Reception of Jungar aconite is accompanied by sneezing. How to take Aconite Dzungarian? Universal possibilities of aconite

  • 26.09.2020

In the article we discuss Dzhungarian aconite. You will learn how to use it for medicinal purposes, how to collect and harvest the plant, as well as what precautions must be taken when using aconite, and what are the contraindications to it.

Dzhungarian aconite or Dzhungarian wrestler is a perennial herbaceous shrub of the Ranunculaceae family. Due to the high content of alkaloids, it belongs to poisonous plants. Residents of Kyrgyzstan, where wild-growing aconite is widespread, call it "Issyk-Kul root". Among the people, aconite is also called the king-grass, wolf root, wrestler-root, dragee, etc. The Latin name for Dzungarian aconite is Aconite soongaricum.

What does it look like

Appearance of Dzungarian aconite (wolf aconite). Aconite is a herbaceous flowering shrub reaching a height of 1.5 meters. Rhizome - fused dark-colored cone-shaped tubers, up to 2.5 cm long and up to 1 cm wide. The stem is straight, bare or strongly pubescent, up to 6 mm in diameter.

Dark green leaves are located in the lower and middle parts of the plant. They are on long petioles. The leaves are alternate, round-heart-shaped, dissected into five wedge-shaped segments. Each leaf, in turn, is divided into 2-3 lanceolate lobes with a sharp end. The size of the leaves is from 5 × 8 to 9 × 12 cm.

Large blue-violet flowers are collected in apical, terminal brushes. Flowers up to 4 cm long. The flowers have blue-violet corolla-shaped sepals. The upper sepal with a long spout is curved and moved away from the lateral lobes. Below it are two bare or slightly pubescent nectaries with a spur. The perianth has lateral lobes of a rounded ovoid shape. The flower has a bare upper ovary with a small, bifid stigma, three pistils and about 40 stamens with two teeth.

The fruit of aconite is a dry polyspermous three-leafed. Each leaflet has a curved drawn nose at the end. Most often, one leaflet develops. Seeds up to 5 mm.

Aconite blooms in the second half of summer. Seed ripening begins in early September.

Where does it grow

In its wild form, aconite grows mainly in Kazakhstan, as well as in Kyrgyzstan, China, and Kashmir. In our country, the Dzungarian wrestler can be found in the Altai Territory.

Root tubers and leaves

In medicinal folk practice, tubers and leaves of the plant are used.

Chemical composition

Aconite root tubers have the following chemical composition:

  • alkaloids;
  • daucosterol;
  • carbohydrates;
  • mesoinosidol;
  • lemon acid;
  • fumaric acid;
  • benzoic acid;
  • myristic acid;
  • oleic acid;
  • linoleic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • palmitic acid;
  • flavones;
  • resins;
  • saponins;
  • starch;
  • coumarin.

The green part of the plant - leaves and stems, in addition to alkaloids, contain ascorbic acid, flavonoids, tannins, trace elements and other biologically active elements. The composition of aconite has not yet been fully studied, so it should be used for medicinal purposes with extreme caution.

Medicinal properties

The Dzungarian wrestler has the following medicinal properties:

  • has a local irritating and distracting effect;
  • anesthetizes and relieves spasm;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has an antimicrobial effect in purulent wounds;
  • has antitumor activity.

The action of Jungar aconite on the body is determined by the presence of alkaloids, in particular aconitic acid, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes itching and irritation, followed by anesthesia of the affected area. When taken orally, the poison of the plant triggers specific body reactions, which, in turn, help not only in the metabolism of the poison, but also in various diseases.

In modern homeopathy, aconite is used to treat the following diseases:

  • oncology;
  • benign formations;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • migraine;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs;
  • injuries, fractures and bruises;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

How to collect

Harvesting of root tubers begins in mid-August and continues until early October. Aconite is also harvested in the spring. A wrestler gathered in a swampy area is less venomous. The tubers are carefully dug up, cleaned from the ground and washed in running water.

After that, they are dried in an oven or in an automatic dryer at a temperature of 50-70 degrees. After drying, about 500 g of dried raw materials are obtained from 2 kg of fresh root tubers. Store aconite root in tightly closed linen bags in a dark, cool place.

The shelf life of medicinal raw materials is 2 years.

The leaves of the Jungar wrestler are cut off before flowering in order to avoid inhalation of poisonous vapors of a flowering plant. The raw materials are washed, dried, and then left to dry in sunlight.

Then the leaves are laid out on a clean newspaper and left in a dark, well-ventilated area until completely dry. The conditions and shelf life of dry aconite leaves are the same as those of dried tubers.

How to apply

Aconite root (wrestler) is used in folk medicine for cancer. For the first time, aconite was used as a medicinal plant in Tibet. It was used to treat various tumors and infectious diseases. In ancient Rome, aconite was grown for decorative purposes, but due to its high toxicity and many accidents, its breeding was abandoned.

Today, the Dzungarian wrestler is used mainly in alternative medicine. On the basis of root tubers and leaves of the plant, drugs are made for the treatment of neurological diseases and in oncology. In homeopathy, aconite is used to treat migraines and headaches.

For household purposes, Dzungarian aconite is used as an insecticide against cockroaches and flies. In agricultural production, aconite is subject to complete destruction due to the high degree of toxicity to livestock and honey bees.

For medicinal purposes, root tubers and leaves of aconite are used as an antispasmodic, local irritant and antibacterial agent. Aconite is also used in the treatment of oncology in the later stages. For the preparation of medicines, raw materials are used in fresh or dried form.

For cancer

Treatment with potent poisons of oncological diseases is practiced in the later stages, when official medicine has not brought results. It is important to remember that without the consent of the attending physician, the use of Jungar aconite is unacceptable.

Aconite is used for any type of oncology, including bone cancer. It is believed that the poison of the plant inhibits the growth of cancer cells and blocks the development of metastases. They take tincture of Jungar aconite according to a certain scheme. Aconite poison has a cumulative effect. In the treatment of cancer, the dosage of the tincture gradually increases. Small doses trigger the protective properties of the body, and it begins to fight not only with intoxication, but also with a tumor.

Tincture for cancer


  1. Shredded dried aconite tubers - 1 tsp
  2. food alcohol.

How to cook: Dilute food alcohol with clean water to 40 degrees. Pour dried aconite with 500 ml of diluted alcohol. Let the product brew for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Shake the tincture periodically. At the end of the term, strain it through a gauze napkin.

How to use: Start taking the tincture 1 drop 2 times a day. Before taking, dilute the tincture in a small amount of drinking water. The next day, increase the dose by 1 drop. Increase daily intake to 10 drops per day. Continue taking 10 drops for 10 days. Then start taking the tincture in reverse order, reducing the dose by 1 drop daily. Take a break for 1 month. Carry out 7 courses of treatment according to this scheme.

For pain

Aconite tincture is also used for various types of pain: toothache, migraine, rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia.

Tincture for pain


  1. food alcohol.

How to cook: Pour aconite with alcohol (500 ml), diluted to 35-40 degrees. Let the product brew for 1 week in a dark, cool place. Shake the tincture periodically. At the end of the term, strain it through a gauze napkin.

How to use: For rheumatism and sciatica, rub a small amount of the product into the sore spot and wrap it with a cotton bandage, and then with a warm down scarf.

For neuralgia and frequent migraines, take the tincture inside for 1 month. Start taking with 1 tsp. per day and gradually increase the dosage to 1 tbsp. in a day.

For toothaches, rub 1 drop of tincture into the gum or apply to the aching tooth. You can also rub a small amount of the product on the cheek from the side of the diseased tooth.

For wounds

For the treatment of purulent, difficult-to-heal wounds and boils, a decoction is prepared from aconite tubers.

Decoction for wounds


  1. Shredded dried tubers of aconite - 20 g.
  2. Pure water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Boil water. Pour boiling water over dried tubers. Put the decoction on a slow fire and boil the aconite tubers for 20 minutes. Cool and strain the decoction through a cheesecloth.

How to use: Gently wash the site of inflammation with the resulting decoction. Carry out the procedure up to 3 times a day.

You will learn more about the use of Dzungarian aconite in the following video:

Jungar aconite tincture

Ready-made tincture of Jungar aconite can be purchased at online stores specializing in the sale of herbal preparations and homeopathic preparations. The average cost is 900 rubles. for 100 ml.

The tincture is taken to treat malignant neoplasms of any type, cystic formations, infectious and cardiovascular diseases, and is also used for neuralgia, paralysis and pain.

The tincture has the following composition:

  • aconite root (10%);
  • food alcohol (40%);
  • purified water.

Precautionary measures

Jungar wrestler is a poisonous plant. Please observe the following precautions when using it:

  1. When collecting and harvesting aconite, use disposable gloves.
  2. Do not touch open areas of the skin and mucous membranes with your hands during the preparation and use of raw materials for medicinal purposes.
  3. While drying the root tubers in the oven, cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, and after drying, wash it thoroughly with dishwashing detergent.
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water after handling raw materials.
  5. Store finished medicinal raw materials separately from any food and medicinal products.
  6. Keep raw materials out of the reach of children and pets. Be sure to mark the container with raw materials with the label “Caution! I!"
  7. Do not exceed the allowed dosage of the drug.
  8. Before using alcohol tincture of aconite inside, be sure to dilute it in a small amount of drinking water to avoid poisoning.
  9. Before using Aconite Dzungarian be sure to consult with your doctor.
  10. If you feel unwell after taking aconite, call your doctor immediately.


Aconite has the following contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • arterial hypotension.


Dzungarian aconite has the following taxonometric description:

  • department: Flowering;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Ranunculaceae;
  • family: Ranunculaceae;
  • gender: Wrestler;
  • species: Dzungarian wrestler.


The Borets genus has about 300 plant species, of which more than 50 species grow in Russia. The most common types of aconite are:

  • Dzungarian;
  • curly;
  • bearded;
  • northern;
  • Amur;
  • Baikal;
  • arcuate;
  • shadow;
  • Fisher's aconite;
  • Shchukin's aconite;
  • aconite Chekanovsky.

Aconite dzungarian infographics

Photo of Jungar aconite, its useful properties and application
Infographics on Aconite Dzungarian

What to remember

  1. Jungar aconite is a poisonous plant with a high content of alkaloids.
  2. It is not used in official medicine.
  3. Talk to your doctor before using aconite tincture.
  4. Do not self-medicate.

Take precautions when harvesting and harvesting the plant.

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In oncology, many turn to alternative medicine, especially when the stage of the disease is advanced. Aconite is a well-known remedy for cancer, it is used in various types of diseases.

Aconite and its composition

Aconite (wrestler) Dzungarian - a poisonous plant, a representative of the Buttercups, common in Siberia, the Far East. It grows to almost 2 meters in height, blooms with bluish or purple inflorescences-brushes. In folk medicine and homeopathy, aconite root has found application, which should be harvested in the fall. Also, the grass collected before flowering has a slightly less weak effect.

Due to the lack of use in official medicine, the composition of the plant has been poorly studied. It includes the following elements:

Aconitine and ephedrine are not the only poisons found in herbal raw materials. A number of other alkaloids (more than 10) are also toxic to the body, they can even penetrate the skin and cause severe disorders. The plant contains more than 20 trace elements, omega acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic).

Actions and indications in oncology

For serious poisoning, 3 mg of the plant is enough. To die, depending on the weight and condition of the body, only 2-4 g is needed. Under the influence of poisons, the potassium content drops sharply, the heart is blocked, breathing stops, and the patient dies. So why is tincture and other remedies based on aconite recommended to be taken orally? It turns out that it is toxic substances and a number of other elements that have anti-cancer effects.

In addition, aconite has an antimicrobial, analgesic, antispasmodic effect, treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ointments, infusions of the plant began to be used for cancer in ancient Tibet. For the treatment of oncology, aggressive substances are needed, which, like chemotherapy, kill cancer cells. Such funds are not approved by official medicine, and it is difficult to control their influence. What pathologies can be treated with Jungar aconite? Here is the list:

With the help of tincture, the size of tumors can be reduced, for example, for subsequent surgery. Also, alkaloids penetrate the cells of benign tumors and cause their reduction or disappearance. It is only important to create the desired concentration of poisons in the body gradually, then this will not cause poisoning.

Homeopathic remedies and homemade tincture

Not a single oncologist will prescribe aconite, will not take responsibility for taking it. Therefore, you can order a remedy only from homeopaths, where the aconite extract will be in trace concentrations, or make a “drug” with your own hands.

In homeopathic grains, aconite is present no more than 0.02 g / 100 g of the base, in alcohol tincture - already 2-10%.

The basis of cereals is sugar. Such a remedy is more often used for colds, stomach problems, and against oncology it is better to take a more powerful medicine. The recipe for the tincture is as follows:

Shake the remedy every day. At the end of the period, it is filtered, after which treatment can begin. It is impossible to abandon the methods prescribed by the doctor, taking Jungar aconite will only serve as an auxiliary method of therapy.

Rules for the treatment of cancer with aconite

With the right dosage, side effects almost never occur, but the rate of development of the disease decreases, pain and intoxication decrease. To prevent poisoning, you need to take an insulin syringe, which will help you accurately, drop by drop, measure the remedy. The use of a pipette is strictly prohibited!

In an insulin syringe 1 ml, or 40 drops of tincture.

Different traditional healers prescribe different treatment regimens. They agree on one thing - you need to drink the tincture 2 hours after eating, diluting it in 50-70 ml of cool water. The dose increase is gradual. Here is the order of therapy:

  • start treatment with 1 drop / day;
  • repeat the reception three times a day;
  • daily add 1 drop, bringing up to 10 per reception;
  • 30 drops / day are drunk for 10 days, then the dose is reduced to 3 drops / day, as it was at the beginning, reducing one at a time;
  • take a break for a month, at this time you can be treated with other herbs;
  • it is desirable to produce 7 courses, if possible.

There is an alternative scheme, according to which the dose is increased to 60 drops / day, then reduced, and the therapy cycle will be 39 days. You need 3 courses of such therapy. Some homeopaths suggest even drinking 1 drop per day, but for a long time, for months. It is better to practice this method with benign tumors and be treated until recovery.

For external use, the tincture is made in a different way. 70 g of the root is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka, put in the dark for 10 days. Then they rub the infusion into sore spots for osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, taking no more than a tablespoon of the remedy.

Contraindications and consequences of therapy

It is forbidden to take aconite during pregnancy, lactation, in people who are very weak, in old age, in children. It is forbidden to be treated for arrhythmia, heart disease. Symptoms of poisoning can occur suddenly:

In severe cases, breathing becomes difficult, paralysis of the limbs occurs. Paralysis of the larynx can occur, from which the patient will die without emergency medical care! Death often occurs from ventricular fibrillation and asystole. That is why it is necessary to be treated under the supervision of a specialist, strictly observe the dose and monitor well-being.

Wrestler, or Jungar aconite, is a perennial herb that has been used in everyday life and medicine since ancient times. Despite its poisonous properties, it promotes wound healing, relieves inflammation and reduces soreness. Also, aconite is actively used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of heart pathologies and oncology.

Aconite contains a complex of essential oils, organic acids, phytoncides, alkaloids, flavonoids and other active substances. Together, these components have an antiseptic, analgesic and local irritant effect.

Due to this, drugs based on this plant are used in such cases:

  • therapy of purulent wounds and inflammations;
  • with dislocations, bruises, sprains and fractures;
  • to relieve pain in arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
  • in the treatment of nervous disorders and mental disorders, such as depression, hysteria, low mood, etc.;
  • with pronounced headaches, including migraines;
  • the medicine is prescribed to raise immunity in case of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, colds, pulmonary diseases;
  • in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers, intestinal colic, flatulence;
  • finds application in combination with chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer;
  • as an antidote for poisoning by mushrooms and other plants;
  • to reduce itching in skin diseases;
  • in the treatment of venereal diseases.

The therapeutic effect does not occur immediately and depends on the dose and regularity of use. In large quantities, aconite is deadly, because the substances contained in it can accumulate in the body.

Therefore, before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

What does a wrestler look like and where does it grow?

Jungar aconite grows mainly in the wild, preferring the fertile soils of the highlands or river reservoirs. It is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, so it can be easily found in Europe, Asia, North America.

At its core, it is a large shrub about 1.5 - 2 m high with purple-bluish flowers, similar to buttercups. The inflorescences resemble clusters or brushes arranged in the form of a corolla bowl, and the flowers themselves may differ in shape, size, and even the number of petals. The stem is most often straight, densely strewn with dark green dissected rounded leaves. The root resembles a chain of fused tubers. Scientists number about 300 species of aconite, 75 of which can be found in Russia.

Application in traditional medicine

Aconite has long been used as a poisonous substance. They were smeared with arrows and spears, because the alkaloids contained in the plant in large quantities have a nerve-paralytic effect on humans.

Later, the plant began to be used to treat pain, nervous disorders, insomnia and stomach diseases. Aconite root was dried, ground into flour and added to spirit tinctures and wine. Now aconite is used mainly in folk medicine and homeopathic preparations. It is very difficult to find it in free sale, because the substance requires special care in use.

How to take for cancer treatment

  1. 2.5 g of crushed dry aconite root is added to half a glass of vodka, stirred and infused for about 2 weeks in a dark, cool place.
  2. After that, the infusion, if necessary, is filtered and then stored in the refrigerator.
  3. The resulting liquid is moistened with fabric or gauze sheets and applied to cancerous ulcers 3 times a day.

Another recipe concerns the use inside. 1 tsp is added to 0.5 l of vodka. aconite powder and also insist for two weeks. Moreover, it is advisable to shake this mixture regularly. After the allotted time, the medicine is used according to the following scheme. one

  • 10 days there is an increase in the dose, starting with 1 drop and reaching 10.
  • The next decade is taken 10 drops per dose.
  • The last ten days the dose is gradually reduced, bringing to 1 drop.

The medicine is taken 3 times a day, diluted with water. The full course is a month, after which a 30-day break is made. In total, it is desirable to take seven such courses.

For pain

For people who suffer from severe pain, this recipe is suitable:

  1. 20 g of dry matter pour 0.5 l of vodka.
  2. Infuse for a week, then strain through cheesecloth.
  3. Use as a rub for the treatment of rheumatic or joint pain 1 time per day until the symptoms disappear completely.

If you are worried about pain in the tooth, you can put 1 drop on the gum and rub it in lightly.

Before taking Jungar aconite to relieve pain, you should consult your doctor.

Application for wounds

For the treatment of wounds or purulent formations, a decoction is prepared. Pour 2 g of crushed aconite into 250 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the liquid is cooled and filtered. The resulting solution is washed with wounds several times a day until the condition improves.

Jungar aconite tincture: instructions for use

To learn how to take Dzhungarian aconite correctly, just read the instructions carefully. After all, the drug has a different concentration of the active substance. Most often there are 10% tinctures, which is why doctors prescribe them.

The remedy is applied drop by drop three times a day. The required dose is diluted in plenty of water and drunk 20-30 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment and the amount is prescribed only by the doctor on an individual basis.

Use alone can lead to serious poisoning of the body. Therefore, even during treatment, it is recommended to take herbal preparations that neutralize the effects of toxins.

An open bottle should be stored in the refrigerator, out of the reach of children. Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to take the medicine even externally. If the product comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with water.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant contains poison, so there are strict contraindications to it.

You can not use a wrestler in any form in such cases:

  • under reduced pressure;
  • severe diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • children and adolescents under 18;
  • pregnant and lactating;
  • people suffering from severe allergies who have previously suffered anaphylactic shock;
  • having individual intolerance to the drug;
  • suffering from alcohol/drug addiction.

In no case should you independently increase the dose of the drug. If you experience dry mouth, burning of the skin, severe dizziness and / or vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor. If a person has an increase or decrease in body temperature, pallor of the skin and blurred consciousness, this may indicate poisoning. In this case, medical attention is needed immediately.

Attention! The following information on the use of aconite in the treatment of cancer cannot be used as an alternative to the clinical treatment of cancer; any self-treatment is unacceptable without prior consultation with an oncologist!

Aconite (high wrestler) is a meadow perennial plant belonging to the buttercup family. More than 300 species of aconite are known, of which 75 species are found in Russia (in Primorye, Siberia, Altai and Central Asia).

Both flowers and leaves, and especially the rhizomes of aconite, are extremely poisonous, especially during the flowering period. They produce the strongest plant poisons - aconitines. Just aconitines are the main active substances in the tincture of aconite, which is widely used in informal medicine to treat many diseases, including cancer.

The healing properties of aconite have been known since ancient times. In modern homeopathy, the plant is used to treat various types of cancer. The centuries-old practice of using aconite tincture in the treatment regimens for cancer patients speaks of the effectiveness of the product. There are developed recommendations regarding dosage forms, dosage regimens, dosages and criteria for discontinuation of drugs.

Homeopaths note the advantages of therapy using aconite tincture:

Compliance with the rules for the use and dosage of aconite tincture guarantees a minimum of side effects, and also practically does not lead to the development of irreversible degenerative processes in the internal organs, unlike chemotherapy,

Therapy based on aconite tincture can help prevent metastasis, as well as significantly slow down (sometimes reverse development) existing metastases,

Aconite therapy prevents the progression of the tumor process and a significant reduction (sometimes to complete elimination) of the main symptoms of cancer: pain, intoxication, insomnia, depression, etc. This helps cancer patients lead a normal life, which is especially important for the elderly and people who are exhausted. struggle with a serious illness or courses of chemotherapy treatment.

Tincture of Jungar aconite is much more poisonous than other antitumor agents - tinctures of celandine and hemlock, therefore, in the case of advanced forms of cancer, aconite is used more often.

Contraindications to the use of aconite tincture

Aconite tincture is a very poisonous potent drug, so the decision to treat with aconite must be well weighed. You can not buy a tincture and try as an experiment to cure a disease diagnosed on your own, without a qualified examination. Treatment with aconite is contraindicated:

Children under 18,
- pregnant women and nursing mothers,
- allergy sufferers,
- persons suffering from hypotension,
- persons with severe liver dysfunctions.

Aconite tincture recipe and treatment regimen

To prepare the tincture for one course of therapy, take 3 g of grated Jungar aconite root and 100 ml of medical alcohol. The medicine is kept for 3 weeks in a tightly closed glass jar in a cool, shady place, after which it is filtered.

For oral administration, the tincture is prescribed in microdoses. Treatment is carried out according to a scheme developed in advance and with the obligatory control of the patient's well-being.

The tincture is usually taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before a meal or 2-3 hours after a meal. Before taking the required number of drops is dissolved in boiled water at room temperature (volume 50-60 ml).

Treatment involves a daily gradual increase in the daily dose of the drug to the maximum dosage, and then the same gradual decrease (slide scheme). Therapy begins with 1 drop per day and increases daily to 20 drops. Further, in the same way, drop by drop, reduce the daily dosage, going down to one drop.

The standard treatment cycle is 39 days. However, the treatment regimen is usually adapted to the individual characteristics of the patient. This takes into account the individual reaction of each person to the poison, as well as the general condition of the patient and the condition of his vital organs.

At III and IV stages of cancer, a higher “slide” may be required - up to 30 drops daily. In any case, it is necessary to consult an experienced homeopath and pay close attention to every detail in the course of treatment - otherwise it is impossible to promise the effect of therapy and the safety of the "useful poison".

A very correct approach is a complete analysis of the reaction of the patient's body to aconite alkaloids, i.e. detection of any symptoms of poisoning. If the first signs of poisoning are observed, the dose increase is stopped, and its uniform decrease begins. In this case, the standard “slide” is replaced by a more gentle one, which may not consist of 20 drops, but, for example, of 15. Regardless of the chosen method, continuity of treatment is observed for the effectiveness of therapy.

The occurrence of severe complications and severe side effects is a signal to immediately stop taking the drug. The issue of resuming therapy is decided at a professional medical consultation.

When developing individual therapy plans, it is very important to observe the exact timing of the breaks between courses. Usually, 3 full cycles of therapy are carried out with breaks between them of 1 month. If the patient, due to the appearance of some signs of poisoning, stopped the "slide" at 15 drops, then after returning to one drop, he needs a break of 15 days (according to the number of drops in the "slide"), after which the second course of therapy begins.

If necessary, at the end of the full course of treatment (consisting of 3 cycles), it can be continued. The duration of the break between stages of treatment is assigned based on the diagnosis, the rate of progression of the disease, the patient's condition. Typically, the duration of breaks is from 3 months to 1 year.

What to do in case of aconite poisoning?

Even 1 g of freshly crushed plant root is enough to cause death. Severe aconite poisoning can cause dangerous disturbances in the functioning of various human organs and systems and requires urgent action to prevent complications.

In severe forms of poisoning, the tincture should be stopped immediately and detoxification should be carried out (put droppers with saline and glucose solution, and if necessary, introduce an antidote / antidote). The effect of therapy is reset, but there is no other way out.

If signs of poisoning are noticed on time (such situations were mentioned above), then the treatment does not stop - the treatment regimen is simply adjusted. Thus, an attentive attitude to the patient's condition during the course of therapy increases the chance of obtaining the effect of treatment without significant harm to health. language).

Important! Any treatment of oncological diseases should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending oncologist!

Instructions for use:

Useful properties of aconite

Aconite is a plant from the buttercup family. He is also called a wrestler, aconite Dzungarian, king-grass.

Of interest to medicine are the leaves and tubers of aconite. When harvesting raw materials, it should be borne in mind that all parts of the aconite plant are poisonous, so you should work with gloves, without touching your eyes and mucous membranes.

The roots of aconite are harvested from August to September, and the leaves during and before flowering of the plant - in June-July. Properly dried aconite leaves should be dark green in color.

You can store dried raw materials for a year, marked "poisonous", separately from other harvested herbs.

The use of aconite in homeopathy, folk medicine has become widespread due to a wide range of useful properties of the plant: it has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, diuretic, sedative effect.

Aconite treatment

The aconite plant is not recognized by official medicine, but in folk medicine it is used for: arthritis, gout, sciatica, sciatica, rheumatism, epilepsy, mental, nervous disorders, hysteria, neuralgia, incl. trigeminal neuralgia, headaches, dizziness, Parkinson's disease, anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, colds, tonsillitis, acute respiratory disease, blurred vision, infection with worms, jaundice, constipation, flatulence, cystitis, dropsy, scarlet fever, diphtheria , malaria, syphilis, psoriasis, scabies. The aconite plant is also used for the folk treatment of cancer.

Aconite in homeopathy is used in the form of tincture of flowers, leaves of the plant. Due to the increased toxicity of the drug, the dosage is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor, after assessing the patient's condition. In homeopathy, aconite is prescribed for the same indications, as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing agent.

For the treatment of cancer, you can prepare a tincture of aconite at home. Take one teaspoon of powder from the roots of aconite, pour 500 ml of vodka and keep for two weeks in a dark room, shaking every day. Before use, the tincture is carefully filtered using double-folded gauze.

After that, you can start treatment with aconite: one drop of the product is mixed with 50 ml of water (single dosage) and taken daily before meals three times a day. Every day, add 1 drop, bring to 10 drops per dose, and so, 10 drops three times a day, take another 10 days. After that, the number of drops begins to be reduced and brought up again to take one drop three times a day. After that, treatment with aconite is stopped for one month and then the course is taken again. Thus, seven therapeutic courses are carried out.

To relieve toothache, headache (including migraine), treat rheumatism, neuralgia, another tincture is prepared: 20 g of Jungar aconite roots are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and kept for a week.

With migraine, neuralgia, tincture of aconite begins to take one teaspoon, gradually increasing the dosage to a tablespoon. The treatment lasts a month.

To eliminate toothache, one tablespoon of tincture should be rubbed into the cheek from the side where the damaged tooth is located.

For the treatment of rheumatism, the tincture is rubbed into the sore spot at night and wrapped in flannel.


Jungar aconite is contraindicated in children, people with low blood pressure, pregnant women, lactating women.

After external use of aconite tincture, you should thoroughly wash the container from under the product and hands with soap, avoid getting the tincture in your eyes, because. it can blind a person.

In case of aconite poisoning, you must immediately take a vomiting agent, drink constantly a decoction of oak bark, or black coffee, or just warm water. Effective in poisoning microclysters with hemp, linseed or olive oil and mustard applications on the legs and arms.