How to get rid of thistle? Sow thistle field: how to get rid of a weed in the garden How to get rid of a sow thistle weed.

  • 13.06.2019

Sow thistle is one of the most tenacious weeds, which is not so easy to get rid of. The question does not often arise - on what soils thistle grows, since it grows on any type of soil, but prefers well-moistened black soil, from which it is difficult to remove it. Every owner of a dacha or vegetable garden knows firsthand what this sow thistle is and how much it is a malicious weed, since it is often necessary to wage a long and painful struggle with it. We will also get acquainted in more detail with thistle and varieties of this weed, and also learn how to destroy thistle in the garden.

Description and types of thistle

- perennial, less often - annual herbaceous plant of the Astrov family, 0.5-1.7 m high. The root system of thistle is powerful, densely branched in the horizontal direction. Sow thistle is distributed almost everywhere on the territory of the Eurasian continent. The shoots of a plant with a leafless upper part are both straight and branched, often pubescent with hairs. Sow thistle leaves are rich green in color with prickly-toothed edges, the lower row of leaves narrows and passes into the petiole. The flowers are small, reed, form baskets, surrounded by a wrapper. various forms. Thistle blooms from mid-summer to early autumn, after flowering, a fruit is formed on the plant - a brown achene with a soft white tuft.

Important! Sow thistle seeds that have fallen deep into the soil are able to maintain their germination capacity for more than 20 years, giving a chance to grow new plants when the slightest favorable conditions occur.

Sow thistle field or yellow - is a perennial with a height of 1.5-1.7 m. The length of the main tap root of thistle can reach a length of 3-4 m, and the lateral roots growing in a horizontal direction are about 1 meter long. The stems of the field thistle are bare, hollow, branching at the top, with pointed gray-green serrated leaves located on them.

Peduncles densely pubescent with prickly hairs. Flowers of bright yellow color are a basket with a jug-like wrapper, which form a panicle-shaped inflorescence. The sow thistle flower looks like a dandelion flower, it is often possible to see bees on it, which use the plant as one of the best honey plants. The field sow thistle often grows in empty fields, river banks and vegetable gardens, the existing measures to combat it are very laborious, but we will talk about them a little later.

Sow thistle garden

Sow thistle garden - herbaceous annual plant 0.4-1 m high with strongly branched hollow stems. The leaves are serrated with a pointed end and pinnate, softer to the touch compared to the leaves of the field sow thistle. The leaves at the top of the shoots are sessile, and at the bottom they are located on a winged petiole. Baskets of bright yellow color are large, up to 35 mm in diameter. But, unlike the field, they form a not very wide inflorescence. Sow thistle seeds - elongated Brown with fluffy hair. The plant can be found in ravines, near rivers, in gardens and orchards.

Did you know? From 1 hectare of thistle plantations, you can take up to 130 kg of honey.

Sow thistle rough is a herbaceous annual plant 0.7-1 m high with erect stems. The next hard leaves are both whole, and slightly notched, and incised up to 15 cm long with sharp edges, on which spines are located. The upper leaves sit on the shoots with stem-enclosing bases, the basal leaves taper into winged petioles. The peduncle and involucre are covered with glandular hairs. During the autumn cooling, the stems and central veins of the leaves of rough sow thistle become red-violet in color. The fruit is a smooth achene with a whitish tuft. It grows in gardens and orchards, in fields and along roads.

The benefits and harms of thistle in the garden

Faced with thistle in their garden, everyone begins to think about how to remove the thistle, since the harm of this weed is enormous. Sow thistle is, first of all, an unwanted guest on personal plot, which grows rapidly and displaces any cultivated plant growing nearby, drawing moisture and nutrients from the soil. In addition to the death of garden plantations and crops, thistle sows greatly impoverishes the soil, therefore, at the slightest appearance of this weed plant, the gardener should decide how to remove thistle from the garden, and do it immediately.

However, this weed also brings benefits - it is given to be eaten by domestic herbivores, a pest such as aphids often passes from many vegetable crops to thistle, thistle tissue is rich in minerals, which will help enrich the soil when used as compost or mulch. In addition, young leaves are eaten - tea, salads or cabbage soup are made from them, and boiled roots replace Jerusalem artichoke. traditional healers decoctions and infusions of sow thistle are used in the treatment of certain diseases.

However, no matter what benefit this plant brings, it has no place in the garden, and the fight against thistle in the garden should not be put off for a long time.

Important! Sow thistle contains toxic substances; when working with this weed, people with allergic reactions should be careful.

How to deal with thistle in the garden

Since sow thistle propagates both by seeds and vegetatively, the owners of household plots have a very acute question of how to remove sow thistle from the garden forever. An important fact is the persistent ability of the weed to start young sprouts from each root of the damaged root system - this feature requires the organization of the fight against the weakening of the roots of thistle thistle. There are three main methods for getting rid of thistle in the garden: mechanical, chemical and folk.

Mechanical weed removal

Mechanical removal young sow thistle bushes consists in carefully pulling it out of the soil, it is advisable to do this when the soil is wet or use a chopper to dig the plant out of the ground to avoid breaking off and leaving the root in the soil. Adult powerful bushes and their root system need to be dug deep, shake the ground and extract the roots found, and a single removal will not be enough, and this process will need to be repeated after 2-3 weeks.

How to get rid of thistle with chemicals

The chemical industry has long taken care of the convenience of gardeners and gardeners, creating such herbicides as "Task", "Glifovit", "Antiburyan", "Lontrel", "Chistopol" and others. Usage chemicals in the fight against sow thistle should be carried out with strict observance of the instructions for the drug and with the use of means personal protection. This method of struggle has a significant drawback - herbicides can have a detrimental effect on garden crops and pollute the soil, which is recommended to be cultivated only after the complete decomposition of chemical compounds.

Folk methods against sow thistle

A long experience in crop production will tell you how to effectively deal with thistle with folk methods:

  • spot spraying of thistle with kerosene, which after treatment will dry out and die, the main thing at the same time is to prevent kerosene from getting on the soil and cultivated plants;
  • sub-root regular pruning of young shoots of thistle will weaken the plant, which will soon die off;
  • a good result is the cultivation of green manure, which feed horticultural crops and weaken the roots of thistle;
  • if the sow thistle blooms, you should break or cut the base of the stem, preventing the seeds from ripening and spreading.

Sow thistle is a garden weed, one of the gardener's most hated enemies, along with and, which, alas, quite often likes to attack plots whose owner has only slightly lost his vigilance. Getting rid of thistle is a rather problematic matter, but if you have patience, then this is quite real.

The enemy, as they say, needs to be known by sight, so let's see what thistle looks like.

The stalk of thistle is straight, rather thick, with prickly hairs. It can reach a height of one and a half meters. Sow thistle flowers are bright yellow, somewhat reminiscent of dandelions. Sow thistle roots go into the ground to a depth of at least 10 centimeters, so pulling it out is often quite problematic. Also, its roots are quite brittle, and even from a small piece left in the ground, the plant can regenerate. Thistle is not picky at all and can grow in any soil, even where almost nothing grows. The weed is spread all over the globe, he calmly survives any climatic conditions.

How to get thistle out of the garden?

Measures to combat field thistle should be taken as soon as you find it in your garden, because what younger plant, the easier it is to destroy it, because the stem is not yet as thick as that of an adult plant, and the roots have not yet gone deeper into the ground. The fight against thistle in any case is laborious and requires patience, but it is quite real.

So let's take a look at the most simple ways sow thistle control in the garden.

  1. Weeding. This is perhaps the most time-consuming method, since the earth will have to be weeded more than once. First you need to remove the sow thistle by pulling it out with the roots, and then weed the ground to remove the remnants of the roots. Weeding is best done in early spring, when the roots of the plant have not yet had time to get stronger, and then repeat the procedure several times in the summer. Careful weeding will certainly rid your garden of this weed.
  2. Digging. The principle is the same as with weeding. It is necessary to dig up the earth on which the thistle has settled, and remove all the roots. Again, this matter must be approached with all care so that the sow thistle roots do not remain in the ground.
  3. Spraying with kerosene. This method is already more interesting and much less time consuming. The sprayed sow thistle quickly dies, and the kerosene evaporates without causing any harm to the rest of the plants in your area.
  4. Herbicides against thistle. Herbicides are a chemical substance, so they must be handled with extreme care and ensure that they do not get on other plants or in the soil. To spray the remains, dilute 100 g of herbicide in 6 liters of water. It is the sow thistle leaves that are sprayed, not the soil. Carefully sprayed leaves will quickly wither, and the herbicide that enters the root system along the stem will quickly destroy it. Spraying the sow thistle with herbicides will quickly solve the problem with this weed in your garden. But you can also find more gentle weed control products, which you can ask in a specialty store.

The choice of methods for dealing with thistle thistle always remains with the owner of the garden, but it is still better to always do without chemicals, who treat one thing, and necessarily cripple the other. You can deal with any weed on your own, or at least with means that do not pose a danger to other plants and people.

Interestingly, thistle is used in folk medicine. It is also eaten with pleasure by livestock, so if you have a farm, then sow thistle will come in handy as feed. Sow thistle can also be used as human food by adding it to cabbage soup or salad. That is, there is nothing useless, even weeds have some useful properties.

Now you know how to deal with thistle if this weed suddenly “attacks” your country cottage area. The main thing is to act quickly and decisively, then you will get rid of thistle with the least losses on your part.

Weed grass of all stripes gives a lot of headaches to every summer resident from early spring until autumn. One of these annoying plants is garden sow thistle, and not everyone knows how to get rid of it. Let's see what measures should be taken to fight for the harvest.

Aggressive chemistry

Increasingly, you can hear how summer residents, in an attempt to destroy thistles in their garden, use herbicides. These potent substances are able to destroy any weed, the main thing is to choose the right time. It is desirable that the sow thistle already had several pairs of leaves, and not just hatched from the ground. In this case, the effect of the drug will be most effective. But the remedy will not work on old weeds - it will only waste your time and money.

But, when using herbicides, there is one “but” - they can be applied before sowing the site. cultivated plants. Yes, and in this case, there is a risk that the drug accumulated in the ground is insignificant, but still affect the future harvest.

But when the garden is already planted, herbicides cannot be applied. But on the other hand, you can use ordinary kerosene, which is carefully sprayed with hated weeds. After a while, the substance enters the root system and the sow thistle dies.

Agrotechnical methods of dealing with thistle thistle

It is believed that it is necessary to uproot the weed, although it still remains in the soil, as it goes deep into the ground and after a while the damaged plant will have many replacement shoots. Pulling them out each time, the roots are weakened, and this leads to the death of the plant.

But it is undesirable to mow a harmful plant with a flat cutter or chopper - it will immediately respond with the active spread of young growth, which will quickly spread throughout throughout the area.

Experienced gardeners know how to get rid of sow thistle on the site - this will take some time, but the result will be more than positive. To do this, weed grass is mowed or trampled underfoot and the plot is covered with newspapers, cardboard and other improvised material. In such a shelter, the decomposition of weeds begins to actively occur, and substances useful for the soil are released, saturating it. After that on next year the site is sown with any green manure (nettle, mustard, oats) and the procedure is repeated again. The root system, no matter how deep it is, cannot withstand such a biological attack and disappears, and the summer resident gets an excellent site, fertilized and suitable for use for cultivated plants.

Any gardener can confidently say that weed control is one of the most difficult, because it requires not only a colossal investment of time, but also nerves and financial capabilities.

In particular, this applies to the most "harmful" weeds, which, in principle, make their way through their existence and presence in the garden - sow thistle. This representative of the aster family takes root deep into the ground, due to the high degree of vegetative propagation, establishes its own root system and begins to terrorize nearby plants. To get rid of thistle in your own garden, let's be honest, is impossible. However, due to the correctly chosen tactics of farming and weed control, it is possible to obtain efficiency in the fight against thistle.

Quite a pretty outwardly flower: oblong prickly serrated leaves and yellow inflorescences on the top of a straight stem can boast a very powerful root system, in which all the power of sow thistle lies. The rhizome grows up to 1 m deep, firmly rooting in the ground.

Let's first understand why we need to get rid of this herb? Based on the above, thistle has a powerful root system, which, due to sprawling, absorbs all vitamins, fertilizers, and minerals from neighboring plants from the soil. Simply put, thistle depletes the soil. Consequently, all vegetable crops growing on the site will be deprived of nutrients, the fruits will not grow, remaining small and sick. Leaving sow thistle unattended, you can count on its aggressiveness, due to which it will simply crowd out other useful crops. As a result, the harvest can not wait.

True, separate sown areas are specially allocated for sowing sow thistle. Quite a logical question, why? First of all, the essence of sow thistle lies in its palatability, highly valued by livestock. This plant is used for feeding cattle. Although some people prefer to eat thistle for food - soaking the mixture is added to salads, casseroles, cabbage soup. At the same time yellow flowers sow thistle stands in a vase for a long time, simply pleasing to the eye.

It would be rather illogical not to mention medicinal properties of this plant. Decoctions and tinctures from sow thistle are used against worms, used as a hemostatic and antiseptic. For some, sow thistle is recommended for eating in cases with complications of gastrointestinal diseases.

Chemical treatment of the site

Having got an idea of ​​what sow thistle is, about its benefits and harms, you can proceed to the most important thing - the need to process the site of its sowing. Most summer residents are wondering how to cultivate the soil against weeds. In the case when the land on which the weed grows has not passed the improvement test, then vegetable crops will not grow on it. In this situation, it is simply necessary to subject the soil to chemical treatment. This procedure is extremely effective, however, not without aggressiveness. After this treatment, it will be necessary to wait at least one season to plant vegetables on the cleared soil.

At the moment, you can buy chemical treatment products in almost any specialized store. The most common are powerful herbicides, such as Roundup, Tornado, Arsenal. Chemical treatment is planned in advance for those days when there is no expected rainfall. Precipitation in the form of rain should not be forecast before and after treatment. In the process of processing, you should take care to protect your hands based on rubber gloves, and for safety reasons, keep your pets away from the garden for at least a day.

Is it possible to remove thistle manually

In the case when thistle is adjacent to potatoes, carrots, beets and other vegetables, it should be cleaned by hand. Unfortunately, this will not work the first time, however, due to the regularity of actions and patience, you can clear the garden of the most annoying weed. In what way?

  1. Closing the season in the fall, as soon as frosts begin to occur, it is worth digging up the ground and, if possible, pulling out all available sow thistle roots. This should be done with the utmost care - without shaking the grass so that the seeds do not crumble. Next, you need to fold the plants and destroy them in compost pit. Never leave roots uprooted from the ground on the site - their ease of taking root is amazing!
  2. As soon as the earth has been dug up, you should not rush to loosen and level it. In this case, the fallen seeds will completely enter the ground and germinate in the spring. When they remain on the surface, they will have a chance to freeze from frost, therefore, there will be a real chance to save their own garden from a wide number of weeds.
  3. In the spring, it is extremely important to clean the garden by hand, pulling out all the weeds, while they are still young and not strong. In the case when the root "materates", it will be much more difficult to perform the procedure.
  4. Getting rid of sow thistle is impossible without periodic weeding of the garden about twice a month. By doing this regularly, the plant has the risk of exhaustion, and, therefore, every chance of death.
  5. Exist effective way protect your garden from sow thistle and other varieties of weeds. Having bought a special agrofilm, you will need to cover the soil with it. It is this film that has special holes that allow plants to grow. The rest of the weeds, including thistle, suffocate without oxygen and sunlight, and then die.

Mechanical manual weed control will allow you to get a positive outcome in 70-80% of cases. Carrying out work regularly, there is a high probability of completely getting rid of thistle.

Folk remedies for getting rid of thistle

Let's use the advice of experienced gardeners who will assist in getting rid of thistle based on improvised means.

  1. Extremely effective tool kerosene is considered against sow thistle. They should spray weeds pointwise so that they do not have time to harm everyone vegetable crops. As a rule, this allows you to eliminate the unwanted culture the first time.
  2. Mulching helps to get rid of thistle. Mulch is a thick layer of sawdust or other dense material that covers the soil. Usually thistle is not able to break through the mulch. If he still found the way, it must be immediately weeded.
  3. To eliminate thistle from the site, you can resort to green manure. For those who are not in the know, green manure are plants planted to improve the condition of the soil and enrich it. The fight against thistle is better with legumes, alfalfa, nettle, lupine, rye. Any of the selected crops is planted in places where the growth is most active. Having harvested (say, peas), the entire soil is covered plastic wrap. Such a blanket remains until spring: you can be sure that none of the weeds will survive. All the grass rotting under the film will rot, while saturating the soil with fertilizers and fertilizers.
  4. Resorting to the opinion of experienced gardeners, it is worthwhile to understand that most weeds are not capable of withstanding pruning. If you periodically cut thistle once a week to the very top, then it can gradually die. In the future, he will not be able to grow in this area. This fact allows us to talk about the effectiveness of pulling out the stem of the weed. In addition, periodic pruning will ensure a smooth, beautiful lawn.
  5. It may sound strange, but sow thistle is practically not able to get along with wheat. To get rid of weeds, it is necessary to dig up the ground in the spring, get rid of all the remnants of the roots, and after that, wheat on the site. It is wheat that will allow you to quickly cope with the weed.
  6. You can cope with thistle and its subsequent appearance thanks to ammonia. This can be done on the basis of 5-7 bottles of ammonia, spraying this solution into the soil and growing weeds. After some time, you can notice that the plant withers, and then it dies. A similar effect can be achieved with ammonia. ammonia. Don't forget to wear gloves and a mask. It is necessary to carry out spot treatment so that the poison does not affect fertile crops.

As a result, it is worth noting that due to the correct measures to combat this thistle, you can completely get rid of it. Not every amateur gardener is able to cope with the complexity of the distribution of thistle thistle with his own efforts. However, there is no need to fear the decision to destroy it. Mechanical manually the process will turn out to be quite long and drawn out, but only with an effort you can count on a positive result.

Most gardeners try to solve the problem on their own, but without experience and knowledge, it is difficult to counter the rapid spread of the weed.

We have proposed a certain set of measures on the basis of which you can get rid of thistle and stop the expansion of weeds in your garden. Thus, you will receive not only a clean field, but also high performance harvest.

We hope that this article will be useful for beginner gardeners. It is time to put the knowledge gained into practice and stop settling sedge on your site.

For more information about the possible removal of thistle, see here:

Sow thistle is one of the brightest representatives of the Compositae family. More than 70 species are found in nature, most of which are annual or perennial, sometimes glaucous at the base. The most common varieties of sow thistle are garden sow thistle and which, although they have certain healing properties and are sometimes used in cooking, most often perceived as weeds. How to get rid of thistle in the garden or garden plot once and for all? Many people ask this question, but it is almost impossible to completely eradicate this weed. But at the same time, there are some very effective ways fight him.

Method number 1: deplete the root system

To understand how to get rid of thistle in the garden using this method, you need to know that in the spring the rapid vegetation of young plants occurs mainly due to the nutrients accumulated in the root system over the previous season. And only when the above-ground shoots grow properly, they will begin to store nutrient material in the roots. Thus, in the first two weeks of active growth of a new generation, the sow thistle is significantly depleted, so that if at this time a thorough weeding is carried out, destroying all the young shoots, it can be ensured that the sow thistle will again restore the aerial part again due to the roots. We do such weeding every 2 weeks - and as a result, we completely exhaust the annoying weed.

Method number 2: get rid of the rhizomes

Another effective method concerning how to get thistle out of the garden, is digging a site with the most careful selection of weed rhizomes. The remaining plants are easily uprooted in the spring, while the ground is still damp and loose. Of course, this does not give a 100% guarantee of the disappearance of sow thistle in your area, but it will significantly reduce its number.

Method number 3: the fight against thistle in the garden by non-moldboard tillage

Non-moldboard cultivation is a technology in which the soil on the site is not dug up in autumn. Thus, thistle seeds remain on the surface of the earth, and, germinated in the same season or early spring, are destroyed by frost and the first spring processing soil. If you plow or dig up a plot in the fall, then the weed seeds will spread throughout the arable layer, partially germinate, and the rest will hide in the depths of the soil, waiting for more favorable conditions for growth and development. It should be noted that the germination of sow thistle seeds lasts up to 20 years.

Method number 4: sowing green manure

How to get rid of thistle in the garden with the help of legumes familiar to everyone? Very simple: in the spring, on a weedy area, you can sow peas or other green manure crops. When the pea crop is harvested, its lashes, together with the sow thistle shoots, are bent to the ground as tightly as possible and covered with several layers of newspapers. On top of newspapers, you can throw all kinds of plant debris and garbage. Under such a "blanket" green manure, together with thistle, will rot very quickly, leaving the area absolutely clean.

Here are a few folk ways how to get rid of thistle in the garden. In fact, there are a lot of them. Summer residents and villagers act, as they say, who is in what much, experimenting on their plots from season to season. After all, what can you do to get rid of annoying weeds and enjoy the view of clean, tidy beds!