Features of warming wooden floors. We insulate the floors in a wooden house Insulation of the floor of the 1st floor in a wooden house

  • 23.06.2020

Floor insulation in wooden house: 15 better ways

The coldest surface of the house, of course, is the floor. This usually applies to the first least protected floor of the building, as well as separate wooden houses. Why is the floor in a lower-rise apartment always cold? This is due to the fact that the air rushes down. Drafts are blowing from under the floor below. To minimize heat loss, the floor in the house has to be insulated.

This procedure is especially necessary in houses with classic eco-friendly wooden flooring. Even if you lay wood elements (boards) tightly to each other, they will dry out over time. From the crevices will certainly begin to see through. This will naturally lead to heat loss.

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The following sequence of work awaits you.

  • Installing a log made of wood (it is important to do this correctly).
  • Fixing boards and wooden shields (on logs). Such a coating will serve as a necessary auxiliary base. It will need to lay a heater.
  • Between the lags - laying insulation. Pack material tightly. Or sealant, or quality mounting foam fill the gaps formed between the existing lags and the stacked sheets.
  • Lay the vapor barrier material on the insulation. Attach the vapor barrier to the joists. At the same time, it is better to seal the gaps and joints with metallized tape.
  • Laying wooden floor cladding with finishing - the final stage.

Before designing the thermal insulation layer, decide on the thickness of the selected material. The latter will depend on climatic conditions, on the type of insulation.

For each case, thermal insulation is selected individually.

How to insulate the floor in a wooden house: the choice of material

The quality of thermal insulation of the flooring directly depends on the right choice of material. Today, the Russian construction market has a rich selection of heat insulators.

Penoplex, stone and mineral wool, expanded polystyrene and often used fiberglass are popular types of thermal insulation. Each of them has its pros and cons. Which one is better?

  1. Fiberglass, stone and mineral wool - these materials have good thermal protection properties and excellent sound absorption. If you want to lay insulation in one layer, then use roll or mats. The latter are considered more elastic and durable material. the site advises laying insulation elements between the lags or under the rough flooring. Both options are acceptable.
  2. Penoplex and expanded polystyrene can also be used. At the same time, they will please with a democratic price, high thermal insulation of the structure and durability. From these materials, thermal insulation is carried out by spraying. This is an efficient, fairly fast and economical method. This method is most often used in new homes.

Expanded polystyrene advantage:

  • minimal water absorption, and, accordingly, resistance to water;
  • excellent thermal insulation qualities;
  • form stability;
  • high strength material;
  • volume stability;
  • long service life;
  • biological resistance;
  • immunity to various microorganisms;
  • the material is environmentally friendly.

Advantages mineral wool:

  • the material is low in density;
  • the level of thermal conductivity is negligible;
  • long service life;
  • democratic price;
  • incombustibility;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • high level of water repellency;
  • high chemical resistance.

All of the above materials meet environmental requirements:

  • The better the polystyrene foam, the more environmentally friendly it is. It must be dried well so that no volatile compounds remain in the material. Otherwise, at elevated temperatures, they can poison a person. Styrene can cause toxic hepatitis, rare leukemia, etc.
  • You can fit into the tight framework of ecology using fiberglass or mineral wool, provided that these materials use harmless resins. Phenol-formaldehyde resins, which are undesirable, can be identified by the brown or yellow tint of the material.

Durability of thermal insulation

Various qualities have to be taken into account when choosing a particular material. For example, with a certain load on the heat-protective layer, it will no longer be able to restore its original volume - some of the fibers will simply break. That is why such raw materials do not adhere tightly to the logs and floor beams. As a result, cold bridges are inevitably created on structures. Condensation can also appear where the thermal insulation does not fit snugly.

In order not to miscalculate with a choice and buy a heater good quality, press on a small piece of it (for example, step on it). If after such a test it takes its former shape, then it suits you. If it remains crumpled and flat, then it is best to refuse such a product.

Is it possible to improve thermal insulation qualities? When warming, you can not do with mats alone. Often used insulated finishes: heat-insulating linoleums, two-layer carpets .. Other materials can also not be neglected. The first floor can be made warmer by insulating the foundation. Basements should be carefully checked and all cracks sealed.

We warm the wooden floor along the logs

Most often, floor insulation in a wooden house is realized through the use of logs. It is quite simple to implement and yet very effective. In any case, you can eliminate significant heat losses. This method especially relevant for the basement and first floor - where the floors are closest to the ground.

The technology goes like this:

  • Install on the base of the T-shaped log. Observe the step in meters.
  • Then fix the boards or shields on which to lay the insulation in the future. They must be fixed on a special type of cranial bars or hemmed from below.
  • Then lay the insulation on the flooring between the joists.
  • Next, you have to take care of the vapor and waterproofing. True, the need for this procedure arises only in individual cases. It all depends on the type of insulation. So, this procedure will be relevant if you use ecowool or mineral wool. Lay vapor barrier sheets overlapping fifteen centimeters. On the wall, its edges should “climb” about ten centimeters. For waterproofing, you can use as a simple polyethylene film and special materials.
  • The final stage is installation and finishing flooring.

Important! You can also make thermal insulation of the floor along the logs, which are laid on even brick columns. Insulation plates must be laid between these posts (polystyrene, fiberglass, mineral wool). The insulation layer must be covered with a layer of vapor barrier on top.

The constant advantage of thermal insulation along the lags is the ease of work. At the same time, the method is very effective. The insulation does not experience mechanical load, therefore, you can use any of thermal insulation materials.

What are the materials for floor insulation

Of course, choosing a heater is not easy. You can make the floor warmer in different ways, using different materials:

  • isolon;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • polystyrene;
  • penofol;
  • mineral, glass, stone, slag wool;
  • ecowool.

Perfect for this purpose sawdust, polyfoam, expanded clay. The choice depends on the characteristics of the material, personal preferences and financial capabilities.

We warm the draft floor

The whole procedure is carried out according to the logs.

  • Fasten to the sides of the fixed log bars.
  • Fix the boards on them with screws or nails. The latter in length should correspond to the distance between the lags.
  • When an integral surface is formed, lay a vapor barrier on top: plastic film, glassine or some other material.
  • Next, lay the insulation between the lags.
  • Check that there are no gaps.
  • Next - another layer of vapor barrier. The draft floor is ready.

We warm the floor with sawdust

Sawdust is one of the commonplace types of insulation. Its main advantage is low cost and ease of filling. Insulation can penetrate even the most inaccessible places. It is also important to mention that this material is environmentally friendly. In the role of a heater, sawdust can be used not only in its pure form, but also mixed with building materials.

Pellets and sawdust pellets

This is a granular insulation made from a mixture of sawdust, glue based on carboxymethyl cellulose and a flame retardant antiseptic. Thanks to such components, the insulation is not only an excellent heat insulator, but also antiseptic, flame retardant.

sawdust concrete

It can be obtained by mixing sawdust (mainly with coniferous) with cement, sand and water. It is similar to slag concrete in terms of thermal conductivity. This is an environmentally friendly material that requires good waterproofing (because it contains sawdust).


Such a material can be obtained by mixing cement with the required chemical components and organic aggregates (wood chips). Usually plates are made from this material. They have good heat and sound insulation properties. This insulation is non-flammable, easy to process, durable.

Main disadvantage- "not indifferent" to moisture.

Of all the above materials, sawdust most often acts as a heater (without adding impurities).

We warm the floor with mineral wool

This is a very common, popular type of insulation. It can be slag, stone, glass. Absolute incombustibility is one of the main advantages. The advantages also include: chemical and biological resistance, thermal and noise protection properties.

It is necessary to mention the disadvantages: low vapor permeability and mechanical strength.

The material is hygroscopic, resulting in a decrease in thermal insulation properties. Pay close attention to the vapor barrier layer when installing mineral wool. Such material also cannot be called absolutely safe for human health.

It is sold in slabs and mats. The last form is made from hydrophobized mineral wool. The blue stripe marks the hard side of the slab. Please note that the marking must face up when laying. Among manufacturers Rockwool and Izovol are the most popular.

Based on mineral fibres. "Izovol" has low thermal conductivity. It has much more hydrophobic efficiency. In addition, it is chemically and biologically resistant, non-flammable.

Basalt mineral insulation is a Rockwool brand material:

  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • during operation does not shrink and practically does not deform;
  • chemically and biologically resistant, non-combustible;
  • low thermal conductivity of the flooring;
  • well absorbs sounds due to the porous structure.
  • excellent sound deadening properties.

Insulation of floors with mineral slabs (video)

We warm the floor with penofol

A new type of thermal insulation material. It hasn't gained much popularity yet.

This is a multilayer material that comes in rolls and consists of a reflective layer (aluminum foil) and insulation (almost any insulation). For example, foamed polyethylene.

The classic version of this insulation is just polyethylene foam, which is fastened with foil. However, all requirements modern construction this option cannot be satisfied. That is why various types of penofol were invented.

Classic penofol has a higher density. It can withstand higher mechanical loads. Insulation can also be used as a hydro and vapor barrier. It will show itself perfectly in tandem with heaters of a different composition.

Penofol comes with two- and one-sided foiling.

Penofol-2000 became a progressive version of penofol. Foamed gas-filled polyethylene is used here as a basis. It costs less than its classic representative.

There is penofol and type "C" - self-adhesive. It is multi-layered: polyethylene foam, contact adhesive (moisture resistant) with release film, aluminum foil. Such a heater can be fixed on any (with a few exceptions) surface thanks to glue. Accordingly, it is very easy and fast to mount it.

The material is laid on the surface of the base. Sheets can be laid either end-to-end or overlapped. The joints must be glued with metallic tape. If you use penofol, then you do not need to perform hydro and vapor barrier. Everything will be provided by aluminum foil. We recommend that you read the material about.

We insulate the floor with foam

Also one of the leading types of insulation. Possesses:

  • low vapor permeability;
  • significant fire resistance;
  • high strength;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • chemical and biological resistance;
  • does not mold;
  • unsuitable for rodents;
  • high operating layer.

The disadvantages include the fact that it absorbs moisture, losing some of its properties. When using such a heater, attention should be paid to hydro and vapor barrier.

For insulation, both foamed and extruded foam are suitable. The latter has a solid structure - a mass of closed cells filled with gas molecules.

Of course, insulation has both pros and cons. The advantages include hygroscopicity, low thermal conductivity, durability, fire safety. By cons - a harmful effect on the human body.

We warm the floor with ecowool

This heater is made from natural materials. It consists of 78-81% waste paper, the rest is natural additives - a mixture of cellulose fibers. The binder is the organic antiseptic lignin, as well as boric acid.

The main advantage of ecowool is safety for humans. The advantages also include:

  • fire safety (smoldering, not burning);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • after drying, it restores the properties of thermal insulation.

The disadvantages include the high cost.

Ecowool can be applied to the surface in different ways:

  • manually. Slabs of cotton wool will need to be laid between the bars on shields or boards hemmed from below. The main thing is to lay the insulation tightly and process the joints with mounting foam;
  • with the help of special devices - mobile blowing machines. Under the influence of pressure, the insulation is supplied through the hose. There are two ways here: dry (ecowool is blown into the floor cavity) and wet (ecowool is applied to the walls).

Laying ecowool (video)

We insulate the floor with isolon

New generation heater. It is made from expanded polyethylene foam. Izolon was developed taking into account the new requirements for thermal insulation of the floor. Has a number of advantages:

  • small thickness - 2.1-10.0 cm. It is noteworthy that the level of thermal conductivity does not increase;
  • goes well with any material. Ideal for any gender;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not rot, protects from the negative effects of moisture and steam;
  • high service life;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • suitable for any room;
  • small thickness. This saves a lot of space.

We insulate the floor with polyurethane foam

This insulation (hard and soft) can be obtained from isocyanate and polyol components.

Cellular in structure polyurethane foam (bubbles are filled with gas and air), provides low thermal conductivity, has a low weight. For a number of properties, it is considered one of the the best materials for thermal insulation.

It is necessary to apply insulation to the surface by spraying. You will have to use special equipment. Polyurethane foam adheres perfectly to any material. A layer of vapor barrier is not needed.

PPU floor insulation (video)

double floors

An efficient heating solution. The subfloor is used as the first layer (unhewn boards that are attached to the beams). There shouldn't be any gaps.

Try to fit all the boards tightly together. Finishing flooring is mounted from above. Even a topcoat made of decorative materials will do.

Often, instead of a draft base, a variety of flooring is used: embossed or smooth covers with high level thermal insulation.

Said material does not accumulate debris. Dust and motes can be removed from it with a vacuum cleaner or swept away. The coating must be glued to the floor with an adhesive. You need to glue in separate strips. Don't forget to glue the seams too.

We warm the floor of fiberboard

For floor insulation, standard DV plates are sometimes used. Such slabs can be placed under the roughing boards or under the finishing flooring (parquet, linoleum, carpet, etc.).

The main thing is to act carefully and do the installation in stages. Observe the alignment of the joints, avoid the formation of cracks.

The type of plates can be different:

  • PT-100;
  • M-20.

These options will not allow cold to enter the house. Fiberboard for insulation can be used in combination with other heat insulators. For example, with mineral wool.

Underfloor heating system

The mentioned system is especially relevant for floors based on cold cement screed, which need good heating.

The system will evenly heat the floor surface. As a result - comfortable thermal conditions throughout the room. The level of humidity in the house will drop significantly. For the first floor of an eco-friendly wooden house water is especially relevant. You can get acquainted with the material about.

  • lay on the subfloor concrete plates or ;
  • lay any kind of insulation. Its thickness should not be less than two centimeters and more than ten;
  • lay a reinforcing mesh;
  • attach the piping system to the grid with plastic clamps;
  • fill the floor with a cement-sand mixture;
  • use a backing if necessary;
  • install the finish coat.

You can find out about the device and installation technology.

We create an electric floor heating system

Installing it is much easier. Used as heating cable structures, safe film infrared elements.

The cable can, if necessary, be stretched on a metal mesh, which is previously needed. Film elements can be attached directly to the screed, insulated with some kind of heat insulator.

We invite you to find out by reading the relevant article on our website.

A variety of heaters can confuse buyers. We list some of the most common types of heat insulators:

  • Thermolife. This material is usually used for small loads on the heat-insulating layer. Most often, they insulate walls, roofs, interfloor space. Equally well applicable on planes of different inclination.
  • Ursa. A popular heater among specialists. Especially common in the decoration of horizontal surfaces. Advantages: good heat and sound insulation properties.
  • Insulate. Produced in China. Is issued in rolls. High quality at a low price. It will find application in various fields.

You can insulate the floor in many ways and independently. The choice is great. Dare!

Wooden houses require a more careful approach to floor insulation work. This is necessary, first of all, to preserve the structure itself from decay and fungus. A warm floor makes the house cozy, it is pleasant and comfortable to be in it.

Before you start warming the floor yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the types and features of heaters. As well as the algorithm for performing work. This is what will be discussed in our article.


Wooden floors, unlike concrete, are much warmer. Wood is a capricious material and when building a house it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. The ratio of thickness and thermal conductivity is often disproportionate, so floor insulation in a house made of wood is simply necessary.

The possibility of floor insulation is not only in new houses, but also in long-built ones.

  • dampness;
  • the appearance and reproduction of mold;
  • the appearance of microorganisms and fungi that adversely affect the health of those living in the house;
  • high consumption of thermal energy for heating the house;
  • building damage and destruction.

Work on floor insulation can be carried out independently. This will significantly reduce the budget. A wide range of materials is presented in construction stores, work with which is possible even without certain skills.

Insulation of structures involves different types of work:

  • insulation of floors above the basement;
  • insulation of interfloor ceilings;
  • insulation of the ceiling between the living room and the attic.

In each case, materials are used not only to maintain optimal temperature conditions, but also for sound insulation. A well-insulated first floor is a guarantee that the house will become comfortable for living.

Floor types

In houses made of wood, two types of floors are used: concrete and wood.

The second option falls into two categories:

  • floor board, glued wood;
  • parquet board and laminate.

The concrete floor can be made by hand without the involvement of specialists. There are two options for laying concrete: on the ground and on logs. The most common is the first option.

All work is carried out in several stages:

  • priming;
  • sand;
  • thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing.

The next step is to fill the floor. concrete screed. If a warm floor is installed, then it must be installed at this stage.

wooden floor, like concrete pavement, also has several layers:

  • bulk floor (rough);
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation layer;
  • clean coverage.

If installation of a warm floor system is necessary, then it is carried out at the construction stage between the finishing and rough coatings. The wooden floor is a natural material, which means it is environmentally friendly. During operation, substances harmful to humans will not be released into the air. Such a coating has an aesthetic and noble appearance.

What can be insulated?

Floor insulation in a wooden house is carried out in order to reduce heat loss. The most commonly used and inexpensive heaters are expanded clay and sand. Below is a list of other popular floor insulators.

  • Mineral wool. The main features of this heat insulator are low thermal conductivity, durability, high noise insulation properties, and moisture absorption. It is also worth noting that mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material.

In order to determine whether a product is of high quality or not, you need to check its color. Mineral wool, made from natural raw materials, has Brown color. A product that has been manufactured using prohibited substances will have a yellow tint.

This insulation is produced in plates and rolls. Roll insulation is most common when used over large areas. Mineral wool is very convenient, no special knowledge and skills are required during operation. Everything can be done by hand. The material is lightweight and breathable.

  • Polyurethane foam. The heater is quite expensive. This will require not only the help of specialists, but also special equipment. The material is close to polystyrene in its properties. But he will not withstand the screed. They can insulate the floor from below. The average service life of such a heater is 30 years.

  • Expanded clay. The material is quite common. Expanded clay is granules of fired foamed clay. The material has high operational properties, easy. But with all the variety of advantages, there is one serious drawback. Expanded clay absorbs moisture very well, so when using it, it is imperative to install waterproofing.

  • Sawdust is a bulk insulation option. Against mice, sawdust mixed with slaked lime powder is used: 8 parts of sawdust to 2 parts of lime. Such a heater can be poured between the rough and finishing floors. The average layer thickness is 20-40 cm, depending on climatic conditions.

  • Isolon is polyethylene, which has a foam structure. The thickness of this coating is 10 mm. Foiled on one or both sides. It is laid on top of the cotton wool. Also used as underfloor heating.

What is better to choose?

A wooden house can be placed on a foundation and have a basement (basement), or it can be located on piles.

Stilt houses are in great demand among consumers. This is due to the fact that such a design does not require during construction and operation a large number time and energy. There are also no requirements for the soil on which the building will be located. The choice of insulation for a house on stilts requires taking into account the design features. With the right approach, the house will become not only warm, but also cozy.

But with all the pluses, there is a drawback: the house is located at a distance from the ground. The structure is not protected by the basement and is exposed to winds. In this case, it turns out that the house is protected from soil moisture, but at the same time the entire floor area is available to winds and frosts. In order for the house to please its owners, it is worth making high-quality floor insulation.

Floor insulation in stilt houses is carried out in several stages:

  • Training. Before starting work on floor insulation, it is worth providing full access to the logs. This is done to enable verification. After work has begun, it will not be possible to inspect.
  • Draft floor. There are a lot of ways to create a subfloor, but still builders often use the traditional one. It is necessary to nail a beam on the logs, which in the future will serve as a support for the flooring from the boards. Beam and logs are processed by special means against rot and fungus.

But do not use tools that create a film. This will prevent the wood from breathing, causing it to rot. Boards for flooring under the subfloor should also be processed. This is necessary to increase the service life of the material. When calculating, it is worth considering the weight of the insulation that will be used. As a flooring, you can use plywood for light insulation. If, for example, polystyrene is used, then a reinforced mesh can be used to strengthen the lower layer. This will help distribute the weight.

  • Vapor barrier. Vapor barrier must be used so that moisture does not get on the insulation. For this, it is better to use polyethylene or roofing material. These materials belong to the economy class. When laying them, it is necessary to provide ventilation products. The vapor barrier layer must be both on top of the insulation and on the bottom. This will not allow the condensate formed during the temperature difference to get on the materials.

  • Clean floor. The finished floor is the final stage of floor insulation, which can also be a topcoat. For this, absolutely any materials can be used (solid wood, chipboard, plywood).

To make the house on stilts look presentable, as well as for additional protection from the effects of climatic conditions, experts advise making an easy version of the basement floor.

Insulated floor maintenance


Many companies are engaged in the production of materials for floor insulation. Among them and worldwide famous brands and those who are just starting their journey. Most companies have almost a century of history. In order to help you in your choice, below is a ranking of the most popular manufacturers. All of them represent materials with proven quality.

  • Knauf. An international manufacturer with over 90 years of experience. Insulation materials are popular all over the world. Products are made from natural raw materials the latest technologies. All heaters are environmentally friendly and harmless. Knauf has been a market leader for many years.

  • rockwool. The company works on modern technologies and specializes in basalt heat-insulating materials. The advantage of this raw material in high performance and affordable price. In Russia, branches are located in the Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Leningrad regions. The company is in second place in the ranking of manufacturers of insulation materials.
  • Paroc. The company also specializes mainly in the production of mineral wool. Time-tested quality. The manufacturer focuses on saving thermal energy for heating a living space and excellent sound insulation. But the disadvantage of this company is that all heaters have a fairly high price. That is why the company is ranked third.

A wooden house requires especially careful thermal protection, because if the temperature and humidity conditions are violated, the wood begins to rot and lose its strength characteristics. Help prevent this effective insulation. Before starting work on protection from the cold, it is necessary to figure out how to competently insulate the floor in an individual wooden house.

Why insulate a wooden floor

Compared to concrete, wood is a fairly warm material, but when building a frame private house or a house from a bar with your own hands, it is not always possible to achieve a rational balance of the thickness of the structure in terms of strength and thermal conductivity. To reduce the consumption of materials for walls and foundations, thermal insulation is necessary. It is possible to carry out work on insulation both in an old building put into operation long ago and in new construction.

Floor insulation in a wooden house can prevent the following problems:

  • the appearance of excessive dampness in the room;
  • decrease in temperature in the task;
  • condensation, which results in mold;
  • the appearance of fungus and other microorganisms dangerous to humans;
  • increase in heating costs;
  • destruction wooden structures from within.

By doing the work yourself, you can significantly reduce costs. Now there are many materials, the use of which does not require special skills and high qualifications.

Scheme of all heat losses of a wooden house.

Which floors require insulation

The following structures need protection:

  1. cold cellar floor cake;
  2. attic floor;
  3. interfloor construction.

In the case of an interfloor option, the material is used as sound insulation. In this case, it is necessary to provide a layer 3-5 cm thick.

Insulation of the floor of the first floor in a wooden house allows you to provide comfortable conditions residence. Most heat loss occurs through the ceiling of the upper floor, so it is necessary that the thermal insulation is selected and laid correctly.

Materials for work

To competently insulate the floor in a wooden house, you need to choose a high-quality insulation that has all the necessary properties. Warming can be carried out both from the inside of the room and from the side of cold air.

For warming with your own hands attic floor from the inside or the basement from below, it is better to use light materials that will easily be fixed from below to the floor pie. In this case, it would be correct to apply:

  • mineral wool in rolls;

These materials will provide maximum convenience when insulating the ceiling with your own hands.

When warming frame house, houses made of timber or logs, work can be carried out from the inside of the room for the floor of the first floor and from the outside for the last one. In this case, it is better to carry out floor insulation along logs or beams, since this will prevent the transfer of load to fragile material. For this type of work, you can use the following materials:

More information about insulation with sawdust and expanded clay can be found in the articles and. These materials have such advantages as natural origin and low cost, so if you need to reduce construction costs or insulation in an old building and ensure complete environmental friendliness, it is better to use them. However, they are less technologically advanced than other materials.

Recently, the method is also gaining popularity. This method is good for its low labor intensity and high efficiency.

floor insulation technology

It is important to properly lay the insulation in compliance with the competent order of all layers. The floor pie when insulating the attic floor, the floor of the second floor or the first floor has not always noticeable, but significant differences.

Insulation of the floor of the first floor from below

In this case, when doing do-it-yourself work, the materials should be correctly laid in the following order:

  1. waterproofing;
  2. insulation;
  3. vapor barrier;
  4. cover structure.

When building a house from a bar or frame, the material is fixed along the beams. Then the stitching is done. As a protection against moisture and steam, you can use a regular plastic film. As a second option for waterproofing, moisture-proof membranes are used. If all the layers are laid correctly, the structure will be reliably and competently protected from the cold from the point of view of heat engineering.

This method is very laborious and is used only if there is no possibility of warming from the inside.

Also, the method is perfect for warming from below.

Insulation of the floor of the first floor from the inside

It is quite inconvenient to carry out work under the ceiling, therefore, when erecting a frame house or a building from a bar, they often perform insulation of the floor of the first floor along the beams from above. In this case, in addition to the previously given materials, loose materials such as sawdust and expanded clay can be used. When carrying out insulation with your own hands, it is correct to lay all layers in the following sequence:

  1. floor structure;
  2. waterproofing;
  3. insulation;
  4. vapor barrier;
  5. clean floor.

The vapor barrier must be placed from the inside of the room, so it will work correctly, preventing damage to the ceiling along the beams from the timber.

Interfloor insulation

In the first case, the insulation dampens airborne noise: human speech, music, etc. In the second case, the structure is also perfectly isolated from impact noise - steps, jumps, etc.

Proper sound insulation of interfloor ceilings is the key to a comfortable stay for all family members.

Insulation of the ceiling of the upper floor from the inside

Installation of insulation from the inside does not provide maximum protection for structures, but it can be used as a second option for laying insulation. In this case, the insulation is mounted along the beams from the bottom of the ceiling. It will be correct to arrange the layers in this order:

  1. vapor barrier;
  2. insulation;
  3. waterproofing;
  4. beam roof construction.

Attic floor insulation

When building and repairing a frame house, a house made of timber or logs, it is better to insulate the attic from above. This method has the following advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of using inexpensive bulk materials;
  • competent thermal protection;
  • warming not only the premises, but also the ceilings along the beams of a house made of timber or frame;
  • prevention of condensation in the thickness of the ceiling.

To ensure proper protection, the layers are stacked in the following order from bottom to top:

  1. floor structure;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. thermal insulation material;
  4. waterproofing.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

To perform a full-fledged thermotechnical calculation of the structures of a frame house or a building made of timber, it is not necessary to have a construction education. When performing the calculation, it is important to know the thicknesses of all layers of the cake and their thermal conductivity. It's easy enough to find out.

The calculation will allow you to perform competent insulation of the house from a bar and prevent overspending of materials. All calculations, taking into account the search for initial data, are unlikely to take more than half an hour. Usually such layers as waterproofing, vapor barrier are not taken into account.

A competent choice of the method of insulation, the type of material and its thickness can save you from many problems during operation. When building multi-storey residential buildings, the question of insulation does not arise: it is required. The correctness of the selection of thickness and the availability of measures for thermal protection of the floor, attic floor and walls are checked by an examination, which considers these calculations on an equal basis with strength calculations.

In private housing construction, no one checks the presence of competent insulation, but this does not make it less important.

Natural wood is one of the best building materials. It is environmentally friendly and operational characteristics but requires proper care. So it just won't be enough. It is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory accompanying measures, among which one of the most important is floor insulation. It is not difficult to figure out how to insulate the floor in a wooden house. You just need to strictly follow the instructions, and you will not only make your home more cozy and comfortable, but you will also be able to reduce heat loss, significantly save on heating and extend the life of the building.

What materials can be used for insulation?

Before you insulate the floor in a wooden house, you need to choose suitable material. There is a large selection on the market today. various solutions with a variety of characteristics. Currently, you can insulate a wooden floor using the following materials:

When insulated with mineral wool, it is placed between the supporting elements of the frame.

  • isolon;
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam;
  • penofol;
  • ecowool.

The simplest and most budgetary material with which you can insulate the floor is sawdust. One of the main advantages of sawdust is that they can be filled even in the most inaccessible places where it is impossible to mount other existing heaters. In addition, sawdust is a product of wood processing, so the floor of a wooden house protected by this material will be completely environmentally friendly.

No less popular and affordable material with which you can isolate the floor in a wooden house is mineral wool and its varieties. Such a heater practically does not support combustion, it is resistant to biological and chemical influences, and has good sound and heat insulation properties. However, if you decide to insulate the floor in a wooden house with this material, then keep in mind that it absorbs moisture well, while losing its insulating characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to arrange high-quality waterproofing on each side of the insulation. Among other things, mineral wool is characterized by relatively low strength and is not always safe for human health. Mineral wool contains phenol-formaldehyde resins - a very toxic substance. So if you have a more or less decent budget, then it is better to insulate the floor in a wooden house with other materials.

Mineral wool is sold in the form of a flexible mat or slab. The sides of the plate, as a rule, have different hardness. The one that is harder is marked with a blue stripe. If you will insulate the floor in a wooden house with this material, remember that it must be laid with the blue marking strip up.

Isolon is a non-combustible material resistant to chemical and biological damage. It is made from mineral fibers, but has a much higher hydrophobic ability and low thermal conductivity compared to ordinary mineral wool. The floor in a wooden house, protected with such material, will always remain warm. Rockwool has similar properties, but higher resistance to mechanical damage. This insulation, made on the basis of basalt wool, is also a very good sound insulator.

Expanded polystyrene is a very durable and moisture resistant material. It has a long service life and good thermal insulation properties. The material is uninteresting to rodents and insects. It is safe for humans, very easy to install, well retains its original volume and maintains its shape.

Scheme of the floor insulated with ecowool: 1-finishing floor; 2.5-kraft paper; 3-lags; 4-ecowool; 6-rough floor.

When choosing the material with which you will insulate the floor in your wooden house, pay attention to its service life. Understanding which of the available materials is the most durable is not so easy. For example, some heaters are not able to maintain their original shape and volume for a long time.

During operation, they deform, begin to loosely adhere to the floor boards and logs, as a result of which cold bridges form and condensation appears. Therefore, it is better not to insulate the floor in a wooden house with such materials.

Checking the quality of thermal insulation is very simple. In the process of choosing it, you just need to step on a small area of ​​​​the material with your foot. If he returned to his original form, they can safely insulate the floor in a wooden house. If the site does not recover after the exerted load, it is better not to use such material.

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Preparation for laying insulation

First of all, you need to prepare the tools with which you will insulate the floor in a wooden house. You will need the following:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • level;
  • set of drills;
  • plane;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction knife.

The floor in a wooden house is insulated in the following sequence:

  1. First, a surface is created from slabs or boards. It is equipped with vapor barrier and moisture protection.
  2. Installed wooden logs.
  3. The heater is installed.
  4. Floor installation in progress.

The floor in a wooden house is insulated quite easily. You just need to follow the instructions exactly. First of all remove the old wood flooring and correct existing defects. The next step will be the device of the subfloor. Thanks to him, the required rigidity of the frame will be ensured. It also allows you to prevent the appearance of distortions in the process of using the floors in the house for their intended purpose.

In most cases, the draft floor in a wooden house is created from softwood slabs. Boards need to fit tightly to each other. Before installation, be sure to treat them with an antiseptic. If this is not done, then after 5-6 years the raw boards and logs will rot. Most often, boards with a width of 12-15 cm and a thickness of about 5 cm are used. Screws or nails are used to fix the boards.

A fine-mesh metal mesh is laid over the rough flooring, which will protect the insulation from rodents. Sprinkle the mesh with expanded clay or coarse sand. A layer 3-4 cm thick will be enough. The powder will not only press down on the protective mesh, but will also create sufficient ventilation of the subfloor. This will protect it from damage by fungus and mold.

Regardless of what kind of insulation you will use, it is necessary to arrange waterproofing.

To do this, you can put PVC membranes, roofing felt or ordinary plastic wrap on a layer of powder. All these materials do an excellent job with the functions assigned to them.

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Step-by-step instructions for warming by lags

most popular and effective way floor insulation in a wooden house is a method of thermal insulation along the logs. It allows you to significantly reduce heat loss through the floor in a wooden house and is easy to do with your own hands. This method is well suited for those floors that are located close to the ground.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the optimal thickness of the thermal insulation layer. This value depends on which insulation will be used, as well as on the climate in the region where the zone is located. For each specific structure taken, the width of the layer is calculated individually.

Warming is carried out as follows. First, wooden logs are laid on the waterproofing film. They are attached to subfloor using screws or nails. The step between the fasteners is no more than 80-100 cm. A heater is arranged in the space between the lags.

In the case of using thermal insulation in the form of plates, they must be laid close to the logs. There should be no voids left. Insulation can be laid in 1 or 2 layers. From above it must be covered with vapor barrier material. Lay the film with an overlap of 10-15 cm. Attach it to the logs with a construction stapler.

To create a finished floor, use special milled wooden boards. They need to be fixed to the installed lags. Usually, in the manufacture of such boards, the manufacturer provides for the possibility of fastening them to each other with a groove-thorn connection. In most cases, boards with a thickness of 4-5 cm are used. They must necessarily have the same thickness. The width of the boards is about 10-13 cm. As a rule, there is a longitudinal recess on their back side, which greatly facilitates the process of installing the flooring and provides the necessary air circulation under the boards.

Do not lay the boards close to the walls, leave a gap of 1-1.5 cm - in the future it will be closed with a plinth.

So the walls and the roof of the wooden house were erected, windows and doors were inserted. It's time to move on to interior finishing work. And they usually start with the flooring. This is one of the most important and crucial stages of work, because the general microclimate in the premises of the wooden structure and the level of heating costs will depend on how correctly and efficiently the floor cake is made. At the same time, close attention should be paid to the choice of floor insulation, because up to 20% of the heat in the house is lost through the flooring.

How to choose a heater?

The most important thing that determines the choice of insulation for processing the finished floor from below is the type of foundation and, accordingly, the design of the floor:

  • If the foundation is strip, then the floor can be laid directly on the ground or on the floor, arranged along the beams.
  • A low grillage foundation suggests the same options for flooring as with a strip foundation.
  • With a high grillage foundation, the floor is arranged along the floors laid on the beams.
  • If there is a floating slab (this is often done when building wooden houses on wet soils), then the floor can be laid on logs or on a screed.

So, it becomes clear that there are three options for flooring in a wooden house, on which the choice of material for their insulation directly depends. This is a device of floors on the ground, on a slab and on wooden floors with logs.

Therefore, when choosing a heater, it is necessary to take into account the mutual influence of the floor pie construction materials.

Wooden floors

Since the floors of a wooden house are also made of wood, when using vapor-tight thermal insulation, all the moisture that is inside the floor structure will be absorbed into the wood and, due to close contact with the insulation, will not be able to go outside. The result of this will be the appearance in a year and a half of fungus, insects and the spread of decay processes.

A completely different result is given by heaters with the property of hygroscopicity.(sawdust, ecowool, cork granules, mineral wool, expanded clay) and due to this they absorb moisture in the same way as wood, but at the same time give it out.

Therefore, with this type of floor device, it is categorically impossible to use various heaters based on polystyrene foam and polystyrene.

Wood and similar materials are incompatible things.

Floors on the ground and slab

In this kind of floor structures, the insulation is covered from above with a screed.

Loose and wadded materials will not be able to provide the required level of strength, although now they also produce mineral wool with a fairly high density.

In addition, these types of thermal insulation are hygroscopic and there is a possibility of them getting wet. And, when wet, they will not be able to give moisture out through the screed.

Therefore, polystyrene foam heaters are most suitable for this type of floor - they are dense and do not absorb moisture.

In addition, when choosing thermal insulation for floors in a wooden house, one should proceed from the following factors:

  • maximum weight of the floor structure;
  • required thickness;
  • humidity- temperature regime inside the house, the presence of temperature differences;
  • design loads on the floor structure and its operating conditions.

Separately, one should dwell on the thickness of the heat-insulating layer.

This indicator determines how warm it will be in a wooden house. It is calculated individually and depends on the climatic conditions in which the house is built, and the thermal conductivity of the insulation itself. To determine the thickness of the insulation, it is necessary to technical description to a specific insulation, multiply the thermal conductivity coefficient by the thermal resistance of the structure (determined according to SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings"). This formula helps to accurately calculate what the thermal insulation layer in the floor structure should be in order to ensure optimal temperature conditions in the house.

When choosing thermal insulation for the floor, you should also pay attention to:

  • ease of installation material;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • efficiency, that is, the preservation of its characteristics throughout the entire service life;
  • fire safety;
  • density and reliability;
  • price.

What to insulate?

It is possible to insulate floors in wooden houses different materials. To date, the building materials market is replete with a wide variety of thermal insulation from the simplest to ultra-modern types.

Materials for insulation


The simplest and cheapest insulation. It is easy to apply - just sprinkle it on the rough base of the floor. This material is environmentally friendly and safe. But it has a serious drawback - a high degree of fire hazard. And also when using sawdust as a heater, they will have to be laid in a layer of as much as 0.3 m. Sawdust, in addition, like any wood product, can rot, rodents can start in them. Therefore, just sawdust is most often used to insulate the floor of unused attic spaces.

However, sawdust has recently been increasingly used as a raw material in the production of other more modern and efficient thermal insulation.


Thermal insulation material made from cellulose with the addition of flame retardants and antiseptic formulations. This product has good thermal insulation, vapor permeability. It is environmentally friendly, non-flammable, resistant to rodents and fungi. But ecowool strongly absorbs moisture. This is its main drawback.

Expanded clay

Material with high strength and thermal insulation characteristics. Expanded clay is suitable for the device of floors on the equal bases. To ensure optimal thermal insulation performance, expanded clay should be laid with a layer of at least 15 cm. The convenience of this material is that it can lay all the necessary communications. Expanded clay is quite hygroscopic, so waterproofing measures must be taken before using it on the ground.

The main advantage of bulk thermal insulation for the floor is their wastelessness and the ability to fill all kinds of (even the most inaccessible) voids.

Expanded polystyrene, polystyrene, polyethylene

These materials are vapor-tight thermal insulation that can be used when laying a floor cake on a flat base. For floors on floors with a lag device (in wooden houses on piles, columns, strip and grillage foundations), such material is not suitable due to the laws of building heat engineering.

The thickness of the insulation layer will be 5-10 cm for expanded polystyrene and 5-13 cm for polystyrene.

These types of thermal insulation materials have the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • strength;
  • resistance to rodents and decay;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Expanded polystyrene heaters in our country are presented under the names "Penoplex", "Technoplex", "Knauf".

Polyethylene foam insulation is also used for thermal insulation of floors. One of the varieties of such a heater is a rolled foil material penofol, which has high performance and thermal insulation properties. Penofol is a polyethylene foam coated on one or both sides with a layer of foil.

The high thermal insulation performance of this material is ensured by retaining heat in air bubbles sealed in polyethylene balls. The foil acts as a barrier that retains heat in winter and reflects the heat of the sun in summer, thereby maintaining the optimal thermal regime in the room.

Penofol is also a waterproofing material.

It is light, non-hygroscopic, safe for health and has a long service life (up to 25 years).


Not a very common type of insulation, which is made from a mixture liquid glass, cement powder and wood wool. Such material retains heat well and has high soundproofing characteristics. Such a heater, due to its hygroscopicity, is not suitable for laying floors on the ground, but it is ideal for floors on beams. To insulate the floor of the first floor, it is laid with a layer of 15 cm, the second - 10 cm.

Foam glass

Foam glass is obtained by foaming quartz sand. This is a durable slab or granular material with high vapor barrier and noise insulation characteristics, which is able to withstand the weight of a truck.

Fiberboard slabs are used for floor insulation on a flat base, granules for backfilling between joists on subfloors. The thickness of the insulation layer in this case is 18 cm for the first floor and 15 cm for the second.

Mineral wool

This type of thermal insulation is by far the most popular. Mineral wool insulation is made from slag fiber, fiberglass or basalt.

The most budgetary mineral wool insulation is glass wool, which is made from broken glass, sand, borax, dolomite, limestone and soda.

The raw material for slag wool is blast-furnace slag, which is a waste in the production of pig iron. Due to its excessive hygroscopicity, slag wool has practically not been used recently.

stone wool made from basalt rocks such as gabbro, basalt. Diabase with the addition of carbonate rocks (limestone and dolomite).

The main advantages of such heaters:

  • they do not conduct heat well, and, therefore, retain it well;
  • vapor permeability. The insulation provides good air exchange, the floor construction is "breathable", which allows you to maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions in a wooden house. The likelihood of condensation in the insulation is small;
  • high density;
  • high soundproofing characteristics;
  • they are resistant to high temperatures and fire, no smoke is emitted when in contact with fire;
  • waterproof. Stone wool and glass wool do not absorb moisture, so you should not be afraid of dampness inside the field structure;
  • long service life - up to 50 years. This type of thermal insulation is not subject to rotting and damage by rodents.

The disadvantages of mineral wool insulation are ambiguous. Currently, many large manufacturers have practically reduced them to zero, and the rest are successfully working to minimize them.

Among the shortcomings, it is noted that when working with mineral wool, especially glass wool, a lot of dust arises, since the insulation consists of fragile fibers, which, when damaged, form very thin and sharp fragments. Getting on the skin during the installation of insulation, they lead to itching. It is dangerous for these fibers to enter the respiratory system. Therefore, it is possible to lay such insulation only using personal protective equipment, such as a respirator, overalls, goggles, gloves.

When wet, mineral wool loses its high thermal performance. Therefore, such heaters are specially treated with hydrophobes. To reduce the likelihood of mineral wool getting wet, it is recommended to install waterproofing on the side of the room and vapor barrier on the side of the street.

Until now, builders argue that mineral wool releases phenol-formaldehyde resins into the air. But the data of recent studies indicate their very small amount, which cannot have a detrimental effect on human health.

Mineral wool can be produced in the form of rolls or plates. Mineral wool material in rolls has a lower density than thermal insulation in slabs. It is often used as an adjunct to board material or where a low level of thermal insulation is required.

Main trade marks mineral wool - Izover, Rokvol, Knauf, Ursa, TechnoNIKOL, Ecover, Izovol, Parok and others.

Professionals cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question about floor insulation for a wooden house - which choice is the best.