Do-it-yourself wooden house: instructions and recommendations for construction work. Stages of installation and finishing works

  • 23.06.2020

The construction of wooden cottages does not cease to be popular to this day. And this is not surprising, because such buildings are easily and quickly erected, have good thermal insulation characteristics and are valued for their environmental friendliness. In a wooden house, a microclimate favorable for humans is formed, which is achieved due to the special structure of wood. This material provides natural ventilation premises, maintains optimal humidity and releases phytoncides, which have a healing effect. If you decide to build wooden house, then our recommendations on the choice of material will come in handy, as well as good advice for the installation of structures.

The choice of material for the walls

To build a house out of wood, you can use one of two materials: a log or timber. Each of these materials can be divided into several varieties depending on the processing method.

Mounting wooden houses can be driven using the following types of logs:

  1. From logs it turns out an even beautiful log house. In fact, this is an ordinary log, from which they removed upper layer for leveling the surface and giving it a cylindrical shape. However, this treatment somewhat reduces the resistance of wood to negative weather factors. This is due to the fact that in the layer under the bark there are many resins that protect the wood, and during cylindering this protective layer is completely removed. That is why this material needs the use of additional protection with the help of special chemical compounds.
  2. Wooden house built from logs of natural shape, does not have such an attractive appearance. But the strength and durability of this product is much higher due to the presence of a natural protective layer with a high content of resins. The only drawback of this material is that after the walls are erected, they need a decorative finish.

The construction of a wooden house from a bar can be carried out using the following varieties:

  1. Profiled timber- this is a wall material that undergoes special processing, as a result of which the product is given the correct geometric shape with grooves and ridges on two opposite sides. Thanks to this, you can quickly build a beautiful, even, sealed wall by laying insulating material between the bars. Such a wall does not need external and internal decoration.
  2. Also, the construction of a house can be carried out using planed timber. The price of this material is more acceptable in comparison with profiled products, but its thermal insulation and aesthetic qualities leave much to be desired.
  3. If you decide to build a house out of wood, then sawn timber can be used to equip the frame. Thanks to the use of this material, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of building cottages. With the use of sawn timber, you can build both a one-story and multi-story wooden house.

The construction of wooden houses can be carried out using frame-panel technology. In this case, in addition to a wooden frame made of sawn timber, the following products are used as wall materials:

  • OSB - oriented strand board;
  • chipboard;
  • special moisture resistant plywood.

Chipboard and moisture resistant plywood have recently given way to OSB. This material is used for arranging outdoor and inner surface walls frame house. In addition, it is indispensable when making a continuous roof sheathing for laying flexible roofing material.

Important: the cheapest will be a house built using frame technology. Its price is within 190 $/m². A little more expensive ($ 270 / m²) will cost a building made of logs. The most expensive wooden house will be made from glued beams.

Foundation of a wooden house

Answering the question of where to start building a wooden house, we can say that here the technology does not differ from the traditional construction method, and the installation of the building should begin with the arrangement of the foundation. Since wood walls are relatively light, there is no need to carry out expensive recessed strip foundation, as is usually done in private construction.

You can build a wooden house on a columnar or pile screw base. The choice of one or another type of foundation depends on the characteristics of the soil in the construction area, the depth ground water, freezing points of the soil.

Quite often, a wooden house is built on a columnar base. This is a fairly reliable foundation that does not require large financial and physical costs for construction. The volume of excavation work is also significantly reduced, which also saves money. Pillars under the house can be made of reinforced concrete, steel pipes filled with reinforcement and concrete, prefabricated blocks, bricks, natural stone or specially processed wooden logs. The depth of laying such a foundation can vary significantly and depends on geological and weather factors.

Important: columnar foundations should not be made on soils subject to frost heaving forces and unstable foundations.

If the construction of a wooden house will be carried out on sandy soils or in swampy areas, then it is advisable to choose a pile-screw foundation. It can also be used when building on a slope, on a site with uneven terrain or on soils that are characterized by the presence of loose unstable rocks in the upper layers.

Installation of the pile foundation can be carried out independently without the use of special construction equipment. As screw piles, a steel pipe with a screw blade welded at the end is used. The pipe is screwed into the ground to a depth of about 2.5 m. After that, reinforcement is installed in the pipe cavity and poured with concrete. Piles are mounted with equal spacing (1-1.5 m) under all load-bearing walls. To give the structure rigidity in the upper part, all piles are connected into a single structure by means of a grillage.

Attention: the installation depth of the pile is such that its base rests on solid rock.

The nuances of the construction process

If the construction of a wooden house is carried out independently, then you should follow the recommendations of experts:

  1. In a wooden house, you can use the lower crown or the first beam in the wall structure as a grillage. Before laying it, the basement of the house should be isolated from wood with insulating material. Usually two layers of roofing material are used for this.
  2. If the construction of cottages is carried out from a log, then the elements of the strapping crown are fastened in the corners of the house in half a tree and additionally fixed with dowels made of oak or birch wood. To do this, three holes are made in the strapping beam with a step of 35 cm. The dowels are installed in a checkerboard pattern.

Important: when installing the strapping beam, it is important to check not only the horizontalness of its installation, but also the correctness of the angles. They must be strictly 90 degrees.

  1. After laying the crown or the lower beam, the installation of beams (lag) is carried out for arranging the floor. They are stacked in increments of 70 cm and fastened to the crown. Boards with a thickness of 40 mm are used as a subfloor. Insulation is placed in the gap between the beams. The finish coating can be made from grooved boards with a thickness of 3.5 cm.
  2. When laying the lower crown, you should not forget about engineering communications. To do this, cuts of a suitable size are made in a bar or log.
  3. When installing walls from a bar, the gaps between the elements are sealed with jute tape. It increases the degree of tightness of the walls. However, after the installation of all wall elements, the gaps between them will have to be additionally caulked.
  4. Usually in a wooden house a gable roof is made. This is the easiest option for self-fulfillment. In addition, under gable roof you can equip the attic or make a heated attic, thereby increasing the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The rafter system is made of bars with a section of 150x40 mm. They are mounted in increments of 90 cm. A bar with a section of 100x40 mm is suitable for making braces and racks. To carry out the crate, an unedged board with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm is used. Usually, the crate is installed in increments of 30-40 cm.
  5. As roofing you can use metal tiles, slate, flexible roll materials, corrugated board.

The current trend is such that many residents of large cities would not mind living closer to nature, in their own home. Demand for suburban areas is constantly growing, construction on them is expanding.

Of course, the easiest way is to hire a team of builders who will take on the bulk of the work. But for most Russians, it is common to try everything on their own, so many on the acquired site practice building a house with their own hands.

Wood has always been a traditional building material for central and northern Russia, and despite the variety of other possibilities, wooden houses have not lost their popularity at all. True, technology does not stand still in this matter, and instead of log cabins from roundwood timber houses began to be actively built.

This table provides information on the dimensions of the rafter legs, depending on their length:

Rafter length in mmDistance between rafters in mmThe size of the cross-section of the beam for rafters mm
Up to 30001200 80×100
Up to 30001800 90×100
Up to 40001000 80×160
Up to 40001400 80×180
Up to 40001800 90×180
Up to 50001000 80×200
Up to 50001400 100×200
  • So that when the walls shrink, which is inevitable to one degree or another, the entire roof system does not go skewed, (the upper beam of the wall) is carried out using sliding fasteners. These elements will allow the rafter legs to move a little without disturbing in in this design.

  • At the top of the rafters can be fastened in different ways - it can be a ridge board, or they are fastened together with a metal plate.
  • The next step is to install the rest of the elements. truss system- these are racks, puffs, "grandmother" and others. The need for specific additional elements is determined by the size and complexity of the roof structure.

  • A crate is stuffed onto the installed rafters, which is covered from above with a vapor barrier film.
  • Next, over pl enki, a counter-lattice is mounted or plywood is laid - this will depend on which roofing material is chosen for the roof.
  • The next step is the installation of roofing material.

  • When the roof is laid and fixed, it should be insulated. Thermal insulation materials (most often chosen for this purpose mineral wool) are stacked from the side of the attic between the rafters. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film, it is attached to the rafters with a stapler.

  • Next, on the beams attic floor the draft floor of the attic is hemmed, which will simultaneously serve as a ceiling for the underlying premises. It is fixed from the side room from the side attic, after laying the film, they lay (or fall asleep) between the beams. The work can be carried out, and in a different sequence, when the boards are nailed from the side attic, and the installation of insulation and ceiling boards or plywood is carried out from the side premises.

Step-by-step instructions for arrangement and insulation various types can be found in a special section of our portal.

Prices different kinds fasteners for rafters

Fasteners for rafters

Wooden floor installation

The floors in the house must be equipped already after the roof is covered with a roof in order to prevent unnecessary wetting of materials if it suddenly rains.

The floor can be arranged according to different schemes, but the most widespread is the one in which a draft floor is provided.

  • At the first stage, floor beams are laid on the protruding part of the strip foundation or on an additional beam connecting the columnar foundation. They can be made from a bar or board, which is installed on the edge. The size of these parts is selected depending on the span between the walls. For reference, you can use the following table:
Beam section in mmSpan in mm
3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Installation step of beams from boards or beams on the basement
50×160800 600 450 - - - -
50×2001250 900 700 550 450 - -
80×1801200 1200 900 700 550 450 -
140×180- - 1550 1200 1000 800 700
150×200- - - 1650 1300 1000 900
160×220- - - 2000 1700 1400 1100
  • Beams can be fastened with metal corners or studs, but the latter will have to be embedded in the foundation in advance.

  • If the walls of the house are installed on a strip foundation, it is recommended to fill the entire area between its walls with fine fraction, which will become an additional floor insulation. In addition, rodents do not tolerate it, which means they will not be able to get into the house through it. Expanded clay is poured with a thickness of 100 ÷ 150 mm.
  • Further, in order to lay the subfloor, it is necessary to fix the cranial bars on the overlapping beams. They are nailed or screwed to the bottom of each beam.

On the cranial bars and the subfloor boards are laid. Here you can use the material and not the highest quality.

  • If expanded clay is poured between the “black” and “white” floors, then it is recommended to make flooring from a vapor barrier film or glassine on the boards, and only after that you can fill in the insulation.

More often, mineral wool is laid between the floor beams. If this material is chosen, then it is better to purchase basalt, as the most environmentally friendly of all its types.

If this is possible, it is preferable to use ecowool for insulation, which is made from cellulose fibers, therefore it is absolutely safe.

It is not necessary to lay polystyrene foam or materials made on its basis as a heater. Over time, this material begins to emit fumes that are not harmless to humans into the air.

  • From above, any insulation must be closed with another layer, which will not allow villi and dust from the insulation to enter the house and will not let accidentally spilled water down. The film is fixed on the floor beams with staples.
  • Further, on the beams, on top pl enki, a ventilation bar is attached, which will allow air to circulate under the boardwalk, which will contribute to the long-term preservation of the floor.
  • After that, you can proceed to the plank flooring.

The boards are not laid close to the wall, but with an indent from it of about 5 mm - this gap is necessary to ensure ventilation.

The fastening of the boards to each other occurs with the help of tongue-and-groove joints cut out on the side parts of the boards. It is recommended to nail them to the floor beams not through the top, but into the groove of the board. This work must be carried out very carefully so as not to split part of the floorboard. You can use thin screws instead of nails.

  • The final stage in the arrangement of the wooden floor is the fixing of skirting boards to the walls.

After the construction of the house, the arrangement of the roof and roof, ceilings and floors, it is necessary to address the issues of installing windows and doors. (after a certain shrinkage of the walls has passed). And the last step will be the process of wall insulation (if needed) and their external facade decoration. How to do this correctly, you can learn from the corresponding article.

So, building a house from a bar on your own is quite possible, especially if there are helpers who are at least a little familiar with the art of building. And in order not to get into trouble with the calculations, the best option would still be to order the preparation of materials for the house in a specialized organization. The craftsmen will perform this work on a given project with professional accuracy, and you can already try to assemble the structure yourself with assistants, saving a considerable amount on this.

And, traditionally, at the end of the article - a video with professional advice.

Video - Features of building a house from a bar

Video - Errors in the construction of houses from profiled timber

Building a wooden house with your own hands is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to know and take into account all the subtleties when performing each type of work.

Construction of wooden houses from A to Z includes:

  • choice of material;
  • drafting a project;
  • foundation construction;
  • erecting walls;
  • roof installation;
  • hanging windows and doors.

So, we will try to disassemble the bones, how to build a wooden house with your own hands.

Tree selection

Modern wooden houses are built from logs and beams. The best log is rounded. It is sorted and processed industrially. Therefore, the material contains a minimum amount of traces of knots, and is sufficiently dried. Chopped logs can also be used to build walls.

What are the benefits of timber walls? They have a maximum thickness, due to which, in the cold season, heat is kept in residential premises for a long time. A log house has a long service life; looks unique and beautiful.

Glued profiled timber has similar characteristics. In addition to its large thickness (the 210th marking is used for capital construction), it has the following important qualities:

  • Gives minimal shrinkage (only 5 cm);
  • Maximum resistance to aggressive environmental influences;
  • Practically does not decay, thanks to special industrial processing;
  • It does not have natural defects (resin pockets, insects, etc.) that affect the quality of the walls.

In addition to profiled, the construction of wooden houses is carried out from sawn and planed timber. Their cost is several orders of magnitude lower. The bars have a lower degree of drying and, accordingly, give a greater shrinkage.

As for the choice of wood type, it is best to purchase conifers that grew in the northern part of the country. They are more resinous and therefore more moisture resistant. It is rational to build a wooden house with your own hands from spruce, cedar, pine.

Individual project

How to make a wooden house with your own hands without a project? It's practically impossible. Private builder will surely make an omission in something.
High-quality individual projects take into account the peculiarities of each stage of construction. The type of foundation, the method of installation and fastening of the crowns, the types of roofing are selected taking into account the properties of a log or beam.

With the approval of the customer, the layout of residential premises and their quadrature are developed. From the total area, or rather the length external walls, depends on how the crowns should be fixed. The projects take into account many other nuances. Do-it-yourself wooden houses, projects (photo below) for which they are developed individually, turn out to be reliable and beautiful, have no flaws and are durable.

Foundation selection

Under a wooden house with your own hands, you need a reliable, durable foundation. Since capital buildings made of wood do not have such heavy weight, like stone, the choice of base is quite wide.

In private construction, foundations are laid:

  • columnar;
  • tape;
  • slab.

Experts believe that the best of them is lightweight tape. It is called lightweight because crushed stone is not added when mixing the working solution. Therefore, the density of hardened concrete is lower.

The columnar foundation, although very popular, has significant drawbacks. One of the most significant is the cost of work. In addition to using machinery to install piles or posts, a preliminary geodetic survey must often be carried out to determine the properties of the soil. Slab foundations are good for residential wooden buildings with a large total area.

Although a spacious do-it-yourself wooden house (the video is presented at the end of the article) looks luxurious, it requires a lot of physical effort and money. According to the project, the depth of the strip foundation depends on the degree of soil freezing. The trench is dug to a depth where the soil does not freeze. The width of the trench should be 25 - 30 cm.

A strip foundation is being built for a wooden house with their own hands as follows:

  • 1. A trench of appropriate depth and width is dug.
  • 2. A layer of 10 cm is poured with sand, which is poured with water and well compacted.
  • 3. A 10-centimeter layer of crushed stone is poured on top, which is also watered and compacted tightly.
  • 4. A layer of roofing material is laid over the pillow.
  • 5. The formwork is being installed. If it is fixed, it is strengthened with a metal wire.
  • 6. Reinforcement is mounted above the waterproofing layer. The metal rods treated with an antiseptic are stretched along and across, fastened with a rigid wire.
  • 7. Next, concrete is poured. Grades 200, 250 and 300 are suitable. Concrete should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency.

The time of sufficient setting of the foundation is 10 - 12 days. Concrete, under favorable weather conditions, gains design strength up to 70-80% in 7-14 days. This is enough to already load the foundation, and complete 100% solidification of the foundation will occur only after 28 days from the moment the foundation was poured.
You can continue to build a wooden house with your own hands (video at the end of the article).

Wall construction

Independent construction of wooden houses is simplified if profiled timber is used.

It has grooves that connect easily. Before starting the construction of walls, it is necessary to check the horizontalness of the foundation. It is necessary that the hydraulic level shows zero, since when installing the first crown, the building geometry must be observed.

The plane of the foundation must be perfectly flat and straight. In addition, when laying the corners of the first crown, they are aligned vertically. They should be exactly 90 degrees. If the construction geometry is broken from the very beginning, the walls will not turn out to be even, there will be a distortion at the level of window and door openings.

Do-it-yourself installation of a wooden house at the stage of building walls is carried out as follows:

  • 1. A layer of roofing material is applied to the foundation without first applying mastic.
  • 2. If necessary, level the surface of the foundation, when its skew is more than one centimeter, wooden wedges are placed at a distance of 30 cm from one another.
  • 3. From above, a "zero" board is installed around the entire perimeter of the foundation.
  • 4. The space between it and the foundation is blown with mounting foam.
  • 5. The first crown can be laid with a distance of 25 cm from the edge of the foundation. It is also allowed to install the crowns behind the edge of the foundation at a distance of no more than 5 cm.
  • 6. In the corners, the first crown is attached to the anchors.
  • 7. The bowls of the first and subsequent sealing rims are pulled together by assembling on a stud.
  • 8. The bowls of the first crown are pulled together with a reinforced washer measuring 60x80 mm.
  • 9. Further, the strengthening of the screed using a reinforced washer is carried out every 5 - 6 crowns.
  • 10. The screed along the perimeter of the crowns is made using metal or wooden dowels.
  • 11. The crowns are connected to each other, thanks to the grooves. A new one is superimposed on the lower beam. It is inserted into the grooves by hitting the sledgehammer from above on the overlay board.
  • In addition to anchoring, end fastening is also used - the ends of the crowns are joined at the ends. In this case, if one of them has cracked, it is easily removed and replaced with a whole one.

Roof installation

The best option for a wooden house is a light gable or mansard roof. Roofs of complex configuration are appropriate for large buildings, as they are heavier. The proportionality of the weight of the roof with the ability to hold it against the walls of the house is calculated when drawing up an individual project. It is difficult for a non-professional to calculate this value correctly.

Do-it-yourself installation of a wooden house at the stage of roof installation consists of the following steps:

  • installation of base beams;
  • fastening rafters;
  • the imposition of the crate;
  • laying waterproofing;
  • roof fastening.

Base beams (mauerpats) with one edge are attached to the upper crown in a diagonal position with the help of anchors. The horizontality of the opposite ends is checked with a level. The rafters are wooden triangles. They are knocked together, and then fastened, starting from the ridge, onto the beams. A crate is attached from above, that is, thin transverse and longitudinal boards. The size of the gaps depends on the choice of roofing material.

If it is planned to cover the roof with a sheet roof (corrugated board, metal tile, slate, odulin), the distance between the crate is half a meter, roll materials(roofing material) - the crate has a maximum gap of one centimeter.

Waterproofing is laid on top of the crate. At the joints of the roof, its panel is overlapped with a gap of 15 - 20 cm. Roofing material is attached over the waterproofing. How to install a roof on a wooden house with your own hands (video at the end of the article), you can see it in this diagram:

After installing the roof, it is desirable to insulate it, even if the attic is not a living space. This allows you to halve the energy costs of heating your home. Most the best insulation- mineral wool. It is made from natural raw materials, non-toxic and perfectly keeps heat for a long time. Mineral wool is cut into medium-sized panels, which are fastened between the beams and rafters.

If the attic is attic and family members will live in it, it is necessary to additionally insulate the floors and walls. Mineral wool is also used for this. In the first case, it is necessary to install lags; in the second case, the insulation is attached to the crate. At the same time, one should not forget about hydro and vapor barrier. You can close ugly gaps with chipboard plates.

Spacer for openings

Depending on the type of beam or log, a do-it-yourself wooden house built on average shrinks by 6-9%; a house made of glued laminated timber - up to 3%.
This must be taken into account when planning to install windows and doors. To avoid warping and cracking of frames and door architraves, it is worth putting pigtails on window and door openings at the end of construction.

They are T-shaped plates. The pins are installed as follows:

  • 1. Grooves are cut out at the ends of the adjoining crowns.
  • 2. Wooden blocks are hammered into them.
  • 3. From above, pigtails are stuffed around the entire perimeter of the openings.
  • 4. The gaps between the pigtails and the ends of the crowns are filled with tow.

In the future, the walls must be given time for them to "stand" in place. During this time, the openings retain a rectangular or quadrangular shape, do not warp, as the pigtails hold them securely. When the main shrinkage is over, window frames and door frames can be mounted on top of the pigtails.

When viewed in section, the design looks like this:

  • 1 - crowns;
  • 2 - tow (50 mm);
  • 3 - casing;
  • 4 - pigtail (40 mm);
  • 5 - slope rails;
  • 6 - window frame

Experienced carpenters are able to put pigtails on window and door openings of complex configuration. And even simple work is better to entrust them. With minimal experience, cracking of the crown often occurs along the end, breaking the pigtails during the shrinkage of the crowns.

So, now you know how to make a wooden house with your own hands. Good luck with your construction.

The wooden house does not lose popularity even today, because until now it remains the most environmentally friendly and safe housing. At the same time, wood is characterized by high strength and long service life. It retains heat in the room for a long time, forms a comfortable microclimate and a cozy atmosphere in the house.

In turn, the light weight of the tree does not require a heavy deep foundation. And the processed log and timber look very attractive, aesthetically pleasing and finished. So wooden walls don't need finishing. All this reduces the physical and financial expenses, reduces construction time.

Many refuse wooden houses, as the tree is subject to negative influence. However modern technologies construction and processing of lumber prevent rotting and drying out of wood, the appearance of cracks and mold. Protective compositions retain the color, original appearance and properties of lumber for a long time. Such a house will easily stand for about a hundred years!

Stages of building a wooden house

Before construction, first of all, you need to decide on the type of materials. wooden materials are also different. The main products are timber and logs. They are similar in physical properties and qualities, but different in appearance. If this is a house for permanent residence, the cross section of the timber should be at least 150x150 mm, and the diameter of the log should be at least 220 mm.

Then comes the design. You can already choose finished project and make changes or develop an individual one. The construction company "MariSrub" builds wooden houses both according to a standard and according to a personal project. In the catalog of the company you will find a wide selection finished cottages, dachas and baths. There are houses with an attic, a terrace and a balcony, a built-in pool and a garage, one-story and two-story houses.

There are the following stages of building a house:

  • Design, selection and production of lumber;
  • Foundation installation;
  • Assembly of a log house;
  • Roof installation;
  • Insulation and waterproofing of the log house, work with the walls of the house (grinding, caulking, processing, etc.);
  • Installation of windows and doors;
  • Conducting and connecting engineering networks;
  • Decorative finish.

We must not forget about protective treatment antiseptics and flame retardants, which is carried out several times. For the first time immediately after the manufacture of lumber, then after the installation of the log house and at the final stages of finishing the building. The masters of the company "MariSrub" must perform antiseptic at every stage! Let's take a closer look at each type. building materials. And learn how to build a wooden house with your own hands.

What material to choose

  • The rounded log is a material of the correct cylindrical shape with a perfectly smooth and even surface. Aesthetically attractive product will harmoniously fit into the environment and will look spectacular on suburban area. Due to the even and smooth surface, rounded logs are easy to stack and fasten;
  • Chopped logs are suitable for those who prefer houses in the traditional Russian style. Lumber is processed manually, which preserves the top layer of wood as much as possible and increases the protective properties. An interesting unusual relief of lumber will make the house original and refined. However, it is more difficult to lay a chopped log than a round log. And it costs more due to manual work;
  • Profiled timber - lumber with a square or rectangular section, a perfectly smooth and even surface. The beam is easy to lay, and the installation of the log house will take no more than a week. The material is distinguished by minimal shrinkage, high thermal insulation and a neat appearance. The log house looks stylish and aesthetically pleasing;
  • Double timber is an excellent option for building a bathhouse and a house for permanent residence. It represents two minibars, between which ecowool is laid as a heater. This increases the heat and sound insulation materials, which saves on building insulation. In such a room it will be comfortable both in summer and in winter.

The foundation of a wooden house

To choose the right type of foundation, take into account the weight and design features of the house, the type of soil and the level of groundwater on the land. For buildings with a basement, basement or underground floor, a strip foundation is suitable. It represents a tape that runs along the perimeter of the house and takes the entire load of the building. This is a very strong, stable and durable foundation that can be built on moving ground.

A columnar foundation is chosen for a compact cottage or bath, as well as for land with heavily freezing soil. This is an affordable and inexpensive option. It is not suitable for large houses and buildings with a basement! The most common foundation in wooden construction is the pile foundation. If the pillars are dug into the ground, then the piles are screwed in. The pile base is suitable for any log or log house, for any soil and groundwater level.

The slab foundation is chosen at very high level groundwater and unstable ground with poor bearing capacity. It is suitable for large and heavy buildings, it is characterized by high cost and complexity of work.

When installing any foundation, further communications are taken into account. Special attention should be paid to the insulation and waterproofing of the structure, the installation of a drainage system. For more information on which base to choose and how to make a foundation for a wooden house, see.

Log house installation

Making and installing a log house from a log or timber is not as difficult as it seems. Perhaps this is even the easiest stage in the construction of a wooden house. First, a waterproofing layer of roofing felt is laid on the poured frozen surface of the foundation. Boards over 5 cm thick are placed on top of the roofing sheets, and then a layer of jute is laid. This technique increases the thermal insulation properties of the house, because up to 40% of heat leaves the room through the floor.

A log house is installed on the insulation layer. Production logs or timber must be treated with protective compounds and marked. This wall kit is easy to assemble according to technological map. The crowns are laid row by row, checked by level and fastened in a checkerboard pattern with the help of a dowel. At the same time, a layer of insulation is laid on each crown and fixed with a construction stapler.

The log house is tied up at the corners, and the logs or beams are connected every meter using spikes. Additional mount It is important that the structure is strong and stable. After installing the log house and the rough roof, you need to wait 6-12 months. At this time, the main shrinkage of a wooden house occurs.

Other jobs

Installation of the roof includes the calculation and construction of the truss system, the selection and installation of roofing, the installation of drainpipes and other additional elements, as well as hemming the roof. For a wooden house, it is not necessary to use rigid fastening of rafters, fronts and girders so that the structure does not break during subsequent shrinkage.

For houses made of timber or logs suitable option will become a classic metal tile and soft roof, natural wood flooring(shingle), ondulin. For small houses and outbuildings use slate and corrugated board.

Installation of windows and doors requires preliminary installation of a pigtail or casing. If the structures are fastened directly to the ends of the opening, during the subsequent shrinkage they will be deformed and displaced. windows and interior doors it is better to choose from a tree.

Such designs do not violate the harmony of environmental friendliness and safety of a wooden house. Wooden windows and doors characterize environmental friendliness, naturalness, durability and reliability. Wood does not heat up, does not emit an unpleasant toxic odor and does not attract dust like plastic.

Working with walls involves careful processing of a log or timber with an antiseptic, grinding and caulking. Sanding will improve the appearance of the wood and will repair the cracks that have appeared during shrinkage. After such a procedure, the paint and varnish will lie evenly and beautifully. Insulation of interventional seams is done with jute, moss, tow or acrylic sealant. Caulking will close cracks and cracks, enhance the thermal insulation of the house.

Caulking is important to carry out with strict adherence to technology, otherwise the walls may warp. Uniformity and sequence of actions play an important role in this process. Work begins with the lower crown and is laid along the perimeter of the house, first from the outside and then inside. Only then does it move on to the next row.

Final stage

At the end, the built house is once again treated with protective compounds, if necessary, decorative exterior and interior decoration is performed. In this case, it is important to choose environmentally friendly, safe and reliable materials. Acrylic varnishes and paints, natural oils and wax are well suited. Experts advise using wooden Decoration Materials, including lining and block house (log imitation), parquet and laminate, cork or oak panels.

For decoration use natural materials like stone or glass. For the bathroom and toilet choose tile, mosaic and processed wood. Many people prefer to keep the natural look of a log or beam and choose a “zero” finish. In this case, it is important to carefully treat the wood with antiseptics and cover it with decorative varnish. To preserve texture and color, choose transparent products.

The company "MariSrub" performs a full range of works on the construction of a wooden house from a bar or log. We produce lumber on our own, which guarantees the quality of products and allows you to save on delivery, contractor services. That's why we offer low prices!

In "MariSrub" you can order the construction of a turnkey house according to a standard or individual project. The architect of the firm will finalize and transform the selected option, taking into account the characteristics land plot and the wishes of the client or develop a new project from scratch. The masters of the company will install a log house, erect a roof and foundation, conduct and connect network engineering. We carry out insulation and all work with the walls of the house. We guarantee the quality and compliance with the terms of construction!

Are you wondering how to build a house with your own hands? To begin with, let's consider what technologies are used to build wooden dwellings. Below are the main types of houses made of natural material:







Ancestral experience

The oldest and most widespread option is a log house. It was used in Ancient Russia, Sweden and Finland - in countries where there was no shortage of wood. This is due to the fact that the creation of log structures implies a large consumption of timber. Nevertheless, the advantages of such structures are obvious: they are durable, warm and pleasing to the eye with their appearance.

When choosing a structure of this type, the walls need to be driven out in only one layer. Thanks to technology that has been developed not even for years, but for centuries, after laying the logs, insignificant gaps remain between them, which are difficult to notice with the naked eye.

How to build a house with your own hands and what other options can you use? In second place after the srubnaya is lumber technology. How is glued timber obtained? The logs are unraveled on boards, dried, then they are glued together with a specially designed composition that does not pose a danger to human health. The moisture level in such material is within ten percent. Due to the cut, the internal stress of the log is reduced, which is why the glued beam is practically not subject to shrinkage and deformation. This material has another plus: thanks to the comb profile, the logs are much simpler and easier to fit together. The erected wall turns out to be so strong and durable that it can be compared with a plane from a solid shield.

We build a frame house with our own hands

Construction can be carried out according to Canadian or Finnish technology. Independent work to create such a dwelling is not particularly difficult. First you need to decide what purpose the structure will have. The difference in the construction of seasonal and permanent housing is significant. It lies in the approach to warming. The fact is that the original version of the design is a frame of horizontal strapping and vertical racks. Based on the purpose of the building, the existing voids are filled with heat-insulating material.

How to build in such a way that you can live comfortably in it all year round? Keep in mind that a board one hundred millimeters thick simply cannot keep warm in winter. It is equally important to choose the right insulation. In this case, it is recommended to use the data provided by the Russian NIIZhB. So, a single layer of expanded polystyrene with a thickness of forty millimeters replaces 45 mm of mineral wool, 65 mm of fiberboard, 140 mm of wood, 860 mm of brick and 380 mm of expanded clay concrete (referring to thermal conductivity).


How to build a house with your own hands so that it lasts as long as possible? Multi-story frame structures should not be erected. The structure will not be able to properly support the entire load of the second level. If necessary, the organization of the attic is allowed.

It is not advisable to make a deep foundation for a light frame house. The best choice would be a tape shallow, prefabricated from concrete blocks or a columnar foundation. Its main function is the formation of a rigid frame, which is strengthened by iron reinforcement (with a tape type), a monolithic grillage (with a columnar one) or a reliable connection of the lower trim to all reinforced concrete blocks (with a prefabricated foundation).


Continuing to consider the question of how to build a house with your own hands, we note that structures made of wood or metal are currently used. The latter are much less common, as they require 35-45% more costs for construction.

To create a wooden frame, it is best to use oak. If it is not possible to purchase it, pay attention to quality material other breeds - logs with a section of at least 150 by 150 mm.

Corner joints are made using the "thorn - groove" system. They are adjusted in such a way that there are no gaps left. According to experts, it is better not to use metal compounds. The fact is that the wood begins to rot intensively as a result of contact with any metal product, be it a nail, a screw or something similar. Accordingly, the connection in the problem area is weakened, and the house itself begins to loosen. Most reliable way fastenings - with the help of wooden dowels.

The outer side of the frame is sheathed with boards (lining or grooved board up to six centimeters wide). Do not lose sight of the fact that in the first year the wood actively swells or cracks, reacting to weather conditions. For this reason, it is not worth nailing the outer boards firmly.


Not a single building of a house with your own hands is complete without arranging the floor. To do this, along the perimeter of future walls are laid wooden beams section 150 by 50 millimeters. Previously, roofing material is laid under them. It is equally important to treat the material with a special impregnation that prevents the wood from swelling from moisture. The structure is fixed with anchor bolts with a step of no more than two meters. An important role is played by precisely set angles. When checking the level, the maximum allowable misalignment should be no more than ten millimeters.

The floor, walls and load-bearing structures are made of the same material. Otherwise, the house may warp due to the different coefficients of expansion of the wood. The rough floor is laid from an uncut board as from the cheapest material. First, logs are laid, insulation is laid between them, and floorboards are laid on top.


Erecting private house with your own hands, it is important to organize a flat and dry platform for assembling walls. The frame is assembled from vertical boards of the same size. standard height walls - 2275 cm. However, it is not at all necessary to become attached to this value, because the higher the ceilings, the more the room is filled with light and air. Wall sections are calculated on the basis of data on permissible floor loads. Beams can be installed in increments of 30, 40 or 60 centimeters.


How to build a house with your own hands so that the home is cozy and bright? For this, special attention should be paid to the windows. According to the norms, their size should be at least eighteen percent of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall where it is planned to make an opening. Glazing can be single, double or triple. It all depends on the local climatic conditions and purpose of the house (permanent or temporary).


We are building a house with our own hands. The final stage of the responsible process is the installation of the roof. The choice of materials is great - this is ondulin, and soft roofing, and natural tiles, and metal profiled sheets. The choice depends on the preferences of the owners and on their financial capabilities.

Dampness is considered the main destroyer of a frame house. That is why for its construction you should choose the driest and high place Location on. If you still do not dare to take on the construction of a home, you can order ready-made version"Full construction". In this case, the house will cost you from ten to thirty thousand rubles per square meter.

Features of the construction of a log house

If you are planning to build a wooden house with your own hands, consider the following:

-Mold, woodworms, blue. Be sure to cover the logs with a special impregnation. After about a year, when the material cracks a little, the procedure must be repeated. This will allow the antiseptic to penetrate into the deeper layers of the tree.

- Thermal lock. This is a longitudinal groove in a log. It serves to reduce the airflow of the wall. For a round log, it should be concave and located at the bottom; for a profiled log, one part of the lock is cut from above, and the second from below.

- Protection from the cold. After the final assembly of the log house, insulation is laid between the crowns. It can be sphagnum moss or cuckoo flax, linen and hemp tow, felt.

Note to the owner

Ideas for a home built with your own hands will help make your home even more comfortable. So, do not rush to throw away a burned-out light bulb. It is enough to make a hole in the plinth for flowers and hang an unusual container. Get the original vase.

You can make an unusual lampshade from an old vegetable grater. To do this, it is necessary to make a hole for the wire in the handle, insert a cartridge with a light bulb inside and connect the device to the network.

You can make a great coffee table out of unnecessary pieces of wood. The frame will be an empty box. Its ends should be pasted over with "patch" from thick branches, and the top - with brushwood.

Do-it-yourself home decoration

So, the construction of the dwelling is completed. Now comes an equally important stage. It depends on you how the structure will look both outside and inside. To finish the facade, you can use plaster, siding, porcelain stoneware, tiles, stone, decorative brick. For the plinth, PVC panels, clinker tiles, fake diamond, plaster, slate or polymer boards.

Concerning interior decoration, ceilings can be painted or whitewashed, wallpapered, suspended or suspended structures can be made. On the walls looks beautiful artificial or a natural stone, decorative plaster, ceramic tile. Floors can be covered massive board, laminate, linoleum, parquet.


Self-construction of a dwelling is a responsible and very interesting process. It must be approached with all seriousness in order to avoid distortions, dampness and many other problems. erected, will help to make the home not only beautiful, but also cozy.