How to wash the refrigerator inside and out: caring for the new and the old. How and what is the best way to wash the refrigerator inside after defrosting from dirt, mold and smell? – basic rules and suitable detergents

  • 14.06.2019

Appliances needs regular care. However, almost more than others, it is the refrigerator that requires cleaning and proper operation. It stores food that exudes a variety of flavors. All these odors are absorbed by the surfaces inside the unit. Over time, an unpleasant “background” is created from a mixture of aromas, which is not always pleasant. So, sooner or later you will have to decide how to wash the refrigerator inside. Maintenance of equipment is carried out regularly, and not as needed.

For cleaning, special chemical compositions. Suitable dishwashing detergent. You can also use substances that are almost always in the house: vinegar, lemon, soda, ammonia. There are many recipes based on these ingredients.

Some of the popular solutions:

  1. A solution based on vinegar essence is being prepared. The substance must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. For example, it is enough to take 100 ml of vinegar and the same amount of clean liquid. If the question is how to wash the refrigerator inside, you should know that a solution of this consistency is enough to remove extraneous flavors of cooked food, as well as to avoid the appearance of a persistent smell of essence. All surfaces are treated with the resulting liquid using a dishwashing sponge or rags.
  2. Soda solution. It is prepared on the basis of baking soda (2 tablespoons) and clean water(0.5 l). You need to stir the indicated amount of soda in warm water. How to wash the refrigerator with this tool? It is necessary to moisten a rag in the finished liquid, and wipe the unit from the inside.
  3. Solution based on ammonia. To prepare the product, you need to prepare 30 ml of ammonia. The substance is diluted in water. To get a solution with desired properties, it is recommended to take 300 ml of liquid. When deciding how to wash the refrigerator after defrosting, you can use this recipe. Such a tool allows you to remove the smell, disinfects, removes dirt well.
  4. Solution based on lemon juice. It will take 2 tbsp. l. juice and 0.5 liters of water. The product mixes well. A rag is wetted in it and you can start processing the surfaces of the unit. When deciding how best to wash the refrigerator inside and remove the smell, you can use this particular tool, as it will provide a pleasant aroma. However, after washing the walls and shelves, the aroma will soon disappear. To prolong the action of the product, you can put 1-2 saucers with lemon zest in the refrigerator.

Tip: It is better to use products that will not only help wash the shelves and walls of the chamber, but also disinfect all surfaces, for example, baking soda and ammonia are well suited for this purpose.

Procedure for cleaning inside and outside

From time to time, it is necessary to perform a thorough cleaning of all chambers, in addition to this, you should also take care of the unit from the outside. To do all the work as efficiently as possible and for a short time, you need to know how to properly wash the refrigerator. Instruction:

Commissioning of a new refrigerator: washing, connection

Before connecting the unit to the network, you need to give it time to stand at rest. This is more important in winter. When the refrigerator is brought in from the cold, it should stand for several hours. In summer, 1 hour is enough. Then you need to decide what to wash new refrigerator before first use. To do this, use special chemicals or home remedies. The use of abrasive compounds is prohibited. Given that there is no smell inside the new unit, it is not necessary to use products that eliminate odors.

How can I wash a new refrigerator in this case before turning it on? Perfect for these purposes soda solution. All chambers should be treated with detergent. Removable elements (side racks, containers, shelves) are also treated with a solution before installation. After washing, wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth. After making sure that the refrigerator is completely dry, you can connect it to the network, load food.

The walls of refrigeration equipment quickly absorb odors, and as they function, dirt collects in the corners, containers and surfaces. To avoid such troubles, you need to regularly follow simple rules:

Thus, regular maintenance of the refrigerator will ensure its trouble-free operation. It is much easier and faster to remove dirt immediately than after some time to wipe them off shelves and other surfaces. Odors are absorbed into the walls quite quickly, which means that you can not leave strong-smelling ready-made dishes in the open. Food film, container, package well prevents the spread of aromas. Wet cleaning can be done with a solution based on lemon juice or ammonia, as well as soda.


The most indispensable household appliance in the kitchen is the refrigerator, which should always be in perfect cleanliness, because products are stored there, and you and your children use them. Cleaning a household appliance must be approached very carefully and carefully, so as not only not to spoil interior decoration unit, but also to protect products from chemicals. The inner surface of the refrigerator is made today, as a rule, of plastic. This material is not afraid of alkali, acid and calmly tolerates high humidity However, over time, the attractive snow-white appearance of the panels begins to turn yellow. Many housewives have a question about how to wash the refrigerator inside from yellowness, so that it is safe and effective. Today we will tell you how to clean the refrigerator from yellowness inside and out quickly and safely using folk remedies.

How to bleach yellowed plastic on the refrigerator?

IN modern world plastic is found everywhere - it is used for household appliances, kitchen utensils, decoration, toys. The snow-white appearance of the plastic is very attractive, but under the influence of sunlight and other factors, the ceremonial appearance of the material begins to treacherously fade and turn yellow. And even frequent and thorough cleaning will not help you avoid this problem, so to get rid of yellowness, you need to bleach the material.

Preparing plastic for bleaching

Before the bleaching procedure, the surface of the unit must be prepared for processing. First of all:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network.
  2. Defrost the refrigerator section.
  3. Remove all food from the refrigerator.
  4. Pull out all available containers, stands and shelves.
  5. Remove all small parts. Soak them overnight in a special solution.

How to clean the refrigerator inside?

Before proceeding directly to the process of washing a household appliance, we will acquaint you with the basic rules for caring for a refrigerator:

  • Maintain constant cleanliness in the chamber of the device, for this:
    • Watch daily for crumbs, streaks, and drips. Any contamination, drops of grease and liquid should be removed immediately with a damp cloth.
    • At least once a week, wipe the doors of the device from traces of grease and fingers.
    • Don't put dirty dishes on the shelves.
    • Check food freshness regularly. Throw spoiled food in the trash.
    • Store all products in closed containers.
    • Wash the refrigerator once every 2-3 months. Do not pause the cleaning process for longer than 1 month.
  • During cleaning, do not use hard brushes, sponges and scrapers, as scratches and scuffs will remain on the plastic parts from their action.
  • To clean the household appliance, use a regular soft sponge and liquid detergents especially if the surface is glossy.

Important! Frequent wet cleaning may slow down the rate of jaundice formation.

How to wash the refrigerator?

  1. Wash all removed shelves, containers, coasters, closed compartments and grates in warm water and liquid detergent. After that, rinse the elements of the device, let the water drain and dry naturally. If there are old stains on the parts of the device, then wet them with warm soapy water, let the product act on the contamination, and then wash the elements.
  2. The inside of the refrigerator must be washed with a product that does not harm the body and products. Such a tool could be:
    1. Soap solution. Dissolve the shavings of laundry soap in hot water. Rinse the inside of the refrigerator with a warm solution. Pay attention to all the folds and corners of the seal. Everything must be sparkling clean so as not to give microorganisms even a chance to spread.
    2. Baking soda. Dilute the product in water to the consistency of kefir. Dip a piece of gauze cloth into the resulting mixture and apply to the dirt so that it is soaked for 30 minutes. Wipe contaminated area and rinse clean water.
    3. Apple cider. Dilute 1 glass of cider in 1 liter warm water and wipe the surface of the device using a soft sponge. Rinse all shelves and surfaces with clean water.
  3. The outside of the unit must be free of dust, dirt, splashes and fingerprints. Use a liquid detergent that can handle dirt for this purpose. Wipe the outside with clean water and wipe dry.
  4. Include the back of the device in the cleaning area. Go over it with a long-handled, soft-bristled brush to remove loose dust and cobwebs.

Important! You can also use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose.

How to wash the refrigerator from yellowness with folk remedies?

The problem of yellow spots arises from the irregular care of the home appliance. The surface changes color when food remains are eaten into the coating. Their timely removal is the most best way out. But if, nevertheless, signs of an uncharacteristic shade appear on the surface, then use the following folk remedies to wash the refrigerator inside from yellowness:

  • Laundry soap.
  • Ammonia.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Alcohol.
  • Vinegar.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Technical soda.

Let's start fighting yellow spots with gentle methods.

Method number 1. Laundry soap

Soap is the most gentle way to whiten a plastic surface. But this method will help only if the yellowness is due to a greasy coating.

In order to wash the refrigerator inside from yellowness, use soap as follows:

  1. Grate half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Dissolve the chips in warm water.
  3. With a sponge soaked in the solution, treat the yellowed surface of the refrigerator.
  4. Leave the remedy for half an hour.
  5. Rinse off the soapy solution with plain water.
  6. Wipe the surface dry.

Method number 2. Alcohol

Alcohol guarantees a better result than laundry soap. Soak a cotton pad in ethanol and wipe the yellowed surface.

Important! Observe safety measures when working with alcohol: be sure to open windows to ventilate the room and protect your hands with gloves.

Method number 3. Vinegar

Table 9% vinegar will not help solve the problem. To wash the refrigerator inside from yellowness, you need 70-80% vinegar essence.

Important! Acid is dangerous, both for the skin of the hands and for health in general. Therefore, if you use vinegar to remove yellowness, be sure to make sure that the room is ventilated and that your hands are protected with thick rubber gloves.

Vinegar can be replaced with citric acid. Sometimes, to remove small yellow spots, it is enough to wash the surface with a cloth dampened with water with the addition of the juice of one lemon.

Method number 4. Toothpaste + ammonia

Toothpaste, due to its abrasive qualities, perfectly cleans the surface without forming scratches and cracks. Ammonia will remove the yellowness.

Use components like this:

  1. Add a few drops of alcohol to a small amount of paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to a soft sponge.
  3. Treat the yellowed surface of the refrigerator with the product.
  4. Rinse the remaining paste thoroughly with clean water.
  5. Wipe the treated areas dry.
  6. Leave the refrigerator door open for a few hours (preferably overnight) to dissipate any odors.

Method number 5. Aggressive

In advanced cases, you can wash the refrigerator from yellowness with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in peroxide.
  2. Treat the surface, previously cleaned of dust and grease.
  3. Perform the procedure at least 3 times.
  4. Rinse the treated area with clean water.
  5. Wipe dry inner part refrigerator.

Important! To enhance the effect, you can use a solution based on hydrogen peroxide and hair lightener:

  • Dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide and 2 tbsp. spoons of clarifier in 1 liter of water.
  • Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe off the yellowness.

The refrigerator will shine again.

The refrigerator is cleaned inside and out monthly. Disconnect the appliance from electricity before cleaning. Pull out food, containers, shelves. Wipe the walls, the door, the rubber seal. To remove dirt and odor, use professional sprays: Magic Power, Top House, Topperr, Electrolux, Luxus Clean Refrigerator, Sano Refrigerator Cleaner, Bon, Sidolux Professional. You can also wash surfaces with dishwashing gel, soda, vinegar solution, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. Chlorine-containing products (Belizna, Domestos) cope with mold. The smell is well broken down by vinegar, lemon acid, soda powder.

A dirty refrigerator needs a general cleaning. Microorganisms remaining inside are transferred to fresh food and cause spoilage and stench. Therefore, it is important not only to remove dirt, but also to eliminate odor. Let's take a closer look at how and with what you can wash the refrigerator.

How to clean a new refrigerator before first use

The first use must be preceded by cleaning. Take out the shelves, containers and wash the walls. Washing at home will get rid of mustiness, factory dust. If this is not done, the smell of technology will be absorbed into the products.

The choice of how to treat a new refrigerator depends on the intensity of the aroma. If there is little or no plastic smell, clean the shelves and drawers with soapy water. With a pungent smell, ammonia, vinegar or soda solution will cope.

Do not buy appliances that smell strongly of plastic or fragrance. Cheap plastic will continue to smell even after cleaning, poisoning food, and at the same time absorbing odors. A chemical scent indicates that the seller was trying to mask the smell of a breakdown.

Features of cleaning the chamber with the "No Frost" system

With the "No Frost" system, snow crystals do not form. but two-chamber refrigerator needs to be "defrosted" every six months. Unplug the appliance and clean it inside and out.

For regular maintenance, it is enough to wipe the shelves weekly with a damp cloth, without turning off the appliances.

How to clean the inside of an ordinary refrigerator

A conventional refrigerator is first defrosted:

  1. Take out all the food.
  2. Reset the temperature controller.
  3. Turn off the power after half an hour.
  4. Open and take out the containers and shelves.
  5. Leave the door open.

Wait until the equipment is completely defrosted, and only then proceed to washing. Do not try to speed up the process: it is better for the chambers to thaw naturally. Turn on the completely dry appliance.

How often should you clean your refrigerator

The answer to the question of how often you need to wash the refrigerator depends on the conditions of detention. If the equipment is wiped from the inside every week, then it is enough to carry out general cleaning twice a year. Otherwise, clean at least once a month.

To quickly clean the refrigerator, keep it clean during use. Do not put dirty dishes inside, wipe stains and stains without waiting for them to dry. Throw away spoiled food immediately.

Washing technology inside and out

Regardless of the model, refrigerators are washed the same way. Fold the shelves, drawers in a warm soapy solution and start washing the walls. First go over with a soapy sponge, and then with a damp cloth to wash off the remnants of the product. Wipe with a dry cloth before switching on. Do not close the door until completely dry.

Wash the shelves, containers, wipe them with a dry, clean cloth and place in a dry refrigerator.

A steam cleaner with a soft nozzle will greatly facilitate cleaning.

Preparing to wash the refrigerator

Before washing the inside of the refrigerator, prepare the chamber. Start with a product review. Throw away spoiled food. Place perishable food in a vacuum container or wrap in several layers cling film. Place the food on the windowsill so that it does not disappear during washing.

Remove all removable parts. Disconnect the device from the power supply. If necessary .


How can I wash the refrigerator outside and inside:

  • specially designed sprays;
  • baking soda;
  • dishwashing gel;
  • "lemon";
  • ammonia;
  • acetic solution;
  • wet antibacterial wipes.

Prepare a safe solution of laundry soap. Grate the bar and mix with water to make a cloudy liquid.

Do not rub surfaces abrasives. If using powders, dilute them with water first to make a soft paste or solution.

How to wash properly

Dirt settles on the refrigerator, which can pass into the interior of the chamber. So wash the outside first. How to wash properly:

  1. Prepare a soapy solution by dissolving dish soap in water.
  2. Apply the gel to especially dirty areas and soak for ten minutes.
  3. Wipe the device from top to bottom.
  4. Wash off with clean water.
  5. Wipe off paper towel without divorce.

Advice . To make the surface shine, spray with glass cleaner and wipe with a dry soft cloth.

After external treatment, proceed to the internal wash:

  1. Remove and soak removable parts.
  2. Prepare a washing solution by dissolving soda powder, dish gel, vinegar in water.
  3. Wet a rag and wipe the walls, doors, seal.
  4. Rinse and wipe off moisture with a dry cloth.
  5. Rinse the removable parts well and wipe dry.
  6. Put in place and connect the refrigerator.

Inspect the slots, rubber folds of the seal, drain. Wipe narrow places with a cotton swab.

The better to wash the freezer of the refrigerator after defrosting, and what to look for

Don't forget to rinse your freezer. To disinfect surfaces from meat and fish, use ammonia after defrosting:

  1. Pour 30 ml of ammonia into 300 ml of water.
  2. Wet your sponge.
  3. Wipe down your camera.
  4. Leave to dry.

How and how to wash the refrigerator from various types of pollution

Spilled liquids, traces of unknown origin are washed off before general washing household products.

Grease and dirt inside and outside the refrigerator

  • diluted in equal proportions soda and washing powders;
  • bleach;
  • stain remover;
  • vinegar essence;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Apply the selected liquid to a rag and wipe the parts. Rinse with clean water after a few minutes.

IN cold store many foodstuffs are stored, both raw and cooked. When placing containers, we do not always follow all the recommendations of manufacturers; aromas are mixed when stored improperly.

In addition, you may not notice spilled liquid or expired food. All these factors become sources of unpleasant odors. Any hostess should know how to wash the refrigerator inside to eliminate the smell. Today, as always, we will offer better ways solutions to this problem.

Why there may be an odor in the refrigerator: the main reasons

To effectively and quickly remove the smell from the refrigerator, it is advisable to understand the cause of its origin. Two main groups can be distinguished:

  • Factory- manufacturers warn about this in the instructions, in addition, there are also recommendations for its elimination. Often it is enough to wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth using any detergent composition;
  • household reasons- the smell appears due to the storage of products with an expired shelf life, and also, if the food is not covered with a film, spilled and uncleaned liquids.

How can I wash a new refrigerator before first use: features of different models

Many people think that new equipment does not need cleaning, but this is not so. The production of refrigerators is not considered to be sterile, in addition, storage and transportation leave their mark. Therefore, almost every new equipment has a specific smell. If you do not get rid of it before use, the aroma will be absorbed into the products that will subsequently be stored in the chamber.

Features of cleaning the chamber with the "No Frost" system

The modern “No Frost” system is freezing without ice, the equipment is equipped with innovative ventilation, which eliminates the problem of defrosting. But no matter how good the system is, many users face the real problem of how to remove bad smell in a new refrigerator. The main reason is the condensate tray, it is located in hard to reach place sometimes it is necessary to remove the back panel of the refrigerator to clean it. Owners of equipment should monitor the expiration dates of products. It is necessary to defrost such a unit twice a year.

This should be known! It is best to avoid the use of chemicals to clean equipment. Their aggressive impact can adversely affect food.

How to clean the inside of an ordinary refrigerator

You can use the following tips how to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell:

  1. using a detergent, wipe the surfaces: shelves, drawers and grates;
  2. do not forget about cleaning the back panel and freezer compartment;
  3. the door is given more attention, especially to the trays and containers that are placed on it;
  4. after cleaning, rinse the surfaces with water and wipe dry;
  5. if after manipulations the smell has not gone away, you need to wipe the surfaces with soda powder, lemon or vinegar;
  6. you can connect the refrigerator and lay out the products in it after 4 hours, in summer the time for its complete drying is reduced to 1-2 hours.

What chemicals can be washed inside the refrigerator to eliminate the smell

Today, the distribution network offers a wide range of household chemicals that effectively remove the smell in the refrigerator at home. But before you make a purchase, you can use any liquid that is designed for washing dishes. In its composition there is a fragrance, sometimes this method is enough. If desired, you can buy any drug. In most cases, they are available in spray form for more convenient use. Additionally, the composition contains a flavoring agent that helps to destroy bacteria.

How to quickly get rid of the smell in the refrigerator using folk remedies

In the event of the appearance of a "flavor" from the chamber, you do not need to rush to the store for household chemicals. Help to deal with it folk recipes. Before eliminating an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, you should disconnect the appliance from the power supply, empty it of the contents, and also take an inventory of products.

How to remove a lingering bad smell from the refrigerator with vinegar or baking soda

Soda is the first aid in many difficult situations in the kitchen, it should be in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing the smell from the refrigerator, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a mixture at the rate of 80 g of powder per 1 liter of water.
  2. Take out the grates and shelves and wipe them with the mixture, and process internal surfaces and refrigerator door.
  3. Dry everything with a towel.

Vinegar also provides invaluable help in the fight against odor. First, dilute the 9% solution with water in equal proportions, then process the entire chamber with the composition and wipe it dry.

It is important! It is necessary to treat surfaces with vinegar in a special bandage and rubber gloves to prevent it from getting into the respiratory system and on the skin of the hands. After cleaning, it is necessary to ventilate the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

How to get rid of a strong unpleasant smell in the refrigerator: ammonia or lemon juice are the best remedies

Strong odor is eliminated with the following homemade recipes.

ammonium chloride

Add 1 ml of ammonia to 100 ml of water, then rinse the internal surfaces with the finished composition. After that, dry everything, and leave the refrigerator open for a while to ventilate.


Squeeze the juice of half the fruit, dilute it in 1 liter of water. Wipe the inside of the chamber with the resulting solution. At the end of the process, be sure to dry everything.

How to Quickly Eliminate Mold Smell in Your Fridge Using Soap and Hydrogen Peroxide

If you are faced with the question of how to wash the refrigerator from the smell of mold, which could arise due to condensate or a spoiled product, hydrogen peroxide or soap will come to the rescue.

Hydrogen peroxide

Can be diluted in 1 liter of oxen 1 tsp. peroxides. To enhance the effect, add 1 tsp to the composition. vinegar. Thoroughly treat all surfaces with the prepared solution, not forgetting about the accessories, drawers and gratings.

Laundry soap

Everyone is familiar with the detrimental effect of an alkaline environment on any microorganisms, including fungus and mold. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Grate a little laundry soap on a coarse grater.
  2. Dissolve the gruel in a small amount of warm water.
  3. In the evening, treat all surfaces with the composition and leave to act until morning.
  4. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

The better to wash the freezer of the refrigerator after defrosting and what to look for

The appearance of an unpleasant aroma in the freezer can provoke a sudden power outage at a time when the owners were absent. All food will go bad after defrosting. Before eliminating the smell in the refrigerator, you need to turn off the equipment, defrost it and throw away everything that has gone bad. For cleaning, you can use any of the above options, paying special attention to places where liquid from thawed foods could leak. All rubber bands and crevices should be treated, then rinsed with clean water and wiped the camera dry. And only after that the question of the smell will be removed.

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator with natural and industrial odor absorbers

You can make an odor absorber for the refrigerator with your own hands from improvised means.

Activated carbon

Grind a few tablets, pour into small containers and place on the shelves.

Pour some raw rice on a saucer and pour vinegar over it to cover the grits. Place the container on any shelf.

To fix the problem, simply open the package and put it inside the camera.

Spices with a strong aroma, such as turmeric, citrus zest, ground coffee

Pour any spice into a container and place inside the refrigerator. However, it is important to remember that flavors can be transferred to other foods.

Lemon combined with soda or charcoal

Peel half of the lemon from the pulp, pour soda or crushed coal into it, then put it on any shelf of the camera for 1 week.

In addition to natural products, you can use odor absorbers from the distribution network:

  • helium- in their composition, in addition to lemon, contains algae extract;
  • silica gel- the package is enough to clean the camera for a year;
  • electrical appliance ionizer- its advantage in additional antibacterial effect on microorganisms;
  • activated carbon cleaners effectively fight ethylene, which is released during storage of vegetables and fruits;
  • mineral salts in the form of a crystal- in addition to odors, they absorb excess moisture.

Cleaning frequency and odor prevention

In order to never have an unpleasant problem of odor in the refrigerator, you must first of all take care of it correctly and in a timely manner. In addition, simple recommendations should be followed:

  1. clean smudges and dirt immediately after they are detected before they dry;
  2. use containers;
  3. if food is defrosted in the chamber, they should be placed in deep containers;
  4. regularly clean the equipment.


Dealing with an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator is quite simple, however, it is much more important to prevent its occurrence. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a periodic inventory of food products, in addition, food for storage should be placed in closed containers. It is important to regularly clean all surfaces, while not forgetting the components, sealing gum and the door.

We hope that in difficult times the tips from our review will be useful to you. Share with us in the comments your secrets for eliminating the smell in the refrigerator, our editorial staff will be happy to take note of them. In the video, the hostess will share with us the secrets of how it is recommended to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell.

Once we went on vacation, and at that time something happened in the power grid - traffic jams were knocked out on the meter in the apartment.

We returned a week later, naturally, everything that was stored in the refrigerator fell into complete disrepair, and the smell ...

With difficulty overcoming an attack of nausea and a headache, I began, together with my husband, to choose spoiled products. Having completed this heroic deed, I realized that the unpleasant smell had deeply ingrained into the inner lining.

And you need to get rid of it. How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell?

Method number 1

You can use lemon juice. For this:

  • cut a whole fresh lemon in half and rub the entire inner surface with halves;
  • after a couple of hours, wipe the inner lining with a damp cloth.

Method number 2

Get rid of bad smell You can also use baking soda. To do this, you need:

  • dilute soda with water;
  • wash the refrigerator with the resulting solution.

Method number 3

If you have a supply of hydrogen peroxide in your first aid kit, this remedy will help in the fight against stench. To process the refrigerator in this way, you need:

  • wash it with soapy water;
  • pour peroxide onto a sponge and treat the entire inside of the refrigerator.

Method number 4

If for some reason you didn’t have any soda or peroxide at hand, and you are thinking about how to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell, use vinegar.

For this you need:

  • dilute vinegar with water in equal proportions;
  • Dampen a rag with the resulting mixture and wipe the inside walls of the refrigerator.

Method number 5

In the fight against unwanted odors, mint toothpaste can help:

  • apply the paste on a cloth and wipe the refrigerator;
  • Rinse off the paste with a sponge dipped in water.

Method number 6

You can wash the inside walls with oven cleaner. It perfectly launders grease and plaque, and also absorbs odors. The process itself looks like this:

  • using the sprayer on the bottle, spray the liquid on the inner surface and leave for 15 minutes;
  • remove the liquid with a sponge and wipe everything with a wet cloth.

From the smell of fish

I coped with the main camera, but there were a lot of fish in the freezer, which was rotten and left behind unforgettable aromas.

My mother helped me, told me how to wash the refrigerator so that there was no smell of fish. It turns out that this requires:

  • dilute vinegar in equal proportions with water and add a pinch of sea salt to the resulting solution;
  • wash the freezer from the inside with the resulting liquid.

If the above methods do not help, you can try to remove unwanted odors with something that absorbs odors:

  • Put a piece of black bread and an onion cut in half on a saucer. Leave overnight. Bread and onions are great at absorbing odors.
  • You can sprinkle zeolite kitty litter mixture on a dish and leave it for eight or ten hours as well.
  • Activated charcoal is also suitable for this purpose. It should be crushed and poured into a saucer, left to stand until the morning.
For the most severe and neglected cases, when the refrigerator is washed, but continues to smell unpleasant, suitable ammonia. It should be rubbed with it on all internal surfaces and left overnight, leaving the doors open.

I solved my problem. Clean and dry, the refrigerator did not exude any odors, and I boldly loaded it with new products.

If you do not know how to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell at home, try my advice.

  • In a refrigerator with a "weeping system", regularly clean the drain hole on the back wall. It tends to become clogged, and the accumulated liquid in the groove becomes a source of "fragrance".
  • Place a container filled with baking soda in the main chamber. Change soda every three months.