How to wash the microwave inside from fat. We clean the microwave from fat - quickly and easily

  • 13.06.2019

With the modern pace of life, food often has to be heated exclusively in microwaves - it's quick and easy. It is not surprising that housewives are wondering how to clean the microwave at home quickly and efficiently.

Folk remedies

Most fast way- See what improvised means in your own kitchen will help to cope with microwave contamination. As a rule, you don’t even need to go to the store for this: every housewife has stocks of vinegar or, for example, soda. Here are a few methods on how to clean a microwave oven at home in 5 minutes:

  • Take a deep bowl suitable for microwave oven, and pour ordinary water into it. Do not take a glass or too narrow bowls - it is better that the evaporation area is wide enough. Then set the timer for 10-15 minutes (check that the power of the device is at maximum). Now you need to wait for this time to expire, and then wipe the walls with a sponge. Strong chemicals are no longer needed.
  • This method is very similar to the first one. However, now you need to add three tablespoons to the water baking soda(make sure that the volume of liquid does not exceed 2/3 of the container). We put the bowl in the microwave and leave it there for a quarter of an hour. maximum power. Experienced housewives who know exactly how to clean the microwave at home quickly and effectively with soda, they advise not to immediately remove the bowl from the device: let it remain there for another twenty minutes. If such a procedure does not help eliminate particularly hardened dirt, it can be repeated - only now set the timer for 10 minutes. Even the most old fat will be easily rubbed off along with water droplets that have come out on the walls of the microwave oven.
  • If you have vinegar, then you can not only clean the microwave at home quickly and efficiently, but also understand how to get rid of the unpleasant smell inside the device. The problem with the smell can haunt absolutely everyone who regularly uses a microwave oven: it is only necessary to warm up once, for example, fish, fast food or a spicy Asian dish. Vinegar must be added to water and follow the same instructions as for baking soda. This method compares favorably with the use of household chemicals: vinegar will not leave behind any specific smell.

Cleansing with lemon

  • Few housewives know how to clean the microwave at home quickly and effectively with lemon. This method is also distinguished by a unique aroma that fills not only the microwave oven, but the entire kitchen. Any citrus can be used for cleaning, but it is lemon that is recognized as the most effective in the difficult fight against particles of grease and dirt. The fruit must be cut into pieces of any shape and any size, put in a suitable plate, and then pour water - you need about 20 ml. Then we put the container in the oven and turn on the microwave at maximum power. Consider the features of your device: the time can vary from 5 to 20 minutes. Then, with a soft sponge (or a dry soft cloth), you need to carefully get rid of the dirt adhering to the walls of the microwave, after which you need to wipe the device dry. Obviously, the citrus fruits involved in the cleansing process are not recommended. All the same can be done with citric acid, but the fruit version is more fragrant.

Lemon can help clean your microwave

In addition to the folk remedies described above, do not forget about such an effective assistant as laundry soap. It was it that always came to the aid of Soviet housewives, and now, undeservedly forgotten, it rescues only experienced women from everyday troubles. To wash the microwave inside with soap, you need to lather it well, carefully apply it to the walls of the microwave oven and leave it in this state for about ten minutes. The dirt will “move away” from the walls, soften and become pliable - you can easily get rid of it with a soft sponge.

Please note: check that you have completely removed the soap residue. Otherwise, the next time you turn on the microwave, you will feel the characteristic smell of burning - this is not scary, but it can be unpleasant.

Before and after cleansing

Household chemicals

Many modern housewives avoid " grandmother's ways” and believe that the cleanser is easier to buy in the store, and not create from improvised materials. Maybe there is a grain of truth in this: the modern market offers many household products that allow you to get rid of the most greasy contaminants. So, we tell you how to clean the microwave at home quickly and efficiently:

  • In addition to a sponge and water, you will need any glass cleaner. First you need to disconnect the microwave from the power source. Then we mix the liquid for washing glasses and water (proportion 2: 1). Determine the amount of solution yourself - it should be enough to wash the oven not only inside, but also outside. Then we immerse the sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the microwave, including all its constituent elements - the ring and the plate. Hardened spots should be moistened most abundantly with detergent - let it be on the walls of the microwave for at least 5-7 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly wash the microwave with water - a new soft sponge or cloth is suitable for this.

Specialized Microwave Cleaning Sprays

  • If the pollution is not so strong, then you can do without a windshield wiper. If you want to clean the microwave at home quickly and efficiently, do not forget about such a tool as "Fairy". It is not necessary to choose the chemistry of this particular brand, however, Fairy is most familiar to many housewives, as it has established itself as one of the best detergents. And this is not about rubbing the walls of the microwave with a sponge: strong chemicals risk scratching the device. Cleaning should be non-contact. To do this, we immerse the sponge in water, add detergent to it (its area should be the size of a two-ruble coin). We foam the product well by squeezing and unclenching the sponge. Install minimum power and leave the sponge in the microwave, including the oven for 30 seconds. Vapors of Fairy or other products will soften the build-up of dirt and make the cleansing procedure easy. On the Internet, for the query “how to clean a microwave oven at home quickly and efficiently”, there are many videos, among which you can find the described manipulations with a sponge.
  • Specialized microwave cleaning sprays. Such products are sold in any department of household chemicals - the main thing is to choose exactly the product that is suitable for cleaning microwave ovens. You can read the manual on the spray itself, but it usually comes down to you spraying the spray inside the microwave and leaving it on for 5-7 minutes, then wiping it down with a damp cloth. Be careful not to get any liquid or detergent behind the microwave grill.

The main disadvantage of household chemicals is that its use is more expensive than the use of folk remedies. After all, it is much more economical than an expensive fashionable spray.

When choosing a cleaning method, you need to pay attention to many nuances. Next Tips help you clean your microwave minimal cost time and effort:

  • When cleaning the microwave oven, you must first remove the ring and glass plate from the oven, and then wipe the top wall and grate. After we wipe the side walls, then the bottom, and only then the microwave door.
  • So that stains of grease and dirt do not have time to grow old, but bother you as little as possible, the cleaning procedure should be carried out at least once a month.
  • More frequent washing contributes to proper care of the microwave oven. Warm up food only in a plastic cap - it will protect the walls of the microwave oven from greasy splashes.
  • Reheat food in exclusively suitable utensils. The best (and healthiest) glassware that bears the microwave safe label.

Reheat food in exclusively suitable utensils

  • The cap can be replaced cling film, however, the option with a plastic cap is more economical.
  • If your microwave is enameled inside, be especially careful with strong products - these include not only household chemicals, but also citric acid along with vinegar. Do not heat these products for a long time - otherwise you risk damaging the surface of the microwave oven.
  • If old stains of grease and dirt at close range do not want to disappear, and even a steam bath cannot help, it's time to think about olive oil. After any of the above procedures, soak a cloth in oil and wipe the microwave with it - this should remove even the most stubborn stains.
  • Do not use sponges or cloths that are too hard (e.g. metal coated). In addition to scratching the enameled surface, there is another risk: metal particles tend to crumble. If such a crumb falls behind the microwave grate, a fire may occur or the device may simply break down.

Reheat food only in a plastic hood

  • The use of strong chemicals can also lead to fire and damage to the microwave. It's best to read the product's manual to see if it's microwave safe or not.
  • Avoid abrasive products for cleaning the microwave oven. They are not only harmful to the appearance of the device, but also, due to their chemical properties, are dangerous during subsequent heating of food.
  • If it turned out that you heated fatty food in the microwave without covering it with a cap or paper, it is better to remove the stains and greasy splashes immediately, preventing them from drying out.
  • It is better to wash the equipment using a minimum amount of water - there is a risk of flooding the microwave oven grate and hopelessly ruining the device.
  • Do not attempt to disassemble the device yourself. If dirt has penetrated inside, contact the master. It might be cheaper to buy a new device. However, you will not have to spend money in case of proper care.

Remember that it is much easier to prevent old grease stains from forming than it is to remove them. Your microwave oven will serve you for a long time proper care and the implementation of all the preventive measures described above.

When cleaning the kitchen, you should pay enough attention to household appliances. This is especially true for the products with which we cook food. One of them is a microwave oven. Today it is in almost every home. Its versatility allows housewives to find an indispensable assistant in the kitchen in the microwave, so it is often used at work.

However, splashes of grease, evaporation from liquid products can greatly contaminate the inside of the unit. The impossibility to wash the inner walls of the furnace from dirt in a timely manner leads to the fact that the stains eat into. So how to quickly clean the microwave? By what means?

Microwave ovens have relatively recently entered the life of housewives. Today, with their help, we can not only warm up the cooled products, but also defrost them, cook food, and sterilize cans for seaming.

The simplicity of the device allows it to be used even by the elderly and small children. The latter, due to their age, are still not accurate enough, so it is very difficult to avoid contamination of the device, including persistent ones.

Before answering the question of how easy it is to clean a microwave from grease and other contaminants, you need to sort out the main points for the correct use of the device.

Before you use one of the small life hacks that tell you how to clean the microwave, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules for cleaning:

  • disconnect the device from the mains;
  • refuse hard brushes, especially those in the bristles of which iron is present. Its remaining particles inside the oven will burn it as soon as you turn on the device;
  • use water in minimal quantities;
  • do not abuse cleaning products;
  • do not disassemble the device yourself, do not try to remove the top covers. This work is only for professionals.

We can wash the internal fat with the help of detergents sold in household chemical stores. They are made specifically for microwave ovens. The one with the corresponding icons on the label will be safe.

Usually, the products are made in the form of sprays or solutions. Using them is very simple:

More precise instructions for each cleaner are printed on its label.

Sprays must be used very carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the grating under which the magnetron is located. Liquid should not get in there.

Special products designed for cleaning ovens will also perfectly wash grease. They need to be spread with a sponge inner surface oven, wait a few minutes and rinse with a damp cloth. After that, the microwave should be left open for a couple of hours to weather the remnants of the cleaning agent.

Another household chemical that is very effective in combating kitchen pollution is laundry soap, despite its bad smell and unpresentable appearance. These two negative qualities compensated by the antibacterial and disinfectant properties of the soap.

To wash the oven, you need to prepare a solution from shavings of laundry soap and warm water. Whisk a rich foam, which is applied to the inner surface of the microwave, then wait 30-40 minutes. The dirt should go away without a trace.

Many say that I rub and clean the device with special tools, but the effect is zero. If you can't clean the oven chemical compounds or afraid to use them, try to use effective folk ways suitable for home use.

There are many ways to clean the microwave from fat. All of them are available at home. You need to choose your method based on the degree of contamination, as well as the time period that has elapsed since the last cleaning of the furnace. If fresh stains can be removed very easily, then old ones will have to be pretty tricky.

Pretty quickly, you will wash the oven with plain water. To do this, pour liquid into a shallow container, place it in the oven and turn it on for a couple of minutes at maximum power.

During boiling, moisture in the form of condensate covers the walls of the microwave and dissolves grease smudges. At the end of the procedure, clean all walls with a soft cloth or sponge. If some part of the fat continues to remain on the walls, the procedure should be repeated.

If in some places the pollution is very strong, then they can be removed with mustard powder or baking soda. These universal products will perfectly wash the surface, but at the same time they will not harm the coating, as they are quite soft.

You can remove the stubborn thick layer of fat with vinegar and lemon.

Vinegar - universal remedy in every kitchen and in every home. It is not only added to dishes, but also actively used as a cleaning agent for various surfaces and appliances. Despite the pungent odor, which, by the way, will disappear after a short period of time, too strong pollution is washed with vinegar, including on microwave ovens.

If greasy spots did not occupy the inner surface of the microwave, it is enough just to apply the solution to a soft cloth and walk it along all the walls of the device.

In the case when there are old spots of fat, you need to use another, more effective method. In a dish suitable for use in microwave ovens, pour one liter of water and dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar in it.

Put the container inside the device, turning it on at maximum power. The operating time of the product is 10-15 minutes. At the end of the cycle, do not open the oven for approximately one hour. During this time, the vinegar vapor will cover the walls of the microwave and dissolve a layer of fat on them. The spots will be erased without a trace.

If you find the use of vinegar unacceptable because of its smell, you should use another, more fragrant and no less effective tool- lemon.

You can not only wash the microwave with lemon, but also get a fresh citrus scent in the kitchen. In addition to lemon, you can use other citrus fruits - orange, grapefruit.

We clean the microwave with lemon as follows:

  • cut two or three small lemons into slices;
  • we place them in dishes intended for use in the oven;
  • pour one glass of water;
  • we put inside the device, which we turn on at maximum power for 10-15 minutes;
  • after the completion of the heating cycle, we wait another 10-15 minutes;
  • unplug the appliance and start washing.

We wash off the remaining fat with plain water and a soft cloth. This will be very easy to do, since the vapors released by the lemon have already fulfilled their function - they have dissolved fat and other impurities.

With this method, you can use not only the whole lemon, but also its zest. The procedure will be the same as above.

If there are no lemons, the same can be done with citric acid. It is enough just to dilute its crystals (30 grams) in 200-300 ml of water, evaporate the liquid in the oven and rub it. Just don't wait for the smell of lemon in this case.

How to clean a microwave with baking soda?

Despite the skepticism of microwave oven manufacturers towards baking soda, this available remedy can become a real panacea in the fight against grease and other contaminants on the inner surface of the device. If you use the powder correctly, it will not be difficult to wash the microwave inside.

It is important not to use soda as a abrasive tool for aggressive microwave cleaning. Otherwise, surface damage cannot be avoided.

In order to qualitatively wash the microwave from the inside, you need to use a simple recipe:

  • dilute five tablespoons of baking soda in 0.5 liters of water;
  • place the container with the solution inside the oven and turn on the unit at the highest power for about 15 minutes;
  • when the evaporation process is completed, leave the device closed for 10-15 minutes;
  • Use a soft cloth to wipe all the inner walls of the product.

Who at least once used this method, was able to verify its effectiveness and continues to clean the microwave with it. Especially effective this method in the fight against aged fat.

Cleanliness will be incomplete if, after washing, an unpleasant odor comes from the appliance. You can also get rid of it with the help of available means.

If you washed the oven, but felt when you first turned it on, this means that the appliance was not wiped well enough. It's not scary. You just need to wipe it all over again.

All of the above tips will not only make irrelevant the question of how to easily and quickly wash the microwave from grease and other contaminants, but will also allow you to keep the device constantly clean. Agree, because cooking and heating food in a shiny oven is much more pleasant than in a dirty one.

In most cases, all members of the family resort to the services of this kitchen assistant. As a result, over time, grease stains appear on the surface of the household appliance and inside. Therefore, in today's article I will tell you how to clean the microwave at home, and consider safe and effective ways cleaning.

Home appliances make life easier modern hostess, and not the last place in the list of such assistants is the microwave oven. It allows you to defrost food in the shortest possible time, prepare an excellent meal or warm up a dish before a meal.

Safety and Precautions

As with other household appliances, cleaning a microwave oven requires a correct, careful and as safe approach as possible. To protect yourself and loved ones from problems and unpleasant consequences, listen to the following recommendations.

  1. Before cleaning, make sure that the appliance is not connected to the mains. Keep children, dogs, cats, and other pets out of the kitchen until the process is complete.
  2. During the procedure, pay special attention to cleaning the door and sealing gum. The safety of the family largely depends on the purity of these elements.
  3. Any product bought in a store or made by yourself, apply with gloves. When cleaning the microwave with chemicals, make sure that the room is properly ventilated.
  4. In the case of steam cleaning, use a protective stand. Often, under steam pressure, the door opens, and splashes of boiling water scatter around the room.
  5. Do not use abrasive pads, metal bristle brushes, gels or powders containing strong acids, solid particles or chlorine for cleaning. Otherwise, damage the protective layer of the microwave chamber.
  6. Solvents and alcohols are not suitable for cleaning the instrument. Their use is fraught with damage to the surface of the equipment, electric shock or fire.

If you have never had to clean a microwave oven yourself, read the material repeatedly and follow the recommendations. If necessary, seek help from experienced friends.

How to clean a microwave in 5 minutes

Sometimes there is a need for a quick cleaning of the microwave oven, but not always at hand there is a bottle of purchased chemicals or a time-tested folk remedy. In this case, ordinary water comes to the rescue. Water-based microwave cleaning technology is called steaming.

Pour two cups of water into a plastic container and microwave. Activate the timer for 10 minutes at medium or maximum power. At the end of the program, unplug the appliance, remove the container and wipe inner part technique with a cloth or napkin.

Video instruction

The secret of this method is painfully simple. In 10 minutes, the water boils, and under the influence of hot steam, the fat softens. To improve the effect, I recommend adding a little vinegar, citric acid or soda to the water.

Cleaning the inside of the microwave

With regular use, the internal chamber of the microwave becomes dirty, no matter how carefully the hostess treats the appliance. To clean the inner walls of the kitchen assistant, use it as folk remedies, and purchased chemicals. Let's figure out the best way to deal with fat, adhering food residues and an unpleasant odor that appeared after cooking chips, fish or meat.

Effective folk remedies

When the amount of fat in the microwave oven becomes catastrophic, some housewives resort to chemistry to eliminate it, others use it as much as possible. safe methods based on public funds. And if the family has kids or allergies, natural remedies become indispensable. Let's consider them.

  • Vinegar. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 150 ml of water. Pour the resulting composition into a plastic container, put in the microwave and turn on the timer for 5 minutes at medium or maximum power. After fogging the glass, turn it off and walk along the walls with a clean sponge. This method has a drawback - the unpleasant smell of acetic acid, so after the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the oven chamber.
  • Lemon acid . At correct use this tool provides excellent results. Dilute two sachets of the mixture with a glass of water and place in the oven in a special container. After 5 minutes of operation of the device at medium or maximum power, remove the softened fat with a damp sponge.
  • Soda. This tool is resorted to by people who found metal baking sheets and cast iron pans. Soda copes with the primary task perfectly, but leaves scratches on the inner surface. In the future, it becomes more difficult to eliminate pollution, so I recommend using more gentle products for internal cleaning.
  • Lemon. After using lemon, the microwave oven not only becomes clean, but also smells good. Pour 2 cups of water into the container, cut the fruit in half, squeeze out the juice, add to the water along with the remaining lemon. Put the container in the microwave, turn on for 10 minutes, then wipe the inside with a napkin or paper towel.

Interestingly, it is more difficult to cope with the smell accumulated inside the microwave than with stains. Even citric acid along with detergents sometimes it turns out to be powerless. Fortunately, there are substances that absorb third-party odors. These include activated charcoal and salt.

Video tips

Pour a glass into a large bowl, add 10 powdered activated charcoal tablets, mix and microwave overnight. In the morning, you will be surprised to find that the bad smell has disappeared. I advise you to carry out this simple procedure after each complex cleaning.

Purchased chemistry

Thanks to chemical industry available to us a large number of products that quickly and effectively clean the microwave oven. When developing these tools, all the requirements of manufacturers are taken into account. household appliances, so such chemistry is safe for the elements of the device.

The list of effective and popular means is headed by products trademarks"Mr. Muscle", "Cillit Bang", "AmWay". Powder products are diluted with water before use, and liquids are applied to the surface from a sprayer. Later, the place is wiped with a clean cloth.

If you decide to use household chemicals to clean the microwave, be sure to read the instructions. If the first attempt to remove contamination failed, repeat the procedure.

Purchased chemistry has several disadvantages, including high cost. Also, after using such a product, it becomes necessary to thoroughly rinse the chamber. If the oven is not cleaned properly, when heated, chemicals will enter the cooking dish. It is not safe.

Mistresses are well aware of the shortcomings of purchased chemistry, so they often use folk remedies, which we talked about earlier.

How to quickly clean the outside of the microwave?

During the use of the microwave, fat appears not only inside, but also outside. If stains and stains appear on the body, act.

  1. soda solution - the best remedy for outdoor cleaning. Spray the solution onto the plastic surface, wait 15 minutes and remove with a damp sponge. Finish with a dry cloth. Use toothpicks and cotton swabs to remove dirt in the seams and around the keys.
  2. Household chemicals are also suitable for surface cleaning, for example, Fakir or Fenolux. Apply a small amount of the product to a clean sponge and walk over the surface. Next, wipe the microwave housing with a damp cloth. Remove any remaining moisture with a towel.

Thanks to such simple manipulations without special efforts return your irreplaceable assistant to its original appearance, and she will express her gratitude in the form of tasty and fragrant treats, for example, baked apples.

Due to certain reasons, whether it is a lack of free time or banal laziness, cleaning the microwave oven is often postponed until later. Is not The best way keeping equipment clean. Periodic preventive cleaning is much better, because it saves time and extends the service life. What is needed for this?

Keeping home appliances clean takes a lot of time for many women housewives. Especially if the house has a lot of different household appliances, from coffee grinders and juicers to electric and microwave ovens.

Fortunately, care modern technology, mainly, consists only in their timely washing and cleaning, which, in turn, prolongs the life of household appliances.

Today we will wash the inside of the microwave, it is inside, since the inside of the microwave is usually the most polluted. Wash the outside too.

As always, let's start with products that can be used to clean microwave ovens.

How to clean a microwave oven

Personally, I use regular household cleaners available at any hardware store, or the hardware section of most grocery stores, to clean my microwave.

I try to buy funds that are not the most expensive, since the effect of them is about the same. I prefer to take funds in the form of sprays - sprayers. They are more convenient, and evenly sprayed on the treated surface.

In principle, any means for washing household appliances with the effect of "anti-grease" is suitable. If your microwave oven is made of stainless steel, you must purchase special means for washing stainless steel appliances, for example, the same as we washed a stainless steel gas stove, or make sure that the cleaning agent available in the house is suitable for washing such household appliances.

Under no circumstances should you wash the inside of a microwave oven, especially a microwave oven made of stainless steel, with abrasive cleaners. That is, such household appliances cannot be washed with undiluted Pemo Lux powder or undiluted, semi-dry soda.

Powder microparticles can easily damage the surface of the oven, leaving small scratches on it. And this will not only spoil the appearance of household appliances, but can also affect its performance.

For example, you know that metal utensils or ceramic utensils on which reflective elements are painted cannot be placed in a microwave oven. From such dishes, the included microwave oven starts to spark, and it can simply catch fire.

For the same reason, when washing, it is impossible to rub the inner walls of the oven with a hard or metal brush. No matter how much you want to wash the fat that has eaten into the walls, you simply cannot scrub it in this way - you will ruin your household appliances.

If you plan to use powder products for washing, pour such a product on a sponge or cloth, add a little water and knead with your finger to make a semi-liquid slurry. And only after that, gently wipe the walls of your microwave oven with the resulting composition.

We wash the inside of the microwave from grease and other dirt

1) Taking a Critical Look at the Inside of the Microwave Oven

Let's see what condition it's in. Try rubbing the walls of the oven with a damp cloth or finger: if the grease residues are easily erased, then there should be no difficulty in washing.

If the dirt and grease have already thoroughly dried up, then before you start washing, put a glass cup or bowl of water in the microwave oven, in which you first need to add a little detergent for washing household appliances. Turn on the oven for a couple of minutes, without closing the bowl with a lid, so that the water and the agent gradually evaporate.

This will help soften the grease that has dried on the walls of your appliances and make them easier to clean.

2) Turn off the microwave oven from electricity

This must be done for your safety - it will save you from a possible electric shock when washing household appliances with a damp cloth.

3) We take out the stand and the roller twisting base from the oven.

We treat the stand with dishwashing detergent - let it stand for a while, “get wet”. Next, we wash the stand like a regular food plate.

4) We treat the walls, the ceiling and the base of our electrical appliance with detergent

When processing, try not to get into the ventilation holes - it will be almost impossible to rinse the product in them, but the smell after such a wash will remain. Yes, and an excess of such a tool when you turn it on again can lead to a short circuit.

H3>5) Leave the applied detergent for a while

The duration depends on the condition of the stove - the dirtier the stove, the longer you need to wait. Do not let the product dry on the walls of the microwave - it will be difficult to wash it.

6) Wipe with a damp cloth all the internal surfaces of the oven

As I wrote above, abrasives, as well as brushes with hard or metal bristles, cannot be used to wash the oven - this will simply ruin it without achieving the desired result.

7) Repeat if necessary

If you have not achieved the desired result, and there are still specks of grease on the inside walls and ceiling of the microwave oven, then you need to re-treat the inside of your oven with detergent. Leave it on for a while, then rinse thoroughly, washing off the remnants of the product.

8) Rinse thoroughly again

When washing off detergents, the rag used for this must be thoroughly rinsed in water. Remember, if you don't clean up leftover household chemicals, they can get into food that is being heated or cooked in a microwave oven, and eventually into your stomach, which can cause serious poisoning or allergies.

9) Rinse outside

After washing the inside of the oven, it is also necessary to wash it outside.

We wash the outer part of the furnace and controls

1) We treat the outer surface with a detergent, as well as the end and side parts of the open door of the appliance. Let's leave it for a while.

2) Thoroughly rinse the treated surfaces, not forgetting to rinse the cloth several times.

3) We wipe the stove controls, especially if they are made in the form of levers.

We finish washing and turn on the oven

    After washing the inside and outside of the stove, once again wipe the stove dry with a clean, semi-dry cloth.

    We put in place the delivery and the roller base.

    We make sure that the oven is wiped dry, and turn it on to the electrical network.

    We check the performance: we put a bowl of water inside the oven, close it with a lid so that there are no extra fumes, and turn it on.

That's all. The microwave has been cleaned and is ready to go again.

A few tips to keep your microwave clean longer

1) When reheating or cooking any food, especially oily or liquid food, always use a lid. The presence of a lid prevents food from splashing, leaving ugly marks on the inner surface of the oven.

2) If food or food remains on the walls of the oven, immediately after heating, wipe the inside surface of the oven with a dry soft cloth or paper towel, without waiting for the oven to cool completely and the food or fat to dry on its walls. When wiping the stove, be careful - you can easily get burned.

3) After cooking or reheating food, especially food with a strong aroma, keep the oven door open a little - this will ensure the oven is ventilated, it dries quickly, and, as a result, the accumulation of microbes in it will be reduced.

Updated 09/24/2017

Before considering various options how to clean a microwave from fat, it is worth mentioning a method that significantly reduces its pollution. This acquisition of special plastic caps to cover reheated dishes. They prevent splashing of fat on the inner walls of the oven, thereby saving the hostess time for washing the appliance.

Ways to clean the microwave oven from fat

Cleaning the microwave with vinegar in 5 minutes. To bring the microwave oven into proper shape, you will need a capacious plate made of a material specially designed for microwave ovens. It is enough to fill it halfway with water, add a couple of drops of vinegar, put it inside the oven and turn on the timer for 5 minutes. Under the influence of temperature, the water will begin to evaporate from the plate and gradually soften the fat along with the remnants of the food. The vinegar will remove the bad smell. After automatic shutdown stoves, you only need to clean wet wipe surface of the walls, then wipe dry. As you can see, using vinegar to clean the microwave is not difficult.

Important!!! To avoid burns, when removing the water container from the microwave oven, be careful not to hot water did not splash on the skin.

How to easily clean your microwave oven with citrus

You can quickly and effectively clean a soiled microwave oven with citrus fruits such as lemon. To do this, a heat-resistant glass must be half filled with water, add a teaspoon of squeezed lemon juice and a couple of pieces of the fruit itself. Put the glass in the microwave at full power for 7 minutes. After turning off the timer, do not pull out the glass for another 10 minutes, then open the oven door and wipe the walls and surface with a damp cloth, then dry it dry.

Cleansing with soda

It should be diluted 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ordinary baking soda in 0.5 liters of water, pour into a special container and place inside the microwave oven. Turn on the microwave at maximum power, the timer - for 15 minutes. After the oven is turned off, you need to wait 10 minutes until the dirt and fat soften. Then it remains to remove the residue with a damp soft washcloth and wipe the surface dry with a clean, dry cloth.

Removing old dry dirt with vinegar

If there are old, hard-to-remove and hard-to-wash stains on the walls of the oven, you can clean the microwave with vinegar. To do this, prepare an acid solution of 2 tbsp in a glass of heat-resistant glass. tablespoons of vinegar. Put the glass inside the oven, set the power to maximum, set the timer to the 5 minute position. After the oven turns off, do not immediately pull out the glass. In order for the stains on the walls to soften, it will take about 15 minutes for the glass to be in the oven. Next, we draw out the glass and easily clean the inner surface.

Attention!!! In no case should you pour a full glass of water in order to avoid getting it behind the bars located in the wall and causing damage.

Removal of unpleasant odor and fat with a solution of citric acid

You can thoroughly clean the microwave oven with a prepared solution of citric acid. To do this, you must first dilute it with water, as in the previous versions, and steam the microwave chamber for 20 minutes. After that, wipe the walls of the device with a damp cloth and dry it from moisture with a dry cloth.

Getting rid of impurities with orange

This method is the most gentle. Plus, it's simple and affordable. Orange absorbs well unpleasant odors and cleans the work surface. To clean the microwave, just use the zest of 1 orange. It should be placed in a deep container, half filled with water, put in the oven to steam for 10 minutes. When the water is gradually heated, the orange peel will begin to release essential oils, which, when combined with steam, will settle on the contaminated areas of the stove and soften them. After turning off the timer, wait another 15 minutes, then wipe the inner surface with a damp cloth, removing food residue, grease and dirt.

Cleaning the microwave oven from stubborn stains

For heavily stubborn grease stains, it is effective to apply special detergents intended for microwave ovens to the inner walls.

They are applied in the manner described above. A plate with detergents is placed inside the oven, the oven is turned on at full power, the timer is set to 10 minutes and steamed. After automatic shutdown of the oven, the surface is wiped with a clean soft cloth.

Important!!! Do not use products with a strong and pungent odor due to the possible impregnation of dishes during further cooking. Knowing how to properly clean the microwave with citric acid, you can not be afraid of damaging its surface, wear and tear of the device.

Removing fat with "Mr. Muscle"

It is enough to apply the cleaning agent "Mr. Muscle" on the inner surface of the walls, turn on the oven for 1 minute at maximum power, steam it. Then wipe the inside walls of the device with a damp cloth, then wipe dry.

How to clean the microwave in minutes?

Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into a cup with ½ water. If you don't have a fresh lemon on hand, you can use citric acid(1 teaspoon). You should put the cup with the prepared solution inside the microwave and turn on the device for 10 minutes. After turning off the timer, wipe dry the inside. If there is burnt fat on the walls, it is easy to clean it off by adding another 1 teaspoon of soda to this solution.

How to properly wash a spinning disc

When starting to wash a rotating disk, you need to know the composition of the internal coating of the microwave, otherwise the device may be damaged.

Since the inside of the microwave oven is covered with a very thin, easily damaged layer that reflects microwave waves, the use of hard washcloths and rags, as well as soda and other cleaning granular substances, has a bad effect on its cleaning. they scratch the surface, damaging the appliance.

Carefully and delicately clean the rotating disk will help:

  • liquid and gel detergents;
  • soft washcloths and rags;
  • easy cleansing without unnecessary grater and crush.

When choosing any of the methods for cleaning the microwave oven, do not forget to wipe the working chamber with a damp cloth in order to remove dirt and prepare the inside of the device for further use.

After removing grease and dirt from the inside of the case, clean the turntable and the outside of the turntable. The tray is easy to clean with dishwashing detergent. It is advisable to clean the housing with gentle glass cleaners.

When you start cleaning your microwave oven, be sure to unplug it. Wash the device carefully, constantly making sure that moisture does not get into the ventilation openings. It is best to purchase and use a special microwave lid. It will help to avoid getting fat during heating food on the surface of the inner walls.

After cleaning the microwave oven, regularly monitor it for contamination, wipe off fresh stains as necessary, and keep the inside of the chamber clean. Remember that fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones.

Don't forget to wipe down the inside of the microwave after every meal.

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