Instructions for labor protection on percussion instruments. Safety requirements for locksmith tools

  • 14.06.2019

10/14/2014 (updated 05/09/2019) - We present to your attention the instructions for labor protection when working with hand tool and fixtures. The instruction includes five chapters: 1) general requirements for labor protection; 2) labor protection requirements before starting work; 3) requirements for labor protection when performing work; 4) requirements for labor protection upon completion of work; 5) requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

Chapter 1. General requirements on labor protection

1. The use of hand tools and devices is allowed only for their intended purpose in accordance with the requirements specified in the manufacturer's passport.

2. After training and testing of knowledge, the employee within 2-14 work shifts (depending on length of service, experience and nature of work) performs work with hand tools and devices under the supervision of a foreman or an experienced worker, after which his admission to work is issued. independent work.

3. Each employee must be provided with special clothing and other means personal protection in accordance with standard industry standards depending on the profession.

4. When working with hand tools and devices, the main dangerous and harmful production factors are:

moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment, moving products, blanks, materials;

increased noise level in the workplace;

sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;

flying fragments of the processed material and products;

the location of the workplace at a height relative to the surface of the earth (floor);

neuropsychic overload as a result of the monotony of work.

Books on labor protection in publishing houses, Alpina Publisher, 1C Interest, Bamboo (Ukraine), Yakaboo (Ukraine), Buklya (Ukraine)

Books on attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions in, "Bamboo" (Ukraine)

5. Employees carrying out work with hand tools and devices are required to:

perform only the work that is defined by the job description;

know the design and follow the rules technical operation used hand tools and devices;

follow the rules of the internal work schedule, labor protection and fire safety requirements;

be able to provide first aid to the injured;

6. A worker is not allowed to perform work while in a state of alcoholic intoxication or in a state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, as well as to drink alcohol, use narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances at the workplace or during working hours ( cm. sobriety control).

The worker is obliged to perform work stipulated by the employment contract, must assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe conditions labor, immediately notify their immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, about the deterioration of their health.

Chapter 2. Requirements for labor protection before starting work

7. Receive a task and instructions from the work manager on safe methods for performing the assigned work.

8. Put on the special clothing provided for by the norms, special shoes, prepare personal protective equipment against the type of tools and devices used.

9. Before starting work, check the serviceability of hand tools and fixtures. It is forbidden to use a defective tool.

10. Prepare workplace, free passages, put up fences if necessary.

11. Illumination of the workplace must be sufficient, uniform and not cause glare.

12. Detected violations of safety requirements must be eliminated on their own before the start of work, and if it is impossible to do this, the employee must inform the foreman or responsible work manager.

13. Packaging (pallets, containers, boxes) must be solid, free of broken boards, protruding nails, wire, and damage.

14. Pallets, containers must have tags indicating their carrying capacity and the timing of the next test (certification).

15. Gangways (ladders) used during loading and unloading operations must meet the following requirements:

gangways used for passage with cargo should be made of metal or boards 50-60 mm thick, have a width of at least 0.8 m for one-way traffic and at least 1.5 m for two-way traffic;

the gangway should have planks for resting the legs every 0.3-0.4 m, the section of the plank should be 20 x 40 mm;

with long (more than 3 m) gangways and walkways, to prevent excessive swinging and deflection, under them should be installed wooden poles. It is forbidden to place bags or boxes with products instead of supports. The deflection of the flooring at the maximum design load should not be more than 20 mm;

to prevent their displacement, the gangway must have metal hooks at the end for engagement with stable elements of the unloaded object.

16. On the gangways and walkways installed at a height of more than 1.1 m, a railing with a height of at least 1 m must be arranged with the lower part of the railing sewn to a height of at least 150 mm (edges). The distance between the posts of the railing should be no more than 2 m. There should be one intermediate longitudinal element along the height of the posts.

17. On the gangway, in a prominent place, the permissible load must be indicated.

Chapter 3. Requirements for labor protection during work

18. Hand tools (forks, rakes, shovels) must be serviceable and have handles made of dry hardwood. The surface should be smooth, without cracks and burrs, with a longitudinal arrangement of fibers along the entire length. The manufacture of handles from soft or coarse-grained wood species (spruce, pine) is not allowed.

19. Spanners must correspond to the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads, have no cracks, nicks and burrs. The jaws of the keys are parallel.

20. sliding keys must not have play in moving parts.

21. Needle nose pliers should not have chipped handles. The jaws of the needle-nosed pliers must be sharp, not chipped and not broken, the pliers must be properly notched.

22. Hammers and sledgehammers should have a slightly convex, smooth, unbroken, free of burrs, gouges, dents, cracks and inclinations on the surface of the striker. They must be securely mounted on wooden handles and wedged with barbed metal wedges. The axis of the handle is at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the tool.

23. Screwdrivers must be with a straight rod, firmly fixed on the handle. Screwdrivers must have even side edges.

24. Hand tools used for electrical work (screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters), shall be provided with insulating handles tested with increased voltage. The frequency of testing is once a year.

25. For carrying tools, each worker should be allocated a bag or a lightweight portable box.

26. Hand scoops for collecting garbage should not have sharp edges, burrs and torn places.

27. The employer is obliged to organize the storage, repair and issuance of serviceable, properly sharpened tools, devices, inventory and personal protective equipment.

28. Manufacture, repair and sharpening of tools, fixtures and equipment should be carried out centrally, by specially trained workers.

29. Handles and handles of shovels, hoes, rakes and other implements must be made of hard wood without grain inclination and well processed: not have cracks, dents, burrs, knots and other irregularities that can damage the hand.

30. The handles of secateurs, embossing knives, garden knives and hacksaws must be smooth and free of burrs, the blades properly and sharply sharpened. The secateurs must have a limiter for the convergence of the handles. The pruner spring must be lubricated and the blades should be free to move without jamming. The hacksaw blade should not have cracks or broken teeth.

31. To carry a hand cutting tool, if required by the conditions of work, each worker must be provided with a bag or a light portable box.

32. Manual containers for planting seedlings, seedlings and harvesting crop products (boxes, baskets) should be issued daily to employees in good condition: do not have protruding nails and rods, broken boards.

33. When working with a garden knife, it is necessary to ensure that the free hand of the worker is not in the path of the tool, and when working with a pruner - at a distance of 15-20 cm.

33. Hand electrified tool must be connected and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Before starting work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the zeroing and the protective shut-off device, if this is provided for by the design.

34. When performing non-mechanized work, it is prohibited:

simultaneous execution on the same field of mechanized and handmade;

violation of the established deadlines for the resumption of manual work in fields treated with pesticides;

joint transportation to the place of work of people and uncovered manual cutting (stabbing) tools (forks, rakes, choppers, hoes, pruners, garden knives);

storage of tools on plots or grass;

put rakes, pitchforks, markers with the teeth up;

loosen the soil, make holes and pits for seedlings with your hands without the use of special equipment;

perform loosening, digging the soil, weeding plants without shoes;

scatter mineral and organic fertilizers with hands and in wet gloves;

carry out work on pruning trees during and after rain until the trunk and main skeletal branches dry out;

place stones, cuttings of boards and other objects under the lower ends of step-ladders, climb simultaneously by two workers along one ladder;

work with manual mechanized tools from ladders;

put garden putty, brushes, knives, secateurs and other tools used in pruning, treating wounds and hollows of trees in pockets, behind the tops of boots and on the platform of step-ladders;

when cutting branches with a lopper, stand under the branch being cut and be for unauthorized persons under the tree that is being cut;

trim tall trees near power lines that are energized;

when collecting fruits and pruning trees, climb trees and stand on thin branches;

leave without supervision a hand-held power tool connected to the mains or to the pneumatic system;

push stalled vehicles.

35. Joint transportation to the place of work of people and uncovered hand cutting (stabbing) tools is not allowed.

36. When cultivating the soil, thinning plants using hand tools, workers must be located one after another at a distance of at least 3 m.

Chapter 4. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

37. Hand tools, working devices and protective equipment inspect, clean from dirt; and put away in the designated storage area.

38. Clean up the workplace.

39. Remove overalls and personal protective equipment, clean and put away in the designated place.

40. Report all malfunctions noticed in the process of work to the immediate supervisor of the work.

41. Upon completion of all work, wash warm water with soap ( detergent pastes etc.) hands and face, if possible, take a shower.

Chapter 5. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

42. In case of all malfunctions of hand tools and devices, stop work, report the incident to the immediate supervisor of the work.

43. In case of illness or injury, it is necessary to stop work and inform the head of the unit.

44. In case of emergencies, it is necessary:

turn off the source that caused the emergency;

inform the manager, provide assistance to the victims and preserve the situation, if this does not threaten the life and health of people.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions in organizations in the section " Occupational Safety and Health».

Many people confuse such concepts as "labor protection" and "safety measures", considering them identical. Let's try to be clear. Currently, the term "safety" is withdrawn from circulation, is practically not mentioned in new documents. He used to be integral part code of laws on labor protection, united organizational measures designed to prevent the impact on workers of dangerous production situations.

Labor protection is “a system of legislative acts, as well as preventive and regulatory socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic and therapeutic measures, means and methods aimed at ensuring safe working conditions” .

Safety rules when working with tools and devices are divided into general and target ones, which are followed before the start of the shift, during the working day, at the end of it, in emergency circumstances.

Disregard for compliance with safety requirements when working with various devices, mechanical and automatic equipment can lead to sad consequences. Minor and serious injuries, up to a lethal outcome are possible. The Ministry of Labor of Russia, by order No. 552n dated August 17, 2015, approved the “Rules for labor protection when working with tools and devices”, which are subject to strict compliance by employees of all enterprises, organizations, as well as entrepreneurs. This document is useful to study not only for employees of enterprises, but also for amateur craftsmen.

General rules

The main safety requirement when working with hand tools is its normal technical condition and consistency with current standards or specifications. Ensuring safety when performing actions with manual mechanisms lies with the head of the unit. In addition, the general safety standards provide for the mandatory execution of such requests:

  1. For each category of tools, the following must be developed and approved by the director of the enterprise: a manual for use, instructions for labor protection when working with a hand tool.
  2. Adults who have been trained in production safety, who have passed exams, and who have successfully completed probation, may be allowed to change.
  3. Hand tools and devices should be subject to cyclic checks. Once every three months they must be inspected for damage, the necessary tests should be carried out. Send defective items for repair or dispose of, replace with new ones.
  4. Need to exclude Negative influence on employees of severe, harmful factors.
  5. Workers should be provided with personal protective equipment, overalls, footwear in accordance with applicable standards.
  6. Each employee must know how to provide first aid in case of an accident and be able to properly help the victim.

The generally accepted rules for labor protection when working with tools and devices, as well as in other production situations, provide for compliance with the internal labor regime of the organization. The correct alternation of working time and breaks has a positive effect on increasing productivity, the well-being of the worker, and contributes to concentration.

What to do before shift starts

First of all, you need to accept the task and be instructed on the safe methods of performing a specific task. In addition, you need:

  • change into work clothes and shoes; long hair hide under a headdress;
  • prepare personal protective equipment prescribed by the regulations;
  • in workshops with the movement of goods by air, work only in a helmet;
  • check the suitability of devices, equipment, make sure they are in good working order.

Hammers, axes, sledgehammers must be tightly worn on the handle, exactly reinforced with special wedges. Handles are made of dry strong wood, without knots. They must be perfectly smooth, without burrs.

Files, chisels must be equipped with wooden handles with protective metal rings. Shovel handles are also made from hardwoods in a dried state. They are made round and smooth. The part of the handle, which is fixed in the body of the shovel, is cut off at an angle to the metal plane.

Tools intended for chopping and cutting (knives, chisels, cores, notches, etc.) cannot have cracks, chips, burrs, other defects on the cutting edge, or sharp ribs on the sides. The dimensions of the working areas must meet the standard values.

Hacksaws of any modification, removable blades should be provided with the correct tension, sharpened with high quality, properly parted.

Before starting a shift task, it is necessary to test lighting and ventilation. So that during the labor process you do not waste time replacing light bulbs or adjusting the operation of the ventilation system.

Security measures during the working period

AT ideal the locksmith's workplace should be equipped with shelving or special cabinets for storing tools. And for its movement tool carts with boxes are used. In such conditions, objects will always be protected from dirt, excessive moisture, bumps, falls. Labor protection requirements when working with hand tools and devices provide for careful attitude and proper storage. This is the only way to ensure the normal technical condition of the equipment. When organizing operations using manual tools, it is necessary:

  • exclude falling or slipping of individual objects;
  • in the process of cutting metal, use goggles, gloves;
  • do not overload jacks and other lifting mechanisms;
  • when moving equipment, protect sharp ends in any convenient way (covers, cases, caps);
  • use the tools strictly for their intended purpose;
  • in the immediate vicinity of live objects, use devices protected by insulation and not passing electric current;
  • fix the vise on the workbench in such a way that their upper plane is located at the level of the worker's elbow; clamping jaws must be provided with notches, placed strictly parallel to each other, firmly grip the workpiece;
  • when working with a chisel (wedges) and a hammer, use wedge holders with a long handle (at least 70 cm);
  • use devices with insulating handles that are free of defects and damaged areas.

The rules for the safe handling of manual mechanisms prohibit:

  • the use of improvised objects or gaskets to eliminate the gap between the plane of the wrench and the faces of the bolt or nut;
  • the use of additional levers for wrenches, lever scissors in order to increase the tightening force; if such a need arises, wrenches with long handles should be used;
  • work with lever scissors without securely fixing them on bench devices or racks prepared for this.

Lever shears should not have distortion on the cutting blades. It is forbidden to work with this device if its knives are dull and loosely adjacent to each other.

Safety requirements for metalwork tools with insulating handles prohibit keeping it outside the limit stops or collars during operation. Since ignoring this rule can lead to fingers slipping onto the cutting part of the instrument, which is directly associated with injury. Near flammable and explosives and objects, it is forbidden to use locksmith devices or perform actions associated with the formation of sparks.

Electrical devices require special attention - rotary hammers, drills, angle grinders, vibrators. During the process, under shock or vibration effects, the insulating coatings of current-carrying elements can be destroyed. For safe handling of power tools, reduced voltage must be used. Most carefully check the devices before use and monitor their behavior during the work shift. Electrical equipment subject to mandatory testing every month. At the same time, a stamp with the date of the next inspection is applied to the body.

For tools powered by compressed air, check the tightness of all interfaces, the reliability of the clamps. Carry out repair and preventive actions with the compressor switched off.

How to behave in an emergency

When an accident or conditions associated with it occurs, work must be immediately stopped and the head of the department should be notified. If an accident occurs and there is a victim, then you must:

  • provide the victim with first aid;
  • if necessary, organize its delivery to a medical facility on its own or by calling an ambulance;
  • take immediate action to emergency situation was not developed further, and the possible effects of traumatic circumstances on other employees were excluded.

In order to ensure that the accident investigation process is moving in the right direction, it is necessary to keep the situation in the position in which it was at the time of the incident. If this is not possible due to emergency circumstances, then you need to accurately record the situation on paper. Draw up acts, diagrams, sketches, collect written explanations of those present.

In case of smoke or fire, do the following:

  • immediately call firefighters at the telephone number "101";
  • in any way notify the employees of the enterprise, managers, watchmen about the fire;
  • turn off the power supply, eliminate drafts by closing the windows;
  • provide access to emergency exits, open them;
  • use primary fire extinguishing equipment to extinguish the fire, if this is not associated with a risk to life.

All of the above steps should be done at the same time. In case of great danger, you must leave the premises yourself, help other workers get out of the danger zone and stay in the evacuation area. It is necessary to meet the fire service so that it starts the elimination of fires, as well as their consequences, as soon as possible.

Necessary actions after the change

The norms and requirements for hand tools and accessories prescribe proper handling of them not only during the work process, but also after it, as well as during storage. This means that after finishing the working day, it is necessary to bring all the tools into proper form: clean them from dirt, dust, excess grease. Then all items need to be laid out in their positions, close the doors of cabinets, drawers or cover with rags if they are located on open racks.

The employee is obliged to clean the workplace, only then take off overalls, shoes. Put in order, put in a specially designated place for her. Damaged mechanisms or those that have become unusable must be transferred to the manager, and also report to him about all the malfunctions, problems, difficulties discovered during the working day.

Summarizing the above, it should be emphasized that only strict adherence to the requirements of security legislation will help eliminate bottlenecks associated with the activities of employees, reduce the level of injury and morbidity. On the other hand, systematic training and testing of employees' knowledge of professionalism and security measures improves literacy. It helps to increase productivity, improve the moral climate within the team.


14.1 It is allowed to use standard factory-made tools. Non-standard tools and fixtures must be manufactured according to the project.

14.2 Work with a serviceable tool, use it for its intended purpose.

14.3 The heads of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth, slightly convex surface free of gouges, chips, gouges, cracks and burrs.

14.4 The handles of hammers, sledgehammers and other impact tools must be made of dry hardwood (birch, oak, beech, maple, ash, mountain ash, dogwood, hornbeam) without knots and slant or from synthetic materials that provide operational strength and reliability in work.

The use of handles made of soft and large-layered wood species (spruce, pine, etc.), as well as raw wood, is prohibited. Hammer handles, chisels, etc. should have an oval shape along the entire length in cross section, be smooth and not have cracks. By the free end of the handle should thicken (except for sledgehammers) to prevent the handle from slipping out of the hands when swinging and hitting the tool.

The sledgehammer is mounted on the handle, tapering to the free end. For reliable fastening, the sledgehammer is soaked in water. seat the handle of the sledgehammer should be thickened, not wedged. The sledgehammer nozzle is made from the thin end of the handle to the thickened one. The axis of the handle must be strictly perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tool.

Wedges for strengthening the tool on the handle must be made of mild steel and have notches (ruffs).

When driving wedges into the hammer handles, they must be held with tongs.

14.5 It is forbidden to work with a tool, the handles of which are set on pointed ends (files, scrapers, etc.) without metal retaining rings.

14.6 Handles (shanks) of shovels must be firmly fixed in holders, and the part of the handle protruding from the holder must be cut off obliquely to the plane of the shovel.

Shovel handles should be made of wood species without knots and slant or synthetic materials.

14.7 Crowbars must be straight with drawn and pointed ends.

14.8 The impact tool (chisels, crosscuts, barbs, notches, cores, etc.) must have a smooth occipital part without cracks, burrs, work hardening and bevels. There should be no damage at the working end. The length of the percussion tool must be at least 150 mm, and the angle of sharpening of the working part of the chisel must correspond to the material being processed:

For cutting cast iron and bronze - 70 °;

For cutting steel of medium hardness - 60 °;

For cutting copper and brass - 45 °;

For cutting aluminum and zinc - 35 °.

The middle part of the chisel should have an oval or multifaceted section without sharp edges and burrs on the side faces, the impact should have the shape of a truncated cone.

14.9 When working with wedges or chisels using sledgehammers, wedge holders with a handle not less than 0.7 m long should be used.

14.10 When working with impact tools, workers should wear protective goggles to prevent solid particles from entering the eyes.

Do not allow people to be in the zone of possible flying off of metal fragments, particles, parts (knock-out wedges).

14.11 When using tongs, rings should be used. The dimensions of the rings must correspond to the dimensions of the workpieces being processed. FROM inside The handles of the tongs should have a stop to prevent squeezing the fingers.

14.12 The surfaces of the metal handles of the tongs must be smooth (without dents, notches, burrs) and free from scale.

14.13 The screwdriver must be selected according to the width of the working part (blade), depending on the size of the slot in the head of the screw or screw.

14.14 The dimensions of the opening (grip) of wrenches must not exceed the dimensions of the bolt heads (nut faces) by more than 0.3 mm. The use of linings with a gap between the planes of the jaws and heads of bolts or nuts is prohibited.

The working surfaces of the wrenches should not have knocked down bevels, and the handles should not have burrs. The wrench size should be marked on the handle. When loosening and tightening nuts and bolts, lengthen spanners additional levers (if this is not provided for by the design of the key), second keys or pipes is prohibited. If necessary, wrenches with long handles should be used. Do not tighten the nut or bolt with a jerk.

14.15 The tool at the workplace must be located so that it cannot roll or fall. It is forbidden to put the tool on the railings of fences or on the unprotected edge of the scaffolding site, scaffolding, as well as near open hatches, wells.

14.16 When carrying or transporting the instrument, its sharp parts must be protected.

14.17 It is forbidden to use random objects (parts, metal scraps, pipes, etc.) as a percussion hand tool.

14.18 It is allowed to check the alignment of the holes only with the help of a conical mandrel, and not with fingers.

14.19 All hand tools (both in the tool room and handed out) must be periodically (at least once a quarter) inspected. The defective instrument must be removed.

14.20 In each subdivision where a hand tool is used, the order of the head must determine:

Persons, from among the managers and specialists, responsible for the periodic inspection;

The procedure and timing of the inspection of hand tools.

Labor protection instruction
when working with hand tools

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1 Persons under 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, introductory briefing, initial briefing, training and internship at the workplace, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, having an electrical safety group of at least I and the appropriate qualification in accordance with the tariff- qualification guide.
1.2 The employee is obliged:
1.2.1 Perform only the work that is defined by the work or job description.
1.2.2 Comply with the internal labor regulations.
1.2.3 Properly apply personal and collective protective equipment.
1.2.4 Comply with labor protection requirements.
1.2.5 Immediately notify your immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of each accident that occurred at work, or of a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).
1.2.6 To be trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructing in labor protection, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.2.7 Pass mandatory periodic (within labor activity) medical examinations (examinations), as well as to undergo extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) at the direction of the employer in cases provided for Labor Code and other federal laws.
1.2.8 Be able to provide first aid to victims of electric current and other accidents.
1.2.9 Be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.
1.3 When working with a hand tool, the following hazardous and harmful production factors are possible:
- moving machines and mechanisms;
- increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- increased or decreased air temperature of the working area;
- high air humidity;
- the location of the workplace at a considerable height relative to the surface of the earth (floor, ceiling);
- sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of workpieces, tools and equipment;
- insufficient illumination of workplaces;
- physical overload.
1.4 The employee must be provided with overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment and the Collective Agreement.
1.5 Hand tools used in the work must comply with the requirements of GOSTs and the instructions of manufacturers.
1.6 It is necessary to use a hand tool in accordance with its purpose.
1.8 Employees who have received a hand tool for everyday use for individual or team use are responsible for its correct operation and timely rejection.
1.9 The hand tool used must meet the following requirements:
- handles of impact tools (hammers, sledgehammers) must be made of hard and tough wood, smoothly processed and securely fastened;
- the handles of hammers and sledgehammers must be straight and oval in cross section. By the free end of the handle should thicken (except for sledgehammers) so that when swinging and hitting the tools, the handle does not slip out of the hands. At sledgehammers, the handle tapers somewhat towards the free end. The axis of the handle must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tool;
- for reliable fastening of a hammer and a sledgehammer, the handle is wedged from the end with metal and completed wedges. Wedges for strengthening the tool on the handles must be made of mild steel;
- strikers of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth, slightly convex surface without gouges, chips, potholes, cracks and burrs.
1.10 Impact hand tools (chisels, barbs, punches, cores, etc.) must have:
-smooth occipital part without cracks, burrs, hardening and bevels;
- side edges without burrs and sharp corners.
Handles mounted on the pointed tail ends of the tool must have bandage rings.
1.11 The chisel should not be shorter than 150mm, the length of its drawn part is 60-70mm. The tip of the chisel should be sharpened at an angle of 65-700, the cutting edge should be a straight or slightly convex line, and the side edges in the places where they are gripped by hand should not have sharp edges.
1.12 Wrenches must be marked and match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads. The jaws of the wrenches should be parallel. The working surfaces of the wrenches should not have broken chips, and the handles should not have burrs.
Extending wrenches by attaching a second wrench or pipe is prohibited.
1.13 For screwdrivers, the blade must fit without play into the slot of the screw head.
1.14 Tools with insulating handles (pliers, pliers, side and end cutters, etc.) must have dielectric sheaths or coatings without damage (delaminations, swellings, cracks) and fit snugly to the handles.
1.15 Crowbars must be straight, with drawn pointed ends.
1.16 Handles of files, scrapers, etc., mounted on pointed tail ends, are equipped with bandage (tie-down) rings.
1.17 In cases of injury or indisposition, it is necessary to stop work, notify the work manager and contact a medical institution.
1.18 For non-compliance with this instruction, the perpetrators are held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work.

2.1 Before starting work, it is necessary to receive a task and instructions from the work manager about safe methods performance of assigned work.
2.2 Put on special clothing and special footwear provided for by the norms. If necessary, work lying down or on your knees, wear elbow pads or knee pads.
2.3 Illumination of the workplace should be sufficient.
2.4 Before starting to work with a hand tool, it is necessary to make sure that it is in full working order. Check the correctness of the nozzle of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.; whether the metal is split along the edges of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.

3. Labor protection requirements during work.

3.1 The position of the tool in the workplace should eliminate the possibility of it rolling or falling.
3.2 When working with a chisel or other hand tool for cutting metal, it is necessary to use goggles for the eyes and cotton gloves.
3.3 When carrying or transporting the tool, its sharp parts must be covered with covers or otherwise.
3.4 When working with jacks, it is forbidden to load the jacks above their passport load capacity.
3.5 When using a tool with insulating handles, it is forbidden to hold it behind stops or shoulders that prevent fingers from slipping towards metal parts.
3.6 It is forbidden to use a tool with insulating handles, in which dielectric covers or coatings do not fit tightly to the handles, have swelling, delamination, cracks, shells and other damage.
3.7 Hand tools must be transported and carried to the place of work in conditions that ensure its serviceability and suitability for work, that is, it must be protected from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations.

4.1 In the event of accidents and situations that can lead to accidents and accidents, it is necessary:
4.1.1 Immediately stop work and notify the work manager.
4.1.2 Under the guidance of the work manager, promptly take measures to eliminate the causes of accidents or situations that can lead to accidents or accidents.
4.2 In the event of a fire, smoke:
4.2.1 Immediately inform the fire brigade by phone "01", notify the workers, notify the head of the unit, report the fire to the security post.
4.2.2 Open emergency exits from the building, turn off the power supply, close windows and close doors.
4.2.3 Start extinguishing the fire primary means extinguishing fires, if this does not involve a risk to life.
4.2.4 Organize a fire brigade meeting.
4.2.5 Leave the building and be in the evacuation zone.
4.3 In the event of an accident:
4.3.1 Immediately organize first aid to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to a medical organization.
4.3.2 Take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on others.
4.3.3 Preserve prior to the investigation of the accident the situation as it was at the time of the incident, if it does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency, and if it is impossible to maintain it, record the current situation (draw up schemes, conduct other activities).

5. Labor protection requirements at the end of work.

5.1 Tidy up the workplace.
5.2 Remove the instrument to the place provided for it.
5.3 Store the tool indoors, away from radiators and protected from sunlight, moisture, and aggressive substances.
5.4 Remove overalls, clean and put away in the place provided for its storage.
5.5 Report all malfunctions noticed in the process of work to the immediate supervisor of the work.

Instruction No.___

on labor protection
when working with hand tools

The instruction is drawn up in accordance with " standard instruction on labor protection when working with hand tools "TOI R-45-065-97.

1. General safety requirements

1.1. The following workers are allowed to work independently with hand tools:

  • not younger than 18 years old;
  • with relevant professional qualifications;
  • who have passed a preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examination and have no contraindications;
  • trained and trained in the workplace;
  • passed briefings: introductory, safety and workplace.

1.2. The hand tool used in the work must comply with the requirements of GOSTs and the instructions of manufacturers.

1.3. When working with hand tools, workers should:

  • observe the rules of internal labor regulations;
  • perform only the work that is entrusted to the immediate supervisor of the work;
  • know and improve methods safe work;
  • use the hand tool for its intended purpose, its malfunction should be reported to the work manager;
  • know the location and be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • immediately inform the work manager about any situation that threatens the life or health of workers and others, an accident that occurred at work;
  • be able to provide first aid to victims of accidents;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • before working with a hand tool, read the instructions for it;
  • it is necessary to use a hand tool in accordance with its purpose;
  • to use overalls and PPE as intended.

1.4. Employees must be provided with special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the "Model Industry Standards for the Free Issue of Personal Protective Equipment for the Profession (Position"), in addition to them, when working with power tools, employees can be given the following PPE, if necessary, free of charge:

  • to protect the organs of vision from dust, flying particles - goggles or shields;
  • to protect the hearing organs from noise - earmuffs or earmuffs with a period of socks to wear out;
  • to protect the respiratory organs from dust, smoke, vapors and gases - respirators or gas masks;
  • to protect against injury electric shock— dielectric means of protection;
  • to protect hands from damage - mittens or gloves.

1.5. Employees who have received a hand tool for everyday use for individual or team use are responsible for its correct operation and timely rejection.

1.6. The hand tool used must meet the following requirements:

  • percussion tool handles - hammers, sledgehammers - should be made of dry wood of hard and viscous species, smoothly processed and securely fixed;
  • the handles of hammers and sledgehammers should be straight and oval in cross section. By the free end of the handle should thicken somewhat (except for sledgehammers) so that the handle does not slip out of the hands when swinging and hitting the tools. At sledgehammers, the handle tapers somewhat towards the free end. The axis of the handle must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tool;
  • for reliable fastening of a hammer and a sledgehammer, the handle is wedged from the end with metal and pointed wedges. Wedges for strengthening the tool on the handle must be made of mild steel;
  • the strikers of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth, slightly convex surface without gouges, chips, potholes, cracks and burrs.

1.7. Impact hand tools (chisels, barbs, punches, cores, etc.) must have:

  • smooth occipital part without cracks, burrs, hardening and bevels;
  • side edges without burrs and sharp corners.

Handles mounted on the pointed tail ends of the tool must have bandage rings.

1.8. The chisel should not be shorter than 150 mm, the length of its drawn part should be 60-70 mm. The tip of the chisel should be sharpened at an angle of 65-70 °, the cutting edge should be a straight or slightly convex line, and the side edges in the places where they are gripped by the hand should not have sharp edges.

1.9. Wrenches must be marked and match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads. The jaws of the wrenches should be parallel. The working surfaces of the wrenches should not have broken chips, and the handles should not have burrs.

Extending wrenches by attaching a second wrench or pipe is prohibited.

1.10. For screwdrivers, the blade must fit without play into the slot of the screw head.

1.11. Tools with insulating handles (pliers, pliers, side and end cutters, etc.) must have dielectric sheaths or coatings without damage (delaminations, swellings, cracks) and fit snugly to the handles.

1.12. Crowbars should be straight, with drawn-out pointed ends.

1.13. The handles of files, scrapers, etc., mounted on pointed tail ends, are equipped with bandage (coupling) rings.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, it is necessary to receive a task from the supervisor and instructions on safe methods for performing the assigned work.

2.2. Put on the special clothes provided by the norms, special shoes. If necessary, work lying down or on your knees - put on elbow pads or knee pads.

2.3. The illumination of the workplace should be sufficient.

2.4. Before you start working with a hand tool, you need to make sure that it is in full working order. Check the correctness of the nozzle of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.; whether the metal is split along the edges of a hammer, sledgehammer, ax, etc.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. The position of the tool in the workplace should eliminate the possibility of it rolling or falling.

3.2. When working with a chisel or other hand tool for cutting metal, it is necessary to use goggles for the eyes and cotton gloves.

3.3. When carrying or transporting the tool, its sharp parts must be covered with covers or otherwise.

3.4. When working with jacks, it is forbidden to load the jacks above their passport load capacity.

3.5. When using a tool with insulated handles, do not hold it behind stops or shoulders that prevent fingers from slipping towards metal parts.

3.6. It is forbidden to use a tool with insulating handles, in which dielectric covers or coatings do not fit tightly to the handles, have swelling, delamination, cracks, shells, and other damage.

3.7. A hand tool must be transported and carried to the place of work under conditions that ensure its serviceability and suitability for work, i.e. it must be protected from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of a malfunction of the tool, the employee is obliged to stop work, inform the manager about the malfunctions that have arisen.

4.2. In the event of an accident with a workmate, the employee must be able to provide him with first (pre-medical) aid.

4.3. In the event of an injury, you should:

  • stop working;
  • notify the manager;
  • contact the medical center.

5. Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, you should:

  • tidy up the workplace;
  • put the tool in the place allotted for it;
  • store the tool indoors, away from radiators and protected from sunlight, moisture, aggressive substances;
  • take off your overalls and hang them in the place provided for their storage.

5.2. Report any deficiencies found during work to the immediate supervisor.