What to do if there are mosquitoes in the house. Basement mosquitoes, how to get rid of them? Overview of homemade traps

  • 13.06.2019

It is worth noting that only female mosquitoes are blood-sucking - they have substances contained in the blood of humans and other mammals that are necessary for successful breeding. Males, regardless of species, are vegetarians and prefer plant foods to all other options. So, when talking about how to get rid of mosquitoes without unnecessary hassle, it is worth remembering that the lack of access to food for females is the only natural regulator of the population of these insects.

Incredible, but true: I blood type, increased production of lactic acid in the body, changes in hormonal levels, accompanied by a set of increased body weight, are factors that increase the likelihood of a bite. An increase in the frequency of hygiene procedures and the use of personal protective equipment can help to cope with the problem.

How to make your home a mosquito-free zone: effective measures

In a house or apartment? First of all, it is worth identifying the source of the appearance of blood-sucking insects. It could be:

  • street - insects breeding here easily enter houses and apartments through vents, open windows and doors;
  • basement - high humidity and temperature can make your "mosquito season" last almost all year round;
  • bathroom and toilet - mosquitoes live where there is free access to water.

Of course, before deciding how to get rid of mosquitoes in the premises of a house or apartment, it is worth taking simple protective measures. Do not leave the surface of the sink and bathtub wet overnight, close the toilet lid tightly, eliminate leaks in time and remove moisture from those places where it accumulates in the form of condensate. This will make your home less attractive to mosquitoes.

Use mosquito nets - they will avoid the difficulties of getting insects from the street. But to deal with bloodsuckers that enter an apartment or house from the basement, it should be more radical methods.

Among the means of home influence, the leading positions are still occupied by a variety of fly swatters, newspaper sheets folded into a tube, and even slippers. However, with the advent of electric fumigators, very serious changes have taken place on this front. True, this tool cannot be called truly reliable. After all, the action of the plate or liquid is short-term. And for total protection against mosquitoes, you will have to forget about the habit of sleeping with open windows.

Essential oils can be safely called folk remedies for fighting mosquitoes. For example, camphor, which allows you to scare away bloodsuckers on the approach. Or an aqueous solution:

  • vinegar;
  • clove oil;
  • lavender extract;
  • cedar oil;
  • mixtures of mint and eucalyptus oils;
  • anise oil.

As a kind of fumigator, you can also use an aroma lamp or incense sticks with natural ingredients - they will help to cope with insects and set the body for relaxation and healthy sleep.

Got rid of the mosquitoes? Call the professionals

How to get rid of mosquitoes if they do not appear in the house from time to time, but live practically as owners? The presence of the so-called "nest" in the premises of a house or apartment turns all the usual measures of influence into meaningless fuss. Mosquitoes in this case will not decrease either under the influence of a fumigator or when using insecticides in sprays. To cope with the problem is possible only with the help of total processing of premises using professional equipment. And the specialists of the ECO-CAPOLITSA company are always ready to help in this, having an arsenal of necessary means capable of ensuring the complete destruction of mosquitoes in the basement or residential premises, guaranteeing the absence of annoying blood-sucking neighbors on the territory of the house or apartment.

The destruction of insects in confined spaces is a matter that is best left to professionals. It is they who have not only effective, but also safe preparations that allow pest control without harm to people and pets.

And the use of equipment that sprays the smallest particles of water vapor mixed with fumigation agents allows insecticides to penetrate where spraying for home use is useless. Moreover, subject to certain rules, it is possible to ensure the implementation of preventive measures to avoid reappearance blood-sucking insects in a house or apartment for a long time.

How to get rid of mosquitoes outdoors

  • sites for placement of wells and reservoirs with water;
  • basements and boiler rooms;
  • herbs and shrubs;
  • sites with open reservoirs;
  • other places of mass accumulation of insects.

The main task in this case is the destruction of insect colonies and the prevention of their further active reproduction. This means that the insect control procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible and using the most modern equipment.

Moreover, experienced specialists will be able not only to eliminate the source of danger, but also to identify local breeding centers of mosquitoes on the site, making the fight against them even more effective.

Going out of town - on a hike or on a picnic, you should not forget about insecticidal protection either. To relax in company on the shore of a reservoir, it is better to stock up on repellents in advance in the form of sprays, as well as special fumigator spirals that release substances that can scare off annoying insects.

For children, prepare creams and ointments that can emit odors that are unpleasant for mosquitoes. With a pronounced allergic reaction For insect bites, it is better to stock up on antihistamines in advance.

Effective help from professionals in the fight against mosquitoes

Whatever mosquito control measures are chosen, the main thing is that they do not harm the health of others. And, if you plan to do everything according to the rules, it is worth entrusting the tasks to professionals from the very beginning, who can guarantee the safe and effective destruction of blood-sucking insects indoors or on outdoors, ensuring the elimination of potential carriers of dangerous infections in the shortest possible time.

How to get rid of mosquitoes? - Video

Still water - favorable place for breeding mosquitoes. This is where insects lay their eggs. Add coffee grounds in stagnant water, then the eggs will rise to the surface and be deprived of oxygen. So they will die, and you will prevent the reproduction of bloodsuckers.

Mosquito bites itch no less than horsefly bites. Scratching the swollen area can lead to an infection. Folk and home remedies will help to avoid the consequences.

How to prevent mosquitoes

There is an opinion that mosquitoes do not tolerate yellow. If yellow clothing doesn't help get rid of annoying insects, use effective home remedies to get rid of mosquitoes.

We tighten the openings

An easy way to keep mosquitoes out of your home is to cover your windows and vents with mosquito nets. balcony doors cover with curtains, and ventilation holes with gauze.

The advantage of this method is that mosquitoes will not enter the house. But if you tightened the openings at the moment when the mosquitoes were in the room, you will have to get rid of them in other ways.

We use smells

Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smells of elderberry, bird cherry, geranium, chamomile and basil. Spread branches and bunches of herbs with a repellent smell around the rooms, then mosquitoes will not fly into the room.

The smell of tomato seedlings also helps to get rid of bloodsuckers. They do not tolerate the aroma of tomato tops. Expose seedlings under the windows, on the balcony or on the windowsill - the desire to fly into the room at the mosquito will disappear immediately.

We turn on the electric fumigators

The active substance of fumigators can be dry - applied to the plate, or liquid - in a vial. When the active substance evaporates, toxic fumes are released. Mosquitoes stop biting after 15 minutes, and after 2 hours they die.

The downside of the method is that toxic fumes are harmful to humans, so you can use electric fumigators only with the windows wide open.

If the liquid in the electric fumigator has evaporated, add eucalyptus extract - the effect will be the same.

Quick way to get rid of mosquitoes

Camphor smoke will help to quickly expel mosquitoes from the premises. Sprinkle camphor on a hot frying pan and mosquitoes will quickly leave the house. Smoke is harmless to humans, but deadly to mosquitoes.


  1. Add 1 sachet dried to 1 glass of water.
  2. Boil for 3 minutes.
  3. Cool and mix with cologne.
  4. Process open areas mosquito skin.

Clove oil is effective. Drip it on clothes, a stroller, process a tent - mosquitoes will not rise to the smell.


Rub open areas of the body with wood lice. According to experienced summer residents, mosquitoes do not fly close after the procedure.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home

Folk remedies for mosquitoes are harmless to humans. This explains the popularity of their use.


  1. Crush 4-6 cloves of garlic and boil them in a glass of water for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Pour the product into a spray bottle and spray around the room.

lavender oil

Mosquitoes hate the smell of lavender oil. How to get rid of mosquitoes at home: spray oil in the room, and the mosquitoes will leave the room in 30 minutes.

With the advent of the warm season, various insects appear, some of them cause a lot of problems. All people are familiar with mosquitoes since childhood. These insects cause a lot of trouble due to the fact that after a bite, a blister remains in place, which will cause a lot of inconvenience.

One mosquito can ruin the whole night, as its buzzing will keep you awake. The bitten surface of the skin not only itches, but also does not look aesthetically attractive.

Therefore, every year there is an increasing number of methods to combat these insects, some are represented by special sprays and creams applied to the surface of the skin, while others scare away even on the approach.

Also, do not forget about the numerous folk methods which are also efficient. Consider the problem with the appearance of mosquitoes in more detail.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home?

Mosquitoes fly into your home for several reasons:

  1. Because of high humidity. For example, if the house has a basement, and it was flooded, then most of the mosquitoes will enter the house from there.
  2. In addition, the insect is sensitive to the smell of human sweat and flies to him.
  3. There is an opinion that mosquitoes fly into the light.

There are several basic methods of getting rid of mosquitoes at home:

  1. Chemicals.
  2. Folk remedies.
  3. Drugs from a pharmacy.

Chemical preparations according to their intended use can be divided into the following groups:

  1. For personal use.
  2. For spraying.

They are also divided into those that need to be used in the house and on the street.

The features of all drugs that can be found on sale include the following points:

On sale you can find quite a few different drugs, they differ in composition, recommendations for use, cost and, of course, effectiveness.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

How to make a mosquito repellent with your own hands?

There are several popular folk remedies that can be used to solve the problem in question:

  1. bird cherry has deterrent properties. To do this, you can put leaves and flowers on the windowsill.
  2. tomato seedling also quite often used to repel insects. It is enough to put it on the windowsill, and the problem will be partially solved.
  3. Bloodsuckers, in addition, are afraid of the smell of anise, eucalyptus, cedar and lemon with cloves. The site has reviews about.
  4. With your own hands, you can make a tape that will scare away bloodsuckers. To do this, you can use a paper tape, on which gelatin and starch glue is applied, after which basil leaves, crushed to a state of dust, are sprinkled on top.
  5. Mosquitoes found to be intolerant to valerian and tobacco. They can be used as natural repellants.
  6. Tea tree has long been used in the fight against mosquitoes. The oil of this tree has the greatest benefit, which allows not only to repel insects, but also to solve problems with bites.
  7. There is another popular way to solve the problem: you can soften a cotton swab and put it on the windowsill.
  8. It can also have a long-term deterrent effect. To do this, you can plant an elderberry under the window.
  9. caucasian chamomile another well-known remedy that has been used for many years. This plant contains a special substance - pyrethrum, which is a natural insecticide. The substance has a deterrent effect not only on mosquitoes, but also on many other insects.

The above points determine that it is possible to protect the premises at minimal cost.

Stories from our readers!
“We spend the whole summer in the country, there are a lot of mosquitoes, flies and midges. It is impossible for adults or children to be in the house, and even more so on the street. We bought a trap lamp on the advice of neighbors.

We have been using the lamp for over a month. We forgot about flying insects and are often outdoors in the evenings. Very pleased with the result. I recommend to everyone."

What are mosquitoes afraid of?

Mosquitoes are afraid of:

  1. Pungent odors.
  2. various toxins.
  3. Ultrasonic vibrations at certain frequencies.

In most cases, there are no factors that affect insects under normal conditions.

What plants are mosquitoes afraid of?

There are quite a few plants that have a deterrent effect:

  1. Basil, lemon balm, mint or rosemary. They have a pungent odor and essential oils in the composition.
  2. Ordinary tomatoes also have a deterrent property.
  3. Pelargonium fragrant has beautiful view and at the same time can also effectively scare away bloodsuckers.
  4. Garlic, lavender and walnut can be used to repel mosquitoes.

All these plants can be used in different ways in order to protect yourself from bloodsuckers.

What smells are mosquitoes afraid of?

As previously noted, mosquitoes are susceptible to various odors. They do not have to be sharp or strong, some are even very pleasant for a person. An example is the fragrance that comes from elderberry or tungsten.

Mosquito repellent for children

Quite a lot is created for children various means which have high efficiency.

Everything can be divided into the following main groups:

  1. Creams, lotions, sprays.
  2. Fumigants.
  3. Children's bracelets against mosquitoes.
  4. Repellent devices that create an ultrasonic wave.

Let's start the review with creams, lotions and sprays:

  1. Many products should be applied in a thin layer, which does not require rubbing the product.
  2. Most funds should not fall on scratches and wounds, as well as mucous membranes in order to avoid the development of an inflammatory process.
  3. It is recommended to carry out the maximum processing of clothing, not skin. In this way, the effect on the skin can be significantly reduced.
  4. In some cases, the substance is applied to the canopy of the stroller.
  5. All funds should not be applied more than 2-3 times a day. After the bloodsuckers do not attack the child, the funds should be washed off the surface of the skin.
  6. Any high-quality cream has an effect for at least two hours. If the action time is less, then there is a high probability that a fake was purchased.

Fumigants are chemicals that can kill pests at a fairly large distance. Special children's products are created so that they do not have a sharp irritating odor and do not affect others. An example is the Raptor "Nekusayka". However, it is worth considering the moment that the tool must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the stroller.

On sale you can find anti-mosquito children's bracelets, their features include:

  1. The bracelet does not contain toxic substances, which determines a significant reduction in the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
  2. The bracelet can be worn both on the leg and on the arm.
  3. Some versions of the bracelets have a pungent smell.

Ultrasonic devices have recently become very popular, their features include:
“Always used fertilizer and top dressing in his garden. Neighbor said he soaks seeds with new fertilizer. Seedlings grow strong and strong.

Ordered, followed instructions. Great results! We did not expect this! We harvested a wonderful crop this year, now we will always use only this tool. I recommend trying."

Mosquito repellent in the country

In the country, you can use a variety of methods to combat mosquitoes. Many plants at the time of flowering can emit odors that will drive away many insects, not just mosquitoes. It is possible to install homemade traps, for example, made from a bottle or sticky tape.

As soon as more or less warm days came, the children's bodies immediately covered mosquito bites. Moreover, blood-sucking insects bite not only in the forest or in the country, but also in the apartment, especially at night. Learn how to deal with nasty neighbors and protect your child from mosquito bites.

Mosquito bites, in principle, are not dangerous, but can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes. Edema, especially in the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips, prevents the baby from playing normally, itching from mosquito saliva makes it necessary to comb the bites, while it is easy to infect the wound, and further on the rise - it itches more and more, suppuration begins. In short, it is in our power to do everything possible to protect the child from mosquito bites.

Mosquitoes are known to determine where their prey is based on several parameters, one of which is smell. Moreover, scientists have proved that mosquitoes emit carbon dioxide emitted by warm-blooded mosquitoes at a distance of up to 50 meters. Some fragrant plants, releasing essential oils into the air, are so disgusting to mosquitoes that they can be passed from your bloodstream.

Chemical repellents

Now there are many devices (fumigators) sold in stores that work on the same principle - a certain substance applied to a special plate or a bottle of liquid is heated, the air is filled with repellent, and insects die. This method has one big disadvantage - most mosquito repellents are made on the basis of diethyltoluamide (DETA), a substance that can be dangerous not only for mosquitoes, but also for people, and contact with them is strictly contraindicated for children. If you can’t do without a fumigator, choose plates without DEET, based on pyrethrum, for example, and strictly follow the rules for use.

Mosquito repellers and exterminators

As an alternative to chemical repellents, you can use modern devices, repellers - with the help of ultrasound they give insects a signal of danger, exterminators, on the contrary, lure mosquitoes into a special tank, where they die. Such devices are not cheap, you need to know. How to choose them so as not to get a low-quality fake.

Source: www.aliexpress.com

Mosquito nets

Whatever windows you have, taking care of protection from flying insects is simply necessary. Mosquito nets may not protect 100% from small bugs, especially stubborn ones can get through, but the number of mosquitoes will be fundamentally smaller. By the way, if your baby is still walking in a stroller, it should also be covered with a mosquito net.

plant a geranium

The aroma of the leaves and flowers of Pelagronia, a bit reminiscent of carrots, is not tolerated by all flying insects. If you have several flowerpots with geraniums on your windowsill, mosquitoes will simply stop flying in, and those that fall by chance will be an order of magnitude less active. In this way, by the way, you can get rid of annoying flies and midges in the summer.

Melissa and peppermint

Mosquitoes do not tolerate the sharp, but pleasant smell of mint and lemon balm for us and prefer not to fly into a room or territory where there are a lot of these plants. In a city apartment, if you can’t grow mint and lemon balm, plucked leaves are quite suitable. Even dried plants emit phytoncides that repel mosquitoes, and for a child they are completely safe and even a little useful 🙂

Mosquitoes can make life just unbearable. With the onset of the warm season, they begin their hunt for warm-blooded animals and people. Camping during the summer months can become very uncomfortable due to these small insects. Mosquitoes do not give rest in the house, penetrating into the room through an open window or door.

Today, there are a huge number of diverse chemicals on sale to repel blood-sucking insects, but they do not always meet all human safety requirements. In order to protect yourself from mosquitoes and at the same time not risk your health, it is worth remembering the various folk remedies, which will help prevent the attacks of winged bloodsuckers both indoors and outdoors.

How to keep mosquitoes out

It is much more difficult to drive mosquitoes out of a room than to prevent them from entering there.

Essential oils are a powerful insect repellent. In order to resort to their help, an aroma lamp is required, in the upper part of which there is a recess for water and oil, and in the lower part there is a cavity for a tablet candle.

A candle, by heating the water, causes the essential oil to evaporate. In order to prevent mosquitoes from trying to enter your home, you should light the lamp in the morning and evening for 30 minutes. Depending on which oil is used, its dosage will vary. You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • geranium oil - 5 drops;
  • basil oil - 4 drops;
  • lemon balm oil - 6 drops;
  • eucalyptus oil - 7 drops;
  • juniper oil - 6 drops;
  • tea tree oil - 5 drops.

If desired, you can also use a mixture of several oils from this list, taking 2 drops of each, but only in such a way that the total amount of oil does not exceed 8 drops.

  • Camphor - its aroma for mosquitoes is simply unbearable. It is enough to moisten a piece of cotton wool in it and put it on the windowsill of an open window. Winged bloodsuckers will not fly closer than a couple of meters to this place and therefore will not be able to enter the room.
  • There is a tool that will save the apartment not only from mosquitoes, but also from many other insects. In 500 milliliters warm water add 20 milliliters of vodka, 1 teaspoon of salt and 10 drops of lemon balm essential oil. The mixture is well shaken and poured into a spray bottle. It is enough to spray windows once a day, and insects will not dare to enter the room. If desired, ventilation can also be sprayed with the same composition, through which non-flying insects can enter the house.
  • Feverfew, or Caucasian chamomile, is a reliable mosquito repellant. In order for the winged bloodsuckers not to disturb for seven days, it is enough to hang a small bunch of the dried above-ground part of the plant with flowers on the window. The flower does not cause allergies, and therefore feverfew can be used even in the room of a small child.
  • Elder. This plant is a real weapon against mosquitoes. If you put a bunch of elderberries in front of an open window or spread slightly crumpled leaves of the plant on the windowsill, then the bloodsuckers will not even try to enter the room. advice about country house: it would be reasonable to plant elderberry bushes in front of the windows, and insects will not get into the apartment.
  • Tomato tops are another remedy for getting rid of winged bloodsuckers. To prevent insects from flying into the room, tomato greens are placed on the windowsill or hung near the window. For 5 days the house will be protected from mosquitoes.
  • Ivan tea, or fireweed. Most effective remedy, which does not allow insects into the room and expels mosquitoes from it - this is a decoction of fireweed root. To prepare it, you should take a handful of chopped roots, pour one glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. After the broth, without filtering, leave in a bowl without a lid in a room where the windows are open. Its smell will not let mosquitoes to the window and drive them out of the room.
  • Fresh garlic will not only drive mosquitoes away from an open window, but will also lead to the death of insects already in the room. It is enough to chop 2 heads of garlic and put the resulting mass in a thin layer on a plate that will stand on the windowsill. In the next few days, insects will not annoy.
  • Cloves with lemon can replace expensive chemical insecticides from bloodsuckers. One lemon should be cut into several thick circles and stick ten sticks of cloves into each of them. The room will quickly fill with a pleasant, cozy citrus-spicy aroma that will not irritate the inhabitants. However, mosquitoes do not tolerate it at all. Replace the lemon should be after it is completely dry. Cloves can be used up to 4 times.

How not to feed mosquitoes outside

Outdoors, a person also needs protection from mosquitoes. In order to prevent insects from spoiling outdoor recreation, you should use means that repel them. Available a large number of various folk ways keep the bloodsuckers away. They are good because they can be used even for small children.

  • To protect the child from bites, it is enough to add a little vanillin to the baby cream. The resulting composition is lubricated with open areas of the body, and mosquitoes will not fly close. The smell of vanilla is unbearable for them.
  • For those whose skin tolerates contact with essential oil eucalyptus, mosquitoes will cease to be a threat. Open areas of the body should be lubricated with oil, and in the next six hours the bloodsuckers will not bother. Mosquitoes will try to fly away from the eucalyptus oil user.
  • Can be used to scare away bloodsuckers and rowan leaves. A few leaves are well kneaded in the hands and then they wipe the exposed skin. The smell of mountain ash will not let mosquitoes close.
  • Unpleasant for bloodsuckers and the smell of bird cherry. Its leaves should be crushed in a blender and, putting the gruel in gauze, wipe the exposed skin with it. The number of leaves is selected depending on what area you want to process. In the event that you plan to visit the beach, you need to grind at least 40 leaves. If you only need to lubricate the hands and neck, 5 leaves will be enough.
  • You can also prepare a decoction of wormwood root to lubricate the skin. One and a half liters of boiling water is poured into a bowl with a handful of crushed plant roots and boiled for about 5 minutes. After this, the remedy is insisted for another 30 minutes. With a cooled preparation, parts of the body that are not protected by clothing are treated. One procedure is enough for three hours to repel mosquitoes.
  • In the event that it is possible to provide mosquitoes with a smoke attack, it is worth using spruce or pine cones. It is enough to throw 20 cones into the fire, as blood-sucking winged ones will hasten to get away a considerable distance from the fire. One serving of cones is enough to get rid of mosquitoes for 3 hours.
  • There are also such recommendations: in order not to become a mosquito's dinner, you need to use fish oil. They need to lubricate the exposed skin well. The product is quite fragrant and therefore suitable for use far from everywhere. In addition, if the fat gets on the clothes, it will be almost impossible to save it.
  • Cloves, which can be found in grocery stores, can protect against attacks of bloodsuckers for 2 hours. To prepare a decoction, take 5 grams of cloves and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. Next, the product is boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes. After the drug has cooled down, it is mixed in a volume of 10 drops with 1 tablespoon of cologne or vodka and the skin is lubricated with the resulting composition. Mosquitoes and other insects will not fly up to a person closer than five meters.
  • Carbolic acid is another remedy for flying monsters. Having lubricated the skin with it, you can safely stay outdoors for about 5 hours.
  • An effective remedy with a very pungent odor is garlic. 5 cloves must be crushed to a pulp and mixed with 50 milliliters of vodka. After letting the drug brew for about 15 minutes, it is drained and applied to the skin. Lubricate open areas of the body. This tool will help drive away mosquitoes for 10 - 12 hours.
  • Vanilla water will quickly prevent mosquitoes from trying to dine. For its preparation, 1 teaspoon of vanillin is dissolved in 1 glass of warm water. The resulting product is lubricated with open skin, as well as the area along the edge of hair growth on the head. Having done this treatment, you can spend about 3 hours on the street.
  • Mosquitoes and many other blood-sucking smells of basil cannot stand it. You can use it in two ways. First, rub the skin well with a few crushed leaves. Secondly, you need to cut a branch of the plant and attach it to your clothes. Duration of protection in the first case - 2 hours, in the second - at least 8 hours.
  • In the event that there are few mosquitoes, you can resort to a little trick. It is believed that insects choose their prey not only by smell, but also by color. If you wear yellow or pastel-colored clothes, then the risk of being attacked by bloodsuckers is greatly reduced. According to this version, the main aggression of mosquitoes is caused by red, orange and bright blue colors.
  • The well-known wood lice is another powerful remedy for bloodsucking. If several of its stems with leaves are rubbed on the exposed parts of the body, then not a single mosquito will dare to approach more than two meters. Depending on the physiological characteristics a person, such protection lasts from six to ten hours.

Using folk remedies, you can easily deal with vampires from the world of insects without resorting to chemicals, which can sometimes be harmful to health.