Chania mask tattoo sketches meaning. Meaning of a mask tattoo

  • 29.06.2020


Japanese tattoos have a long and rich history. The first evidence of Japanese tattoos can be seen on 5,000-year-old figurines found in tombs. In addition, texts dating back to the 3rd century CE say that Japanese men decorated their faces and bodies with mi. Centuries later, mainly due to the powerful cultural influence of China, tattoos became taboo and were used mainly for criminals. An integral part of the traditional japanese tattoo there was a complex system of symbols that was used to reveal a person's character. It was believed that a tattoo could even change it.

Sakura is a symbol of resilience. Beauty lies in the strength she possesses to survive in the harsh. Blooming means cycle human life: birth, flowering, death. The Japanese see this as a direct representation of how life should be. They believe that each day should be lived to the fullest and that the awareness of death should only make us stronger.

The brightly colored carp have a special symbolism in Japanese culture, and their image can even be seen in many temples. The myth says that if a carp can swim upstream to the gates of heaven, it will turn into an a. The image of a carp symbolizes luck, strength, ambition and individuality. Therefore, if you are looking for a tattoo that symbolizes struggle and perseverance, then perfect choice This is a koi carp.

The mythical dragon is what Japan is usually associated with. Dragons occupy an important place in Japanese culture. A dragon tattoo has many meanings, such as freedom, courage, wisdom, power, strength, and even supernatural abilities. The colors used in the image of the dragon are of great importance, so you need to choose them very carefully.

In any person there is a certain mystery, many aspects of our life, our thoughts and experiences remain a mystery to others. Tattoo theatrical masks, the meaning of which indicates the need for secrecy, a kind of pretense and duplicity, is perfect for a person in whose life such secrecy plays an important role.

It is not always possible to remain ourselves, circumstances sometimes force us to play different roles: one in a work team, another in a circle of friends, a third at home. In some cases, this can be called hypocrisy, but often we only hide certain emotions and aspects of the personality so as not to hurt other people's feelings, not to harm ourselves and others.

The designation of a mask tattoo can be different, because it all depends on the sketch, the symbols that are used in it, belonging to a particular culture. Therefore, today we will try to describe in as much detail as possible the meanings of different tattoos in the form of masks, we will give some tips on choosing a style, composition and color palette.

Symbolism in different cultures


In the culture of Polynesia, tattoo masks play a very important role. They are called tics and are depicted in such a way that their eyes look in all directions at once, symbolizing protection from any danger, no matter where it comes from. Tiki are masks of warriors; in ancient times, only the valiant defenders of their tribe wore such images on their bodies. Legend has it that tiki will protect its owner not only from the machinations of enemies, but also from the influence of evil spirits.


In the rituals of African tribes, who still live outside of modern civilization, as thousands of years ago, wooden masks are widely used, symbolizing certain spirits and deities. V Ancient Egypt masks were an important component of funeral rites, symbolizing the outer shell that guards the soul of the deceased in the afterlife.


The shamans of the North American Indian tribes put on a mask during the ritual, identifying it with the divine face, transferring its power to the shaman.
During the archaeological excavations of the Inca settlements, golden masks were found, symbolizing the sun.


One of the most memorable images in traditional Japanese tattoo art is the Hanya mask tattoo depicting the face of a demon. Demonic entities, in principle, are very revered in the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun, although they carry the energy of destruction, they are used as amulets. The Chania mask symbolizes a girl in whom anger and vindictiveness arose because of unrequited love for a monk. According to legend, she turned into a demon and incinerated him with her fiery breath.

ancient greece

Most often in modern tattoo art, theatrical masks that have already become classics are found, the meaning of a tattoo with their image should be sought in the traditions of ancient drama. In Greek performances, tragic and comic masks personified the type of character and his role in the production. Today, these two masks, expressing opposite emotions, have become a symbol of the theater. Also, the mask had a ritual meaning, personified a god or some entity from the other world in rituals.

Modern culture

Not only ancient traditions influence the art of tattooing, sometimes the products of modern mass culture affect us so much that in a sense they change our outlook on life. For example, thanks to the famous dystopia “V for Vendetta”, the Guy Fawkes mask has become one of the most popular tattoo symbols. His story takes us back to the 17th century, when the Briton Guy Fawkes, who was involved in the Gunpowder Plot, had to light a fuse that led to a gunpowder-filled room under the Houses of Parliament. It was there that he was captured by the authorities, and later, under torture, gave out the names of his associates. If at that time Guy Fawkes was considered a cowardly and dishonorable person, then main character The film speaks of him as a brave hero who was not afraid to challenge the authorities, even though he failed.
The image of the legendary conspirator even influenced the English language. A new word appeared in it - guy. Initially, it denoted an effigy, which was traditionally burned on November 5 - Guy Fawkes Night (it was this date that was marked by an attempt to blow up parliament). Later it began to be used to refer to any stuffed animal, then a tastelessly dressed person. In modern English language the word refers simply to a young man.

Meanings in modern tattoo art

A mask tattoo means the same thing for men and women, with the exception of Polynesian tics, which are traditionally considered a male attribute. The meaning of such a tattoo largely depends on the history of the appearance of the drawing, belonging to a particular culture, however, such images also have a common symbolism:

  • Stealth. Such a drawing is suitable for a person for whom it is important to keep certain aspects of his essence secret. The reasons can be different: distrust of others, shame, shyness, fear of rejection, fear of hurting other people's feelings, not justifying expectations, or simply introversion.
  • Protection. In this case, this is a fairly broad meaning. In the literal sense, the mask protects its owner, not allowing him to be identified, in a figurative sense, it serves as a talisman against trouble.
  • Duality of nature. Such a tattoo indicates that the character of its owner is ambiguous, he can show unexpected qualities.
  • Ability to adapt easily. The image of a theatrical attribute suggests that a person chooses a more advantageous role for himself, depending on the circumstances, coping well with each of them.


Such images most often act as the center of a composition with a Polynesian ornament, they are a talisman, they go well with traditional symbols: turtles, which are also considered a protective amulet, spirals - solar signs, lizards, indicating mental strength and well-developed intuition.

Chania mask

The Chania mask can display all that wide range of emotions that rage in a person suffering from unrequited love. In classical Japanese theatrical productions, when an actor wearing such a mask looks directly into the audience, the expression on the demon's face looks angry, aggressive and intimidating. But as soon as you tilt your head a little, completely different features appear in the image, there is a feeling that the demon is yearning, almost crying. Indeed, a person whose feelings have remained unshared is simultaneously angry at fate and the object of his sympathy, resentment, longing and pain.

Theatrical traditions

A smiling mask is an attribute of Thalia (the muse of comedy), which characterizes a positively minded person. His way of thinking is positive, he goes through life with a smile, readily meeting obstacles in his path.
The weeping mask is an attribute of Melpomene (the muse of tragedy). Such an image indicates melancholy, a pessimistic attitude, a tendency to fatalism.
A tattoo with two masks means that a person is able to reincarnate, play different roles, depending on what fate has prepared for him, what circumstances life puts him in front of.
Such images are perfectly combined with other theatrical surroundings: a curtain, musical instruments, binoculars.

Venetian masquerade

Venetian masquerade masks, although they differ due to the richness of decoration and color solutions, are designed to equalize all participants in the masquerade. Therefore, such drawings carry both the idea of ​​anonymity and the idea of ​​equality. Images of a girl in a mask are especially popular.


In addition to the famous V, the film industry has given us many characters that are now known to everyone and everyone. Hollywood masks usually speak of a passion for a particular film, the idea that is embedded in it. For example, Jason's mask from "Friday the 13th" indicates an interest in the topic of maniacs, massacres, the reasons why a person begins to commit atrocities. Such drawings look great in combination with images of murder weapons, for example, with a chainsaw, knife, machete.


If we are talking about a card figure, the Joker mask will indicate a gambler who is not afraid to take risks and enjoys it, if it is a DC Comics character, then the image will speak of sympathy for him, identifying himself with him.

Stylistic decisions

As for the style and color palette, the choice is very wide, but often depends on the symbolism and cultural characteristics drawing. For example, it would be completely illogical to depict tiki in any other style than Polynesian. The Chania mask tattoo also has certain limitations, because it looks good only in the traditional Japanese oriental style in combination with dark waves, lotuses, peonies and other attributes characteristic of such images. The color of the demonic face is of great importance - the darker it is, the stronger the demon's rage.

Bright, rich in rich colors tattoo sleeves with New School masks look gorgeous. A composition can consist of many elements: a stage, backstage, an auditorium, and even an orchestra pit. Interesting in this style are also works in which there is a share of sarcasm, for example, a laughing horned devil and a weeping angel with a halo. Such a tattoo may indicate that sometimes bad deeds bring joy and satisfaction, and good deeds bring pain and suffering.

A realistic portrait of a girl, whose face is hidden by a luxurious Venetian mask, on her hand will look cool. Realism is a rather complicated style, so choose the master responsibly, because not everyone will succeed in such work.

One of the popular images in Japanese tattoos is the Oni Demon. These ghostly, fearsome creatures are variously described in Eastern mythology and are most often the keepers of hell and the hunters of sinners.

In older tales, there are also good Demon protectors, such as monks, who became Oni after death to protect the temple.

In tattooing, Oni Demons are almost always depicted with horns, and their faces are often mask-like and are usually red or blue-grey in color.


In fact, the meaning of the image of the skull in the tattoo is deeper than is commonly believed. Most people do not think about the true meaning of the skull and associate it only with a negative point of view.

But the skull is not just danger, fear or death. Initially, the skull symbolized the "great change." At different peoples in the burial places you can see the image of one or more skulls.

In ancient society, the skull meant the celebration of death, that is, the transition to " new life”, showed respect for those who went through the greatest change and entered a new period of existence.

The hannya mask is one of the many masks used in traditional Japanese Noh theatre, which has been known for performances since around the 14th century.

MASK Hannya

The hannya mask is one of the many masks used in traditional Japanese Noh theatre, which has been known for performances since around the 14th century AD. And the masks were used by actors to convey the personality and characters of various characters in Japanese fairy tales.

The hannya mask represents an evil, jealous and vindictive woman who has turned into a demon out of envy and anger. Horns, fangs and sparkling eyes express resentment, hatred and suffering, and scattered hair symbolizes strong emotions.

In a tattoo, the hannya mask is sometimes complemented by masks of other characters, but it can also be a separate work. Traditionally, the hannya mask is made in red, and the brighter and more aggressive the color used, the stronger the emotions expressed in the tattoo.

A characteristic plot of a Japanese tattoo is Namakubi, a severed or pierced head with a vicious expression on the face.

Namakubi (severed head)

A characteristic plot of the Japanese tattoo is Namakubi, a severed or pierced head with a vicious expression on the face. Namakubi can symbolize courage, respect for an opponent, and a willingness to honor one's fate. It can be used as an element of the circle of life or to show others the punishment for an unrighteous life.

Masks for the theater Noh, as well as temple rituals and street festivals鬼面 "Oni-men".

1. 大鬼神 - DAIKIJIN- "Great Demon Gods", they are "Zenkishin" 善鬼神 ("Good demons" in their relativity).

Represent one of 8 shugendo demon gods (Buddhism + Shintoism + Taoism - the main religion of Japan), capable of changing their appearance (like all “they”), while the hostile entities of heaven and earth are 4 to 4 or 5 to 3. This devas, nagas, asuras, okha, garudas, gandharvas, kinnaras and mahoragas, specifically in the face of:

1) 梵天 , 弁才天 - Bontin, Bentin.Benten is equal to the Indian / Buddhist Saraswati - the goddess of higher wisdom, also one of the 7 gods of happiness (protects music), at the same time, is associated with the Shinto goddess of death - Izanami, who, having been good and good during her life, died became terrible and vindictive. In an angry aspect, it is depicted as an eight-handed, with a head entwined with a white snake, which brings it closer to the image of a spider-snake (that is, the image closest to the earth).

Her peaceful lute/biwa appearance can often be seen on Yakuza backs, as is the Hannya mask.般若 . Because, Saraswati is again the hypostasis of Prajna-devi(Hannya) - the mother of everything - both heavenly and earthly, the two-faced goddess - yin-yang (as well as the good and evil incarnations of Shakti). Although Buddhists will swear that this is the enlightened wisdom of the Buddha, but why then Hannya is a demon, they will not be able to answer.

2) 竜王 - Ryuuou."Dragon King" is the Nag(i/a) associated in Shinto with Yamata Orochi, in the form of a snake with a human torso and a human head, covered on top with a fan of snake heads, living in caves and reservoirs, on earth, in water or underground, representing the "wisdom of the earth." This is also a female hypostasis - a Shinja mask, or Jia or Maija 舞蛇 (Dancing snake) with protruding fangs and no ears:

3) 夜叉 - Yasha.He is an Indian me ksha, can be harmless forest demon / spirit - "Master of the forest", and maybe a cannibal vampire bearing divine punishment. The mask on the ancient images is closer to the Shinja with protruding fangs and horns:

In later variations, close to a dog's muzzle:

4) 乾闥婆 - Kendatsuba. Gandharvas. This is a whole class of male half-devas, half-beasts at the same time, serving to fulfill the whims and orders of the devas, on which their earthly or heavenly warehouse depends. In the first case - the enemies-tempters of people who have embarked on the path of "enlightenment". These are both the spirits of the air, and the spirits of forests and waters.

5) 阿修羅 - Ashura (Asyura)- Asura. Demons of anger, rage and madness. " Being proud of their power and wisdom, the asuras were filled with evil and were cast down by the gods from the sky ”(this is akin to Susanoo’s divorce from Amaterasu).

6) 迦楼羅 - Karura.Those. Garuda - "the all-devouring sun", the riding bird of Vishnu (the deva of the heavenly warehouse) - the enemy of the Asuras, and being the enemy of the wisdom of the Nagas, while being called the "enlightened mind" (precisely enlightened), i.e. incinerating unbelievers and adamant before God. The patroness of Buddhism, which supplants Shintoism and all sorts of demons that are contrary to the Buddha. True evil of heaven, in short x)

7) 緊那羅 - Kinnara.Kimnara, Kimpurusha - birds and lions with a human face or whole body.Heavenly servants of the Buddha.

8) - 羅伽 - Magoraka, Makoraka. Mahorags, creatures related to nagas, i.e. snakes-cobras, able to look like people, but in the service of Vishnu/Buddha.

The last 5 do not have their own mask, and the common terrible Daikijin mask is used:

2. 紅葉鬼 - MOMIJI-ONI- "Demon maple leaves».

Some demon of beautiful red maple leaves. There are people who are afraid of sakura, and there are maple leaves, and this is what they are this fear. It was once believed that it lives in maples scary ogre, thanks to which the leaves acquire their bloody color.

Tanka Takayama Kaoru 高山薫 :

鬼怒川の Kinugawa no

川面に写る Kawamo ni utsuru

山々の Yama-yama but

色深みゆく Irofukami yuku

峯の紅葉葉 Mine no momijiba.

"On the river of demonic anger,

Mountains of maple leaves float

Sprinkling reflections in it in its own color "

3. ナマハゲ NAMAHAGE- "Demon of a harsh life." New Year demon auditor. Cannibal from the mountains with sawn fangs and horns. This is akin to buffoons, a couple of mummers in Namahage, walk the streets and shout "Down with lazy people!", break into houses and demand food and drink, while scaring children and girls. The owner must feed them, than to prove that he lived all year, working diligently and not being lazy. Soothed by this, the demons leave before next year. This ceremony is considered a guarantee of health and prosperity for the beginning year.

4. 鬼太鼓面 ONDEKO-MAN- Drum Demon. On the drum and costume of the blond demon (or demoness, the mask has horns) there is a sign of 3 commas - “heaven-earth-man”, or maintaining the equality of yin-yang. The "demon" dances a demonic dance to the sound of a demonic drum, periodically beating the drum. In theory, this is a ritual dance, akin to a shaman's, designed to promote the fertility of the earth, i.e. bountiful harvest and prosperity.

Not so much an official representation of No, but an original folk one, like the previous one:

5. 鬼怒面 KIDO-MAN- Demon of Wrath. I did not find any information about him, except for the mask itself, akin to Kurohige and Akujou. Bald brunette bearded man without horns:

6. 緑鬼面  RYOKUKI-MAN,鬼面盃 KIMENSAZUKI- "green demon" or "demon dishes". The mask has 2 fangs and a compressed mouth. The ancient legend is unknown, but now it is believed that the image of this face under the bottom of the plate and a happy face at the bottom brings good luck, it's like "There is happiness from the hands of demons." Or:「手の内に福を収めて、鬼は外」 (Te no uchi ni fuku o osamete, oni wa soto) - "The demon outside is luck in the hands." Sometimes they eat from it the whole year, and on February 3 - the day of purification from demonic evil in oneself and around, it breaks.At the same time, the dishes should ideally be green (but this is not always observed), which itself is a guarantee of well-being:

7. 酒呑童子 SHUTEN-DOUJI- Drinking Boy. Somewhere in 794 appeared. His story is confusing, some researchers believe his son Susanoo from the girl he saved from Yamata Orochi. Susanoo built a house for them on the outskirts of Izumo - the entrance to the country of the dead of his mother Izanami, but he went on further campaigns, and his son began to drink sake from birth, drank liters and at the same time he was terribly strong and wise. Mother retreated somewhere. By the way, the fact that Sake was drunk before that by the Serpent Yamata Orochi is curious, so who was the son born into ...? X)In general, Yamata Orochi is the hypostasis of Susanoo, in fact, but the Japanese themselves do not know the truth of all that allegory. In general, by the age of 3, the boy had already become a wonderful young man and ladies' man, all the local girls hanged themselves for him. The monks began to be embarrassed by his such behavior and christened him a demon, apparently of debauchery.

According to another version, he was the son of just Yamata Orochi and some girl, he was distinguished by super strength, he robbed cities until he was killed Minamoto Yorimitsu from heavenly powers Amaterasu.

According to the third, neither one nor the other, but simply the son of a blacksmith, whose parents handed him over to a monastery as unnecessary in the province of Echigo - the homeland of Uesugi Kenshin. There are many more versions, but there is little sense in them, it is only known that he served as a prototype for the mass of legendary strongmen from birth and despised demon children. He is also Shoujou - the red-haired sake demon:

But mostly depicted as all "they", with proximity to the Shinja -

8. 虎熊童子 TORA-KUMA-DOUJI - "Tiger-bear boy",熊童子 KUMA-DOUJI- "Boy-bear",金熊童子 KANE-KUMA-DOUJI - “golden bear boy” (hence Kintaro),大毛童子 DAIMO-DOUJI"Strong-haired boy" - go back to the previous one, strong children. Or the son of Susanoo was, for sure, more than one, and they are all considered born demons.

9. 青鬼 AO-ONI and 赤鬼 AKA-ONI(Shakki) - Blue and red demons.

Brothers, almost twins.A collective image from the previous ones, in the 20th century, were popularized by certain writers-brothers-cartoonists, known by the same names: Yamane Aoooni and Yamane Akaoni (1934). Having become a kind of symbol of Japan, they can be jesters, they can be mean, they can be crybabies because people do not want to play with them and they have to live in the mountains.

And it happens that "they" look like this x):

(By the way, it was from this sledgehammer that the bandit idea of ​​driving nails into a bat developed.

And also male femininity, widespread since ancient times, began with the fact that all horned "they" - from the female sex come. Warriors deliberately approached the obliteration of the edge of the floor, in order to achieve higher wisdom and strength. Hence all these fans, umbrellas, pipes, long hair, chic kimonos, manners, etc., which can be seen both in theater performances and in any, at least somewhat historical anime)

Also Red and Blue demons are used in Buddhist and Shinto rites to exorcise demons, masks close to Shinja:

10. COCKIES (KURO-ONI) 黒鬼 - "Black Demon", sometimes 3rd to the 2nd previous. With a small hammer, some say he knocks stupidity out of a human head x)

According to another version, the demon of battles, in samurai armor, holds a sword and a rope - lasso eyv hell. Sometimes, paired with a shakki (red demon), they dance a dance of mortal combat:

11. 生成 NAMANARI- "Revived". This is the state prior to becoming a Hannya or Shinja, the mask grows fangs and horns. This is the ghost of an unfortunate woman who died or committed suicide. Feeling unavenged, she does not rest in peace, and from yurei turns into a great demoness of Yin nature, and punishes the guilty, then the innocent, until someone calms her down.

12. 山姥 YAMANBA- "Mountain Witch". Known since the Heian period. Another incarnation of a wild woman, akin to our Baba Yaga, who went to hermitage in a hut in the forest mountains. It eats lost travelers, whom it lures, turning into a beauty. Sometimes, calling himself a guide, he leads them into steep rocks and pushes them into the abyss. Can transform her hair into poisonous snakes stinging the victim. She steals children, in general, since ancient times, all human losses were hung on her. There are cases when a witch shares her secret knowledge with one of the people if he delivers another person to her to be eaten, or is capable of any other exchange. In other myths, she is simply an eternally lonely hermit, living in harmony with nature.

In one of the dramas of the No theater, its founder, Zeami Motokiyo, presented Yamanba as a nanny who raised a great hero (which is equivalent to a demon of war) - Sakata-no-Kietaki (he is also the prototype of Sakata Gintoki from Gintama), and his prototype is also Kintaro, also Shuten Douji, i.e. baby Susanoo or Yamata Orochi.

13. 黒髭 KUROHIGE- "Blackbeard". Something like our Chernomor. The hermit sorcerer or demon god of the earth, also has connections with snakes, the mask has no ears. Could be a dragon living in the sea. He is sometimes referred to as the patron god of the Noh theater itself.

14 鬼武悪 ONI-BUAKU- Evil Warrior Demon.

It goes back to the evil old man Akujou, his next stage of transition from the ghost of an evil male warrior into a demon who haunts his sons after the death, so that they avenge him, like the shadow of Hamlet's father.

15. 烏天狗 KARASU-TENGU- "Tengu-crow" - the patron of dark ninjas.