moderate steatosis. Effective pharmaceutical drugs against liver steatosis

  • 14.02.2021

Liver steatosis is a disease of the liver, which is characterized by a metabolic disorder in the cells of this organ, resulting in their fatty degeneration. In this regard, the disease is also called fatty hepatosis.

In general, the causes of liver problems vary, but the most common are:

    Alcohol abuse;

    drug use;

    drug and other intoxication;

    unbalanced diet or starvation;


    gastrointestinal disorders;


    an excess of adrenal hormones in the blood (Cushing's syndrome).

In liver cells, an excess of fatty inclusions is formed due to various processes.

Thus, a large amount of fatty acids are formed in the intestines, then they enter the liver. But at the same time, in hepatocytes (the so-called liver cells), there are violations of the oxidative processes of fats, which causes difficulties in terms of removing fatty inclusions from the liver.

As a result, fats accumulate in the liver cells, causing fatty infiltration. In addition, problems with cholesterol metabolism begin in the liver, as the functions of certain enzymes change.

Types of steatosis:

Diffuse hepatic steatosis

If fat inclusions are 10% or more of the volume of the liver, then steatosis can be diagnosed. Most of the fat accumulates in the second and third hepatic lobes, and in more severe form of the disease, they are diffusely distributed.

Thus, the main characteristic of steatosis is that it can be either diffuse or focal. If focal steatosis is manifested in the fact that fats are grouped together, organizing a continuous fatty spot, then diffuse steatosis involves the location of fatty inclusions on the entire surface of the organ.

Fatty steatosis of the liver

As a result of progressive fatty infiltration, the liver not only increases, but also changes color to yellowish or red-brown. Liver cells store fats as triglycerides. The result of such pathological storage is that the fat drop of fat moves the cell organelles in the hepatocyte to the periphery.

As a result of a sharp fatty infiltration, liver cells can die. Drops of fat are combined into fat, and connective tissue continues to grow around the latter.

Fatty liver disease is often asymptomatic. In many cases, the disease is detected by chance - during an ultrasound of the patient.

Sometimes with liver steatosis, heaviness appears in the right side, which increases during movement. Patients may complain of nausea, weakness, fatigue.

In general, fatty hepatosis proceeds stably, progressing very rarely. With a combination of fatty infiltration with inflammation (steatohepatitis), a third of patients may develop fibrosis, and 10% - cirrhosis.

The primary phase of changes in the structure of the liver, which are caused by the chronic process of alcohol intoxication, is called alcoholic steatosis and is also called fatty liver.

There are many causes of this disease. For example, toxic effects on the body. The most common reason is the use of alcoholic beverages. And the higher the dose of alcohol consumption, the higher the rate and level of development of destructive changes in the liver cells.

The manifestations of this type of steatosis are mostly reversible. They are reduced after 4 weeks of withdrawal. However, alcoholic steatosis can progress to very serious liver damage. Clinical studies indicate that the risk of developing chronic liver disease correlates with severity.

The main forms of steatosis:

    macrovesicular (one large fat vacuole contained in a hepatocyte);


In the liver, mixed micro- and macroforms are also often found, and therefore it can be assumed that they represent certain stages in the development of the disease. Thus, the microvesicular form is an acute manifestation of steatosis, and the macrovesicular form is a chronic one.

Steatosis mainly develops in connection with the violation of lipid metabolism in hepatocytes, which is caused by changes in the hepatocellular redox potential. But during chronic intoxication (alcohol), normal values ​​of redox potential return, regardless of the development of steatosis, which means that other factors are also involved in alcohol liver damage.

Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis

In turn, non-alcoholic steatosis has many names (infiltration or fatty degeneration, non-alcoholic fatty disease). All these are the names of the initial stage of liver disease or a syndrome that is formed due to an excess of fatty inclusions (mainly triglycerides) in this organ.

It should be noted that with non-intervention during the course of the disease, in the future, in 14% of patients, it tends to develop into steatohepatitis, in 10% - into the development of fibrosis, and sometimes into cirrhosis of the liver.

Such statistics today make it clear why such a problem is of public interest. After all, if you clarify the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, it will become clear how you can effectively fight and get rid of this fairly common pathology. It should be taken into account that some patients may have a disease, and some - only a symptom.

The main risk factors for the occurrence of non-alcoholic steatosis are:


    Thus, you can create suitable diet options for yourself and paint them by day.

    The first day

    For breakfast: fruit salad, steamed beef cutlets, coffee.

    For an afternoon snack: a glass of fermented baked milk.

    For lunch: vegetarian borscht, baked hake with stewed cabbage, berry jelly.

    For dinner: spaghetti with butter and cheese, mineral water.

    Before bed: banana.

    Second day

    For breakfast: steamed protein omelette, rye toast with berry jam, fruit juice.

    For an afternoon snack: pear.

    For lunch: vegetable cream soup, stewed carrots with boiled chicken, raisin and dried apricots.

    For dinner: mashed potatoes with baked vegetables, tea. Before going to bed: Borjomi.

    Day three

    For breakfast: penne with stewed rabbit meat, tea.

    For an afternoon snack: fruit and berry juice.

    For lunch: potato soup, carrot cheesecakes, jelly.

    For dinner: baked omelet, cheese, tea.

    Before going to bed: a glass of fermented baked milk.

    Day four

    For breakfast: pilaf, cottage cheese casserole with sour cream.

    For an afternoon snack: carrot-apple salad.

    For lunch: chicken meatballs with buckwheat, fruit compote.

    For dinner: potato and cabbage zrazy, baked corop, mineral water.

    Before going to bed: a baked apple.

    The above diet is followed along with medication and physiotherapy. It is not worth starting it on your own, it is necessary to get the advice of your doctor without fail.

    Such a nutrition system is able to quickly achieve remission of the disease, relieve exacerbations, and normalize the imbalance of the digestive organs. In addition, the diet has another positive side - thanks to it, weight is significantly reduced, general well-being improves and an energy boost is observed.

    For patients who are concerned about diseases of bile and liver, it is extremely important to refrain from eating prohibited foods, not only for the period of the diet itself, but also after it ends. First of all, this applies to smoked meats, spicy and fat-rich dishes, and alcohol. Otherwise, the effect will be minimized and the course of treatment may have to be repeated.

    Treatment of steatosis with folk remedies

      It is useful to use decoctions of herbs. For example, from milk thistle seeds and crushed dandelion roots. To prepare a decoction, you must combine the above ingredients in equal proportions and add 1 tbsp to them. l. goldenrod, dried and. The mixture is poured into a thermos, and then poured with boiling water. It is infused for at least 15-20 minutes, and after the herbal infusion is well brewed, it should be filtered and consumed twice a day in a glass (morning and evening).

      Regular consumption of bran is a good remedy for fighting fat deposits in the liver. They should be poured with boiling water and left to cool, then strain. Then, three times a day, you need to eat two tablespoons of bran obtained in this way.

What is it and can you get rid of it? It all depends on the patient and his willpower. After all, it is not so easy to change your lifestyle and improve nutrition. But these simple changes will bring the body back to normal and save it from the occurrence of liver disease.

If liver dysfunction is detected, the cause of the disease should be established, and, starting from it, treatment should be started. Timely diagnosis will not hurt. The risk category includes women, as well as men who drink alcohol.

What is steatosis?

Fatty degeneration of the liver, or as it is also called steatosis, is a pathology. With this disease, fat, in the form of drops, is collected in hepatocytes. With the accumulation of a large amount of fat, the hepatocyte bursts, and the fat enters the space between the cells, thereby creating a cyst, which prevents the liver from functioning normally.

This disease occurs at any age, even in children. But most often occurs after the age of forty-five years. Individuals of the weaker sex are more prone to non-alcoholic steatosis. Representatives of the stronger sex - steatosis, which appeared as a consequence of the regular intake of alcoholic beverages. Steatosis can be both an independent disease and a consequence of another disease (diabetes mellitus, etc.).

Important! Eliminate the intake of alcoholic beverages, because they are the main cause of steatosis.


To obtain reliable results, a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out. First of all, such studies should be carried out to help avoid steapatogenesis:

  • Tests for the presence of steatosis, which help to assess the condition of the liver and reliably establish the diagnosis. It is advised to take a biochemical blood test, which will assess the rate of iron metabolism. In combination with it, a genetic test is carried out in order to exclude hemochromatosis. They also donate blood for serology, which helps to determine the presence of any form of viral hepatitis. In people with steatosis, normal levels of bilirubin, albumin and prothrombin are noted. But serum tragsaminase and alkaline phosphatases increase somewhat. If the causative agent of the disease is alcohol, then the amount of ji-glutamyl transpeptidase increases.
  • Ultrasound diagnosis is a necessary study for such a disease. Can go as an independent analysis, and in combination with others. Determines the size of the liver, the occurrence of tumors. It is advised to conduct an ultrasound of the spleen, because with a disease of the second and third degree, it increases in size.
  • A biopsy is a puncture in which the material taken is examined under a microscope and the presence of fat is determined.
  • Tomography helps to establish the density of the tissue and determine all the changes that have occurred in the liver.

Hepatic steatosis of the first degree is the accumulation of fat in the cells, which does not lead to the destruction of their structure.

Second-degree steatosis is the occurrence of fatty tumors between tissue cells, which leads to serious consequences.

Moderate steatosis is the appearance of cysts, which are based on neutral fats that do not destroy the structure of the cell.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The main cause of steatosis is called a metabolic disorder and an imperfect hormonal background. As a result, diabetes mellitus appears and the amount of lipids in the blood increases. And this leads to heart problems.

Also, the causes of pathology can be:

  • Bad habits;
  • Overeating and excess weight;
  • Hepatitis viruses;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • An increase in the number of liver enzymes;
  • Genetics;
  • The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In some cases, the symptoms of steatosis do not show themselves. Then it can be detected only during specialized diagnostics. The most common symptoms of the disease are weakness of the body, nausea, a sharp increase in the size of the liver, pain under the right hypochondrium.
Very often, patients are exposed to various kinds of infections. This is due to low immunity.

Important! Often, steatosis prevents bile from flowing normally, and then cholestasis occurs. The body may give yellowness, itching appears, pain under the rib (right) and vomiting of bile occurs.

Types of steatosis

Liver steatosis can manifest itself in the following forms:

diffuse steatosis

It occurs when fat deposits do not occur in the second and third lobes of the liver, but are distributed diffusely (over the entire surface of the organ).

Fatty steatosis

It affects not only the increase in the size of the liver, but also its color. With this type of disease, it changes to yellowish or red-brown. The result is the death of liver cells. It is asymptomatic, it is possible to determine fatty stetosis only after undergoing an ultrasound examination.

Alcoholic steatosis

Caused by alcohol intoxication. The second name is fatty degeneration of the liver. There are many reasons for the manifestation of the disease in this form. The most important is the use of drinks containing alcohol. The progress of the disease is directly related to the dose of alcohol consumed: the larger it is, the sooner pathological processes occur.

The consequences are completely reversible and curable. But if the recommendations are not followed, alcoholic steatosis turns into a serious illness. It occurs in two forms: macro- and microvesicular. The first is a chronic manifestation of the disease, the second is an acute form.

Non-alcoholic steatosis

They are called differently: infiltration, fatty degeneration or non-alcoholic fatty disease. If timely treatment is not carried out, then this type of steatosis can develop into steatohepatitis, fibrosis or cirrhosis. Occurs due to excess weight, diabetes or anastomosis. Also, it can accompany people who are losing weight dramatically or their parenteral nutrition.

Non-alcoholic steatosis can also occur as a result of a large number of bacteria in the intestine or taking certain medications. It is difficult to determine the disease with the help of diagnostics. All indicators are normal, only slightly increased activity of serum transaminases. A reliable diagnosis can only be made after magnetic resonance imaging.

focal steatosis

With it, the disease can be determined only in the case of a slight increase in the activity of the enzymes of cholestasis and cytolysis. Diagnosis can be carried out only under the condition of instrumental studies. If the tumor is benign, then it will have smooth and clear contours, of different sizes.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience pain in the liver, it is advised to first consult a therapist. After carrying out the necessary diagnostics, he will refer you to a more narrow-profile specialist. If steatosis is in the initial stage, then the general practitioner is quite capable of prescribing treatment himself.

If the patient is quite sure that the pain in the right hypochondrium is a problem with the liver, then you can safely go to the gastroenterologist. It treats not only pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the liver.

If it is impossible to establish a reliable diagnosis, you should contact a specialist such as a hepatologist. He has a deeper knowledge of various treatment methods that help to reliably establish a diagnosis and choose a course of treatment. The downside is that not all clinics have such a doctor.

Medical treatment

The course of treatment of steatosis is selected for each patient individually, based on the causes and types of the disease. The cause can be determined by diagnosing the level of cholesterol, ceruloplasmin and the amount of enzymes. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Lipotropic, which affect metabolism. These include folic acid, lipoic acid, all B vitamins.
  • Hepatoprotectors that protect hepatocytes from damage. These are Hepa-Merz, Ursohol, Essentiale, Heptral,.
  • Statins and fibrates, which normalize lipid volume and prevent fat from accumulating on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Thiazolindiones, which regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. This group includes Prioglitazoline, Rosiglitazoline.

Helps with fatty steatosis such a tool as Metformin. The principle of its action is to prevent the production of glucose by cells. Based on this, sugar and fat metabolism is regulated.

It is very important to take funds based on milk thistle: Karsil, Legalon, Gepabene and Silymarin. They remove the symptoms and affect a faster cure.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are many herbs that cleanse and restore the liver. The main ones are calendula. They are used in the form of oils, decoctions and infusions. Also, effective plants are:

  • Corn silk;
  • Immortelle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • horsetail;
  • Dill seeds;
  • Mint;
  • Nettle.

For liver steatosis, it is advised to eat several apricot kernels per day, since they have a high level of vitamin B5.

To prepare a decoction of milk thistle, you need to take it and dandelion root in the same proportion (one spoon each). Steam half a liter of water in a thermos. Leave for twenty minutes. Take a glass twice a day.

This recipe will also help: cut off the top of the pumpkin and peel it from the seeds. Pour honey inside. To insist fourteen days. After - drain the honey and use it in a spoon three times a day.

Take a cocktail on an empty stomach. For him, mix milk and carrot juice (one hundred milliliters of each substance).

With steatosis, it is advised to use a rosehip decoction, a glass twenty minutes before meals.

Possible Complications

Since the liver is an organ that leaves an imprint on the work of other systems, the treatment of steatosis should begin as soon as possible.

First of all, the digestive system suffers, as bile stagnation begins and stones form. Unpleasant changes occur in the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure rises, shortness of breath and varicose veins occur. Vision and skin elasticity may decrease.

There is a violation of the hormonal balance, as well as a decrease in immunity.


To compile the recommended menu, it is advised to visit a specialist. But first of all, you need to reduce the calorie content of your diet. Nutrition should be balanced, namely the ratio of food 1:1:4 (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). You need to eat three to four times a day with a five-hour break.

Products to be excluded:

  • Roast;
  • Bold;
  • smoked;
  • soda;
  • legumes;
  • caffeinated drinks;
  • seasonings;
  • Ice cream;
  • Nuts;
  • Alcohol.

With steatosis, the patient should include in his diet dairy products, stewed and boiled fish, vegetables, fruits and flour (not confectionery).


Prevention of steatosis in the first place is a review of lifestyle. Food should be of high quality and useful. Special attention should be paid to physical activity - walking, playing sports and gymnastics. Alcohol can be consumed in a minimal amount, and it is better to refuse it altogether.

And finally

For those who are interested in whether steatosis can be cured, there is only one answer - it all depends on the patient and his desire. In order to avoid problems in the work of the liver, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, adjust the regimen, activity and nutrition.

Those who suffer from a more severe stage. It is advised to completely abandon alcohol and conduct diagnostics in a timely manner to determine at what stage the disease is. And do not forget to visit the doctor periodically.

Liver steatosis is a pathology that is characterized by a metabolic disorder in the cells of this organ, resulting in the accumulation of fats. Women often suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), while men, on the contrary, often have alcoholic steatosis. In the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), this disease has a code - K70-K77.

There are several causes of the disorder, which are divided depending on its type. Alcoholic liver damage is caused by regular drinking of alcohol. A large number of reasons can contribute to the emergence of a non-alcoholic form. The main symptoms of such a disorder are the occurrence of pain, heaviness and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, lack of appetite, severe weakness of the body and the appearance of a yellowish tint on the skin.

Diagnosis of the disease is based on a thorough physical examination of the patient, laboratory tests and instrumental examination methods, in particular ultrasound and biopsy. You can treat the disease with the help of drug therapy and the appointment of a diet for liver steatosis. Folk remedies will help to eliminate the disease, which can be used only with the appointment of a doctor.


There are many causes of hepatic steatosis or fatty liver. The alcoholic type of the disease occurs against the background of the regular use of alcoholic beverages, which is why it is often found in men. NAFLD occurs against the background of a large number of predisposing factors:

  • diabetes;
  • the presence of excessively high body weight;
  • metabolic disorders of fat and copper;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • administration of insulin injections;
  • poisoning or long-term use of certain drugs, such as hormonal, cytostatic, antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • carrying out operations on the digestive tract;
  • drug abuse;
  • high levels of adrenal hormones in the blood;
  • viral hepatitis.


There are several classifications of liver steatosis, the most common of which involves the division of the disease as the pathological process spreads:

  • focal- in which single fatty accumulations are found on the liver;
  • diffuse steatosis- characterized by damage to the entire organ.

Depending on the addiction to alcohol-containing drinks, the disease is divided into:

  • non-alcoholic steatosis or NAFLD;
  • alcoholic steatosis liver.

Classification of the disease according to the factors of formation:

  • primary- expressed against the background of improper metabolism, often congenital, as it occurs during fetal development;
  • secondary- is a consequence or complication of other diseases or predisposing factors.

Depending on the changes in cells that are detected by microscopic examination, such a disease is characterized by:

  • small droplet obesity- the initial degree of the disease, during which pathological processes begin to occur, but during the examination no damage to liver cells is observed;
  • large-drop obesity- there is a pronounced damage to the cells, and the process of their death is also observed.

In addition, there are several degrees of liver steatosis:

  • initial degree- there are several fatty inclusions, but the structure of the liver is not broken;
  • moderate degree- characterized by the accumulation of fats, but their amount cannot trigger irreversible destructive processes;
  • severe degree- characterized by the formation of many fatty cysts in the tissues of the liver, which entails severe changes in the cells of the affected organ.

There is also another type of steatosis - focal. Often indicates the presence of a benign neoplasm in the liver.

Regardless of the classification, the treatment of liver steatosis is aimed at eliminating the causes of the formation and preventing the progression of the destructive process. This can be achieved by taking medications, dieting and using traditional medicine.


NAFLD and alcoholic liver disease often occur without symptoms, but are detected randomly during ultrasound diagnostics of completely different pathologies. As the disease progresses, signs such as:

  • pain, heaviness and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Often, the pain spreads to the entire abdomen. The occurrence of pain syndrome has no connection with food intake;
  • decrease or complete lack of appetite;
  • bouts of nausea that end in vomiting. Often, not only particles of food are found in the vomit, but also mucus or bile;
  • the acquisition of the skin of the body, mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth of a yellowish tint;
  • a decrease in the immune system, against which the patient is prone to frequent colds;
  • skin itching.

Examination of the patient reveals an increase in the size of the liver, a little less often the spleen. In addition, there may be a change in the color of the liver. The organ becomes yellow or red. Such internal symptoms indicate the presence of fatty steatosis. Some of the above clinical manifestations can be eliminated with the help of folk remedies.


If the symptoms of NAFLD or alcoholic steatosis are ignored, as well as in cases of incorrect or incomplete therapy, there is a possibility of developing some complications. These include:

  • the formation of inflammation of the liver;
  • gradual spread of connective tissue;
  • cirrhosis is an ailment in which changes occur in the tissues of the affected organ, by replacing the normal epithelium with connective tissue.

In addition, independent attempts to eliminate the disease with folk remedies, without the recommendations of a specialist, can serve as the formation of complications.


Liver steatosis is diagnosed through laboratory tests and instrumental examinations of the patient. Without fail, the specialist needs to familiarize himself with the patient's medical history, as well as find out the presence and intensity of symptoms. After that, a thorough physical examination of the patient and palpation of the abdomen and right hypochondrium is carried out. In addition, the examination will help determine NAFLD or alcoholic liver damage, by a characteristic odor, swelling, and hand trembling.

Laboratory research consists in the general and biochemical study of blood. This is necessary to detect anemia, as well as to detect a high concentration of liver enzymes, which is especially characteristic of such a pathology.

Instrumental techniques:

  • Ultrasound and CT scan of the liver - which will help determine what type of damage to this organ belongs to;
  • biopsy - carried out for those patients in whom the factor of the onset of the disease has not been established. Also, this procedure helps to differentiate such a disorder from other liver diseases;
  • elastography - makes it possible to determine the elasticity of the liver, as well as to exclude fibrosis and cirrhosis.

After studying all the results of diagnostic measures, the doctor prescribes the most effective therapy and makes a special diet for liver steatosis.


The main task of treating the disease is to eliminate the causes of the formation of the disease, since very often this disorder is reversible. That is why drug treatment of liver steatosis is prescribed individually for each patient. But in absolutely all cases, drugs are prescribed to improve lipid metabolism, antibiotics and hepatoprotectors, as well as other substances aimed at eliminating symptoms. Patients are strongly advised to:

  • playing sports or swimming, especially in people with obesity or diabetes;
  • completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages, only after that you can start drug therapy;
  • limiting the intake of those drugs that caused NAFLD.

You can treat this disease with proper nutrition. The diet for liver steatosis involves the rejection of fatty, fried and spicy foods, as well as a decrease in the intake of animal fats. In addition, folk remedies can eliminate some of the symptoms of the disease.


Preventive measures against liver steatosis consist in the timely elimination of diseases that led to the formation of the underlying ailment. In addition, prevention includes:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • control of normal body weight;
  • correction of metabolic disorders;
  • complete rejection of drugs that caused a similar disease.

The prognosis of the disease depends entirely on the stage of NAFLD and alcoholic liver damage. At the first stage, it is possible to achieve complete recovery and restoration of the tissues of the affected organ. In the second stage, complex therapy gives good results. At the third stage of the course of steatosis, the formation of irreversible processes is observed. Therapy is based on preventing further liver breakdown.

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Liver steatosis combines several pathological processes that result in the appearance of fatty inclusions in the liver tissues.

This pathology is focal and diffuse. With focal steatosis, crowded fat deposits are observed, and with diffuse steatosis, fat is located over the entire surface of the organ.

Steatosis occurs regardless of age, but is most often diagnosed after 45 years, when various negative factors have been affecting the body for quite a long time. Non-alcoholic steatosis predominantly affects women, usually due to obesity. Men who abuse alcohol are more likely to develop alcoholic steatosis.

ICD-10 code

Liver diseases, including hepatic steatosis, are located in ICD 10 under K70-K77.

ICD-10 code

K70 Alcoholic liver disease

K76.0 Fatty liver, not elsewhere classified

Causes of liver steatosis

Liver steatosis occurs due to metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc. Also, steatosis can be associated with diseases of the digestive system, resulting in impaired absorption of nutrients, as well as malnutrition (frequent diets, regular overeating).

Alcohol and drugs have a strong toxic effect on the liver, which can also cause steatosis.

Fatty liver poisoning not due to alcohol abuse is called non-alcoholic steatosis, a similar pathology often affects overweight people.

Steatosis is most susceptible to women, overweight people over 45 years of age, with type 2 diabetes, as well as in the case of a hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of hepatic steatosis

Liver steatosis, in the initial stages, is almost asymptomatic, often the disease has a chronic form. Steatosis may not manifest itself for a long time, and a person learns about the disease after a medical examination.

Among the main symptoms of the disease, one can single out weakness, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium, an enlarged liver, decreased immunity (as a result, a person is prone to frequent viral infections).

With steatosis, the outflow of bile is disturbed, stagnation of bile may occur, while the skin becomes yellowish, itching, pain, nausea, and vomiting appear.

Steatosis of the liver and pancreas

Steatosis of the liver and pancreas is characterized by the replacement of healthy cells with fat. In the early stages of the disease, there are practically no symptoms, however, there are several points that will help recognize the onset of the disease.

With the onset of steatosis, a person may be disturbed by frequent diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, and food allergies (which have not been observed before).

Then, after eating, girdle pain on the left under the rib, radiating to the back, may begin to disturb.

When such symptoms appear, they usually already seek medical help.

During the examination, changes in the tissues of the pancreas, metabolic disorders, and fatty layers in the pancreas are detected.

Diffuse hepatic steatosis

The diagnosis of hepatic steatosis is made if fatty deposits occupy more than 10% of the total volume of the liver. The maximum accumulation of fats occurs in the second and third hepatic lobes, with a severe course of the disease, fatty inclusions are located diffusely.

With diffuse steatosis, the liver tissue is evenly affected by fatty patches.

At the first stages of the disease, fat does not harm the liver cells, with the progression of the disease, the functional tissues of the liver gradually begin to die off, then irreversible processes occur (changes in liver cells and lobules).

Fatty steatosis of the liver

Fatty steatosis of the liver leads to an increase in the organ, changes the color of the liver to yellowish or dark red. Due to damage to the liver by fat, the cells of the organ die, fatty cysts form in the organ, connective tissue begins to grow.

Often, fatty steatosis occurs without visible symptoms, in most cases the disease is detected during an ultrasound examination.

Progression of fatty steatosis is observed quite rarely. If steatosis occurs together with inflammation of the liver, then 10% of patients may develop cirrhosis, in 1/3 - the connective tissue in the organ grows and thickens.

Alcoholic liver steatosis

Alcoholic liver steatosis is caused by chronic alcohol intoxication and leads to initial changes in the structure of the liver.

The disease can occur for several reasons, the most common is alcohol abuse, while the more and more often a person drinks, the faster and more severe the pathological process in the liver.

Such manifestations of steatosis are usually reversible and decrease within a month after a person stops drinking.

But, despite this, alcoholic liver steatosis progresses and leads to serious damage to the organ. According to clinical studies, the threat of developing chronic liver diseases is associated with steatosis.

Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis

Non-alcoholic liver steatosis occurs due to an excess of fatty inclusions in the organ. This form of steatosis is also called fatty disease, fatty degeneration, infiltration.

If this pathology is not treated, then in 10% of patients the risk of developing fibrosis or cirrhosis further increases, and in 14% inflammatory processes in the liver begin.

Non-alcoholic liver steatosis is formed mainly in type 2 diabetes mellitus, rapid weight loss, obesity, intravenous administration of nutrients to the body, violation of the intestinal microflora, as a result of drug treatment (anticancer, corticosteroids, antiarrhythmic, etc.).

Focal hepatic steatosis

Focal hepatic steatosis indicates a benign lesion in the organ. Diagnosis of these pathologies is carried out using instrumental examination, most often focal steatosis is detected by ultrasound.

Formations can be detected both in one and in two lobes of the liver.

Diagnosis of liver steatosis

Liver steatosis is diagnosed on the basis of clinical data, laboratory tests.

Also, for the diagnosis of steatosis, radionuclide scanning, ultrasound, laparoscopic examination of internal organs are used.

The diagnosis of steatosis is made after an aspiration biopsy, which allows examination of liver tissue.

Steatosis of the liver 1 degree

Hepatic steatosis of the first degree is characterized by accumulations of fatty inclusions in the liver cells, while the structure of the cells is not disturbed.

Steatosis of the liver 2 degrees

Hepatic steatosis of the second degree is characterized by irreversible changes in the liver cells, multiple fatty cysts appear in the liver tissues.

Moderate hepatic steatosis

Moderate hepatic steatosis is characterized by the accumulation of neutral fats in liver cells in small amounts, which does not lead to irreversible processes and does not destroy the cell structure.

Treatment of hepatic steatosis

Liver steatosis is a rather serious disease, the treatment of which should be based on reducing the causes of the pathological process in the liver. During treatment, the patient should not be physically or mentally overtired. In remission, slight physical activity will help reduce dystrophic changes in the liver.

Nutrition during treatment is an important point, since it is the diet that helps to reduce the load on the liver, restore the functioning of the organ, and improve the patient's overall well-being. In addition, medications are used (lipoic acid, lipotropes, hepatoprotectors). At the discretion of the specialist, folic acid or anabolic steroids may be prescribed.

Treatment of liver steatosis with drugs

Liver steatosis is a pathology that develops for various reasons, in connection with this, drug treatment is prescribed in each individual case, taking into account the patient's condition, the degree of organ damage, and examination data.

Drugs are prescribed to improve fat metabolism (vitamin B4, B12, lipoic or folic acids).

As part of complex therapy, hepatoprotectors are prescribed (Karsil, Essentiale, Heptral, etc.).

With alcoholic liver steatosis, the treatment is based on the absolute refusal of alcohol, after which you can take medications.

At the first stage of the disease, the treatment shows good results; usually, during the treatment, the function of the liver is completely restored, and fatty inclusions disappear.

At the second stage of the disease, when all the prescriptions prescribed by the doctor are fulfilled, the therapy also shows good results.

Steatosis of the liver of the third stage is characterized by the most severe damage to the organ, in this case, irreversible processes are already beginning. Treatment in this case is based on preventing further decay of liver cells.

Treatment of liver steatosis folk remedies

Liver steatosis can be treated with traditional medicine (primary or auxiliary treatment).

The use of bran steamed with boiling water will help the liver get rid of fatty inclusions (during the day it is tedious to eat 2 tablespoons of bran).

You can improve blood flow in the liver with a decoction of corn stigmas, calendula, dandelion roots.

Treatment of liver steatosis with herbs

Liver steatosis in the initial stages is successfully treated at home with the help of herbs.

To prepare the herbal collection, you will need to take 2 tbsp. calendula, 2 tbsp. goldenrod, 1 tbsp. celandine herbs, 2 tbsp. elecampane, 4 tbsp. leuzea root

or 4 tbsp. elecampane, 4 tbsp. gentian, 3 tbsp. calamus, 4 tbsp. mint, 2 tbsp. birch buds, 2 tbsp. motherwort, 2 tbsp. dandelion roots, 2 tbsp. wheatgrass root.

2 tbsp herbal collection (mix all the ingredients and grind in a meat grinder or coffee grinder), pour a liter of boiling water, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Then simmer the broth for 10 minutes on low heat under a closed lid. Pour the resulting broth into a thermos and leave for at least 12 hours.

Take a decoction of half a cup half an hour before meals, you can add honey, sugar, jam to improve the taste.

Drink the decoction should be at least three to four months, then take a break for two weeks and repeat the treatment.

Liver steatosis can be treated with herbs for more than one year, and simultaneous medication is also allowed.

Improvement in the background of herbal treatment usually occurs after a month of regular use, but stable results can be achieved only after a long and systematic course of treatment (a year or more).

Nutrition for liver steatosis

Liver steatosis arises from metabolic disorders, so nutrition is of particular importance during treatment. With steatosis, it is recommended to eat more foods rich in vitamins and with a limited content of fats.

It is best to give preference to cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), lactic acid products (cottage cheese). If you are obese, you should limit your intake of carbohydrates.

Diet for liver steatosis

Liver steatosis is associated with the accumulation of fat in the body, so a low-fat diet is an important part of treatment.

During treatment, it is better to consume fermented milk and vegetable products, as well as products containing easily digestible protein.

The diet may include fresh vegetables, cottage cheese, berries, fruits, whole grain cereals, bran, a small amount of vegetable oil.

With steatosis, it is necessary to abandon fresh pastries, fried pies, donuts, etc., fatty meats and fish, broths, okroshka, borscht, salty, sour, smoked foods (especially exclude fast foods and carbonated drinks).

Also, you can not eat fried or hard-boiled eggs, strong tea, coffee, garlic, onions, radishes, legumes, mayonnaise.

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With alcoholic steatosis, after a few weeks of treatment, a positive effect is observed (provided that the patient absolutely refuses alcohol).

A lethal outcome in this pathology can occur with liver failure, as well as as a result of the onset of bleeding from the esophageal veins.

Liver steatosis is primarily provoked by a toxic effect on the liver due to metabolic disorders, poisoning, alcohol abuse, etc. With steatosis, excess fatty inclusions appear in the liver cells, which over time (often after several years) lead to cell rupture and the formation of fatty tissue. cysts.

Wrong lifestyle, alcohol abuse, unbalanced diet, obesity, improper treatment (or complete lack of treatment) of diseases of the digestive system or those that disrupt metabolic processes in the body - all this causes severe pathological, sometimes irreversible, processes in the liver.

Steatosis, or fatty degeneration of the liver, is a pathological condition in which fat accumulates in hepatocytes in the form of droplets. So much fat can form that the hepatocyte ruptures, and fat accumulates in the intercellular space in the form of fatty cysts that disrupt the structure of the liver.

This is a common disease that can occur even in childhood, but people over 45 are most susceptible to it, women are more likely than men to suffer from non-alcoholic steatosis, men - steatosis that has developed as a result of alcoholism. Liver steatosis may be an independent pathology, or a symptom of some other primary diseases (for example, type 2 diabetes mellitus).

Causes of steatosis

There are two main causes of hepatic steatosis. This is excessive alcohol consumption, and a violation of fat-carbohydrate metabolism. Currently, non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis is predominant. The development of non-alcoholic steatosis is associated with excessive intake of fat in the body, very often obese people suffer from it.

There is evidence of the influence of genetic factors on the development of hepatic steatosis - its risk increases if the family has cases of steatosis, diabetes, and obesity to a large extent.

Steatosis can develop under the influence of certain long-term medications (medicated hepatic steatosis), such as tetracycline antibiotics, corticosteroids, and cytotoxic drugs.

Steatosis is a disease that develops for a long time, it is characterized by a slow, chronic form of the course. Symptoms of steatosis may be absent altogether, in which case it is discovered by chance, during a medical examination for another reason. The most common symptoms of steatosis include weakness, nausea, liver enlargement, a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the right hypochondrium. There may be spontaneous pain in the right hypochondrium. Another symptom of steatosis is susceptibility to colds and other infections due to reduced immunity. Steatosis can lead to violations of the outflow of bile, in this case, symptoms of cholestasis (stagnation of bile) join the symptoms of steatosis: yellowness of the skin, itching, intense pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting with an admixture of bile.

Development, stages and complications of steatosis

Hepatic steatosis develops when excess fat enters the liver cells. Initially, single hepatocytes are involved in the process (disseminated fatty hepatosis), then groups of hepatic cells (zonal obesity), then steatosis covers the entire liver tissue (diffuse obesity). Fat accumulates in the hepatocyte, then the fat drop increases so much that it ruptures the hepatocyte, resulting in the formation of a fatty cyst. The fatty cyst affects the surrounding tissue of the liver, causing a mesenchymal-cellular reaction, which leads to thickening of the tissue around the cyst and its degeneration into fibrous tissue. This is the start of cirrhosis of the liver, a condition that can be fatal.

There are the following stages of steatosis:

  • simple obesity. Fat accumulates inside the hepatocyte, hepatocytes are intact;
  • Obesity, combined with necrobiosis of hepatocytes. Fatty cysts are formed in the liver tissue, there is a mesenchymal-cellular reaction;
  • precirrhotic stage. Around fatty cysts, areas of growth of connective tissue are formed, disrupting the structure of the liver.

Diagnosis of steatosis

Diagnosing steatosis can be challenging, as laboratory tests often do not show changes that are characteristic of inflammatory processes in the liver. A preliminary diagnosis can be made on the basis of the symptoms of steatosis, taking into account the history data (obesity, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism).

To confirm the diagnosis, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed; the final diagnosis can only be confirmed after taking a targeted biopsy under the control of computed tomography. Detection of fat droplets, as well as areas of fibrous tissue, serves as a diagnostic sign of liver steatosis.

Treatment of steatosis

Treatment of steatosis consists in eliminating the cause that caused fatty degeneration of the liver and normalizing metabolism.

With exacerbation of steatosis, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Bed rest, drug therapy and diet therapy are prescribed. After the acute phenomena subside, the patient is discharged home, and the treatment of steatosis is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Since the disease is associated with excess fat intake, diet plays an important role in the treatment of steatosis. The fat content is sharply limited, preference is given to dairy and vegetable foods, special attention is paid to a sufficient amount of easily digestible protein. It is recommended to take food fractionally, in small portions. The patient must observe a sparing regimen, with limited physical and emotional-mental stress. Outside of the exacerbation phase, non-burdensome physical education is recommended, which contributes to the normalization of metabolism.

Drug treatment of steatosis consists in prescribing a long course of lipotropic (fat-breaking) drugs: vitamin B 12, lipoic acid, methionine, essentiale, anabolic steroid drugs, etc.

Physiotherapeutic effects are also used: ozone therapy, stay in a pressure chamber, ultrasound.

In general, the treatment of steatosis is usually successful, and the process reverses quite quickly after the start of effective therapy. An exception is stage 3 liver steatosis, in which connective tissue has formed in the liver parenchyma. This stage of steatosis is irreversible, however, vigorous therapeutic measures and the elimination of the damaging factor, as well as strict adherence to medical prescriptions, can stop further degeneration of the liver and the development of cirrhosis.

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