Construction of combined brick and wood houses. Combined houses made of stone and wood (51 photos): projects, advantages, construction features

  • 17.06.2019

The ideas of combined construction have existed for a very long time: centuries ago, chalet houses were built in Switzerland: wood was combined with processed natural stone bonded together with a solution. This made it possible to combine positive sides two traditional materials and minimize their shortcomings. Modern technologies significantly expanded the possibilities of builders, and today the combined house "brick - log" can be a very profitable solution.

What are the advantages of combined buildings

Before any future owner of the house, the question is once raised: to build a log or brick house, which will be cheaper and more profitable? The tree has many shortcomings that are hard to deny: it burns, quickly collapses in high humidity, it will be gradually destroyed by rodents and insects. At the same time, it is the most eco-friendly material and live in wooden house always comfortable.

Brick is very expensive, and not everyone can build a two-story brick cottage. In addition, it requires additional finishing and cladding, a complete interior renovation with laborious drafting work. Houses made of bricks and logs allow you to compensate for all the shortcomings and combine the advantages:
  • The lower part of the brick building makes it much more secure: on the ground floor there is a boiler room, a kitchen, a fireplace room and other rooms that can pose an increased risk of fire. Unlike wooden house, a brick building is much less afraid of fire, so the risk will be lower, and the safety requirements will be less stringent.
  • The house "bottom - brick, top - log" will be more economically profitable: wood is much cheaper, so you can save a lot on the construction of the second floor. In addition, it does not require internal and exterior finish, as wooden log walls look so beautiful. The upper floor is less demanding on insulation, the log holds heat well.
  • The upper wooden floor can accommodate bedrooms and other living rooms. It will always be beautiful in them, and a lot of people like the pleasant atmosphere with the smell of wood. At the same time, the layout can be very different, log walls can be supplemented with timber or other partitions.
  • The combination of materials will give the structure interesting view, such designs open up wide scope for design. For example, on the first floor you can make panoramic big windows, brick goes well with the most different types finishing materials.

Design features of the combined house

Houses made of bricks and logs have a number of special features: it is necessary to combine materials correctly so that the house becomes a single whole, and not a set of disparate elements. A brick building requires a strong foundation, the thickness of the walls depends on the use of the house and climatic conditions region. The lower floor is most often insulated and finished using the technology of a ventilated facade: a multi-layer structure does not violate the environmental friendliness of the house, while it will allow you to save heat well.

At the junction of a brick and a log, the walls must be laid with a waterproofing layer, usually roofing material is used for this, which is laid in several layers. To unite the structure into one whole, reinforcing pins are used: they are laid in the masonry, and then fixed on them wooden material walls of the second floor. This design ensures the strength of the structure, the building will not begin to crumble, even if it is seriously affected by the forces of nature.

A few more requirements for the construction of a combined building:

There are a lot of projects of combined buildings in the network, although today no more than 10% of the total number of buildings are being built such houses. You can pick up a ready-made project on the network, or you can order an author's development, taking into account individual requirements for a country house.

Original designs combined houses gaining more and more fans every day. And this is natural. Combination various materials makes it possible to arrange in individual style. The practice of such construction shows that the use of this technology significantly reduces.

original project combined house

The main feature that distinguishes the combined Vacation home from others, is that the first floor is made of more durable materials, and the following floors are made of lighter ones. So, for example, for the foundation of a building they successfully use:

  • blocks of various composition, including foam concrete, aerated concrete, wood concrete, poroterm and others;
  • house made of natural stone.

For the construction of the top of the building, as a rule, apply:

Another direction in the construction of houses of the combined type is the use of alternative decoration of the building, completely built from a homogeneous material, with decorative details. It can be both separate elements and a combined facade. In some cases, the use literally masks the original building material used during installation.

Benefits of combining materials

The construction of combined houses, based on the principle of combining different materials, has obvious benefits.

Origins of combined buildings

The combination of materials in the construction of residential buildings has been used for more than one century, as in European countries, as well as in Russia. It is traditionally believed that this method of construction is based on the chalet style, which came into modernity from the Alpine mountains.

The massive stone foundation of residential buildings in those places was due to necessity, since a house on a mountain slope had to withstand snow and storm flows.

At the same time, living quarters built of wood were protected from the weather by wide roof awnings, and they are considered the main difference. In Russia, wood was also popular mainly among merchants and artisans.

The project of a combined cottage made of stone and timber

As a rule, the first floors were adapted for shops and workshops, and wooden second the floor was furnished for living. Despite the high cost of construction, this method of erecting buildings was justified, since it was remote from the ground wooden floor was protected from flooding and fire, and, therefore, had a longer service life.

AT modern design combined houses, made in the style of a chalet, are distinguished not only by a stone base and wide roof canopies, but also.

Respectable brick and wood houses

There are many people who want to realize the project of their own combined brick and wood house. Brickwork traditionally considered an indicator of the solvency and respectability of the owner.

Finished project respectable house of brick and wood

At combined construction houses and cottages, both silicate and ceramic bricks are successfully used for the construction of the first floor of a combined house. The superstructure of the brick base of the house can be made of any type of wood.

A combined house made of bricks and glued laminated timber is considered a classic option, since it has an attractive appearance, is easy to install and does not shrink, and also has high thermal insulation properties.

An alternative option, of course, is lined with decorative wooden panels, for example, a block house.

The project of a combined house made of wood and brick

It should be noted that the manufacture of a wooden superstructure significantly reduces the cost of construction, since the price of the wooden components of the second floor is significantly lower than the additional brick for customization. However, the technology for arranging such houses allows the construction of the entire building from the main material, and only the facade of the house is decorated with wood details.

In some cases, it applies combined finish when, together with the decoration of the facade, additional wooden elements, such as , .

Economic projects of houses from foam blocks and wood

For economical developers, projects of houses using block materials will be especially interesting. Due to its affordable price and due to the simple construction, combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are very popular. And also as a material for the construction of the first floor, blocks of other cellular concrete compositions are successfully used, in particular, which has characteristics similar to foam concrete.

A house built of blocks and wood has all the advantages of combined buildings, but there are additional advantages:

When carrying out work on the installation of the second floor on a block base, it must be taken into account that pouring a concrete reinforcing belt is a prerequisite for reliable fastening of wooden structures. The frame, consisting of a timber structure, or the timber itself, is already connected to the armored belt with steel anchors. The wooden floor can be made of any type of wood, but the most budgetary solution would be wooden frame With good insulation and trimmed with decorative panels.

As the name implies, in the article we will not only touch on the projects of combined brick and timber houses. Its subject is broader - combining different materials in private housing. So, on the way...

Combined materials

Let's start with those cases when two different materials are combined in one structural element.

I-beam from OSB

The shape of the I-beam is designed to provide maximum rigidity with respect to a bending load directed in a certain direction. With a much lower consumption of material, it practically does not differ in strength from a solid bar of the corresponding section.

However, if any shape can be cast from metal, then the economic feasibility of producing an I-beam from a solid beam is doubtful: yes, we will facilitate the construction, but most of the quality wood.

One solution is a glued construction of a strip of oriented strand board and two small-section bars. OSB provides bending rigidity, and the bar provides ease of installation.

Please note: in addition, the bars do not allow the OSB strip to twist under load.

The basis of the overlap is a combined I-beam.

SIP panels

Another example of an extremely successful combination of dissimilar materials is sip panels. If in frame house Since the skin is devoid of load-bearing functions and rigidity is ensured, two layers of OSB glued together and a layer of extruded polystyrene foam are a rigid structure. Note - a design with excellent load-bearing capacity.

The advantages of building material are quite numerous:

  • Low price. The panel is somewhat more expensive than a set of two OSB boards and insulation; but we significantly save on the frame.
  • Easy do-it-yourself installation. The instructions for assembling the wall are ridiculously simple: just insert a beam into the grooves of the ends of adjacent panels and pull the OSB to it with self-tapping screws. Additional reliability and tightness of the connection are provided by preliminary foaming.
  • Structural strength. The practice of using houses in regions with frequent hurricane winds has shown that they endure the violence of the elements without fatal damage.
  • Unlike frame structures.
  • Excellent thermal insulation properties. Of course, the assertion that a house made of sip panels can be heated with a couple of candles is fiction. However, the consumption of thermal energy to maintain a constant temperature in the building actually decreases from the considered standard of 100 to 35-40 watts per square meter.

Combined timber

This material is in some way a development of the idea of ​​sip panels, adapted to the aesthetics of wooden architecture. Combined glued laminated timber consists of two lamellas made of high-quality low-moisture wood with a layer of extruded polystyrene glued between them.

Ordinary glued beams and combined beams differ markedly in properties in favor of the latter:

  • Combined much cheaper. The difference in price reaches a third: after all, the foamed polymer is much cheaper than high-grade wood, especially taking into account the costs of its drying and processing.
  • He's lighter. The density of expanded polystyrene is much lower than the density of any wood, not excluding light spruce, pine and cedar. On the practical side, the lower weight of each crown means not only easier installation, but also less stress on the foundation. So, you can also save money on it.
  • Finally, the main thing: and here we get where better thermal insulation, which makes it possible to do without additional insulation walls and significantly save on heating.

Combined buildings

Brick or wood? This question haunts far from the first generation of independent builders. There are many compelling arguments in favor of both decisions.

Advantages of a brick

  • The lining is exceptionally durable. AT brick house you can not be afraid of unauthorized penetration from the outside (at least through walls); he is not afraid of hurricanes, tornadoes and others natural disasters. Even a flood in a brick house will only make the walls dry, but a beam or a log will most likely lead.
  • The brick wall is a solid foundation for the massive upper floors. In this case, the builder does not need to worry about whether the mass of floors will become an exorbitant load for the load-bearing walls.

Advantages of a bar

In favor of the construction beam, no less arguments can be given:

  • It has much better thermal insulation qualities. With the same thermal resistance of the wall, you can make it 2.5 - 3 times thicker.

  • Construction will be much faster: after all, the structural element has much larger linear dimensions.

It is worth clarifying: we are talking about the construction of dry timber. The material of the so-called natural moisture requires at least six months of conservation for shrinkage.

  • The walls have excellent vapor and air permeability. It is never stuffy or damp in a wooden house.
  • Finally, the tree is simply very beautiful material. Glued or profiled timber due to high-quality surface treatment may well become an independent design element.


The solution to the problem of choice can be quite simple: combined houses made of brick and timber are buildings in which the walls from the foundation to the interfloor ceiling are built of brick, and above the ceiling - wooden or reinforced concrete - rises completed.

In the photo - a combined house in the process of construction.

As a rule, there is a functional division of floors:

  • In the brick part of the building there are a garage, a dining room, a kitchen, a boiler room, a sauna and other premises of a purely functional and technical purpose.
  • Bedrooms and recreation area - living room, children's room, etc. - migrate inside the wooden part of the house.

What is the result?

  • A combined house made of timber and brick is not afraid of floods. In any case, the damage from them will be incomparable with the scale of damage in a solid wood house.
  • Brick walls can become a reliable foundation for a monolithic or slab reinforced concrete floor, which in a number of ways is more convenient than any flooring on wooden beams.
  • At the same time, the inhabitants of the house are provided with maximum comfort: they have all the advantages of a wooden structure.


As usual, the video in this article will demonstrate at least useful information. Successes in construction!

Dreaming of building a country house, but reached a dead end when choosing a building material. This is not surprising. There are people who appreciate the stone for its strength, monumentality. Someone chooses wood for environmental friendliness, speed of construction, natural color and wood pattern. There are people who are equally related to both materials. The solution is quite simple - to consider projects of combined brick and timber houses. The problem of choice will disappear, it will be possible to combine two elements under one roof.

Any design cannot be perfect. There will always be pros and cons of individual houses and materials used for construction. Combined projects have their own characteristics. Let's talk about the advantages of sharing timber and bricks.

Reliability of the combined house

Any building can be reliable if everything is taken into account during construction. important points. The combined project provides for greater reliability of the house. They build according to this principle mainly two-story cottages. Basement, first floors are made of brick. This provides structural strength, prolongs the life of the house. Brick is not afraid of fire, water, strong wind, sun rays. Provided that the foundation is laid correctly, the elements will not lead the brick box, will not destroy it. The second floor is better to make from a bar. There are several variations of the beam:

  • not profiled;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

Before choosing a timber, read the quality characteristics of each, so as not to be mistaken. Mostly profiled and glued beams are used for felling. Wood has different properties, extend which allows the construction of the bottom of the box of bricks. A reliable brick base will allow you to resist a light timber box under any circumstances. For example, during a flood, it often floods a dwelling to roof level, if the house is without a superstructure. Wooden structure rarely withstands a large flow of water and its influence:

  • the log is difficult to dry;
  • the box is deformed or, in general, falls apart;
  • required overhaul or installation of a new frame.

When building a building according to a combined project, the following consequences can be avoided:

  • the lower floor of brick is not subject to destruction;
  • enough to dry the walls, foundation;
  • do the interior work.
  • the second floor from a bar will not suffer from water.

There can be many such situations, we will not list them.

Combination home comfort

The possibility of placing common rooms on the ground floor:

  • kitchens;
  • bathroom;
  • living room;
  • toilet
  • boiler room.

Brick withstands drops:

  • temperatures;
  • humidity;
  • fumes from cooking.

The tree does not behave so perfectly. Therefore, a private zone is placed on the second floor. In the recreation area, sleeping timber retains its natural properties:

  • breathes;
  • passes moisture;
  • retains heat;
  • creates a comfortable microclimate.

This allows you to create comfortable conditions tenants. The first brick floor is set up for an active life, the second floor made of timber helps to relax, enjoy the tranquility, natural decor walls.

Combined home safety

Fire safety is not only a concern apartment buildings but also an individual mansion. This is no coincidence. How much equipment, engineering structures are provided in the cottage for a full-fledged stay. gas, electrical devices carry a fire hazard. Brick is resistant to fire. Its use in the construction of the first floor is highly advisable due to the location of the ignition sites. The brick will not allow the fire to spread quickly. The second floor from a bar, with a timely reaction, will not be exposed to fire.

The speed of the construction of the box according to the combined project

If there is no time to wait, combined housing projects will come to the rescue. An attic made of glued or profiled chamber-drying lumber is assembled quickly:

  • poured the foundation;
  • allowed to dry;
  • laid out a brick wall;
  • assembled the second lightweight floor from timber;
  • a wooden box looks aesthetically pleasing even without finishing;
  • start communications;
  • move to live on the second floor of a combined building.

The first floor needs more time to finish. So let's deal with it last, living on the second floor.

Price of combined projects

I want to save money on construction. Projects of combined houses allow you to do this. Brick, its masonry, mortar will cost the developer a decent amount. We'll have to build a house on one floor. It is cheaper to install a log house from a bar if you do the installation yourself. It is not difficult to do this from profiled or glued timber. Here's your savings. House at an affordable price. The project of a combined frame made of bricks and glued laminated timber is more expensive, but the properties of profiled timber are no worse. Choose for yourself what to make the second floor.

The disadvantages of combined projects include the following:

  1. Exterior view of the façade. The combined house does not have a specific style design. The rough simplicity of brick is the natural look of timber. It can be fixed. There are facade finishing elements. They will give a finished look to the walls.
  2. Search for generalist builders for a combined project.
  3. It is necessary to correctly calculate the transitions of the walls from the first to the second floor, to perform their installation.

Otherwise, the shortcomings may be of a personal nature based on the requirements of the owner of the combined housing.

Varieties of houses according to the combined project

Houses made of brick and timber are different modifications.

  1. Often projects are represented by two-story houses. You can build structures greater height. It all depends on the imagination of the client, his capabilities.
  2. There are single-story projects - alteration of an existing house. Not so long ago, hand-cut logs were used to build an individual house. The box has retained its appearance and strength, but needs to be increased square meters. On the wooden box to build a second floor is not always possible due to the foundation or soil. Then a project is created to expand the house at the level of the log house:
  • Attach toilet, shower room, new kitchen. Brick is more suitable for this. It turns out the project of a combined house of timber and brick in one level.
  • Sometimes log house covered with bricks in one layer. Environmental friendliness, comfort, room climate are preserved, and functions are expanded.

Projects of combined brick and timber houses are welcome:

  • If the soil does not allow to build two-storey house from brick. The load is large, the foundation may burst and cause deformations, distortions.
  • The second floor of glued or profiled timber will reduce the load.
  • You can save on strengthening the foundation for a heavy house. There will be no need to raise the soil layer to a sufficient height.

The combined project will make the dream of a two-story cottage accessible. For decisiveness, watch a video clip about houses made of bricks and timber:

Consider a photo of projects of combined houses made of brick and timber: A house built of brick and timber looks unique. AT last years there was a demand for projects. Abroad combined housing is very popular. A well-known example is the "chalet" house or buildings that combined the first floor of brick and the frame second tier. Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber deserve attention. Having studied the features of the designs, you can safely proceed to the creation and implementation of your own version.

Houses made of stone and wood appeared a long time ago. Currently, such houses are becoming more and more popular in.

- this is usually where the first floor is brick or stone, and the second floor is wooden.

Project two-story house from stone and wood

To build it, use or. Each floor has its own distinctive features. They can be characterized as follows:

  1. First floor. It is characterized as a practical building. It is quite strong and stable, well suited for placing a bathroom, kitchen in it.
  2. Second floor. Very warm and comfortable floor, ideal for living. Very well suited for the location in it of bedrooms, an office.

Wood and stone - their description and properties

Both types of these building materials have their advantages and disadvantages:

The combination of these two materials solves many practical problems, and also helps to compensate for the disadvantages of one material, while emphasizing the advantages of the other.

Advantages and disadvantages of combined houses

Houses built of wood in combination with brick, like all other buildings and structures, have both their pluses and minuses. The advantages of a combined house include the following indicators:

The disadvantages of combined buildings include such a significant minus as different dates exploitation of wood and stone. wooden walls suitable for living for half a century. If the walls were built from shields or in the form of a frame, then their service life will be significantly reduced.

Therefore, after a certain period of time, the moment still comes when the first brick floor is still strong and reliable, and the second wooden floor is already in need of repair.

In order to extend the life of a tree, it is necessary for construction to choose only high-quality, well-dried and. And also it is necessary to think over the drainage system from the walls. At each stage of construction, monitor the tightness of all sections on the racks and beams of the building.