The production cycle. Economic function of the production cycle

  • 12.10.2019

The production cycle (PC) is a complex of the main, auxiliary and service processes organized in a certain way in time, necessary for the manufacture of a certain type of product. Duration is an important characteristic of the PC. PC duration- this is the calendar period of time during which materials, blanks, or other items go through all the operations of production or a certain part and turn into finished products (cycle duration in days).

The structure of the work cycle includes the time of the working period and the time of breaks. Duration PC:Tc=Tt+Tpz+Te+Tk+Ttr+Tmo+Tpr where: Tt is the time of technical operations; Tpz - preparatory final period; Te -process; Tk - control operations; Ttr - transportation time; Tmo -interoperative intervals; Tpr - time of breaks.

The duration of technical operations and preparatory and final work form the operating cycle. Operating cycle- this is the duration of the completed part of the technical process, performed at one workplace.

The production cycle- this is the period of time from the moment the product is launched into production until the moment it is fully manufactured, assembled and accepted into the warehouse.

The main ways to shorten the production cycle are to reduce labor costs for basic technological operations, reduce the time spent on transport, storage and control operations, and improve the organization of production.

1. Reducing the labor intensity of the main technological operations is possible by improving the design and technology, in particular, increasing the level of machine manufacturability and the degree of unification.

2. The most effective way to improve the processes of transportation, storage and control is to combine them in time with the processes of processing and assembly, as is done, for example, in rotary automatic lines.

3. Modern methods control and diagnostics using laser and radiation installations of highly sensitive contact sensors, allowing continuous monitoring of the technological process and the quality of products.

4. One of the essential organizational ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle is to increase the degree of parallelism of the work performed.

5. An increase in the size of processing batches is especially advisable when the objects of labor are moved in parallel, since in this case the cycle increases with less intensity than the size of the batch.

Thus, measures to reduce the production cycle are diverse. First of all, they include:

Improving the designs of manufactured products in terms of increasing its manufacturability and degree of unification;

Improvement of technology, introduction of progressive technological processes, leading to a reduction in the complexity of processing and synchronization of operations: complex mechanization, automation, concentration of operations, etc.;

Introduction of a more advanced system of planning and organization of production;

Rational layout of workplaces in accordance with the sequence of technological operations and improvement of the organization of workshop and inter-shop transportation, as well as other inter-operational processes;

Improving the maintenance of workplaces, the organization of adjustment work and their implementation, if possible, during non-working hours;

Increasing the degree of parallelism of work and processes;

Replacement of natural processes with appropriate technological operations, for example, induction drying, artificial aging of castings, parts in thermal furnaces;

Consolidation of the mode of operation of shops and enterprises, i.e., the transition to three-shift work; organization of cross-cutting teams excluding inter-shift breaks.

As a result of the reduction of the production cycle, the output of products increases, the efficiency of the use of equipment and production areas increases, the size of work in progress decreases, therefore, the standard working capital, which increases the return on assets and improves other economic indicators, in particular, labor productivity increases, the cost of production decreases and the profitability of production increases.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher vocational education

"Orlovsky State Technical University»

discipline: Economics

topic Production cycle

E.V. Poteev


A.A. Paleeva



The production process is a set of separate labor processes aimed at the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products. The content of the production process has a decisive impact on the construction of the enterprise and its production units. Competent organization of the production process is the basis of any enterprise.

The main factors of the production process that determine the nature of production are the means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.), objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products) and labor as an expedient activity of people. The direct interaction of these three main factors forms the content of the production process.

The principles of the rational organization of the production process can be divided into two categories: general, independent of the specific content of the production process, and specific, characteristic of a particular process.

General principles- these are the principles that must obey the construction of any production process in time and space. These include the following:

The principle of specialization, which means the division of labor between individual divisions of the enterprise and jobs and their cooperation in the production process;

The principle of parallelism, which provides for the simultaneity of the implementation of individual parts of the production process associated with the manufacture of a particular product;

The principle of proportionality, which implies relatively equal productivity per unit of time of interconnected divisions of the enterprise;

The principle of direct flow, providing the shortest path for the movement of objects of labor from the launch of raw materials or semi-finished products to the receipt of finished products;

The principle of continuity, providing for the maximum reduction of interruptions between operations;

The principle of rhythm, which means that the entire production process and its constituent partial processes for the manufacture of a given quantity of products must be strictly repeated at regular intervals;

The principle of technical equipment, focused on the mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy, harmful to human health work.

The production process includes a number of technological, information, transport, auxiliary, service and other processes.

Production processes consist of main and auxiliary operations. The main ones include operations that are directly related to changing the shape, size and internal structure of the processed objects, and assembly operations. Auxiliary are the operations of the production process for quality and quantity control, the movement of processed items.

The set of basic operations is usually called a technological process. The nature of the technological process to the greatest extent determines the organizational conditions of production - the construction of production units, the nature and location of warehouses and storerooms, the direction and length of transport routes.

From the point of view of the organization of the production process, the number of components of the manufactured product is also of great importance. On this basis, all production processes are divided into processes for the production of simple and complex products. The production process of manufacturing a complex product is formed as a result of a combination of a number of parallel processes for the production of simple products and is called synthetic. Processes, as a result of which several types of finished products are obtained from one type of raw material, are called analytical. The more complex the product and the more diverse the methods of its manufacture, the more difficult the organization of the production process.

The predominance of one or another type of production process in an enterprise has big influence to its production structure.

According to the nature of the impact on the objects of labor, production processes are divided into mechanical, physical, chemical, etc. According to the degree of continuity - continuous (there are no breaks between various operations) and discrete (with technological breaks).

According to the stage of manufacturing the finished product, procurement, processing and finishing production processes are distinguished.

According to the degree of technical equipment, there are manual, partially and complex-mechanized.

In this regard, one of the most important technical and economic indicators of production is the production cycle. On its basis, for example, the terms for launching the product into production are set, taking into account the timing of its release, the capacities of production units are calculated, the volume of work in progress is determined, and other planning and production calculations are carried out.

It should be noted that the research topic under consideration is sufficiently covered in the literature. Fundamental and applied research in the field of organization of the production process in time was carried out by domestic and foreign scientists, including Egorova T.A., Zolotarev A.N., Nepomnyashchy E.G., Rebrin Yu.I., Serebrennikov G.G., Faingold M.L. other.

1. The concept and duration of the production cycle

The production cycle for the manufacture of a particular machine or its individual unit (part) is the calendar period of time during which this object of labor goes through all stages of the production process - from the first production operation to the delivery (acceptance) of the finished product inclusive.

For example, the production cycle for manufacturing a part is the period of time from the receipt of material for processing until the end of the manufacture of the part, and the production cycle of a product is the period of time from starting the starting material and semi-finished products for processing until the end of manufacturing and completing the product intended for sale.

Reducing the cycle allows each production unit (workshop, section) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company gets the opportunity to accelerate the turnover of working capital, to fulfill the established plan with less expenditure of these funds, to release part of the working capital.

Due to the fact that the production process takes place in time and space, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the path of movement of the product and its components, as well as the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path.

The duration of the production cycle (DPC) is the interval of calendar time from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last one; measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds, depending on the type of product and the stage of processing. There are production cycles of the product as a whole, cycles of prefabricated units and individual parts, cycles for performing homogeneous operations, cycles for performing individual operations.

The duration of the production cycle (ceteris paribus) depends on the size of the launch batches, the sizes of the transfer batches and the size of the backlogs (Fig. 1.1) and determines the available production capacity of the partial NWP production processes (of the entire system) and the possible start and end dates of work.

Rice. 1.1. Influence of factors on the DPC

At the same time, an operation is understood as a part of the production process of processing PT at one workplace without readjusting equipment by one worker or a group of workers using the same tools.

A launch batch is understood as a certain number of items of labor of the PT of the same name, processed (or collected) in a given operation with a one-time expenditure of preparatory and final time.

The transfer batch (“package”) is understood as the part of the launch batch that has been processed on this one and transported to the operation immediately following it.

Backlog is generally understood as the accumulation of PT (pending processing) between two immediately following operations. There are working and insurance (reserve) backlogs.

2. The structure of the production cycle

The production cycle consists of two parts: the working period, i.e. the period during which the object of labor is directly in the manufacturing process and the time of breaks in this process (Fig. 2.1).

The working period is the time during which a direct impact on the object of labor is made either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control; time of preparatory and final work; time of natural technological processes; maintenance time. Those. the working period consists of the time of execution of technological and non-technological operations; the latter include all control and transport operations from the moment the first production operation is completed until the moment the finished product is delivered.

The time for performing technological operations and preparatory and final work is called the operating cycle.

The time of natural technological processes is the time during which the object of labor changes its characteristics without the direct impact of a person or technology.

Technological maintenance time includes: quality control of product processing; control of operating modes of machines and equipment, their adjustment, easy repair; cleaning the workplace; transportation of blanks, materials, acceptance and cleaning of processed products.

The duration of the working period is influenced different kind factors, for example: the quality of design work; the level of unification and standardization of products; the degree of accuracy of products (high accuracy requires additional processing, which lengthens the production cycle); organizational factors (organization of the workplace, placement storage facilities and etc.). Shortcomings of an organizational nature increase the preparatory and final time.

Rice. 2.1. Structure of the production cycle

The time of breaks in work is the time during which no impact is made on the object of labor and there is no change in its qualitative characteristics, but the product is not yet finished and the production process is not completed. Distinguish between scheduled and unscheduled breaks. Regulated breaks are divided into intra-shift (inter-operational) and inter-shift (associated with the mode of operation).

Interoperative breaks are divided into:

batch breaks - take place when parts are processed in batches. Each part or assembly, arriving at the workplace as part of a batch, lies before and after processing, until the entire batch passes through this operation;

picking breaks - occur in cases where parts and assemblies lie due to the unfinished production of other products included in one set;

waiting breaks - due to inconsistency (non-synchronism) in the duration of adjacent operations of the technical process, they occur when the previous operation ends before it is released workplace to perform the next operation.

Inter-shift breaks include breaks between work shifts, lunch breaks, rest breaks for workers, weekends and holidays.

Unscheduled breaks are associated with organizational and technical problems (untimely provision of the workplace with materials, tools, equipment breakdown, violation of labor discipline, etc.). They are included in the production cycle in the form of a correction factor or are not taken into account.

Note that the structure of the production cycle (the ratio of its constituent parts) in various branches of engineering and at different enterprises is not the same. It is determined by the nature of the products, the technological process, the level of technology and the organization of production. However, despite the differences in the structure, the possibility of reducing the duration of the production cycle lies both in the reduction of working time and in the reduction of break times. The experience of advanced enterprises shows that at each stage of production and at each production site, possibilities can be found for further reducing the duration of the production cycle. It is achieved by carrying out various activities, both technical (design, technological) and organizational.

Summing up the question, we note that the total production process is presented as a subsystem of the economic process performed by the enterprise. The elements that form it are distinguished - NWP, formed by production operations.

The duration of the production cycle refers to the standards of the organization of the production process. Both rational spatial distribution and optimal duration of the production cycle are important.

3. Characteristics of various forms of organization of the movement of objects of labor

Since all, without exception, discrete production processes should be characterized by such essential features as the structural organization and the method of organizing the movement of objects of labor (TO) from operation to operation, then by the first feature, in the most general case, we will distinguish between complex and simple processes.

A discrete production process will be called complex if it includes at least one operation, the purpose of which is to form one assembly unit (product) from two or more parts (assembly units). Formally, the structure of such a process can be represented by a directed graph of the network structure (Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2)

Rice. 3.1. Structural diagram of a complex manufacturing process

Rice. 3.2. Graph of a complex production process (· - a vertex that reflects an operation; ® - an edge that reflects an interoperational connection along a material flow)

Thus, in a complex process, each operation for assembly (welding, riveting) can receive several PTs of various names, processed or assembled in other NWPs that precede this one along the technological route. Its structure can include both complex lower-level NWP and simple processes.

A simple process is a discrete production process in which only one item of PT is processed. Examples of simple processes: production of bushings, shafts, gears and other parts. Simple production processes also include assembly, adjustment and testing of assembly units and products. Formally, the structure of a simple process can be reflected in a linear graph (Fig. 3.3 and 3.4)

Rice. 3.3. Block diagram of a simple manufacturing process

Rice. 3.4. Graph of a simple manufacturing process

The most common is the following classification. There are three main types of organization of production processes in time.

1 Sequential, characteristic of single or batch processing or assembly of products.

2 Parallel-serial, used in the conditions of straight-through processing or assembly of products.

3 Parallel, used in in-line processing or assembly.

With a sequential type of movement, a production order - one part, or one assembled machine, or a batch of parts (a series of machines) - in the process of their production is transferred to each subsequent operation of the process only after the processing (assembly) of all parts (machines) of this batch (series) is completed on a previous operation. In this case, the entire batch of parts is transported from operation to operation at the same time. At the same time, each part of a batch of a machine (series) lies at each operation, first waiting for its turn of processing (assembly), and then waiting for the end of processing (assembly) of all parts of machines of a given batch (series) for this operation.

On fig. 3.5 shows a diagram of the technological process, consisting of four operations of different duration. Each operation is performed on one machine. All these machines can be served by one worker, who, after the end of the operation on the fourth machine, returns to the first machine.

Rice. 3.5. Sequential technological cycle, consisting of four technological operations with numbers i = 1, 2, 3, 4, serviced by the worker I during the time interval F

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor is characterized by the fact that the process of processing parts (assembly of machines) of a given batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins earlier than the processing of the entire batch of parts (assembly of machines) at each previous operation is completely completed. Parts are transferred from one operation to another in parts, transport (transfer) batches k. The accumulation of a certain amount of parts in previous operations before starting the processing of the batch in subsequent operations (production reserve) allows you to avoid downtime.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor can significantly reduce the duration of the production process of processing (assembly) in comparison with the sequential type of movement. The use of a parallel-sequential type of movement is economically feasible in cases of manufacturing labor-intensive parts, when the duration of the process operations fluctuate significantly, as well as in cases of manufacturing low-labor parts in large batches (for example, normals of small unified parts, etc.).

On fig. 3.6 shows a graph of a parallel-sequential technological cycle for manufacturing a batch of parts with a value of n, divided into two transport (transfer) batches, each of which contains k units of parts.

Rice. 3.6. Parallel-sequential technological cycle: τ - sojourn time of the transfer batch until it is launched for the second operation

With a parallel type of movement, the processing (assembly) of each transfer batch at each subsequent operation begins immediately after the end of the previous operation. In this way, the parallel technological cycle differs from the parallel-sequential one, in which the transfer batch can lie for some time before starting the next operation. The total duration of the processing (assembly) process of a batch of parts (series of machines) is significantly reduced compared to the same process performed sequentially, and in some cases in parallel-sequentially. This is a significant advantage of the parallel type of movement, which can significantly reduce the duration of the production process.

The graph of a parallel cycle for manufacturing a batch of parts is shown in Fig. 3.7. A batch of parts with a value of n is divided into three transport (transfer) batches, each of which contains k units of parts. Workers with numbers I - IV are assigned to machines 1 - 4, respectively. Workers specialize in only one technological operation and do not move from machine to machine.

Rice. 3.7. Parallel technological cycle, the batch of parts consists of three transfer batches k

Summing up the question, we emphasize that one of the three types of movement of objects of labor through operations is usually used: sequential, parallel, parallel-sequential.

With sequential movement, the processing of a batch of the same-name objects of labor at each subsequent operation begins only when the entire batch has been processed at the previous operation. With parallel movement, the transfer of objects of labor to the next operation is carried out individually or by a transport batch immediately after processing at the previous operation. With a parallel type of movement, the duration of the production cycle is significantly reduced. With a parallel-sequential type of movement, objects of labor are transferred to a subsequent operation as they are processed at the previous one by the piece or by a transport batch. At the same time, the execution time of adjacent operations is partially combined in such a way that a batch of products is processed at each operation without interruptions.

The shortest duration of the production cycle occurs with a parallel type of combination of operations. However, its application requires equality or brevity of the duration of operations, otherwise equipment downtime, deterioration in the use of working time, interoperational laying of objects of labor occur. Therefore, its use involves a detailed development of the technological process, careful synchronization of operations, which is possible in most cases in mass, large-scale production. With a sufficiently high degree of standardization of parts and assemblies, the introduction of group processing methods, it can be effectively used in small-scale, and sometimes individual production.

The sequential type of combination of operations is the least efficient. It is used in small-scale and individual production, where it is difficult to use group processing methods. The parallel-sequential type of combination of operations is most common in the manufacture of products of the same name, uneven equipment power and partial synchronization of operations.

4. Calculation of the duration of the production cycle

Without a scientifically based calculation of the duration of the production cycle, it is impossible to correctly draw up the production program of an enterprise and workshops, and determine the technical and economic performance indicators. The duration of the production cycle affects the timing of preparation for the production of new products, the turnover of working capital, is an important value in the organization of operational production planning, logistics, etc.

V general view the duration of the production cycle is determined by the formula:

TC \u003d Tvrp + Tvpr, (4.1)

where Tvrp is the time of the working process;

Tvpr - break time.

During the working period, technological operations are performed:

Tvrp \u003d Tshk + Tk + Ttr + Te, (4.2)

where Tshk - piece-calculation time;

Tk - time of control operations;

Тtr is the time of transportation of objects of labor;

Te - the time of natural processes (aging, relaxation, natural drying, settling of suspensions in liquids, etc.).

The sum of the times of piece, control operations, transportation is called operating time (Topr):

Topr \u003d Tshk + Tk + Ttr. (4.3)

Tk and Ttr are conditionally included in the operating cycle, since in organizational terms they do not differ from technological operations, piece-calculation time is calculated by the formula:

Tshk = Top + Tpz + Ten +Toto, (4.4)

where Top - operational time;

Tpz - preparatory and final time when processing a new batch of parts;

Ten - time for rest and natural needs of workers;

Toto - the time of organizational and maintenance (receipt and delivery of tools, cleaning the workplace, lubricating equipment, etc.).

Operational time (Top), in turn, consists of the main (Tos) and auxiliary time (Tv):

Top = Tos + TV, (4.5)

Prime time is the actual time that work is being processed or completed.

Auxiliary time:

TV \u003d Tu + Tz + Current, (4.6)

where Tu is the time of installation and removal of the part (assembly unit) from the equipment;

Tz - time of fastening and detachment of the part in the device;

Current - the time of the operational control of the worker (with the stop of the equipment) during the operation.

The time of breaks (Tvpr) is determined by the mode of work (Trt), interoperational laying of the part (Tmo), the time of breaks for overhaul maintenance and equipment inspections (Tr) and the time of breaks associated with shortcomings in the organization of production (Torg):

Tvpr \u003d Tmo + Trt + Tr + Trade. (4.7)

The time of interoperational sojourn (Tmo) is determined by the time of partion breaks (Tpar), waiting breaks (Tozh) and picking breaks (Tkp):

Tmo = Tpar ​​+ Identity + Tcp. (4.8)

Partion breaks (Tpar) occur during the manufacture of products in batches and are due to the aging of the processed parts until all the parts in the batch are ready for the technological operation.

Wait breaks (Toj) are caused by inconsistent duration of adjacent operations of the technological process.

Picking breaks (Tkp) occur during the transition from one phase of the production process to another.

Thus, in general, the production cycle is expressed by the formula:

Tts \u003d Topr + Te + Tmo + Trt + Tr + Trade. (4.9)

With a sequential method of movement, the DPC of processing a launch batch is traditionally calculated by the formula:

Тц1 = n ti , (4.10)

where Tts1 - DPC with a sequential method of movement of the PT;

n is the size of the launch batch;

ti - piece-calculation time i-th operation;

i - operation number (i = 1, 2, 3,.., m).

In some cases, formula (2.10) is given in a modified version, namely:

Тц1 = n , (4.11)

where K1i is the number of jobs occupied by the i-th operation.

With a parallel method of movement of the PT for the case if t1=t2=t3= ..= tn, the DPC is usually calculated by the formula:

Тц2 = ti + t*(n - 1), (4.12)

If in the process under consideration the durations of operations are not equal to each other, then the LPC is proposed to be calculated using the formula:

Tc2 \u003d ti + tch * (n - 1), (4.13)

where thl is the piece-calculation time of the longest operation (it is usually called the main operation).

The formula for calculating the DPC with a parallel-sequential method of movement of the PT has the form:

Тц3 \u003d ti + (n-1) * (tbi - tmi), (4.14)

where mm is the number of “smaller operations”;

mb is the number of “big operations”;

tbi is the duration of “major operations”;

tmi - duration of “smaller operations”.

It is also proposed to calculate the DPC by the formula:

Tc3 \u003d ti + (n-1) * (tmaxi - tmini) + (n-1) * tch, (4.15)

where tmaxi is the maximum of two durations of adjacent operations;

tmini - the minimum of two durations of adjacent operations.

There is also this formula:

Тц3 = n ti - (n-1) tkori, (4.16)

where tkori - piece-calculation time on the “short”, i.e. less time-consuming, of two adjacent operations.

If the size of the transfer lot is greater than 1, then a formula of the form is proposed:

Tc3 \u003d n ti - (n-np) tkori. (4.17)

Thus, LPT is an indicator that characterizes the time required to process a batch of a launch of a PT of one item in NWP, considered as an element of a higher order production system. The processing time of a launch batch is determined both by the duration of individual operations and the way the PT movement is organized, which, in turn, is characterized by the size of the launch batch and transfer batches, the presence of various kinds of production backlogs.

Since any production system is a complex formation, including many interrelated elements, the functioning of which is exposed to random factors (internal and external), the method for calculating the LPC should take them into account. In this regard, there are many options for calculating the duration of the cycle, the task in this case is reduced to choosing the optimal formula.

It should be noted that the influence of the WPC indicator on other indicators characterizing the work of the enterprise cannot be overestimated. Firstly, the value of the indicator of the disposable production capacity of the enterprise (workshop, site) depends on the accuracy of its calculation. Secondly, the adequacy of the method of its calculation determines the quality of production schedules and the loading of jobs (equipment), as well as stocks of materials, purchased components, spare parts and assemblies (in the repair business) and, consequently, the most important financial indicators of the enterprise;

5. Analysis of the duration of the production cycle in economic activity enterprises

The production cycle is used as a standard for operational planning of production, financial management and other planning and production calculations.

The duration of the production cycle affects the most important indicators of the enterprise and leads to:

1. Accelerating the turnover of working capital, reducing the volume of work in progress

So, the production cycle is directly related to the standard of working capital:

Tc = osn.p / Qdn, (5.1)

where (Тц) - production cycle;

OSn.p - the volume of working capital in work in progress (rubles);

Qday - one-day output (rubles).

2. Increasing labor productivity

3. Improving the utilization of production capacities and increasing output

4. To reduce the cost of a unit of production by reducing the fixed costs per unit of production

5. Increasing the profitability of production.

The faster the production process is performed (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), which is one of the elements of the circulation of working capital, the greater will be the speed of their turnover, the greater the number of revolutions they make during the year. As a result, there is a release of monetary resources that can be used to expand production at a given enterprise.

For the same reason, there is a reduction (absolute or relative) in the volume of work in progress. This means the release of working capital in their material form, i.e. in the form of concrete material resources.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop directly depends on the duration of the production cycle. Under the production capacity is understood the maximum possible output in the planned period. And therefore it is clear that the less time is spent on the production of one product, the greater the number of them can be manufactured in the same period of time.

Labor productivity with a reduction in the duration of the production cycle increases as a result of an increase in output due to an increase in production capacity, which leads to a decrease in the share of labor of auxiliary workers in a unit of output, as well as the share of labor of specialists and employees.

The cost of production with a reduction in the production cycle decreases due to a decrease in the cost of a unit of production of the share of general factory and workshop costs with an increase in production capacity.

Thus, reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important sources of intensification and increasing the efficiency of production at industrial enterprises.

Reducing the production cycle is of great economic importance:

The turnover of working capital is reduced by reducing the volume of work in progress;

The return on assets of fixed production assets is increasing;

The cost of products is reduced due to the reduction of the conditionally constant part of the costs per product, etc.

6. Ways and factors to reduce the duration of the production cycle

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors: technological, organizational and economic.

Technological processes, their complexity and diversity, technical equipment predetermine the processing time of parts and the duration of assembly processes.

Organizational factors of the movement of objects of labor in the process of processing are associated with the organization of jobs, the labor itself and its payment. Organizational conditions have an even greater influence on the duration of ancillary operations, service processes, and breaks.

Economic factors determine the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (and, consequently, their duration), the standards of work in progress.

In the literature, many different methods and ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle are considered. All of them are carefully developed and substantiated, but their common drawback is insufficient attention to improving the organization of production in the development of such measures. However, it should be noted that this factor is one of the main ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle, leading to an increase in production volumes without additional costs.

characteristic distinctive features machine-building enterprises in comparison with enterprises of other industries is the dismemberment of production in space, multi-aggregate, multi-nomenclature and multi-operation. These features cause the complexity of flows, moving and processed workpieces and parts in enterprises, therefore, the organizational side of production becomes very important, in particular, the coordination and regulation of the movement of all diverse production flows in space and time.

As you know, the production cycle includes time costs that are different in their content, which can be divided into two groups: the time of the working period and the time of breaks. Reducing the duration of the production cycle can be carried out by reducing both the time spent on the implementation of the working period, and the time of breaks.

Thus, reducing the duration of the production cycle is possible in 2 directions (Table 2.1):

1. Reducing the time associated with the implementation of the technological operation;

2. Minimizing all types of interruptions in the production process.

Table 6.1

Directions for reducing the duration of the production cycle

As you can see, the reserve for reducing the duration of the production cycle is the improvement of technology and technology, the use of continuous and combined technological processes, the deepening of specialization and cooperation, the introduction of methods of scientific organization of labor and maintenance of workplaces, the introduction of robotics.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is a reduction in the time of the direct impact of labor on the objects of labor and the time of breaks.

During the time of breaks there is no production consumption of objects of labor, but at the same time they are in the process of production. Consequently, the longer the interruption time, the greater, with the same volume of output per unit of time, the value of work in progress. The elimination of these losses can be achieved by improving the organization and technology of production and will reduce the size of work in progress and thereby increase output by one ruble of working capital and fixed assets, that is, increase the efficiency of their use.

According to the identified losses of working time, the following recommendations can be proposed to eliminate these deficiencies:

more thorough implementation of operational and scheduling planning (i.e., planning the supply of materials and blanks, accounting for actually produced products, etc.)

timely and thorough operational preparation of production (preparation of materials, tools, technical and primary planning documentation, etc.);

improvement of organizational and technical aspects of production (timely issuance of tasks to employees, elimination of equipment malfunctions, etc.);

strengthening labor discipline in order to eliminate delays and absences, as well as to optimize the work schedule of staff.

All of the above measures will entail the elimination of the identified losses of working time, which will lead to an increase in the time for production work, which in turn will accordingly affect the reduction in the duration of the production cycle. To some extent, this may affect the reduction of indirect costs per unit of production and, as a result, the reduction in the cost of production.

As noted in paragraph 1.2, the use of the most efficient types of movement of objects of labor - parallel and parallel-sequential - makes it possible to reduce the duration of the production process, or, in other words, reduce the production cycle for the manufacture of an object of labor.

Organizational measures are aimed at improving the maintenance of workplaces with tools, blanks, improving the work of the control apparatus, intra-shop transport, storage facilities, etc. Reorganization of the production structure of the plant, workshop, for example, the organization of subject-closed production sites, which helps to reduce the time of interruptions in the production process by reducing the time of interoperational soaking and transportation, leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle; the introduction of in-line forms of organization of the production process gives a particularly significant economic effect.

simplification of the design of the product, increasing the level of its manufacturability ("Simplicity of design is the measure of the designer's mind");

simplification and improvement of technological processes, the use of robotics, increasing the level of mechanization and automation;

unification and standardization constituent parts products, technological processes, equipment, tooling, organization of production;

deepening of detailed, technological and functional specialization on the basis of unification and increase in the product output program;

reduction in the specific weight of machined parts;

compliance with the principles of rational organization of production;

mechanization and automation of control and transport and warehouse operations;

reduction of time of natural processes;

reduction of interoperative breaks;

an increase in the share of technically justified norms of time, service norms, resource consumption norms;

incentives to save time and meet quality requirements.

Summing up the question, we note once again that the duration of the production cycle depends on two important groups of factors:

Technical level of production;

Production organizations.

These two groups of factors mutually determine and complement each other.

The main directions for reducing the production cycle are:

Technology improvement;

The use of more productive equipment, tools, technological equipment;

Automation of production processes and the use of flexible integrated processes;

Specialization and cooperation of production;

Organization of mass production;

Flexibility (versatility) of staff.

7. Practical examples of calculating the reduction in the duration of the production cycle

Consider the basic rules to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

1. With a sequential technological cycle, reducing the time of any operation by the value ∆t leads to a reduction in the cycle by the value n∆t.

2. With a parallel technological cycle, reducing the time of the main operation tg by the value ∆tg, provided that it remains the main one, leads to the fact that the cycle is reduced by the value n∆tg.

3. If the norms of the time of technological operations increase or decrease monotonously in the course of the production process, then the duration of the parallel and parallel-sequential cycles will be the same.

Example. The technological process has four operations (m = 4) with the following time limits: t1 = 8; t2 = 7; t3 = 5; t4 = 3 min. Processing batch size n = 10 units, transfer batch k = 2 units. Average interoperative time Tmo = 3 min.

Let's calculate the duration of parallel-sequential and parallel production cycles.

We use the following formulas for calculating the duration of production cycles:

For a serial-parallel cycle we have:

Tpp = n ∑ti - (n - k) ∑tsi + m Tmo = 10 * (8 + 7 + 5 + 3) - (10 - 2) (7 + 5 + +3) + 4 * 3 = 10 * 23 - 8 * 15 + 12 = 122 min.

The selection of operations shorter in duration tsi from two adjacent ones in the technological cycle is carried out as follows: from two operations lasting 8 and 7 minutes, the shorter one is 7 minutes; of two operations lasting 7 and 5 minutes, the shorter one is 5 minutes. and, finally, from two operations lasting 5 and 3 minutes - a shorter one 3 minutes. The sum of short operations: (7 + 5 + 3) = 15 min.

For a parallel production run:

Tpr = + (n - k) tg + m Tmo = 2 (8 + 7 + 5 + 3) + (10 - 2) * 8 + 4 * 3 = 2 * 23 + 8 * 8 + 12 = 122 min.

The main operation tg (the longest in time) of the technological cycle is the first operation with a duration of 8 minutes. Thus, the duration of the parallel-sequential and parallel cycles turned out to be the same due to the fact that the time norms increase monotonically in the course of the technological process.

4. If several parts need to be made on one machine, then when the parts are started for processing in ascending order of time, the total time spent by the machine will be minimal.

Example. Four parts were fed to the machine with the following processing time standards: t1 = 5; t2 = 25; t3 = 10; t4 = 15 min.

Calculate the total dwell time of parts for a given processing sequence; to determine the optimal sequence of processing parts.

In table. 7.1 and 7.2 shows the solution to this problem. The first part with a production time of 5 minutes immediately goes into processing. Therefore, the lying time of this part is 0. The second part with a time norm of 25 minutes (Table 7.1) or 10 minutes (Table 7.2) lies for 5 minutes, i.e. all the time while the first part is being processed. The third part lies during the processing time of the first two, and so on. In the case under consideration, the optimal sequence of starting parts for processing makes it possible to reduce the total time spent by the machine by 25 minutes (75 - 50 = 25 minutes).

Table 7.1

Initial sequence of parts processing

Table 7.2

Optimal workpiece sequence

5. If several names of parts are processed on two machines, then the first one to be processed is the part with the minimum manufacturing time on the first machine, and the last one with the minimum manufacturing time on the second machine. After that, these parts are excluded from the queue and further selection of parts is made according to the same rule. The resulting sequence of starting parts for processing ensures the minimum duration of the production cycle for processing these parts.

Example. Each of the five parts must be processed first on the first and then on the second machine. The processing times are given in Table. 7.3.

Table 7.3

Initial data for processing parts

Let's determine the duration of the production cycle for processing five parts in the sequence indicated in Table. 7.3. Draw up the optimal sequence for processing these parts and calculate the duration of the production cycle.

The duration of the production cycle for processing five parts in the sequence 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 is determined graphically (Fig. 7.1). From this figure it can be seen that the duration of the cycle is 19 minutes.

Rice. 7.1. Duration of the processing cycle of parts in the sequence 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5. Cycle duration 19 min.

We will carry out the selection of parts for the optimal order of launch for processing. The first part to be processed will be the part with the minimum manufacturing time on the first machine - this is part 5; the last item is item 2, since it has the shortest manufacturing time on the second machine 1 min (Table 7.3). Let's depict the resulting sequence as follows: 5 - - - - 2. Repeat the selection process excluding parts 5 and 2 from it. Next, part 1 will be processed first, since it has a minimum manufacturing time on the first machine - 3 minutes; the last item in this selection will be item 4 with a minimum manufacturing time on the second machine - 2 minutes. After the second selection, the run sequence will look like this: 5 - 1 - - 4 - 2. The result of the second selection is placed "inside" the first part sequence. Part 3 remains - it will be both the first and last in the third selection. The result of the third selection is placed "inside" the second sequence of parts: 5 - 1 - - 3 - 4 - 2. The graph of the production cycle for processing parts in this sequence is shown in fig. 7.2. The duration of the cycle turned out to be shorter - 16 min instead of 19 min in Fig. 7.1.

Rice. 7.2. Duration of the cycle for processing parts in the optimal sequence 5 - 1 - 3 - 4 - 2. Cycle duration 16 min.

Thus, the rules listed above allow, without additional costs, to reduce the duration of the production cycle and increase the productivity of the production system.


The production cycle is one of the most important indicators of technical and economic development, which determines the capabilities of the enterprise in terms of output and production costs.

The production cycle is a calendar period of time during which this object of labor goes through all stages of the production process - from the first production operation to the delivery (acceptance) of the finished product, inclusive.

The duration of the production cycle (DPC) is the interval of calendar time from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last one; measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds, depending on the type of product and the stage of processing.

The production cycle consists of two parts: the working period, i.e. the period during which the object of labor is directly in the manufacturing process and the time of breaks in this process.

On the basis of structural organization, complex and simple processes are distinguished, according to the method of organizing the movement of PT from operation to operation - sequential, parallel, parallel-sequential. Each of these types has its own characteristics, we only note that the shortest duration of the production cycle occurs with a parallel type of combination of operations.

The duration of the production cycle affects the timing of preparation for the production of new products, the turnover of working capital, is an important value in the organization of operational production planning, logistics, etc.

In general, the duration of the production cycle is determined by adding the time of the work process and the time of breaks. In turn, the time of the working period includes piece-calculation time, time of control operations, time of transportation of objects of labor, time of natural processes, etc. associated with shortcomings in the organization of production.

The nature of the organization of the movement of objects of labor also has its own characteristics on the calculation of the LPC.

It should be noted that the influence of the WPC indicator on other indicators characterizing the work of the enterprise cannot be overestimated.

The duration of the production cycle affects the most important performance indicators of the enterprise and leads to an acceleration of the turnover of working capital, a reduction in the volume of work in progress, an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the use of production capacities and an increase in output, a decrease in the cost of a unit of production by reducing fixed costs per unit of production, an increase production profitability.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks of organizing production in an enterprise, on the proper solution of which its efficient, cost-effective operation largely depends.

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors: technological, organizational and economic. These groups of factors mutually determine and complement each other.

The main directions of reducing the production cycle are to reduce the time associated with the implementation of the technological operation and to minimize all types of interruptions in the production process.

The reserve for reducing the duration of the production cycle is the improvement of technology and technology, the use of continuous and combined technological processes, the deepening of specialization and cooperation, the introduction of methods of scientific organization of labor and maintenance of workplaces, the introduction of robotics.

In addition, the improvement of the system of operational and scheduling at enterprises, the elimination of unproductive costs and loss of working time, the strengthening of labor discipline, and the improvement of the organization and planning of logistics will also help to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

In the final part of the course work, the basic rules are considered that allow, at no additional cost, to reduce the duration of the production cycle and increase the productivity of the production system, which is confirmed by specific examples.

List of sources used

1. Egorova T.A. Design of production systems: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 304 p.

2. Zolotarev A.N. Increasing the productivity of reproductive processes (on the example of mechanical engineering): Monograph. - Kh .: Publishing House "INZHEK", 2004. - 172p.

3. Meshkova L.L., Belous I.I., Frolov N.M. Organization and technology of the industry: a course of lectures. - Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, 2002. - 168s.

4. Nepomniachtchi E.G. Economics and enterprise management: Lecture notes. - Taganrog: Publishing House of TRTU, 1997. - 374p.

5. Organization and planning of production at machine-building enterprises: Textbook / Ed. E.G. Lieberman. - 2nd ed., revised and additional. - M.: Publishing house "Engineering", 1967. - 607p.

6. Rebrin Yu.I. Fundamentals of Economics and Production Management: Lecture Notes. - Taganrog: Publishing House of TRTU, 2000. - 145s.

7. Sachko N.S. Theoretical basis organization of production. - Minsk: Design PRO, 1997. - 320s.

8. Serebrennikov G.G. Economic aspects of the organization of production: Proc. allowance. - Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, 2002. - 80s.

9. Sorokin A.P. Production management: a course of lectures. - Minsk: Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2002. - 327p.

10. Faingold M.L., Kuznetsov D.V. Fundamentals of calculating the duration of the production cycle (methodology and theory) / Under the scientific. ed. M.L. Feingold. - Vladimir: VGPU Publishing House, 2001. - 63s.

11. Faingold M.L., Kuznetsov D.V. Problems of improving the methodology for calculating the duration of the production cycle / Under the scientific. ed. M.L. Feingold. - Vladimir: VGPU Publishing House, 2001. - 47p.

12. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Production management. - M.: Intel - Synthesis, 2000. - 404 p.

Performing economic analysis, the relevant departments of the enterprise consider the organization of production from different angles. This allows you to create a real picture of the processes taking place at the facility. Based on the data of the analysis, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the expediency of the company's activities. Also, the information obtained during the study makes it possible to predict the development in the future. When conducting such an analysis, the production cycle is considered. The duration of the production cycle is an important economic category. It allows you to draw conclusions about the economic activity of the company and develop measures to improve the indicator in the planned period. Therefore, the presented category of economic analysis deserves detailed consideration.

General concept of the production cycle

One of the most important indicators of the company's activity is the production cycle. The duration of the production cycle is considered the basis for calculating many other categories of analysis of the economic activities of the organization. So it is possible to improve the whole system of technical and economic indicators in the future. The production cycle is a period of time, calculated in calendar days, during which a batch or type of product goes through all the stages of its creation. The manufacture of parts in this case ends with the stage at which their entire set can be sent for sale.

This is a finished product. The duration of the production process is measured from the first to the last technological operation. Depending on the product type, this parameter is presented in minutes, hours or days. The Need for Evaluation The calculation of production cycles is very important in economic analysis. This approach in the assessment of economic activity is considered to be the initial one. Based on it, many other indicators are considered.

With its help, the timing of the launch of a new product into production is determined. This takes into account the duration of its creation. Also, the production cycle allows you to evaluate the capacity of the company's divisions. On its basis, the volume of work in progress is calculated. Quite a lot of planning and technological assessments are made taking into account the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to master the methodology of its definition and interpretation. Components of the cycle The production process is a sequence of certain technological operations, as a result of which the objects of labor are moved.

In this case, there is a change in their shape, properties, sizes. The production cycle consists of several parts. These include working time, the period of natural processes (for example, paint drying), breaks. Each element is taken into account when calculating the cycle time. Working time consists of technological and non-technological operations. Breaks can be inter-shift, as well as occurring during periods of equipment employment. This includes party expectations. There are also pauses caused by the irrational organization of the production process.

Equipment may temporarily stop, among other things, due to unforeseen circumstances. When calculating the duration of the cycle, all interruptions are taken into account, except for those caused by unsatisfactory organization of production and random incidents. What affects the cycle? Many factors affect the lead time.

Having an influence on them, you can control the effectiveness of the organization. First of all, the duration of the cycle is affected by labor intensity. Technically sound standards are being developed. They determine the time for which they receive the finished product. The batch size also affects the cycle time. The time spent on non-technological operations and breaks are also important. One of the important indicators influencing the value of the cycle time is the type of movement of the subject of processing in the process of its creation. Managers, economists, company leaders in the process of analyzing the duration of production of finished products should pay attention to constraining factors.

Their elimination increases the efficiency of the company.

Promotion Details

Depending on the principle of movement of parts, elements in the process of manufacturing the final product, there are several types of cycles. This is taken into account when analyzing and planning the future activities of the company. Types of production cycles, depending on the conditions of movement of parts, are conditionally divided into parallel, sequential and mixed. This is an important characteristic of the organization of the entire technological process. With sequential movement, the entire batch of objects of labor enters the next stage of production only after the completion of the previous processing. Each stage of manufacturing products is autonomous, fully completed. With parallel processing, each part is immediately transferred to the next processing step. In this case, the production time is significantly reduced. With a mixed movement of objects of labor, parts are partially processed at one technological stage and enter the next stage in batches. There are no downtime or interruptions.

The production process is a normalized category. Based on this, it is possible to calculate the value of each cycle. This will allow you to compare the duration of several processes. With the sequential movement of objects of labor to their final form, the cycle can be calculated quite simply.

Then the actual production time is compared with this indicator. If necessary, limiting factors are identified and eliminated. Calculating the duration of a parallel cycle Production of parts that occur in parallel takes less time. If technology allows the use of such a movement of objects of labor, it turns out to be much more profitable.

The faster a batch is produced, the better. At the same time, its quality should not deteriorate. Reducing the production cycle leads to an increase in profit from sales. This indicator is part of the working capital cycle. This coefficient determines how many times a year the company will be able to sell a batch of finished products. If turnover increases, the same will happen with sales proceeds. That is why it is important to reduce the time for which products are produced. If the working capital cycle accelerates, resources are freed up for expansion and modernization. The volume of work in progress is also reduced. The company releases liquid material resources. Therefore, it is extremely important to load the full production capacity.

Features of the indicator in different industries

The duration and components of the production cycle depend on many factors. These include the type of branch of the national economy, the level of mechanization, the organization of the manufacturing process, etc. For industries with a high share of mechanization (engineering, mining, chemical industry etc.) cycle acceleration is very important.

With a reduction in the number of technological operations, a stable positive effect is observed. However, all measures aimed at increasing the volume of production are developed taking into account the technological requirements for the organization of the process. Reducing operations, accelerating the advancement of objects of labor will not be appropriate without maintaining high level quality. Only deliberate, calculated actions to compress the production cycle can be implemented in practice.

The organization of the production cycle is carried out in accordance with the laws and requirements of approved technologies. However, there are 3 possible directions to increase the turnover rate. They are carried out at the same time. At the same time, the time of labor and natural processes is reduced, and all breaks are completely eliminated or reduced to a minimum duration. This is possible during the modernization of production technology and equipment. Product design is also subject to change.

This will reduce the number and duration of technological operations. Thanks to modern scientific developments, some processing processes can be significantly accelerated. This requires capital investment. Without this, it is extremely difficult to create a competitive product today. Properly thought-out design of finished products allows you to implement parallel promotion instead of sequential.

Speed ​​up additional operations

In order to improve the economic performance of the enterprise in the planning period, it is initially required to determine the production cycle in the reporting year.

After its analysis, measures are developed to accelerate turnover. In addition to improving core operations, you should pay attention to additional processes. These include control and transportation. To speed up the supply of product elements according to the processing items, new technological equipment is used. These can be modern conveyors, elevators, loaders, etc. This allows you to apply the principle of direct flow, continuity of transportation. The control stage can also be accelerated with the help of automation, mechanization. Moreover, this is possible when combining this operation with the technical stage of processing.

A well-organized production cycle affects the efficiency of the company. The duration of the production cycle is accelerated with the intensification of manufacturing products. This allows maximum load capacity. At the same time, the share of intra-shop and inter-factory costs is reduced. The cost of finished products is also reduced. Therefore, the management of the organization must find reserves to reduce the cycle time. This is possible by improving equipment and technology, deepening cooperation and specialization, and introducing the latest scientific developments. Only a reasonable organization of the entire production process gives a positive result and leads to an increase in profits. Having become familiar with the calculation methodology and interpretation features, the controlling services can correctly determine the normative and actual production cycle. The duration of the production cycle is reduced different ways. By competently developing measures to reduce it, the company can make more profit in the current period than in the previous year.

The production cycle (PC) is the central value of a technical nature. On its basis, many values ​​​​of the enterprise's activities are calculated. The value of the PC is needed to establish the timing of launching objects into production. The deadlines for the latter establish the necessary resources that the departments must have.

What is a production cycle

The production cycle is a period of full turnover of funds that are needed to service the work of the enterprise. The beginning of the cycle is the arrival of raw materials and materials, its completion is the shipment of products. That is, the PV is the length of time needed for the complete manufacture of the goods. The result of the production cycle is the receipt of the finished product. Determining the duration of the production cycle ensures the establishment of the time spent on the production of goods. It is measured in days, hours and minutes. The considered indicator is needed in the following cases:

  • Confirmation of the correctness of the definition of the program for the manufacture of goods.
  • Formation of a schedule for the movement of objects during production (logistics).
  • Establishing the scope of work in progress.
  • Determining the amount of working capital.

The production cycle is necessary for internal planning in the company. The main task of carrying out calculations is the limiting decrease in the duration of the PC. It is necessary to achieve the following goals:

  • Reducing the amount of working capital used.
  • Reducing the duration of the turnover of funds.
  • Reducing the area of ​​warehouses where objects of work in progress, raw materials are stored.
  • Improving the quality of operation of basic funds.
  • Reducing the cost of goods.

Shortening the production cycle is necessary to save the company's resources. In the future, this will help increase profits: the cost of production decreases, and sales increase.

Structure of the production cycle

Consider the components of the production cycle:

  1. Execution period (time spent only on the work itself). It is divided into basic operations and auxiliary. The first includes procurement and assembly operations, the second - transport and control.
  2. The period allotted for natural processes. Involves periods of rest due to natural causes (for example, this is at night).
  3. Breaks. These are interoperational periods, breaks between cycles. Breaks are also due to the seasonal nature of work.

The complex of actions is called the technological cycle. This cycle reflects the period during which the direct or indirect influence of employees on the object is performed.

Breaks are divided into two types:

  1. Rest periods due to the mode of work in the company. These are weekends, holidays, lunch breaks.
  2. Rest periods related to technical conditions. For example, it may be waiting for the release of the workplace, the assembly of the necessary parts. Also, downtime can be caused by the interdependence of unequal production operations, lack of electricity.

So, the production cycle is not only the actions associated with the production of goods, but also periods of planned and forced rest.

Formula for calculating the production cycle

The cycle value is set by this formula:

T p.c. = Ttech + Tper + Test.proc.

The formula uses these values:

  • Tp.c. - the timing of the PC.
  • Тtehn - terms of the technological stage.
  • Tper - breaks.
  • Test.percent - the timing of natural downtime.

When calculating the duration of the cycle, only those intervals that are not compensated by the period of technological actions should be taken into account. These include control measures, transportation of raw materials and products. Rest periods caused by organizational and technical problems (for example, a delay in the supply of raw materials, problems with discipline at the enterprise) are not taken into account when determining the planned duration of the production cycle.

When determining the value of the cycle, the nuances of the movement of the object of labor through production activities are taken into account. The movement is divided into the following forms:

  • Sequential. Work with a new batch of homogeneous objects of labor is initiated only after the previous batch has been processed.
  • Parallel. The direction of items to the operation is performed after the past operation has been processed. The considered form of movement causes a reduction in the cycle indicators.
  • Parallel-serial. The direction of objects to an operation is implemented during the execution of an adjacent operation. The considered order allows to exclude breaks.

The time period of the cycle depends on the type of movement of objects of labor.

What is the value of the production cycle

The compression of the production cycle is determined by these factors:

  • Technological processes. The equipment of the enterprise with technical tools affects the duration of processing and assembly.
  • Organizational. Assume actions to organize work processes. These processes affect the duration of auxiliary activities, breaks.
  • Economic. They affect the values ​​of mechanization, technical excellence and timing of processes, the value of work in progress.

The cycle time is the result of a whole host of factors present in the enterprise. A change in one of the factors contributes to both shortening and multiplying the cycle. That is, the terms of the production cycle can be changed. For this, different methods are used.

What is the value of the production cycle

The production cycle is a constituent element of the movement of working capital. Its reduction causes an increase in the turnover rate. That is, a shortened cycle leads to an increase in the number of turnovers during the reporting year. The result of this is the accumulation of additional funds that can be used to modernize and expand production. In addition, the scale of work in progress is decreasing. This entails the accumulation of funds in material form. That is, material resources are released.

The duration of the cycle also determines. The latter refers to the maximum possible release of goods in the reporting period. How does this happen? The less time it takes to create one product, the more goods can be produced. Therefore, the power increases.

With the compression of the cycle, the quality of labor productivity also increases. There is an increase in the volume of output of goods, which entails an increase in power. This entails a decrease in the share of labor of employees. The cost price is reduced by reducing costs, taking into account the increase in power.

How to shorten the cycle

It is possible to compress the cycle in the following ways:

  • Purchase of more technically advanced equipment.
  • Implementation of continuous processes.
  • Increasing the depth of specialization.
  • Using the methods of scientific organization.
  • Application of robotics.
  • Improving labor discipline.
  • Reducing the number of breaks in legal ways (for example, several shifts per day).
  • Modernization of the entire production.
  • Improving the quality of management.
  • Implementation of new methods of organizing workflows.

IMPORTANT! Reducing the production cycle is one of the key tasks of the head of the enterprise. This allows you to immediately improve a number of basic indicators. Reducing the PC involves drawing up a detailed plan. It makes sense to work on those factors, the change of which involves the least cost. Before executing the plan, it is necessary to analyze all the factors affecting the production cycle.

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Chapter 1. The concept of the production cycle, its essence, stages and structure



A necessary condition for the successful operation of an enterprise is the rational construction of its production and organizational structure. The production cycle is one of the most important indicators. It is the starting point for the calculation of many components of the enterprise. On its basis, production capacities are calculated, the launch dates for the product are set, taking into account the timing of its release, the volume of work in progress is determined, and other planning and production calculations are carried out.

The production cycle is one of the constituent elements of the technological process and is used as a standard for operational planning of production, financial management and other planning and production calculations. The duration of the production cycle is established and regulated both as a whole for all products (including their constituent elements), and separately for each element. Without a thorough analysis of the production cycle, it is impossible to say about the effectiveness of this production.

This topic is of particular relevance for enterprises engaged in the production of products (works, services), since at the stage of a free market economy, production, like goods, must be competitive.

The purpose of this study is to study the production cycle, its structure and ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

The goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:

give a general description of the production cycle;

study its structure;

consider methods for calculating the duration of the production cycle and factors affecting it;

explore the economic significance of the production cycle;

analyze ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle.

The object of research is the production cycle as one of the most important indicators of the success of the organization. The subject of research is the methods of regulation, reduction of the production cycle.

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion, and a list of sources used.

The theoretical and methodological basis for writing the work were the works of leading Russian and foreign economists in the field of research of production cycles. The work used the scientific works of outstanding domestic teachers, normative and program-methodical documents of general education, as well as Internet resources.

Chapter 1. The concept of the production cycle, its essence and structure

1.1 The concept and essence of the production cycle

The production process is a set of purposeful actions of the personnel of the enterprise for the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production:

professionally trained personnel;

means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures);

objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products);

energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light);

information (scientific and technical, commercial, operational and production, legal, socio-political).

When organizing the production process in time, the main task is to achieve the minimum possible duration of the production cycle.

The production cycle is a calendar period of time during which a material, workpiece or other processed item goes through all the operations of the production process or a certain part of it and turns into a finished product (or into a finished part of it). It is expressed in calendar days or (in case of low labor intensity of the product) in hours.

Reducing the cycle allows each production unit (workshop, section) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company gets the opportunity to accelerate the turnover of working capital, to fulfill the established plan with less expenditure of these funds, to release part of the working capital.

Thus, we have studied the general characteristics of the production cycle and found out its essence.

1.2 Structure of the production cycle

The time for performing the main operations of processing products is the technological cycle and determines the time during which the direct or indirect impact of a person on the object of labor is carried out.

The production cycle has two stages:

The time of the production process.

Time of breaks in the production process.

The time of the production process, which is called the technological cycle, or working period, includes:

time for preparatory and final operations;

time for technological operations;

time for the course of natural technological processes;

time for transportation in the production process;

time for technical control.

The time of interruptions in the production process is the time during which no impact is made on the object of labor and there is no change in its qualitative characteristics, but the product is not yet finished and the production process is not completed. Break times in the production process include:

time of interoperative decubitus;

time between shifts.

The preparatory and final time is spent by the worker (or team) on preparing himself and his workplace for the performance of the production task, as well as on all actions to complete it. It includes the time to obtain an order, material, special tools and fixtures, equipment adjustment, etc.

The time of technological operations is the time during which a direct impact on the object of labor is carried out either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control.

The time of natural technological processes is the time during which the object of labor changes its characteristics without the direct influence of man and technology (air drying of a painted product or cooling of a heated product, growth and maturation of plants, fermentation of certain products, etc.).

The time for technical control and the time for transportation in the production process constitute the maintenance time, which includes:

quality control of product processing;

control of operating modes of machines and equipment, their adjustment, minor repairs;

transportation of blanks, materials, acceptance and cleaning of processed products.

Interoperational (intra-shift) breaks are divided into:

batch breaks - take place when parts are processed in batches: each part or assembly, entering the workplace as part of a batch, lies twice - before and after processing, until the entire batch passes through this operation;

waiting breaks - due to inconsistency (non-synchronism) in the duration of adjacent operations of the technological process and occur when the previous operation ends before the workplace is freed up for the next operation;

picking breaks - occur in cases where parts and assemblies lie due to the unfinished production of other parts included in one set.

Breaks between shifts are determined by the mode of operation (the number and duration of shifts) and include breaks between work shifts, weekends and holidays, lunch breaks.

Inter-operational and inter-shift breaks are regulated breaks.

Unscheduled breaks are associated with downtime of equipment and workers for various organizational and technical reasons not provided for by the operating mode (lack of raw materials, equipment breakdown, absenteeism of workers, etc.), and are not included in the production cycle.

So, in this section, we examined the structure of the production cycle of the enterprise.

economic labor productivity

Chapter 2. Duration of the production cycle, factors affecting it and calculation methods

2.1 Determination of the duration of the production cycle and factors affecting it

The production process takes place in time and space, as a result, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the path of movement of the product and its components, as well as the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path.

The duration (duration) of the production cycle is the interval of calendar time from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last one; measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds, depending on the type of product and the stage of processing.

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors, such as:

Technological. Technological processes, their complexity and diversity, technical equipment predetermine the processing time of parts and the duration of assembly processes.

Organizational. The organization of processes in time, the organization of jobs, the labor itself and its payment, the level of mechanization - automation of production processes to an even greater extent affect the duration of auxiliary operations, service processes and breaks.

Economic. The level of organization of labor processes, rational forms of labor stimulation, motivation labor activity, the level of equipment of workplaces determine the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (hence, their duration).

The faster the production process is performed (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), which is one of the elements of the circulation of working capital, the greater will be the speed of their turnover, the greater the number of revolutions they make during the year.

As a result, there is a release of monetary resources that can be used to expand production at a given enterprise. For the same reason, there is a reduction (absolute or relative) in the volume of work in progress. And this means the release of working capital in their material form, i.e. in the form of concrete material resources.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop directly depends on the duration of the production cycle. Under the production capacity is understood the maximum possible output in the planned period. And therefore it is clear that the less time is spent on the production of one product, the greater the number of them can be manufactured in the same period of time. Labor productivity with a reduction in the duration of the production cycle increases as a result of an increase in output due to an increase in production capacity, which leads to a decrease in the share of labor of auxiliary workers in a unit of output, as well as the share of labor of specialists and employees. The cost of production with a reduction in the production cycle is reduced due to a decrease in the cost of a unit of production of the share of general factory and workshop costs with an increase in production capacity.

Thus, in this section, we found out that reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important sources of increasing the efficiency of production in enterprises, and we also examined the factors affecting the duration of the production cycle.

2.2 Methods for calculating the duration of the production cycle

When determining the duration of the production cycle, the duration of its three components is usually calculated: the duration of the technological part of the cycle, the time of breaks for various reasons, and the time of natural breaks, if they are provided for by the technological process.


where T_(P.C) - the duration of the production cycle;

T_TECHN - duration of technological processes;

T_PER - duration of breaks;

T_(EST.PR) - time of natural processes.

The remaining elements of the duration of the production cycle either have an insignificant value, for example, preparatory and final time, or they are performed during breaks for various reasons, for example, the time to perform transport operations, the time of accounting and packaging of products.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the movement of the object of labor through the operations that exist in the enterprise.

With sequential movement, the processing of a batch of the same-name objects of labor at each subsequent operation begins only when the entire batch has been processed at the previous operation.

Suppose you want to process a batch of three items (n=3); number of processing operations (m=4), time norms for operations are: t_1= 10, t_2= 40, t_3= 20, t_4 = 10 min.

For this case, the cycle time

T_(C.(SEQ.)) = 3(10 + 40 + 20 + 10) = 240 min.

Since a number of operations can be performed not at one, but at several workplaces, the duration of the production cycle with sequential movement in the general case has the form

T_(C(SEQ))=n?_(i=1)^m?1t_i ?/C_i,

where C_i is the number of jobs.

With parallel movement, the transfer of objects of labor to the next operation is carried out individually or by a transport batch immediately after processing at the previous operation:

T_(C(PAR))=(p?_(i=1)^m?1t_i?)/C_i +(n-p)*t_max/C_max,

where p is the size of the transport party, pieces;

t_max - execution time of the longest operation, min;

C_max - number of jobs for the longest operation.

With a parallel type of movement, the duration of the production cycle is significantly reduced. but parallel view traffic causes equipment downtime at workplaces where the duration of the operation is less than the most time-consuming operation. These downtimes are the greater, the greater the difference between the execution time of the longest (main) operation and the time spent on other operations. In this regard, the parallel type of movement is justified in the case when the time of various operations is approximately equal or a multiple of each other, i.e. under conditions of continuous production.

Thus, in this chapter, we have studied the factors affecting the duration of the production cycle, and also considered various methods for calculating the production cycle.

Chapter 3. Economic significance and main directions for reducing the duration of the production cycle

3.1 The main ways and directions of reducing the duration of the production cycle

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks in the organization of production at the enterprise. Its reduction will increase the profitability of production, its efficiency, which in turn will allow allocating more funds for the development of production in the future, which will bring even more production efficiency and improve the working conditions of the enterprise's employees.

Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle are the technical level of production and the improvement of the organization of labor, production and management. These two groups of factors mutually determine and complement each other.

Technological progress causes a reduction in the duration of the production process as a result of the introduction of more advanced technological processes, for example, precision casting, which makes it possible to obtain blanks that are very close in size to finished parts, which then reduces their machining time; the complete exclusion of some operations or the replacement of some with others, more productive, for example, the combination of several different technological operations in one work cycle; intensification of production processes, for example, in the metallurgical industry, high-speed melting methods are widely used, which make it possible to reduce the melting time by 25-30% or more.

The duration of natural processes is significantly reduced as a result of their replacement by appropriate technological operations.

For example, the natural drying of painted parts can be replaced by drying in the field of high frequency currents with a significant acceleration of this process.

Reducing labor intensity can be achieved by changing the starting materials. By changing the material from which the workpiece is made, it is possible to achieve savings in living labor during machining. A significant effect is the replacement of metal parts with plastic ones that do not require subsequent machining. The reduction of the preparatory and final time is achieved by the introduction of the in-line method of organizing production, standard and universal fixtures. Reducing the duration of quality control of operations performed is achieved by their mechanization and automation, combining the time of technological and control operations.

The improvement of the technical level of production is reflected in the increase in the manufacturability of the design, which manifests itself in the maximum approximation of the design to the requirements of the technological process. Thus, the rational design of the product is a necessary condition for the parallel assembly of individual parts of the product, and, consequently, for reducing the duration of assembly work.

Improving the organization of labor and production finds its concrete expression:

in the rational planning of workplaces in accordance with the sequence of technological operations and the improvement of the organization of the transfer of parts from operation to operation within the site, workshop;

in reducing the time of interruptions caused by equipment accidents, which requires a clear organization of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment;

in accelerating auxiliary processes through their extensive mechanization and automation, due to which they not only perform faster, but also increase the reliability of servicing the main processes;

in improving the work of the transport economy in order to organize a uniform transport service for all workshops during all shifts, the introduction of a fixed schedule of transport operations, the use of counting containers, automatic scales, the introduction of conveyors and containers;

in the organization of the preparatory shift, during which the equipment is adjusted, preparation for the production of materials, tools, fixtures;

in the introduction of shift-daily planning and organization of work on an hourly schedule;

in improving the organization of production in service and auxiliary farms;

in increasing the level of specialization of jobs, which makes it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce the waiting time for the release of jobs engaged in operations for the manufacture of batches of parts of another serial product

in determining the most rational order for launching a batch of products into production, which leads to a reduction in the time of “laying out” of parts at workplaces.

Summarizing the above, we note the main directions for reducing the production cycle:

Improvement of technologies.

The use of more productive equipment, tools, technological equipment.

Automation of production processes.

Specialization and cooperation of production.

Organization of mass production.

Flexibility (versatility) of staff.

So, in this section, we examined the main directions for reducing the duration of the production cycle.

3.2 Economic importance of shortening the production cycle

The duration of the production cycle is established and regulated both as a whole for all products (including their constituent elements), and separately for each element. However, the length of time for the manufacture of individual parts, assemblies and assemblies (components of the product) in total exceeds the cycle time of the product itself due to the fact that a significant part of the components are manufactured in parallel at different workplaces.

For example, sewing coats in a clothing factory is carried out simultaneously in several areas by a large number of workers. Each worker performs only part of the operation. In total, the production cycle for one coat is, say, 80 hours (taking into account the laying of its components in anticipation of their demand). But the duration of the production cycle of sewing the coat itself is no more than 20 hours. The need to regulate and strictly take into account the duration of the cycle separately for each component of the product is caused primarily by the conditions of the economy and the organization of production.

First, in order to calculate the production cycle of the entire product, it is necessary to have data on the cycles of its elements. Secondly, such a regulation is used as a parameter with the help of which the operational scheduling of the enterprise's work is carried out (including the distribution of production tasks by workshops, sections and workplaces and control over the timeliness of completing tasks in accordance with consumer orders). Thirdly, the duration of the production cycle (both the product as a whole and its components) has a significant impact on the economy of the enterprise, primarily on the turnover rate of working capital. In total, working capital, having made a full turn, is returned with a profit. If at the entrance to the turnover there were 1000 rubles, then at the output it became, say, 1200 rubles.

The task of specialists is to ensure that each hryvnia Money enterprises spent on production, turned around faster and after its sale returned to consumers with a profit. The profit-to-cost ratio must be greater than zero.

This indicator in economic practice is called profitability, or efficiency ratio:

where E - efficiency;

П_Р - profit;

Z - costs.

Profit is the difference between the price of a product and its cost. Profit is credited to the settlement account of the enterprise not separately, but together with the payment of production costs, the main part of which is formed at the expense of working capital. Thus, working capital, passing the stage of implementation, make a profit.

Therefore, we see how strongly the profit of the enterprise depends on the speed of turnover of working capital. Working capital in an enterprise in motion usually goes through the following phases of transformation:

stocks in warehouses;

unfinished production;

finished products in stock and on the way.

The duration of the production cycle affects only one phase - work in progress. But in a number of industries, the residence time of working capital in work in progress is dominant. At a hydroelectric power plant, for example, there is no work in progress, which is due to the specifics of production and the speed of transmission of electricity to consumers. Here, the duration of the production cycle, in fact, is zero. The picture is different in the construction industry. Due to the length of the construction cycle of one or two years or more, huge funds are frozen, concentrated in work in progress. Therefore, for this type of production, it is extremely important to develop and apply various technical and organizational measures to reduce the production cycle, and, consequently, to reduce the freezing period for funds in work in progress. For this, a variety of technical and organizational methods are used, including the acceleration of the movement of products in the production process.

Thus, in this chapter, we examined the economic significance and main directions of reducing the duration of the production cycle, found out that reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks in the organization of production at the enterprise.


Summing up the writing of the course work, we can draw the following conclusions.

In this term paper the concept of the production cycle, its stages, structure, as well as the main directions of reducing the duration of the production cycle are considered. Based on the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The production cycle is one of the most important indicators of technical and economic development, which determines the capabilities of the enterprise in terms of output and production costs.

The duration of the production cycle affects the most important performance indicators of the enterprise and leads to an acceleration of the turnover of working capital, a reduction in the volume of work in progress, an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the use of production capacities and an increase in output, a decrease in the cost of a unit of production by reducing fixed costs per unit of production, an increase production profitability.

In the literature, many different methods and ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle are considered. All of them are carefully developed and substantiated, but their common drawback is insufficient attention to improving the organization of production in the development of such measures. However, it should be noted that it is the economic factor that determines the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (and, consequently, their duration) is one of the main ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle, leading to an increase in production volumes without additional costs.

I believe that reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks of organizing production in an enterprise, on the proper solution of which its efficient, cost-effective operation largely depends.

List of sources used

1. Gorfinkel V.Ya., Shvandar V.A. Enterprise economy. 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2008. - 670 p.

2. Gribov V.D., Gruzinov V.P., Kuzmenko V. Economics of an organization (enterprise) - M.: KnoRus, 2010. - 416 p.

3. Elizarov, Yu.F. Economics of organizations (enterprises): textbook / Yu.F. Elizarov. - Moscow: Exam, 2008. - 495 p.

4. Sergeev I.V. Economics of the enterprise: textbook. allowance. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2009. - 576 p.

5. Sklyarenko V.K., Prudnikov V.M. Enterprise economy. [Text] - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 208 p.

6. Titov, V.I. Enterprise Economics: textbook / V.I. Titov. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2008. - 411 p.

7. Turovets O.G., Rodionov V.B., Bukhalkov M.I. Organization of production and enterprise management. - M.: INFRA-M, 2009. - 544 p.

8. Chaldaeva, L.A. Enterprise Economics: textbook / L.A. Chaldaeva. - Moscow: Yurayt, 2011. - 347 p.

9. Shepelenko, G.I. Economics, organization and planning of production at the enterprise: study guide / G.I. Shepelenko. - Rostov-on-Don: March, 2010. - 600 p.

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