand out.

The meaning of a dolphin tattoo for men

The drawing of an aquatic mammal can also be found on the male body. Sketches are often done with paints, giving preference to all blue, gray shades.

Such a pattern is typical for a friendly, sociable guy, the soul of the company. This is an active, determined person, he will not sit still, believing that life is full of adventures. On the male body, you can often find a dolphin against the backdrop of sunken ships, or in the depths of the sea.

Guys prefer to get tattoos on their chests. This is usually a large colored drawing of an animal surrounded by waves, water spray, or the depths of the sea.

For representatives of both sexes, a tattoo according to the principle is popular. These are either two dolphins swimming in different directions, or the opposite symbol surrounding itself. In this case, the drawing has the same meaning as the sign of the male and female principles, that is, one cannot exist without the other.

Tattoo options

When choosing a dolphin tattoo, you need to pay attention to how the drawing will be applied.

Basic tattoo styles:

  • Tribal.
  • Celtic.
  • Realistic.
  • Ornament.

The technique has become widespread - the watercolor style, made in bright colors, looks colorful, realistic, and always attracts attention.

When stuffing a tattoo in an ornament, it is better to choose dark blue, gray tones.

Dolphin Tattoo Places

Men and women prefer different places for drawing a dolphin.

backs, coccyx are stuffed with a couple of dolphins jumping out of the waves in different directions.

Such tattoos are not immediately thrown, but if they are noticed, then this is always of interest, since more often only the upper part of the sketch looks out from under the belt. Large sketches, as well as drawings on the shins, are almost never found in women.

Young people make larger-scale sketches, filling in the entire shoulder or forearm of not just a mammal, but performing a composition with additional elements.

In men, there is a tattoo with a dolphin on the chest or side against the background of other sea creatures, corals, underwater castles.

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The dolphin tattoo refers to positive symbols that have come to us from ancient times. Dolphins belong to aquatic mammals having a beautiful muscular body and high intelligence. Having no ear holes, they have absolute echolocation, which helps them see the surrounding space much better than other aquatic inhabitants. Animals are very mobile, they cover huge distances at high speed, which is why their skin is constantly updated. These friendly positive mammals are spread over all large bodies of water on earth.

Symbol history

The historical roots of the image begin in ancient times. The Celts of ancient times considered them the guardians water spaces, protecting fishermen from shark attacks, so these animals were very revered. On their backs, dolphins carried a drowning person to the shore, and ships that lost their course were shown the way to land. They were also believed to protect sailors from natural disasters.

The peoples inhabiting North America believed that they symbolize wisdom, endless energy, boundless kindness. For Christianity of the Middle Ages, they personified an immaculate life filled with a strong spirit and moral purity. The image of an animal pierced with a spear symbolized the earthly coming of Christ and his sacrifice for the salvation of people. peoples ancient egypt and India perceived the image as a symbol of wisdom, boundless mind, endless kindness and devotion. The Cretan-Minoan civilization believed that the gods make sea voyages on these mammals. Inhabitants ancient greece they saw in him a symbol of eroticism and love, they called him the king of the sea and associated him with Poseidon. The Romans of that time believed that the soul of a departed person was accompanied by dolphins across the seas of death to its destination, the Isle of the Blessed. Legends claimed that the ancient Greek god of winemaking turned sailors who were fond of drunkenness into these animals. In those days, sailors, owners of other specialties related to the sea, were carriers of tattoos with a dolphin.

Dolphin Tattoo Meaning

Thanks to positive value, which is embedded in a drawing, the image is quite common in our time. Its value may vary depending on the style of the drawing, the presence of additional elements. But it remains always only positive. Since dolphins are higher in intelligence, friendliness, playfulness than other aquatic inhabitants, the drawing denotes luck, nobility, speed. Also, the sign is associated with freedom, security, joy, generosity, friendliness, power. This is a symbol of rebirth, the beginning of a new stage in a bright future, the fulfillment of dreams, harmony, a charm that attracts good luck, success and prosperity. It is used as a sign of freedom, faith in goodness, unexpected joy, readiness to help. The animal itself is perceived as a guide with unknown worlds connecting external world and the inner world of man. The drawing is suitable for a person leading an active lifestyle, cheerful people who know how to appreciate and cherish personal freedom and life. When you see a person with a dolphin tattoo, you will know what it means - he does not like slowness.

Dolphin tattoo: meaning in girls

Tattoos are done by boys and girls. Girls use it as a talisman, tie it to their profession, show their passion for these animals. As a talisman, the sign is a strong and effective amulet that protects it from negative external influences, from evil thoughts, the evil eye, envy and malice. Easily vulnerable, gullible, with a soft character of a girl choose such a tattoo. Since the dolphin has a high intelligence, for girls this is a sign of an extraordinary mind, a creative profession.

Dolphin tattoo: meaning for men

The symbol is chosen by guys whose professions are related to water, sports or as a hobby, for example, surfers, divers, sea lovers. The tattoo will show their love for the water element. Sailors wear a small black headband. Smart men who know how to be decisive and good-natured choose the sign.

Value on the zone

In these places, mammals are associated with the desire to live in freedom, nobility, love.

The position and placement of the dolphin tattoo picture

Depending on the selected sketch, its size, a place is chosen for applying the tattoo. Laconic, slightly elongated pattern, best suited for the wrist. The image, complemented by a few touches that give it a realistic look, looks harmoniously on the neck or on the hip. To apply a voluminous and large pattern, use the back, shoulder blades, abdomen, forearm. It has been observed in practice that the ankle, wrist, chest, abdomen, shoulder are most often chosen.

Styles, additional tattoo elements

Whatever style is chosen, the image will look beautiful. Nevertheless, before applying the image, it is necessary to choose a sketch of the image and the style in which it will be executed. The drawings are both laconic style and a narrow color spectrum, and practical realism. The Maori style tattoo will be made in the form of complex shapes, various spirals exclusively in black. The sign, using the style of realism, will look like a real cultural creation, in dark gray tones against the background of water, moon, sun.

Other styles are also used - tribal, ethnic, watercolor, old school. As an addition to the drawing, a marine view, sunrise or sunset, flowers, hieroglyphs, an abstract drawing in folk ornaments are used. An animal drawn can be in a sailor suit, chained or pierced by an arrow, with waves leading the ship. Of particular note are the tattoo of two dolphins, complemented by the symbol of yin and yang - male and female, the meaning of which also indicates duality human nature. The tattoo is performed in monochrome black or blue-blue, possibly in color, the future owner of the tattoo determines the choice.


And so, we tried to consider in detail the question: “What does a tattoo with the image of a dolphin mean?”. The choice of an image, its style, color, location, must be taken with all responsibility, since it is well known that it can have a certain influence on a person’s fate. Before getting a tattoo, carefully study its meaning and determine if it suits you. Only after that, contact a qualified specialist who will make the necessary sketch, and then the tattoo itself.