The main symptoms of a gadfly bite, possible consequences and prevention. What to do if after a bite of a gadfly or horsefly there is a swelling and redness How to relieve itching from a bite of a horsefly

  • 17.06.2019

Recreation in nature is a pleasure for many people. But how many times did it happen that some insect attacked a person and stung, spoiling the whole rest. Among such troubles may be a horsefly bite. It causes burning pain with further consequences. What is dangerous horsefly? How to be treated after his attack? And how to protect yourself from his bite?

What are horseflies and their bites?

The horsefly insect is a large fly with two wings and a voluminous proboscis. Inside the latter are a cutting likeness of teeth. It is they who help the female horseflies to bite into the flesh of their prey. After all, only females feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, while males prefer plant nectar. They can be distinguished by appearance. Females have a strip between the large eyes, while males do not have it. The body of the male is more pointed.

They choose forests, deserts, and steppes as their habitats. Although more of them can be found near freshwater reservoirs, where females lay their larvae. More than 200 species of horseflies are known in the CIS countries. There are approximately 4400 varieties of them in the world. The most common botanists consider the following species:

  • raincoats - they can be up to 12 mm in size,
  • bull gadflies - the largest, can grow up to 20 mm,
  • lacewings - also reach 12 mm.

How does a horsefly bite happen? For humans, as well as for animals, this process is very painful. Having bitten through the skin with a fleshy proboscis, the insect begins to suck out blood. At the same time, his saliva is released into the wound, saturated with toxins and a substance that prevents blood from clotting. Because of the toxins, the horsefly bite leads to an inflammatory skin reaction. Due to contact with anticoagulants, the blood oozes for a long time, the wound does not heal well. You may also be allergic to the bite of this fly. If in a short period a person has undergone many bites, then his body reacts to this with manifestations of intoxication.

Females need blood in order to continue their race. Usually, after the mating process, fertilized eggs need those substances that are in the blood of humans and animals. Such a need pushes the female to bite. At the same time, raincoats and lacewings start their prey immediately. And the bull gadflies before the "meal" also make several circles around their "prey". An adult horsefly can absorb about 20 ml of blood. This is ten times more than mosquitoes.

What is the bite of a horsefly for a person?

These flies are really annoying, so getting rid of them can be difficult. After all, the insect purposefully pursues its prey until it strikes. What happens to a person after such a bite? It leads to such unpleasant symptoms:

  • intense pain at the site of the bite,
  • severe burning and itching,
  • around the hearth, the skin begins to turn red,
  • this area swells
  • there is bleeding from the wound.

These signs can be troublesome for a few days, after which they usually go away. However, if the body is sensitive, it may react with an allergy. In this case, the following symptoms are added to the above symptoms:

  • poor general health
  • elevated body temperature,
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes that are close to the bite site,
  • the formation of a hardened nodule at the site of the bite,
  • pain in the formed nodule.

In medicine, it has never happened that an allergy to a horsefly bite led to more serious consequences. The clinical picture after a bite can have serious complications if the horsefly has introduced an infection into the body. These insects are carriers various diseases infectious nature. Among these ailments:

  • filariasis,
  • tularemia,
  • trypanosomiasis,
  • anthrax.

If a horsefly is infected with one of these diseases, then it can cause great harm to the health of the person it bites. If an infection enters the wound, it begins to become very inflamed and fester.

How to help someone who has been bitten by a horsefly?

First aid and further treatment measures are necessary to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and heal the bite site faster. The first steps are as follows:

  • In order to avoid that the horsefly saliva begins to expand its effect, the bitten place must be pressed down with a finger.
  • Apply ice to relieve itching.
  • It is important to wash the bite with soap and water. To do this, the water should be cool, because warm can increase itching and burning. Soap is better to take without cosmetic additives.
  • Lubricate the bitten place with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. After that, you can apply iodine or brilliant green. Disinfecting the wound is very important in order to prevent inflammation from developing and to avoid infection from entering it.

A horsefly bite is treated at home. It rarely happens that the victim needs to be hospitalized. Medical intervention is necessary if a lot of bites have been inflicted or a person has developed severe allergic manifestations.

Folk and home treatments are suitable in order to speed up the healing process. To do this, you can always use the tools that are at hand. Treat an insect bite in the following ways:

  • Bandage with a solution of soda or boric acid will help relieve itching.
  • The slurry of psyllium leaves is also effective in relieving the itching sensation. In order to prepare raw materials, you need to pick the leaves of the plantain, rinse and grind until a slurry is formed. Then the resulting remedy is applied to the bite site, fixing with a bandage. If there was no fresh plantain nearby, you can use dried one. Before grinding, it is soaked in water.
  • Plantain juice - not less than good way. They are impregnated with a sterile napkin and attached to the bitten place.
  • Dandelion helps with a horsefly bite with its juice, which needs to lubricate the wound by splitting the stem of the plant.
  • Onion juice is obtained by finely slicing the onion. It can also alleviate the suffering of the patient.
  • Fresh wormwood juice helps relieve pain and eliminate swelling.

In addition to these available funds mint, aloe juice, yarrow, black nightshade, parsley, lemon juice, sour cream, potato gruel, propolis or calendula tincture, garlic gruel can alleviate the symptoms of a bite.

Prevention of horsefly bites

To avoid a dangerous insect attack, you need to protect yourself and your home. To do this, put mosquito nets on the windows. Special canopies are also used to protect outdoor tents and prams from insects. Keep bunches of herbs indoors that horseflies do not like: wormwood, lavender, mint, lemon balm, tansy. Marigolds, geraniums and tomatoes also scare them away. If such plants grow near the house, then the risk of getting a horsefly bite will be much reduced.

The juice of these plants can also be rubbed on the skin if there are no other deterrents at hand. Repellents in the form of sprays, gels and creams are applied to the skin and clothing. They can be chemical in composition, or they can contain natural ingredients. Essential oils also good for protection. First of all, it is eucalyptus and clove. They should also be added to aroma lamps to protect your home from horseflies.

When going to nature, especially during daylight hours, when horseflies are most active, protect your body with clothing that covers as much as possible. It is better that it be light, without bright colors. Horseflies are attracted to bright colors.


Avoiding horsefly bites is better than treating them. Therefore, people in every possible way protect themselves from annoying insects. Indeed, in addition to painful sensations, their bite can cause allergies and infection. Some of the diseases carried by these flies are very serious. Therefore, take care of yourself, especially when you go to work or relax in nature.

The gadfly is a large fly. People call him horsefly. In fact, they are different insects. The horsefly feeds on blood, and for the gadfly, those nutrients that are stored at the larva stage are enough, so the gadfly does not live long. Recognizing a gadfly is very easy. While on vacation, horseflies and gadflies constantly buzz overhead, creating sharp circular movements.

You can recognize that the bite was made by a gadfly by the following signs:

  1. Two small holes are visible on the skin. During a bite, a person feels a strong sharp pain.
  2. The bleeding from the wound does not stop for some time.
  3. The skin around the bite instantly turns red and itches unbearably. This is due to the fact that the insect introduces toxic substances under the skin.
  4. Edema forms around the bitten area, which increases in size.

After a bite, the wound may fester, giving the victim certain pain at the slightest touch. If timely medical care is not provided, the situation worsens, the abscess grows.

During the piercing of the skin, the fly lets in toxic substances into it, which penetrate the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This reaction may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The temperature rises above 38 degrees.
  • Arises headache which can last for a long time.
  • The patient has attacks of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea opens.

In addition to these signs, a severe allergic reaction appears.

Allergic reaction

How to recognize that the patient has developed an allergy to a gadfly bite. In medical practice, there are cases of death after the bite of a bloodsucker. This happens due to extensive allergies and failure to provide timely qualified assistance.

Allergy looks like this:

  1. Edema spreads to healthy areas of the skin.
  2. Not only the hearth can itch, but also the skin throughout the body.
  3. The pain does not go away even after a long time.
  4. The vertical position of the patient is very difficult, while the head is very dizzy, nausea and vomiting occur.
  5. The patient is indifferent to the environment.
  6. The motor apparatus is paralyzed. It is difficult for a person to move, each movement causes a sharp pain in the whole body, fatigue. Spontaneous exit of urine and feces is possible.

Insect bite treatment

Most often, bites occur in nature, and even a minimal antiseptic is not at hand.
Still, it's worth giving first aid. For this, herbs that grow right under your feet are suitable.

Traditional medicine recipes

by the most effective means are:

  • Plantain. Fresh leaves must be picked and washed with water, removing dust from them. Next, prepare a slurry from them and apply to the wound. Useful substances will relieve itching and prevent swelling from spreading. After the agent dries, the procedure is repeated.
  • Dandelion. No less effective when bitten by a gadfly. Dandelion leaves are also washed with water, crushed and applied to the bite, pressed down with a cloth bandage or bandage. This natural antiseptic will prevent the appearance of inflammatory process and also minimizes the spread of infection into the body.
  • The baking soda will help. Prepare an alkaline solution: take 1 tsp for 250 ml of water. soda, stir. Apply applications to the damaged area.
  • If there is dry ice at hand, then it is applied to the focus for about 10 minutes with short breaks.

In addition to those listed folk remedies and herbs, you can use sour cream, kefir, tomato, potatoes.

Before you start self-treatment, you need to follow some rules. Wash the bite with soap and water first. This will eliminate the bacteria that are present on the surface of the skin. Next, you need to eliminate the toxic liquid from upper layers skin with light pressure. Thus, part of the toxic substance will not penetrate into the body. This will reduce the degree of intoxication. Then use improvised means.

Important! In case of a bite by a blood-sucking insect and after first aid, try to take the patient to the doctor as soon as possible so that complications do not arise.

Medical preparations

  1. After the discovery of the wound, even if the patient does not have an allergy, it is necessary to apply antihistamines. This helps to reduce swelling and itching. Of these funds, you may need: Suprastin, Tavegil, Cetrin, Loratadin, etc.
  2. In addition, the wound can be treated with hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine solution.
  3. To reduce pain, use painkillers: Nimesulide, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. In addition, they will have an antipyretic effect.
  4. In order for the wound to heal faster, suppuration does not occur, use: Bepanten, Fenistil and other wound healing creams, gels and ointments.

If such treatment did not help, and the wound began to fester, symptoms of a severe allergy appeared, you should contact an infectious disease specialist. The doctor will examine the bitten place and prescribe a more effective treatment.

The prolonged stay of the wound on the skin, as well as its non-healing, comes from the presence of a gadfly larva under the skin. Its presence is determined visually by the doctor. In order to eliminate it, it is necessary to interrupt the supply of oxygen under the skin. To do this, a tight bandage is applied to the surface, before that the skin is abundantly lubricated with any oily cream.

Important! Limited air access will force the fly larva to crawl to the surface, after which it is carefully pulled out with tweezers. After extracting a small worm, a rather tangible hole forms on the skin, which must be treated with antiseptic agents.

All manipulations can be done at home, but under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to bring an additional infection into the wound.


To prevent gadfly bites, follow these recommendations:

  1. During outdoor recreation, use repellents that will drive away annoying insects.
  2. Do not leave the car and tent open, as flies clog into the space, and at night they can bite.
  3. Strictly monitor children, as a gadfly bite is especially dangerous for them.
  4. When gathering for vacation, take with you the most necessary (first aid kit) to provide first aid.
  5. Wear light-colored clothing. Colored and dark things attract insects.
  6. Mosquitoes do not like odorous herbs such as wormwood and tansy. Several branches can be placed next to yourself and the children.


The bite of a gadfly is very dangerous for a person, you do not need to ignore it. The symptoms are terrible, as are the consequences.
If you do not have the means to help the patient at hand, do not waste time and immediately take the patient to the nearest medical center.

The article focuses on issues related to the elimination of problems caused by hornet bites and which will be extremely problematic to deal with on your own without going to a doctor.

A horsefly bite looks like and how dangerous it is, how long it takes, consequences and allergies

Horsefly is a type of large fly that feeds on the blood of animals. A horsefly attacks a person relatively rarely.

The bite of this insect causes burning pain at the moment of stinging and severe itching after it, accompanied by swelling of the surrounding tissues.

The bite of a horsefly is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers. The victim may develop a fever, develop weakness, and feel unwell.

It usually takes 2-3 days for a person to subside puffiness from a horsefly bite and normalize the general condition.

After a horsefly bite, the leg hurts and it is swollen, what to do, how to process and smear

After a horsefly bite, the following measures must be taken:
- prevent the spread of horsefly saliva components by pressing down on the bite with a finger or a hard object;
- wash the bitten place with water and laundry soap;
- apply a cold compress to the affected area of ​​the body;
- treat the skin around the wound with an antiseptic solution - brilliant green, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, etc.

In the following days, Fenistil-gel, Panthenol or Rescuer can be applied to the wound to relieve swelling.

How to treat a horsefly bite in a child, which doctor to contact

If a child has been bitten by a horsefly, then the baby should be shown to a therapist or dermatologist. Also, for first aid, you can go to the emergency room, and in severe cases, call an ambulance.

To treat the effects of a horsefly bite, children are usually prescribed anti-inflammatory ointments - Hydrocortisone, Advantan, Sinaflan.

How to treat a horsefly bite with folk remedies, how to relieve redness, swelling and swelling

You can reduce the swelling of tissues with a horsefly bite with the following folk remedies:
- by attaching a leaf of cabbage, plantain, black nightshade, mint or dandelion to the inflamed place;
- rubbing the skin around the wound with aloe juice, onion or garlic;
- putting a bandage on the bite site, thickly lathered with laundry soap;
- cooling the swelling with a cold object or a heating pad with ice.

A horsefly bite if it oozes what to do to make it go faster

A horsefly bite, in which slight discharge is observed from the wound, can be treated with corticosteroid-containing balms and ointments, for example, Advantan. To speed up the healing process, you can also drink antihistamines - Suprastin, Claritin and the like.

Horsefly bite during and during pregnancy

Only a doctor can give advice on how to treat a horsefly bite during pregnancy. A pregnant woman, immediately after a bite, should wash and disinfect the wound, apply a cold compress to it (to relieve itching) and consult a specialist.

Horsefly bite on the lip, under the eye

If a horsefly bites on the lip or under the eye, you should immediately call an ambulance. Swelling of tissues caused by insect bites in these areas can lead to difficulty breathing and cause equally serious complications.

Before the arrival of specialists, a hard cold object must be applied to the bite site. The cold will reduce swelling and relieve itching.

Many people like outdoor recreation, fishing, hunting or just walking in the forest. The most long-awaited vacation can be overshadowed by annoying insects. Of particular danger are the bites of gadflies.

Gadflies (gadflies) are small gray flies whose bites are very painful. Although they are most often harmless, such lesions do not always go away without a trace. If the area of ​​skin that has been injured itches, hurts, and bleeds for hours or even days, it is clear sign that the bite caused an allergy. This reaction is caused not by the damage to the skin itself, but by a substance that enters the human blood through the wound. Such injuries are of particular danger to children. The skin of babies is very delicate, because of this, gadfly bites heal for a long time, often causing even suppuration.

Gadfly bite: symptoms

No one is safe from a horsefly bite, and the consequences of such a bite are unpredictable. The wound may fester or an allergic reaction begins. The damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin itches, redness appears, and sometimes a tumor forms. Multiple bites of gadflies lead to severe and dangerous human life and health consequences.

Gadfly bite: photo

Gadfly bite: how to treat?

  • First of all, after detecting a bite, you need to wash the affected area with warm soapy water. If you have hydrogen peroxide on hand, then a few drops of the product can be dripped onto the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It will also be helpful lubricate the bite site with "Fukortsin" or simple brilliant green.
  • If a gadfly has bitten a child, then the pain will accompany the bite site for half an hour, so the baby needs to be given painkillers. The damaged area will stop itching if you attach plantain to it or cook special compound from this plant. It is necessary to pick the plantain leaves, rinse them thoroughly with boiled water and grind them into porridge. If dry grass is at hand, then it must first be soaked in water. The resulting gruel should be applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, and a bandage should be applied over it. You can apply plantain juice - they simply moisten a clean bandage or handkerchief and apply it to the wound.
  • One more folk remedy from gadfly bites - dandelion. White juice should be applied to the affected area, which is formed on the cut of a leaf or shoot.
  • You can use a regular bow. It also needs to be crushed into gruel, soak a handkerchief with the released juice and apply to the affected area of ​​​​the skin.
  • By the way, scratching the damaged area is strictly prohibited! This will cause even more itching, and the wound will heal longer.
  • If the allergic reaction persists, then antihistamines should be started. In the event that the temperature rises, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath appear, then in this case you cannot self-medicate, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance!

Read also: Wasp sting: consequences.

How to protect yourself from gadflies?

  • It is easier to prevent an insect bite than to treat it later. One of the most the best means from the bites of gadflies and other insects is bitter wormwood. Dried or freshly picked grass should be tied into bundles and hung next to doors and windows. You can just scatter wormwood around the room. Fresh juice of this plant is advised to lubricate the wounds, this will help relieve itching, swelling and pain.
  • In order to scare away stinging insects, you can use tansy. It has a strong aroma that repels gadflies. The leaves of this plant are recommended to be applied to bite sites. For use, the medicinal herb must be dried in the shade, and then ground into flour. If you are going on a camping trip with an overnight stay in the forest, then you can put some stems of tansy with leaves in the tent with you - this will protect you from insects.
  • By the way, chamomile will also help scare away gadflies, it is worth burning a few of its stems next to you.
  • In the house, install mosquito nets on the windows and place spirals against blood-sucking insects.
  • If you are going to nature, it is best to choose clothes that will cover the whole body, do not forget about a hat.
  • Clothing should not be bright, because it is saturated colors that attract the attention of insects. Remember that horseflies love sunlight, they become inactive in the shade.

Gadfly bites are not only painful, they can cause serious consequences. Swelling of the skin, allergies, suppuration are common consequences. Start your treatment early! At the first sign of severe allergic reaction consult a doctor immediately!

In hot summer it is good to relax near the water or in the forest. The coolness is soothing and relaxing. Thoughts flow lazily and slowly. Everything is so peaceful, but danger often hides in this calmness. Blood-sucking insects do not sleep and patiently wait for their victims. The greatest danger is the bite of a gadfly or horsefly.

general characteristics

People often call all large gray flies that attack a person painfully biting the skin and sucking blood as gadflies. In fact, horseflies do it. is not a bloodsucker. This insect lives off the nutrients that it has accumulated in the larval phase. Their oral apparatus is not developed, they do not feed during their life. They are more like .


There are about 150 species of these insects in the world, but only one attacks a person - a human one. skin gadfly. Fortunately, it is found only in Central America.

General information about horseflies

In the people, horseflies are called gadflies. Only fertilized females, who need blood for the development of eggs, bite humans and animals. Males are smaller and feed on plant nectar. Females have a proboscis in the mouth apparatus, with which they cut the skin of the victim and inject substances into the wound that prevent blood clotting.

The length of the insect is from 6 to 30 mm. The color of the wings is gray, marble or it can be variegated. Bloodsuckers fly in good weather without rain and wind. The air temperature should not be lower than +15, but not higher than +32 degrees. Outside these temperature limits, bloodsuckers are inactive.

On a note!

The most common representatives in our country are raincoats, lacewings and horseflies. They show noticeable activity before the rain, but in wet weather you will not see them. Only raincoats can attack a person even during light precipitation.

What happens if a gadfly bites

If a gadfly has bitten a person, then it is impossible not to notice, since a strong burning sensation and pain are immediately felt, redness appears on the skin, and allergic reactions may occur. A photo of a gadfly bite clearly demonstrates the consequences of an insect attack. The blood in the wound does not clot for a long time, so it is necessary not to be attacked again. Gadflies find the victim with their eyes, which means that you can run away from the bloodsucker.

Immediately there is a seal, swelling and redness after a gadfly bite. The skin begins to itch and itch. An allergic person may feel dizzy, fever, swollen lymph nodes, swelling and severe redness in the bite area. If no complications occur in the form of allergic reactions (insect saliva is an allergen), then all these unpleasant phenomena disappear after a few days.

The bite of the gadfly itches strongly. A person scratching the skin around the wound can introduce an additional infection that will require further treatment. But an allergy to a gadfly bite is quite rare. Cases of poisoning of the human body due to a horsefly bite Photo of a gadfly bite or severe allergic reactions in real life practically not observed. But sometimes angioedema may even occur.

A dangerous gadfly can be that which is a carrier of diseases such as:

  • tularemia;
  • anthrax;
  • filariasis.

These diseases are transmitted with the blood that the insect can receive from sick people or animals.

It is difficult to treat such diseases, so when going to nature, you should think in advance about protective equipment. If possible, it is desirable to take the insect to the laboratory, where it will be determined whether it is the causative agent of the infection.

A bite can cause serious illness, so do not put off a visit to the doctor.

If you look at the photo of the symptoms of a gadfly bite in a person, it can be noted that they are very similar to a wasp sting, namely:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • skin redness;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the bite site on the skin acquires a certain character, a tumor appears, similar to a neoplasm.

On a note!

The consequences of a gadfly bite, including an allergic reaction, can pass in a couple of days if an infection does not get into the wound and purulent inflammation develops as a result.

What to do when bitten by a gadfly

Not all people have come across these insects, so they have no idea how to treat a tumor from a gadfly bite. If a person on vacation was bitten by gadflies, then appropriate measures should be taken immediately. Delay can lead to unpleasant consequences. Always on hand should be the necessary preparations that could be used as first aid for a gadfly bite.

Not many people know what to do when the hand is swollen, the temperature rises or nausea opens. There is no elementary knowledge about how to relieve itching from an insect bite. Many mothers do not know what remedy for horsefly and gadfly bites is designed to protect babies. Children's skin is very delicate, which is why it is so attractive to all bloodsuckers.

If it so happened that the gadfly bit the child, regardless of whether the leg or arm was swollen, the following actions should be taken immediately:

It is worth contacting a doctor for help if a large number of insects bit a person, or he developed a strong allergy in response to a toxin that got into the blood along with the saliva of a bloodsucker. If no complications are observed, then the insect bite can be treated at home.

The use of pharmaceutical preparations

It happens that there is an inadequate response of the body to the action of the gadfly allergen. In this case, you need to remove the swelling from the bite by more effective means:

  • Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin will quickly relieve allergies;
  • compress from ammonia, soda solution, any mint toothpaste will cope with itching;
  • anoint the bite with an ointment containing corticosteroids (hydrocortisone, Sinaflan, Advantan) so that inflammation of the wound does not begin;
  • you can use an ointment from the bites of bloodsuckers based on plant components or chemical components.

If it is impossible to use the services of a pharmacy, it is recommended to use Natural resources, such as the:

  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • dandelion in any part of it;
  • yarrow;
  • parsley.

You can name many more plants that stop the blood and have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. It is advised to treat swelling with lemon, onion or garlic, rubbing the inflamed area with a slice.

Precautionary measures

So that gadflies do not bite on vacation or while working on outdoors, some conditions must be met:

  • do not wear too bright clothes, as insects react to color;
  • it is better not to use sweetish perfumes, gadflies are attracted by this smell;
  • be located away from water, grass and thickets - favorite habitats of insects;
  • after bathing, wipe the body and change into dry clothes;
  • in the forest, wear light clothing that covers the body and limbs;
  • use chemical or natural repellents;
  • to have mosquito nets on the windows and doors of the house, in tents, so that you never know how the gadfly and horsefly bite a defenseless person;
  • protect the location of baby beds, cover strollers with special capes through which insects cannot penetrate.

A gadfly bite on the human body always causes pain and swelling of tissues adjacent to the wound. In the first minutes after the skin is punctured by a bloodsucker, the bite of a gadfly looks like a papule. Later, the tumor spreads to neighboring tissues. Sometimes the papule does not turn into an extensive swelling, but becomes a bump at the point of the bite. To avoid leaving any trace of an insect bite, you can cut out the resulting lump surgically.