How to close pipes in a toilet: options, materials and technologies. How to close the pipes in the toilet: step by step instructions Interesting ideas to close the pipes behind the toilet

  • 29.08.2019

Thinking about a project overhaul in the toilet, you have to solve many different tasks - from global to very minor. One of the most significant problems is the masking of plumbing communications. The builder has to find golden mean between attractive appearance and comfortable design.

On the one hand, the owners want the pipes to be completely hidden from view (unless, of course, we are talking about loft-style repairs), and on the other hand, it is very important to provide trouble-free access to plumbing units, because the need for urgent repairs sometimes arises unexpectedly .

In search of the optimal solution to the problem, repairmen and manufacturers of finishing materials have come up with several ways to mask plumbing and sewer pipes. In this article we will talk about the most popular options, from which you can choose the one that seems to you the most successful.

Decoration materials

You can close plumbing connections in the toilet using various building and finishing materials, as well as special equipment. Read more about each option below.


Drywall is considered one of the most affordable and convenient materials that are used in construction and repair. It is used for a variety of needs, including sewing up pipes in the bathroom. The advantages of drywall are:

  • health safety;
  • convenience in work and operation;
  • the possibility of quick dismantling;
  • relatively low price;
  • the possibility of installing doors and other structural elements;
  • availability various ways finishes.

PVC panels

PVC panels

Plastic panels (it would be more correct to say from polyvinyl chloride) solve two problems at the same time: they block pipes and make the resulting structure more aesthetic. On sale you can easily find PVC panels that look no less aesthetically pleasing than ceramic tiles. For other benefits plastic panels can be attributed:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • low cost;
  • the ability to make a design that, if necessary, can be disassembled;
  • a large selection of colors and textures;
  • no need for decorative trim;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes.


Drywall and PVC panels are used to mask pipes in the toilet in the same way - they make a box into which communications are hidden. Drywall sheets or plastic panels are mounted on the frame. The frame for these materials needs a different one, but the principles for installing the box are very similar. It should be possible to access the most important structural elements - for repair and maintenance work.

It should be borne in mind that the drywall box will need finishing - as a rule, the drywall construction is lined with ceramic tiles, but you can get by with simple painting.

Plumbing cabinet

Another type of structure that allows you to seal pipes in the toilet is a plumbing cabinet. It differs from the box by the obligatory presence of large doors and built-in shelves that can be used to store household items. You can make a sanitary cabinet yourself from ordinary furniture facades, purchase a ready-made one, or order an individual project from a company that manufactures furniture for bathrooms.

roller shutters

Plumbing shutters have become widespread relatively recently. They are a mobile structure consisting of a base frame and dozens of narrow panels, which, if necessary, are assembled into a roll, providing access to the pipes. Roller shutters for the toilet are made of materials that are not afraid of moisture. You can control this device using buttons or remotely using the remote control.

On sale you can find sanitary roller shutters of different colors, including those decorated with drawings and ornaments.


An option for masking pipes in a bathroom, very similar to the previous one, is plumbing blinds. Roller shutters, in essence, are a later, modified type of blinds. The latter are much simpler - the design does not provide for a frame, and only mechanical control is possible. Blinds are made mainly of plastic, so they are moisture resistant, but not very durable.

improvised materials

You can also decorate unsightly plumbing and sewer pipes with the help of improvised means. What materials to use - depends only on your imagination. Here are some of the most interesting and easily implemented ideas:

  • paint the pipes in a bright color or draw patterns on them;
  • disguise pipes as trees, turning the toilet into a forest or jungle;
  • wrap the pipes with twine or braid;
  • use artificial plants for decoration;
  • paste over the pipes with decorative stones;
  • Decorate pipes with special stickers and stickers for home decor.

Sheathing methods

So, in order to sew up communications in the toilet, you can use one of the two most suitable materials for this: drywall or plastic panels. We have compiled for you brief instructions for the construction of pipe barriers.

How to block pipes with a false plasterboard wall?

First you need to stock up on tools and materials for work. To build a drywall box, we need:

  • the required number of drywall sheets;
  • metal profiles and guides;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • building level;
  • perforator and screwdriver;
  • hacksaw and scissors for metal;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowel-nails.
  • The first step is to draw the layout of the future box on the floor and on the walls. Profiles and guides will be laid along it, so it is very important to measure everything accurately. When calculating the dimensions of the box, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the finishing materials (in our case - ceramic tiles).
  • Further, in accordance with the calculations made, we cut the metal profile into several parts of the required length. With the help of dowel-nails, we fasten the sections of the profile according to the markup.
  • Now we cut out the details from the drywall sheet that will serve as the sides of our box. We fasten the profile to the drywall blanks with self-tapping screws. We insert the resulting structure into the frame assembled in the previous paragraph.
  • We cut ceiling profile into several parts equal to the width of the box, and install them as jumpers. We close the front of the box with drywall.
  • At the final stage, we bring our design “to mind”: we strengthen the joints between the plasterboard sheets, putty, mount the protective corners. Lastly, we apply decorative coating- paint the box or tile it.

How to block pipes with plastic panels?

The set of tools and materials needed to build a plastic panel box is very similar to the one we used in the previous section. The only difference is in the following points:

  • PVC panels;
  • metal ud- and cd-profiles;
  • silicone-based sealant;
  • plastic plinth;
  • cutter or sharp knife.
  • First, we mount the frame. We do everything in almost the same way as in the case of drywall profiles: we draw the markup, cut the profiles, fasten them to dowels or self-tapping screws. In advance, in the right places, we install crossbars-jumpers that will be located between the panels.
  • Now let's move on to paneling the frame. First of all, we mount the starting profile and fix the first panel on it with self-tapping screws. We alternately set the required number of panels, attaching each subsequent one to the previous one. To install the last panel, use the start profile.
  • Armed with a knife or cutter, we cut holes in the right places for installing doors. In places where the panels are joined, we fasten a plastic plinth.

Which option to choose: close the pipes with roller shutters, hide them behind blinds, sew them up with drywall or close them up with plastic panels? The decision will largely depend on what financial resources you have. Most budget options- these are blinds and PVC panels.

Masking with drywall requires tiling the structure, and plumbing shutters are not cheap in themselves, just like custom-made plumbing cabinets.

What needs to be done before installation?

Whichever way you choose to mask the pipes in the toilet, before blocking them completely, make sure that all elements of plumbing communications are in good condition and repairs will not be needed soon. It is also recommended to take the following preventive measures:

  • if possible and if necessary, replace the old parts of the system with new ones;
  • make sure that there is no danger of leaks in the near future;
  • check the condition of water and sewer pipes;
  • seal all joints and connections.

Numerous pipes, risers, bends, meters and valves - all located in small bathroom, which already does not differ in special beauty. It is not surprising that when doing, many people think about how to hide pipes. As part of this article, we will understand and show a photo of how to properly hide pipes in a toilet or bathroom.

AT standard apartments, as a rule, the bathroom is separate and the bulk of communications such as the plumbing system, the water supply is also connected there and all this is located in the toilet, turning it into a kind of technical booth where the toilet was accidentally installed. In a private house, things are simpler and, nevertheless, there are a couple of pipes that catch your eye. There are many ways to decorate them, but before you hide the pipes in the toilet, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work.

Before starting work

When planning a bathroom and toilet renovation, be sure to consider a way to mask the water pipes.

First of all, you need to make sure that the communications are working properly. In no case should there be corrosive areas and, especially, leaks. Before hiding heating and water supply pipes, it is advisable to insulate them.
In advance, you need to determine the location of technological hatches and install main filters for water purification. Recently, roller shutters for the toilet have been especially popular. This option combines neat appearance and full access to communications.
Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the walls. You need to make sure that there are no traces of mold or fungus on them. In the presence of the latter, a thorough mechanical cleaning and double treatment with fungicides are carried out.

Important! Plumbing hatches will provide free access to those areas of communications that need periodic maintenance, such as meters, filters.

How to choose a plumbing hatch: access to communications

A plumbing or inspection hatch installed in the walls allows you to maintain access to the main elements of communications. There are several options on the construction market:

  • Finished hatches. Usually, plastic, can also be made of metal or stainless steel. Do not need additional finishing.
  • Inspection hatches are installed if the question is how to hide all the pipes in the toilet or in the bathroom under the tiles. They belong to the category of invisible hatches. The sanitary door is decorated with the same finishing materials that are used for the walls, making it almost invisible.
    The frame of such hatches is steel, and the doors are made of gypsum fiber. Used for openings different size making piping in the toilet as accessible as possible.

Inspection hatches: plastic (left) and decorated tiles(on right)

  • Sanitary hatches for painting are aluminum frame and a drywall door that can be painted any color you choose. The design does not imply finishing with other materials.

Pipe box: configuration, installation

A decorative box for covering pipes is suitable in most cases. Depending on the placement of communications, it can be made in several versions.

  • False wall. simple and fast way hide the pipes if they are located along one of the walls, usually behind the toilet. Of course, the wall will take at least 50 cm, the already small length of the toilet. But this problem can be solved by setting wall hung toilet, which is mounted on a special module hidden behind the wall.
    The drain tank will also be located behind the wall inside the pipe box. In this case, to provide access to important elements communications or change the coarse water filter, install several simple plumbing hatches.
  • Beveled false wall. This option is resorted to when thinner branches go in different directions from the nodal riser. The wall in this case is located at an acute angle to the side and back walls. This option looks interesting, but it will take a lot of usable space.

Beveled false wall (left) and flat false wall (right)

  • Multilevel boxes. In some toilets, if you protect all communications with a wall, there simply will not be room for a toilet bowl. In this case, resort to a multi-level box. Each individual structural element masks a certain section of the pipe. Multi-level designs look very interesting and allow you to functionally use the end part of the pipe box.
  • A square box is mounted when the piping in the toilet is simple, all pipes and a coarse water filter are located in one corner. It takes up little space.

The choice of material for finishing the box

Usually, the same material is used for lining the boxes as for the walls. And the most popular, of course, is. And not only for aesthetic reasons, it is easy to clean, resistant to disinfectants and durable.

Finishing the box with plastic (left) and tiles (right)

In addition to ceramics, plastic panels are laid. They are cheaper and less reliable, but if pipe repairs are required, such a box is easier to dismantle. Sometimes the construction of a box made of drywall is only painted, but the option is not practical and durable. In addition, dirt accumulates in the pores of the paint, and this contributes to the development of bacteria.
Facing stone, brick or mosaic are more often used only fragmentarily, to highlight certain areas. Thus, for example, it is possible to allocate a plumbing hatch for ceramic tiles.

Box installation

On the initial stage it is necessary to decide on the choice of material for finishing the box. If it is ceramic tiles or, the frame is made of a metal profile and sheathed with drywall. For plastic or wood panels with a waterproof coating, the frame can be made from wooden blocks that do not need additional sheathing.
The installation of the box is carried out in several stages. Preparatory work include measurements and marking the location of the structure, taking into account the thickness of the material. The structure of the box must be at least 3 cm from the pipes.
The next step is fixing the frame elements. When a profile is fixed around the perimeter of the future structure, guide elements lead from it and form an angle. Sheets of drywall are cut in such a way that the box for covering pipes, if possible, consists of separate strips.

Drywall is attached to the profile with self-tapping screws. If further finishing involves painting or wallpapering, the structure is primed, puttied and sanded with sandpaper.
In no case should you close the so-called revision areas, they are used to clean sewer pipes. They also provide access to the meter, taps and open the coarse filter of tap water.

Roller shutters in the toilet

Plumbing modern roller shutters in the toilet are installed if all pipes are located along the back wall. They represent a canvas of lamellas, which moves along vertical guides, and is wound on top of a shaft protected by a box.

Roller shutters for masking pipes in the toilet and bathroom

The main advantage of roller shutters is that they are able to provide free access to pipes. More often, roller shutters in the bathroom are attached directly to the wall and ceiling. Installation is carried out as at the initial stage repair work as well as after their completion.
Before proceeding with the installation of blinds, it is necessary to measure the diagonals of the openings. The difference between the two measurements should not exceed 5 mm. And make sure that the vertical and horizontal slopes correspond to the level. The most practical for the toilet will be a built-in installation, a box in or out.

Important! It is better to install roller shutters before laying tiles. Thus, it will be possible to hide the gaps between the wall and the guides.

Installation of roller shutters

Markings are made on the guide rails. 10-15 cm recede from each edge of the tire, on the rest of the segment the marks are distributed evenly, in increments of 45-50 cm. Holes with a diameter of 11.8 mm are drilled in the inner wall of the tire to attach the box to the opening.
On the edge of the front flanging of the box and its cover, joint holes with a diameter of 4.2 mm are drilled, two on each side. In the future, they will be used to fix the box cover with rivets. Further, a hole with a diameter of 8 mm is distinguished and drilled in the upper flanging of the box panel for fixing it in the opening.

Scheme of installation of roller shutters for a sanitary cabinet

Assemble the roller shutter frame (box and guides) and install it in the opening strictly according to the level. The iron sheet is led over the drive shaft from the side of the rear wall of the box into the guide rails. At the edge of the canvas, traction springs are fixed and fixed to the shaft. Fix the box cover. Close the holes with plugs. Check system operation.

Advice! Roller shutters to the toilet are usually plain, and this is not in the best way affects their aesthetic qualities. You can make them more attractive and match the finish with the help of airbrushing.

In the toilet rooms of well-maintained houses and apartments, sewer risers and various water supply pipes equipped with various taps and meters are installed. Most often, undisguised communications are laid along the walls, which spoil the look of the toilet room. You cannot remove them, but you can close or hide them.

To solve this problem with your own hands and without any hassle, there are many ways that will help not only hide the pipes, but also make the interior of the toilet more harmonious.

Choice of material for closing pipes

The modern construction market offers a large selection of finishing materials. However, not all of them can be used to hide pipes in the toilet.

Materials should be chosen that will not corrode and change their shape when high humidity and temperature. In addition, with their help it should be possible to build a compact and lightweight structure.

For finishing materials similar characteristics relate:

  • drywall;
  • moisture resistant grades of plywood;
  • plastic panels;
  • simple and ennobled MDF;
  • roller shutters;
  • tile.

In order to determine how much material is needed to close the pipes, it is recommended draw a toilet plan on a scale, put on it the location of communications and draw various options box location. Thus, it will be possible to understand which of them will look more organic and save more space in the room.

In addition, do not forget that when building a box with your own hands, which will hide the pipes, you should leave an opening for free access to pipes. Its dimensions should be such that plumbing work can be carried out freely.

It should also be borne in mind that the box with which communications will be closed must be made so that in the event of an accident or if pipes need to be replaced, it can be easily disassembled.

How to close pipes with a drywall box

A false wall made of drywall or drywall is the easiest and cheapest option for hiding pipes in a toilet. GKL should be waterproof, with the greatest thickness of the sheet.

For the construction of a drywall box, first of all, it will be necessary build a frame consisting of guides and rack profiles. A tight connection will need to be ensured between the concrete or brick base and the frame.

Materials that will be needed for the manufacture of the structure:

  1. Metallic profile.
  2. Drywall.
  3. Self-tapping screws for metal.
  4. Dowel for fastening the profile.
  5. Putty.
  6. Decoration Materials(ceramic tiles, wallpaper or paint).

Required tools:

  • Perforator or drill.
  • Level.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Putty knife.
  • Drywall knife.

Do-it-yourself work on the construction of the box is recommended to start from the floor. With the help of a tape measure measure a piece of profile, cut off its length and evenly attach to the floor. In the floor, through the profile, make holes with a drill into which to hammer the dowels.

Before attaching the profile to the side walls, its location must be determine by level. To do this, the profile is placed along the edge of the piece attached at the bottom and aligned. A line is marked with a pencil along which the profile will need to be fixed.

If the box is solid, then between the side sections of the profile it will be necessary to install longitudinal ones, to which drywall will subsequently be attached.

After all profiles are installed, to them sheets are attached. To do this, the necessary piece is measured, which is cut off with a knife and fastened with self-tapping screws. The step between the fasteners must be at least 20 centimeters.

Seams between sheets of drywall sealed with putty and reinforcing mesh, which prevents the appearance of cracks at the seams. The opening left for free access to the pipes can be closed with a pre-purchased special hatch with a magnetic lock.

After completing the installation of the box, you can proceed to its lining. An inexpensive and quick finishing option is box painting in the color of the walls of the toilet water-based or oil paint. First you should not forget to putty the finished structure. However, keep in mind that from time to time you will need to do redecorating renewing the paint.

The most durable option for finishing a false wall is the use of ceramic tiles. This is quite expensive, but at the same time the most common way.

Facing the box with ceramic tiles

For laying tiles you will need:

Primarily adhesive is being prepared with which the tile will be attached to the structure. To do this, the dry mixture is added in small portions to the water and stirred with a mixer. The resulting solution should be of medium consistency, that is, not too thick and not too liquid.

Laying tiles starts from the floor. At first the rail is laid and leveled, and then a tile is glued on it.

To attach a tile to its inner surface with a spatula apply adhesive mixture and distribute it evenly. Then the tile leans and presses a little against the wall.

Between tiles insert plastic crosses, leaving a gap of 2-4 mm thick. Subsequently, it will need to be rubbed with a special mixture for tile joints.

How to close pipes with plastic panels

Installation of plastic panels is simple and cheap way closing communications in the toilet. Plastic is flexible and lightweight, easy to use and affordable.

Panels are attached to the frame, which is built from metal profiles or wooden slats. Using self-tapping screws, a starting F-bar is installed on the frame, into which pieces of the panel cut off to the required size are inserted.

Each subsequent panel with the one already installed must be connected using the lock on the edge of the strip. Long panels in the middle part desirable additionally fasten with self-tapping screws.

To hide the corners and edges of the sheets, it is recommended to use additional corner profiles, skirting boards or starting line. The joints of the panels, which are close to sources of moisture, can additionally be treated with silicone.

How to close the pipes in the toilet with roller shutters

Installing roller shutters is more practical, as they provide free access to pipes. You can mount them in separate blocks or on the entire wall.

However, the installation of roller shutters is quite complicated.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • installation kit for roller shutters;
  • fixing material;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • drill.

Before starting work on the installation of roller shutters, the walls in the toilet must be leveled so that the distance between them is the same.

Roller blinds are installed in the structure from steel profiles , the distance between which should be equal to the width of the roller shutters.

When installing roller shutters in the first place guides are installed. Then the upper box is attached, to the drum shaft of which lamellas are attached.

Having installed the last lamella, the design must be check for closing and opening. In this case, it should be noted that the lamellas should be in the grooves of the guide bars.

Since for the installation of roller shutters experience required it is best to seek the help of a specialist.

When solving the problem of closing pipes in the toilet, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the functional component must be in harmony with the design of the room. The design can not be mounted independently, but bought and installed special decorative boxes designed to hide pipes. The choice depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and how the pipeline is laid in the toilet room.