A fast growing perennial evergreen hedge. How to get rid of ivy? Weaving plants for the fence

  • 12.06.2019

Under natural conditions, evergreen garden ivy can be found in the southern regions of Russia. The thickets of this perennial liana are able to climb steep mountain slopes, treetops, and artificial structures. In the lowlands, they grow rapidly and cover the ground with a continuous carpet, even in the most nondescript, nutrient-poor areas.

The shoots of the plant can reach 30 meters in length. Sucker roots extend from the stem, allowing the vine to be firmly attached to the slightest recesses of the vertical surface. In total, there are 15 species and more than 1000 varieties of ivy in the world. The leaves of different varieties differ in shape, size and color.

The white edging of the leaf plates, lighter or darker in comparison with the main background of the blotches, gives a special decorative effect to the variegated species. The leaf surface is smooth, glossy, dense to the touch. The flowering period of garden ivy is September and October. Inflorescences are light green-yellow, have the form of umbrellas. The fruits are round, blue-black, the size of a small pea, contain toxic substances.

Is it possible to grow ivy in the country?

The bright decorative greenery of garden ivy can decorate a fence, a gazebo, the walls of a house in a country house or a personal plot. In the garden, the plant is harmoniously combined with ornamental shrubs, roses, grows well among coniferous and deciduous trees. At proper fit and care, young seedlings will be able to overwinter not only in the southern, but also in the regions located to the north. Selecting varieties with various form and coloring of leaves, with the help of periodic cutting of bushes, you can effectively decorate the territory of the site.

There are 15 types of ivy, the most cold-resistant of them, able to withstand the harsh conditions of winters in our latitudes, are used for landscaping the dacha area. These include:

  • P. ordinary - characterized by slow growth and frost resistance. The leaves of the plant are small, toothed with palmate venation.
  • P. Colchis - grows rapidly, forming long shoots and densely braiding the walls of any closely spaced structures. The leaves of the plant change their shape, color and size as they grow older, often their diameter is about 20 cm.
  • P. Crimean - found in the Crimea, more demanding on weather conditions. Specimens growing near trees climb to the tops, twisting around their trunks and gradually growing together with them.

Planting rules

The best period for planting ivy is spring - during the summer and autumn the plant will grow up, get stronger, and create a powerful root system. For these purposes, it is better to use young two- or three-year-old shoots, cutting cuttings from them. They are rooted under the film or lowered into a jar of water. At the bottom of the landing pit with a depth of 30–50 cm, a drainage layer of broken brick, sand or expanded clay is laid. A nutrient substrate is poured on it, which passes water and air well. It may include compost, sod land, humus, peat.

As a place for planting ivy, it is recommended to choose elevated, not blown by the wind, areas. The location in the shade and excessive soil moisture can contribute to the freezing of seedlings. Variegated species, in the absence of sufficient solar insolation, lose their brightness and originality of their colors, after a while their foliage turns green. The distance between adjacent seedlings should be about 50 cm. This will facilitate their care, in particular pruning, and provide each plant with a sufficient amount of nutrients.

In the first years after planting, the shoots should be covered for the winter, leaving the leaves open. With excessive warming of the bushes, they may rot.

Ivy care after planting

The first time of planting evergreen ivy should be watered regularly, avoiding waterlogging of the soil and stagnant moisture. In subsequent years, the plants are watered during the absence of rain, preventing the soil from drying out. For bushes growing in the shade, excess moisture in the ground is harmful; it is necessary to let the ground dry out after precipitation or rare watering.

For good development root system of ivy, the surface layer of the soil should be loosened after moistening so that a dense crust does not form, preventing air from entering the roots. Loosening should be shallow and accurate, this will prevent damage to the adventitious roots extending from the nodes of the stems.

Effectively protects the soil from drying out during dry periods, rotting in rainy weather and freezing during the first autumn cold snap mulching. Any porous organic material can be used as mulch - peat, sawdust, dry leaves and tops, compost. It is applied in thin layers so as not to fill up the lashes and foliage.

In spring and the first half of summer, evergreen ivy is fed with a complex fertilizer with a high nitrogen content to stimulate the growth of new shoots and form lush greenery. From July, phosphorus and potassium should be present in the top dressing. These elements will ensure the ripening of young shoots and increase the winter hardiness of the bushes.


Pinching the growing shoots and cutting the bush contribute to the appearance of many lateral shoots. The plant becomes very lush, densely covering the ground or braiding a nearby support. It is recommended to start pruning dry, weak, frost-damaged branches at the end of the spring sap flow - in the first half of June. The next time, excess and dried lashes are cut out in the fall.

Lubrication of sections with garden pitch will prevent their damage by pathogens and insects.

Preparing for winter

In the districts middle lane there is a possibility of freezing ivy under the influence of low temperatures. Ground cover plantings can be protected from this danger by covering the soil with a thick layer of mulch, and after snow has fallen, with a snow cover about 30 cm high. plastic wrap. With the advent of warming upper layer shelters are removed so that high temperature combined with high humidity does not damage the shoots.

Compliance with the rules for planting and caring for garden ivy will allow you to achieve good growth and a wonderful view of the species of this plant cultivated in the country. With their help, you can create original landscape landscape objects on your site, decorate the walls of buildings or get a beautiful hedge.

Today, a much more environmentally friendly hedge has become a worthy alternative to heavy concrete and metal fences, which perfectly copes with all the functions of the fence and at the same time serves as a decoration of the site. Consider how a perennial fast-growing hedge can be made on your own: what kind of evergreens is best to use and how to properly care for them.

The main advantage of using green spaces instead of traditional fences is their appearance. Lush greenery will surely please the eye, and at the same time protect your site from dust from the road. Moreover, shrubs will actively produce oxygen, which is also an important argument in favor of such a choice.

Here are some more benefits of hedges:

  • shrub fencing does an excellent job of masking, due to its sufficiently high density;
  • during the pollination period, hedges serve as bait for beneficial insects;
  • to create a full-fledged hedge of fast-growing plants, you do not have to wait too long;
  • thorny bushes for hedges make it possible to create fences impassable for humans and animals;
  • a fairly large variety of existing perennial garden shrubs blooming all summer long. Photos and names contained in the catalogs allow you to choose an option that will decorate the site during the warm season.

At the same time, it is important to understand that caring for such a fence will be quite specific due to the fact that plants require care: cutting, feeding, and sometimes watering. However, if you consider that a traditional fence also requires attention and periodically you will have to paint and repair it, we can say that the effort and time costs are almost the same.

Do-it-yourself hedge in the country: what plants can be used

Many different plants are used to create hedges. Sometimes you can find options in which small trees are used. In many ways, the choice depends on your financial capabilities, as well as individual preferences. Consider two main groups into which all plants used for this purpose are divided.

Coniferous plants. Due to their ability to always stay green, these bushes are very popular among those who want to make a hedge. It is important to note here that only decorative varieties are suitable for this purpose. It is also worth taking into account the characteristics of growing each species: some conifers grow better in shading conditions, while other species prefer sunny places.

Useful advice! It is not recommended to plant conifers if your site is dominated by clay soil or groundwater is located close to the surface. In addition, it is worth observing a certain distance between the bushes: 25-55 cm.

A much greater variety offers the second group of plants - deciduous. Due to the high growth rate, already in the first year after planting, they will reach a sufficient height to fully play the role of a hedge.

In the process of caring for a fence of deciduous plants, the following factors should be considered:

  • green spaces of this type can develop in completely different ways, therefore, in the process of growth, attention should be paid to their formation;
  • if you use climbing plants, then you should take care that your own and neighboring beds do not suffer from them;
  • you can plant fruit-bearing varieties of shrubs or trees;
  • planting bushes with thorns and thorns can provide you with additional protection from unauthorized people entering the site.

When making a choice, it is worth taking into account many available factors, including climate, soil type and site topography. It is also better to ask in advance how the plants you have chosen get along with each other.

Trees and shrubs for hedges: photos and names of fast-growing plants

To do right choice, you need to briefly familiarize yourself with all the existing options. It is enough to get a general idea of ​​the requirements of a particular plant, and you can easily determine the most suitable one.

We will mainly consider those options that are relevant in the Moscow region. The fast growing hedge plants on this list are quite capable of thriving in the local climate.

Barberry: planting and caring for shrubs

It is preferable to plant barberry bushes in the spring, but in rare cases it is also allowed autumn planting. A barberry hedge is extremely unpretentious and requires minimal maintenance. Not afraid of wind and drafts. The only thing that is an undesirable factor for barberry is the increased acidity of the soil.

Instructions for caring for barberry bushes are universal for absolutely all varieties and types. During normal times, the plant does not require additional watering, however, during periods of excessive heat or drought, you can moisten the soil once a week. It is important to try to avoid getting water on the leaves.

Excessive rainfall is much more dangerous for barberry bushes than drought. This is due to their ability to accumulate water and rot. For this reason, it is recommended to regularly get rid of growing weeds and loosen the soil.

You can start pruning a year after planting the bushes, removing weak and dry branches. This procedure has both formative and sanitary significance, so it must be carried out.

Periwinkles are classified as herbaceous plants with erect shoots or creeping subshrubs. They have many different colors (most often blue, but pink, purple, white inflorescences are also found), bloom in spring.

No difficulties are caused by cultivation and care. Periwinkle planting in open ground can be carried out at almost any time of the year: in spring, late autumn and even on cloudy summer days. The plant is not too sensitive to external factors and takes root well both in sunny and shaded areas.

Additional watering of the periwinkle is not required, if you do not take into account periods of prolonged drought, which are infrequent. The rest of the time, the flowers are quite capable of taking care of themselves. Weeds are also not a hindrance for them, so weeding can only be done according to own will. It is important to trim the plant after a long flowering period to help it renew itself and form.

Euonymus: planting and caring for a hedge

Euonymus is a whole genus of plants, which includes both shrubs and trees. To create a hedge, bushes are most often used. Their main difference and advantage is the unusually beautiful color of the leaves, which can combine red, orange, yellow, white and purple hues.

Euonymus belongs to the category of fruit-bearing plants, but its fruits cannot be eaten due to the presence of toxic substances. However, as decoration autumn garden its fruits look simply incomparable.

Shrub care involves regular pruning and removal of dry, damaged branches. Forming a fence, euonymus allows you to create not only even borders, but also give it a wide variety of geometric shapes. The plant does not require additional watering, but it can be sensitive to frost at a young age. Therefore, newly planted bushes are best covered in case of frost.

Privet: a hedge from this plant

Privet is one of the most popular fast growing shrubs for hedges. This is an unpretentious plant that easily takes root in shady areas. In addition, it copes well with drought. The only thing that can become an obstacle to full growth is excessive dryness of sandy soils or their increased acidity.

Regarding the period that is best for transplanting privet, opinions are divided. Some argue that it is best to do this in the spring, before the new cycle and the buds open. Others believe that transplanting is more reliable in early or mid-autumn.

The main principle on which privet watering is based is a rare but abundant supply of moisture to the soil. With the exception of especially dry periods of summer, natural rainfall is quite enough for this plant, so additional watering is not necessary.

It is also worth buying privet because it is ideal for mastering the technique of curly cutting shrubs, since it can easily hide all inaccuracies and shortcomings, giving new shoots very quickly.

Useful advice! As soon as the bush planted in the ground takes root, it is necessary to cut the top so that it is more dense and does not grow too high.

Hawthorn for hedges: buy seedlings or grow your own

Not everyone knows about the possibility of creating a hedge using hawthorn bushes for this. For this, certain varieties of it are used, which are able to survive in rather harsh climatic conditions, and have a fairly dense crown that can be formed.

This plant prefers open sunny glades, as a lack of natural light can cause the bush to not bloom. However, the hawthorn is quite frost-resistant. Its stems are covered with thorns, and after flowering comes a period of fruiting, characterized by the appearance of orange or reddish fruits.

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Photos with the names of plants will help you navigate the huge variety of colors and make the right choice for your site.

Best time for planting hawthorn bushes - spring. It is during this period that it is best to carry out all earthworks. But here it is important to understand that hawthorn does not belong to fast-growing plants and therefore the period for growing a full-fledged hedge can reach 10 years.

You need to start pruning and shaping from the fourth year of the plant's life, after which you regularly maintain its shape. You can do this at any time of the year, depending on the need. For this purpose, you can use an ordinary pruner.

Spruce: conifer hedge

The popularity of spruce hedges is due to several factors, the main of which is the ability of this tree to always stay green. Unlike deciduous bushes and trees that fall off by autumn, spruces can hide your site from prying eyes at any time of the year.

Other benefits of this solution include:

  • coniferous trees have a very positive effect on environment, contributing to air purification and neutralizing unpleasant odors;
  • such a fence serves reliable protection both from dust and snow during the cold season;
  • coniferous plants are quite resistant to various kinds of diseases;
  • shearing and shaping firs should not be done too often. This is due to the rather slow growth rate.

Despite all these advantages, it is worth noting that spruces, like many other conifers, prefer a humid climate. They do not respond well to increased soil dryness.

Honeysuckle is one of the varieties of honeysuckle, which belongs to the type of "creeper". Its height can reach 6 m, and the color of the shoots can vary from green to red. The flowering period of this plant is late spring and early summer.

Note! Honeysuckle honeysuckle fruits are poisonous and not safe to eat.

If you want your honeysuckle hedge to bloom actively, it is better to choose an open sunny place for it. The spring months are best for planting. In order for the vines of the plant to form a full-fledged fence, it is necessary to install special supports.

Neutral acidic soil is best suited for honeysuckle. This plant does not like land with a high content of clay or excessively dry. At the same time, a fairly high resistance to frost is noted.

Honeysuckle care involves removing weeds, regular and abundant watering, as well as pruning and shaping.

Willow: a weeping tree hedge

A natural willow fence is one of the most simple options that can only be found. This is due to the unique ability of this tree - to take root even from twigs. That is, in order to create a full-fledged hedge, you do not need to plant traditional seedlings with an already formed root system. It is enough just to stick a willow twig into moist soil and soon it will sprout.

After the twigs germinate and take root, your main task will be to monitor the formation and, if necessary, limit the growth of trees. Another property of these plants is an extremely high growth rate, which, on the one hand, allows you to create a full-fledged hedge in the shortest possible time, and on the other hand, requires constant attention and control.

Useful advice! In order to make a live fence more reliable, it is quite acceptable to use wire that is attached to the vertical supports of the fence. Thanks to the greenery, it will be hidden, but it will prevent unwanted guests from entering the site.

Campsis grandiflora: planting and care

Among the people, campsis has several more names, for example, tekoma or trumpet flower. The plant belongs to the category of tree-like perennial deciduous vines and in some cases can reach 15 m in length. In the process of growth, young shoots wrap around the supporting pillars in a spiral, and then, becoming stiff over time, retain their shape.

The long flowering period of this plant is also pleasing - from June to September. Almost all summer you can enjoy scarlet or bright orange inflorescences, consisting of individual flowers that resemble small gramophones in shape.

Warmth and plenty of sunlight are considered favorable for the growth of kampsis. And although the plant is able to survive in almost any soil, a slightly acidic or neutral environment is considered the most favorable for it. In this case, flowering will be more abundant.

Kampsis creepers grow very quickly, so it is absolutely impossible to neglect pruning. The growth of the fence must be constantly monitored by cutting and guiding the vines. In addition, it is recommended to remove old branches to make room for new ones that are more suitable for flowering.

Cotoneaster brilliant: hedge photo

The most important thing that gardeners who decide to use a brilliant cotoneaster for hedges should understand is that this plant is not at all the same as an ordinary cotoneaster. And this species will definitely not be able to provide you with edible berries. Looking through the photo of the brilliant cotoneaster, you can see how beautiful this fence looks.

By itself, the cotoneaster is a bush, which is formed by erect stems, densely spaced among themselves. The maximum height that this shrub can reach is 2 meters, but you will have to buy a brilliant cotoneaster in the form of seedlings. At the same time, its crown is very dense and fluffy.

Caring for cotoneaster brilliant should be done regularly. This includes watering, loosening the soil and obligatory cutting of shrubs. Although it is worth noting that as the bushes take root and grow, they require less and less attention. So, over time, you can refuse watering, with the exception of periods of severe drought.

You can carry out sanitary pruning, designed to remove all unnecessary and old branches, at any time, regardless of the season. This must be done both for the purpose of formation and for the rejuvenation of shrubs. The main formative pruning is carried out mainly in the spring, before the first buds appear.

Useful advice! In the process spring pruning it is recommended to eliminate one-third of the growth in order to allow the plant to grow fully, while maintaining the desired hedge shape.

Lawson's cypress: a green coniferous fence

Lawson's cypress can be safely called one of the most beautiful conifers that are used to create hedges. If you pay due attention to the choice of landing site, in the future you will not have any difficulties with its cultivation.

The ideal location for this cypress can be considered a clearing located close to a constant source of water. These plants are very fond of moisture and constantly need it. In addition, it is highly desirable that the landing site is also protected from strong winds.

In the summer, each tree requires daily watering at the rate of 8-10 liters. In addition, you can additionally spray the crown with water. Fertilize the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers at least once a month.

Formative pruning is carried out in the spring, while removing all dried branches and controlling growth. At the same time, fertilizing can also be carried out to support the plant.

Cupressocyparis Leylanda: evergreen tree hedge

Cupressocyparis Leylanda - evergreen, which are trees whose height can reach 20 m. The crown of these trees is dense and has a symmetrical shape with shoots hanging down. In a year, the plant can grow by 1.5 m, so it is classified as a fast-growing plant.

Cupressocyparis lives quite quietly in the shade and has few requirements for external conditions. If we talk about the most favorable environment for him, then he prefers moderate humidity and soil saturated with minerals. As for acidity, this indicator does not really matter. In the dry season, young trees need periodic watering, and the rest of the time they have enough natural rainfall.

Useful advice! planting trees in open ground can be carried out only after their root system is sufficiently well developed. Up to this point, they must be kept in special containers.

In search of fast-growing bushes for hedges, many pay attention to a plant such as cherry laurel. Most of its species grow rather slowly, however, medicinal laurel is an exception and is therefore used by gardeners quite often.

Separately, it is worth noting the beauty of the flowers of this plant. Long (up to 12 cm) inflorescences consist of a large number small flowers and give the hedge a decorative and aesthetic appearance.

Cherry laurel perfectly withstands any difficulties, including severe frosts. Enough shade-tolerant, but demanding on the presence of moisture. If the soil is too dry for a long period, the plant will cease to bloom and bear fruit, it will grow worse.

A fast growing cherry laurel hedge requires pruning and shaping twice a year. The first time this must be done at the end of next summer after planting seedlings.

Holly: photo, planting and caring for shrubs

Holly is a shrub that has dark green foliage with a glossy surface. Its leaves are thorny, which allows you to create an almost impenetrable fence, the height of which can reach several meters. The plant is unpretentious and can fully grow and develop both in conditions of a sufficient amount of sunlight and in partial shade.

A hedge of holly shrubs is formed over 4-5 years, provided that sufficiently developed plants have been planted in the soil. At the same time, during the landing process, it is necessary to observe a distance of about 60 cm between the bushes in order to give them the opportunity to grow.

Landing can be done twice a year: in autumn (October-November) or in spring (April). But pruning is recommended to be carried out in the middle of summer (best of all at the end of July).

Balsam fir: care features

Balsam fir is a plant that prefers to grow in shaded areas. Shade or partial shade is well suited for her. Also, its development will be positively affected by the proximity of the reservoir. This is due to the fact that fir loves moist and rich in trace elements, well-drained soil. At the same time, stagnation of water in the soil is not permissible for this plant.

For planting in open ground, seedlings are used that are at least 4 years old. Landing is best done in April, but it is worth choosing a cloudy day for this. Preparation must begin in advance by digging holes of a suitable size two weeks before disembarkation.

Despite the fact that fir is quite resistant to frost, sudden changes in temperature can provoke frostbite on the trunk of the tree. To prevent this from happening, for a period severe frosts it is recommended to cover the plants with spruce branches. Of course, this applies more to young plants.

Useful advice! It is important to remember that the root system of fir is quite superficial, so strong winds can damage the plant. In the process of planting, it is better to select places where the trees will be protected from strong gusts.

Garden ivy: hedge photo and growing nuances

Garden ivy is one of the hardiest plants you can find to make a hedge. Its landing and cultivation will not cause any trouble to the owners. The plant grows well in both shade and sun. However, it does not tolerate high humidity and severe frosts too well, so it is advisable to cover the plant for the winter.

The choice of a landing site is carried out from the following criteria: lack of drafts and strong wind, mostly elevated. At first, ivy grows rather slowly, adapting and getting used to new conditions. Therefore, it is best to land in early spring so that during the summer months the plant has the opportunity to gain strength.

Garden ivy does not require frequent watering. Even during periods of drought, 1-2 times a week will be enough. Closer to autumn or during periods of natural precipitation, this should also be abandoned.

Useful advice! To maintain the health of the root system of the plant, immediately after the rains, it is recommended to loosen the soil to prevent the formation of dense areas that will not allow moisture and oxygen to freely penetrate to the roots.

Boxwood: planting and caring for a hedge in the garden

Boxwood is an incredibly beautiful shrub that allows you to create unique hedges on garden plots. At the same time, this plant has requirements, compliance with which will allow you to grow healthy and beautiful bushes. So, soil with moderate humidity and sandy or loamy composition is considered the most suitable. Boxwood does not respond well to increased acidity of the soil.

An unfavorable effect on the development of the root system is also exerted by an increased level of groundwater. As for the love of the plant for direct sunlight, here we can definitely say that boxwood prefers shaded areas, although creating a hedge, it can be difficult to comply with this condition.

Boxwood should be planted in the spring. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare trenches, the depth of which will be twice the size of the root system of the seedling. In the process of planting, pay attention to the condition of the root system, as well as the crown of plants.

Thuja Brabant is an ornamental plant that cannot be called whimsical, but at the same time it requires compliance with a number of planting and maintenance conditions in order to maintain its functions. First of all, it is worth paying attention that this thuja does not tolerate shade well. A lack of sunlight can cause the plant to lose its original bright green color.

At the same time, intense heat is no less detrimental. Perfect option- partial shade, when the plant is part of the daylight hours under the influence of sunlight, and the rest of the time is hidden in the shade. This can be achieved by planting a thuja on the western or eastern side of any building on the site.

Given the peculiarity of the shape of these plants (wide crown and narrowing upwards), planting seedlings for hedges should be done at a distance exceeding 50 cm from each other. So saving space in this case will not work.

Dry depleted land cannot become a worthy basis for growing thuja, which, in terms of its decorative characteristics, can meet all the requirements, and most importantly, your expectations.

Thuya Smaragd: a hedge from this plant

Having made a choice in favor of thuja for hedges, it is worth considering another variety of this plant as an option. Thuja Smaragd can reach a height of 3-5 meters. At the same time, its girth will reach 2 m. Such serious dimensions of an adult plant should be taken into account in the process of planting seedlings, leaving a sufficient gap between them, even if in the end you want to get a dense green hedge.

The tree grows rather slowly and the annual growth for it does not exceed 10 cm in height and 5 cm in width. Thuja can live for 150 years. As for the conditions, the trees are quite unpretentious, and can grow both in sunny areas and in shading.

Which thujas are better for hedges - everyone decides for himself, based on their appearance, as well as the conditions available on the site. But one thing is certain - both the Brabant thuja hedge and the fence from its fellow Smaragd will be an excellent decoration for your site throughout the year.

Perennial fast growing hedge: general tips

As can be seen from the list above, many plants are quite unpretentious and require owners to heightened attention only at the stage of choosing a suitable place and landing. In the future, only periodic pruning will be required to maintain the fence in proper form.

Buying shrubs for hedges is also quite simple. Garden centers or greenhouses that grow seedlings of shrubs and trees are best suited for this purpose.

What is the best way to make a hedge

After reviewing the photos and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for summer cottages, you can evaluate which option is preferable for you. The choice should be based on the following criteria:

  • available conditions for plant growth: type of soil, site illumination, climatic features, rainfall, etc.;
  • the amount of time and attention you are willing to devote to hedge maintenance. Different trees and bushes for hedges require different efforts from the owners. If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to this issue, it is better to give preference to a simpler option, which will allow you to get by with shaping pruning once or twice a year;

  • the aesthetic component is an equally important aspect of the choice. Much depends on how you see the fence of your site, whether you want an evergreen or deciduous plant, etc.

The choice of fast-growing plants for hedges is large enough, so choosing the right option for you will not be too difficult. The main thing is to consider how more photos with the names of perennial bushes for the garden and vegetable garden, the cutting of which implies the formation. And after you make a choice in favor of one or another option, read the detailed instructions on how to make a hedge with your own hands using a particular plant.

Creating a hedge is not only time-consuming, but also a fascinating process. This element has been very actively used in landscape design for many decades and still remains popular.

To get a good result, you need: firstly, to choose the right plants; secondly, competently carry out the landing; thirdly, timely and skillfully carry out the formation.

Not all plants can form a fast-growing perennial hedge, which is important for both external fencing and internal gardening.

If you plan to create something capital, not for one season, then you should take a responsible approach to the choice of plants and the selection of varieties. For hedges, it is better to plant frost-resistant, drought-resistant and undemanding species. The possibility of damage by diseases and pests should also be taken into account. The less attention the planting requires, the better. Frozen twigs, fallen dried specimens, chlorotic and caterpillar-eaten leaves - greatly reduce the decorative effect. To fix such problems, it will take time and a lot of skills.

However, even if the most unpretentious and adapted species and varieties are selected, for a quick result, it will be necessary to provide optimal growth conditions. Planting material for a hedge is taken at the age of 2-3 years (with the exception of conifers, which grow slowly in the first years of life). Older plants have a voluminous root system and are sensitive to transplants, and getting a full-fledged hedge from annual seedlings will take more time. The most realistic period for which a green hedge can be formed, provided that high-quality planting material is used, is 2 years. And this applies only to fast-growing species that give good growth.

For rapid growth, plants need a supply of nutrients in the soil and a sufficient amount of water, so planting is carried out in fertilized soil and regular watering is provided in the early years, especially during dry periods. If the cottage is located in an area where groundwater is close, then most plants will need good drainage in the form of a layer of crushed stone or broken brick at the bottom of the landing pit or trench.

To eliminate the risk of freezing young seedlings, in the first 2-3 years it is necessary to carry out shelter for the winter nonwoven fabric or a mulch layer of dry leaves, needles or spruce branches. For fencing fruit trees, it is undesirable to use mountain ash, as it has diseases and pests common with apple trees, and such plantings can turn into a hotbed.

Plants for fast and lasting results

To quickly create an eco-fence, you can use low-growing (height about 1 meter) and medium-sized (height 2-3 meters) shrubs, evergreen conifers, weaving lianas and even trees. At the same time, you need to understand that if you use conifers, then in any case there will not be such a quick result as with shrubs.

green thuja fence

These species are ideal for both homogeneous stands and multi-tiered compositions as a backdrop for undersized shrubs. Planting material of coniferous plants is taken at the age of 5 years, it is preferable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system.

Below are best options for a fast growing hedge with basic characteristics.

ornamental shrubs

Vesicle viburnum

Forms a lush crown with spreading branches. In height reaches 3 meters. The leaves are large and carved, depending on the variety, may have a lemon or purple color, a brownish or purple hue.

It reacts negatively to the content of lime in the soil and does not tolerate waterlogging (drainage is needed on heavy soils). Light-requiring, frost-resistant, but in severe winters, the tips of young shoots may freeze, resistant to gas and dust.

The natural appearance of the plant is a sprawling fountain bush. Immediately after planting, the top is cut; in the first years, the side shoots are shortened by a few centimeters to obtain a powerful fluffy bush.

Derain white

Has a spreading crown. Height exceeds 2.5 meters. In addition to decorative leaves with a light border, it is attractive in spring with fluffy inflorescences of white or cream color.

Grows on any soil. Growing in Siberia, it perfectly withstands the vagaries of nature, but does not tolerate drought well, it is shade-tolerant. Pruning starts at next year after planting and spend it twice a season to maintain the correct shape. Without pruning, the bushes below are exposed and look messy.

Forsythia ovoid

Spreading shrub with early flowering: yellow flowers bloom before the leaves and densely cover the shoots.

Prefers light breathable and calcareous soils. It has good winter hardiness and drought resistance, photophilous. Mature plants are pruned after flowering to developed buds.


Upright growing shrub up to 2 meters high with large spherical inflorescences. Demanding on fertility and soil moisture. Light and heat-loving, shelter is required in the northern regions. Does not need shaping pruning.

fruiting shrubs


Very decorative all year round, has long spines, is represented by dwarf and tall forms. Unpretentious. You can choose varieties for different growing conditions. Easily lends itself to any form. Pruning is carried out after flowering and at the end of summer.


It has a compact bush up to 2 meters high with thorny shoots. In the spring, it is beautiful with numerous white flowers, in summer with dark green, purple or bright red leaves, and in late autumn with blue “balls” berries. Grows on any soil. It is frost-resistant, well transfers shading. The bush is dense and neat and without frequent pruning.

Rose hip

Prickly shrub of medium size, very attractive during the flowering period. Does not tolerate stagnant water and close occurrence of groundwater. Grows well in different climatic zones. Formative pruning is carried out annually in the fall after leaf fall.


Tall thorny shrub with abundant flowering. Any soil is suitable, including poor and heavy clay soils. Frost-resistant and shade-tolerant. Without pruning, it does not lose its decorative effect. Planting can be formed of any height. In practice, an impenetrable solid wall is created by splicing the side branches of neighboring bushes.

climbing vines

girlish grapes

Liana with large beautiful leaves. It is undemanding to soil types, but in the first years it responds well to top dressing and fertilizers. Frost-resistant, rarely affected by diseases and pests, shade-tolerant.

The formation consists in tying and directing the vines. Rapid growth requires mandatory pruning in the first year after planting to remove protruding and overgrown shoots. You also need to periodically sprinkle with compost the exposed growing roots.

garden ivy

Evergreen liana. Prefers fertilized and moisture-intensive soils. Does not like the sun, young plants need to be covered for the winter. Requires autumn pruning of "knocked out" and dry elements, as well as shortening of shoots to obtain a lush hedge.


Weaving plant with long and bright flowering, suitable for creating a hedge with a height of 1 to 2 - 3 meters (depending on the variety). Prefer well-drained loam. Light and moisture-loving, in the Middle lane require shelter.

Pruning depends on the variety group. In some cases, pruning of faded shoots under the first developed bud is used, in others - autumn pruning young growth at a distance of about 30 cm from the old wood.

Common hop

A powerful vine with bright green leaves, attractive in its own way during flowering and fruit formation. Unpretentious and very aggressive, photophilous. Requires strong support and regular pruning to keep it from spreading.


purple willow

Low (up to 1.5 meters) bush with a rounded crown and silvery leaves. Undemanding to fertility, tolerates waterlogging. Photophilous, drought-resistant, has good winter hardiness. Formative spring pruning can create low hedges of any shape.


Reaches a height of about 8 meters. Even poor soils are suitable for it. Well adapted to growing conditions. Shearing of adult plants is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the season.

white locust

Appreciated by graceful leaves and snow-white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Grows on poor and saline soils. It is drought-resistant, warm and photophilous, does not tolerate harsh winters. Pruning is carried out to limit growth and activate branching, without regular care it turns into thickets and gives numerous shoots.

What to choose from the whole variety? A matter of taste. ornamental shrubs will become not only an obstacle or a means of zoning, but also a spectacular decoration of the garden.

Fruiting fast-growing shrubs for hedges will not only decorate, but also benefit in the form of healing berries. However, with such cultivation with frequent haircuts, one should not expect large yields. If you want to make hawthorn or barberry jam for the whole family, it is better to plant a separate bush and take care of it accordingly.

The fastest growing hedge will be obtained from vines (grapes, hops), while in a short time you can form a high and dense eco-fence. But for vertical growth, vines require support, which must be strong enough to withstand the weight of powerful shoots growing over the years. Rapid growth requires regular and correct pruning so that the plant does not braid everything around.

Trees are also suitable for long-term plantings. Willow and black locust give very good annual growth and quickly reach the desired height. The hedge of them does not have to be high - with the help of pruning, you can easily change the natural appearance of the plant.

Landing Rules

In order for the hedge to be dense enough and the plants not to oppress each other, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended planting pattern. It is more convenient to plant in a trench with a depth of 0.5 and a width of 0.6 m. The seedlings are aligned with twine - this is important for creating an even wall. Climbing plants are placed every 0.25 m, for low-growing shrubs an interval of 0.5 and 1 m is acceptable, for tall shrubs the distance is increased to 1.5 m.

For most species, spring planting is more favorable, but autumn planting is also allowed, provided that the seedlings take root before frost. Many representatives will need a garter to the support, so stakes with twine should be prepared in advance.

Fill the trench with a fertile mixture of compost, sand and peat. Shrubs need stimulating pruning after planting, which allows you to get a highly branched lush bush. Lianas (with the exception of girlish grapes) are not pruned in the first year, allowing them to develop the root system and grow green mass. In the first year, plants need good watering and mulching with humus or compost.

When planting fast-growing plants, two of their disadvantages must be taken into account: the need for frequent shearing and the strong development of overgrowth. Over the years, such a fence can behave like an invader on suburban area. Tall heavy fences can obscure small areas, which must be considered when choosing plants.

For those who are prone to extravagance, combined fences from different types or from several contrasting varieties of the same species.

Any backyard territory requires a lot of time and effort to take care of it. The most important task facing the owner of his site is its competent and beautiful. In this case, a perennial fast-growing hedge will help you. Evergreen vegetation is a great way to decorate the territory and draw its borders.

Such a design, of course, will take a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it. You can form a similar decor from trees, climbing crops and shrubs. If you still do not know which plants you want to plant, then our review will help you make the right decision.

There are many benefits to a perennial fast growing hedge. Evergreen crops will help create a gorgeous garden in your backyard. After all, luxurious greenery is not only a wonderful decoration, but also excellent protection from dust, weather conditions and prying eyes. In addition, beautiful shrubs are also clean air in the area.

Also, deciduous varieties are often used for living fences. These include shrubs such as sea buckthorn, barberry or hawthorn, as well as trees: birch, mountain ash or beech. In winter, they lose their leaves and may appear rare.

Perennials include both trees and shrubs. A fence of them has been created and formed for more than one year. For annuals, special supports are required. They are good for decorating all kinds of artificial ones. In winter, such crops die. Such plants include sweet pea, curly varieties of beans and kobe.

So, what other advantages does a hedge have:

  • plant fences have a high density and cover the area well from view;
  • vegetation attracts beneficial insects during periods of pollination;
  • no need to wait too long for the plants to grow;
  • thorny bushes will become a natural barrier from strangers;
  • great selection nice flowering plants, which will be a wonderful decor for the entire site.

When choosing such an unusual hedge, it is important to consider that plants require special care. They will need a haircut, and a variety of top dressing.

The group of evergreens should include junipers, conifers, cypresses, deciduous trees such as boxwood or holly. The advantage of such crops is their ability to maintain decorativeness all year round.

Such fences can have different heights. Low grow no more than a meter. Medium hedges grow up to one and a half meters, and high ones up to two.

Hedges may differ in the way they are formed. For example, free-growing crops do not require complex care. If you choose the right combination of plants, you get a completely natural hedge that does not require regular pruning. But such plantings also have disadvantages. They need to be chosen especially carefully, and they also need a lot of space, as they can spread out a lot.

Formed ornamental plants look elegant. With the shaping procedure, you can give them any shape. In this case, it is important to choose cultures that are able to maintain the created shape for a long time, and are also easily tolerated.

Note! Fast growing fences can be fully formed in a couple of years. But since these crops grow very quickly, they need frequent pruning to create the desired shape.

Do-it-yourself hedge in the country: which plants are better to use

To make a perennial, fast-growing hedge, a variety of evergreens will do. Small trees are also used. When choosing plants, decide in advance what result you want. You can make a fence for the garden from shrubs of one particular type. For this, hawthorn, cotoneaster or barberry are suitable.

Mixed fences also look good. In doing so, apply different types shrubs and trees.

Evergreen shrubs keep decorative look during the whole year. For example, conifers will look bright even in winter in the middle of snow. Importantly, such cultures are unpretentious in care. Just keep in mind that some types of conifers grow better in the shade, and there are species that are better adapted to the sun's rays. Remember that such crops should not be grown on clay soils or with close passage of groundwater.

When choosing crops, consider the intensity of their growth. Slow-growing crops do not require constant pruning. An important point is the height of the plants. A low fence will be made from boxwood, Japanese spirea or gooseberries. If you need a fence up to three meters high, then you can consider options such as juniper, lilac or thuja.

Deciduous plants are able in the first year to reach required size. In this case, remember the following points:

  • vegetation can grow in different ways, so it needs to be specially formed;
  • if the cultures are climbing, then it is important to take care that they do not grow far. After all, they can become a threat to yours;
  • a practical option is planting fruit-bearing varieties;
  • plants with thorns can become additional protection.

When choosing the right crops, consider the type of terrain, soil and climatic features. Also, learn how the plants will get along with each other.

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Note! Before you start building your fast growing fence, sketch out your crop placement plan. When using a mixed fence, it is necessary to correctly distribute different varieties of trees and bushes.

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Hedge crops: photos and names of fast-growing plants

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting seedlings that are recommended as fences. Our review presents a variety of photos and names of fast-growing trees and shrubs for summer cottages, from which you can select the best options.

Barberry: planting and plant care

Growing a barberry fence requires special care. With the right restriction, this plant will actively grow in a suitable direction, and with its spines will protect the territory from strangers. To achieve a dense planting, place the bushes at a distance in 20 cm increments. You can try landing in a staggered arrangement.

Such a culture will acquire a luxurious look with proper knowledge. Here are the features of care and pruning:

  • in the first year, shoots are cut from the sides. In this case, 2-3 central branches should be left;
  • in the second season, you need to trim by a third before bud break;
  • during growth, mulching is necessary. The height of adult crops is about one and a half meters;
  • shaping is done by pruning branches.

The advantage of culture are flowering. The flowers are not only beautiful, but also smell good. Decorative effect is preserved in autumn, and in winter the leaves fall off.

Note! It is better to plant barberry in the spring, but if it is impossible otherwise, then it is possible in the fall. It negatively relates to the increased level of soil acidity. During hot periods, the plant should be watered once a week, but without splashing on the foliage.

Herbaceous culture is periwinkle, which has a different number of colors. Flowering occurs in spring and is most often blue, pinkish or purple.

It is important to know the features of planting and caring for periwinkle in the open field. You can plant a seedling at any time of the year. It can be late autumn, spring time or summer time in cloudy weather. Culture remarkably takes root both in the illuminated areas and in the shade. This plant does not need constant watering, only in severe drought. Periwinkle can develop independently. It does not overgrow with weeds.

Important! To create a beautiful shape, trim after the flowering period.

Euonymus: planting and planting care

Euonymus is not only shrubs, but also trees. But for a live fence it is better to choose bushes. This crop is valued for its beautiful leaf colors, which can include orange, red, yellow, and purple hues.

The plant is fruitful, but its fruits cannot be eaten, as they are poisonous. But as a decoration they fit wonderfully. Care is not that difficult. Euonymus requires pruning and timely removal of damaged and dried branches. This plant is suitable for forming fences. In this case, it turns out to create a variety of interesting configurations.

Important! The plant can not be watered, but young shoots are extremely unstable to cold weather. Therefore, when frosts, they should be covered.

Privet: hedge for the garden

Privet is of different types. There are evergreen and deciduous varieties. Planting can bloom, but only at the beginning of summer and only a month. This option is more recommended for the southern regions, as it does not have high frost resistance. In frost, the branches are severely frosted over.

Mature bushes do not grow more than two meters in height. There are varieties up to a meter suitable for forming borders. The plant is unpretentious in care and drought-resistant. In addition, it takes root in the shade.

Important! When the bush takes root, you need to cut off the top a little. This will keep the shrub from growing upwards and make it denser.

Hawthorn hedge: growing secrets

Hawthorn wonderful plant with useful fruits. But the plant will begin to bear fruit only 6-7 years after planting. Many varieties of this crop are suitable for growing in the most difficult climatic conditions. The advantages of culture include the presence of thorns, which allow you to protect the territory from uninvited guests. The branches of the plant are covered with thorns, and large leaves can grow up to 12 cm. During flowering, white flowers appear that turn into pear-shaped fruits.

This plant does not require complex care. Here are the main nuances of care that you need to know about:

  • watering should be done once a month if the summer is normal and 3-4 times if it is dry;
  • cut the bush to make the necessary shape;
  • suitable planting height is about 4-5 meters.

Hawthorn is best planted in areas well lit by sunlight. The best time for planting is spring. It is possible to form and cut a shrub in the fourth year of growth.

Hawthorn ripens throughout the autumn period and before the onset of cold weather. In gardening, terry varieties are often used, the buds of which are somewhat similar to roses. There are also tall varieties. These include the Siberian hawthorn, reaching a height of six meters.

Note! When creating a living fence, choose 3-5 year old bushes that have a good survival rate. To destroy harmful microorganisms, add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the well.

Spruce hedge features

Spruce crops are in particular demand due to their ability to stay green throughout the year. At spruce it is worth noting the following advantages:

  • closes the territory from strangers throughout the year;
  • purifies the air and helps eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • protects the territory from dust and snow drifts;
  • has resistance to various diseases;
  • a tree should rarely be formed.

When forming a hedge in 1 row, plant a plant with an interval of 1 meter. If a multi-row scheme is used, then trees can be planted in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of a meter. Or linear. In this case, the plants are planted against each other.

Important! Spruces do not do well in dry soils and prefer wet ones. climatic conditions.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: hedge photo, planting and caring for the plant

For plantings of honeysuckle, you can use different types of plants with different flowering times. Shoots can grow up to two meters in height. Honeysuckle does not require special watering and too fertile soils, but partial shade is important for it. Bright sunlight is detrimental to her. The advantages of culture include resistance to frost. In the first year, a wall with gaps may grow, which will bloom over time. thrive on trellis fences. These varieties are best planted at intervals of a meter. And the distance between the bushes should be at least 60 cm.

A variety of honeysuckle is similar to a liana. It can grow up to 6 meters. This culture blooms in spring and early summer. To create a high-quality fence for a plant, you will need special supports. Not suitable for growing dry and clay soils. Care must necessarily include weeding, watering and pruning to form bushes.

Useful information! Edible varieties of honeysuckle can also be planted. Its berries are not only very tasty, but also healthy. But the fruits of the honeysuckle variety are poisonous and should not be eaten.

Willow: creating a hedge

The simplest option is to create a willow fence. This tree has an excellent survival rate. It can take root even from twigs. You can plant a twig in moist soil, and it will settle down remarkably and take root. The tree does not require serious maintenance, but it is important to monitor the timely pruning, as well as to stop its growth.

This culture is known for a significant growth rate, which requires some control. For the strength of the fence, you can use wire to attach the tree to the supports.

Campsis grandiflora: planting and plant care

Campsis is a perennial vine. This is an unpretentious culture that even a novice gardener can handle. Two types of plants can be used:

  • rooting kampsis is able to braid a large surface area, and is also more resistant to cold;
  • the large-flowered species is known for its showy flowers and its size. For it, it is necessary to mount special supports. It is more suitable for warm regions.

If you do not control the growth of the plant, then it can stretch up to 15 m. Therefore, it is so important to form a fence. Bushes should be planted at a distance of a meter and it is better if they are sunny areas. Proper care involves sufficient watering. Fertilizers are not required, but recommended. From July to September, the culture blooms in red, yellow and orange flowers.

Note! In the first year, only beautiful carved leaves will appear, and flowering should be expected only in the next season.

Brilliant cotoneaster: hedge photo

Cotoneaster makes an excellent barrier. It is evergreen and deciduous. The culture is famous for its shiny leaves. To grow a good fence, you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions for planting and caring for a brilliant cotoneaster. This crop can grow well both in the shade and in sunny areas. In addition, cotoneaster is resistant to frost. It can reach a height of up to two meters. Remarkably grows in three years.

Seedlings must be placed at a distance of half a meter. Cotoneaster refers to drought-resistant crops. Even in summer, it is enough to water it no more than once a month.

By the way, this variety of cotoneaster does not have edible fruits.

Note! Cotoneaster will acquire beautiful view only if it's trimmed properly. It should be carried out in the spring, until the buds open.

Cypress lawson columnaris: the secrets of growing

Cypress is the most beautiful coniferous plant. When landing it is important to choose the right place. It is best if it is a site with a close location of the water source. This culture prefers moist conditions. Also, the landing site must be protected from gusts of wind.

In summer, the tree needs to be watered with 8-10 liters of water. It is also necessary to spray the foliage. It is required for seedlings and top dressing at least once a month. In this case, organic and mineral are used.

Note! To create the necessary shape, you need to perform a shaping pruning. At the same time, dry branches should also be removed.

Cupressocyparis Leylanda: an interesting use of trees

This evergreen culture can grow up to 20 m. The crown of trees has a symmetrical appearance and is dense. Cupressocyparis Leylanda is a fast-growing plant, it adds up to one and a half meters in a year. It can also be grown in shady areas. Grows well in moderate humidity fertile soil. The acidity level for this tree is minimal. In dry weather, young seedlings need watering, and at any other time, natural precipitation is sufficient.

Landing in open ground is carried out only after the seedlings acquire a sufficiently powerful root system.

Lavrovishnya: photo and description of the hedge

A fast-growing hedge of cherry laurel is popular. Plant height varies from 2 to 6 meters. At proper care there is a rapid increase in green mass.

Seedlings are planted in mid-autumn, when the soil is well moistened. Laurel cherry officinalis is in great demand among gardeners. This plant has very beautiful flowers. The inflorescence can be up to 12 cm long and consists of many small flowers, which allows you to give the fence a luxurious look.

Laurel cherry is a fairly hardy plant. It can survive severe frosts. In addition, this culture is shade-tolerant, but it needs moisture regularly. If the soil is dry for a long time, the plant will stop flowering and fruiting.

Hedges require pruning a couple of times a year. After planting seedlings, the first pruning is done the next summer.

Holly: photo of culture and planting rules

Holly is a shrub with dark green foliage. Moreover, the leaves are quite prickly, which allows you to create a fence with good protection. Such a culture is unpretentious to care for. It can grow well in both sunny and shady conditions.

If well-formed seedlings are planted in the ground, then in 4-5 years a wonderful hedge will turn out from the bushes. When landing, it is important to observe a gap of at least 60 cm.

Note! Landing can be done twice a year. Suitable time in spring in April and in autumn from October to November. And pruning is done in the middle of summer.

Balsam fir: description and subtleties of care

The balsamic variety is distinguished by fragrant and soft needles. The tree has a conical shape. At the same time, the branches below grow in a perpendicular direction from the ground, and the upper ones are slightly raised. The tree can grow up to 20-25 meters. This crop is demanding on the structure of the soil and its moisture content.

The plant thrives in shady areas. It will develop intensively if there is a body of water nearby. Soil rich in micronutrients is especially suitable. Do not allow stagnant water for this crop. When planting, you can use seedlings that are at least four years old. The best day to plant is an overcast day in April. Moreover, pits for plantings are made in two weeks.

Fir has a certain resistance to frost. But with sudden temperature changes, young trees need additional protection. You can cover them with spruce branches.

This tree does not require decorative pruning. It independently forms a magnificent crown.

Note! For landing, it is better to choose areas protected from strong winds, since the fir root system is located close to the surface of the earth.

Garden ivy: hedge photo

One of the most unpretentious plants is garden ivy. It grows into a beautiful hedge, even in the shade, even in a sunny place. But it should be borne in mind that such a plant does not tolerate powerful frosts and high level humidity. Therefore, it is sheltered for the winter.

When choosing a suitable landing site, an important factor is the absence of drafts, winds, and it is also desirable that it be a hill. Planting is best done in early spring, so that the plant gains strength during the warm season. After rains, the soil should be loosened.

Ivy does not require frequent watering. You can water a little during periods of drought.

Note! If you then want to get rid of the ivy, it will be very difficult to do. Therefore, before planting it, think about whether it might be better to choose some other plant.

Boxwood: planting, care and reproduction

With the help of evergreen boxwood, you can create luxurious hedges on the site. But it is important to follow the rules of its planting and care. Loamy, sandy soil with sufficient moisture is suitable for this plant. The bush will not grow on soils with high acidity. It is also bad if they pass close to the surface of the earth. Shaded areas are more suitable for planting boxwood. In this case, planting is best done in the spring.

Note! Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to dig indentations, the depth of which will be twice as deep as the roots. At the same time, pay attention to the condition of the root system and the crowns of the plant.

This plant is evergreen. It is often called the tree of life. Thuja Brabant is distinguished by endurance and resistance to disease. Planting and care does not require much effort. The photo shows what the fence from this plant looks like. Suitable for almost any kind of soil. From thuja with a haircut, you can create any beautiful shape. At the same time, the height of the tree can reach 10 m, and the width of the crown up to 3 m.

The advantages of culture include unpretentious care, rapid growth and excellent decorative effect. To plant a plant, you will need not only seedlings, but also fertilizers, peat, sand and soddy soil. You can plant a plant from April to November. Landing should be done with an interval of 0.6-0.7 meters. If landing is done in one row, then the distance between the holes can reach up to a meter. When creating a two-row fence, seedlings are placed at intervals of up to two meters and preferably in a checkerboard pattern. Some large-sized thuja varieties are planted at intervals of up to five meters.

To get a beautiful hedge from the Brabant arborvitae, it must be watered every week after planting. And during the dry season, watering is done a couple of times a week. In this case, at least 15 liters of water should be poured under each tree.

In addition to seedlings, this type of thuja can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. But experienced gardeners recommend growing a plant only from seedlings.

Note! If you perform a frequent haircut, the plant becomes more lush and thick. The best time for pruning is in spring or already at the end of summer.

Thuja smaragd: planting and care of culture

When choosing thuja for hedges, it is worth considering ornamental variety emerald. This tree, unlike the previous variety, has a shape in the form of a pyramid. But it must be constantly supported. Such a plant can grow up to 5 meters, and the crown has up to two meters. These parameters are important to consider when landing and leave necessary gap between seedlings.

This culture grows slowly. Each year adds no more than 10 cm in height and about 5 cm in width. Thuja can grow for 150 years. This is an unpretentious plant that grows both in shaded areas and in more sunny ones.

Here are the main points when caring for thuja:

  • watering is carried out depending on the condition of the soil and the passage of groundwater. Most often, this procedure is performed once a week. At the same time, a bucket of water goes to one seedling. If there is a severe drought, then the amount increases to two buckets;
  • after each watering it is necessary to produce;
  • a month after planting, it is important to mulch the soil with wood chips or peat;
  • every spring, compost is necessarily used, and mineral dressings are performed;
  • young trees need to be covered from sunlight until they gain strength;
  • shearing is done in autumn and spring. In this case, you need to remove the old branches, which will allow you to form a beautiful crown.

What is better to make a hedge: useful recommendations

When choosing fast-growing plants for hedges, unpretentious crops should be preferred. Most often, for such plantations, it is important to simply choose the right landing site, and further care involves only regular pruning to maintain a beautiful shape.

Buy suitable option The following criteria will help you:

  • conditions for normal growth and development, including climatic conditions, the degree of illumination on the site, the type of soil and the approximate amount of precipitation;
  • features of care for living fencing. If there is no time to engage in constant pruning, then it is better to consider simpler options;
  • attractive appearance is the most important factor.

Landing features

Particular attention should be paid to planting plants. In this case, the procedure includes such stages as marking the territory, preparing the soil and planting seedlings.

To perform the markup, it is important to decide what the height of the fence will be. On the ground, the lines are marked with a rope and pegs.

It is important to properly prepare the soil before planting. It is necessary to fertilize the soil qualitatively. And for some varieties of trees and shrubs, you need to consider drainage. In this case, expanded clay, river pebbles and even broken bricks are used.

If the soil is clayey, then it can be diluted with sand. Lime is used to reduce acidity, and peat is used to reduce alkalinity.

After that, a trench or the required number of holes is made along the marking. If a fence is planned in one row, then the width should be about 50 cm. With two-row placement - up to 90. The depth is about 60 cm.

In this case, the interval between seedlings and the depth of the hole depends on the variety of plants and their purpose.

Landing is most often done in autumn or spring. First you need to prepare the soil. For example, and feed.

Subtleties of care

Important steps in the care of any crop for a live fence include watering and pruning. In this case, pruning is not recommended in the first year. Then for the next two years, this procedure must be performed frequently to form the desired configuration.

After pruning, the base of the plant should have a wider shape than the top. This will ensure that the sun's rays reach all parts of the seedlings evenly. Over time, the procedure can be carried out less often. For example, first in early spring and the second time in mid-summer.

Be sure to cut off dead branches. To rejuvenate the plant, pruning is carried out up to two-thirds of the branches. It should be borne in mind that different cultures tolerate this procedure in different ways. Coniferous varieties do not tolerate pruning, so it is done less frequently. But for a willow that has active growth, the procedure should be carried out as often as possible.

Watering is best done in the morning and evening hours. This will allow moisture to be retained in the soil longer. The regularity of watering also depends on the structure of the soil. If the soil is clayey, then frequent irrigation can lead to rotting of the root system. If there is not enough water, the roots will dry out. If the soils are often waterlogged and fluid stagnates, then it is worth considering proper drainage.


A fence entwined with ivy or a brightly flowering liana looks very beautiful and well-groomed. But in addition to the aesthetic purpose, it can carry additional functions. Climbing fence plants are able to perform several tasks at the same time - decorate, mask old or simply dull walls and create shady corners in the garden, they can protect the garden from uninvited guests.

Green fences protect gardens from noise and street dust. In order to grow such a fence on own site it is necessary to make quite a bit of effort and then beauty will always be with you.

You need to have an accurate idea of ​​​​what you want to get in the end, otherwise the initial joy may be replaced by disappointment. It is more practical to plant perennial climbing and weaving plants along the fence. A choice should be made between evergreen and deciduous, flowering and ornamental foliage, prickly and thornless.

Ivy, parthenocissus, Amur grapes, lemongrass, honeysuckle, actinidia belong to decorative and deciduous. Clematis and climbing rose are recognized as the most popular of the flowering roses. Campsis, calistegia, azarina, passionflower are slightly inferior to them, but also enjoy their share of popularity among gardeners. Wisteria is not inferior in beauty to a rose, but is not able to endure winters in most of the country.

Weaving plants for the fence

Wild grapes

A little more time will pass and the fence will hide under the leaves of wild grapes

For those who decide to plant greenery on the site with the least labor, time and financial costs. The leaves are large dense, consist of five oval pointed leaves. It blooms with small inconspicuous flowers, the berries are unsuitable for food. Summer option - saturated green color and in autumn it is purple in all its splendor. The length of the vines reaches 20 meters.

The plant is so unpretentious that for planting it is enough to dig a hole 30 cm deep, water and plant the cuttings at a distance of 50 cm. All care comes down to watering the grapes on hot days and tying the shoots. At spring planting already in the autumn of the first year, the lashes can reach 2m. By the end of the second year, it covers the entire area allocated to it with a dense carpet.

Feels great both on the sunny side and in the shade. It tolerates winter frosts at 35-40 C well. It is not afraid of return frosts. Further care consists in pruning the shoots and infrequent watering. In nurseries, the price of a seedling varies from 400 to 600 rubles.

Amur grapes differ from girlish ones in the form of leaves and do not have such a violent growth rate, but they produce quite edible fruits and are not an aggressor in relation to neighboring plants.


Ivy covers the fence with a dense wall

Evergreen ivy is a resident of the middle lane. It is unpretentious in choosing a landing site, although it prefers shady places and periodic watering. With the help of sucker roots, it wraps around buildings and fences and climbs very high. Colchis ivy has a high growth rate and a length of vines up to 30 meters.

Propagated by rooted cuttings. They are planted at a distance of 30-60 cm, provide good drainage, top dressing and regular watering and mulching of the soil. In autumn, the shoots are pruned. Winter-hardy varieties are covered with foliage, and the rest are transplanted into a container and sent for wintering in a bright and cool room, provide easy watering. Before spring planting in the ground, the plants are hardened.

Climbing plants for the fence

Curly (climbing) rose

A climbing rose is a festive mood

Designers are very fond of using climbing roses when decorating a garden. This is understandable. The brightness of colors, bizarre shapes, abundant flowering give these plants a fabulous look. Roses are more demanding in care, but they will thank for this care with violent flowering. Regular pruning, feeding and watering is all that is needed for the normal life of this plant.

Usually roses bloom once a season - May - June, but there are varieties that delight with flowering throughout the summer. In order for the buds to form along the length of the entire plant, it is recommended that 2-3 main shoots be placed horizontally, the shoots emanating from them will give a huge number of buds. Planting occurs in September. Be sure to keep in mind that the rose loves the sun and does not like waterlogged soils.

Propagated by cuttings and seedlings. Warm winters can survive on a support, covered with spruce branches and polyethylene. In cold climates, roses are removed from the support, old and weak shoots are pruned. The shoots remaining on the bush are tied and laid on the ground. the base of the bush is spudded with earth or compost. Cover the plant with spruce branches and film or agrofiber. Saplings from 500 rubles.


Clematis will add zest to the most ordinary fence

Clematis blooms all season from May to October. Large and bright star-shaped flowers cover the shoots with a solid carpet. The plant is photophilous, but the basal part should be shaded. Watering should be 30-40 cm from the roots, so as not to cause root rot. The plant is drought-resistant and frost-resistant. With thickening of the shoots or depletion of the soil, they may stop blooming.

Timely top dressing and pruning of excess shoots will help correct the situation. Reproduction is carried out by seedlings in autumn and spring. In severe winters, the plant must be sheltered from frost. Perfect for decorating gazebos. The average price is from 400 to 700 rubles.

deciduous liana


Campsis are stunningly beautiful flowers

A plant of the Bignoniaceae family, native to North America and China. The American is more adapted to the conditions of our winter. It is thermophilic and photophilous, but it is ready to grow in partial shade. Likes regular watering. Flowering lasts from June to September. Liana grows up to 15 meters. Timely pruning, it can be given any shape. The flowers are tubular pink, raspberry, red, orange, red-golden.

Propagated by seeds (rarely), cuttings, layering and root shoots. Large bright flowers attract not only people. Everything that flies, crawls and jumps tends to his bells. Therefore, experienced gardeners do not recommend decorating gazebos or other places of rest with this liana. Distributed on the Black Sea coast, in Central Asia, but can also grow in middle latitudes if good shelter is provided for the winter. Able to withstand return frosts down to -2 C.


Glycine creates a fantastic atmosphere

This is an incredibly beautiful and fabulous plant with large hanging racemes of fragrant purple flowers. It was this plant that was used in the filming of the movie "Avatar" as the Eywa tree. A large woody plant with spiral stems reaches a height of 18 m. It prefers humid subtropics, but is also successfully cultivated in more northern latitudes.

Abundant flowering begins at 5-6 years of plant life in March - early April before the leaves appear. In autumn, this plant also looks unusual - lemon leaves and large bean pods with seeds. A young plant requires close attention - a warm, slightly shaded and windless landing site with good drainage.

It is well propagated by layering and seeds, as well as cuttings, and root grafting. For the winter young plant removed from the supports and laid on the boards, then covered with coniferous branches and wrapped with agricultural fabric.

And in conclusion about the fences from plants

By combining planting, you can use the properties of some plants to improve the qualities of others. For example, experimental gardeners advise including clematis seedlings in planting girlish grapes. Thanks to the stems and leaves of grapes, clematis will safely endure the winter cold. And in summer, bright clematis flowers will blossom into a solid green carpet of grapes.

When planning, consider all the nuances. For example, the same wisteria mercilessly clogs all the cracks, climbs under the roof and even into the sewers. Therefore, it should be planted away from buildings.

When decorating the fence with vines that require shelter for the winter, use a special net. With its help, it is easier to remove the plant from the support with a solid carpet and send it for wintering.

A wide variety of vines and vines for the fence allows you to choose a plant that absolutely meets your requirements.