Production of ceramic tiles: technology, types of equipment, prospects.

  • 14.06.2019

Only under the condition of strict observance of the tile production technology, it is possible to obtain a quality product with high operational characteristics. Today, many domestic and foreign factories are engaged in the manufacture of tiles. Despite the fact that the production of ceramic tiles is quite complex technological process, some craftsmen make tiles at home. This is done not only to save money, but also to obtain a unique product. We will talk about the production of tiles at home and at the factory.

Necessary materials and equipment

For the manufacture of ceramic tiles, the following materials will be required:

  • to maintain dimensions after drying, quartz sand is added to the product;
  • feldspar and carbonate composition is required to obtain the required viscosity of the sweep;
  • an elastic mixture is obtained through the use of refractory or refractory clay;

In production tiles the following additives are used:

  1. Glaze is needed to enhance the aesthetic characteristics of the product. It is also necessary to glaze the tile to protect it.
  2. To increase plasticity and reduce shrinkage of the material, giving additives are used.
  3. In order to reduce the melting point of clay, floodplains are added.
  4. Engobe additive is needed for decorative processing ceramic product.
  5. Vaporizing components are added to increase the porosity of the material.

The manufacturing technology of ceramic tiles at the factory involves the use of the following equipment:

  1. For sealing cooked concrete mix vibrators are used.
  2. A concrete mixer is used to prepare the clay mass and mix all the ingredients.
  3. The form is needed to fill the mass and form a geometric product.
  4. Glaze spraying and patterning is carried out in special chambers.
  5. Drying of the formed products is carried out in an oven.
  6. A set of stencils for professional drawing.

Attention! Some factories use multifunctional chambers in which the pattern and glaze are sprayed onto the elements. Although this equipment is quite expensive, it quickly pays for itself.

Technology for manufacturing tiles in the factory

The technological scheme for the production of ceramic tiles implies the presence of the following stages:

  • procurement of raw materials and production of the mixture;
  • product molding;
  • drying process;
  • glazing tiles;
  • firing in special furnaces;
  • sorting.

Preparation of raw materials and molding of tiles

As can be seen from the technological scheme, the process of manufacturing ceramic tiles begins with the preparation of the mixture and the formation of products. This includes several stages of work:

  1. Clay is pre-crushed. The necessary components are added to it. They are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency. The percentage of constituent components depends on the required characteristics of the future product.
  2. Before molding, the clay mass is wetted. The degree of wetting also depends on the technical indicators of the finished tile.
  3. Next, the prepared mass is poured into special forms. The tiles are pressed under high pressure (400 kg/cm²). The result is a dense and durable product.

Drying tiles and glazing

Pre-drying during the production of tiles is needed to remove excess moisture. If it is not removed before the moment of firing, then the steam formed as a result of strong heating will destroy the product.

Glazing allows you to give the tile the desired color or shade. After firing, the glaze layer becomes as strong as glass. It turns out that the coating performs not only decorative, but also protective functions.

Kiln firing and sorting

The technology for the production of ceramic tiles provides for mandatory firing in a kiln at high temperatures. As a result chemical reactions flowing in the material at high temperatures, the tile acquires its final operational and technical characteristics.

The temperature in the furnace varies from 900 to 1300 degrees. The product moves in a tunnel where the temperature environment gradually decreases. It is very important to protect the material from a sudden change in temperature, as this leads to deformations.

Important! In the sorting process, tiles with cracks, oversized elements and tiles with uneven thickness are rejected. Only after this product is packaged.

Do-it-yourself tile making

If ceramic tiles are made by hand, the manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  • kneading clay mixture;
  • raw material production;
  • biscuit firing;
  • decoration.

Preparation of the mixture and production of raw

It is very important to choose the right clay. Clay with medium fat content is considered the best option, since it has good ductility, which allows you to form a product of any configuration.

Important! When choosing oily clay, fireclay, pumice or sand are added to it. This will prevent the material from breaking during firing and reduce the refractoriness of the raw material.

Making ceramic tiles at home takes place in the following sequence:

  1. First, all the components are mixed, and the prepared mass is wrapped in polyethylene. This is done to completely eliminate the access of oxygen. So the raw material absorbs moisture better. Wrapping with polyethylene will protect against the formation air locks in the product to improve its quality.
  2. Molding is carried out in molds made of polyurethane or other suitable material.
  3. After pouring the mass into the mold, it is carefully leveled and rammed. In the process of this, make sure that the thickness of the product is the same over the entire area.
  4. Then the raw material is dried well. The readiness of the product for the next stage is indicated by its density and color. Raw should noticeably brighten.

Firing and decoration

To obtain a durable tile, firing is carried out at high temperatures, but at home the maximum that can be obtained is 850 degrees. The firing process is called biscuit due to the fact that the blanks shrink, which is taken into account when determining the dimensions of the future tile.

The quality of decoration depends on the level of the master. Usually use drawings, ornaments. In any case, the product is covered with glaze, which is applied by spray or brush. Also sometimes use the method of dousing the workpiece. To obtain a glossy sheen, the tile is covered with enamel or varnish.

Worth knowing! When re-firing after decoration, it is important to strictly observe the temperature. Exceeding its values ​​will lead to cracking of the product.

Business plan for the production of tiles

Do not think that the presence a large number competitors in the tile industry will make your business unprofitable. Having established your own mini-production, you will be able to produce tiles of not the worst quality, but at an affordable price. It has always attracted consumers.

Let's calculate the upcoming expenses:

  1. Equipment for the production of ceramic tiles will cost $ 5,000.
  2. Purchase necessary materials will require expenses of $5,800.
  3. You will also need a multifunctional camera for spraying. It costs $1500.
  4. To purchase a set of stencils for professional tile decoration, you will have to allocate $ 300. The set includes 200 stencils.
  5. Also take into account the rent of space for the placement of equipment and the implementation of the production process. These expenses, together with the payment of electricity, will amount to $585.
  6. To pay workers who will be involved in the production process, you will have to allocate $ 1,500.
  7. Also, do not forget to include money for opening a business in expenses. The amount is $750.

All of these expenses are divided into two types:

  • disposable (they are $7550);
  • your monthly expenses will be $7920.

To calculate the expected profit, you need to know the volume of production. Suppose they are 5 thousand square meters. tiles. If the price per square is $3.5, then the monthly profit will be $17,500. If monthly expenses are subtracted from the amount received, then the net profit will be $ 9580.

The main factor in the production of ceramic tiles is a well-established production process, which is constantly being improved. Typically, cladding ceramic tiles walls are made using the technology of double, less often single firing. Floor ceramics, on the contrary, are more often fired once, less often twice. And here is the production decorative elements requires an additional - third firing.

Stages of tile production:

  1. Raw material preparation. The body of the tile is made from a mixture of clay (for plasticity), quartz sand (for hardness of the body) and feldspar (for fusibility). In the preparation of the glaze, sand, kaolin clays, pre-prepared glass chips, as well as oxide-based pigments (for color) are used. For the manufacture of the body of the tile, the raw materials are carefully crushed and mixed to obtain a perfectly homogeneous mass.
  2. Molding. Two methods are used - pressing and extrusion. Pressed ceramics are obtained from a powder solution that is compacted and pressed under high pressure. Extruded versions are made from doughy mass source materials and are formed by passing through a special hole of the extruder with the help of a die-mouthpiece, which provides the ceramic tile with thickness and width. Next, the product is cut to length. special knives. The pressing method allows tighter control of the size and obtain the surface best quality. This makes extrusion easier and cheaper.
  3. Drying and roasting. After molding, the products are dried to remove a small amount of moisture. Then they are fired (unglazed tiles) at a high temperature, varying depending on the type of material from 900 to 1200 °C. Chemical and physical characteristics, such as density, resistance to mechanical and chemical influences, it acquires in the process. During firing, high temperature makes the material resistant to aggressive chemicals and physical environmental influences.

Methods for the production of ceramic tiles:

  • bicottura (double firing);
  • monocottura (single firing);
  • monoporosis;
  • cotto;
  • clinker (extrusion technology)


Bicottura, i.e. double firing, is an enameled material designed for ceramic tiling of interior walls. Enamel gives shine and allows you to display the pattern of any design, and also protects against moisture penetration.

The entire ceramic tile production cycle takes place in two firing processes: the first is to create the base, and the second is to fix the enamel.

The basis ("cookie") is obtained in this way: first, a moistened mass of red clay is pressed in special forms, then it is fired at a temperature of up to 1040 degrees. Such ceramic tiles are considered porous, with a water absorption rate of up to 10%. The thickness of the "cookie", as a rule, is 5-7 mm. This type is inferior in strength to all others, thus, it can be used exclusively in interiors.

Cookie making is a separate the production cycle, after which the product passes the control of planimetric parameters and linear dimensions and, in case of non-compliance of ceramic tiles with the specified parameters, the rejected samples are automatically removed from the conveyor and sent for processing. To the second phase of firing - applying enamel, rejected ceramic tiles are not allowed.

The enamel can be glossy or matt and does not have the high surface strength of, for example, monocottura, since this ceramic tile, used mainly on walls, is not expected to be subjected to mechanical and abrasive loads, for example, to be walked on. At the same time, the enamel is sufficiently resistant to household detergents used for cleaning ceramics, as well as to cosmetic and hygiene products that may come into contact with the surface of ceramic tiles in bathrooms.

Since the process of applying enamel does not affect the geometry of ceramic tiles in any way, these parameters are no longer controlled after the end of production, and the plates are checked only for surface defects.

Externally, ceramic tiles of this type are distinguished by:

Relatively small thickness;

Red-brown clay base;

Small mass;

Bicottura is usually made in collections consisting of several colors: lighter (most often basic in the series) and additional - darker, with a large number of decorated elements, made in two different ways.

If an element is needed that differs in size from the main format (for example, a border), then it is made with an additional third firing. Pre-ceramic tiles are cut under right size- and another layer of enamel is applied to them, followed by firing to fix the pattern.

For the manufacture of relief decorative elements of large thickness, gypsum is added to the batch, which gives plasticity, then molding takes place, followed by enameling and firing (sometimes simply drying without firing).

This is a more time-consuming, long and expensive process. Bicottura is used for ceramic tiling of walls in interiors, sometimes also for flooring (if the selected series is recommended for such use), but only in those rooms that do not come into contact with the street and where, therefore, there is no risk of damaging the enamel with abrasive particles (sand, dust).


Monocottura, i.e. single firing, is an enameled material suitable for both wall and floor ceramic tiling. Some of its types are frost-resistant and, accordingly, allow this type to be used outdoors.

The production of ceramic tiles takes place in one firing cycle. A specially prepared mixture, consisting of different types of clay with the addition of other natural ingredients, is mixed in special drums and moistened at the same time. Then it is dried and ground in huge vertical silos almost to the state of a mixture and fed through a dispenser in the necessary portions onto a conveyor belt, followed by placement in a mold, where a strictly metered amount of this mixture is evenly distributed throughout the shape of the stamp.

It should be noted that the size of the pressed blanks at this stage exceeds the nominal size by about 7-10% (approximately corresponds to the moisture content in the batch after the press, that is, ceramics with parameters according to the 30x30 catalog has a format of approximately 33x33). All this happens because in the process of drying and final firing, the plates narrow, decreasing in size, and this just explains the presence of calibers assigned to products.

After leaving the press, ceramic tiles are sent to a special final drying chamber, and then to the area where enamel is applied to the still unfired products, which, after firing, protects the body and gives the design originally conceived.

Next, the plates are fed into a furnace up to 100 m long. Gradually heating there to a temperature of up to 1200 ° C and then gradually cooling down, the ceramics undergo the same single firing, as a result of which the base acquires exceptional hardness and the enamel is fixed on it, forming a strong single whole. The whole firing process is strictly controlled by computers at each phase of the furnace. After exiting the furnace, ceramic tiles arrive at the area for flaw detection and visual control of tone and calibration, after which they are sorted into batches, packed, labeled and delivered to the finished product warehouse.

Tests at the flaw detection section consist in the fact that each product falls on the so-called rails, where a roller is rolled along them, acting with a certain load. If there is a defect, then it does not withstand and breaks, automatically not falling into further tests. Enamel surface defects are checked visually, at the same time as determining the tonality of the tile.

The enamel of single-fired plates, in addition to increased strength characteristics, is resistant to household detergents, and some to aggressive chemical environments.

In the production of monocottura ceramic tiles, you can get floor and wall decors. The production of floor decors is very similar to the production of the base material, with the only difference being that a pattern of a given design is applied to the blanks of the desired format, which is then also fired, and therefore the strength of the decor enamel is not inferior to the strength of the main field. Wall decors(in the event that the series also has the designation recommended by the factory designers as “wall-mounted for interiors”) are made using the same technologies as for bicottura, respectively, without having the strength characteristics of the main field.

Monocottura is used for ceramic tiling of all types of surfaces in interiors, and also, especially resistant types of this tile can be used as flooring in public places with a less intense flow of people. Also frost-resistant series can be used for outdoor work.

The main differences between monocottura and bicottura:

  • high density of the material, as a result of using a more powerful press and high firing temperature, and as a result, the presence of series with low water absorption (<3%);
  • thicker and stronger base;
  • enamel is stronger and more wear-resistant.


This is a separate type of single-fired ceramics. The production of ceramic tiles by the monoporosis method takes place according to the technology of pressing and subsequent single simultaneous firing and applied glaze. In this, it is completely similar to monocottura. But due to the use of several other components in the preparation of the batch, the physical properties, and, accordingly, the scope are significantly different and are closer to bicotturk. In the production of monoporosa, clay with a high content of carbonates is used. During firing, as a result of chemical processes, a highly porous white mass is formed, with high water absorption (up to 15%). The strength of such ceramic tiles is noticeably less than the strength of the traditional "monocottura", so the base has a thickness of 12 mm. Naturally, it can only be used indoors.

This technology makes it possible to bake large format slabs of almost ideal dimensions, which, after additional mechanical processing of the edges (rectification), can be laid with minimal seams.

In the production of bicottura, where the base itself is made from red clays, light enamel should be thick enough not to lose color, while in monoporosis, a white base allows you to apply a thin layer of light enamel. These two characteristics also imply the stylistic performance of the tiles - the colors in the series usually imitate natural marble. Decors are made both in the traditional way - drawing a pattern on ceramic tiles, and by cutting with high-pressure water on special equipment: in this way you can get a very beautiful prefabricated decor, using, among other things, pieces of natural stone.

A white porous base and a thin layer of enamel require special work rules: for ceramic tiling, it is necessary to use a white adhesive, rub the seams very carefully, trying not to damage the enamel. The surface of a large format must be perfectly flat.


Increasingly popular in recent years are rectified ceramic tiles, the use of which allows you to create a kind of single surface, without visible large seams. Thus, it seems that the surface is lined with natural stone.

Rectification is an additional mechanical processing of an already finished material, which consists in cutting the side edges of both matte and polished ceramic tiles on special machines to give all products in the series, without exception, the same size in each format.

The equipment is configured in such a way that it also processes different formats in the same series according to a given template so that, for example, two 15x15 ceramic tiles are laid lengthwise in one 30x30 ceramic tile, or one 30x30 and one 15x15 plate in one 45x45 product. This operation allows tiling with ceramic tiles of different formats, as well as combining matt and polished versions of the same series with minimal joints, which is an additional advantage and is almost impossible for non-rectified products.


These are non-enamelled tiles with a red porous base, obtained by extrusion.

It is a ceramic material made from clays of various types. The extruded and dried tiles are fired at temperatures up to 1110°C. The base is porous, red in color with a variety of shades (depending on the type of clay).

It has increased resistance to abrasive materials, is characterized by high resistance to compression, bending, the action of aggressive chemicals and atmospheric phenomena.

Cotto is used for ceramic tiling of floors inside buildings.


These are non-enamelled or single-fired enameled tiles with a multi-colored (usually compacted) base, obtained by extrusion. The production of ceramic tiles takes place in 2 stages:

  1. The raw mixture is fired at temperatures up to 1250°C until glazing begins.
  2. The use of the extrusion process makes it possible to obtain not only tiles of complex geometric shapes, but also various facing elements - plinths, corners, steps, etc.

As a result, the products have good resistance to mechanical stress, abrasion, weathering and temperature changes. Resistant to aggressive chemicals, easy to clean, unpretentious in operation.

Clinker tiles are used for laying floors inside and outside the building, facing the outer walls of residential, public, industrial, sports facilities.


Ceramic tiles have long been considered a versatile finishing material, which is still widely used in construction and repair. Everything that is possible is tiled with tiles - pools, walls and floors in bathrooms and kitchens, building facades, stairs, etc. And yet, despite the love for ceramic tiles, people were looking for an alternative to it. Alas, ceramics is still a fragile and porous material. In addition, the rather large “dimensions” of the tile (the smallest size is 10 x 10 cm) do not allow obtaining a “high resolution” image.

As a result of these searches, a mosaic known to mankind from time immemorial has again entered our everyday life. However, as you know, everything new is well-forgotten old.


Smalta is a colored glass tile. Made from molten glass. In the manufacturing process, ceramic tiles are first cast (sometimes pressed) and then fired.

The color palette of smalt includes hundreds of different colors and shades, which makes it possible to obtain highly artistic panels with its help.

Smalt is resistant to any aggressive environment, as well as color fastness. The water absorption coefficient is practically equal to zero, which determines its scope. It is used for facing with ceramic tiles of the underwater part of the pools, as well as for mosaic work.


This is a particularly durable ceramic. Enamelled tiles with a porous color base, molded by pressing. The manufacturing technology provides for two separate firings: the first - for the body of the tile, the second - for enamel (double firing avoids cracks and "gnats" on the surface). As a result, the tile is smooth, shiny and very decorative.

The raw material for the production of majolica is a mixture of clay, sand, carbonate and iron oxide (which gives the base of the tile a pinkish tint). Glaze is used only opaque - colored.

It is used for facing with ceramic tiles the interior walls of residential premises with low air humidity (not intended for bathrooms, showers and similar premises, because majolica is a highly porous material and has a high water absorption - 15-25%). The technology of manufacturing majolica tiles requires a high culture of production, accuracy and accuracy in work. The samples use red clay, which is subsequently covered with enamel and glaze. Before the second firing, a decorative pattern is applied over the white enamel.

The layout of future forms is made of soft material, on which a plaster mold is subsequently made. After that, the clay mass is manually placed into the finished molds with a margin, the filled molds are left for natural drying for several days. Ready and fitted to each other samples are covered with a thin layer of white clay. To give the products a characteristic red-brown color and an enviable strength, they are sent for the initial firing.

Firing is carried out in special ovens with evenly distributed heat so that the shrinkage of the tiles occurs evenly.

Finally, artists can manually(!) apply the drawing. But this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance: when re-firing, the paints used can change their color, and an incorrectly applied pattern is almost impossible to correct.

The painted specimens are sent for re-firing, which takes place under the careful supervision of craftsmen who ensure that the firing parameters remain unchanged. Sometimes finished samples are additionally glazed with special paints.

Today, multi-colored tiles are experiencing their second birth. Dozens of firms in Russia offer tiling of stoves and fireplaces, many specialize exclusively in tiled stoves. And this is no coincidence. A person always strives for graceful, artistic, beautiful. One of the ways to satisfy this desire is a multicolored, warm, lively tile.

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There was a period in the history of our country when the harsh reality forced us to do something with our own hands, namely the lack of the necessary product in the distribution network, and the only way to become the owner of this or that item was to make it from something at home.

The main ingredient for ceramic tiles is clay.

Now, modern industry and trade provides consumers with any range of goods, including satisfying the needs of buyers in the market of finishing materials. Ceramic tiles are presented in all conceivable and unimaginable types, sizes and colors.

It would seem that it’s easier: come, choose, buy, install, but this option does not suit everyone, in our rapid age of standardization and standard solutions, I want to highlight my individuality at least in the decoration of a particular room. And this raises the question, is it possible to make ceramic tiles at home with your own hands, realizing your own ideas, designing the interior space of a bathroom or kitchen. We will not languish. We answer. Yes, you can, but subject to certain simple conditions, which are described below.

What is needed to organize the production of ceramics

First of all, it is necessary to have a great desire, patience and confidence in a positive result, as well as to have the necessary materials, tools, fixtures and equipment available. Perhaps not everything will work out right away, but the efforts spent will eventually make it possible to be proud of yourself, demonstrating to friends and acquaintances such a rather technological product as ceramic tiles made of clay with your own hands.

Handmade Clay Ceramic Tiles

Raw material selection

Everyone probably knows what any ceramics is made of, the main component is clay. But about what types of clay exist, their properties and the possibility of using it for making ceramic tiles with your own hands. According to the composition, properties and applications, clays are divided into four groups:

  1. Coarse ceramic. They contain a large amount of impurities in the form of pebbles and sand, as well as gypsum and lime inclusions. It is used for the manufacture of bricks, tiles, dishes and expanded clay.
  2. Refractory and refractory. They have a high alumina content, good ductility and a high degree of refractoriness. They are used in the manufacture of refractory bricks and various ceramics.
  3. Kaolin. Low-plasticity clays are used in paper and rubber production and as an additive for the manufacture of faience products.
  4. Montmorillonite. Their main feature is their high ductility, they are used as drilling mud, in metallurgy and food industry.

Plasticity is the ability of clay to take any shape and retain it as it dries.

Clays are also divided into "fat" and "skinny". The former are plastic and products from them can be given any shape, but in order to make ceramics with your own hands at home, it is necessary to prepare the clay, for which the source material is diluted to the required composition with sand, fireclay or ground pumice.

You should not take too “fat” clay, medium-plastic is better

Choice of tools and materials

Having decided to make a tile, or ordinary ceramic tile with your own hands, you will need:

  • raw materials: clay, filler for dilution, in case the clay is greasy, water;
  • form for the production of future tiles;
  • a cliche for the formation of an imprint of a drawing or a bas-relief on the front side of the product;
  • spatula, scoop, trowel;
  • mesh for reinforcing the product.

Stages of making ceramics

Do-it-yourself technology for the production of ceramic tiles consists of the following steps:

  • Clay of medium plasticity is taken, poured into a container and filled with water. After several days of soaking, the clay is stirred and kneaded. Then, through a fine sieve, the material is ground into another container and then the mass is distributed on old newspapers or a rag with a layer of 10-15 mm. When the clay reaches the desired density, it is mixed and put into a plastic bag.
  • The material prepared in this way is placed in the molds and compacted; this must be done so that the level of the molding mass coincides with the edges of the mold, for which the excess material is cut off with a knife or cutter.

The most high-quality forms are made of polyurethane, the products are quite even with the same parameters.

  • Further, the technology for making ceramic tiles with their own hands goes into the pre-drying stage. It lasts until the mass acquires a lighter shade and this period depends on the ambient temperature and humidity. The result is a raw tile. If something went wrong with you, then at this stage you can still correct the situation, for which the spoiled semi-finished product is soaked with water, and the molding procedure starts over.
  • The process of burning raw tiles is the most technologically advanced stage, because the semi-finished product must be exposed to a high temperature of about 1000-1200 degrees, which will require special equipment. To make ceramic tiles with your own hands, you can limit yourself to a temperature of 850-900 degrees, which is achieved in an electric muffle furnace. The production technology allows this, provided that the composition of the clay mass contains pumice, which is sintered at the specified temperature. Such primary firing is called biscuit for some similarity in the obtained finely porous structure of the workpiece, after evaporation of water from it. At the same time, the ceramic workpiece has already acquired the necessary hardness and strength. Such a product is called terracotta.

Stages of technology: making raw materials, firing ceramics and applying a decorative layer

  • If you want to make majolica with your own hands, that is, fired ceramics, glazed on the front side, or, more simply, tiles, then the production technology does not end there. It is necessary to make one more firing, but with glaze, for which a multicomponent mixture is prepared, the main components of which are glass, kaolin and tripolephosphate in powder form. All components are mixed and diluted with water. The resulting mixture, with a brush or by pouring over the workpiece, is distributed over the product, and a second firing is made.

Particular attention should be paid to the control of the process temperature, it should not be higher than the primary firing temperature. Otherwise, the glazed surface may be damaged or the terracotta blank may be sintered.

This tile manufacturing technology allows you to create unique compositions on the glossy surface of the product, for which different glaze compositions are used. In the case when firing glaze is not suitable for you for some reason, then you can make an attractive, smooth and shiny surface with your own hands by treating the workpiece with enamel or varnish.

And so, if the article has been read to the end, and the difficulties of making ceramic tiles from clay with your own hands, reflected in this manual, did not frighten you, then honor and praise be to you. After all, knowing what and how to make such a unique finishing material, the originality and individuality of the lining, as well as the delight of your friends and acquaintances, are provided to you.

Ceramic tiles have been used by people since time immemorial. Due to the external diversity and excellent qualities of this material, it is widely used in baths, toilets, and kitchens. Thanks to such popularity, properly established production of ceramic tiles will be very profitable.

Components for creating ceramic tiles

Various mixtures of certain components are used as raw materials in the manufacture of ceramic tiles, such as:

  • clay materials, which give the property of plasticity, due to which it becomes possible to mold product blanks;
  • quartz sand, the main filler material of the mixture, which creates the framework of ceramic tiles;
  • carbonate materials, consisting of a number of feldspars, imparting the necessary viscosity and dense structure when fired.

Technology for obtaining charge mixture for the manufacture of ceramic tiles includes several stages, allowing to obtain a homogeneous material, the required fraction and humidity. The moisture content of the mixture depends on the manufacturing technology of ceramic tiles, and ranges from 5 to 20%.

Despite the method of manufacturing a ceramic product, the technology for obtaining a charge mixture includes 3 sequential operations: grinding, mixing and moisturizing.

Powder grinding It is carried out according to two methods: dry grinding of the components with further addition of water and a wet method, in which the initial components are ground in water and then subjected to spray drying. The grinding method primarily depends on the mass and geometric dimensions of the product.

Ceramic tile production technology

There are three main ways to produce ceramic tiles.
The first technique is the semi-dry pressing of powders with a moisture content of up to 7%. This method is the main one.

The second, in terms of its prevalence, is the slip casting technology. In this case, a clay suspension solution with a moisture content of 30 to 35% is used.

The last method for the production of building ceramics in enterprises is plastic formation from masses with a moisture content of 15 to 20%.

The main stages in the production of ceramic products are:

  • special processing of clay material with mineral additives;
  • obtaining a product of a certain shape;
  • heat treatment, which consists in firing the product to the required state, depending on the field of application.

Most modern factories use conveyor lines, consisting of a large number of equipment, which is a separate node in a common technology. Most of the ceramic tiles, or rather about 95% of the total, are obtained by pressing the charge mass, with a moisture content of 5 to 7%. At the shaping stage, the tile that has not yet been fired acquires the necessary density and strength.

An important step in the production is product drying. At this stage, it is necessary to avoid possible deformations, cracks and other defects as much as possible. As a rule, drying is carried out with hot air. Chemical inertness and operational properties of ceramic tiles are achieved at the firing stage. Basically, firing is carried out in special furnaces of continuous type and continuous operation. The temperature of this type of heat treatment, for ceramic tiles, can reach 1250 degrees.

Equipment for the manufacture of ceramic tiles

The main equipment used in the production of ceramic tiles are: concrete mixers, vibrators, kilns for firing and drying.

Concrete mixers, with the help of the blades built into them, mix the initial components. Before choosing a concrete mixer, it is necessary to calculate the performance required in a particular production case.

The formation of tiles is carried out by means of a vibrating machine. In it, the mixture is pressed in special forms. After molding, the products are placed in an oven to remove excess moisture. Hot air drying is the best option.

Another type of kiln used in the production of ceramic products is the tunnel kiln. The heating temperature in such furnaces reaches 1250 degrees.

No less important equipment is a camera for drawing a picture. The choice of device depends primarily on financial capabilities.

Equipment for printing on ceramic tiles

UV printers are used to print patterns on ceramic tiles. Printing on such a surface requires refilling with special inks with high adhesive properties and glaze paints. After the graphic image has been made, curing is carried out with a UV lamp. Printers for drawing a picture on ceramics are inkjet and laser.

In the production of small batches, inkjet ceramic printers are used. Basically, they are used to apply black and white images. For large volumes of products, a laser printer is required. First, the picture is made on decal paper, and then transferred to the tile and fired in the oven. Before painting, the tiles must be degreased.

Commercialization of production of ceramic tiles

Unlike large industries, small businesses in this area have some great advantages. The main thing is a wide range of manufactured products, which is unlikely to be offered by a large manufacturer. An important advantage of small-scale tile production is the ability to produce high-quality products at a low cost. At the same time, the technology for manufacturing ceramic tiles can be mastered fairly quickly.

Favorable for entrepreneurs specializing in the production of ceramics, was the depreciation of the currency, which led to an increase in the cost of foreign products. The minimum number of fixtures for the production of ceramic tiles will cost you $10,000. This includes a stirrer, a vibrating machine, a drying oven, a patterning and glazing chamber, and special shaping tools.

For the production of specific tiles, additional equipment and fixtures will be needed. Also, do not forget about stencils for drawing drawings, the cost of which is about $ 600.

The main competitive advantage is the quality of the product, which depends primarily on the raw materials for the preparation of the charge mixture. Therefore, high-quality granite screenings and plasticizers will be needed. For example, for a tile that covers an area of ​​5,000 square meters, the cost of raw materials will be about $12,000. To organize the production of such a number of tiles, four workers will be required.

It is necessary to involve a specialist in the performance of work to control and adjust the production technology. A warehouse with an area of ​​100 square meters is suitable as a premise.

As a result, summing up all the costs, we get:

One-time cost of $30,000;

Monthly production costs about $18,000.

The average price for the sale of one square meter of tiles is 7 dollars. With a volume of 5,000 square meters, the monthly income will be $35,000.

Models of modern equipment

Currently, the construction equipment market offers many different types of devices for the manufacture of ceramic tiles. Canon brand printers for color printing on ceramic tiles create an image using a CMYK topographic scheme. Low cost, high quality and speed of work distinguishes them from most analogues.

Among the shakers, the Saratov equipment "Mars" is popular. They have relatively small dimensions and high performance, while their price is significantly lower than for foreign counterparts.

A wide range of concrete mixers is offered by the Zlatoust Plant of Concrete Mixing Equipment. For the organization of small or medium-sized production, mini-RBU is suitable, with a capacity of 10 to 50 cubic meters per hour. Their only drawback is the lack of an automatic mode of operation.

Video about the manufacture of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tile is a popular building material used in the finishing of the "wet zone" in housing (kitchen and bathrooms) and industrial premises. A wide range of products of domestic and foreign production is presented on the Russian market, but the goods available for sale do not satisfy all demand. More and more tiles are required by construction companies and private clients. According to studies, Russians love to make repairs in their houses and apartments. Over the past 5 years, 83% of the country's citizens have been doing this.

The business sphere is open to new participants - entrepreneurs have good chances to occupy a market niche and establish permanent production. In this article, we will present a business plan for opening a mini-factory, the main task of which will be the manufacture of ceramic tiles. We will also present an approximate calculation of the payback period of the project, we will talk about the important nuances of the case.

Brief market analysis in Russia

In recent years, the volume of production of ceramic tiles has increased markedly: from 2012 to 2016. this figure increased from 156.1 million sq. m to 167.6 million sq. m. The fastest production grew in 2013 - by 6.1%.

In 2017, 163.8 million sq. m - there is a noticeable drop. This is due to a decrease in demand from end-users. The decrease in buying activity is due to the crisis in the Russian economy. The production of wall tiles grew the most - by 7.8% (74.7 million sq. m.). Production of floor tiles fell by 2.9% (89.1 million sqm).

Economists predict that in the period 2018-2021. the production of this material will grow by 1-3.7% annually. In 2021, production volumes will reach 181.7 million square meters. m

Types of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are classified according to several criteria:

  • raw materials: cotto, porcelain stoneware, clinker, brooms;
  • production technology: the amount of firing, surface glazing;
  • molding method: manually, by casting, pressing, extrusion;
  • type of texture: porosity, the presence of a mosaic, stone inserts, the effect of artificial aging;
  • purpose: for kitchen and floor, bathroom, pool, fireplace.

You can produce tiles of several types at once. Products should be made more attractive to customers - apply unique drawings, use high-quality templates, molds.

You also need to choose the size of the products. The most popular (in cm): 20x20, 20x30, 20x40, 33x33, 40x40.

How to open a tile production

The main item of expenditure in organizing a business is equipment. Raw materials form the basis of monthly expenses.

Table 1. Start-up costs for a ceramic tile business.

The calculations are relevant for a city with a population of up to 1 million people. Additional expenses include the cost of utility bills, advertising, cosmetic repairs of the premises.

Documentation and business registration

First you need to choose the organizational form of the business. If you plan to further expand the range and production volumes, it is better to choose an LLC (legal entity). This form is more difficult to design and record, but it will allow you to cooperate with large construction companies, wholesale and retail networks of a federal scale. Otherwise, you can work as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).

When registering a business, the OKVED code 26.3 "Production of ceramic tiles and slabs" is indicated.

The requirements of GOSTs are imposed on the product:

  • GOST 27180-2001 - ceramic tiles;
  • GOST 6887-90 - floor tiles;
  • GOST 6141-91 - facing tiles for interior walls;
  • GOST 13996-93 - facade ceramic tiles.

Therefore, to start production, you will need to obtain certificates of conformity.

Ceramic tile production technology

  1. The raw material is mixed. Clay, sand and other materials in powder form in the right proportions are added to the concrete mixer, diluted with water and mixed into a homogeneous mass.
  2. The mixture is poured into molds and further processed depending on the specific method:
    • the pressing method involves molding with high pressure (about 400 kg / cm2);
    • during casting, the wet mass is distributed over the molds;
    • in the extrusion method, a mass having the consistency of dough is fed onto the machine's tape. The machine cuts the tiles to the specified dimensions.
  3. Glazing. A thin glassy mixture of minerals is applied to the surface, which gives the desired color and significantly increases strength.
  4. Sections of the tape are passed through the furnace. Roasting takes place at a temperature of 900-1300 ° C.
  5. The finished product is checked, the marriage is eliminated (with cracks, chips, deformations).


A small ceramic tile factory should consist of a work shop, warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products, staff rooms, a bathroom, and an administrative room.

Taking into account the dimensions of modern equipment, it is necessary to select a production room with a size of at least 100 square meters. m with all necessary communications: electricity and water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating.

In the workshop where the equipment is installed, it is necessary to maintain the temperature and humidity at optimal levels. The room should be spacious, with ceilings not lower than 5 m.

To get started, you need to obtain permission from the Fire Inspectorate on compliance with the necessary requirements.

A mini-factory is best organized in the industrial area of ​​​​the city or on the outskirts of the village.

Raw material

There are 2 groups of materials needed to create ceramic tiles.

The first group - raw materials for the basis of the product. These are refractory clay and kaolin. Kaolin, otherwise called white clay, consists of the mineral kaolinite, which gives the product high strength. Quartz sands are also used - they are needed for the effect of reducing shrinkage, creating a frame. Another material is the so-called floodplains (feldspar, slag, etc.)

The second group includes additional raw materials: glaze, surfactants, plasticizers, thinners necessary to impart viscosity, a dense vitreous structure.

Raw materials can be purchased both domestically and imported. Russian raw materials are cheaper, but worse in quality compared to raw materials from European manufacturers.

Equipment for the production of ceramic tiles

For the production of goods on an industrial scale, the following equipment will be required:

  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating machine;
  • tunnel oven;
  • drawing camera.

All components of the composition are mixed in a concrete mixer. The mixture is homogeneous and of high quality. Then it enters the vibrating machine, which removes air bubbles from the mixture - this increases the strength of the finished product. In the oven, the mixture molded in templates is processed at high temperature, all excess moisture is removed. After the product, they enter a special chamber, where the machine applies programmed patterns to the surface. Modern machines use various techniques when painting - drawings of any complexity can be applied to the surface.


A ceramic tile business does not require a large workforce. The equipment has a high degree of automation. The employee can only exercise control.

2 employees will be required to monitor the supply of raw materials and the continuity of the production process. The workshop also needs 1 master technologist, who will be the production manager. His tasks are to control the condition of the equipment, organize the technological process, check the quality and accept the finished product.

The plant also needs 1 handyman (minimum). He will be engaged in loading and unloading operations, work in warehouses.

You will also need a logistics driver (to take with your car), a sales manager and an accountant (to hire through outsourcing).

Sales and promotion

You can sell ceramic tiles wholesale and retail:

  • construction and repair and construction companies;
  • to construction markets, wholesale and retail chain stores;
  • directly to private buyers (through the opening of their store).

It is necessary to conclude long-term supply contracts with companies, which will allow stabilizing the production and financial performance of the business.

It is useful to create your own website with a description of products and a commercial offer, use methods of promotion on the Internet. Order advertising in newspapers and specialized magazines, distribute leaflets near the points of sale of goods. It is useful to visit various exhibitions where you can find potential consumers and conclude large contracts.

If you have enough initial funds, open your store so that customers can see "live" what exactly you offer.

Calculations of profitability and payback of tile production

The size of the initial investment is 3.47 million rubles.

Standard working hours - 22 days a month, 8 hours per shift. During this time, it is possible to produce about 5 thousand square meters. m tiles.

At the price of 1 sq. m at 400 rubles. You can earn 2 million rubles per month.

The cost of a monthly batch is 1.3 million rubles. Accordingly, the amount of net revenue per month will be 700 thousand rubles. In this case, the business will pay off and go to zero in 5 months.

It must be remembered that these are ideal conditions - if all manufactured goods are sold in a month. At the initial stage of business development, you need to be prepared for the fact that a large number of tiles will remain in warehouses. But if at least half of the manufactured products are sold per month, the payback period will be 10 months.

Table 2. Economic rationale for a business idea.

Based on economic calculations, a ceramic tile business can pay for itself in a reasonable amount of time, freeing up additional funds for reinvestment and expansion.

Of course, this is possible only with proper organization of the case. Distribution networks are recommended to be financially stimulated so that the product is in the best positions and attracts the "look" of the buyer. You also need to consider measures to stimulate demand - promotions and other offers. Keep in mind that tiles are a seasonal item. It "leaves" well in the warm season - plan the production of ceramic tiles with this in mind.