Porch construction technology: where to start and how to equip. Porch for a wooden house: do-it-yourself manufacturing technology Types of a porch in a private house

  • 27.06.2020

In this case, the porch can be made of different materials and have a variety of shapes. In the article we will talk about how to make a wooden porch with our own hands, show diagrams, drawings, photos and videos.

Perhaps, even at the design stage, one should think about what kind of porch to make for the house. There are several types of them:

  • Ordinary (simple) porch. It consists of a small number of steps, while the risers can be both open and closed. Such a porch can be built with or without railings. Has a simple appearance, there is no wide flooring.
  • Porch - patio. It has an original appearance and is characterized by beautiful shapes. Such a porch has a special platform on which flowers or other elements are installed. decorative designs. There may be a small recreational area.

  • Porch - terrace or veranda has a rather complex shape. It connects to the open part of the house, has a seating area.
  • built-in porch. It is built together with the house, has a common foundation with it. This type of porch is designed together with the building, every element of the building is thought out.
  • Attached (attached) porch. It is built separately from the building itself. It can be done during the operation of the house. It is a separate structure, which in a certain way joins the house.

To build a porch is quite within the power of everyone. When implementing construction works it is important to follow the rules and safety precautions.

Self-construction of the porch includes the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to make a drawing of the future design. The drawing can be made independently or ordered from specialists.
  2. Porch drawing must have general form, dimensions of the flight of stairs, landings, railings and flights of stairs.
  3. When designing, it is necessary to immediately consider what material will be used. If the porch will have more traffic, then it is better to use stronger wood species. For a small family, you can make a porch out of pine.
  4. It is important to consider what kind of protection from precipitation will be provided, for example, you can use a roof or a canopy.
  5. The platform of the structure should not interfere with the opening and closing of doors, while there should be enough space on it for the movement of several people.
  6. Before starting construction work, it is worth deciding what step height is best to use.
  7. Consider the design and appearance of the porch. This design should harmoniously fit into the exterior of the house.

After they have been carried out preparatory work, you can safely proceed to the construction of the porch.

To make a wooden porch, you will need to select the following building material:

  • A bar with a section of 10 × 20 cm for supports. Although in most cases the size of the support beam is selected individually. The choice depends on the degree of load on the structure. As for the wood itself, it is preferable to choose larch or pine. They contain resins that allow wood to withstand adverse environmental conditions.
  • Boards with a thickness of 3-5 cm for the flooring of the site.
  • Blanks for balusters and railings. If there are none, then you should purchase a beam / rail for their manufacture. The dimensions depend on the design parameters.
  • Impregnations, solutions and special formulations for wood impregnation.
  • Concrete for pouring supports.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of making a wooden porch on wooden poles. Building a porch on a foundation in the form of a support cushion will be justified subject to the following rules:

  • The base of the kosour must necessarily have an emphasis on waterproofing, which is located between the wood of the kosour and the foundation.
  • For supports, it is better to take softwood, especially if you live in an area with high humidity.

  • The pillars of the support should be treated with an antiseptic against decay. In this case, it is not recommended to use roofing felt, as it does not allow air to pass through, and this leads to rotting of the wood. Therefore, for processing it is better to use used oil or drying oil.
  • The installation depth of the column is up to 80 cm. On average, the depth of digging in the support can be equal to 1/3 of its length.
  • If the design according to the plan is massive enough, then more supports should be installed for better stability.
  • Each support must be poured with concrete. After it dries, check the height between all posts. If there is a difference, then it is necessary to eliminate it by filing.

  • After that, you can lay the log on the supports.
  • If possible, fasten the upper edge of the stringer to the railway sleeper.

The principle of building a porch for a brick or wooden house is identical. In any case, it is worth making a quality binding of the porch to the building.

As for the steps, everything is very simple here. Boards are laid on logs and fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. The installation method may vary. For example, boards are fitted close to each other so that there are no gaps between them. In this case, the slope of the porch will be from 1.5 to 2 °. This will be enough so that the water does not accumulate, but drains. Another laying method is to leave gaps of up to 3 mm between planks. This will allow the water to immediately flow down without lingering on the surface of the porch.

The latter method of laying flooring has its drawbacks, which is associated with the risk of injury. This applies to those cases if the beautiful half of the house wears stilettos.

If we talk about steps, then they can be purchased ready-made. But if you want to save family budget, you can make them yourself:

  1. It is necessary to start the installation of steps from the bottom of the bowstring / stringer. For fastening, self-tapping screws are used, the caps of which are recessed into the wood.
  2. First of all, the risers are installed, and then the steps themselves.
  3. If you have steps on the stringer, then the fastening is carried out directly to it.

When the steps are ready, you should worry about safe movement along the porch by constructing railings. They can also be made from wood. Especially fences on the steps are necessary if there are more than three steps.

Porch fencing can be made of forging, stone or brick. In this case, it will look more monumental.

Be sure to include additional security features. This includes anti-slip coating, which can be made of rubber, rubber, etc. This is very important, because frozen water makes walking on the porch and steps unsafe.

So, making a porch out of wood is one thing. It is quite another to provide him with a long service life. It is about the means of protecting a wooden porch that we will talk about further.

To organize the protection of the porch and steps, it is worth making a canopy. It will prevent the ingress of snow, rain and direct sunlight. All this negatively affects wood, especially with constant exposure. If the porch is small, then it will be enough to build a small visor. Canopy roof/canopy can be used different materials corrugated board, polycarbonate, tiles, etc.

When arranging a canopy or visor, it is important to make sure that the support pillars do not interfere with movement.

This is how the production is done wooden porch. If you already have experience in making such a design, then leave comments at the end of this article. If you are a beginner master, then the provided diagrams and photographs will help you design and do all the work yourself. We also invite you to view the prepared video material.


In the provided video, you can clearly see the technology for making a wooden porch:


In the photographs you can see different variants making a wooden porch:


If you decide to make a wooden porch yourself, then the proposed schemes can help you develop your own project:

The original design of the entrance to the house is able to give a unique look even to the same type of buildings. What exactly will be the wooden porch depends on the wishes of the owner of the house - the choice of options is unlimited. Consider the main stages of the construction of a wooden porch, the nuances of technological operations and a number of construction features. After carefully reading the recommendations set out in the article, the reader will be able to do all the work with his own hands, regardless of the drawn up (selected) drawing, and build an excellent wooden porch with a canopy.

If we consider in detail the available pros and cons of lumber, as well as focus on their acceptable cost, then, despite the variety of wood, there are not so many options. Basically, there are 3 recommendations, and all of them are for coniferous species. Why is clear. They are less prone to decay than larch trees. What exactly to choose?


Despite the fact that the wood is resinous, it is clearly not suitable for the porch. The fact is that the structure of this tree is characterized by increased porosity. The strength of the material depends on this characteristic, and the relationship between the parameters is inverse. Since most of the structural elements will be subjected to intense loads (the weight of a person, snow cover over a canopy), including dynamic ones (gusts of wind), this is not an option. Firstly, there is no need to talk about the reliability of fastening the elements. Nails, screws, screws will not hold firmly in such a tree.

Secondly, the hygroscopicity of spruce. Since no one will paint the wooden porch with moisture-resistant compounds (all the charm of wood is lost), you will have to treat it with antiseptics. But the effect will be only short-term, given the specific location of the structure (outside the building).

The durability of a spruce porch is nothing more than a "myth" launched by firms specializing in this field. The main reason is the ease of processing blanks. Hence - the minimum time for the production of works. And few of the clients look at the estimates, especially since not everyone will understand all the details, and they will not distinguish one breed from another.


An excellent choice of wood for both price and durability. If not for one moment - there is a better option.


The peculiarity of any porch is that all its parts, even despite the canopy, are constantly in conditions of relative dampness. Oblique rain (or snow with a side wind) will definitely fall on the steps, not to mention the railings and other parts. We should not forget about the vapors rising from the earth. Invisible microscopic droplets of moisture, even in dry, calm weather, will penetrate deep into the wood structure.

The main difference between larch and other conifers is in a specific resin. Without going into details, it is enough to note that when wet, it only gains strength. It is not for nothing that this wood is always used for the manufacture of support frames and laying the lower crowns of log cabins.

If you think about long-term maintenance-free operation of the porch, then the best choice- This is larch.


You should start by choosing the dimensions of the porch. It can be built not only from wood, but also from other materials. However, there are some generally accepted norms that you should be aware of. Adhering to them or not is the decision of the owner of the house, but the parameters below are optimal for both convenience and safety of moving up the stairs.

All indicated linear characteristics are in cm.

  • Span width - 90±10. More is possible, less is undesirable.
  • The steepness of the stairs is in the range from 30º to 45º.
  • The number of steps is odd. This is explained by the fact that with which foot a person began to move up the stairs, that one should be placed on the porch platform (when climbing). Height - about 17 ± 2.5; board width (tread) - 26 - 30. Narrow steps are traumatic, and wider ones are inconvenient to climb.

When drawing up a drawing, it must be taken into account that all steps must have some forward slope. Otherwise, rainwater will stagnate on them.


In principle, they can not be placed on a wooden porch. But only if there are only 2 - 3 steps. With a sufficiently large span, for safety reasons, the staircase railing is mounted. Optimal Height railings - 85 - 95. Sometimes they are placed on a low porch, but their main function in this case is purely decorative.


There are no specific regulations on this issue. But logic dictates that the dimensions of this part of the porch should be sufficient for several people to be on it at the same time. Since a canopy is provided, in relation to a private house, the dimensions of the site can be chosen more. This will allow you to install 1 - 2 benches on it, a table and get a kind of mini-veranda. For countryside- a good solution.

The porch area should be about 5 cm lower than the front door to the house. The explanation is simple. Floor boards under the influence of temperature, dampness will begin to deform (play). If they are laid flush with the threshold, then it is not a fact that there will be no problems with opening the front door.


For a wooden porch, if it is erected after the completion of the building as an extension, there are only two options - a pile or column base. It is impossible to "tie" the tape to the foundation of the house. Due to the discrepancy in weight, structures will shrink differently. As a result, the appearance of cracks not only in heat and waterproofing, but also in the concrete itself. This is one reason. The second is that, taking into account the small dimensions of the wooden porch and weight, as well as significant financial investments the construction of a monolithic foundation is not justified.

pile foundation

It can be equipped in a day, since no more than 4 - 6 supports will be needed. In order to install screw piles in place, two people are enough. It remains only to mount the support frame, on which the wooden porch will be erected.

Columnar foundation

The main disadvantage of this solution is that you will have to drill the ground (hence, you will need a special vehicle), or dig holes. In the first case, you need to pay for the service, in the second - to spend much more time. Yes, and the consumption of concrete solution will increase slightly.

What to use for supports:

  • Pipes. Metal or asbestos-cement products into which a solution is poured after installation. But for a wooden porch, you can limit yourself to the last type of product. After hardening of the artificial stone, they will provide the required strength of the base. To minimize the risks of destruction of the supports (as a result of corrosion), it is desirable to paint them with water-repellent compounds.
  • Bruce, rubbish. To prevent rotting, the workpiece should be processed. In order to save money, you can use folk technologies. For example, impregnate wood with machine oil (working out). Even better - additionally coat with liquid tar, including the end parts of the blanks. There is also a technology for fumigating coniferous wood. When exposed to heat, the resin in its structure forms a moisture-impervious, durable layer. After such processing, the tree does not rot for many years.
  • When installing the pillars, it is necessary to place metal elements (vertically oriented) in them, to which the wooden porch support frame will be attached. Options - reinforcing bar, iron pin. The meaning is clear - to eliminate the risk of displacement of the structure in the horizontal plane.
  • Regardless of the type of supports chosen for the foundation, you should adhere to general rule their installations. They are deepened so that the ends are below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, seasonal heaving of the soil will begin to push them to the surface. As a result, the porch is skewed, the individual elements are deformed, and their connections are broken.


About her design features already said. It remains to add that the minimum recommended board thickness is 25. Trying to save money with thinner samples will have consequences. For example, when moving heavy loads ( Appliances, furniture) steps may simply not withstand the load. Therefore, you need to focus on the location of the porch.

If it is at the main entrance to the house, then the boards should be massive. In the case of its erection in front of the door leading to the site (into the courtyard), "twenty" will be enough. On the diagrams - options for stairs of a wooden porch. Though slab foundation in the second picture is not the best choice.

When fixing the steps on the stringers, it is advisable to use not nails, but self-tapping screws (screws). This will positively affect the maintainability of the porch stairs. Yes, and the likelihood of cracks in the wood is reduced to zero. But nails can crack it. Plus - additional fasteners in the form metal corners, planks and so on. They will increase the strength of the joints.


The choice is significant. But we are still talking about a wooden porch. Therefore, such a factor as the compatibility of materials comes to the fore. What does this mean?

  • aesthetic component. It is necessary to determine how the canopy will look against the backdrop of the house.
  • Characteristics of materials. First of all, their thermal expansion is implied. For example, the combination of wood + concrete (or metal) is not the best.

From this point of view, for houses made of stone (brick), reinforced concrete, cellular concrete, a wooden canopy should not be made. Optimal - metal carcass, covered with polycarbonate, profiled sheet or soft tiles. For example, yes.

If the structure is wooden (or sheathed with this material), then it is better to mount a system of rafters from bars. Covering - tiles, slate or sheet iron.

  • You can choose any type of roof - hipped, arched, double or shed. In the case of a flat one, it must be mounted with a slope, to ensure spontaneous descent of snow crust or rainwater.
  • When installing wooden rafters, the interval between the supporting elements should not exceed 30 cm.

What to consider:

  • Wood preparation. It is quite difficult to do this qualitatively on the site. And yes, it will take a lot of time. Therefore, for a wooden porch, it is advisable to purchase industrial drying lumber. They are more expensive, but there will be a guarantee that over time the tree will not “lead”.
  • Surface treatment of blanks. To do this manually, only with a planer and sandpaper, is both long and pointless, since high quality cannot be achieved. It is better to use a grinder. If not to buy, then to rent.
  • External decoration of the wooden porch. It's hardly worth using paint. The beauty of wood lies in the fact that its naturalness in itself is an interior decoration. If, after grinding the front (side) surfaces of the samples, varnish is applied to them, then the view of the porch will be magnificent.

Good luck with your home improvement!

The most correct version of the porch is when its foundation is cast along with the house. In this case, there are practically no problems. Sometimes when planning a building, they forget about it. Then the porch is attached to the house. They make an extension mainly from three materials: wood, metal and concrete. If the house is brick, they can build it out of brick. Another option is to make from building blocks with subsequent finishing. In any case, when planning to make a porch with your own hands, you must immediately decide what kind of foundation to make and whether or not to connect it with the foundation of the building.

How to calculate parameters

First you need to decide which side the steps will go to. They can be on one, two or three sides. Determine this based on personal preferences and finances that you can / want to allocate for construction. The height of the porch depends on the height of the plinth and should be 50-70 mm below the edge of the door leaf. This small step prevents precipitation from entering the house. Perhaps more importantly, it prevents the doors from being blocked if the porch rises from frost heaving (if the doors open outward).

Determine the dimensions of the top platform

The layout of the porch begins with determining the size of the upper platform. If the doors open outward, you should be able to open the doors while standing on the platform. That is, its depth should be 30-40 cm more than the width of the door leaf. According to the recommendations of GOST, the dimensions of the site should be 1.5 times the width of the doorway. More is possible - less is undesirable - inconvenient.

If your doors are 80 cm wide, then the depth of the upper platform at the very minimum is 120 cm. You determine its width based on the tastes and proportions of the house, but it must definitely be greater than the width of the doorway.

We count the number and size of steps

You know the height of the porch: 50-60 mm below the door leaf. The recommended step (riser) height is 15-20 cm. Divide the height of the porch by the height of the steps, you get the approximate number of steps. The number is rarely whole. The remaining centimeters can be divided between all the steps or make one of them higher. Another option is to make a small step at the bottom, although this can be inconvenient.

The optimal step width (tread) is 25-30 cm. Knowing the number of steps, the depth of the upper platform, the depth of the steps, you can calculate the dimensions of the porch completely. According to them, it is already possible to develop the foundation for the porch.

When choosing the parameters of the steps, one must adhere to the recommendations of SNiP: the sum of the prosup and the doubled riser should be in the range of 600-640 mm. For example, you calculated that the height of the step (risers) is 17 cm, the tread (depth of the degree) is 280 mm. After completing the calculations, we get: 170 mm * 2 + 280 mm = 620 mm. We fit into the recommended parameters, so nothing needs to be changed.

What foundation is needed

If the porch is planned to be light - wooden or metal - the foundation is most often made of pile or column. Specifically, they are chosen based on geological conditions. On well-draining soils with low ground water enough , with a tendency to heave needed already , perhaps .

For a heavy porch - made of brick or monolithic concrete - they make strip foundation or . The type of foundation is most often similar to that on which the house is built.

Then you need to decide whether you will tie the porch foundation to the house foundation or not. Decisions are made based on the planned mass of the extension and the type of soil. Both options have disadvantages. If there is no connection, cracks often form at the junction of the porch and the house, and the porch can warp due to frosty heaving. Owners often face this problem. summer cottages- basically the porch to the cottages is made of wood and incoherent. After the earth thaws, it may itself “sit down” in place, or it may require some additional measures.

When arranging connections, the formation of cracks is also possible, but not only at the junction, but also in the “body” of the extension. This happens if the arranged reinforced connections cannot compensate for the uneven load created by the house and the extension. Therefore, a connected foundation for the porch is made if it is attached to a heavy house and itself is heavy and massive, made of reinforced concrete. The second difficulty with this decision is to make the connection of high quality. To do this, use ribbed reinforcement with a diameter of 12-16 mm, under which holes are drilled in the foundation with a given diameter. Reinforcement is hammered into them and on its basis a frame for the porch is knitted.

There are two main designs of stairs: on bowstrings and on stringers. They can be made from wood or metal. There are also combined options- metal + wooden steps or metal + concrete steps.

Stair structures - on bowstrings and stringers

On bowstrings

Ladders on bowstrings are the simplest. For a porch - a good option, especially if the house is wooden or a small country house. TO inside bowstrings are attached to supporting bars. If you work with metal, the bars are welded horizontally (you can use minimal slope 1-2° in order for water to flow from the steps). In the case of wood, support bars can either be nailed, to which the step will then be attached, or notches are cut in the bowstring (no more than 1/2 of the thickness of the board), into which the step boards are inserted.

On kosoura

The ladder on the stringers can also be of a simple design - with open supports. In this case, triangles are cut at the required angle in the upper part of the board. Their lower part serves as a support for the steps.

When cutting the stringer, the height of the step and the width of the tread are set aside. They are connected at right angles. According to the marked markup, a template is made, with the help of which all the steps are marked.

The number of stringers in a staircase depends on its width and on the thickness of the boards used for the steps. The thinner the board for the steps, the more often you need to put stringers. If you use 25 mm boards, then there should be a distance of no more than 50-60 cm between the two supports. If you need a large width of the stairs, but do not want to put three stringers, use thicker boards. It is important that they do not bend under your feet.

If you decide to weld a ladder on stringers from metal, you will need to be patient: you will have to weld many small segments, but the principle of formation is the same.

Ways of fastening parts

The lower edge of the porch stairs can sometimes rest directly on the ground. This option is simple but unreliable. Firstly, the soil may settle, the staircase will begin to collapse. Secondly, when in contact with the ground, both wood and metal are destroyed faster. There are special impregnations for wood (Senezh and Senezh Ultra, for example), and metal is well formed with a primer and painted in several layers. Nevertheless, it is better to make a base - to fill in a shallow-depth tape, on which the bowstrings or stringers will rest.

K iron concrete base there are two ways to fix the stairs for the porch - to the bed - a beam with a section of at least 75 * 75 mm or to a mortgage beam of a smaller section (in the photo on the left).

Difficulties may arise with the installation of porch pillars. There are several ways. There is one very simple and effective one that works great even on heaving soils (clays and loams). Holes are dug under the pillars with a depth of 50-60 cm. A bucket and a half of sand is poured into them at the bottom, and it is well tamped. On top of the sand, rubble is poured from half a bucket and also rammed. They put a pole, level it to the level, put spacers that will hold it in a given position. The space between the wall of the hole and the pillar is gradually covered with rubble, carefully ramming it. The hole is filled flush with the ground, the top can be concreted (so that the precipitation does not drain), but not spilled to the very bottom. The poles installed in this way do not lead even with strong heaving. A significant part of the water goes into the sand, and the rubble takes over the remaining forces of frost heaving, neutralizing them.

If piles, a strip foundation or a monolithic slab are poured under the pillars of the porch, a columnar base is folded, then studs or special glasses are immured in concrete to fix the wooden racks. After the concrete has matured, the bars of the racks are attached to them with capercaillie or bolts.

If the racks are metal, a corner with a wall thickness of at least 3-4 mm is laid in the concrete so that it can be easily welded to it later.

When building a wooden porch with your own hands, questions may arise about attaching railings and balusters. They can be assembled on ordinary nails, but if desired, you can use bolts or capercaillie. In this case, holes are pre-drilled, then fasteners are installed in them and tightened with an angle wrench. Such a connection is certainly more reliable than just on nails.

If the porch is attached to a freshly cut wooden house, in which shrinkage has not yet been completed, and the design of the porch provides for a canopy, it is necessary to mount the racks on special adjustable plates.

We draw your attention to the fact that both the metal and wood that you will use to build the porch require careful processing. The porch is exposed to all climatic influences and the materials require good protection.

Monolithic concrete stairs

The most durable stairs are made of monolithic concrete. They take longer to make than metal or wood, but their service life is calculated in decades. The types of stairs made of concrete are described in detail in the video. The basis of the calculation is also given.

How to DIY concrete stairs on stringers, see the next video.

wooden porch

A wooden porch is one of the most common options in our country. Wood is plastic, easy to work with, costs relatively little (in our country), forgives many mistakes. That is why it is a favorite building material.

It also has disadvantages: it requires good protection before starting construction (antibacterial impregnations and fire retardants), as well as regular care - updating the protective paintwork. Then long time looks attractive, otherwise it quickly loses its decorative effect.

One of the options for building a wooden porch with a staircase on bowstrings can be seen in the video. Please note that the porch is being built on sandy soil, so the method of installing the pillars used is not suitable for everyone. Everything else is clear.

brick porch

Since brick is a dense and heavy material, a serious foundation is required for a brick porch. Usually it is a monolithic slab, and with double reinforcement, and it is better if it is larger in size than the planned porch.

When calculating the parameters of the steps, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the brick and the thickness of the seam between them. Then it will be easier to lay the work - no need to cut the brick. If you are not going to clad the porch, for the outer rows use quality material. The inner rows - backfilling - can be made from battle or building blocks and their remnants.

Brick porch with wooden steps

If the house is on a high plinth, making a monolithic brick porch is too expensive. Then the columns or walls are folded, leaving empty space inside. It can then be used for household purposes or covered with decorative shields. If you need an upper platform, these columns / walls are covered from above with a concrete slab - homemade or finished - this is your choice. Then a ladder is attached to the resulting base. It doesn't have to be brick. It can be metal, concrete or a combination.

Photo report: wooden porch on a metal frame

Theory is only a theory, and in construction too. You always understand the essence of the matter better if you observe the process yourself, because you can see how others are doing and learn something for yourself.

At the request of the parents, an exact copy of the old porch was made. The only difference is that a metal frame is welded for the new one.

In place of the demolished porch, a pit was dug 25 cm deep. Sand was filled in layers and rammed into the bottom, crushed stone - 10 cm each. A metal mesh with a cell of 10 cm was laid on top and all this was filled with concrete.

According to the previous dimensions of the porch, a metal frame was welded (from a corner of 70 * 5 mm). Sidewalls are exposed vertically and fixed on hairpins. Further, a base for benches is welded to them. All metal treated with a rust converter, primed and painted twice.

The wood used for construction is dry. Planed boards were cut to size (the width of the porch) and treated with an impregnation for direct contact with the ground.

We lay the dried boards on the frame. You have to drill a hole for each fastener - you just can’t take a corner just like that.

At this stage, two mistakes were made at once. The first is that the sheathing was not started from the sidewalls. Immediately began to lay the stairs. As a result, water constantly flows into the joints of the side sheathing and steps and the wood is distorted. It is necessary to start the sheathing from the sides, and make the steps a little longer so that they protrude beyond the side sheathing by at least a couple of centimeters. The second mistake is that the boards on the porch are stacked close to each other. At high humidity they swell and the surface becomes uneven. When laying the porch sheathing, make gaps of at least 5-8 mm.

After all the boards are fixed, they are polished. First with a belt sander with a coarse grain, then with a disc sander with a fine one. The process is lengthy. At the same time, the task is to remove green color impregnation. It does not overlap even with three layers of tinting.

After sanding, we start painting. Apply three times. Each layer after complete drying of the previous one. The resulting color is dark mahogany.

While the paint dries completely, we proceed to the manufacture of benches. We cut boards under them, grind off an oblique chamfer (for beauty), cover with impregnation.

We make the backs with a small decor - rounding at the edges.

We saw along the marked lines with a jigsaw, then grind to a smooth edge.

The sides are covered with plywood, which was painted in the same color. The porch is ready.

Do-it-yourself finished wooden porch - side view

Do-it-yourself brick-concrete porch: photo

The walls of the landing are preliminarily made of bricks, on top of which a monolithic concrete slab is poured. Along the edge, a frame of corners is monolithic into it - so that the stairs and railings can be welded.

Porch plan: how everything should look

From a corner of 70 * 70 * 5 mm we cut blanks of the desired length. Then we treat them with a rust converter. We start cooking after the reaction has stopped and the metal has dried up.

We welded the first bowstring from metal.

The finished sidewall was attached to the concrete base with two pins.

Fastening to a concrete support support

In the same way, we cook the second bowstring and fix it. When working, make sure that the two bowstrings are in the same plane.

We begin to weld the support bars. It is important to constantly monitor the horizontal position so that the steps are not oblique.

We weld the transverse pieces of the corner to the supporting bars so that we get a shelf.

The corners are welded so that they form a frame. We put a piece of sheet slate in it. We lay out a reinforcing metal mesh on the slate. The edges of the mesh are welded to the frame.

Pour concrete into the prepared steps. We make it high-quality - so that the steps do not wear out longer.

While the concrete is gaining strength, we take on the racks that will support the canopy over the porch. For them, we take a profiled pipe 70 * 40 * 3 mm. From it we cut four columns. Two are slightly longer - they will be near the wall of the house, two are 15 cm shorter - they stand along the outer edge of the porch, creating the desired slope - so that the water and snow go off normally. For railings and crossbars, we use a profiled pipe 40 * 40 mm.

All metal is also treated with a rust converter.

First, we set up the racks, grab them, set temporary stops

In order to avoid lateral stresses, it is important to set the racks strictly vertically. We expose them, grab them, in several places with short seams, again we check whether they are standing correctly. We weld temporary stops and only after the next check we weld according to all the rules.

After all the racks are exposed and welded, you can assemble the railing. At the desired height, they are fixed strictly horizontally.

Then we proceed to the installation of the roof. We also cook it from profile pipe 40*40 mm. First, the strapping around the perimeter - at the level of shorter racks, then - the rest of the structure. It is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time - a lot of intersections.

Then it was the turn of the railings and decorations. And again, there are no difficulties, it can be done easily if desired.

Everything, the porch is ready for finishing work. Rough tiles for outdoor use were purchased for the steps and landing. She also trimmed the sidewall of a monolithic slab.

The metal was painted with matching paint, the roof was covered with corrugated board left after the installation of the roof. The do-it-yourself porch turned out to be quite good.

Porch design photo ideas

Porch to wooden bath or dacha - a ladder made of logs

Porch sheathed with WPC - wood-polymer composite

The first impression of a private house is formed according to its appearance. An important part of the building is its porch. It should make a pleasant impression on the guests, and at the same time show the individuality and subtlety of the taste of the owner of the house. To build a porch for a cottage, you need to carefully study the features in advance finished projects, the use of materials and techniques for creating a structure. All this will help you transform private house.


A porch is a section that includes a staircase, an entrance to a private house and a platform in front of the entrance, which can be of various sizes. The size of a porch usually depends on the size of the building it is part of.

A structure of this type has a number characteristic features, which must be considered when creating a porch project and its implementation. There are several features of the input structure.

  • The foundation is necessarily at the heart of the structure, regardless of what type the porch structure belongs to. This element is needed, because without it, deformation of the steps may occur due to the change of weather seasons.
  • The porch area should have a canopy or fit into the structure of the house in such a way that it is not exposed to precipitation.
  • It is very important that the porch staircase is designed to take into account the physical characteristics of all the people living in the house. The most comfortable height and angle of inclination of the structure should be selected.

  • The material for the stairs should be selected taking into account the peculiarities of weather conditions. The ladder structure is not completely under the canopy, in addition, it comes into contact with shoes, which may be covered with snow or water. Therefore, it is important either to choose the material that is most resistant to external influences, or to cover the selected raw material with a protective layer.
  • It is important that the porch matches the style in which the facade of the house is decorated. This is helped not only by the material chosen for the construction of the structure, but also by various details, for example, stair railings.


There are many options for arranging the porch. But they are all divided into groups according to several criteria.

Depending on the degree of complexity, several types of structures are distinguished.

  • simple structure includes a platform equipped with steps and a canopy covering the entire area of ​​the porch. To build such an option, you should separately fill the foundation. But such an outdoor structure can be decorated in the original style.

  • Embedded model fully incorporated into the design of the house. This is a part of the finished structure, which is allocated to create a porch on it. Its location is determined at the design stage of the entire private house.

  • Looks similar attached option. But unlike the above, such a design can quite easily be subjected to various transformations and restructuring. This type of porch can be built even from a simple one.

An important feature in the classification of porch structures is the shape of the platform and steps. They can be of several types.

  • The semicircular structure has a very soft outline. It is quite elegant and less traumatic. This design is often considered a sign of hospitality of the owners of the house. And also this form allows you to balance the building of a complex shape or large dimensions. The main emphasis in the construction takes on the first rung of the stairs.

  • Stairs with trapezoidal steps look original. In some designs, the first step is the largest, but there are also such options when there is an increasing transition from oversized steps to the porch area.

  • Rectangular shapes give the design conciseness and rigor. They are the traditional version of the porch.

The porch platform itself can also be different in size and design. Depending on these signs, various purposes of the porch platform are distinguished.

  • Terrace- an option fenced with railings. This design is quite large.

  • Closed variant terraces called veranda. Glass inserts can be used as enclosing materials.

  • The extension is found in small houses. Its main goal is to prevent dust and dirt from entering the house from the shoes of visitors, as well as the impact of various atmospheric manifestations.

  • Patio- This is a structure that includes a platform and a canopy. Most of the time there are no barriers.

There are also varieties of the porch according to the location of the stairs. This sign is determined by the features of the placement of the house and the dimensions of the site on which it is located.

  • With a small area in front of the house, stairs are usually located along the facade of the building. This technique saves a lot of space. Sometimes a symmetrical design is created when the same stairs are located on both sides of the porch.

  • When the porch is not very high, you can arrange the stairs in a circle from the platform.

  • When space allows, you can arrange the stair structures perpendicular to the facade.

The determining factor in the future appearance of the porch will be the material from which it will be made. There are several options for materials relevant to this design.

  • solid wood often used for the manufacture of porch structures in the Russian style. Such options, as a rule, are completely covered with a canopy, because bad weather adversely affects the wooden parts. Special impregnations are capable of extending the life of such raw materials, which cover all structural elements.
  • stone structures may have a different appearance. It can be perfectly even masonry and steps calibrated in size. With the help of this raw material, railings and porch facades are decorated. But in some styles, stone stairs are made in a very naturalistic way.

For example, chalet-style designs may resemble flat stones lying on top of each other.

  • Houses decorated in a simple, laconic style are often equipped with a brick porch. This option is quite reliable, since the brick is not so susceptible to impact. environment. In addition, from this raw material, you can create structures of an unusual shape and beat the traditional features of a country house in a new way.
  • Sometimes you can see such an element as metal in the porch designs. Stairs and their details are made from it. Typically, these solutions are small houses. Not all metal structures will be resistant to mechanical and natural influences, so you need to choose such material for the porch with caution.

  • The combination option is quite popular. various materials . For example, with various types raw materials can be combined with forged details that give the entrance to the house originality and special charm. Metal can be used to construct railings in stone structures, often creating very fine twisted elements.

To emphasize the closeness of the chosen concept of facade design to nature, they can even use a combination of stone and wood.

Structural design

Before creating a porch in country house it is necessary to develop a project for the future structure, taking into account all the nuances of materials and manufacturing stages. Sometimes you can focus on previously created projects. When designing directly, various nuances must be taken into account.

  • The foundation of the porch should be at the same depth as the foundation of the entire country house. This is necessary to avoid seasonal deformation and displacement of the entire porch structure. If this norm is violated, then the foundation of the porch will collapse, and the entire structure will have to be redone. When creating the foundation, the features of the soil on which the residential building is located are also taken into account.
  • One of the most suitable materials for laying the foundation under the porch is a concrete pad. The choice in favor of this material is made when the porch does not involve frequent people, or when there is not a lot of furniture on the veranda.

In the case of creating a brick or concrete foundation, the reinforcement procedure should be carried out, since a significant load will be applied to the material. An increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation will be facilitated by a visor installed above the porch on supports.

  • It is very important to calculate the size of the site and its location relative to the entrance to the house. Remember that the platform should be 5-7 mm below the level of the entrance opening.
  • In some cases, it is also necessary to install top platform. According to GOST standards, it should be about 40 cm larger than the width of the door leaf, and the platform itself should be 1.5 times the size of the door opening.
  • You can competently design a staircase by calculating the height and number of steps. The average height of one step varies in the range from 15 to 20 cm. The width of the steps can reach 30 cm or more. The number of steps is calculated by dividing the height of the foundation by the height of the step.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the frame structure of the stairs. It depends on the material from which the structure will be made. In the case of wood, the ladder is installed on a carrier beam and ribs of the teeth. simple type metal structure created by welding from corners and channels.

More about this - in the video.

The house always begins with a porch, this is its main entrance, this is its calling card, one might say. And, at the same time, the final chord of construction. Point in the work done. In addition, he has pure functional purpose- protection of the entrance from wind, rain, snow, so it must be beautiful, comfortable, and durable. Of course, the design should not conflict with the design of the whole house. A powerful red brick building will look strange at wooden house with carved shutters, for example. And here is a wooden object attached to brick house can serve as a perfect decoration. If the house is small, then the porch should not be made a kind of monument that outweighs the proportions of a private house. And most importantly: a house without this element has an unfinished look.

How to build a porch for a private house with your own hands

There are a lot of options for construction and materials. Choose the most suitable for you, prepare everything you need and get to work.


It is easy to assemble the design of such a porch

The simplest wooden structure can be made by yourself, even if there are no special skills in construction. Let's choose a structure first.

There are three main types: simplified, built-in and attached porch. A simplified design is a platform and a canopy over the entrance. Consider the most common option: a platform, steps and a protective visor, which is located above the door.

Porch option with a small terrace

Even for such a light and simple structure we'll need . It will not be difficult at all, because for such a wooden porch we can make a foundation of piles. We will impregnate the support bars with an antiseptic. Having calculated where the supports should be, we will dig holes under them to a depth of 80–90 cm. We immerse the supports in these holes strictly vertically, checking for level. At 30 cm, we fill the hole with gravel first, compact it tightly, then a layer of soil, and then concrete.

For the porch you need to make a foundation

After the cement is completely dry, you need to level all the supports in height, make cuts for spikes, sockets and other preparatory work.

Making steps

Now it's time to choose the bowstring on which the steps will be located. It is of two types: with embedded steps and with carved ledges. Since the second option is simpler, we will do it. Let's pick up a few thick edged boards for the bowstring and oblique angles. The length must be chosen in accordance with the number of steps. The rules here are simple: quantity:

Oblique angles are needed so that the steps have additional internal supports. On first edged board using a construction square, mark the profile of the stairs. We cut off the excess and use the first board as a template for preparing the rest of the details.

The bowstrings are attached to the lags with a tenon-groove connection, for which a transverse board with selected grooves must be nailed to the lags, and spikes should be cut at the ends of the oblique angles and bowstrings. After the bowstrings and oblique angles are fixed on the logs, it is necessary to install their lower ends on a fortified and leveled platform. Now the frame of the future staircase for the porch is ready. It's time to lay the floor and steps. Boards for the floor of the site should be tried to be laid as tightly as possible so that cracks do not appear when drying out. After the site is ready, it is necessary to install risers and treads, which are also connected according to the “thorn-groove” principle, like the riser with a bowstring: this will give the joints the very rigidity that is needed. Here, in fact, everything is ready.

If there are more than three steps in the porch staircase, it is worth making a railing.

Installation steps


concrete porch

We count materials. The volume of concrete required for pouring depends on the width and height of the structure, as well as on the number of steps. If we make concrete on our own, then we must remember that for 1 cubic meter. m of concrete is 340 kg of concrete, 1.05 cubic meters. m of sand and 0.86 cubic meters. m of rubble. It is also necessary to calculate the necessary waterproofing and fittings. If the frame is reinforcing, then 2 bars of reinforcement go to each step.

The porch of their concrete base

We make the foundation for the future porch. At the place where we will arrange the object, it is necessary to dig a small pit with a depth of 30–40 centimeters. We fill a layer of gravel 10 cm to the bottom and carefully tamp it down, a layer of sand on top, and then moisten it so that the sand completely clogs all the gaps between the gravel.

We make a frame formwork. We will install plank formwork on the sides. You can use plywood or chipboard for formwork. The main thing is that the formwork should follow the shape of the steps. We strengthen the formwork with the help of pegs and spacers. The formwork must be leveled in height and level. We cut pieces of boards equal to the length and width of the risers and nail them to the formwork itself. The entire formwork must be treated from the inside with a lubricant so that the concrete does not stick to the tree. Roofing felt must be laid down to waterproof the concrete.

Step-by-step actions for the construction of a concrete staircase

Please note: the steps of the stairs must be made with a slight slope so that water flows freely from them.

We reinforce the formwork. This is necessary so that the concreted sections have a rigid structure. It is better not to spare reinforcement during the construction of a concrete structure. Approximately 150 meters of reinforcing bars will go to a medium-sized porch. In order to make a canopy and railings in the future, it is necessary to leave outlets from the corner or pipes on each side.

Strapping preparation

We concrete. The prepared concrete solution is placed in the formwork. You need to start from the bottom step, evenly distributing the solution and constantly tamping. In no case should you leave empty spaces. After the entire formwork is filled, we level the surface and now it is necessary for the structure to dry for about a week. After that, you can remove the formwork and start finishing this object.

Staircase with forged elements

Metal with forged elements

A metal staircase can decorate both brick and wooden house. Starting to build a metal porch, you should also first make a sketch. It makes it easier to calculate the amount required material and avoid mistakes when assembling parts.

A simple staircase with forging elements

Decide on the size of the stairs. It is necessary to calculate everything in such a way that two people can safely disperse on it, and the steps are convenient for descent and ascent.

  • the width of the stairs must be at least 1 meter;
  • the number of steps is odd;
  • stairs - from 26˚ to 45˚;
  • the height of the steps should be from 12 to 20 cm;
  • the width of each step is not less than 25 cm;
  • the overhang of one step over the other should be about 30 mm.

Just like under any other, you need to lay it under a metal porch.

The metal structure consists of three elements: the staircase itself, the railing to it and the visor, the stairs are usually made from channels.

Arrangement of the entrance to the house

Consider one of the options for the design of a metal staircase, which we will do on our own. Let's prepare two channels equal in length to the future stairs. We put them on the width of the future stairs, say, 1 meter apart. Now you need to mark and cut the corner to the size of the step, not forgetting to make an allowance for the weld. We weld one end along the office to the channel. Then we take the next cut piece of the corner and weld it along the office to the previous corner, then to the channel. So gradually weld all the corners.

Installation of the base of the metal staircase

Now you can connect the L-shaped elements to each other with an equal angle. Please note that the bottom of each step is connected by a corner with a shelf outward. You can fill the steps with any suitable material: wood, porcelain stoneware, chipboard, plywood. It is better to fix with self-tapping screws and silicone glue.

Entrance staircase with canopy or closed

For such a porch, the foundation is especially important. Of course, it is best if it is planned along with the whole house. But there are often times when it is attached to an existing house, in which case we call it an "extension".

Seating area near the entrance to the house

Closed entrance to the house

One way or another, the extension is a fundamental structure. Therefore, having calculated the parameters of the glazed porch area, we fill the foundation under it. Of course, the glazed extension is not for permanent residence with heavy furniture. Therefore, the foundation can be made pile. After the foundation is prepared, all the strappings are made, the concrete is completely dry, you can lay out the walls. We choose the material so that it does not contradict the design of the house. Of course, this is a frame building. The frame can be made from wooden beams, from a metal profile. Some owners, wanting to make the porch more capital, lay out such a porch of brick, timber. If we talk about frame construction, then it is certainly cheaper and much easier to install.

Frame extensions are of two types: frame-panel and frame-frame. In the first case, the panels are already ready, you just need not be too lazy to assemble them; in the second case, the fitting is done on the spot.

The main work has been done. Now we need to do the glazing and the door. For glazing we use - wooden or plastic. We order the door with glass and according to the verified dimensions. We choose the stairs from all possible options.

The glazed porch-veranda is very convenient because in summer you can sit and drink tea in bad weather, and in winter, when you enter the house, you don’t drag snow with you.

Porch construction scheme

The steps should be 30 cm long and 16 cm high, but do not forget that when making the first step, it is necessary to take into account the addition of sand and tiles. Because of this, the first stage is always slightly higher than the others.

Brickwork in the construction of the porch

Very often, cinder blocks remain after construction. They can be laid in the foundation: it will be stronger, and we will dispose of the remains of cinder concrete.

We lay out the porch platform from the brick. At the same time, we are laying the side wall, which can immediately be overlaid facing material- brick, for example. Gradually we form steps with the help of backing and face bricks. In the middle we lay out two rows of backing bricks, and lay out the outer part with a facing brick.

So, gradually form the rest of the steps. Don't forget to process the brick special means from salt stains. After the masonry is completed, we complete the construction or finishing bricks. For fastening we use special glue. We complete the construction of the visor device.

Video: building a brick porch

Arrange a small flower garden nearby, put a flowerpot or flowerpots with flowers. Add unusual cute little things to complete the look.