To dream of beautiful flowers in pots. Why is the pot dreaming? Why dream of flowers in pots? The interpretation of the dream "pot"

  • 22.09.2019

interpret own dream every one of us tries from time to time. Therefore, today we will focus on one of the dreams and find out what it means to plant flowers in a dream.

One tip: if you need to know more precisely what planting in a particular place predicts, be it a house, a forest, a greenhouse, or even a grave, try to remember if you liked what you were doing, and only then open various dream books.

Different interpretations

By the way, if you believe the interpreters of dreams, then few people dream of this. The meanings of this rather rare, but curious symbol, are usually considered from different points of view. So, according to the Old Russian dream book, to see that someone began to plant flowers in a dream means to find peace and prosperity in your home. If the gardener turned out to be the one who is in the arms of Morpheus, expect him to have personal success or a successful alignment in a particular endeavor.

Let's look into Eastern dream book. Planting flowers on it promises that in the near future there will be an occupation that will bring nothing but moral satisfaction to the sleeper. The dream book does not say whether a person should do this business or is it better not to take it on. The final decision is up to each individual.

Freshly planted, but already blooming flowers mean that your labor exploits will be appreciated. disembarkation exotic plants in a pot indicates that wealth and glory await the dreamer. Probably, a person has hidden abilities, which in the near future will have to break out.

The interpreter of the dreams of the famous Vanga equates the planting of these plants with the symbol of the appearance on life path person of a certain occupation. It is in the future that it will turn out to be a huge success for the sleeper.

The interpretation of the psychoanalyst Freud differs from other sources. For him, flowers are the personification of the feminine. Based on this, he interpreted their disembarkation as communication with a significant number of ladies. If a person is planting alone and is quite satisfied with this, he will have a pleasant pastime in good company. And you won't have to wait long. If a person had to plant flowers in a dream, and the plants turned out to be withered, then this is a signal that life is not going the way we would like. But a person always has a chance to change everything for the better.

plant colors

For those who find out why they dreamed of planting flowers in a dream, the dream book advises to remember the color of the buds. Good news from friends promise blue flowers. Orange flowers portend imminent joy. To see pink ones - you need to prepare for romantic adventures. Whites promise a quick meeting with the betrothed / betrothed. Reds talk about vanity. Black flowers promise dreary and

Landing details

Attention to the smallest, insignificant elements of sleep can be decisive in its interpretation. Important points are:

  • Who made the landing.
  • How exactly everything happened.

If flower bulbs were planted, then this means good luck in a new business. Such a dream can also speak of the beginning of a new relationship. Loose and soft earth - there will be no obstacles.

Where are seedlings planted

If plants are simply planted in the soil, then a person will have a noble deed. The undeniable benefit to others from it is guaranteed. Works on garden bed mean that the dreamer will have to bother and worry. Fortunately, the chores will be pleasant. Transplanting indoor flowers into a pot with someone means that the sleeping person will receive an attractive offer. It makes sense not to give it up.

Planting a flower in a pot in a dream means that a period of stability is coming in home and work affairs.

If the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front garden is planted with plants, then a person will soon have a productive life period. Available abilities, the stock of internal forces will reach the maximum mark. It is important to pay more attention to this moment.

Negative interpretations

To see the efforts of another person to plant a flower in a place that is not at all suitable for this means that you will have to go through difficult times. They won't last long.

Another negative sign is digging up or picking those flowers that a person has just planted. This means that the evil plans of the spiteful critics are in the active phase. Their goal is to harm you.

Positive interpretations

Seeing a dream "planting flowers on the grave" is not tantamount to the onset of bad times. On the contrary, get ready for dizzying prospects, and very soon.

As gloomy as it may seem, planting flowers on a friend's grave is a sign of great happiness practically knocking on your door. According to some interpreters, such dreams speak of the achievement of goals. It just takes some sacrifice. It remains to decide what is more important to you.

What else can a dream say? Planting flowers in the ground, which grow literally before our eyes, portends the rapid and successful development of our plans, the onset of the right time for accomplishments. For lovers, such a dream predicts marriage (materially prosperous) and the appearance of heirs.

"Flower" dreams are usually characterized by a positive attitude. Their beauty gives a person joy in a dream. After such a vision, a positive charge of morning emotions is provided.

Perhaps a person is engaged in planting flowers, in reality tired of this lesson. In such a situation, there is no question of a special meaning and significance. The same can be said about a dream in which a person doing a similar job is engaged in such a business, for example, planting some other plants or simply doing gardening work.

It often happens that a dream that gives the impression of a deep, meaningful, only reflects daytime impressions, thoughts and feelings. Here it is important not to confuse and correctly establish what in a dream is a symbol that has a meaning, and what is a decoration.

So, we found out what it means to plant flowers in a dream. Let us only recall that no interpretation will be able to accurately identify the present state of affairs. Therefore, there is no need to panic if some value turned out to be unkind. There is a high probability that the dream will not come true.

In pots. After all, it has long been customary to believe that every dream carries some kind of hidden sign. Psychologists also agree that dreams are important, but tend to think that dreaming is nothing more than intense work of the subconscious.

in pots?

It's no secret that in a dream a person can see almost everything. And why dream In fact, most of the world's popular dream books agree. So what does such a dream mean?

Potted flowers are a dream-friendly plot that promises success and good luck. Perhaps you will find a large material reward or the acquisition of expensive property. On the other hand, such an interpretation is correct only if the plant in the pot you saw was fresh, green, flowering.

But dried or sluggish flowers, on the contrary, promise trouble at work, or even financial losses. If the flowers began to crumble, this may be a sign of the appearance of some kind of serious illness in the future.

Dream about flowers and personal relationships

If you dreamed of flowers in pots, then this may relate to your personal relationship with your beloved man or woman. Some people see bright, lush, flowering plants in pots - this is a good sign, evidence that your relationship has taken root, taken root and gone on new level. In some cases, such a dream can promise a wedding in the near future.

On the other hand, you probably strive to keep your relationship a secret, to enjoy it within your couple. Bright, large flowers indicate that your partner has really deep, sincere feelings for you.

If the flowers in the pot withered, then your union is going through a crisis, and now it depends on you how the conflict will end. Your relationship is gradually fading and needs to be “recharged”. And here it is up to you to decide whether you will try to revive them by any means or just let them dry up and end.

In some cases, people in pots. Such a dream also has its own explanation. Such a dream indicates that your relationship with your partner is superficial. Your feelings are not serious, even if in public you look like an ideal couple in love.

What color are your flowers?

Naturally, if you dreamed of flowers in pots, you should pay attention to their color. But this is only advisable if the flowers are of the same color or one shade noticeably prevails.

For example, a rich shade indicates deep passion, and white flowers indicate that your relationship with a partner is pure and spiritual. Pink shades are a symbol of tenderness, and blue colors testify to the sincere concern of your loved one. Plants with yellow flowers- not a very pleasant sign that promises betrayal of a partner, and not necessarily physical.

What does it mean if in a dream you transplant flowers into pots?

Now you know what flowers in pots dreamed about. But quite often people talk about transplanting flowers in a dream. Such a dream for the most part also carries positive value. If you plant flowers in pots, this is a sign of great change.

Interestingly, these changes can affect both work and personal life. For example, if a “black streak” has come in your family, then such a dream may indicate the imminent end of conflicts. In addition, the coming change may be a move, a long trip, or separation from a partner.

If in a dream married woman transplants flowers into pots, this may mean that her family life promises material well-being and the birth of a child. If you plant flowers that literally begin to grow and bloom before your eyes, then this promises the successful implementation of your plan.

But if in a dream you planted a flower, but it did not take root - this bad sign, which can warn of financial problems, various obstacles, complication of personal relationships with a dear person. Sometimes, after transplanting a flower, a person in a dream sees how someone else breaks the plant - this promises failure, trouble and intrigues from ill-wishers.

What does such a dream say about you?

Many people are interested in questions about what flowers in pots dream of. Of course, such dreams can be a sign of future changes or predict the future. But often such a dream can be a reflection of subconscious activity.

Therefore, if you dreamed of flowers in pots, then you should first of all think about the features of your own character. Sometimes such a dream can be an "alarm signal." Perhaps you suppress feelings too often, constantly hiding emotions, which can negatively affect both your future and your health. Perhaps with such a dream, your subconscious mind is trying to tell you that changes in behavior and character correction are simply necessary now.

Why dream of flowers in pots? A few more interpretations

Naturally, there are other options for interpreting dreams. For example, what does it mean if in a dream a flower in a pot is presented to you as a gift? it's the same auspicious sign. In most cases, such a development of the plot indicates that very quickly a person dear to you will appear in your life, about whom you have not heard anything for a long time.

On the other hand, according to Vanga's dream book, having received a pot of flowers as a gift in a dream, get ready to receive news of the death and serious illness of one of the relatives.

You may also have another dream. Watering potted flowers is also a great sign. Such a dream can be a harbinger of success, good luck, quick career advancement, salary increase, unscheduled bonuses, etc. Sometimes such a dream promises the emergence of new ideas and plans. If, after watering the plants, they begin to bloom, then you can be sure that your work and efforts will soon be appreciated.

If in a dream you found yourself in a house filled with flowers in pots, then this indicates that there is a person in your life who has strong feelings for you, but for one reason or another hides his real emotions.

Houseplants in a dream usually symbolize affairs and circumstances that are directly related to the dreamer. It can be a family, work, favorite hobby, relationship, etc. But only the details of the vision will help to get a complete picture of what flowers in pots dream of.

Interpretation of the state

The most important thing when decoding is to take into account the state of these very colors. So flowering plants convince that things in the house and household are going very well. Beautiful and well-groomed flowers guarantee warm relations and mutual understanding in the family circle.

But the fading ones clearly indicate problems, conflicts and frequent quarrels. This dream warns - if in the near future you do not try to change anything, then everything can end in complete collapse, that is, divorce. If in a dream you have a headache from the aroma of flowers, then constant troubles will begin at work.

Flowers in pots in a dream - a symbol of care for loved ones

The most popular interpretation says that flowers in pots represent loved ones and children. It is not surprising that even in a dream you have to water the plants, fertilize and take care of them in every possible way. This is a reflection of your constant worries. By the way, the sight of flowers in pots, which are about to bloom in a symbolic sense, reflects a new business that requires a great concentration of strength.

Why else dream of flowers in pots? If there are a lot of them, then you are clearly hiding a big secret from others. If in a dream you happened to get into a greenhouse, then in reality you will be able to make a serious acquisition of great value. To receive a flower pot as a gift - to the news from an old friend.

I dreamed of flowers - a responsible choice awaits you

If in a dream the flowers in pots were lush and healthy, then you can count on success in a hopeless business. If sluggish and sick, then luck will turn away from you.

I dreamed that someone gave flowering plant? Take this dream literally. Soon an unexpected but pleasant offering will be made to you. Buying flowers in pots in night dreams is a choice that will require great responsibility.

Dream book about flowers in pots: the right way

Why else can flowers in pots dream? In a dream, they symbolize the inner world of the sleeper and his habits, which he acquired consciously. To plant a small sprout in your dream, water it and see how it blooms means that you have chosen the right path.

If you had to transplant an adult plant, then be careful. Close people may suffer from your excessive guardianship. Sometimes best way out- give them free will and freedom of action, and you yourself will be surprised how wonderful results this can bring.

When interpreting sleep, pay special attention to the type and condition of the pot. It is a symbol of prosperity. So a container with earth means a house, a full bowl. An empty pot symbolizes a lack Money, and cracked indicates the need for savings.

People will be interested to know why they dream of replanting a flower. To interpret such a dream, you need to read more than one dream book. This is necessary in order for the interpretation of sleep to be more or less plausible. In any of the dream books it is stated that if you transplant flowers, then a person should not relax, because grandiose changes are coming in life.

What if you dream of replanting a flower?

A dream in which you have to replant flowers may mean that you will not be able to rest soon, there will be significant changes, both personal and business. You may have to change your previous place of residence, work or go on a long trip. One of the dream books says that transplanting a flower on garden plot, then soon a person will commit a disinterested act. If a young girl dreams that she is transplanting flowers in pots in a dream, then this suggests that in her life she will have a lot of male admirers.

A dream in which a woman transplants flowers is a warning. If you suddenly dream that during a flower transplant your hand or fingers will get hurt, then in reality you can experience a terrible pain in your soul or in your heart due to the fact that there will be betrayal from native person. A dream in which it is clear that white flowers are being transplanted always carries sad news.

To transplant bright and fragrant flowers in your own garden in a dream portends good news or an unforeseen meeting. If a girl transplants rose flowers in a dream, then there will be pleasant changes on the personal front. If a man (woman) sees in a dream that he is transplanting a flower, and he has taken root well, then this may be a sign of the next wedding or an improvement in mutual understanding in family relationships, after a long period conflict situations. If the flower has not taken root, then a person may face obstacles in business or problems in personal relationships.

What portends?

If a dream in which transplanted red flowers grow right before our eyes portends a successful marriage for lovers in material terms. Not a good sign it will be if someone breaks the transplanted flowers. Such a dream portends big trouble in business affairs. Seeing transplanted indoor flowers in a dream may mean that there is close person who cannot dare to open his feelings. Perhaps such a dream also means that the one to whom he dreams does not share his emotions, although this is expected of him.

Dreams in which flowers are transplanted with awe and love portend favorable consequences, but also draws attention to a person’s reluctance to share joy and happiness with others. The dream indicates that in reality a person does not want to demonstrate his relationship with a partner and will not tolerate outside interference in them.

And in conclusion, we can say the following, a dream in which it is clear that a flower is being transplanted is a good sign in meeting needs, to well-being and prosperity. If a flower is transplanted with the hope that it will grow big and beautiful, then the person who dreamed about it in reality will act as an arbitrator.

Dreams are a personal matter for everyone. But it cannot be denied that dreams "do not dream just like that." And if you know how to explain and interpret them, you can get a lot of information for reflection, open the veil of the future. The world of dreams is surprising in that dreams are symbolic. If you want to know why you dream of planting flowers, find out the interpretation of sleep in the most popular dream books.

Interpretation according to different dream books

    Miller's dream book

    The first edition of the dream book, compiled by an American psychologist, was released in 1901. More than a century has passed since then, and the dream book remains, perhaps, one of the most popular. There is also an interpretation of the dream about planting flowers, and quite detailed. Planting - in reality, quite unexpectedly, receive a gift which will pleasantly surprise and delight you.

    Works on the flowerbed - be prepared for the fact that a cheerful family celebration diversifies the routine of everyday life, and you will be one of the participants in this event. Landing on the city square - an event will happen in real life that will give pleasant emotions, in the forest - there will be fun, interesting leisure in a pleasant company, in the garden - a dream portends that guests will soon be met.

    Wangi's dream book

    "Flower" dreams have a generally positive interpretation, but much in the interpretation depends on the details of the dream. Planting beautiful flowers is a pleasant chore and a quick result of these affairs.. Planting flowers in damp earth (that is, the earth seen in a dream was remembered, impressed) - to the chagrin that you unexpectedly receive from people from your inner circle.

    Planting wilted flowers is a sign of illness, a deterioration in well-being, and this will force you to change your plans.

    Dream Interpretation Longo

    The dream of landing has such an interpretation - in reality, do a noble deed.

    English dream book

    Here you can find several meanings of such a dream. Planting red flowers to romance, white flowers - to the long-awaited news, prickly flowers - beware of gossips who can spread unpleasant gossip behind your back.

    plant flowers on beautiful flower bed while watering them clean waterto work, the result of which will be even better than you originally expected, transplant flowers into pots - a lot of household worries, minor troubles will fall on your shoulders, and some effort will be required to put things in order.

    Dream Interpretation Hasse

    In this dream book there is such an interpretation of a dream about planting flowers - this is a harbinger of a romantic passion that will greatly change life.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    A new acquaintance will lead to a series of pleasant events.

    Loff's dream book

    Painstaking work with a delayed result - such an interpretation can be found in the dream book.

Seedlings, seeds, bulbs

The world of dreams is mysterious, every detail of the dream seen in it is symbolic, therefore it is recommended to recall all the episodes of vision from the world of night dreams.

Planting seedlings of flowers in the ground is a sign of effort and work, and the result of this work will improve your well-being after some time.

If you plant seedlings of flowers in rocky soil, this means that you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve what you want, and the result can be very surprising and even puzzling.

Sow flower seeds this promises small household chores(this interpretation is given by the English dream book).

When you dream that you are planting flower seeds in damp soil, in reality you will have to participate in a case that will cause a lot of anxiety. Sowing flower seeds in a beautiful flowerpot - to conceited pleasures (interpretation from Miller's dream book).

I had a chance to see a dream in which you plant flower seeds and water them with clean water - to good luck in financial matters, to prosperity in the house.

Landing on the grave

Dreams, in which attributes and phenomena appear, one way or another connected with death, disturb and raise a lot of questions. Therefore, enough is given in dream books detailed interpretation such dreams, for example, in the dream book of Nostradamus:

  • Planting flowers on the grave is a dream-prophecy that you have the strength of mind to survive in a difficult situation.
  • To plant flowers on the grave of one who was recently buried - in reality you will have to experience bitterness and a feeling of sadness.

In Loff's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of trouble, failure.

But there are also positive interpretations of the dream in which you plant flowers on the grave. On the pages of Miller's dream book you can find the following interpretation:

  • For a woman with children such a dream portends good health for the whole family.
  • To see such a dream when there is a difficult period in life - a good sign, to get rid of oppressive burdens and obligations.

The same positive interpretation of a dream with such a plot is given in the dream book of the Bulgarian seer - in reality, do a prudent act, you will be able to accept correct solution in a difficult situation.

In Longo's dream book, such a dream is a harbinger of gaining hope in the most difficult everyday situations.

dig up plants

The dream in which you dig up flowers is interpreted as follows:

  • vain experiences(Miller's dream book and the same interpretation is given in the English dream book).
  • Lose the chance, not being able to fully realize their potential (Wangi's dream book).
  • Hard labour, not appreciated (Longo's dream book).
  • There is going to be a bitter disappointment(Hasse's dream book).
  • a series of troubles will deprive you of peace for a while (Nostradamus's dream book).

The details of this dream matter: digging up flowers and getting your hands or clothes dirty at the same time - to reputational damage.

Digging up flowers with a shovel - circumstances will not be in your favor, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to normalize the situation.