White flowers on the bush. Decorative shrubs for summer cottages, photos and names - which ones to choose

  • 17.06.2019

To date, there are few suburban areas where at least one ornamental shrub would not show off. They only cause problems for negligent gardeners, and in skillful hands become a work of art and a unique decoration of the garden.

Before purchasing a shrub for decoration cottage design we offer you to get acquainted with a selection of the most interesting and original copies. In order for the site to look stylish and original after planting ornamental shrubs, the purpose of each type should be taken into account.

Low-growing shrubs are a universal garden decoration. They can form a separate composition, serve as a hedge or border along a path or flower bed. Quite often they are used in the design of discounts.

Larger shrubs can divide the site into zones, and hedge medium size will serve as protection from the sun's rays.

Tall bushes are well suited for decorating unsightly walls, as well as for shading certain corners of the garden. They are good in single plantings.

Coniferous and evergreen shrubs, the highlight of any site. Without them, the design will be incomplete. They can be made the center of the composition, planted on a large area as a living fence, their combination with a rose looks very original, but the downside is that not every rose will like such a neighborhood.

Blooming mini-trees will be a bright touch on the green background of the hedge and the decoration of the cottage. A free-standing rose bush will help dilute the monotony of the design, or decorate the entrance area.

At first glance, everything seems to be simple: I chose the shrubs I liked, marked the site and planted them according to the markup. But such an approach can lead to the fact that the garden will turn into an impenetrable jungle.

The basis of garden decoration is a deliberate and skillful combination of plants. To achieve the effect, when choosing a place for shrubs, a lot must be taken into account: the size of adult plants, the silhouette they form and volume.

Shrubs look good together, excellent in growth form. A tandem of mini-spruce with Japanese maple, or decorative cherry with rhododendrons and cypress trees, will make up a complete image.

Plants with contrasting leaf colors are well combined. They complement each other and create a bright accent. One group can be variegated euonymus, golden spruce and fan maple with purple leaves.

The ensemble will look more spectacular if it contains at least one shrub, which is distinguished by bright flowering.

You should not build a composition in one row, they are usually seated in two or three lines, and the front ones should not overlap the bushes that stand behind by more than 20 percent. You can place mini-trees in the shape of a triangle.

When forming a composition, plant compatibility must also be taken into account. So some types of coniferous shrubs are quite aggressive towards their deciduous counterparts. They can suppress their growth and development, or even completely destroy them.

Particular attention should be paid to calculating the distance between plantings; for this, the height of an adult bush is multiplied by two.

The distance between shrubs depends on their size:

  • Undersized (almonds, dwarf conifers) should be planted at a distance of 70-80 cm.
  • Medium-sized (chaenomeles, felt cherry, rhododendron, action) - at a distance of 1.2-1.5 m.
  • Tall (spirea, lilac, forsythia, viburnum, hawthorn) - the distance should be at least 2 m.

The most beautiful garden shrubs

At the end of April, when there is still snow in some shaded places, the beautiful Daphne (Daphne mezereum) blooms. Its inflorescences look like lilacs, a bush about a meter high is generously strewn with delicate pink-lilac flowers. At the end of flowering, gently green oblong leaves appear, and bright red or orange berries appear closer to autumn. But you can’t try them, they are quite poisonous, it’s not without reason that this plant is called wolfberry among the people.

Daphne loves abundant watering and prefers partial shade, feels good in the shade of a sparse crown of trees.


Golden rain, or forsythia begins to bloom in early spring and flaunts sunny yellow inflorescences for three weeks, sometimes longer. In autumn, the leaves turn gold or purple-bloody, which looks very elegant and festive.

Sunny clearings, protected from gusts of wind, will become for him the best place growth.

A small bush, 100-150 cm high, is one of the first to open the flowering season. The shape of the crown is spherical, the branches are densely covered with oblong leaves. marvelous aroma pink flowers can not leave anyone indifferent. Its fruits are oval and covered with soft fluff. After leaf fall, fluffy balls flaunt on the branches. Can be propagated by seeds.

Almonds are quite undemanding in care, love the sun and tolerate the lack of moisture well. Abundant and frequent watering can kill the bean.

This culture is popular with gardeners from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, for its non-capricious disposition and a good stable crop with a fairly compact size. It blooms with pale pink flowers, quite plentiful. It got its name for the leaves and shoots, covered with a light fluff similar to felt.

Likes soil rich in organic matter and open, well-lit spaces.

Perhaps the most elegant representative of ornamental shrubs. Immediately after gardening, it releases purple buds that turn into large bright flowers. The fruits are golden, similar to small apples and contain many vitamins.

The Japanese quince is undemanding to the composition of the soil, lives well in the shade of trees, ideally suited as a living untrimmed hedge.


Evergreen mahonia is popular as a hedge, capable of independent growth from root shoots. This specimen blooms at the very end of spring and pleases with sunny inflorescences until mid-June. The rest of the year delights with clusters of blueberries and bright bronze foliage.

Mahonia, which does not require much attention, grows successfully in sunny glades, under the crown of a tree and in dense shade. Does not tolerate stagnant water, this can lead to rotting of the roots.


Lilac has won the hearts of gardeners for its beautiful paniculate inflorescences with small fragrant flowers. Varietal lilac has several color options. This shrub needs regular pruning to help maintain the desired plant shape and produce more abundant blooms. Combinations of several multi-colored varieties look good.

Drought tolerant, but picky about lack of light. The soil prefers loamy, rich in organic matter and minerals.


Perhaps the most popular tree in Russian gardens. In the people, she received the name "wedding tree". It is believed that this strong amulet. It blooms from May to July, white flowers with a honey smell. By autumn, the fruits are poured with red juice and remain on the bush all winter, being food for birds.


There are many varieties of spirea, which have significant differences. What they have in common is that they all grow very actively. Therefore, in the third or fourth year of planting, the bush should be cut, leaving 20-30 centimeters.

Flowers can be of various colors, from white hemispherical inflorescences to pink and red.

It is not allowed to plant spirea one by one, only a few bushes. According to the laws landscape design, it must dominate the other members of the group.


Mock orange is very similar to jasmine, but is a member of a different family. The abundance of snow-white flowers on the branches and unobtrusive aroma make it an indispensable decoration in the backyard. It is very undemanding to the landing site, but on the sunny side on nutritious and loose soils it will bloom more magnificently and longer.


The shrub is different long flowering and a large color palette. Flowers are pink, white, purple and lilac in color, they do not have a smell.

With a lack of light and poor soils, they get sick. The choice of ornamental shrubs is unlimited, but they all need regular, neat haircuts, otherwise the site will look unkempt and untidy.

Ornamental shrubs that bloom all summer (video)

Flowering and ornamental shrubs make your garden beautiful and noticeable throughout the year. Which ones should be planted? Choose, and you will always enjoy the aroma, flowers and extraordinary berries of these plants:

  1. Potentilla shrub (Kuril tea, cinquefoil)
  2. Japanese quince (henomeles)
  3. vesicle
  4. euonymus
  5. barberry

Potentilla shrub (Kuril tea, cinquefoil)

Potentilla shrub is a wonderful, unpretentious and winter-hardy plant. Flowering: a large number of large flowers of various colors (yellow, white, pink, orange). There are terry forms. Flowering lasts from May to August, some varieties bloom until October.

The height of the bush is from 0.5-0.7m to 1.5m. The crown is dense, strongly branched, has the shape of a ball. Good for cutting and shaping. Potentilla is photophilous and drought-resistant. However, in bright sunlight, the flowers may fade.

Potentilla is perfect for creating hedge, flower garden and decoration of the alpine slide. Pairs well with conifers. It is often planted on foreground plants with bare bottoms.

Popular varieties:

  • goldstar- bright yellow flowers up to 5 cm, blooms from June to October
  • Abbotswood- pure white flowers, simple, 2.5 cm in diameter. Flowering: June - October
  • snowbird- white, terry
  • Annette- undersized shrub 0.5m, orange flowers
  • pink beauty- dark pink flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. Flowering from June to frost
  • Pink Queen- flowers are pink. Flowering from May to October
  • princess syn. blink- pale pink flowers 2.5 cm

Chaenomeles is a deciduous or semi-evergreen, beautifully flowering shrub, slow growing and rather thorny. Under favorable conditions, it can reach 3m in height and live up to 80 years. Japanese quince blooms with wonderful, large scarlet flowers in May. Quince feels great in sunny areas, blooms profusely and bears fruit. The yellow fruits of chaenomeles look like small apples and are rich in vitamin C.

Chaenomeles can be planted both singly against the background of a lawn, and in a group of plants, in a rocky garden, used as a hedge. Low-growing types of Japanese quince are suitable for decorating an alpine slide or a border in a flower garden.

The standard tree of chaenomeles will become a real decoration of the garden. For this, cuttings of Japanese quince are grafted onto wild pear or mountain ash.

chaenomeles japanese(flowers are bright red, large up to 5cm, height up to 3m)

chaenomeles maulea(flowers 2-3cm red-brown, height up to 1m)

  • Nivalis(red)
  • Brilliant(bright red)
  • Hollandia (salmon)
  • Vesuvius(red)
  • Pink Lady

quince beautiful Nakai(flowers red large, height up to 1m)

  • Nakai Nivalis - white flowers
  • Nakai Phylis Moore - salmon pink flowers
  • Nakai Boule de Feu - Blooms bright red
  • Nakai Simonii - semi-double red

Vesicle viburnum

The viburnum viburnum has beautiful, bright foliage of different shades from yellow-green to wine-red. The leaves are large, corrugated, located on the sprawling branches of the vesicle. The crown of the bush is lush, spherical, easy to cut and shape.

The vesicle is ideal for hedges. A hedge of several varieties with different leaf colors and bright red fruits at the time of ripening looks interesting.

  • Dart's Gold- height up to 1.5 meters. Young foliage is orange-yellow, turning green in summer, becoming yellow-bronze in autumn.
  • Luteus- height up to 3 meters. Yellow variety. On the open areas- bright yellow, in the shade - yellow-green
  • Red Baron- reaches 1.5-2 meters in height. Features pink flowers and red berries
  • Coppertina- the height of the bush is 1.5–2.5 m, the foliage is orange in spring, it acquires red tones in summer. The flowers are white, after dissolution they become pink
  • summer wine- shrub up to 2 meters in height. Young bushes are distinguished by beautiful wine-colored red foliage. Gradually the color changes to green
  • diabolo- high bush up to 3 meters in height. Foliage is purplish-red, turning green in shade with a slight purple tint.
  • Аurea- Bright yellow foliage with an orange tint.


Unpretentious, easily tolerates air pollution, grows well in shade and partial shade. There are quite a few species of euonymus, so among them you can find both low shrubs and large trees with a fluffy crown.

Euonymus blooms in May - June, but these flowers do not attract attention, but the most spectacular in this plant is, of course, foliage! In the spring she has the usual green color, but closer to autumn it flashes with all sorts of colors: white, yellow, purple, crimson, red, purple, orange.

The fruits of the euonymus are also interesting - bright boxes on long legs of bright, contrasting colors. They are not only the decoration of the autumn and winter garden but also attract birds. Attention! Euonymus fruits are poisonous!

Euonymus is used as ground cover shrubs, planted in flower arrangements, in paving windows, in rockeries and alpine slides. A good contrasting combination of euonymus with coniferous plants: thujas, junipers, boxwoods.

Fortune's euonymus- low, variegated shrub up to 0.5 meters in height. Valued for bright emerald foliage with a white or golden yellow border

  • Vegetus
  • Minimus
  • emerald gaiety
  • Emerald Gold
  • sunspot
  • sheridangold
  • SilverQueen

japanese euonymus(Euonymus japonicus)

Euonymus European Albus

warty euonymus(Euonymus verrucosus) - reaches 1.5 meters, frost-resistant, very decorative

dwarf euonymus

euonymus coopman- creeping species without a trunk with arcuate branches

When choosing perennial shrubs for your garden, you need to take into account their future dimensions, color, nature and growth rate, texture and flowering time. Exactly flowering perennials give the garden a special decorative effect. And even after flowering, voluminous bushes create a backdrop for annual flowers or simply serve as a hedge.

Let's talk about the most popular flowering perennial shrubs that, together with trees, will shape the image of your garden for many years.

In this article, we made an overview of the most interesting perennials in terms of landscape design. They can be planted alone or in groups. With their help, you can decorate a house, a fence or a gazebo. Landscape designers often use them to create interesting compositions. So…

Flowering perennials

Perhaps the top three in popularity in our gardens are lilac, jasmine and viburnum. These are large, bright and luxurious perennial shrubs. They fill the garden with a wonderful aroma and create a saving shade.


viburnum- perennial unpretentious shrub. It is almost a symbol of the vast Russian expanses. Viburnum is mentioned in songs, poems, and films. Gardeners appreciate it both for its decorative effect and for its benefits. This perennial adorns the garden for almost the entire season. In spring, viburnum blooms with large white hats, and in autumn it decorates the garden with bright red fruits. The benefits of all parts of this plant have been scientifically proven. They love viburnum and for unpretentiousness. It easily tolerates shade and frost. Grows well in temperate climate Europe and Asia. No wonder this perennial shrub is so beloved by many gardeners. They love him for lush bloom, and for the bright autumn foliage, and for the abundance of the most useful berries.


Lilac is popular in almost every corner of the world. She is loved for her unpretentiousness, for her aroma and lush beautiful flowering. A wide variety of species and varieties allow you to choose a lilac of the desired shade and flower shape for your garden.

However, not everyone knows about useful properties this perennial shrub. The buds, flowers, bark and leaves of the plant have healing properties. Lilacs are used to make infusions, decoctions, teas, compresses and ointments. Known anti-aging properties of the mask of lilac flowers. Infusions help with colds, rheumatism and neuralgia.

In terms of use in landscape design, lilac will be in place in any garden. Adult lilac bushes look equally good in solitary and group plantings. Also, lilac goes well with many other flowering shrubs, such as mock orange (jasmine).


Syringa, which is so common in our gardens, is not really true jasmine. Its correct name is mock orange. This perennial shrub, which we associate with jasmine, is rightfully considered a royal perennial. It is valued for the beauty of flowering, aroma and unpretentiousness. Jasmine (mock orange) is considered one of the most beautifully flowering perennial shrubs. Indeed, a garden with blooming jasmine is an incredible sight. The height of these shrubs, depending on the region of our country, can reach from 1 to 4 meters. Several types of jasmine are popular in our gardens with different shades of flowers and different terms flowering.

For lovers of the unusual, you can look at the variety mexican jasmine whose flowers smell of orange.


Hydrangea- magnificent blooming perennial shrub. Beloved by everyone, not going out of fashion for many years, luxurious - hydrangea really deserves all these epithets. During flowering, it produces a truly spectacular spectacle. Hydrangea gardeners appreciate the variety of forms and a wide palette of colors. Most types of hydrangea grow from 1 to 3 meters. Like many other perennials, hydrangea is good both in a single planting and in a line. It is also valued for the fact that it blooms from spring to autumn. Amazingly beautiful inflorescences are also used in dry bouquets. It is a favorite plant for florists. Despite its aristocratic appearance, hydrangea is not considered too capricious. This perennial shrub is fairly easy to grow and care for and tolerates partial shade well. You can read about growing methods.


Elder- a perennial shrub grown not only for ornamental, but also for medicinal purposes. However, it must be admitted that elderberry is not as popular in our gardens as we would like. Possible reason- She's too tall. In the south, it grows from 3 to 10 m. This disadvantage can be contained correct pruning. As for decorativeness, the elderberry has something to brag about. She has a lush, dense and curly crown. Elderberry blossoms are very impressive. Blooms in May-June. Only the black elder has edible fruits.

This perennial shrub is famous for its aroma. From berries and inflorescences, excellent and healthy wines and jams are obtained. And black elderberry juice has a tonic, antiviral, antipyretic, expectorant and antifungal properties.

There are, however, unpleasantly smelling types of elderberry. They are used to repel pests, bedbugs and rodents.

Elderberry can be both in the form of a shrub and in the form of a tree. It tolerates shade well, unpretentious. In landscape design, it is valued as a fast growing perennial with lacy foliage and expressive foliage.


Euonymus is very popular in ornamental gardening. This perennial shrub is equally good in both single and group plantings. It is valued for its attractive crown. The foliage is picturesque in both spring and autumn. There are varieties with spotted and bordered leaves. The variety of ornaments makes the euonymus unsurpassed in decorating the site. It is widely used for decorating fences or outbuildings. And in autumn, the garden literally glows with colors. The euonymus looks especially impressive against the background of a green lawn at a time when other plants die off. For the same reason, landscape designers love to decorate alpine slides with it.

To date, many types of euonymus are known, among which there are tall and dwarf varieties. Interesting creeping forms.

Euonymus is both in the form of shrubs and in the form of trees. This perennial is considered unpretentious. It tolerates pruning well and is resistant to adverse external conditions.


Budleya- a spectacular perennial shrub, reaching a height of 1.5-3 m. In landscape design, it is valued for its color palette, sprawling shape and luxurious clusters of flowers. The color palette is the most diverse, including rich orange and crimson colors. Budley inflorescences, depending on the species, are in the form of a panicle or spherical. For its resemblance to the lilac, the budlea is sometimes called the autumn lilac. This perennial earned another nickname - a magnet for butterflies, as beautiful big butterflies literally flock to fragrant honey flowers. Among the variety of species for your garden, you can choose quite winter-hardy varieties of budley.

Budley is widely used in landscape design. It blooms almost from spring to autumn, which undoubtedly expands the possibilities of decorating the garden. The budlea looks especially beautiful as a solo plant or against the background of green conifers.

This perennial also has one interesting feature- on the bush at the same time you can see the buds, and opened flowers, and fruits.


Spirea- an elegant perennial shrub with curving branches. It rarely exceeds 2 m in height. There are weeping, pyramidal, creeping, cascading and erect forms. Also, spireas differ in the shape and color of the leaves. There are many cultivars that are prized for their original ornamental foliage.

Spireas are divided into 2 types - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. Due to this diversity, these perennials widely used in landscape design. Experts advise using different types of spirea in creating compositions - with different colors and different flowering periods.

Weeping and creeping forms of spirea look good in single plantings. Undersized species perfectly decorate alpine slides and curbs.

Even in winter, spireas look beautiful against the backdrop of snow. For the winter garden, spireas with decorative foliage are good.


Wisteria, or wisteria is a charming tree-like liana native to East Asia. Unfortunately, it is not widely distributed throughout our country due to intolerance to cold. However, we have already learned how to grow it in the south or in a greenhouse. It's luxurious perennial with cascades of hanging inflorescences conquered many gardeners. In Japan, a walk in the garden with fragrant blooming wisteria is called paradise.

In landscape design, wisteria is used to decorate gazebos, terraces, trellises and other outbuildings. Even the most nondescript old barn, braided with beautiful wisteria, turns into a luxurious landscape object. This perennial vine is deservedly called the queen among all garden vines. Abundant and long flowering, sweet aroma and clouds of the most delicate colors do not leave anyone indifferent.

At home, wisteria can reach 20 m. Therefore, reliable shelter for the winter in our latitudes is the most difficult task for gardeners. Also, wisteria (wisteria) is successfully grown in tubs and in the form of a standard tree. But still, in vertical gardening, this perennial plant is unmatched.


Rhododendron- a magnificent perennial flowering shrub, including about 800 species of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. Translated from Greek, rhododendron means "rose tree". In free plantings, it is found mainly in Southeast Asia, on the slopes of mountains and sea coasts.

A variety of species allows you to choose specimens for yourself with very small flowers, and with large ones up to 20 cm in diameter. There are creeping shrubs. Rhododendron is popular not only for its amazingly beautiful flowers. It has beautiful colorful decorative foliage that changes shades in the autumn.

Rhododendron is also an excellent honey plant, although beekeepers have a special opinion on this matter. It is believed that the nectar collected from rhododendrons is "drunk". Bees literally get drunk when collecting such honey. Therefore, many beekeepers do not like to locate their apiaries in the area where these beautiful perennials grow. Although many argue that it all depends on the variety of rhododendron.

This flowering shrub has earned its glory as a royal flower over the centuries. Many connoisseurs compare its beauty with the queen of flowers herself -!

This is a true aristocrat among flowering perennials. And like all handsome men, rhododendron has a rather capricious disposition. Growing it is quite troublesome. He has special preferences for the composition of the soil, air humidity, planting site and the amount of light.

However, there are more and more people who want to plant rhododendron in their garden every year. In the end, he endows the most persistent with lush and amazingly beautiful flowering, pleasing almost all summer.

Rhododendrons are good both in group and in solitary plantings. Looks great when creating hedges and on the lawn. Low-growing varieties of this perennial landscape designers recommend planting on rocky hills and as a border plant.


Honeysuckle represents perennial shrub both straight and curly. This is a very beautiful plant, widely used in landscape gardening and decorating alleys and arbors. Climbing honeysuckle creates charming hedges, great for terrace gardening. The most common types of honeysuckle in our country bloom from late May to mid-June.

The variety of varieties of decorative honeysuckle allows you to choose a variety for your garden in the form of shrubs, trees and lianas. Gardeners appreciate this plant for the tenderness of the flowers and the richness of the colors. It is believed that once you try to grow honeysuckle, you will never give it up.

V last years the cultivation of edible honeysuckle became popular. It is a shrub up to 2 m high. The berries are healthy and tasty, with a slight sourness. Some sources say that honeysuckle even surpasses blueberries and blackberries in terms of the content of nutrients.


Clematis (clematis) is a very popular flowering perennial. It is a fast growing overwintering and greenhouse plant. It can be in the form of vines, and in the form of shrubs. In Russia, clematis appeared in the 19th century, and were first grown as greenhouse plants.

For almost 2 centuries, breeders have created a lot of varieties and species that differ in many ways. In some clematis, the flowers are collected in a semi-umbrella, in others in a panicle or shield. There are small-flowered clematis with a flower diameter of up to 5 cm. There are large-flowered clematis with a diameter of 6 to 25 cm. The color of the flower is the most diverse - pink, white, raspberry, lilac, purple and even almost black.

Semi-shrub clematis have a lignified lower, successfully wintering part and an upper part that dies off annually. This perennial has the ability to cling to the branches of shrubs, trees and various supports, securely wrapping their cuttings around them.

Clematis is rightfully considered one of the favorites in landscape design. These charming creepers quickly and beautifully decorate walls, balconies, gazebos, arches, fences and roofs. They are loved for their unusual and bright colors, for their wonderful aroma and unpretentiousness. This perennial allows you to create complex garden compositions together with other plants, enriching the pattern of the garden.

The perfect combination is clematis with roses. If you want to really enjoy these gorgeous flowers, look for roses and clematis varieties that bloom at the same time. Other classic combination options are clematis with hydrangea, budley, hops and barberry.

the Rose

Bush rose - perennial worthy of writing entire treatises. Within the framework of this article, it can only be said in passing. This is the favorite plant of all gardeners. Perhaps there is no garden in which a rose would not grow.

The queen of the garden - beautiful and diverse, has conquered kings and ordinary gardeners all over the world since ancient times. Behind her, fame was firmly entrenched as the most luxurious plant in the world.

In landscape design, all types of roses are widely used - climbing, standard, bush, hybrid tea, ground cover, polyanthus and miniature. All of them perfectly decorate both small gardens and grandiose parks, small romantic corners and large garden compositions.

This perennial beauty and fragrant is one of the most perfect among decorative flowering plants. Such a variety of bright and delicate shades of color and smell belongs only to the rose.

It is not surprising that this royal plant adorns gardens in many countries of the world. Good roses and on the edge of the lawn, and in the center of the lawn, against the background coniferous plants and in combination with other shrubs, such as clematis. They look good against the background of stone, forged metal or tree.

Pyramids of roses, arches, and even entire pink walls are all great uses for roses in garden design. And some sophisticated gardeners arrange entire streams of ground cover roses in their garden!

Rose hip

Rose hip- probably the most common perennial shrub in our gardens. It is grown both as a source of useful berries and as a hedge. Rosehip is a close relative of the rose and is a wild shrub. Forming extensive thorny thickets, it reliably protects the fence from uninvited guests. In the spring, this perennial blooms with simple but very pretty flowers.

In autumn, it gives its owners useful red berries, which are valued for their medicinal properties. The fruits left on the rosehip bush serve as excellent food for winter and enliven the winter garden.


thorny hawthorn bushes allow you to create a real impenetrable fence. An adult shrub sometimes reaches 5-6 m. Hawthorn bushes can become a real barrier not only for uninvited guests, but also for neighboring pets. Hawthorn needs regular shearing. If not cut, it can turn into impenetrable thickets.

Hawthorn is also planted in the garden for the sake of useful berries. They have long been credited with both medicinal and magical properties. They healed heart disease and drove away evil spirits. Due to the rich unique composition, hawthorn fruits are also used in official medicine.

Mahonia holly

Mahonia holly– evergreen perennial shrub. Thanks to its greenery mahonia decorates the garden all year round. The leaves are naturally spiky and glossy. Their rich color goes well with yellow flowers, which appear in the south of our country already at the end of autumn. In colder latitudes, flowering begins in spring. This is an incredibly ornamental shrub that adorns the garden in both winter and summer. The berries and flowers of mahonia look especially impressive against the backdrop of an autumn flaming garden. Green berries, as they ripen, acquire a dark purple color with a bluish bloom. Blossoms with berries look like bunches of grapes, ripen by the end of summer.

In landscape design, holly mahonia is often used. Thanks to his unusual look, she alternately pleases her viewers with foliage, then with clusters of blue berries, then with bright yellow inflorescences. This perennial looks great as a single plant, as a lawn plant, and as an addition to a stone composition, and as a hedge.

Moreover, mahonia- very useful plant. The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, the roots have antibacterial properties, due to which they are widely used in traditional medicine.


Weigela- an ornamental perennial shrub from the honeysuckle family. This flowering plant is very fond of both gardeners and landscape designers. Weigela is valued for its high decorative properties. The ability of weigela to bloom twice a season allows you to create diverse compositions. The first abundant flowering occurs in May-June, conquering all spectators with its grandeur. Flowering - long, stretches for almost a month. This second time perennial blooms in early autumn, enlivening an already tired garden. Some varieties of weigela have a wonderful smell. The specificity of this plant is large, tubular, drooping flowers with an unusual color. So on one flower there can be several shades of color at once.

This perennial is unusually good in both single and group plantings. It is often grown as a hedge. Due to the spreading crown beautiful leaves weigela looks decorative even after flowering.

Weigela- perennial with different dimensions. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 30 cm to 3 m, and a diameter of up to 4 m. Therefore, these features should be taken into account when creating landscape compositions. Combining different varieties, you can create a real garden of continuous flowering.

Usually weigela blooms immediately after the lilac. Surrounded by noble conifers, weigela looks even more beautiful. Low-growing varieties perfectly enliven rocky areas. If weigela grows in groups, then experts recommend filling the space between the bushes with herbaceous perennials: astilba, hosta, ferns.


Snow-white beauty - this is often called this perennial shrub with whites or pink flowers. It belongs to the genus Hortensia and contains about 50 species. Deytion is a deciduous perennial with a spreading or upright form. Some actions are used as border plants, others - for small group plantings. But there are varieties that are perfect for a solo role.

In landscape gardening, actions deservedly gained their loyal fans. Gardeners appreciate them for their extraordinary decorativeness, abundant and very spectacular flowering. Not without reason, many prominent florists compare the beauty action with roses and hydrangeas.

This perennial is native to East Asia. And this, of course, leaves some imprint in terms of care. Actions are demanding on the place of growth and on the soil, they do not like frequent watering. And yet, fans of this beautifully flowering perennial do not stop the difficulties. The action looks picturesque in different compositions. She is good next to, with weigela, with forsythia, and also against the background brick wall. If you want to give your garden some exoticism and mystery, pay attention to the oriental snow-white beauty-action.

Evergreen shrubs for hedges

Gardeners valued green fences centuries ago and now. We all remember from the films walks through the palace parks, divided into sections by such hedges. It is truly a splendid sumptuous spectacle where greenery in all its hues plays a major role.

In our climatic zones to achieve year-round admiration of the garden, evergreen perennial shrubs are planted. If, however, deciduous plants are planted as a green fence, you need to understand that in winter you will have to see bare trunks. The choice, as always, is yours.

When choosing evergreen shrubs, you need to take into account the fact that they all have their own height limit. There are low and medium curbs, and there are really high green walls. Conifers grow very slowly. Therefore, here you need to either be patient, or plant already adult expensive plants.

Deciduous perennials also have their advantages. They grow faster and some even bloom. Everyone tolerates a haircut very well. As for the “winter” appearance, the winter color of the bark also has its own zest, and looks interesting against the background of snow.

Thuja, juniper, turf, boxwood, cherry laurel, Japanese holly, holly and broad-leaved kalmia are excellent for creating an evergreen wall. All of them have their own characteristics of cultivation and formation.

But with the main goal of protecting the garden from dust, wind and prying eyes, as well as being the perfect backdrop for the rest of the plants, the hedge does a great job.

Photo of perennial shrubs

blooming shrubs are decorative and functional decoration homestead territory. Picturesque groups, sprawling hedges and strict borders from perennials emphasize beauty.

Picked up in terms of size and timing of flowering, they serve background for flower beds, dividing lines between zones garden plot, cover retaining walls and ancillary buildings.

Beautifully flowering perennial shrubs

Decorative species of shrubs, woody stems and branches of which do not die off v winter period, called perennials.

evergreens crops do not shed their leaves during the year, some of them change color with the onset of cold weather or during spring thaws.

Deciduous shrubs are different lengthy flowering period and bright fruits that adorn the garden in autumn and winter.

Advantages the presence of perennials in the garden:

  • Possibility of territory planning for a long time;
  • Gradual site formation;
  • Good rooting and early development autumn seedlings;
  • Opportunity haircuts and thinning plantations;
  • Annual reproduction by root shoots;
  • Edible and ornamental fruits;
  • lush greenery and long flowering period.

Description of some varieties of shrubs

TO unpretentious frost-resistant crops, which do not require special care conditions, relate:

  • Barberry(common, Thunberg, Ottawa Superba and SilverMiles);
  • Holly(sharp, wrinkled, Mezerva);
  • Kolkvitsia(Rosea, Pink Cloud);
  • (Amur Luteus and Nana, cuneiform Darts Gold, Red Baron, Lady in Red);
  • park roses(rose hip);
  • Spirea(Vangutta, medium, loose leaf);
  • (ordinary, Persian, Himalayan, Amur, Hungarian);
  • Chubushnik(garden jasmine Lemoine).

Barberry Thunberg- disease and frost resistant shrub tall up to 1 m. The natural form of a deciduous plant is different dense branch arrangement. Green leaves with the approach of cold weather become yellow and purple.

blooms barberry inflorescences of yellow bells for more than twenty days at the beginning of summer. At the end of the season, the bush is covered with red elongated berries, which dry up and use like spice.

Varieties barberry thunberg are varieties:

  • yellow-leaved: Green Carpet and Ornament, Maria, Aurea, Cobord, Erekta;
  • red-leaved: Atropurpurea, Helmond Pilar, Golden Ring, Red Chief, Red Rocket;
  • Variegated: Kornik, Coronita, Admiration.

Some types of barberry grow up to 2 m tall and have sprawling crown ( Atropurpurea), dwarf varieties (Admiration) are used as and in flower beds because of their small sizes.

Holly Meserve– evergreen hybrid normal and wrinkled. This perennial does not require special, as it withstands very coldy . Branches are straight up to 1.5 m height. well tolerated haircut. The blue-green glossy leaves have a dense leathery structure and spines on the teeth. In May Bush plentifully blooms white flowers with a slight fragrance. Red round berries adorn the bush until spring.

Spirea Vangutta ("bride") It has cascading form, thanks to spreading branches. The height of the bush reaches 2 m. Dark green serrated leaves densely cover branches hanging to the ground. Spirea Vangutta blooms in June and in August.

hemispherical inflorescences from a large number of small snow-white flowers are located along the entire length of the shoots. Bush, as if covered white veil, from here and vernacular name.

Amur vesicle "Nana"- a dwarf culture with dark green leaves and even, stiff shoots. White flowers of the vesicle, collected in corymbose inflorescences that bloom in June. Thin-walled, swollen fruits of light green color are covered with small needles. As they mature, they gradually blush, decorating .

Two-meter bush of Kolkvitsia "Charming" completely covered with pink paired bells at the end of June, and may bloom whole month.

wide green leaves with the onset of cold weather acquire varied coloring. Decorative appearance allows single plantings in the center of a flower arrangement over vast areas.

Landing Rules

Almost all types of perennial shrubs the best thing plant autumn. Young plants can quickly take root in wet well-prepared soil and will go through a natural hardening winter frosts.

Podzimnie seedlings are resistant to spring frosts, diseases and pests. They develop faster and bloom earlier.

  • Determine landing site(shaded or sunny, depending on the growing conditions of the species);
  • In advance dig a hole volume in 2 times more than the size of the rhizome;
  • fill planting hole fertile mixture(according to the recommendations of experts);
  • poured mixture water and wait a few days for the soil to settle;
  • Placed in the center kernel for garter plants;
  • The seedling is lowered into the hole so that the shoots are above ground level;
  • Root fall asleep soil mixture and sprinkled with water;
  • After shrinkage the ground fill up and mulch peat surface.

Advice: young plants for the winter should be covered with spruce branches or wrapped with burlap.

Features of cultivation and care

Unpretentious perennial shrubs do not require close attention and careful care. If the landing site is chosen taking into account light-loving plants, and the soil suitable for normal development, shrubs needed:

  • Timely watering under the root- morning or evening. can be used for these purposes;
  • loosening and soil mulching over the root system;
  • Application mineral and in accordance with the prescriptions for each species;
  • periodic pruning and a haircut;
  • thinning and division overgrown individuals;
  • Shelter for the winter frost resistant species.

One their most unpretentious bushes is spirea. It easily tolerates severe frosts, develops normally in shaded and dry areas, is suitable for growing along the roads and in urban environments.

Note: barberry bushes do not like waterlogged soil, so the hole around the root is mulched and periodically loosened.

We decorate the garden with ornamental shrubs

For planting in a summer cottage choose perennial shrubs, guided ground rules landscape design:

  1. Selection of plants by height and crown size. Compact plants are planted in small areas. For hedges, cultures that grow quickly and look good after cutting are suitable;
  2. Formation of garden compositions according to the season and abundance of flowering shrubs;
  3. decorative and color spectrum leaf cover affects the distribution of plants throughout the garden;
  4. Growing conditions. Planting perennials in sunny and shaded areas, depending on the light-loving nature of individual crops;
  5. Climatic features of the region take into account when choosing flowering perennials for decorating a backyard area.

Shrubs are planted one by one, groups and lines. Ensembles of the three cultures are arranged in the form triangle- the tallest plant in the background, the lower ones in the foreground. Flowering herbaceous perennials are planted in the lower tier. Complement the composition with decorative stones or garden sculptures.

Good to know: bushes for hedges are planted evenly around the perimeter of the entire site and along retaining walls.

perennial shrubs are integral part of landscape design. With their help create continuously blooming compositions in the backyard. Plants are planted for this. different types With various flowering periods.

See video about ornamental perennial shrubs:

When arranging a flower garden or personal plot gardeners try to choose plants that have low growth, frost resistance, and also very beautiful flowering. Today, such cultures are represented in a wide variety. Each plant has its own requirements for cultivation and care, and also has certain varietal characteristics.



If you had to observe the flowering of this culture, then you could notice how beautiful its buds are. The bush is distinguished by voluminous flowers that have a spherical shape. They can be presented in different color. To get brighter flowering, it is necessary to plant hydrangea in soil with high acidity.


The plant blooms from August to September. Hydrangea can be planted even in partial shade, and it is also not afraid of frost. But you can not have a culture in dry and calcareous soil. But how the planting and care of Hydrangea seeds in Siberia takes place is described in great detail in this

Derain white

This shrub is famous for its brightly colored red crown. There are several varieties of turf. Some of them form white flowers, while others are multi-colored. To keep the bark of the culture bright, the bushes will have to be cut short every year. Shoots should peek out only a few centimeters above the soil. If you form a bush correctly, then it forms an expanding thicket.

Derain white

Deciduous barberries

This shrub is highly resistant to frost and easy to care for. Leaves can take on yellow, green, red and purple. Any soil is suitable for growing barberry, as well as a sunny or shaded place. Bushes are easily pruned, but this is not necessary. It is enough to remove damaged and dried branches in the spring.

Deciduous barberries

The height of the bush can be 60 cm - 2 m. The plant is unpretentious and amazes with the extensive coloring of the leaves. Barberries can be used in different ways: for planting on hills, slopes, or for creating hedges. Another plant can act as a background and edge.

It will also be interesting to learn about how Budley is grown from seeds:

It grows well in sun and partial shade. The culture is resistant to winter frosts and does not require shelter. Spireas can have different sizes, shape of the bush and color of the leaves. Due to such qualities, it is possible to plant a garden with only one spirea.

Potentilla shrub

This bush can have several names at once - Kuril tea, shrub cinquefoil and five-leafed. Due to the large number of small flowers, Potentilla acquires an attractive appearance. Most often, gardeners purchase a plant with yellow flowers.

Potentilla shrub

Flowers may be solitary or collected in racemes. The foliage of the plant is decorative and has a bright green color. When growing cinquefoil, it must be taken into account that it does not tolerate dry air.

The height of the bush reaches 1-1.5 m. When choosing a place for the cinquefoil, it is necessary to take into account that it is well lit. The plant is drought tolerant, but watering should still be regular and moderate. Potentilla is able to withstand temperatures of -40 degrees. You can use the plant when creating borders or low hedges. For all lovers of beautiful and green plantings, it is worth turning your attention to the juniper horizontal Blue chip, and how the landing takes place.

Vesicle viburnum

This bush has a low growth. It is frost resistant. The leaves can take on a golden and purple color. During the flowering period and after it, clusters of red fruits are formed instead of flowers.

Vesicle viburnum

The height of the bush can reach 1-3 m. The shrub begins to bloom in early summer, and flowering lasts 20 days. The culture is unpretentious in care, loves drought and is shade-resistant. But it is better to plant in a site illuminated by the sun's rays. Only in this way will the leaves be able to maintain their brightness. The plant can be used to create hedges and single plantings.


Magonia is a beautiful ornamental bush that has glossy leaves and fragrant flowers. The smell during the flowering of mahonia is very similar to lilies of the valley, but the resulting berries can be used for food or making wine. Watching is incredible beautiful flowers it is possible in November-March, and it will remain even during severe frosts.

Planting culture takes place in the shade of trees. You can combine several bushes. Before the winter cold sets in, mahonia must be insulated with needles or spruce branches.

Under the influence of the spring sun, the leaves of the plant can be burned. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to protect the shrub from direct sunlight in the first few weeks.

You can plant the following types of undersized heather in a flower bed:

As you can see, there is a wide variety of undersized and frost-resistant bushes today. Each of them requires certain conditions for growing and during care. Nevertheless, they all differ in incredibly beautiful flowering. Of course, their color can be any, so you can use several different cultures to get an original and colorful flower bed.