Examples of beautiful porch decoration in a private house: XX photo. Beautiful porch in a private house Entrance to a wooden house porch

  • 27.06.2020

The most correct version of the porch is when its foundation is cast along with the house. In this case, there are practically no problems. Sometimes when planning a building, they forget about it. Then the porch is attached to the house. They make an extension mainly from three materials: wood, metal and concrete. If the house is brick, they can build it out of brick. Another option is to make from building blocks with subsequent finishing. In any case, when planning to make a porch with your own hands, you must immediately decide what kind of foundation to make and whether or not to connect it with the foundation of the building.

How to calculate parameters

First you need to decide which side the steps will go to. They can be on one, two or three sides. Determine this based on personal preferences and finances that you can / want to allocate for construction. The height of the porch depends on the height of the plinth and should be 50-70 mm below the edge of the door leaf. This small step prevents precipitation from entering the house. Perhaps more importantly, it prevents the doors from being blocked if the porch rises from frost heaving (if the doors open outward).

Determine the dimensions of the top platform

Porch planning begins with sizing top platform. If the doors open outward, you should be able to open the doors while standing on the platform. That is, its depth should be 30-40 cm more than the width of the door leaf. According to the recommendations of GOST, the dimensions of the site should be 1.5 times the width of the doorway. More is possible - less is undesirable - inconvenient.

If your doors are 80 cm wide, then the depth of the upper platform at the very minimum is 120 cm. You determine its width based on the tastes and proportions of the house, but it must definitely be greater than the width of the doorway.

We count the number and size of steps

You know the height of the porch: 50-60 mm below the door leaf. The recommended step (riser) height is 15-20 cm. Divide the height of the porch by the height of the steps, you get the approximate number of steps. The number is rarely whole. The remaining centimeters can be divided between all the steps or make one of them higher. Another option is to make a small step at the bottom, although this can be inconvenient.

The optimal step width (tread) is 25-30 cm. Knowing the number of steps, the depth of the upper platform, the depth of the steps, you can calculate the dimensions of the porch completely. According to them, it is already possible to develop the foundation for the porch.

When choosing the parameters of the steps, one must adhere to the recommendations of SNiP: the sum of the prosup and the double riser should be in the range of 600-640 mm. For example, you calculated that the height of the step (risers) is 17 cm, the tread (depth of the degree) is 280 mm. After completing the calculations, we get: 170 mm * 2 + 280 mm = 620 mm. We fit into the recommended parameters, so nothing needs to be changed.

What foundation is needed

If the porch is planned to be light - wooden or metal - the foundation is most often made of pile or column. Specifically, they are chosen based on geological conditions. On well-draining soils with low level ground water enough , with a tendency to heave needed already , perhaps .

For a heavy porch - made of brick or monolithic concrete - they make strip foundation or . The type of foundation is most often similar to that on which the house is built.

Then you need to decide whether you will tie the porch foundation to the house foundation or not. Decisions are made based on the planned mass of the extension and the type of soil. Both options have disadvantages. If there is no connection, cracks often form at the junction of the porch and the house, and the porch can warp due to frosty heaving. Owners of summer cottages often face such a problem - basically the porch to the summer cottages is made wooden and incoherent. After the earth thaws, it may itself “sit down” in place, or it may require some additional measures.

When arranging connections, the formation of cracks is also possible, but not only at the junction, but also in the “body” of the extension. This happens if the arranged reinforced connections cannot compensate for the uneven load, created by the house and an outbuilding. Therefore, a connected foundation for the porch is made if it is attached to a heavy house and itself is heavy and massive, made of reinforced concrete. The second difficulty with this decision is to make the connection of high quality. To do this, use ribbed reinforcement with a diameter of 12-16 mm, under which holes are drilled in the foundation with a given diameter. Reinforcement is hammered into them and on its basis a frame for the porch is knitted.

There are two main designs of stairs: on bowstrings and on stringers. They can be made from wood or metal. There are also combined options- metal + wooden steps or metal + concrete steps.

Stair structures - on bowstrings and stringers

On bowstrings

Ladders on bowstrings are the simplest. For a porch - a good option, especially if the house is wooden or a small country house. TO inside bowstrings are attached to supporting bars. If you work with metal, the bars are welded horizontally (it is possible with a minimum slope of 1-2 ° so that water flows from the steps). In the case of wood, either supporting bars can be nailed, to which the step will then be attached, or recesses are cut in the bowstring (no more than 1/2 of the thickness of the board), into which the step boards are inserted.

On kosoura

The ladder on the stringers can also be of a simple design - with open supports. In this case, triangles are cut at the required angle in the upper part of the board. Their lower part serves as a support for the steps.

When cutting the stringer, the height of the step and the width of the tread are set aside. They are connected at right angles. According to the marked markup, a template is made, with the help of which all the steps are marked.

The number of stringers in a staircase depends on its width and on the thickness of the boards used for the steps. The thinner the board for the steps, the more often you need to put stringers. If you are using 25 mm boards, then there should be a distance of no more than 50-60 cm between the two supports. If you need a large width of the stairs, but do not want to put three stringers, use thicker boards. It is important that they do not bend under your feet.

If you decide to weld a ladder on stringers from metal, you will need to be patient: you will have to weld many small segments, but the principle of formation is the same.

Ways of fastening parts

The lower edge of the porch stairs can sometimes rest directly on the ground. This option is simple but unreliable. Firstly, the soil may settle, the staircase will begin to collapse. Secondly, when in contact with the ground, both wood and metal are destroyed faster. There are special impregnations for wood (Senezh and Senezh Ultra, for example), and metal is well formed with a primer and painted in several layers. Nevertheless, it is better to make a base - to fill in a shallow-depth tape, on which the bowstrings or stringers will rest.

K iron concrete base there are two ways to fix the stairs for the porch - to the bed - a beam with a section of at least 75 * 75 mm or to a mortgage beam of a smaller section (in the photo on the left).

Difficulties may arise with the installation of porch pillars. There are several ways. There is one very simple and effective one that works great even on heaving soils (clays and loams). Holes are dug under the pillars with a depth of 50-60 cm. A bucket and a half of sand is poured into them at the bottom, and it is well tamped. On top of the sand, rubble is poured from half a bucket and also rammed. They put a pole, level it to the level, put spacers that will hold it in a given position. The space between the wall of the hole and the pillar is gradually covered with rubble, carefully ramming it. The hole is filled flush with the ground, the top can be concreted (so that the precipitation does not drain), but not spilled to the very bottom. The poles installed in this way do not lead even with strong heaving. A significant part of the water goes into the sand, and the rubble takes over the remaining forces of frost heaving, neutralizing them.

If piles, strip foundation or monolithic slab, the columnar base is folded, then studs or special glasses are walled up in concrete to fasten wooden racks. After the concrete has matured, the bars of the racks are attached to them with capercaillie or bolts.

If the racks are metal, a corner with a wall thickness of at least 3-4 mm is laid in the concrete so that it can be easily welded to it later.

When building a wooden porch with your own hands, questions may arise about attaching railings and balusters. They can be assembled on ordinary nails, but if desired, you can use bolts or capercaillie. In this case, holes are pre-drilled, then fasteners are installed in them and tightened with an angle wrench. Such a connection is certainly more reliable than just on nails.

If the porch is attached to a freshly cut wooden house, in which shrinkage has not yet been completed, and the design of the porch provides for a canopy, it is necessary to mount the racks on special adjustable plates.

We draw your attention to the fact that both the metal and wood that you will use to build the porch require careful processing. The porch is exposed to all climatic influences and the materials require good protection.

Monolithic concrete stairs

The most durable stairs are made of monolithic concrete. They take longer to make than metal or wood, but their service life is calculated in decades. The types of stairs made of concrete are described in detail in the video. The basis of the calculation is also given.

How to make a concrete staircase on stringers with your own hands, see the next video.

wooden porch

A wooden porch is one of the most common options in our country. Wood is plastic, easy to work with, costs relatively little (in our country), forgives many mistakes. That is why it is a favorite building material.

It also has disadvantages: it requires good protection before starting construction (antibacterial impregnations and fire retardants), as well as regular care - updating the protective paintwork. Then long time looks attractive, otherwise it quickly loses its decorative effect.

One of the options for building a wooden porch with a staircase on bowstrings can be seen in the video. Please note that the porch is being built on sandy soil, so the method of installing the pillars used is not suitable for everyone. Everything else is clear.

brick porch

Since brick is a dense and heavy material, a serious foundation is required for a brick porch. Usually it is a monolithic slab, and with double reinforcement, and it is better if it is larger in size than the planned porch.

When calculating the parameters of the steps, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the brick and the thickness of the seam between them. Then it will be easier to lay the work - no need to cut the brick. If you are not going to clad the porch, for the outer rows use quality material. The inner rows - backfilling - can be made from battle or building blocks and their remnants.

Brick porch with wooden steps

If the house is on a high plinth, making a monolithic brick porch is too expensive. Then the columns or walls are folded, leaving empty space inside. It can then be used for household purposes or covered with decorative shields. If you need an upper platform, these columns / walls are covered from above with a concrete slab - homemade or finished - this is your choice. Then a ladder is attached to the resulting base. It doesn't have to be brick. It can be metal, concrete or a combination.

Photo report: wooden porch on a metal frame

Theory is only a theory, and in construction too. You always understand the essence of the matter better if you observe the process yourself, because you can see how others are doing and learn something for yourself.

At the request of the parents, an exact copy of the old porch was made. The only difference is that a metal frame is welded for the new one.

A pit 25 cm deep was dug in place of the demolished porch. Sand was filled in layers and rammed into the bottom, crushed stone - 10 cm each. A metal mesh with a cell of 10 cm was laid on top and all this was filled with concrete.

Welded according to the previous dimensions of the porch metal carcass(from the corner 70 * 5 mm). Sidewalls are exposed vertically and fixed on hairpins. Further, a base for benches is welded to them. All metal treated with a rust converter, primed and painted twice.

The wood used for construction is dry. Planed boards were cut to size (the width of the porch) and treated with an impregnation for direct contact with the ground.

We lay the dried boards on the frame. You have to drill a hole for each fastener - you just can’t take a corner just like that.

At this stage, two mistakes were made at once. The first is that the sheathing was not started from the sidewalls. Immediately began to lay the stairs. As a result, water constantly flows into the joints of the side sheathing and steps and the wood is distorted. It is necessary to start the sheathing from the sides, and make the steps a little longer so that they protrude beyond the side sheathing by at least a couple of centimeters. The second mistake is that the boards on the porch are stacked close to each other. At high humidity they swell and the surface becomes uneven. When laying the porch sheathing, make gaps of at least 5-8 mm.

After all the boards are fixed, they are polished. First with a belt sander with a coarse grain, then with a disc sander with a fine one. The process is lengthy. In parallel, the task is being solved - to remove the green color of the impregnation. It does not overlap even with three layers of tinting.

After sanding, we start painting. Apply three times. Each layer after complete drying of the previous one. The resulting color is dark mahogany.

While the paint dries completely, we proceed to the manufacture of benches. We cut boards under them, grind off an oblique chamfer (for beauty), cover with impregnation.

We make the backs with a small decor - rounding at the edges.

We saw along the marked lines with a jigsaw, then grind to a smooth edge.

The sides are covered with plywood, which was painted in the same color. The porch is ready.

Finished wooden porch do it yourself - side view

Do-it-yourself brick-concrete porch: photo

The walls of the landing are preliminarily made of bricks, on top of which a monolithic concrete slab. Along the edge, a frame of corners is monolithic into it - so that the stairs and railings can be welded.

Porch plan: how everything should look

From a corner of 70 * 70 * 5 mm we cut blanks of the desired length. Then we treat them with a rust converter. We start cooking after the reaction has stopped and the metal has dried up.

We welded the first bowstring from metal.

The finished sidewall was attached to the concrete base with two pins.

Fastening to a concrete support support

In the same way, we cook the second bowstring and fix it. When working, make sure that the two bowstrings are in the same plane.

We begin to weld the support bars. It is important to constantly monitor the horizontal position so that the steps are not oblique.

We weld the transverse pieces of the corner to the supporting bars so that we get a shelf.

The corners are welded so that they form a frame. We put a piece of sheet slate in it. We lay out a reinforcing metal mesh on the slate. The edges of the mesh are welded to the frame.

Pour concrete into the prepared steps. We make it high-quality - so that the steps do not wear out longer.

While the concrete is gaining strength, we take on the racks that will support the canopy over the porch. For them, we take a profiled pipe 70 * 40 * 3 mm. From it we cut four columns. Two are slightly longer - they will be near the wall of the house, two are 15 cm shorter - they stand along the outer edge of the porch, creating the desired slope - so that the water and snow go off normally. For railings and crossbars, we use a profiled pipe 40 * 40 mm.

All metal is also treated with a rust converter.

First, we set up the racks, grab them, set temporary stops

In order to avoid lateral stresses, it is important to set the racks strictly vertically. We expose them, grab them, in several places with short seams, again we check whether they are standing correctly. We weld temporary stops and only after the next check we weld according to all the rules.

After all the racks are exposed and welded, you can assemble the railing. At the desired height, they are fixed strictly horizontally.

Then we proceed to the installation of the roof. We also cook it from a profile pipe 40 * 40 mm. First, the strapping around the perimeter - at the level of shorter racks, then - the rest of the structure. It is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time - a lot of intersections.

Then it was the turn of the railings and decorations. And again, there are no difficulties, it can be done easily if desired.

Everything, the porch is ready for finishing work. Rough tiles for outdoor use were purchased for the steps and landing. She also trimmed the sidewall of a monolithic slab.

The metal was painted with matching paint, the roof was covered with corrugated board left after the installation of the roof. The do-it-yourself porch turned out to be quite good.

Porch design photo ideas

Porch to wooden bath or dacha - a ladder made of logs

Porch sheathed with WPC - wood-polymer composite

From how harmoniously and beautifully the porch will be decorated country house, largely depends on the general appearance of its facade. Outdoor stairs in the country can be made from the most different materials- poured from concrete, welded from metal or assembled from wood.

Basically, depending on this, the methods of decorating them are chosen. Of course, the design features of the exterior of the building must also be taken into account. About what the design of the porch should be, and we'll talk in this article.

Country porches can have a very different design, and, accordingly, a very different design. Sometimes it is a small ladder several steps in front of the house. Sometimes it is part of a large veranda or even a terrace that encircles the building. The design style of the porch, as already mentioned, directly depends on the design style of the building itself:

What should be the design style of a beautiful outdoor staircase

Decoration of the porch of a private house of an elite class with design modern style often performed using materials such as glass, plastic and chromed metal. Street stairs of cottages in classical style usually decorated with tiles. Sometimes forging is also used as decoration. The houses, with a country style design, are often complemented by beautiful wooden carved staircases.

Beautiful porch of a private house. Photo of a wooden carved structure with columns

Idea: A carved staircase decorated in white will look very nice near the Provence style building. Good for a chalet beautiful decoration in which forged patterns are used.

Porch decoration wooden house, in the event that it is necessary to preserve the natural structure of wood, it is performed using a special transparent oil instead of paint.

Original design ideas

Beautiful wooden porch. Photo of the construction, complemented by a stone parapet and flowers

In the design of this porch of the cottage, it was possible to successfully combine wood and natural stone. The modern lantern present in the decoration of the parapet only emphasizes the naturalness and extraordinary beauty of seemingly simple materials.

The original unusual design of the stairs made of concrete:

Porch design brick house. Photo of a beautiful radial design

The design of this small outdoor staircase, despite the lack of railings and different kind design delights, very elegant and at the same time strict. The architecture of the march itself is interesting here, and in particular the unusual shape of the steps.

In general, when choosing a design for a porch near the house, you just need to show a little imagination:

A beautiful porch of a private house can be decorated in different ways. Any outdoor staircase provides its owner with the widest field for the manifestation of imagination during the design.

How to decorate an outdoor staircase. Porch decoration

Arrangement of a porch in a private house. Step design

The steps of a concrete staircase are most often lined with ceramics and stone (natural or artificial). This design option for the porch of a concrete or brick building is just perfect. Treads when choosing such a design should be trimmed with beautiful rough tiles without a relief pattern.

Interesting design of the porch of a village house. The pattern of facing tiles repeats the pattern of paving

Advice: In front of the entrance doors of wooden buildings, small jellied ladders are also sometimes arranged. In this case, for their design it is worth using not a tile, but a polished or terraced board.

A beautiful porch of a wooden house can also be decorated in different ways. Most cottage owners still prefer not to hide the natural structure of this material. The steps of beautiful wooden street stairs are most often simply coated with special oil.

How to decorate the porch of the house. Photo of the process of processing the upper platform with oil

The painted wood entry porch steps also look good. For example, stairs look very elegant, with alternating colors. In this case, the design is performed using usually dark shades. Light colors are used in design for the most part only when required by the design style of the building itself.

On a note: Stair steps white color very harmoniously combined with either white railings or parapets, if dark gray stone is present in their design.

A beautiful white porch that harmoniously complements the exterior of the Scandinavian-style building

Very interesting is also such a way of decorating wood as firing.

The steps of the metal staircase of a private house are most often sheathed with wood. However, sometimes they can also be made from sheet metal.

Beautiful porch of a brick house. Photo design with metal steps

This option is quite aesthetic, but when decorating a high steep porch, it is better not to use it. Wet or icy metal can be quite slippery.

How to build a beautiful original staircase. railing design

The question of how to decorate the porch of the house comes down, among other things, to how to arrange its railing. Often this element becomes a real "highlight" of the design of the stairs. If desired, both vertical balusters and horizontal crossbars of an interesting beautiful shape can be used in their design.

How to decorate the porch of the house. Photo of an option with balusters of an interesting shape

Sometimes they are replaced with artistic filling. It can be openwork forging or beautiful through wood carving. Of course, such a design for modern-style concrete buildings is hardly suitable. In their design, it is better to use balusters or crossbars of a simple cylindrical shape made of galvanized steel.

Beautiful wings. Photo options with forged and galvanized railings

Handrail railings are most often made of wood or plastic. The first option is more suitable for the design of stairs of a chopped, cobbled or framed village building. Making the porch of a concrete or brick country house is often done using plastic. The handrails made of it look very good in combination with the galvanized metal parts of the street stairs. The porch railings of modern stone buildings can also be solid beautiful monolithic concrete or brick structures. In the first case, they are usually decorated with the same tile or stone as the steps.

Decoration of the porch in the country. Photo of a monolithic structure with steps and railings lined with granite

The parapets of the stairs of brick buildings can be laid out of beautiful facing bricks of different shades or from ordinary ones. In the latter case, their surface is often plastered.

How to decorate the porch of the house. Photo of the original street staircase with clinker steps and a facing brick parapet

How to make a beautiful design of a visor

The canopy can be attached either directly to the wall above the entrance, or rest on the elongated supports of the country porch. The design of the canopies on the poles usually follows the design of the railing. The visor itself is most often made of profiled sheet, wood or polycarbonate.

Photo of a simple design visor made of metal tiles

A beautiful porch to a wooden house, the design of which should be developed taking into account the exterior features of such buildings, is often complemented by a canopy sheathed with a board. The latter can be carved or painted. Canopies of street stairs of concrete and brick houses are usually made either from profiled sheet, or from translucent white or colored polycarbonate.

Arrangement of the porch of the cottage. Polycarbonate forged visor with an interesting shape

Wooden canopies can have not only a gable or single slope, but also an arched or even a domed shape.

Canopy porch design. Photo of a street staircase with a gable canopy

As for the shape itself, it is chosen based on the design features of the roof. So in combination with pitched roof a single-sided visor will look good. Beautiful triangular canopies "houses", as well as arched structures, are suitable for gable roofs. A hipped roof will harmoniously look with a round domed or hipped hipped visor.

Original design ideas for steps, railings and visors

The structural elements of the porches of private houses can often be quite unusual. Look, for example, at this design:

Unusual beautiful construction in the Russian style with steps made of logs

It's certainly not a porch. But who prevents lovers of everything original and unusual from making the steps of a wooden street staircase near the house from wide logs. A march with such a design, made by hand, will turn out both beautiful and inexpensive.

Combining polycarbonate and forged or cast metal, you can make a visor over the porch of a very interesting, beautiful and unusual design:

Original porch with a canopy made of polycarbonate and forged elements

The design of the porch railing is also very unusual. The owners of one of the log houses decided to make their design so beautiful and original:

Very unusual design of the porch of a private house. Photo of a structure with a railing made of snags

Agree, a very original decoration.

When drawing up a design project for a beautiful porch of a wooden or concrete house, consider factors such as the design features of the interior and exterior of the building itself, the material for the manufacture of steps, handrails and canopy, the design features of the yard, and also be guided by your own ideas about harmony and beauty. And then you will get not just a staircase at the entrance, but a real decoration of the facade, harmonious and stylish.

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TO The stigma is a functional element of any household and is its hallmark. Such a structure should be located at the entrance to the building and fit into the created exterior of the building. By choosing suitable material, you can build a luxurious porch to the house with your own hands. Projects, photos and design drawings can easily be found in our review. In addition to practical functions, this structure performs a decorative function. At the same time, the canopy and railings are decorated with beautiful carvings and other decorative elements.

In many buildings, the porch is part of the project and fits perfectly into the overall exterior.

The porch in a private house, photos of which can be viewed on the website, is an open area with a staircase in front of the entrance to the house. It can be of any shape, and also made of various materials.

Such a structure can be made in the following variations:

  • the structure of the attached type is more mobile.

Helpful information! To avoid skewed steps and cracks, a foundation must be installed.

Foundation: construction features for all types of porch

A strong foundation is needed to make a porch to the house with your own hands. Designs, photos and descriptions will help create a quality foundation.

The depth of the foundation for the porch and the house must be the same, otherwise the smaller structure may be displaced. The type of foundation depends on the material of the main structure. If brick or concrete is used, then the base must be reinforced.

Foundation installation begins with markings. Piles are driven into the corners of the resulting rectangle, and then a trench is made along the contour. For a large visor, you will need to install additional supports. Formwork is recommended. For it, boards, or chipboard, are used. It is also important to make waterproofing. In this case, the bottom of the pit is covered with roofing material. For reinforcement, bricks and a special mesh or are used. Then the concrete mixture is poured. Each layer of the solution must be rammed with a shovel.

Helpful information! After pouring, the foundation surface must be leveled and covered with roofing material. To the surface concrete pavement moisture must not get in in case of rain.

Related article:

Do-it-yourself porch to the house: projects, photos of various types of porch

Help to choose best design porch of a private house photos that can be found on the site. In this case, it is worth deciding on the material for the future design. Traditional options include wood, concrete, stone and brick, or metal.

Metal structures: the nuances of the device

Metal products are mounted using electric welding. The design is assembled from standard parts. If desired, you can use forging elements for a metal porch in a private house. The photo will allow you to choose interesting solutions.

Such a design is mounted in several stages:

  • two channels are laid in parallel at a distance of future steps. Then a corner is cut to the size of the steps;
  • a part equal to the height between the steps is cut off from the corner. Both elements are welded in the form of the letter G;
  • L-shaped parts are attached to the channel;
  • then the channel is connected using corners.

Ready. Steps made of any material are mounted on it. If more than three steps are provided, then railings are mounted. The visor completes the design.

Concrete options: design features

The concrete structure involves the continuation of the foundation in the steps. In this case, reinforcement is used, which will prevent the appearance of cracks. Such a structure requires additional cladding with stone or tiles.

Formwork is made for each step. The finished structure is covered with decorative material.

Helpful information! The space between the foundations of the main structure and the extension is sealed mineral wool which provides better structural stability.

Do-it-yourself wooden porch for a private house: installation features

Do-it-yourself wooden porch to the house is popular. Projects and photos of such structures are diverse. best material larch and other conifers are considered. For such raw materials, special protective impregnations are required.

Installation of a wooden structure consists of the following steps:

  • the manufacture of stairs includes the formation of a bowstring. These elements are connected to the base;
  • installation of the site consists of mounting the shelf boards to the finished base;
  • steps are being installed. At the same time, steps and risers are attached with the help of self-tapping screws;
  • the design is carried out with the help of railings and a canopy.
Helpful information! The durability of the structure depends on the correct preparation and processing of wood. The material must be well dried.

Related article:

Porch made of brick or stone

It is very difficult to make brickwork for the porch, since the brick must be laid out perfectly evenly. It is even more difficult to lay a stone porch without certain skills. The chipped edges don't fit together.

Simple options include the construction of a concrete staircase and facing it with stone or brick.

Visor options

An important addition to the extension is the canopy over the porch. The photo on the site allows you to see interesting options this element.

The visor is created from timber, metal, plexiglass or metal pipes. Wooden structures must be treated with special solutions every 2-3 years so that the wood does not deteriorate.

The visor should at least protrude half a meter beyond the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main structure. Piles for the canopy supports are mounted at the stage of creating the foundation. Polycarbonate, plexiglass or tiles can be used as a coating. This element must have a pitched shape.

Helpful information! A wooden structure or metal sheets can be coated with paint in several layers.

Which porch is better: glazed or open?

Used frequently closed porch for a private house. Photos of projects can be found on the Internet. Most often, these are transparent structures made of metal and glass. The frame and piles are made of metal. The walls are made of glass. A roof of this design can be combined with a balcony on the second floor.

The glazed version is made with a concrete foundation, a canopy and a staircase. The frame is made with the help of corners. In this case, the corners are attached to the installed piles.

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V country houses The first thing to look at is the exterior design. And the perception of the overall facade will also depend on the appearance of the porch of the house.

The facade can be designed absolutely in different styles, and using completely different materials in the work. Most often this is done from concrete structures, from metal welds or with the help of wooden inserts.

Depending on the material underlying this building, various decoration methods are selected. Of course, it is mainly necessary to combine all the elements with the elements of the house itself.

Porch interior design in country houses

The porch can have a variety of designs, thus we can conclude that the design can act in different aspects.

Sometimes it can be a small porch with a small staircase in front of the house, or it can be part of a large and spacious veranda of a country house, or a continuation summer terrace which covers almost the entire house. As already mentioned, the exterior of the outdoor porch will largely depend on the interior of the house.

Today, the design of the porch is done in an elite form, and materials such as glass, various variations of plastic, and chrome-plated metal add luxury to the design.

Outdoor stairs are now often decorated with classic decorative tiles (in most cases they are ceramics, as their "cold" properties are characteristic of the outside world).

It is also appropriate to use metal forging in creating the exterior: it will look very representative and beautiful. Country style is one of the dominant styles in the design of the exterior of the house. Country style goes well with wooden elements.

Another style that will complement the porch well is the Provence style. Provence style implies the dominance of white in the exterior, which means that a staircase decorated completely in white will look perfect.

Auxiliary inserts of forged patterns will add extra luxury. It is not ordinary paint that goes well with wood elements, but a special oil for wood coating.

A few good ideas

In the external design of private houses, you can competently combine wood and natural stone. For night time, you can put an original lantern next to it, which will only emphasize the naturalness of the design.

The staircase, which is deprived of railings, can be made of concrete, and on the outside it can be covered with tiles of natural shades: dark green, brown, the color of fresh soil. It looks elegant and at the same time strict. To show imagination at such moments is the time.

Wooden stairs are usually covered not with paint, but only with colorless wood coating oil - this is done in order to preserve the naturalness and purity of the material from which the landing is made.

Coloring with paint wooden stairs is also allowed. You can create a play of colors by alternating different colors for each step. In such a situation, one often resorts to dark shades rather than light colors.

Light shades are applied only when the building itself has such shades. Another interesting idea for decorating with wood is firing. Surface firing of wood will look old-fashioned, because some people really like this move.

The metal stairs of a country house are sometimes sheathed with wood. Most often they are made from sheet metal. Such variations are very literate, because the metal itself can be slippery and cold.

As for the railings, they can also be made of various materials. Metal railings will look more aesthetic when they are artistically designed. Metal is most often amenable to openwork forging or embellished with wooden carvings.

Parapets can be made using bricks. Brick can be either one shade or different tones. Combination will look good white brick with red.

Photo ideas for decorating the porch of a private house

The owners underestimate the porch of the house, but in vain, it can be significantly transformed with your own hands, as in the photo. The porch is important element facade of a country house, which is the face of the owners. The main entrance emphasizes the architecture, the view of a country house. You will not surprise anyone with the same type of buildings, so everyone wants to highlight their structure. There are ideas that will make it beautiful, cozy for relaxing on fresh air. We will talk about interesting design ideas - shapes, finishes, materials used, design ideas.


The choice of size, shape depends on:

  • architectural features;
  • the size of the house itself;
  • personal tastes of the owner.

Designers believe that the canopy, railings should be done in the same style reading with the roof, balcony of the house.

Let's give an example: a house with a gable roof requires a similar porch canopy, but if bars are installed on the windows, the railing should have a similar forged pattern. No exception and the type of columns, arches, other decorating details.

We note several main types of projects, design:

  • Discovery is a popular type; most often has a visor, railings; decorated with decor, which are transferred to the house in winter.
  • Closed - has transparent or translucent walls made of materials: glass, polycarbonate, mosquito net. Such visors decorate the entrance, hallway, provide a place to rest in any weather.
  • Hinged - this type is built if there is a basement in the house, and also, if such a need is required by the area near the house; the structure resembles a balcony.
  • Terrace - an extended porch used as a place to relax.

In addition, it is worth noting possible types protrusions - rounded or rectangular.

The enclosed porch has high level heat and sound insulation. Glazing is recommended to be carried out using a composite.

To create a project, you must first measure the area in front of the house. Of course, if available large space, it is better to make a veranda porch, which will become an excellent protector from rain, snow, and also play the role of a family resting place. If there is not as much space as we would like, a semicircular veranda is a great option. If you do not overload the interior with decor, a monochrome structure will visually expand the space.

Important points:

For a wooden house

A wooden house is characterized by comfort, complete safety for the human body. The most used materials for building a porch to a wooden house are timber, boards.


If you want to insulate it, you will additionally need siding. To make the extension look cozy, you can use the clapboard.

The presence of a railing cannot be ignored if the entrance has several steps. This element is not only practical, but also perfectly decorates the finish. Our advice is to take some time to decorate the railing with carvings.

Wood is an inexpensive but whimsical material. Be sure to cover it with paint or varnish to avoid rotting, deformation. It is also recommended to cover the material special composition from different beetles. With the observance of such technology, the structure will last for more than a decade.

Using logs is a creative process. Here you need to adhere to the basic rule - we compact the site before construction. The rest is in the hands of the owner.

The porch and the house are one ensemble, but you should not limit your imagination during decoration. Do you want to make it sophisticated? Add some lanterns, hanging flower pots, paintings.

If you like luxury, aristocracy, then your option is artistic forging, sculptures near the entrance, a small fountain. An artificial fireplace will look great, giving warmth, comfort family vacation outdoors.

Varieties of the porch

Porch: awnings

Each porch requires a canopy, because it not only protects from precipitation, but also protects from injuries in winter. If the canopy is built only for protection, then the usual design, which has a simple, expensive design, will do.

The main principle in this case is accuracy, cleanliness. Suitable materials for this:

  • polycarbonate;
  • metallic profile;
  • metal tiles;
  • soft tiles;
  • corrugated board;
  • slate.

You should adhere to the same style of house and canopy.

Some prefer more original canopies, for example:

  • in Russian;
  • classical;
  • modern styles.

In this case, the selection of appropriate materials for the frame, flooring is required. For example, a house made of timber requires a wooden structure, an opaque roof.

The wrought-iron canopy looks great. Unfortunately, there are not enough own forces here, you will need to order the product in special workshops. Such a canopy not only performs the function of protection, but is already a significant part in the design. Finishing corresponds to the uniform design of the railings, platforms, stairs. The sophistication of the visor can be added with the help of lanterns, hanging flowerpots.


Forged canopy is perfectly combined with polycarbonate. Transparency makes it possible to appreciate the luxury of a forged product.

Speaking about the material, it is better to choose metal, as it is characterized by:

  • High strength - metal supports are able to withstand any weight of the roof.
  • The ability to build a structure of any area.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Availability, a wide range of materials in stores.
  • Easy mounting.
  • Wide range of modeling possibilities.
  • Ease of maintenance.

The tree is slightly inferior to the above induced material in terms of technical characteristics. But it is suitable for a canopy of a small porch, while it will please with a low price, aesthetic appearance.


A porch that is completely made of polycarbonate is a rarity. Most often, this is just a canopy. In the case of using polycarbonate, the visor acquires several advantages:

  • Originality, completeness of appearance.
  • Protection entrance doors from sunlight, heavy rain.
  • Practicality, originality, low price of the material.
  • It is characterized by excellent flexibility, stability, reliability.

It is not recommended to make the entire terrace out of polycarbonate, as it is not entirely beautiful. It is better to combine it with wood, natural stones. It looks quite stylish, extraordinary.

Small country cottage area, modest homes look good with a plain polycarbonate visor. Refinement will add a tree in combination with polycarbonate. A steel frame is suitable for mansions - original, solid. Dark shades will give maximum style.

Want more vibrant colors? Then flowerpots with cute flowers placed on the frame are an excellent design element that gives comfort. Chairs, sofas can be decorated with bright pillows to match the main color.


An enclosed porch is an extension that is protected on each side. In fact, this is a separate room. The type of building must meet general view Houses. Is the aesthetic aspect important to you? Then combine these two elements with something common, for example:

For lovers of bold decisions, like the combination wooden extension and brick / stone facade - suitable if the house has any wooden element - shutters, balcony.

Often there are extensions to private houses with glazing, polycarbonate frames.


The visor is an architectural facade structure that performs decorative and protective functions. It can be performed in the following ways:

  • Modular - consists of prefabricated parts; easy to install.
  • Monolithic - a solid element together with walls; maximum strength and durability.

The visor is an architectural facade structure

The choice of material depends on your taste, but still pay attention to the harmony of the overall style. This also applies to the form, if there is imagination, it can even be unusual bends.

Visors are divided according to the method of fastening:

  • Suspended - small size, made of lightweight materials, suspensions are used for installation.
  • Supports - props are used.

The visor is able to give the structure a unique look, which is why we pay maximum attention to this issue. Here are some design solutions:

  • The beams supporting the structure can be made in the form of antique-style columns - this gives a refined, luxurious look.
  • Wooden props can be styled antique, and a gable classic canopy will add fabulousness to the building; don't forget other decorating aspects in the landscape to complete the picture.
  • Love brevity? Then your option is a monolithic visor with the style of finishing the whole house - strictly, but solidly.
  • Using the same architectural details, you will definitely win, for example, it can be a veranda or a roof slope.
  • The arched canopy has a special effect, it softens the shape of the facade, makes the house visually more comfortable.

The level of protection, the visual effect depends on the size of the canopy. Small canopies are suitable for small houses. Large - this is most likely the necessary protection of solid buildings.


An important part is the choice of lighting. If the canopy has a strict shape, it is better to choose built-in lights, they will not disturb the overall composition. The same lighting is ideal for highlighting active decor, drawing attention to the right accents.

Lighting is an important part when planning a porch.

For classic extensions, it is better to choose hanging chandeliers small size. Universal idea - wall sconces. Neon lights and figurines with artificial light look unusual.

Stylistics, textures

  • facade;
  • fencing;
  • gate.

You can highlight such basic styles, design solutions will be introduced below. But the combination of different textures looks interesting.

For example, a path that smoothly turns into a brick railing with wooden balusters. Try to smooth out the sharp roof with the smooth shapes of the walkway, and connect the round balcony and rectangular steps with the sidewalk.


Characteristic features - strict, seasoned, moderate style. The extension is equipped with a gable roof, which can be supplemented with beautiful columns, railings with rounded balusters. Facing materials, suitable for classicism - natural stones, ceramics, painted wood.

Russian style

The entrance has long been distinguished by sophistication. The extension is decorated with:

  • carved elements;
  • turned balusters;
  • pillars made in a complex shape;
  • various ornate patterns.

Now the Russian style is especially popular. It involves the use natural materials, handmade decor.

Middle Ages

Pretty modern style. Such a veranda is similar to ancient fortresses, which are decorated with natural stone. You can decorate the front entrance with torch lamps, forged gratings, unhewn logs.

This type will attract the attention of others with its luxury.


Wooden structure with carved pillars, railings. For decoration, you should use the maximum number of colors in a variety of readings:


Distinctive features - the presence of regular shapes, restrained lines. The extension has the appearance of a small restrained structure, for the cladding of which natural stones are used, ceramic tiles. For decoration, figurines, flower pots are used.


Has two readings:

Combines Greek, Roman culture. A characteristic feature is a stone courtyard, supplemented by multi-tiered steps. Sandstone is used for decoration, metal elements are used for decoration.

Combination of Italian, Spanish, French style. The difference is the maximum of irregularities, relief. Appearanceoutdoor terrace, located in several tiers. The floor area is covered with paving stones, sometimes with clinker. The flooring near the house is made of deck boards. The canopy is arranged on columns. Concrete balusters are placed throughout the veranda. Fountains, flower tubs, sculptures are used as decor.


One of the varieties of European style, which has charm. The highlight is the availability glass door with a lattice in openwork execution. The design should be decorated with curly elements, beautiful wicker furniture, a lot of fresh flowers (pots on the floor, hanging flowerpots).

Fortress house

Massive veranda finished natural stones. Relevant details - the presence of forged gratings, torch lamps. Lattices can be decorated with flower pots.


Combines metal gratings, decorative brick elements. Covered with a gable roof. The decor is plants that curl. Isre dka details from a tree which are painted in natural shades are used.


A patio is an outdoor terrace that adjoins the house. It has a table and benches. In such a territory you can gladly receive guests in the summer. The only difference is the absence of a visor or roof. Most often, the patio combines a porch and a garden gazebo in terms of its functionality.

Construction material


Most often, metal elements are:

  • roof;
  • steps;
  • railing.

But you can find completely metal structures. The main advantages of such visors are high strength and durability.

This design requires additional expenses for painting, coating with a special compound to avoid the appearance of corrosion and rust. A metal floor is a very bold decision, because it is cold. Terraces additional additionally covered wooden beam, concrete.

Metal construction - high strength

The design of this veranda is strict, but stylish. To dilute cold shades, we recommend adding interesting decor, bright colors, install more light sources.


Concrete construction is considered the cheapest, most versatile, but at the same time reliable material. The main advantage is a long service life, since the monolithic structure is resistant to various factors. We note a simple repair, decoration. In addition, with the help of concrete, you can create any form, and this will not increase the price, construction time.

Concrete construction - the cheapest and most versatile option

It is good to use clinker tiles for decoration, natural stones and paint look good. If you are a supporter of modern style, then leave the siding facade unfinished - this will emphasize the texture of the walls.

from brick

Reliable, unpretentious variation. A veranda made of such material is a little more expensive than those induced, but quite an attractive solution. Although the construction takes a lot of time, requires a lot of effort, in the future, the owners will be happy with ease of maintenance. Immediately, we note that the floor, steps should be additionally covered with concrete.

From natural stone

Natural stones are strong, durable, beautiful material. This design has several variations. Excellent design decision- the use of two types of stones, one of which is for the base (more expensive, more reliable), the second for decoration. This extension is resistant to bad weather, does not require special care.

Natural stones are a durable material


Now let's look at the steps:

  • A concrete staircase should be lined with ceramics, natural or artificial stones, last option would save. Excellent option for concrete, brick buildings. Treads are recommended to be finished with rough-type tiles (without relief, pattern).
  • Wooden steps can be made in completely different ways. Of course, you don’t want to hide the natural texture of wood, so you can cover them with oil or varnish.

You can paint the stairs. Elegant, cheerful option - alternation of shades. But it is better to choose dark tones.

It looks good wood finish according to the firing method.

Metal steps are most often trimmed with wood, but there are stairs made of tin sheets. Although it looks aesthetically pleasing, elegant, but not the best way as wet or icy material may cause injury.

The steps will be completed with original railings that can become a highlight. For decoration, vertical type balusters, horizontal crossbars are used, the main thing is an interesting shape that suits the style.


  • For metal - the use of openwork forging.
  • Wood - through carving.

For handrails, wood (chopped, block, frame stairs) or plastic (concrete, brick) should be used. The parapet of steps can be laid out with a beautiful facing brick of a suitable shade.

It is recommended to install step heating. The harsh winter climate turns the porch into an icy area. If concrete was chosen as the base, a heating cable can be laid under it. For wooden buildings, a special anti-icing system is provided.

Country ideas

Here are a few interesting ideas regarding the design of the country terrace:

  • Lots of space? Then add small table, several stools with cushions.
  • Place flower pots on the steps, walls.
  • A woven or knitted rug will add warmth.
  • Climbing plants are a natural decoration for the veranda.
  • On the walls you can hang compositions of dried fruits, plants, flowers.
  • An unusual idea for autumn is the use of an old watering can, rubber boots for planting flowers.
  • Home furnishings are provided with a carpet, a wicker table, small rocking chairs.
  • You can make a small rug of shells with your own hands.
  • Soft curtains of a light shade will save you on a hot day.


Making, landscaping the veranda requires the right selection of furniture. For this, garden furniture is suitable: