Foods record holders for vitamin C content. Champion Products

  • 26.11.2020

For visual acuity, you need to eat yolks, and to raise your mood, introduce brewer's yeast into your diet.

Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are healthy foods, and hamburgers and fries are bad. But which of the products are the best? Express Gazeta offers its readers a list of leaders in terms of the content of this or that useful substance.

Apricot. Contains the highest amount of beta-carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A and a natural antioxidant. Vitamin A, formed in the body from beta-carotene, controls vision, epithelial tissue renewal, and immune responses.

As an antioxidant, beta-carotene blocks the formation of malignant tumors, stimulates the immune system, and suppresses the processes of premature aging. When dried, apricot does not lose its beneficial properties.

Banana. Champion in the content of potassium - a trace element that is necessary to strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure. The most valuable source of easily digestible carbohydrates among plant foods, therefore it charges the body with energy for a long time, and also helps to lower cholesterol levels.

Grape. Leading in the content of polyphenols - plant pigments, which are powerful antioxidants. They enter the human body only with food.

They stimulate the immune system, slow down the aging process, prevent cardiovascular and oncological diseases. The beneficial properties of grapes are preserved in dry red wine.

Garnet. The absolute champion in ellagic acid content. It lowers blood pressure, has hemostatic and healing properties. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Brewer's yeast. They are valuable because they contain all the B vitamins. They support the functioning of the central nervous system, mental health, brain activity, and contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin.

Blackberry. It is ahead of other products in terms of the content of nicotinic acid. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system, carbohydrate metabolism, and redox processes. Has vasodilator properties.

Fish oil. Contains unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. These are useful and easily digestible fats that normalize the condition of the skin and joints, help with depression and mental disorders, and influence the formation of the fetal brain in the womb.

Moreover, drinking pure fish oil is not at all necessary. It is quite regular to eat fish that is found in cold seas - mackerel, herring, cod, haddock.

Green tea. A powerful source of vitamin P, which contributes to the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Black caviar. The most valuable source of vitamin D and iron at the same time. It is the combination of these two elements in one product that is important, since taking vitamin D alone can lead to iron deficiency.

Liver, raspberry, cocoa and vitamin D-rich fish oil, cod liver, and natural dairy products are next to the expensive product in terms of iron content.

Crabs. The protein found in crab meat is rich in taurine. It is an amino acid that is essential for maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels and muscles, including the eye muscles. In addition, it helps to keep the body in good shape: it's not for nothing that taurine is included in energy drinks.

Salmon. Salmon fish is a champion in magnesium content. Magnesium deficiency leads to stress, heart rhythm disturbances, muscle cramps, constant fatigue, irritability.

Seaweed. The record holder for iodine content, which means it prevents thyroid diseases, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer.

Narzan. It is the leader among other mineral waters in terms of calcium content, and these are healthy teeth, nails, strong bones. It stimulates the heart, blood clotting and wound healing.

Oats. A valuable natural source of zinc and chromium. Zinc strengthens the immune system and resistance to infections, accelerates wound healing, participates in the synthesis of almost all hormones in the human body. Chromium regulates carbohydrate metabolism and blood glucose levels.

Tomato. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant. It is he who gives the fruits a red color, and in tomatoes it is most of all. In addition to preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, lycopene prevents osteoporosis, allergic diseases, lowers blood pressure and improves fertility in men and women. When tomatoes are heat-treated, the amount of lycopene in them only increases.

Radish. The value of the root crop is in the significant content of silicon. This element is not very common in foods, but the body needs to form collagen - the main component of connective tissue, which is responsible for skin elasticity, bone strength, elasticity of ligaments, tendons and normal functioning of joints.

Celery. The nutritional champion of plant-based foods. Celery root contains a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates with almost no fat. That is why the celery soup diet is so popular - it helps to lose weight without fasting.

Curd is calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation of bone tissue, the health of teeth, nails, heart, brain and blood vessels, as well as an easily digestible protein that can replace animal proteins.

Dill. The main value of this greenery is in the combination of essential oils and trace elements, which gives a choleretic and diuretic effect. Therefore, dill best relieves symptoms of cystitis, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases, spasmodic pain.

Pistachios. Contains more than other phytosterols. These are natural biologically active substances that lower cholesterol levels by blocking its absorption, and also have antibacterial and anti-sclerotic properties.

Horseradish. Thanks to the unique combination of essential oils, horseradish root has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to whet the appetite.

Chicory. It contains large quantities of inulin - a natural polysaccharide that helps to normalize metabolism, supports the development of bifidobacteria in the microflora of the stomach, removes toxins, toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

Blueberry. Leading in manganese content. This trace element is involved in the formation of bone and connective tissue, metabolism. Without it, the normal functioning of the reproductive, nervous and circulatory systems, and the musculoskeletal system is impossible. Also, blueberries are the champion of the plant world in terms of the content of anthocyanidins. They are the most powerful of all natural antioxidants.

Chocolate. According to recent studies, tea, which was previously considered the most powerful source of these antioxidants, has overtaken the content of catechins. They accelerate metabolism, promote fat burning, reduce the risk of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and have antibacterial properties.

Sorrel. The combination of organic acids contained in the leaves has a beneficial effect on digestion, liver and intestinal function, has an astringent, analgesic and hemostatic effect.

Tarragon. The essential oil, which gives the plant a specific taste and aroma, also determines its useful properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, soothing, tonic.

South American (Brazilian) walnut. Champion in the content of selenium, which supports the immune system, reduces the risk of heart and oncological diseases, helps prevent allergies, skin diseases, infertility, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, removes harmful substances from the body. Selenium provides sperm motility and vitality, prevents prostate diseases.

Eggs. Egg yolks are a valuable source of lutein. It is the only antioxidant found in the tissues of the eye. It prevents the destruction of the retina and slows down the aging of cells in the eye.

Spending money on expensive face products and still not happy with the result? Then take a look at your plate. No cream or lotion will help if you are heavy on fatty and starchy foods. Eat junk food instead of junk food - champions in the content of beneficial substances for the skin, and the result will be evident!

Seasonal berries

Marina STUDENIKINA, nutritionist, deputy chief physician of the Weight Factor clinic for healthy eating comments:

- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is one of the most powerful antioxidants. It neutralizes the action of free radicals - harmful particles that form in our body and provoke premature aging. It also promotes the production of two important proteins for the skin - collagen and elastin. The first is responsible for its elasticity, and the second for elasticity. With food, you need to get up to 90 mg of vitamin C per day.

Potassium is responsible for water-salt metabolism. With its lack, bags appear under the eyes, and the skin begins to peel off. You can get a daily dose (2 g) from different products, but the most non-nutritive source of potassium is berries.

Vitamin P (polyphenol) ensures capillary permeability and strengthens blood vessels. The daily dose of the element is 100–150 mg.

"Live" dairy products


- It is known that calcium is the building block of our bone tissue. In addition, it is also responsible for the formation of collagen. For better absorption, a daily dose of 1250 mg is best used in conjunction with vitamin D 3 (the norm is up to 5 mcg per day).

Vitamins B 2 and B 12 affect the growth, reproduction and renewal of skin cells. Normally, our microflora produces a certain amount of these vitamins, but if the intestines are disrupted, a deficiency may occur. Therefore, with problems with digestion, rashes often appear on the face. You need to consume about 2 mg of vitamin B 2 and about 3 mcg of B 12 per day.

Unrefined oils


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. With its lack, the skin becomes dry, small wrinkles appear. That is why women who do not consume enough plant fat rich in this element look much older than their age. Most of all vitamin E is found in sea buckthorn or soybean oil: 1 tbsp. l. of these oils covers the daily requirement (15 mg)!

Squalene interacts with water and "takes" oxygen molecules from it. They penetrate our tissues, allowing cells to breathe. The daily amount of squalene can be obtained from 1-4 tsp. amaranth oil.



- It has been proven that with sufficient zinc intake, the symptoms of many skin conditions disappear or diminish. In higher doses (more than 12 mg / day), it is used to treat skin rashes. However, its effect is not immediately apparent: to get rid of acne, you need to eat seafood at least 2-3 times a week.

Another "fish" component - omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - acts like "rejuvenating" apples from a fairy tale, stopping the production of proteins - collagen destroyers.

Also, fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, doctors advise to use o-3 for people with psoriasis and chronic eczema. The optimal dose of omega 3 is about 1000 mg per day.

Orange and red vegetables


- In the body, β-carotene plays the role of a kind of ultraviolet "shield" - it protects the skin from solar radiation. For the "shield" to work, you need to allow the vitamin to accumulate in sufficient quantities. To do this, a couple of weeks before vacation, lean on carrots and red peppers. To get the daily allowance (about 5 mg), it is enough to eat a small portion (no more than 100 g) of grated carrot salad with bell peppers. Do not forget to add oil - the shield will not help without "lubrication"!

Lycopene, a relative of β-carotene, works in exactly the same way. If you use these elements together, then even the hot sun of the tropics will not penetrate your armor from ultraviolet radiation!


What does it contain? Vitamin B 6 (in 100 g - about 0.7 mg), biotin (in 100 g - 200-300 μg), phospholipids (in 100 g - about 2.5 g).


- The liver is the absolute champion in the content of vitamin B 6, biotin and lecithin. Vitamin B 6 is responsible for a healthy complexion, biotin supplies the body with sulfur, which is part of collagen, and lecithin is involved in fat metabolism. With its lack, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K is impaired, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. The daily allowance is 2 mg of vitamin B 6, 50 mcg of biotin and 7 g of phospholipids.



Store-bought masks and serums can be put aside for now: we will need them in the fall and winter, when the season of natural cosmetics is over.

Sea buckthorn mask "Shining"

You will need: egg yolk, sea buckthorn berries.

Squeeze a tablespoon of juice from the sea buckthorn berries and mix with the egg yolk. Apply the mask for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Leftover juice can be used as a facial toner.

Raspberry mask "Tonus"

You will need: 100 g raspberries, 1 tbsp. l. milk.

Mash the raspberries and add milk to them. Apply the resulting mixture for 15–20 minutes. Rinse off with warm boiled water.

Cucumber mask "Freshness"

You will need: medium cucumber, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Grate a cucumber and stir with sour cream. Hold the mask on your face for 20 minutes, and then rinse off with cool water.

Comments (1)

24.02.11 20:29:50

Thank you =) Chew, please, like children, in more detail how much and what products should be consumed per day, per week !!! Thank you =)

05.05.11 04:51:54

Quote: KseniaMarina

Chew, please, like children, in more detail how much and what products should be consumed per day, per week !!!
Thank you =)

There simply cannot be such norms. Read everything and lean on your head. Here is the article's recommendation for amaranth oil. 4 tsp a day is more than a tablespoon, 180 kcal, i.e. almost all of the daily intake of vegetable oils. And everything else, what vegetable oils are rich in, for dogs? Give up for the sake of something incomprehensible from sunflower, olive, or is there still a fashion for linseed?
If you follow all the recommendations for the type of so-and-so-and-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-and-so-so-so-so-so-and-so-so-so-so in total per day will have to gain 7000-8000 kcal, and all "absolutely correct foods", not a gram of empty calories. Then eat like this, and at the same time go to work as a hammer in the forge or mow the grass with your hand scythe all day in order to spend these calories. Or hang out on an ellipsoid all day long. And after all, you want a candy, and a kusmanchik cake, and just lie down?
The desire to follow all the read-out recommendations about healthy lifestyle is also a disease that also needs to be treated, and the treatment is not always successful. Chew, please, like children, in more detail how much and what products should be consumed per day, per week !!! Thank you =) There simply cannot be such norms. Read everything and lean on your head. Here is the article's recommendation for amaranth oil. 4 tsp a day is more than a tablespoon, 180 kcal, i.e. almost all of the daily intake of vegetable oils. And everything else, what vegetable oils are rich in, for dogs? Give up for the sake of something incomprehensible from sunflower, olive, or is there still a fashion for linseed? If you follow all the recommendations for the type of so-and-so-and-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-and-so-so-so-so-so-and-so-so-so-so in total per day will have to gain 7000-8000 kcal, and all "absolutely correct foods", not a gram of empty calories. Then eat like this, and at the same time go to work as a hammer in the forge or mow the grass with your hand scythe all day in order to spend these calories. Or hang out on an ellipsoid all day long. And after all, you want a candy, and a kusmanchik cake, and just lie down? The desire to follow all the read-out recommendations about healthy lifestyle is also a disease that also needs to be treated, and the treatment is not always successful.

No wonder they say: you are what you eat. Successful training and achievements in sports directly depend on the athlete's diet. At the same time, there is no universal diet: some of the champions become a strict vegetarian, some choose a sandwich, and some prefer their own national cuisine.

In this issue, we will tell you about the taste preferences of ten famous champions, who, thanks to their diet, not only maintain their strength, but also achieve new sports heights.

Viktor Ahn (real name - Ahn Hyun Soo) is a Russian short tracker of Korean origin, a 6-time Olympic champion. He is an owl by nature, so he prefers to have breakfast later. Typically, for the main meal, Victor chooses uncomplicated foods like cereal with milk, toast with cheese and meat, and tea. A thoroughbred Korean, born in Seoul, An does not deny himself dishes of his native cuisine, and among the traditional Russian dishes he especially respects borscht and pancakes.

Serious physical activity for triathlete Miranda Carfre is a common thing: in a day she swims 4 kilometers, runs 11 kilometers and rides almost 90 kilometers on a bicycle. It is not surprising that the athlete loves tasty and healthy food, but she prefers those dishes that do not take more than 20 minutes to cook. According to Miranda, the ideal food for a triathlete is a quinoa salad with steak: this dish is not only tasty, but also rich in protein and does not contain gluten.

In 2008, 20-year-old Spaniard Kilian Jorne won one of the world's toughest long-distance marathons, the 167-kilometer Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc. This was followed by a whole series of victories. It takes Kilian an average of 6 hours a day to train. To refresh and rejuvenate, he prefers a cold gazpacho made from tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

16 years ago, in 2002, world famous mountaineer Steph Davis made the decision to become a strict vegetarian. It took her more than a year to find an optimal diet for herself, which would not reduce her athletic performance. Since then, the American rock climber has achieved considerable success in base jumping and wingsuit. Today, Steph's daily schedule includes yoga, running and 3 hours of rock climbing. After a day of exhausting workouts, her choice is sauteed tofu with ginger.

Olympic skier Andy Newell loves to bake pancakes according to his grandfather's old recipe. Carbohydrate-rich baked goods give him the energy he needs for two to three hours of intense workouts. To get more protein in the dish, the athlete drives a few eggs into the dough and adds Greek yogurt.

Once the climber Ueli Stack, thanks to his incredible speed, was nicknamed the Swiss Machine. In order for the athlete to successfully carry out daily 4-hour training, his diet was designed so as to be high in calories at the same time, but at the same time not to make the climber slower. Before training, Stack usually ate sandwiches with butter and honey, fruit and drank a couple of cups of coffee, and after training he preferred risotto with mushrooms. Unfortunately, in the spring of 2017, the famous Swiss climber died while trying to conquer Everest.

Snowboarders usually don't bother with food choices and can eat at least cheeseburgers. But Olympian Louis Vito decided that in order to be the best of the best, he needed proper nutrition. His lunch now most often consists of salmon, pasta, and broccoli.

Scientists have proven that swimmers burn a lot more calories than many other athletes. This is especially true for long-distance swimming. 45-year-old Lewis Poo from South Africa is known for swimming 140 kilometers around the Maldives and taking part in the 1 km race at the foot of Everest. This extreme swimmer considers a nutritious breakfast the most important in his diet. After a warm-up swim in the Atlantic Ocean for an hour and a half, he prefers omelet with cheese and salmon, yogurt and strawberries.

American swimmer Dana Vollmer, 4-time Olympic champion and multiple world champion, has a gluten intolerance. But the athlete needs to consume as many calories as possible. Their main source is carbohydrates found in cereals, most of which contain gluten. However, the American found the best dish for herself - a special gluten-free pizza.

Axel Svindal is a Norwegian skier, so it would be logical to assume that he eats a lot of salmon. But things are not so predictable - the Olympic champion and two-time world champion prefers the classic big sandwich with lots of vegetables and turkey. He drinks all this with a glass of one percent milk.

Food is not only able to saturate our body! Yes, it is a kind of fuel, but besides that, it is able to fight stress, improve our well-being, heal, take care of the inner and outer beauty of your body.

We have compiled the alphabet of the most useful products!

Apricot- contains the largest amount of beta-carotene, which controls vision, blocks the formation of malignant tumors, stimulates the immune system, and suppresses the processes of premature aging.

Avocado- regulates acid-base balance. Easy to digest, good for blood, prevents anemia.

Banana- champion in the content of potassium - a trace element that is necessary to strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure.

Brazilian nut- champion in the content of selenium, which supports the immune system, reduces the risk of heart and oncological diseases, helps prevent allergies, skin diseases, infertility, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, removes harmful substances from the body.

Grape- is the leader in the content of polyphenols - plant pigments, which are powerful antioxidants.

Garnet- the absolute champion in the content of ellagic acid, which lowers blood pressure, has hemostatic and healing properties.

Grapefruit- contains salicylic acid, which is useful for treating arthritis. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Purifies the blood. Useful for allergies, throat and oral cavity diseases.

Brewer's yeast- contain all the B vitamins, which support the functioning of the central nervous system, mental health, brain activity, contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin.

Blackberry- is ahead of other products in terms of the content of nicotinic acid, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system, carbohydrate metabolism, and redox processes. Has vasodilator properties.

Fish oil- contains unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which normalize the condition of the skin and joints, help with depression and mental disorders, affect the formation of the fetal brain in the womb.

Green tea- a powerful source of vitamin P, which contributes to the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Black caviar- the most valuable source of vitamin D and iron at the same time.

Ginger- anti-antispasmodic, prevention of nausea, improves blood circulation. Eases menstrual cramps. Promotes recovery from illness.

Cranberry- this berry is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, promotes the healing of the urinary system.

Brown rice- soothes the nerves, relieves depression. The bran shell of grain contains B vitamins, minerals, fiber and folic acid, as well as small amounts of phosphorus, zinc, copper and iodine. It gives the rice a light nutty flavor.

Crabs- the protein contained in crab meat is rich in taurine, an amino acid that is necessary to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and muscles, including the eye muscles.

Chicken meat- contributes to the liquefaction of mucus in case of colds. A mild antibiotic.

Salmon fish- champion in magnesium content, the deficiency of which leads to stress, heart rhythm disturbances, muscle cramps, constant fatigue, irritability.

Onion- not just a useful product, but also a panacea for all diseases. Onions have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, and cardiovascular system. It improves immunity and treats colds.

Seaweed- the record holder for iodine content, which means it prevents thyroid diseases, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and cancer.

Honey- is a natural substitute for sugar. It perfectly relieves inflammation with a congested throat, and is also useful for the work of the cardiovascular system. It is useful to smear with honey in a bath or sauna, the beneficial substances of honey will rejuvenate your skin.

Narzan- is the leader among other mineral waters in terms of calcium content, and these are healthy teeth, nails, strong bones.

Oats- a valuable natural source of zinc and chromium.

Olives- it doesn't matter if you prefer to eat them green (olives) or black (olives). These fruits contain a huge amount of vitamin E and are a source of iron and copper.

Tomato- contains lycopene - a powerful antioxidant, which, in addition to preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, prevents osteoporosis, allergic diseases, lowers blood pressure and improves fertility in men and women.

Radish- contains a significant amount of silicon, which the body needs for the formation of collagen - the main component of connective tissue, which is responsible for skin elasticity, bone strength, elasticity of ligaments, tendons and normal functioning of joints.

Celery- the champion in nutritional value among plant foods, which is why the celery soup diet is so popular - it helps to lose weight without fasting.

Cottage cheese- This is calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the formation of bone tissue, the health of teeth, nails, heart, brain and blood vessels, as well as an easily digestible protein that can replace animal proteins.

Pumpkin- highly alkaline product, eliminates acidosis of the bone marrow, liver and blood. Seeds have an anthelmintic effect.

Dill- a combination of essential oils and trace elements, which gives a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Pistachios- contain more other phytosterols, which lower cholesterol levels by blocking its absorption, and also have antibacterial and anti-sclerotic properties.

Horseradish- due to the unique combination of essential oils, horseradish root has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties.

Chicory- Contains large amounts of inulin - a natural polysaccharide that helps to normalize metabolism, supports the development of bifidobacteria in the microflora of the stomach, removes toxins, toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

Blueberry- is the leader in the content of manganese, without which the normal functioning of the reproductive, nervous and circulatory systems, and the musculoskeletal system is impossible. Also, blueberries are the champion of the plant world in terms of the content of anthocyanidins. They are the most powerful of all natural antioxidants.

Garlic- is rich in nutrients and is just as strong in the fight against colds. In addition, garlic normalizes the flora of your stomach by killing harmful microorganisms. This product is also useful in that it reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood.

Chocolate- overtook tea in catechin content, which until then was considered the most powerful source of these antioxidants. They accelerate metabolism, promote fat burning, reduce the risk of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and have antibacterial properties.

Sorrel- the combination of organic acids contained in the leaves has a beneficial effect on digestion, liver and intestinal function, has an astringent, analgesic and hemostatic effect.

Tarragon- contains essential oil, which gives the plant a specific taste and aroma, also determines its useful properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, soothing, tonic.

Apples- the acids contained in apples help fight putrefactive bacteria, therefore apples are very good for the stomach. They are also useful for the cardiovascular system. Apples contain a substance (quercetin) that slows down the growth of cancer cells. Nutritionists also recommend eating one or two apples for your afternoon snack.

Eggs- Egg yolks are a valuable source of lutein, which prevents the destruction of the retina and slows down the aging of eye cells.

Based on materials from

Nutrition for the brain. An effective step-by-step technique to boost brain efficiency and boost memory Neil Barnard

Products - champions in the fight against high cholesterol

You already know that a plant-based diet can quickly and significantly reduce your blood cholesterol levels - after all, you, among other things, simply avoid eating animal fats and cholesterol in food. However, some foods don't stop there, and are particularly good at lowering cholesterol levels.

Oats. If you've seen a TV ad that praised oats' ability to fight high cholesterol levels, then you should know that this is one of the rare occasions when the truth is told on television. It's all about the soluble fiber it contains. Oatmeal and oat-based cereals can help you quickly shed a few points from your cholesterol levels.

If you are going to cook oatmeal, try to avoid any instant porridge - go for the good old oatmeal. In any case, it will not take you long to cook. Unprocessed oats are also a good choice. Boil the oatmeal in water, not milk. If you like a more tender oatmeal, then soak it for one to two minutes in cold water, and then set it to simmer. If you prefer a less runny porridge, then first bring the water to a boil and only then add the oatmeal. Garnish your oatmeal with slices of banana, strawberry, or whatever your heart desires.

If you prefer breakfast cereals, mix them with almond, soy, rice, or any other non-animal milk.

Beans. Beans are not only rich in protein, calcium and safe non-heme iron, but they also boast a high content of soluble fiber, which helps us fight excess cholesterol in the blood. You won't need much for this. 120 grams will be sufficient. People who regularly eat beans have an average of 7% lower cholesterol levels than their friends who neglect this beneficial plant.

So feel free to savor the flavors of bean stew, hummus (made from chickpeas), pea or lentil soup, or any other legume-based dish you like. If the beans start to build gas, try reducing the portion sizes slightly and cooking the beans until they are tender. This problem usually goes away over time.

Barley. Often used in soups and breakfast cereals, barley helps fight high cholesterol for the same reason - it contains a lot of soluble fiber. Boil barley soups or add it to a side dish of rice. Besides the great taste, as a bonus, you will protect your body from excess cholesterol.

Soy... Soy milk, soybeans, tofu and tempei have long been prized in Asia, and now they have found their fans around the world. Not only can they be used to replace cholesterol-containing meat dishes, but also this plant itself helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Walnuts and almonds. Have People who like almonds and walnuts tend to have lower cholesterol levels than those who rarely eat them. As I said above, my advice is to limit your consumption of nuts to 30 grams per day and use them as a side ingredient in a salad, rather than eating them dry.

Anti-cholesterol margarines. Some types of margarine block the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines. Benekol Light, for example, is made with plant stanol extracted from conifers and is renowned for its anti-cholesterol properties. However, like nuts, this product is too fatty, so only use it in reasonable amounts.

Dr. David Jenkins of the University of Toronto decided to put these products to the test. He asked some of his patients to skip animal foods and include oats, beans, barley, soy foods, almonds, walnuts, and specialty margarines in their diets. The level of bad cholesterol in the blood of these patients fell by 30% in four weeks - the same results, in fact, are given by drugs to fight cholesterol.

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