Miraculous icons of the Mother of God. Prayer to the Icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” and its meaning

  • 14.10.2019

Among the variety of icons Holy Mother of God there is one whose history is unusual in that it contains two of its miraculous phenomena. They are separated from each other by almost six centuries, but were accompanied by miracles that testified to Her readiness to help everyone who turns to Her with faith and love. Mother of God "Look at humility."

The appearance of a saving image to the Pskovites

For the first time this miraculous image was acquired in 1420. The circumstances of what happened are hidden from us, but an annalistic evidence of those years has been preserved, telling how, in the time of the pious Prince of Moscow Vasily I, innumerable disasters fell upon the Pskov land. For the sins of the people of Pskov, the Lord allowed it to happen in their area, which claimed dozens of lives every day. And to top it off, the Lithuanian prince Vitovt invaded their land with his retinue.

It was during this difficult time that the Pskovites acquired the icon “Look for Humility”. The chronicler says that she appeared to people not far from Pskov, on the shore of Lake Kamennoye. Those who found it were struck by the fact that drops of blood flowed from the right eye of the Mother of God all the way to the city, where the icon was transferred with great honors. Wonderful image was placed in Trinity Church. The day the icon was found - September 29 - began to be celebrated as a holiday, reminiscent of such an important event.

Help sent through the icon

The bloody tears of the Queen of Heaven were interpreted as an indication that the Mother of God fully sympathizes with the inhabitants of Pskov in trouble and is ready to come to their aid. The icon “Look for humility” became the subject of universal veneration, and soon the Mother of God showed her mercy through it, safely delivering the city from pestilence and from the invasion of foreigners.

The Trinity Cathedral, where the miraculous image was placed, has undergone many misfortunes in its history that have harmed its decoration and the shrines stored in it. This and natural disasters, and fires, and the evil will of people. Much of the legacy of past centuries has not come down to us. The icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” was also lost - the same one that appeared to the people of Pskov in the 15th century. The last mention of it dates back to the 18th century, and since then its trace has been lost.

Today, when visiting the Trinity Cathedral, you can see only a list from that image to the right of the altar. It is known that the icon "Look for humility" is quite rare. One of the copies, made at the end of the 17th century, is kept in the church of the Florovsky Convent in Kyiv, and the other is located there, but in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery. The wall of the cathedral, where it is placed, is decorated with a similar image made in mosaic technique.

Creating a list from an ancient original

The miracle that accompanied its acquisition in our days is connected with the icon, which is kept in the monastery. It is known that this list was made from an old original by a certain princess who took monasticism under the name of Mary. This pious woman was endowed from above with an artistic gift.

There is evidence that she painted the image in question not with an ordinary brush, as all painters do, but with a special one made from holy relics. She mixed paints for her work on holy water, and during the period of writing she constantly performed the Jesus Prayer. As a result, the icon created by her was filled with the Grace of God and acquired the ability to work wonders.

When the Bolshevik coup took place, and then decades of persecution of the church followed, the miraculous icon “Look for Humility” from the Holy Vvedensky Monastery was kept for many years in the house of the nun Theodora. When the times of democratic changes came, and state theomachism became a thing of the past, the pious nun returned the image to its former place.

A miracle that happened today

It is with this second acquisition that the miracle is connected, which plunged into reverent awe both the inhabitants of the monastery and numerous pilgrims. The fact is that in 1993 it was decided to produce because the colors faded, and the images became dull. When the glass that covered the icon case was removed, they found that the painting had not lost its bright color, but the glass itself became cloudy. Having examined more closely, they found that the image of the Virgin Mary with Her Eternal Child appeared on it.

The image resembled a drawing made with light chalk strokes, and it was, as it were, a negative from the original. The light areas of the icon became dark on the glass, the dark areas became light. Of course, Kiev scientists became interested in such a phenomenon. They made a thorough study and concluded that it was not made by hands, and its nature cannot be explained on the basis of modern scientific methods.

A new miracle and universal worship of the shrine

Top management Orthodox Church Ukraine issued a decree, on the basis of which the icon "Prizry for humility" should be classified as miraculous. After that, she was again placed under glass, this time at a considerable distance from her. However, in 2001, the features of the Virgin again inexplicably appeared on it.

This new miracle became the reason for the pilgrimage to the monastery of many thousands of people suffering from ailments and burdened with worldly hardships, for whom the icon “Look at Humility” was the last hope. How does she help, and what prayers are customary to offer before her? Numerous testimonies of those who found healing from illnesses and help in solving life problems speak eloquently about this.

Icon "Look at humility": its meaning for believers

Like any other image of the Most Pure Virgin, this icon can be trusted with all your innermost thoughts and experiences. The Queen of Heaven is generous with mercy and invariably comes to the aid of everyone who, with true faith, turns to Her miraculous image. For Her, as well as for Her Eternal Son, nothing is impossible, therefore any request will be fulfilled, as long as it is for the benefit of the one asking and not to the detriment of other people. This is its great significance for all who profess the Christian faith.

But besides this, there is one important feature that the icon “Look for humility” has. How she helps living people has already been said, but the fact is that the prayers offered before her also bring help to the dead, who did not want to repent of their sins when leaving this world. It is believed that requests for forgiveness and Eternal Life extraordinarily gracious and efficient.

Characteristic features of the icon

In conclusion, a few words about the iconography of this image. The icon of the Mother of God "Look for humility" belongs to the type "Hodegetria", which means "Guide". It depicts the Blessed Virgin crowned and holding right hand scepter. With her left hand, She holds the Infant, standing on her knees and holding in her left hand an orb - a symbol of power over the world.

His right hand is raised up. This testifies to the Latin origin of the prototype of the icon, since it was in the West that the Infant was often given the appearance of an orator (tribune), speaking in defense of all the unfortunate and destitute.

Icon Mother of God, called "Look for humility", was revealed in 1420 in the Bezhanitsky region of the Pskov land, on the Kamenny lake.

The circumstances of the miraculous phenomenon are unknown, but it can be assumed that the holy icon was found as a consolation and encouragement to the people of Pskov during a period of great disaster during the reign of Vasily II Dmitrievich: the “pestilence” (famine and epidemic) that then broke out over the Pskov land, and the invasion of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt, who came to conquer the Pskov lands. Then blood began to flow from the right eye of the Virgin. Thus, the Most Pure Virgin gave the people of Pskov a sign - she grieves for them and is ready to rush to help.

There are two testimonies about the holy icon in the Pskov Chronicle. One of them reads: In the summer of 6934 (1426), behind old Kolozh, on Lake Kamen, there was a sign: blood was coming from the icon of the Holy Mother of God, the month of Septevria on the 16th day; this is a sign, show the presence of the filthy prince Vitovt and much shedding of Christian blood y". In another, more complete reference to the miraculous sign from the image, it says: “In the summer of 6934 (1426), the same autumn, there was a sign from the icon of the Holy Mother of God, on Kamen Lake, at Vasily’s courtyard: there was blood from the right eye, and on the place was dripping, where it stood, and blood was flowing on the way, as they were carrying it, from the icon to the ubrus, as they brought the icon of the Most Pure One to Pskov, the month of September at 16. In memory of the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia.

From the chronicle it follows that the icon was transported to Pskov and placed in cathedral church in the name of Life-Giving Trinity. They began to make processions with her and offer fervent prayers for an end to disasters. Through the intercession of Bomother, the pestilence ceased.

In memory of this transfer, the celebration of the miraculous icon on this day was established ( September 16/29).


Iconographic image of the Mother of God "Look at humility", belongs to the type "Hodegetria" ("Guide").

Image type "Hodegetria" does not match any text Holy Scripture, nor with the akathist of the Mother of God, which gives a certain freedom in deciding the composition of the icon. Therefore, there are variants of the image of the Hodegetria, when the Infant can be on the right or left hand of the Virgin, depicted in full height, or sitting on the lap of the Mother, may hold a scroll or an attribute of royal power in his hand. The appearance of any version of the image could be separated by whole centuries.

The icon “Look for Humility” depicts the Most Holy Theotokos crowned with a crown. In Her right hand is a scepter, and with her left hand She supports the Divine Infant, standing on Her knees. The Christ Child with his right hand gently touches Her cheek, and with his left hand he holds a small ball - a power, a symbol of power over the world. This version of the icon probably differs from the prototype of the icon of Latin origin, where the Divine Infant raised his hand as an orator (orator), speaking in court in defense of all the unjustly accused and suffering. The name of the Icon comes from the words of the Gospel of Luke "as if looking at the humility of His servant." The Savior, holding the Mother of God by the cheek, turns Her face to those who pray, as if saying: “ Look at the humility of those who turn to You with prayer, who so ask for Your intercession.».

miraculous lists

Unfortunately, the ancient image of “Look for humility” has not survived to this day. In the 19th century, in the inventory of the vestry of the Trinity Cathedral, there is no longer any mention of the ancient icon. Since Pskov in the times described was often subjected to devastating fires, it can be assumed that the ancient miraculous icon of the Mother of God died during one of the natural disasters that befell the cathedral church.

The image of this icon in the Sretensky Church of the Holy Dormition Pskov-Caves Monastery was cell icon of the elder Archimandrite John (Krestiankin). After his repose, this icon was transferred from the cell of the elder to the Sretensky Church.

At present, the list of the icon is located to the right of the altar in Trinity cathedral Pskov Kremlin.

There are few other lists of the icon "Look for humility". One of them, from the end of the 17th century, is located in Kiev Florovsky Ascension Convent, and the second is placed in main temple Kiev Holy Vvedensky Monastery(another mosaic image is displayed on the wall of the temple).

List of the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in Kyiv according to legend, it was written by a certain princess who took the schema under the name of Mary. She not only had the talent of a painter, but also carried ascetic feats invisible to the world, for which the Lord honored her with painting the Face of His Immaculate Mother. Women are not allowed to touch the relics, but this icon painter, by special permission of the highest clergy, was granted such a right. She painted the icon with a bone from holy relics, dipping it in paint mixed with holy water, making the Jesus Prayer. After the coup in 1917, the icon ended up in the custody of Archpriest Boris Kvasnitsky. In 1937 he was repressed. Before his arrest, he managed to hand over the icon to his spiritual daughter, the novice of the Vvedensky Monastery, nun Feofania, who kept the shrine for 55 years. When the monastery was dispersed in 1961, the nun Feofaniya and the rest of the mothers moved to the Florovsky Monastery, where for 30 years she kept the holy icon in her cell.

The icon performed its first miracle back in the Florovsky Monastery: healing deaf girl. While the adults went about their business, the baby was waiting for them in the cell. When they returned, they found the child, sick from birth, speaking and hearing. " Auntie breathed on me”, the little one explained as best she could, nodding at the Blessed One.

5 years before her death, the keeper of the icon took the schema with the name of Theodora. And 2 years before his death, in 1992, schema-nun Theodora (†1994) donated the icon just opened Vvedensky Monastery. Thus the Queen of Heaven returned to Her home, bringing with Her into the temple the grace that had rested on Her. The image, installed in a special kiot, attracted many believers with its extraordinary beauty.

In 1993 the icon, which was kept behind glass, was decided to be given for restoration, as the image had become dull. On August 1, 1993, the glass was removed from the icon. It turned out that the icon remained clear, as it had been before, and only the glass covering it became cloudy. On it, strictly along the contour, as if with light chalk strokes, the silhouette of the Mother of God with the Child was imprinted. The image on the glass was a negative: dark places became white, light face, hands, folds became dark. It is noteworthy that it could not be an imprint, since the glass did not adhere closely to the image, but was at a distance from the icon. Everyone who saw the miraculous image on the glass was visited by a feeling of joy.

Nevertheless, distrust of this miraculous phenomenon arose, there were suspicions. They tried to accuse the abbot of the temple of fraud and forgery. Experts came to investigate the display. Scientists from the Kiev Center for Nuclear Physics took scrapings of plaque on glass, carried out Scientific research, trying to find out the composition and nature of the occurrence of this unusual oily coating. After conducting research, Kiev scientists came to the conclusion that the image on the glass is miraculous, while they could not give a scientific explanation for the miracle that happened. Nuclear physicists gave their conclusion that the composition of the plaque-imprint on the glass of the icon is of an organic nature!

Glass with a wonderful display was installed in the icon case next to the icon. Numerous healings began to occur from the icon itself and from Her imprint on the glass.

Holy Vvedensky Monastery

By the Decree of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on November 9 (22), 1995, the icon of the Mother of God "Look for humility", staying in the Kiev Svyato-Vvedensky Monastery, recognized as miraculous.

One of the first confirmations of the miraculous nature of the image was the case of the healing of a young woman who fell ill with hepatitis (jaundice) at a time when she was preparing to become a mother. The doctors who monitored the patient were unanimous in their opinion that the disease would have a detrimental effect on the health of the baby, so they demanded that the pregnancy be terminated immediately. But the young woman, being a believer, was afraid to take upon herself the sin, to commit murder in the womb of her own child. For three days she prayed before the image of the Virgin, praying for help. Soon, repeated tests were made, which showed the absence of the hepatitis virus in the blood, which meant a sudden suspension of the disease. The born girl was completely healthy, and hegumen Damian baptized the baby in the Presentation Church.

Evidence of the grace-filled help to people and the healing of the sick, who turned to the Most Holy Theotokos with prayers, are the numerous decorations of the icon.

In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility,” they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the gift of humility and repentance both for themselves and for sinners who do not want to repent and therefore suffer from illness and spiritual hardships, for easing the fate of the deceased, for protection from false and crafty teachings . Through the prayers of the Mother of God in front of the icon of Her “Look at Humility”, help is given to all the oppressed, persecuted, desperate, weak in faith, the truth is revealed and slander and slander are exposed, the innocent are justified. Through the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, healings from cardiovascular diseases and women's diseases take place. Prayers in front of the icon also help in solving housing issues.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, the highest Cherubim and the Most Honorable Seraphim, the God-chosen Maiden! Look from the height of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, with tenderness and tears praying before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious. Save us in the perdition and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Oh, the All-Generous Mother of the Humanitarian Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercy, strengthen our feeble will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our petrified hearts with love for God and neighbor, grant us contrition of the heart and true repentance, but having cleansed ourselves from the filth of sin, we will be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer in the Terrible and the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, all glory, honor and worship is due, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4
The invincible wall is Your image and the source of miracles, as if Your intercession was given to the city of Pskov from Him, so now graciously deliver us from all troubles and sorrows and save our souls, like a loving Mother.

Kontakion, tone 3
Immaculate Virgin, displaying the face of Your honoring grateful gifts, you accept gifts, help the living and the dead, save our city and country, and bring prayers before your Son, and save us all.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and honor the holy icons of Thy wonderful image.

Icon of the Mother of God Look at humility - what helps

An interesting miraculous image, ancient, but updated in our time thanks to a miracle, is the icon of the Mother of God “Look at humility”. Learn about help from the icon and wondrous signs.

Icon of the Mother of God Look at humility - the help of the Virgin

Among the icons of the most common type of "Hodegetria" - "Guidebook", the icon of the Mother of God "Look at humility" is considered an interesting miraculous image. It has unconventional interesting features, which, however, are within the canon. The history of the image is interesting: it has been revered since the 15th century in the Pskov region, but after a few centuries a new wave of veneration of this iconographic type arose: the Kyiv list of the icon, located in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery, became famous ancient city. So the image, which has an ancient origin, became widely known.

The meaning of the icon

Many images of the Virgin have been painted over the centuries. Her first icons, according to Holy Tradition, were created by the holy apostle and evangelist Luke, a physician and icon painter. He painted three main iconographic types of images of the Mother of God: Hodegetria (translated into Russian - the Guide or Pointing the Way), Eleussa (Gracious, Tenderness), and Oranta (Intercessor). Type - these are icons united by one composition, clothing and pose of the Virgin and the Divine Infant. According to legend, the Evangelist Luke painted 70 icons (most likely, this is a legend). He painted from nature - that is, the Mother of God herself posed for the icons - and on the boards from the table at which the Last Supper took place, the last supper of Christ with the apostles on earth, when He established the Sacrament of Communion.

Most likely, the icon painter and evangelist Luke created only a few icons of the Mother of God, but many iconographies of the Virgin appeared on their basis: each icon with a separate name has differences in composition, the pose of the Mother of God or the Infant, their clothes. Recall that each icon that has own name, is miraculous. This means that through prayers to the Mother of God, miracles are performed through this icon, which are documented and recognized by the Church.

The image of the Most Holy Lady “Look for humility” belongs to the iconographic type “Hodegetria” - in Russian this Greek word is translated as a Guide or Pointing the Way. Type - these are icons united by one composition, clothing and pose of the Virgin and the Divine Infant. There are three main iconographic types, the creator of the first icons of which is considered to be the holy apostle and evangelist Luke. The iconographic type of Hodegetria also includes many other miraculous icons, for example, Tikhvin, Smolensk, Kazan.

The theological meaning of the icon “Look at humility” is similar to other images of the Hodegetria. The Mother of God, with a gesture of her right hand, points to those praying to Christ, Who is the Way, Truth and Life. She reveals to people the Royal God-Infant, showing that only through faith in Christ can one find the true life path the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. And the earthly path must be passed with dignity in order to achieve salvation.

In addition, the Mother of God Herself represents the road to God. She becomes a companion for people through prayers to Her; She is also the bridge that connected man and God, because it was through Her that the Lord accepted human nature.

Iconography of the image

Since the type of Hodegetria, like others, allows a number of additions, many images were created on its basis, including the icon of the Virgin “Look for humility”. But her image sometimes changes somewhat in different temples.

  • The main sign of the icon is the royal clothes of the Mother of God and the Child, the presence of a crown on the head of the Virgin and its absence on the head of Christ.

  • The little Christ with his right hand usually touches the Mother's cheek, as if turning Her to those praying in front of the icon, calling on Her to help people.

  • The baby can be placed both on the left and on the right hand of the Blessed Virgin, He sits on his knees or stands, holding in his hands a sphere with the letters "IS XC" (Jesus Christ) or a scroll, symbolizing the stay of the fullness of knowledge in the hands of God and hidden from people purpose: after all, no one except the Mother knew that the Infant Jesus is the Son of God, who came into the world to save all people.

  • In the right hand of the Mother of God is a scepter - a symbol of royal power, with her left hand she holds the Divine Infant.

It is important that both the Theotokos and Her Divine Son hold the symbols of power, as if ruling the universe together, sharing the Divine glory. However, only the Virgin Mary is crowned with a crown - perhaps, the icon painter, by divine inspiration, emphasized the importance of the personality of the Virgin Mary for the entire human race: of all people, it was Her virtues and birth from righteous parents who endured many sorrows for Her sake that were rewarded by God with the dignity of the Mother of His Son. While the Little Christ was growing, it was his Mother who was the support of the Lord Himself: this is reflected in the pose of Christ, who on the icon “Look for humility” usually stands on straight legs, and does not sit, as is usually depicted on icons such as Hodegetria.

The meaning of the name of the icon

The name has several meanings:

    The Great Lord in the Holy Trinity contemplated (from Church Slavonic - looked at a person and fulfilled a prayer) the humility and meekness of the young Virgin Mary, virtuous and obedient to the commandments of God.

    Humility is a virtue that means acceptance of God's will for oneself. The Lord expresses it in the circumstances of life. But at the same time, we can ask the Lord to ease our suffering and difficulties, most importantly - not with a rebellious, but with a humble heart. Therefore, we ask the Lord and His Mother to “look at our humility, our difficulties” and help us. It is also worth praying for a calm, humble acceptance of difficulties and life circumstances at the icon “Look for humility“.

    Finally, the name of the icon refers the person praying to Psalm 30, translated into Russian: “I will rejoice and be glad, thanks to Your mercy, because You, Lord, looked (looked) at my humility, saved me from disasters.” This means that the Lord saves a person in trouble, sees him always. In addition, the symbols of royal power in the hands of the Virgin and Christ are referred to this meaning: the fate of the world is in the hand of the Lord, and He will always help the needy and the repentant.

History and meaning of the icon

According to legend, the icon "Look at humility" was revealed, that is, it showed its miraculous properties in Pskov. In 1420, during a pestilence, an epidemic of an unknown deadly disease, and a famine due to this misfortune, the people of Pskov, led by the clergy, prayed a lot during divine services. It was noticed that from the eyes of the image of the Mother of God, who was in a certain small temple on Stone Lake, bloody tears flowed. People understood that the Mother of God Herself sympathizes with them and will help them in trouble. Indeed, when the image was transferred to the Sato-Troitsky Cathedral of the Pskov Kremlin and they made a procession with it around the city walls, the spread of the disease stopped, many patients were healed.

After such miraculous help, the day of remembrance of the icon of the Mother of God "Look for humility" was established - September 29th.

On this day, the image is taken to the middle of each Orthodox church. On the eve of September 28, the All-night vigil, on the very day of the holiday - Divine Liturgy, for both divine services are read short prayers- troparia and kontakia to the icon of the Mother of God "Look for humility". They can be read online or by heart at any time, with life's difficulties.

Your image has become an indestructible wall and a source of miracles, which even in ancient times through it Your intercession to the city of Pskov You gave Thou, Mother of God, so now graciously deliver us from all troubles and sorrows and save our souls, Loving Mother of the human race.
Immaculate Virgin, You always accept grateful prayers before the image of Your face, help the living and the dead, save our city and country, and bring prayers to Your Son, saving us all from troubles.

It is known that after the 19th century, information about the original image disappeared from the documents describing the property of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Pskov. It is possible that the icons forgot about the miracles, having removed the aged image due to inattention. Perhaps the image died in one of the many fires in Pskov.

A number of lists have come down to us on Pskov land - one of them was in the cell of Archimandrite John (Krestyankin), the elder of holy life, confessor of the Pskov-Caves Monastery, famous throughout the country for his miracles and wise instructions. After his death in 2006, this list is in the same Trinity Cathedral of Pskov.

New miracles icons

Another copy of the icon became famous in the 20th century in Kyiv. Here in one of convents, in the 19th century there lived a certain princess who became a monk with the name Maria. She did not emphasize her high origin in any way, on the contrary, she lived in ascetic deeds, standing out only for the talent of icon painting. She created a list of the image “Look for humility”, using part of the holy relics and diluting the colors with holy water, she wrote the icon with unceasing prayer. The Mother of God herself especially blessed this image: those who prayed before it received consolation and healing. It is difficult to look at this icon without spiritual awe: the eyes of the Mother of God seem to pierce the soul; from whatever point of view they look at the Blessed Virgin - Her eyes are fixed on the beholder.

In 1917, with the beginning of the revolution and persecution of the Church, the pious resident of Kiev, priest Boris Kvasnitsky, who gave the miraculous image to the nun Theophania before his arrest, hid the icon “Look at Humility”. She protected him for more than 55 years - the image stayed in several Kiev monasteries, including the women's Frolovsky, where a deaf-mute girl was healed by prayer in front of the icon - and then, according to the will of schema-nun Feofania, was transferred to the Holy Vvedensky Monastery. This happened around 1993-1994.

In 1993, the abbot of this monastery decided that the icon needed to be restored: the colors of the image became cloudy. Having called for restorers, the priests removed the glass from the icon. What a surprise it was when it turned out that on the glass that covered the icon, but did not come into contact with it, an imprint of the image remained - like a negative, a black-and-white image or an engraving on glass.

It was obvious that a miracle had been revealed - however, there were also skeptics who believed that the image was man-made. Then scientists were invited directly to the monastery, the glass with a miraculous imprint was given for examination, which lasted several years. The following is known today:

  • The imprint on the glass is not man-made.

  • The image is of organic origin (the structure of the material, the glass on which it was created has been changed).

  • The light gray figures of the Mother of God and the Child on a dark background create a negative image, and on a light one - a positive one.
    - Already in 1995, the Synod of the Ukrainian Autonomous Church of the Moscow Patriarchate recognized the Kyiv list of the icon “Look for Humility” as miraculous.

The image on glass is stored next to this icon and is transported along with it. The icon as a great shrine is taken for worship to the nearest countries: Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, to many cities of Russia - from St. Petersburg and Moscow to the Urals. The image is worshiped by residents of all countries, despite the tense relations between Russia and Ukraine. They pray to the Mother of God before this icon for peace in Ukraine.

All miracles are documented (with the addresses and contacts of people who were healed and received other help from the Mother of God), so everyone can be convinced of the miraculous power of the icon.

The image is also known for the gifts brought to it - the image of the Virgin across the clothes is covered with jewelry and other brought gifts that hang on it separately. These votive decorations, which abound in the image, testify to the miracles of the Most Holy Theotokos through prayers before Her icon. Votive gifts (from the Latin name for a vow, dedication to the gods - votivus) are any things brought as a gift to God by vow, for the fulfillment of prayer and in gratitude for help. Their tradition comes from ancient sacrifices. But the Lord Jesus Christ does not need bloody sacrifices, as was the case in paganism: the Mother of God and Her Son help people free of charge, asking only for life according to the commandments of God, love for other people and union with God in the Church Sacraments. Votive gifts have turned into bringing their things according to the movement of the soul. They shine amazingly in the light of candles at the service. Sometimes at the icon of the Mother of God one can see both children's toys and Jewelry, and military orders - people of all ages and classes thank the Mother of God for her help.

What helps

It is known that the first healed by the Mother of God through the new Kyiv list of the icon “Look for humility” were a pregnant woman and a deaf-mute girl. The girl spoke, and the woman was ill with hepatitis and was afraid of the birth of a seriously ill child - but after praying in front of the icon, she was completely healed of the disease and gave birth to a healthy baby.

    The granddaughter brought the blind grandmother to venerate the image - after praying and kissing the icon, the woman regained her sight.

    Oil from the lamp that burned in front of miraculous icon, the parents prayerfully anointed the burns of the boy, who was badly injured in the fire, the wounds healed.

    An amazing incident occurred with a drowning little girl: while walking, the child fell into a deep pond, people rushed to help, but could not lift her out of the water. Mother, remembering the miracles of the Virgin through the icon “Look at humility”, fervently prayed to Her - and the girl herself rose unharmed from the water.

Thus, it is known that the image helps parents and children a lot, as well as the sick and the elderly. They also pray to the Mother of God in front of the icon "Look at humility"

  • When planning a pregnancy;

  • About the treatment of infertility;

  • In requests for a particular gender of the child;

  • About alleviating toxicosis and difficulties in carrying a baby;

  • About saving a child with a threat of miscarriage;

  • About overcoming psychological difficulties during pregnancy: fears, depressions, self-doubt, dissatisfaction with one's appearance;

  • About the correction of fetal defects, the healing of the child in the womb, if the analyzes show deviations in its development;

  • About safe and timely childbirth;

  • About the easy transfer of children's diseases by children - measles, rubella;

  • On the healing of diseases of the female organs;

  • On the improvement and healing of diseases of speech and hearing;

  • About justification in case of injustice and slander;

  • On the strengthening of faith in times of persecution and sorrow.

There is a magnification of the icon “Look for humility”, which mentions the image reflected on the glass, you can read it online in gratitude for the help:

We magnify You, Blessed Virgin, Chosen by God from a young age, and we honor Your holy icon with a wonderful image.

How to pray in front of an icon

    You can visit any Orthodox church or purchase an icon for home prayer. This image is revered today, so finding the icon is not difficult.

    When praying at home or in a temple, light a church candle bought in the temple in front of the image.

    After the prayer, venerate the icon: cross yourself twice, kiss the hand or the edge of the clothing of the image on the icon, cross yourself again (kissing the icon means “attaching” to it).

    Read the prayer with attention, be in dialogue with the Mother of God, address Her as if she were alive. Tell in your own words about trouble and sorrow, ask for help.

Oh, our Most Holy Lady, the Virgin Mother of God, who is higher than the Cherubim and has more glory than the Seraphim, Chosen by God Himself from a young age! Look from heavenly heights graciously at us, Thy unworthy servants, with tenderness, diligence and tears praying before Thy Most Pure Image; do not leave us without Your intercession and protection in the earthly journey of our life, full of sorrows and difficulties.
Save us in the midst of danger and death, in grief and trouble, raise us from the abyss of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions and vices, heal our physical and spiritual ulcers.
Oh, Generous Mother of the Lord of God, loving people and all things! Give us your amazing, marvelous and rich gifts, strengthen our weak will so that we fulfill the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened and hardened hearts with love for God and neighbors, give us true repentance and heartfelt repentance, so that, having been cleansed of sinful dirt, we are worthy of peaceful Christian death and a good response at the Terrible and impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom may we glorify forever with His Father, Beginningless and Infinite, with His Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, worshiping the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.

Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, may the merciful Lord keep you!

The iconography of the Mother of God is very extensive, has several of the most common types. An extensive group is "Hodegetria“, Giving the authors some scope in composing the composition. The icon “Look at humility“ belongs to him, although with some unconventional elements . However , they are all within the canon . The image became widely known not so long ago, although it has a fairly ancient origin.

Mysterious Maiden

started the history of the icon “Look for humility” in the Pskov region, the circumstances of the appearance of the image have not been preserved. However, it is known that famine raged at that time, spread disease. During these difficult days, bloody tears oozed from the eyes of the Blessed Virgin. People seemed to be given encouragement, the hope that the Mother of God would not leave them with her prayers.

The image was in the Trinity Church, the townspeople made religious processions with it, which put an end to the epidemic. Mentions of these events have been preserved not only in the people's memory - they are in the annals. The day of the deliverance of the inhabitants of Pskov from a fatal disease became the date of the church holiday of the icon (September 16, old style).

Where the revealed icon “Look at humility” is now located, no one knows. Accounts that were kept at the cathedral church do not mention her since the 19th century. At that time, fires were a frequent occurrence in Pskov - perhaps they caused the death of an ancient image. Only a few lists have survived to this day.

One of them was in the cell of Elder John (Krestyankin), who lived in the Caves Monastery (Pskov region). When the archimandrite died, the icon was transferred to the Pskov Kremlin, to the Trinity Cathedral, where the original of the miraculous icon was located for many years.

A new wave of veneration

Some lists also became famous for miracles. It was the messages about healings through prayers near the icon "Look for humility"Aroused interest in the image in our time. It was in the early 90s in Ukraine (perhaps that is why you can find little information about the icon on the official websites of the Russian Orthodox Church).

The authorship of the miraculous list is attributed to a certain nun Mary. Creating the Jesus Prayer, a woman is written in an amazing expressiveness icon. According to legend, she used a bone from holy relics for her work. The paints were diluted with holy water. The eyes of the Most Pure One stand out in particular - they look directly at the person, regardless of the angle at which he approaches the image.

IN during the revolution, the image was preserved thanks to one priest. After his arrest, he managed to give the icon to a nun. For decades, the image was in different cloisters. The first known miracle was performed at the Florovsky Monastery - a deaf-mute girl was healed. Before her death, the keeper bequeathed the shrine to the Vvedensky Monastery.

In addition to numerous reports of healings, the icon itself "Look for humility" showed a miraculous imprint. In 1993 the abbot of the Vvedensky Monastery (Kyiv), who owns the image, invited restorers. It seemed to him that the colors had changed. The withdrawal of salary, however, revealed something unusual. There was an imprint of the image on the glass, although it did not come into contact with the image.

Some people accused the monks of painting the imprint themselves to draw attention to the monastery. Scientists of various profiles were invited. Using the most modern methods, they researched the image for several years. They were unable to establish how the imprint came about. Science could only recognize the following facts:

  • The imprint on the glass is not the creation of human hands.
  • The image is of organic origin.
  • A light gray print on a dark background gives a negative image, on a light one - a positive one.

Two years later, the Synod of the Ukrainian Church recognized the Kiev icon of the Mother of God "Look at humility" miraculous. Since then she has traveled to Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Russia too. The monks keep a special notebook in which people describe the miracles that happened, leaving addresses and phone numbers (journalists and skeptics can check). Today, the imprint is kept in the same temple under a separate salary.

The meaning of the holy image

The unusual composition of the icon "Look for humility" has a certain theological significance. What is the difference from the typical Hodegetria?

  • The head of the Mother of God is crowned with a crown, but the Christ Child does not have it.
  • In the right hand of St. Mary holds a scepter, a symbol of royalty.
  • Christ holds an orb in his left hand.
  • The right hand of the Son of God gently touches the mother's cheek.

The concept of traditional Guidebooks"- The Mother of God is the road to Christ. This is how a person can pass from spiritual sinful death to life with God. She is a companion for people on this path. Also, the Virgin Mary became the bridge through which the Son of God took on human nature.

In this case, the Mother of God in her right hand holds a symbol of royal power, like Christ. Both of them share the Divine glory, but only Mary's head is covered with a crown. Here the personal virtues of the Virgin are emphasized, thanks to which she was able to become the Mother of the Lord. While he grew in strength, it was she who was able to become his support. As if emphasizing this, the Baby stands on straight legs, and does not sit, as usual on this type of icon.

The great God chose a young girl who was obedient to the commandments, had a meek disposition and a kind heart. Of course, you can’t correlate the name of the image with yourself - “I am so humble, so help me, Lord.” Most people do not have real humility before God. For the acquisition of this gift, it is worth praying especially near the icon of the Mother of God “Look at humility“.

The name of the icon also refers to Psalm 30, where the Lord is shown to those who do not leave a person in trouble. The symbols of royal power remind that the destinies of people are in the hand of the Lord, He also has the right to reward those who deserve it, and also restore those who fell.

What do they pray to the icon Prizri for Humility

Collecting thoughts before turning to higher powers, it is necessary to remember that the Mother of God is merciful to all people without exception, especially if a person has repented of sinful deeds. What do they pray for in front of the icon "Look for humility"? Helping children in need was the first known miracle. Therefore, you can ask:

  • rubella cure;
  • assistance in bearing a child;
  • healing from diseases of speech and hearing;
  • about help in strengthening the faith;
  • about consolation in moments of despair.

Each person can come to the Queen of Heaven with their own misfortune. Many get help - about it testify numerous decorations that are under salary. These are chains, rings with precious stones, pectoral crosses - of course, the Mother of God does not need anything, it's just a tradition. If a person's wish is fulfilled, he leaves his offering.

Famous cases of miracles near the image

  • A pregnant woman was healed of jaundice - doctors who insisted on an abortion found no signs of the disease. The child was born healthy.
  • An elderly woman who had lost her sight was brought by her granddaughter to venerate the icon. After she venerated the icon, her vision returned.
  • The oil from the lamp helped heal severe burns on a boy who was injured in a fire.
  • During a river walk, a little girl fell into the water. Through the prayers of the mother, the image of the icon raised child on the surface.

Certainly, icon « Prizri on the humility» helps And in spiritual issues. Thanks to help mothers God's people acquire road to Lord, start walk in Temple, participate in sacraments. BUT this more expensive solutions any earthly problems. After all image - this not magical wand for solutions household turmoil. His home a task - remind people about them eternal soul.

Despite on the tense relations between Kiev And Moscow, miraculous list periodically brought in Russia for worship. IN end 2016 - early 2017 gg. is he visited in several Moscow temples. But ask help at icons « Prizri on the humility» can in any moment. For this enough purchase any accessible image. Is always necessary remember, what miracles creates the God, but one from his qualities - omnipresence, then eat He stays always And everywhere, but not only near certain shrines.

How to find necessary words

Prayer is an his kind offering God. It must to be proper way formalized, then eat better use ready prayers. They are drawn up people, which have spiritual education, that's why not will contain inappropriate verbal structures. To not harm yourself, to selection texts for prayers should relate very carefully. Where can take text prayers icon « Prizri on the humility«?

  • Buy compilation prayers icons God's mothers in church shop at temple.
  • Download in the Internet on the sites, dedicated Orthodox faith.
  • Order prayer book can across the Internet on the sites Orthodox publishing houses.

Sometimes parishioners temples share friend from friend texts, usually front this they take blessing rector.

Common view domestic prayers is an akathist. This very available, useful for souls the form church poetry. How rule, texts easily perceived, in many publications dotted correct accents. Compiled akathist And for icons « Prizri on the humility«. Even human, which the not used to many time conduct in prayers, easily cope from his by reading.

alternation long And short poems allows man better focus on the content. That's why easily hold Attention on the content, pronounce words not only mouth, but And miss them across a heart And soul. IN end everyone akathist eat prayer, her can to read then And separately, in end daily prayerful regulations.

Prayer to the icon Prizri for Humility

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, the highest Cherubim and the Most Honorable Seraphim, the God-chosen Maiden! Look from the height of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, with tenderness and tears praying before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious. Save us in the perdition and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Oh, the All-Generous Mother of the Humanitarian Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercy, strengthen our feeble will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our petrified hearts with love for God and neighbor, grant us contrition of the heart and true repentance, but having cleansed ourselves from the filth of sin, we will be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer in the Terrible and the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, all glory, honor and worship is due, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

The invincible wall is Your image and the source of miracles, as if Your intercession was granted to the city of Pskov from Him, so now graciously deliver us from all troubles and sorrows and save our souls, like a loving Mother.

Kontakion, tone 3

Immaculate Virgin, displaying the face of Your honoring grateful gifts, you accept gifts, help the living and the dead, save our city and country, and bring prayers before your Son, and save us all.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and honor the holy icons of Thy wonderful image.

What you need to know about the icon Prizri on Humility

celebration Icon of the Mother of God "Look at Humility" takes place in the Orthodox Church on September 29 according to the new style.

The history of the image and the miracles revealed by it
The appearance of the icon “Look for humility” took place in the first half of the 15th century near Pskov. This time was difficult for the Pskov land, because various epidemics constantly arose in those parts, which claimed many lives. The people of Pskov saw that on the newly found icon the Mother of God was crying with bloody tears, as if thereby making it clear that She was grieving for the suffering and was ready to help them. This miraculous phenomenon was recorded in the Pskov Chronicles. After the image has been completed religious processions and the inhabitants of Pskov prayed intensely to the Queen of Heaven, the pestilence subsided and soon stopped completely.
The ancient prototype of the icon has not been preserved, since fires often occurred in Pskov, in one of which the shrine could die. Only some lists have come down to us, made much later than the time when the icon was found and not completely repeating the original. The most famous is an exodus written in the 19th century, which is located in Kyiv and became famous as miraculous. Unfortunately, we do not know when this image was painted, since no documentary evidence has been preserved about it. After the revolution, the icon was considered lost, but later it turned out that the shrine was preserved by the schema nun Theodora, who in 1992 donated the image “Look for humility” as a gift to the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in Kyiv.
Many testimonies have been preserved of how people received healing from this Kiev list, and there are cases when, through prayers to the Mother of God in front of this icon, people received miraculous help even in the most hopeless cases. One of the miracles shown by the icon in recent times was an imprint that appeared on the glass covering the icon. In its appearance, this imprint resembles the contours of an icon, similar to the image imprinted on the Shroud of Turin. This amazing phenomenon attracted the attention of many scientists who investigated the manifested image, but could not give an explanation for this phenomenon. Currently, the glass with the imprint of the icon is located in the main cathedral of the Vvedensky Monastery next to the image, and believers can bow to this shrine.

Description of the icon
According to its iconography, the image of the Mother of God “Look for humility” refers to the type “Hodegetria” or “Guide”. Usually, on icons of this type, the Mother of God points with her hand to Her Divine Son, as if saying that He is the true path leading to salvation. A feature of the image “Look for humility” is that the head of the Queen of Heaven is crowned with a crown, and in her right hand she holds a scepter. The Divine Infant touches the cheek of His Mother with one hand, and in the other hand he compresses the symbol of royal power, orb. Unlike most icons, the Infant Christ does not sit, but kneels at the Mother of God.

In what cases do they pray in front of the icon "Look for humility"
In the Orthodox Church there is a large number of icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, many of which are revered as miraculous. Such an abundance of icon-paintings dedicated to the Queen of Heaven eloquently testifies to the gratitude of the faithful who receive grace-filled help from the Mother of God.
Through prayers in front of the icon “Look for humility”, miracles are also often performed. Many believers prayerfully turn to the Queen of Heaven and ask Her help in everyday affairs, for the healing of illnesses and strengthening of faith. The name of the icon once again reminds us that only that prayer request, which is pronounced with humility, is heard and fulfilled by the Mother of God.

Troparion, tone 4:
The invincible wall is Your image and the source of miracles, as if Your intercession from Him was given to the city of Pskov in ancient times and now graciously deliver us from all troubles and sorrows and save our soul like a loving Mother. Kontakion, tone 3:
Immaculate Virgin, the reflection of Your Face honoring grateful gifts accept, help the living and the dead, save our city and country, and bring prayers before Your Son, and save us all.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Otrokovitsa and honor the holy icons of Your wonderful display.

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, the highest Cherubim and the Most Honorable Seraphim, the God-chosen Maiden! Look from the height of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, with tenderness and tears praying before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious. Save us in the perdition and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies! Oh, the All-Generous Mother of the Humanitarian Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercy, strengthen our feeble will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our petrified hearts with love for God and neighbor, grant us contrition of the heart and true repentance, but having cleansed ourselves from the filth of sin, we will be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer in the Terrible and the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, all glory, honor and worship is due, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.