Underfloor heating in the house: heating systems, their pros and cons, the nuances of choice and installation features. Water heated floors in a wooden house Heating a wooden floor from heating

  • 27.06.2020

Underfloor heating technology allows you to solve the problem of heating different houses. As you know, a warm floor, unlike a radiator system, has a lot of advantages. However, some may object that this heating method cannot be mounted in wooden house. In this article, we will dispel this notion. Moreover, there are several really working technologies that allow you to install a water heated floor on wooden base.

Is it possible

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, many doubt how realistic it is to equip a warm water floor in a wooden house. It should be said right away that this is not only possible, but also a completely reasonable solution. Of course, it is necessary to take into account some features and abandon the usual technologies, for example, pouring the screed. But on the other hand, it also facilitates the implementation of the task, because less labor is required.

For example, in a wooden house, heating floors above 30 ° C is prohibited. Otherwise, the floor surface may be deformed. For this reason, a warm floor must necessarily have a mixing unit and a comb. Thanks to this device, the temperature will be lowered. Among other things, it is necessary to use temperature control. Here the preference is given to the automatic system.

Moreover, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of floor material. Why? Heating materials such as parquet, laminate and linoleum above 25°C can lead to the release of toxic fumes, namely formaldehyde. This is explained by the fact that it is extremely important to clearly regulate and control the temperature of the heat carrier of the warm floor in a wooden house.

Possible difficulties

Among other things, you need to understand what difficulties you will encounter when performing such work. As you know, the principle of operation of a warm floor is that the heated surface accumulates, and then transfers thermal energy. In the traditional version, all this works very simply, the screed heats up and it accumulates heat, and then gives it to the room.

As for the system on a wooden field, the situation is different here. Wood is not a very good thermal conductor. Perhaps someone will think, why not pour an ordinary screed onto a wooden floor? But in this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that 1 m 2 will have a load of up to 300 kg. Of course, this is a huge load from the water system on the wooden floor.

Ways to install a warm floor

A warm water floor can be organized in several ways. Let's take a look at each of these technologies:

  1. The use of special mats. This refers to structures in which there are grooves for laying the water circuit. The base floor is pre-levelled. For this, plywood or other board material. The use of this modular system completely eliminates the need for a screed. The laid water circuit is covered with DSP, and the finishing floor material is mounted on top of the base.
  2. Concrete floors on wooden floors. As already mentioned, this option is not optimal for the reason that a lot of pressure will be exerted on the overlap. Moreover, it is necessary to perform high-quality waterproofing of all wooden elements. In this case, a water-heated floor on a wooden floor will cost a lot.
  3. Floor milling. This method is not entirely easy, as it involves the manufacture of special grooves in a wooden field. In this case, the wooden floor will act as mats. This method is the most affordable and not expensive. As a result, the cost of packaging will be significantly reduced. warm floors.

Another option is also known, how to organize underfloor heating. Underfloor heating wooden lags will include laying heating circuits between the lags. Thanks to this, the base will give a pleasant and comfortable warmth to the feet. To implement this method, it is necessary to completely dismantle the boards and lay the heating circuit in the logs. Thus, a warm water floor in a wooden house will become a reality.

What is needed for work

First of all, you need to prepare all construction material and tool. The complete set of the tool will depend on the technology you choose. In general, for work you will need a set carpentry tools, tape measure, pipes for underfloor heating and fittings, a locksmith tool kit, a screwdriver and the like. Plus, you may need a rule, a level, a hammer drill, an angle grinder, and more.

Underfloor heating technology

Now consider the features of the manufacturing technology of a warm water floor in a wooden house. In our case, we will consider an example where we use polypropylene pipes. Why are they. Everything is very simple. Plastic pipes are connected using special fittings. There is a sealing gum on the fittings, there may be several of them on it. Over time, these rubber bands weaken and can leak. And, given that the tree is afraid of moisture, this phenomenon is not very favorable. There are expensive high quality metal fittings on sale, but not everyone can afford them. Polypropylene welding technology allows you to create a monolithic connection. It is more durable. The main thing is to follow the soldering technology correctly.

So, the work process is as follows. First, the project of the entire warm floor in a wooden house is carried out. It is necessary to determine the hydraulic calculation. It is important to determine how effective this or that water circuit will be in a wooden house. Only after all these works, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage. You may need the help of specialists here so that all calculations are performed correctly and in accordance with existing standards.

The next step is to prepare the floor. First of all, determine if there are irregularities. If there is a difference in the floor, then you can level it with plywood or other sheet material. It is also necessary to create a waterproofing layer.

Advice! Waterproofing in a warm floor in a wooden house is a prerequisite. Although all work is done with high quality, it is better to provide additional protection.

If you opted for the use of special mats, then you carry out their installation. Usually, a polystyrene system is used as mats. These mats have special latches that allow you to cover the entire surface of the floor without any gaps.

In these grooves, a water-heated floor is laid. Pipes are securely fixed in the grooves. It is worth adding that the system is also equipped with a heat-reflecting plate. Plywood or DSP is laid on top of the mats. Next, the flooring of the floor finishing finishing material is carried out. Now let's pay attention to the choice of finishing material, which is allowed to be laid on a warm water floor in a wooden house.


At the beginning of this article, we already said that under a water-heated floor in a wooden house, it is necessary to choose the right finishing material. On top of the wooden flooring, you can use a laminate or parquet board. These materials are allowed for their installation. However, there is one important limitation - it is unacceptable to heat the surface above 25 ° C.

Some people prefer natural wood and lay a regular board. This is a very profitable solution from an economic point of view. It is especially important when a water-heated floor is laid between wooden logs.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

If you are just a novice specialist, then it is important to understand that the installation of a floor heating system has a large number of nuances. If they are not taken into account, then the entire floor heating system will not be effective. For example, condensation may form, which adversely affects the wooden floor.

So, it is unacceptable to lay heating circuits more than 70 meters alone. Otherwise, this can lead to uneven heating of the entire floor in a wooden house. It is also unacceptable to mount a warm floor without the presence of waterproofing material. Do not think that you can save money here. After a while, if a leak suddenly occurs, the consequences of the savings can be catastrophic. For this reason, wood is treated with special impregnations, waterproofing material is laid, for example, polyethylene and the like.

Well, it is equally important to choose the right finishing material. In this case, a number of factors are taken into account: what will be the temperature of the coolant, is it possible to automatically regulate the temperature, and much more.


So, as we have seen, it is quite possible to implement a water-heated floor in a wooden house. Moreover, all the work can be done by hand without the involvement of specialists. If you have no experience at all in this area, then you will have to seek help from specialists. If you are stubborn and like to do everything with your own hands, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with an interesting and informative video that clearly shows the entire process of installing underfloor heating in a wooden house. We hope that this material was useful for you! If you already had experience of similar works, then share them in the comments to this article.

The method of heating bath rooms by means of heated water circulating "underfoot" was used in ancient times by the Turks and Romans. The "underground" method was not new, but insufficiently studied and worked out. For a long time it was believed that it was pointless to put a warm floor system on a wooden floor due to the specific properties of natural building materials. The main advantages of wood - excellent insulating qualities and lightness - were recognized as a hindrance. The difficulty was caused by the characteristic shifts of organic matter caused by fluctuations in the temperature background and changes in the level of moisture. The unsolvability of combining water-heated floors with a wooden base forced them to find a technological “way out” that would ensure their working union.

Video about underfloor heating system

What will you have to face while working?

The principle of operation of the "warm floor" family of structures is based on the transfer of heat carrier energy through the surrounding material to the floor covering. The heated floor then transfers the heat into the room. A traditional concrete screed surrounding pipes with water or ethylene glycol moving through them does an excellent job of this function. What can not be said about the wood that prevents the spread of thermal energy. She, of course, does not let the energy received during heating into the underground, but she is in no hurry to give it to users.

Question: why not then corny pour a concrete screed over a wooden flooring? Answer: then about 300 kg of concrete layer will press on 1 m² of wooden flooring. There is no doubt that wood cannot withstand such a heavy burden, even if the beam structure were ultra-reliable, such as for a Russian bath or log house do it unwisely.

Another snag is the substrate, without which it is not customary to lay a floor covering on a wooden floor. Most of the materials used as a substrate, after all, also belong to the category of heaters that create a barrier to the passage of heat.

The whole range of problems and obstacles will be eliminated by improved technology, according to which a water-heated wooden floor is now being built. Thanks to the features of its device:

  • the weight of the heating “underground” structure has been reduced by an order of magnitude;
  • the heat received from the heating pipes is completely transferred to the floor covering and indirectly to the users;
  • the substrate spreads only under carpet, linoleum or under floor tiles;
  • the term of arrangement is extremely shortened;
  • the waiting period of 28 days required for the complete curing of the screed is excluded.

After laying the final coating over the water-heated floor, built on a wooden system, you can start using it immediately. An important advantage is the ability to repair and replace damaged areas without tangible problems, which is completely unrealistic in the presence of a cement screed.

Design features of a wooden water system

Designed specifically for suburban buildings with beamed ceilings, the wooden system of a water-heated floor is laid in a kind of flooring method:

  • a pipeline with a circulating coolant is not located in a cement screed, but is mounted on top of a log or a rough plank floor in specially formed channels;
  • for the accumulation and transfer of heat, the channels are equipped with heat-distributing plates with a longitudinal recess for laying pipes of the heating circuit;
  • metal plates simultaneously with the duties of heat distribution perform the function of elements that increase the rigidity of the structure, thereby eliminating the need for the use of a substrate.

Note. In budget homemade options instead of expensive plates, foil with a thickness of 200 microns is used.

If the substrate is still needed, for example, for finishing the floor with ceramic tiles or linoleum, gypsum-fiber (GVL, GVLV) or cement-bonded particleboard (DSP) boards with minimal insulating performance are used.

Two technologically different options to choose from

All differences lie in the method of forming channels for the location of the pipeline, hence the division into two methods:

  • For laying a warm floor on wooden logs, you can now purchase special modules made of chipboard with “grooves” pre-milled at the factory, the step between which is determined by the planned heat transfer of the system. The factory kit comes complete with all components: modules with existing channels, metal heat spreading plates, fasteners and pipes. They just need to be put together in accordance with the attached project-instruction. A significant drawback of modular chipboard flooring is the cost, sometimes equivalent to the price of a log house. Therefore, cunning craftsmen, relying on factory developments, came up with a cheap rack alternative.
  • The lath option predetermines the formation of channels not by milling in chipboard, but by stuffing rails. For the manufacture of slats, a planed edged board, moisture-resistant plywood or the above-mentioned boards with a thickness of at least 21 mm, maximum 28 mm are used. The distance between the laths is usually equal to the thickness of the lath, since in the grooves created by stuffing, pipes with an outer diameter of 17 mm must not only lie freely, but also not deform from wood movements. The width of the guide rails determines the distance between the pipes of the circuit being constructed. For example, when laying a pipeline with a snake with a pitch of 300 mm, the width of a 22 mm board should be 278 mm.

There is another witty folk technology - a kind of hybrid of the rack and modular principle. According to her, laying a floor heating on wooden beams is done quite quickly and very economically.

For this in edged board on the one hand, choose a quarter with the dimensions of the channel. Even at a distance of at least 7 cm from the wall, a continuous strip is milled to an equivalent depth so that the pipe can be brought to the next row. The thickness of the board, of course, should be greater than the size of the sample, but the width of the board in this case is equal to the laying step. Boards with channels are fixed with screws directly to the beams or to the logs, because there is no need to build a subfloor.

Mounting the system on a light slatted floor

Before the construction of a warm floor under a used wooden floor, it is necessary to carefully check the condition of all elements. It is advisable to disassemble the floorboards and inspect the logs, if necessary, replace the components that are in doubt. If the structure was not sufficiently insulated to the beams or to the logs at the level of the bottom line, you need to nail the bars and lay them on them slab insulation. Then it is necessary to lay an insulating roll material with an overlap (preferably polyethylene 200 microns) and attach a damper tape 5 cm wide to the wall along the perimeter of the floor.

Those who want to know how to make a wooden floor warm by installing a water circuit, probably realized that the most simple option pipe laying will snake. On a plan made according to the dimensions of the room, we mark a place for pipe connection and installation of control equipment, draw the location of the guides with the necessary step. For our latitudes, the pitch between the pipes varies from 150 mm to 300 mm. Pipes are recommended to take corrugated with a diameter of 16 or 17 mm. According to the data obtained, we calculate the dimensions of the rails and make them.

The base has been prepared, the rails have been prepared - you can proceed with the installation:

  • in accordance with a personal project, we lay the prepared guides, between which we leave a groove-channel for pipes;
  • we fix the guides with self-tapping screws to the rough base;
  • the corners of the rails in the pipeline turn zone are rounded off;
  • in the channels created by this method we lay a foil with a thickness of at least 50 microns, press it, carefully bending around the recess, in some places we fix it to the rails with a stapler;

Advice. To increase heat transfer, the masters recommend additionally wrapping the pipes themselves with foil.

  • we lay the pipeline along the formed furrows, periodically fasten it with metal plates to subfloor or to rails;
  • we connect to the heating circuit and carry out pressure testing of the heating system;
  • after making sure that it works, we either immediately put a floor covering, or a substrate under a tile or linoleum, which is strongly advised by DSP boards that do not contain formaldehyde.

This is how you can independently build water heated floors without extra costs and unnecessary bigotry. The principles introduced by Western engineers can be put to practical use, leaving money in your own wallet. What is preferable: a completely expensive factory "constructor" or a democratic homemade product?

Among all types of heating, the installation of a water-heated floor in a wooden house is perhaps the most complex and difficult. When laying, it is required to take into account the features of the building, to choose the optimal type floor covering and strictly follow the step-by-step installation plan.

Is water heating a wooden floor possible?

In fact, no matter what skeptics say, arranging a warm water floor in a wooden house made of timber is not only a possible, but also a reasonable solution to the issue of heating. Of course, you will have to take into account certain nuances associated with the peculiarity of the operation of a wooden house.

So, for example, it is forbidden to heat the floors above 30 degrees. The wooden surface under the influence of high temperatures is easily deformed, turns into dust. Therefore, a water-heated floor on a wooden base must not be connected to the central heating circuit, but a separate heat source should be used for this purpose.

Warm water floor cake in wooden country house severely limits the use concrete screed. The heating system will have to be laid dry, which also creates certain inconveniences.

When choosing a floor covering, it should be noted that some popular Decoration Materials: laminate, parquet board - when heated above 25 ° C, they begin to emit toxic formaldehyde fumes.

Most manufacturers of heating equipment take into account the need for the simultaneous use of two heating circuits with different heating intensities, providing customers with boilers with the ability to connect heating radiators and underfloor heating.

Variants of the device of a wooden floor with water heating

There are several options for arranging underfloor heating in a wooden house. The choice of laying method is selected depending on specifications building.

Common mounting methods are:

  • Mats - represent ready-made structures with grooves for laying a water circuit. You can lay the mats on a flat subfloor. To do this, pre-trim the surface with plywood flooring or QSB - plates. The floor of the modular type does not require the use cement mixtures. From above, polypropylene pipes close the DSP, lay the floor covering.
  • The device of warm concrete water floors on top wooden structures. Before installation, provide maximum insulation of wooden elements from moisture. All work is carried out exclusively with ready-made compositions with a short drying period.
  • Milling a wooden floor for pipes of a warm water floor system. With the help of cutters, the machine cuts out recesses for the passage of the pipeline. The wooden base begins to function as mats. As a result, the cost of flooring components is reduced. The disadvantage of milling is the complexity of the process. But with a specialized tool, installation time can be minimized.

Laying water heated floors on a wooden floor can be done by other methods. Exist next way. AT wooden frame simply lay the pipeline under the lags. The plank floor is disassembled, the water circuit is laid, after which the flooring is laid back.

To protect the tree from moisture as much as possible, the water circuit is laid in a special corrugation. The corrugation protects against the effects of water even in the event of leakage.

How to make water floors in a wooden house

Underfloor heating device wooden floor with their own hands is practically no different from the structures used in other buildings. The exception is the special safety measures necessary to protect wooden surfaces from moisture.

Practice has shown that the best option would be to use pipes made of polypropylene.

Installation work is carried out as follows:

The maximum length of the water circuit should not exceed 70 m. If this is not enough for the heated area, so-called water floor laying zones are created. To ensure uniform flow to each heating circuit, a water manifold is installed.

Which floor coverings are suitable

The choice of material is limited both by subsequent operation and by the method of manufacturing the heating system.

Traditionally used the following types floor covering:

  • Ceramic tile– the advantage of ceramics is the rapid heating of the surface and high heat transfer. Use is limited to hallway, bathroom, kitchen and non-residential areas. When choosing ceramic tiles, heated floors must be poured with a screed, or covered with a cement-bonded particle board.
  • Laminate and parquet board– there are two types of laying water heating on wooden floors: on mats or prepared strobes. Laminate or parquet can be laid regardless of the installation method. The only drawback of the floor covering is the impossibility of heating the surface above 25°C.
  • Ordinary board - you can also lay a water-heated floor on wooden beams with your own hands, laying boards over the water circuit. The solution does not require significant financial investments. This method is chosen if it is not possible to reduce the distance to the ceiling. Subsequently, it is possible to additionally lay linoleum or laminate.
  1. Perforator.
  2. Rules.
  3. Angle grinder for cutting rebar.
  4. Building level.
To work with wooden surfaces a set of cutters and drills, a powerful drill will come in handy.

What mistakes should be avoided during installation

Design features on a wooden base are that any violations and changes in phased installation heating will lead to problems in operation. The appearance of condensate and leakage is critical.

The pipe laying system does not allow the following violations:

Underfloor heating for a wooden house is a smart solution. Subject to the recommendations regarding installation, you can avoid possible difficulties in the process of future operation.

The most effective space heating devices include a warm water floor, but its profitability is far from optimal. When installing such systems in wooden houses, there are a number of significant limitations. A screed cannot be used, since the plank base may not withstand such a heavy load. However, there are others effective ways how to make an electric underfloor heating independent in a wooden house without loads on the base.

Warm floor in a wooden house

If we take into account the buildings of the old model, then wooden floors were used in their construction. In this case, it is possible to use a concrete screed, on the surface of which a warm floor will be placed. In the case of a private house, such manipulations are impossible. Often we are talking about weak and time-shaken wooden floors that are not able to withstand significant loads.

If the decision was made to use electrical systems for space heating, the following important points should be taken into account:

  1. Wood belongs to the category of flammable materials. That is why, as far as possible (apartments), it is the infrared type of underfloor heating that should be used.
  2. Such devices are not able to replace the heating system, so you should take care of heating radiators.
  3. Low thermal conductivity, which will lead to the use of an increased temperature regime.

What are the requirements for underfloor heating?

Requirements to warm floor

If it was decided to install an electric underfloor heating in a wooden house, special attention should be paid to compliance with safety rules that will eliminate the possibility of unforeseen and dangerous situations in the future.

Fundamental rules:

  1. Do not place the cable under interior items. Violation will lead to overheating of the device and its breakdown.
  2. When using species such as oak or beech, the thickness of the boards should not exceed 2.5 cm, and larch and pine 2.3 cm.
  3. In order to avoid the formation and retention of moisture (condensate), laying a solid waterproofing layer will be required. Any electrical equipment does not tolerate water, and underfloor heating is no exception.
  4. The thermostat will help you avoid possible overheating designs. It should be equipped air cushion and temperature sensors. This will prevent self-ignition. For wooden floors, the maximum is temperature regime at 40°C.
  5. The installation of the cable is carried out evenly, which will ensure the same heating of all sections.

In the room where underfloor heating systems are installed, it is not recommended to use any carpets. This will create an unnecessary insulating layer that will not allow heat to penetrate into the room.

What mounting technologies are used

Underfloor heating installation technology

There are only two options for laying a warm floor: with and without a screed. Everything will depend on the strength indicators of the base of the room or the building as a whole. In this case, some other additional factors should be taken into account, such as the age of the building and the frequency of use of the premises.

No screed

Warm floor for a wooden house

If you plan to install underfloor heating in a wooden house, then the use of a screed is not recommended due to its enormous weight. The technology used is somewhat different from the usual. To begin with, the necessary preliminary work is carried out aimed at cleaning and preparing the working surface. A lag is being installed, under which it is necessary to lay thermal insulation material(at least 4.5 cm), in which one of the sides will be foil. A mounting grid is placed on top to help secure the cable used.

Important! If desired, you can use a special laminate in which the TEP cable is already installed. However, you should be prepared for significant costs for its acquisition.

Installation is carried out with loops, the marking of which is carried out on the logs, in which cuts for the loops are made. The cable itself is mounted in prepared cuts and secured with clamps. At some distance from the floor (convenient for a person), a temperature controller is installed, and the sensor is placed between the lags. After completing the performance check of each of the elements of the system, you can start laying the finish coating. There must be a layer of at least 5 cm from the device to the coating.

Using a screed

Screed for underfloor heating in a wooden house

The wooden floor should be made smooth and even (monolithic). The tree should not walk, so any loosening should be excluded. If necessary, the structure is completely disassembled and reassembled. After that, a waterproofing material (polyethylene with a density of 200 microns) is laid. Thermal insulation should be laid on it (“tizol” is perfect). The foil side should be facing up. The cable is installed over the thermal insulation material. Fastenings are made with a pre-calculated step using loops. After installation, the cable is filled with a cement-based mortar. But before that, it is recommended to install a thermostat and temperature sensor. It is placed between the loops.

Installation Features

Installation of a warm floor in a wooden house

There are a number of features that should be worked out even before the start of installation work. Wooden houses require a particularly careful approach, because additional weight can lead to skew or shrinkage of the structure. The heating system will be laid on logs.

The sequence of work will look like this:

  • arrangement of the rough coating;
  • laying a vapor barrier layer;
  • installation of waterproofing material;
  • finishing processing;
  • soundproofing;
  • flooring.

Inside this pie, the underfloor heating system will be placed. If all the upcoming work is planned to be carried out independently, then you should pay attention to one of the following methods:

  1. The use of plates with a reflective effect. This is a kind of compromise if it is necessary to carry out a screed based on a concrete solution. The plates will help to direct the heat flows in the right direction, thereby increasing the efficiency indicator.
  2. Small ventilation gap. Can only be used as additional source heat in the presence of central heating. The powerful system cannot be used in this case. Existing ducting will reduce the efficiency of the installed equipment.
  3. Screed over an existing floor. This method belongs to the category of complex and requires preliminary preparation. The heat-insulating properties of the screed are at the proper level, which will significantly increase the efficiency of space heating. Such manipulations are recommended to be carried out in rooms with a high level of humidity or if it is planned to install tiles or any other cold coating.
  4. Skillful combination of concrete and dry screed. The use of two of the most common technologies at the same time will make it possible to make a surface that can withstand any load.

Regardless of the final choice of the preferred technology, it is important to strictly follow the available instructions and listen to all the wishes of the manufacturer.

Installation work

Installation work when installing underfloor heating

Experts recommend laying the system under a small layer of screed. Thus, it will be possible to install tiles or any other types of cold coatings as a floor covering. The arrangement of the underlying layer is mandatory and for this you will need high-quality heat-insulating materials, the surface of which is metallized. The main stages of laying a warm floor are similar to the installation of a heated water floor. The underlying layer acts as a solid base, regardless of the technology used.

The device is connected to special sensors, then to the mains and covered with floorboards. cement screed you can not use it, because it can add a significant weight to the main structure. But to equip the rough floor, in this case, you have to. To begin with, guides are mounted, between which heat-insulating material is laid. A welded mesh is laid on top of it, on which is placed power cable. It must be placed on the same level.

Saw grooves are used at the points of its intersection. Their bottom is lined with foil, and clamps and mounting tape act as fasteners. After that, you should proceed to the arrangement of the finishing coating, for which it is customary to use a beam or a board with tenon grooves as connections. Sheet pile boards will also come in handy. Before proceeding with the arrangement of the final coating, it is necessary to connect the system to the network and leave it on for several days.

The most common design mistakes

Mistakes when laying underfloor heating

If a beginner takes up the matter, then difficulties can arise at every step. The secrets of success lie in the details, which should be known before the start of the upcoming work. You need to understand what you have to work with electrical appliances who have elevated level danger. This type of coating is designed to heat the surface of the floor covering, thereby creating the necessary home comfort. The design will be based on a mat or two-core cable. The length should be calculated in advance, since cutting it yourself is not recommended.

In most cases, problems arise precisely due to non-compliance with the designated technologies and violation of the rules for the installation work.

The area of ​​​​the room will also play an important role. Separately, the area that will be heated and the one on which the furniture or plumbing is placed is calculated. It is strictly forbidden to install the cable under furniture, as the system will work to warm up the bed or closet, and not the surrounding space. This will lead to an early breakdown due to huge and regular loads. The work surface must be cleaned and prepared in advance. The loops should not touch or intersect.

Curves are also to be avoided. Stepping on the cable is prohibited, as internal deformation of the wires and their subsequent short circuit and loss of elasticity are possible. It is not recommended to place the temperature sensor in the thickness of concrete, since a corrugated pipe is used for this. Before switching on, you should wait until the solution used is completely dry. Drying the screed with a device is not recommended.


Underfloor heating in a wooden house

Laying a warm electric floor in a wooden house can be done in several ways, based on time-tested schemes. To create a cozy atmosphere in a wooden house, any technology is suitable. If you follow the recommendations specified by the manufacturer and follow the safety rules, then installing a warm floor will not take much effort and time, not to mention saving the family budget.

Underfloor heating is an invention of the 20th century. Our great-grandfathers did not have a heating electric cable and gas boilers. However, they came up with their own way of heating. To do this, they used the walls of buildings. While laying, they left channels in them for the movement of hot furnace gases.

Today, there is no need to resort to such tricks. You can make warm floors in a wooden house with minimal cost forces and means.

The choice of a heating heating system is very simple:

  • Electric cable or mats with flat conductors;
  • Underfloor heating based on plastic pipes with a liquid heat carrier.

Both heating options deserve positive reviews. They are equal in terms of comfort and heat dissipation, but not the same in terms of energy cost. Electricity is significantly more expensive than gas, so it is better to use a heating cable for underfloor heating in small spaces: bathrooms, kitchens and hallways. For bedrooms and living rooms, a liquid system of pipes, a gas or solid fuel boiler is best suited.

About the warm floor better than radiators much has been written and said.

We only note its most important advantages:

  • Optimal heat distribution. Zone comfortable temperature coincides with the living space (from the floor surface to a height of 1.7 meters). During battery operation, the air under the ceiling warms up the most.
  • A radiator heating system activates the movement of dust to a greater extent than a warm floor.
  • In terms of interior aesthetics, underfloor heating outperforms radiators.

Features of the installation of underfloor heating (water and electric) in a wooden house

The technology of laying a water-heated floor in a wooden house depends on the type of flooring. If the first floor and basement are closed reinforced concrete panels, then the heating system is made according to the "classical" scheme:

  • leveling mortar screed;
  • insulation (extruded polystyrene foam, perlite concrete);
  • heating cable or plastic pipes;
  • leveling screed covering the warm floor;
  • finishing coating (tile, parquet, laminate).

It is more difficult to make a warm floor when wooden beams are used to cover the basement and the first floor. In this case, there is no solid base, so the structure is assembled according to one of two options:

Option number 1

  • from below, a board is knocked to the beams to support the insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, ecowool, perlite);
  • having laid the thermal insulation, plastic pipes are attached to the side faces of the beams;
  • cutouts are made in the beams for passing pipes;
  • they lay a fine wooden floor from tongue-and-groove boards or a rough one for laying parquet or laminate.

Option number 2

  • thick plywood or OSB board (15-20 mm) is laid along the beams;
  • wooden bars with a section of 50x50mm are attached to the coating;
  • insulation is laid between the bars;
  • lay a material that reflects heat (aluminum foil);
  • pipes are placed on top of the thermal insulation, fixing them to the bars;
  • mount a draft floor from a board, gypsum-fiber sheets (gvl), particle boards or plywood;
  • lay the finish coating (ceramic tiles, parquet, laminate).

Two options for installing a warm water floor using "dry" technology

In advanced systems mounted on wooden floors, heat-distributing metal plates are used. They perform two functions: they form channels for pipes and reflect heat.

Heat-distributing plates of a water floor

To simplify installation, you can use ready-made factory-made chipboards with milled recesses for pipes. In addition, on the market you can find panels made of dense foam with stamped channels (foam shield). In them, pipe wiring is fixed quickly and easily.

Installation plastic pipe in foam board

The pipeline of any configuration is mounted in a profile plate (laminated mats with bosses)

In the case of using foam, there is no need to attach a board to the beams to support the thermal insulation. Rigid insulation in this case is attached directly to the surface of the subfloor. After that, a substrate is spread on it under the laminate or applied adhesive solution, then a reinforcing mesh and lay the tiles.

Foam board with distribution plates and pipe

The main disadvantage of prefabricated structures (foam board and milled chipboard) is the high cost. Therefore, some home masters use more cheap way channel formation. They stuff wooden planks on the base, leaving gaps between them for laying pipes.

Using wooden planks and heat spreading plates for laying the heating pipe

Instead of expensive thermoplastic plates, you can use affordable aluminum foil ( this way suitable for both water and electric underfloor heating).

Planks are made from planed boards or cut from moisture-resistant plywood. Their thickness must be greater than the diameter of the pipeline (pipe 17 mm - rail 30 mm). To improve heat transfer, the channel width is made 5-6 millimeters larger than the pipe diameter.

"Folk ways" of forming channels for pipes

The width of the slats is made 3 cm less than the selected pipe layout step (for example, a pipe step of 30 cm - a board width of 27 cm). For a smooth bending of the loops of the pipeline, semicircular grooves are cut out in the slats.

Another way to lay a warm water floor with your own hands is shown in the diagram below.

The option of using galvanized corrugated board for laying pipes

The profiled sheet in this case acts as a heat-reflecting screen and forms channels for pipes. In the diagram, we see a variant of the installation of a heating floor not above the basement, but on the ground floor. From below, along the beams, a finishing filing of the ceiling was made from lining. Therefore, the shield (10), which supports the insulation, is attached not to the lower edges of the beams, but to the cranial bars nailed to their sides.

Please note that when laying thermal insulation (except for foam), it is always protected from above and below with a vapor barrier film. It protects the insulation from getting wet, as it allows water vapor to freely escape from it.

Leaving a thermal gap between the edge of the flooring and the wall, it is necessary to lay a damper tape in it. It seals the contact zone and compensates for thermal deformations.

Helpful advice!

For laying a finished floor, use a board that has undergone chamber drying. Do not rush to fix the finished wooden flooring to the base. Up to this point, the warm floor should work for at least 2 days.

Installation of a "dry" electric floor heating in a wooden house easier installation water system. A thin current-carrying cable does not need deep channels. It is fixed to the base with plastic ties-clamps or metal plates.

The installation sequence looks like this:

  • A reflective layer of aluminum foil is laid on the thermal insulation (expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, ecowool, perlite);
  • A galvanized steel mesh with a cell of 40x40 or 50x50 mm is laid on the foil.
  • Slots are made in the lags for the passage of an electric cable;
  • A cable is attached to the grid with clamps;
  • In the middle between the wires, a temperature sensor is installed in a corrugated tube and connected to the thermostat;
  • On a fireproof base or in a metal hose, a power cable is output to an electrical outlet;
  • A draft plywood floor is being laid;
  • Finishing coating is mounted (laminate, parquet board).

If the electric underfloor heating is covered with ceramic tiles, then the installation procedure changes. In this case, the insulation is covered with moisture-resistant plywood or OSB, fixing them to the beams. After that, a solution is applied to the coating with a spatula, a plastic reinforcing mesh is embedded in it and the tiles are glued. If the heating cable is not in a bay, but glued to the grid, then its installation is simplified. Having rolled out the roll, you just have to apply glue to the surface of the base and lay the tile.

Installation of ceramic tiles on electric floor heating

In the same way, a film warm floor is laid on wooden floors. It consists of thin mats with flexible current-carrying plates glued into them.

The minimum thickness allows you to mount infrared film floors not only under tiles and laminate, but also under linoleum and carpet.

Which floor in a wooden house is better?

The answer to this question is not unambiguous. If the cost of construction and work is at the forefront, then it is better to use electric floors. If we compare the price of energy carriers, then it is more profitable water system. To save the height of the room, a thin film floor is used.

Regarding heaters, the following should be said: foam for underfloor heating - not best material. Being in contact with a warm floor, working temperature which can reach +70C, it ages, releasing toxic gas. Therefore, it is better to lay ecowool or perlite between the floor beams.

Having chosen mineral wool for insulation, it must be well insulated by wrapping it with a vapor barrier. Otherwise, warm air through gaps and leaks can carry its particles out of the underground space into the room. For laying tiles, it is better to use a chemically neutral sheet material: cement-bonded, glass-magnesite board or gypsum fiber sheet. OSB and plywood are inferior to them in terms of environmental safety.

Wooden flooring above the warm floor should not be thicker than 21 mm. Do not forget that wood is a good thermal insulator, which reduces the efficiency of the heating system.