Black midges on flowers. What to do if midges are wound up in a flower? Getting rid of midges in indoor flowers with ammonia in the apartment, Nystatin

  • 17.06.2019

If, while watering your biological kingdom, you suddenly find flying midges, then a feeling of annoyance immediately arises, and then the question is how to get rid of midges in flowers? In this article, I will talk about the most effective ways fight. And by following the instructions, you will save your blooming pets.

Midges - a threat to plant life

Almost 30 genera of midges in indoor flowers are a threat to plants. The white midge harms the ground part of the flower, and the black one (its larvae) destroys the roots. Therefore, if the plant has stopped growing or has lost its healthy appearance, we will look for pests.

Let's shake the pot. They will scatter from an infected plant. If not, then examine the soil. To do this, pour water into the flowerpot so that it stands a centimeter above the ground. And, if midges appeared in the flowers, then a little later their larvae, eggs will emerge.

Why do midges start

If you find insects on indoor plants, then you must first eliminate the cause of the problem, and then start fighting midges.

Let's see why midges can settle on their favorite plants:

  • Came from outside: flew in from the street or from the basement. And, perhaps, you have acquired an already infected plant.

These pests are brought with purchased flowers. This means that new plants should be quarantined, even ifground surfaceclean.

  • Arose from acidification of the soil. The soil was already infected with larvae, but it was not disinfected before planting. And acidification of the soil is caused by a lack of drainage.
  • Waterlogging: Plants should be watered in moderation.
  • Close standing plants become infected from such crowding. After all, the air circulates badly here. And ventilation is a preventive measure.
  • Organic fertilizers accelerate the reproduction of pests. So don't abuse them.
  • Humid air from fumes, temperatures over 20 degrees are also the causes of the appearance of insects.

How to get rid of black flies

If black small insects appeared on indoor plants, we start the fight immediately! These are sciarids, flies, mushroom mosquitoes of the Diptera order. And while still larvae, they feed on roots.

Mosquitoes have an elongated dark body (4 mm), long whiskers. female in flower pots leaves 300 translucent whitish eggs. They turn into larvae - white 5 mm worms with a black head and no legs.

Effective ways

Isolation of an infected flower will protect the rest of the houseplants. It is with this that we will begin the fight against mushroom mosquitoes and other harmful trifles. However, one-time preventive treatment for plant neighbors is also necessary.

And here is how to get rid of midges in flowers already infected:

  • One-time water the soil with any insecticide (Aktelik, Aktara, Fitoverm, Tanrek).
  • Also, flower growers recommend granules of the special preparation "Flycat". And the instructions will indicate the amount needed for the soil.

If there is an indication on the package "for combating soil flies" - it means that the composition is designed specifically for this problem.
  • It is better to get a young plant out of the pot and rinse the roots. Then replace the soil in the pot. Larvae die (all!) at -15 degrees. In winter, we can disinfect the soil by taking it outside.
  • In places where pests fly, we will hang sticky tapes. This is how we catch adults.
  • When midges in indoor flowers are already flying in clouds, Raptor and Dichlorvos aerosols will cope with them.
  • We mark the edges of the pot with crayons from cockroaches. Sprinkle the same product in the form of a powder with a thin layer on the ground.
  • Water the diseased flower as little as possible. The larvae of black midges and other pests disappear from the drought.

Folk methods for the destruction of midges

Try to apply recipes from improvised folk remedies that exterminate pests:

  • Potassium permanganate (a pinch) with 2 tablespoons of baking soda is soluble in 10 liters of water. We water the soil with this solution of potassium permanganate for 2 weeks, then the larvae will die. But we spray the plant only with clean water!

  • With a soapy solution (100 g of laundry or green soap and 500 ml of water), moisten a napkin and wipe the affected leaves and trunk home flower. Adult pests will die.
  • Alkaline solutions from laundry soap are afraid of sciarids and miner flies. Soap covers the plant with a film of acids that are harmful to insects. At the same time, be sure to water the plant with a manganese solution in order to simultaneously destroy the larvae.

Laundry soap - an effective insect repellent
  • Small midges do not tolerate sulfur. Just arrange matches in a pot so that the heads rise 1 cm above the ground. When watering, a sulfuric smell frightening sciarids will appear. But here, manganese irrigation is also necessary.

  • Citrus peels, chopped and dried, will also scare away flying pests. Just stick the crusts into the pot.
  • Sliced ​​garlic cloves pressed into the ground will also help.
  • Dill twigs or seeds on the ground will release home plant from harmful flyers.
  • Sprinkle ground hot pepper on the ground.
  • Tobacco infusion will exterminate adult mosquitoes. They need to spray the affected house plant for a month. Pour 50 g of tobacco into 1 liter of water, leave for 2 days and add another liter of water to the filtered infusion.

How to deal with white midges

200 species of these pests are known. Formerly living in warm climates, these white midges have now adapted everywhere. They spoil our vegetables, flowers, especially greenhouse ones.

Small (2 mm) white moths have wings, as it were, covered with wax and flour. Their gray oval and slightly flattened larvae rush around non-stop for 15 hours in search of food. It is dangerous if midges of this species are wound up, because the wax shell protects the larvae from insecticides. So it's pointless to fight them.

Coolness and drought are their enemies. When the wax capsule swells, it means the insect is maturing. Now we must defeat midges in indoor flower beds.

So if in the ground indoor plants white insects are wound up, we act in a complex way:

  • we hang fly traps near the infected flower;
  • remove areas inhabited by larvae;
  • wash with soapy water from the surviving leaves of the egg;
  • loosen the top soil.

Then with our own hands we will process the flower with insecticides or folk remedies.

Effective insecticide control methods

I'll tell you how to get midges out of indoor flowers with insecticides:

You can pour shampoo into the insecticide solution. And greenhouse workers advise to diluteweak solutionlaundry soap to prolong the effect of the insecticide. Shampoo or soap will stick this drug to the leaves.

Folk methods from white midges

At the beginning of infection from a fly in a flower pot will help folk recipes:

  • Yarrow (100 grams) steamed with a liter of boiling water. We insist for a day, filter and spray the leaves.
  • Wormwood (3 tablespoons) is steamed with a glass of boiling water, and after 2 hours we wash the affected leaves with a decoction.
  • Dandelion (30 g of its roots and 40 g of leaves) is poured with a liter of cold water, and after 6 hours we spray it with infusion of the plant - 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • Garlic (10 g crushed) for a day, insist in a liter of water and spray the affected leaves.

  • With a soapy solution (100 g of laundry or green soap and 500 ml of water), moisten a napkin and wipe the affected leaves and the trunk of a home flower. Then adult pests will die.

whitefly attracts yellow. This means that we will smear the yellow paper with Vaseline, in which the flies will get stuck.


So, having learned how to get midges out of indoor flowers, we understand that it is easier to prevent infection:

  • frequent inspections of greenhouse pets;
  • watering only after the top layer has dried;
  • constant draining of excess standing water from the pan;
  • loosening the soil for oxygen access;
  • treatment with a manganese solution or boiling water of a container for planting.

Purchasing a new copy:

  • we calcine the soil in the oven or freeze it in the freezer, from which the larvae will die;
  • the bottom of the pot is lined with crushed expanded clay, pebbles or coarse sand;
  • let's free drainage holes;
  • wood ash in pots will repel pests.

We take care of it like this:

  • we remove dried and fallen leaves;
  • fertilizing, we are not fond of organic matter;

tea brew and coffee grounds- a dubious fertilizer that accelerates the reproduction of flies!

  • if necessary, frequent watering will cover the ground with coarse sand, which dries quickly, and with it - laying eggs;
  • Treated plants are kept cool and dry.


Now, after reading this article, you can easily deal with midges and free your green pets from them. Information from the video in this article will also be useful. And all questions on our topic ask in the comments - I will answer!

Have you noticed white and black insects in flowerpots? Springtails and sciarids can not only spoil your ficus, begonia and orchid, but also bring a lot of discomfort to the residents of the house. How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers? We offer you a selection of the most effective tools.

Home methods of dealing with midges

If midges in flowers have appeared recently, you can get rid of the problem without effort and large financial costs. To do this, there are many grandmother's means, safe and effective. What is also important, each of them is suitable for both white and black midges.

Method 1 - potassium permanganate

This popular method has been known for a long time. Thanks to potassium permanganate, many indoor plants were saved - it disinfects the soil and stops the development of putrefactive processes.

Be very careful - a concentrated solution can burn the roots of plants.

Method 2 - orange peel

Citrus aroma is the main enemy of the flower midge. To bring it out, it is enough to put fresh crusts on top of the soil. They can also be stuck or even prikopat. Some gardeners prefer to grind up fresh orange peel and mix it into the ground. This option is dangerous not only for adults, but also for young larvae.

Method 3 - garlic

If you have midges in your flower pot, try removing them with garlic.

The spicy smell of garlic will repel midges. They will not only disappear, but they will not be able to lay eggs in the flower soil.
There is another recipe:

  1. Grind 3 cloves of garlic in a blender.
  2. Fill with a liter of water.
  3. Pour the mixture over the soil in the flowerpot and spray all the leaves.

Method 4 - matches

The sulfur of the most common matches negatively affects the white midge. Stick them into the ground with their heads down (4-5 pieces are enough) and sprinkle it with water. Check the matches every other day. If there is no sulfur on them, stick new ones. In about a week, not only the larvae will die, but also the adults.

Attention! Against the mushroom mosquito, this method is ineffective, so its larvae may remain in the flowerpot.

Method 5 - soap solution

How to deal with midges that have stuck to flowers with the help of improvised means? Use soapy water. The alkali contained in soap perfectly protects plants from pests.

  1. Mix 50 gr. liquid laundry soap and 200 gr. hot water.
  2. Cool the composition to room temperature.
  3. Dip a rag in the solution and rub the leaves and stems.

Method 6 - wood ash

Another good way, which can be dealt with annoying midges. Moreover, wood ash is an excellent fertilizer. Just sprinkle the soil in the flowerpot.

Method 7 - Velcro

To get rid of adult midges, hang a few pieces of Velcro near the flowerpots. But remember, new midges will grow from the larvae in the ground - do not miss this day.

Method 8 - cockroach chalk

Buy cockroach chalk, grind it into shavings and sprinkle the surface with it. You can also draw a couple of lines on the flowerpot.

Method 9 - dill

If you see larvae in flower pots, spread branches of fresh dill throughout the soil. Change every two days.

Method 10 - tobacco infusion

Chemical agents against flower midges

Have you tried everything but nothing worked? Try to use professional tools:

Be sure to read the instructions, because each of these solutions has its own characteristics and characteristics. One thing unites them - at least three days after tillage, the flowers cannot be watered. The treatment itself is carried out in a dressing gown, goggles and a respirator.

How to prevent the appearance of midges?

Having solved the problem with pests, do not rush to relax! This was only the first fight - midges may appear after a while. What to do so that midges do not bother you at all? Heed our advice:

  • Tip 1. Do not flood the flowers, watering should be moderate and only as the soil dries.
  • Tip 2. Use only high-quality soil for transplanting.
  • Tip 3. Use special preparations for fertilizer.
  • Tip 4. Provide drainage to the flower - it will allow the plant to “drink” plenty of water without causing decay of organic residues and acidification of the soil.
  • Tip 5. Loosen the soil regularly. This will enrich the root system with oxygen and prevent the process of decay.

Now everyone knows how to deal with midges in indoor flowers. Use these recipes to keep mosquitoes out of your greenhouse!

An inexhaustible source of bright and joyful emotions, however, when planting a similar plant for yourself, be prepared for possible attacks by uninvited guests. Often indoor plants are attacked by midges that hover in every room of the apartment, and no matter how hard you try to get rid of it, it doesn’t work out. So, if midges have started up in your flower and you don’t know what to do about it, this publication is designed especially for you.

What is it and why does it appear?

Sciarids, popularly called flower midges, in themselves do not pose any danger to the plant on which they live. but their larvae can cause irreparable damage to the root system, which in the future will lead to a slow wilting of the plant and its subsequent death.

Below are the most likely reasons for the appearance midge in home pots:

Did you know? Sciarid larvae, extracted from the moist soil nourishing them, die within a few minutes.

A combination of all or some of the above factors is the reason for the appearance of midges in flower pots, which are sometimes oh so difficult to get rid of.

How to fight?

When the midges are wound up in the flower, the question immediately arises: “And what to do with it?” Fortunately, there is a whole range of modern, special soils that do not allow insects to develop, and a whole list folk methods designed to overcome this scourge.

Soil replacement

If you suspect that the cause of midges in your houseplant is contaminated soil, you should immediately transplant the plant into another th. Moreover, it would be very nice if the soil into which the transplant will be made will have an increased. An acidic environment is inherently hostile to any larvae, so such soil will contribute to a much faster cure for the plant.

Important! It is useful to leave the plant without watering for a while after transplantation, which will contribute to the extinction of the larvae remaining on the root system.

When transplanting, special attention must be paid to so that the roots are as thoroughly as possible cleaned of clods of earth, in which the plant grew earlier, since with the old soil it is possible to transfer sciarid larvae to the new one.


The best remedy from midges in flowers, various inorganic insecticides can be deservedly considered. The modern market offers a rich list of these substances, which are often available in two forms: sprays and solutions.

The most popular sprays are dichlorvos, Raptor, Heo, Raid and others like them. These tools have the widest spectrum of action and without much difficulty cope with almost any pest.

The only thing to remember is that they pose a danger to humans if inhaled intensively, and therefore should be sprayed outdoors or in well-ventilated areas where you are not going to linger for a long time after spraying.

From the solutions, you can use Thunder-2, Agravertin, Bazudin, etc.

These funds require careful study of the instructions for use, since each of these solutions has features of preparation and use that are not similar to others - final solution concentration. After applying these solutions, it is recommended not to water the treated plants for at least 3 days.

Folk remedies

Methods for removing midges, developed by the people, of course, have the right to life, but they are significantly inferior in efficiency to chemical agents. They are good because they are safer, and the components necessary for them are almost always at hand. Here is a list of some of these methods:

  1. Watering the affected plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. However, it should be borne in mind that if you overdo it with concentration, you can burn the root of the flower.
  2. Stick the orange peel cut into the soil in several places.
  3. Place a few matches, gray side down, inside the diseased flowerpot and water. Periodically check the matches, and if the sulfur is completely gone from them, stick in new ones. After a week of this regime, all adults and larvae will die.
  4. Cut a few cloves and spread around the perimeter of the entire flowerpot.
  5. At intervals of several days, water with a weak solution of laundry soap.
  6. Pour 3 heads of finely chopped garlic with 1 liter of water. After 4 days, strain the mixture and spray the leaves of the plants with the resulting solution, and water the soil of the plant with it.
  7. thin layer of soil, and annoying flies will disappear almost the next day.
  8. You can hang sticky tape near the flowerpot so that adult insects come across it.
  9. Take chalk from cockroaches, grind it and add the resulting powder to the soil of a diseased plant. You can also draw a few lines on the pot of the diseased plant.

Preventive measures

The first thing to remember is moderate watering of your indoor plants. Think carefully about the frequency of watering and their volume. Remember that in different periods of the year the plant needs a different amount of moisture, respectively, you should not all year round irrigate with water, as in the summer.

Any owner is interested in keeping his favorite plants beautiful and healthy all year round. If you notice that the juicy greens of the leaves have withered and thinned, pests may be to blame. Today we will figure out how to get rid of midges in indoor flowers in order to reanimate the indoor flower and prevent its death.

Varieties of midges on indoor plants

If a midge is wound up in indoor flowers, then this fact is easy to identify with the naked eye. Flies vary in size and color. By external signs, they can be classified and start a peremptory war.

  • White midges on indoor flowers settle on soil swamped from frequent watering, often along the edges of the pot. These include springtails and podura. The size of the body does not exceed 1 mm, and the shade varies from brown to white-yellow. The midge lives in the ground and on the leaves. She is active most of the time, jumping from leaf to leaf, over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ground. The main danger comes from the larvae, as they lead to the death of the root system. The risk of infection is high in late autumn and early spring. It is at this time of the year that the water after watering does not have time to evaporate, provoking acidification of the soil.

  • Black midges are sciarids living on flowers. Size up to 3 mm. Developed individuals are harmless to humans and to the flower, but the larvae harm the roots and soil. The earth from their influence becomes trampled down, and the movement of air is hindered. The larvae look like translucent worms with a black dot on their heads. They live in fertilized and moist soil.

Reasons for the appearance of annoying midges on plants

Midges in indoor flowers appear for several reasons:

  • In the soil used, insect larvae may already be present in advance.
  • A new plant can bring pests into your home. From infected individuals, "neighbors" can move to other neighbors. Therefore, after the purchase, be sure to quarantine the plant and treat it with insecticides.
  • It is stated that the midges wound up because there was excessive watering. Waterlogged or acidic soil favorable place for breeding not only flies, but also fungus.
  • When using infected organic matter as a top dressing, or using it in excess of the dosage.
  • If many pots are piled on one shelf, then this prevents the free circulation of air, and midges appear in the flowers.
  • Open area. Pests can enter their habitat from the outside: on clothes, through a window, and even a mosquito net.
  • High temperatures and high humidity greatly accelerate the reproduction of insects.

How to breed midges in flowers

Methods of struggle directly depend on the degree of spread of misfortune. In the absence of larvae and a couple of adults, use improvised methods, and a large number of stopped by special means chemical industry.

Folk recipes for pests on indoor flowers

Proven folk remedies will help to effectively deal with a small number of midges.

  • First of all, change upper layer soil in flowerpots, and dry the rest of the earth. Eggs do not tolerate dryness, and after such treatment they should die. The method is effective, however, if the infection occurred only from above.
  • Potassium permanganate perfectly disinfects and kills uninvited guests. Dilute it to a pinkish hue, and water the soil abundantly. After visible drying, you can repeat the procedure from the beginning.
  • The small midge does not tolerate wood ash. Sprinkle ashes on the ground. This method will not only kill midges, but also fertilize the plant remarkably.
  • Soapy water. Dissolve 50 g household. soap in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, moisten the sponge and apply it on the stems and leaves of greenery.
  • Tobacco infusion will exterminate adults. Pour 50 g of tobacco with a liter of water. Infuse for 2 days, strain, add another liter of water, and spray the solution on the plant.
  • The simplest way to get rid of flies is ordinary matches. Take and stick them with sulfur heads down, and lightly pour water. Melting sulfur will kill both midges and unborn individuals.
  • The solution of garlic stinks terribly, scaring off pests. Pour three chopped garlic cloves with a liter of water. The resulting mixture rub the leaves, and water the earth in a pot.
  • Dig the chopped zest of a fresh, but slightly dried orange into the ground. Citrus fruits act in such a way that pests will no longer lay eggs in a pot.
  • Spread the dill sprigs over the surface.
  • Sticky tape hung in the area of ​​​​infestation will help get rid of flying individuals.

Chemical preparations for flies on house plants

If you quickly remove midges folk remedies failed, it is worth connecting the "heavy artillery". Special chemicals are usually sold in flower shops and where they sell goods for summer cottages.

The most popular drugs:

  • Flyeater and Thunder 2. Granules and powder are convenient to use. It is enough just to scatter them over the entire surface area of ​​the pot, strictly observing the dosage from the instructions. Then lightly water the soil. The pellets will dissolve, and thereby kill the insects. If desired, the manipulation is repeated after 3-4 days, in theory one treatment is enough.
  • Dichlorvos Neo, Raid, Raptor. These are universal preparations from all kinds of pests. Just spray the plant and the top soil layer. We recommend processing in a well-ventilated area or in the yard.

  • Chalk "Mashenka" saves not only from cockroaches, but also from midge larvae. To process indoor flowers, chop it as finely as possible into a flowerpot.
  • Insecticides "Fitoverm", "Inta-vir", "Bazudin", "Aktellik". Solutions from these funds should be watered with indoor flowers from midges. They are used against whiteflies and black midges.
  • "Aktara" - water the soil and process the foliage.
  • Tanrek 3 months after treatment retains its detrimental effect on pests.
  • Mospilan, Intavir, Ambush, Fury, Pirimiphos-methyl. For an acceptable cost of 50 rubles, you get an effective remedy for saving a green corner.

Important! Any remedy for midges on flowers can behave differently if you do not follow the instructions for use and strict dosage.

Effective Prevention Measures

To prevent pests from starting in beautiful flowerpots, simple preventive measures should be observed:

  • Be sure to disinfect with a weak solution of potassium permanganate of the earth for planting. Ignite the earth from the garden or vegetable garden in the oven or hold it in a water bath.
  • Inspect the purchased flower vases, wash them, and keep them away from other pots at first.
  • Regularly ventilate the room where the green corner is located.
  • Water only as needed. Do not add water if the top soil is still damp. As a rule, plants require increased watering in spring and summer.
  • When transplanting to the bottom of the pot, put a layer of drainage in the form of expanded clay, crushed brick or foam, and drainage holes so that the water does not stagnate inside.
  • For top dressing, use only ready-made fertilizers.
  • Try to loosen the soil as often as possible to enrich it with air. This will allow air to circulate properly and the soil will not rot.

If you follow these rules for caring for a green corner, the risk of pests is significantly reduced.

Now you have learned how to deal with midges in flowerpots. You can use both folk recipes and preparations of the chemical industry. And it is best to prevent infection by observing simple rules for caring for greens. Have you ever had to deal with pests? Write about your experience in the comments below.

Video: 10 ways to get rid of midges in flowerpots

Small midges circling around indoor flower, the person is not harmed. But if you do not get rid of them in time, then the flower pots will remain empty. Larvae, which are deposited in large numbers by flying guests in the soil and secluded places of plants, are capable of transforming beautiful flower into a pitiful dying bush. There are many ways to get rid of midges in flower pots.

Where do midges come from

Small midges above flower pots belong to the class of sciarids. They show up in places high humidity, on rotting fruit and vegetable waste. It is difficult to deal with this small pest. The midges themselves are not dangerous., but their larvae settle in the soil near the roots and destroy the entire system.

There are not so many reasons why midges settle in pots of indoor plants:

If the problem is noticed late, then you will have to deal with each plant separately. Complete soil replacement in pots will completely eliminate midges and their larvae. But this method is not suitable for all plants. Some pets do not tolerate transplants well. You can use chemicals and folk remedies against this scourge.

by the most universal means from midges in flower pots, aerosol insecticides such as Dichlorvos, which are often used in everyday life, are considered. But it is important to remember that inhalation, even accidental, of these chemical poisons can lead to poisoning of humans and pets. Therefore, they must be used with extreme caution, carefully studying the instructions.

There are other preparations that are prepared before use and sprayed on plants..

In specialized stores for lovers of floriculture, you can buy new effective means to protect plants from pests. When choosing drugs, you need to take into account the volume of cultivated soil and the degree of danger to humans.

Folk remedies for pest control

Folk pest control methods are less effective and require high costs time. But their main advantage is availability and safety: