Installing a bathroom door: step by step instructions. Basic requirements for doors to the toilet and bath, necessary materials, step-by-step installation guide Installing doors to the toilet with your own hands

  • 23.06.2020

Doors to the bathroom differ from ordinary doors in that they are made of moisture-resistant material. Installing bathroom doors is also slightly different from installing doors in other rooms. This is due to the fact that in the bathroom the height of the threshold should be higher than usual, so that in case of flooding, water does not pour into other rooms.

And also it is necessary to make the gap between the floor and the door larger than when installing a conventional door for better ventilation.

This is due to the fact that the doors in the bathroom are constantly under the influence of moist air. Therefore, their surface must be waterproof and water-repellent. Doors are made of moisture resistant chipboard, MDF, PVC. To imitate a natural material, they are covered with veneer.

Veneered bathroom doors must be varnished. Also doors can be aluminum or metal-plastic.

Should be bought in advance. She usually has standard sizes, but you may have to make it to order.

The door block for the bathroom is slightly narrower than that of ordinary interior doors. Its size can be 60 cm wide, 2.0 m or 1.90 m high, 10 cm lower than usual, taking into account the threshold.

The bathroom should have good ventilation air. Therefore, there should be a gap of 6-8 mm between the door and the threshold, and preferably 10 mm.

Necessary tools and materials

To install doors with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Electric drill;
  • Chisel;
  • Hacksaw for wood;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette.

Necessary materials:

  • Anker;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Wooden wedges;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Pencil;

bathroom door installation process

Installing the door in the bathroom is as follows:

It is better to assemble the box on the floor. So it will be more convenient for you to assemble it together with the door.

  • We fasten the parts door frame using self-tapping screws and adjust to the size of the doorway. It is better to drill holes for self-tapping screws so that the door leaf does not crack.
  • We measure the height of the doorway.
  • If necessary, cut the box with a hacksaw.
  • We install the box in the doorway. Align it with a level. For this we use wooden wedges.

Prepare in advance a few wooden or plastic wedges that are needed for installation.

We insert wedges between the door block and the wall

  • Wedges are inserted between the wall and the door block. They protect the box from deflection when fastening with screws.
  • We check the verticality of the installation of the door frame with a level.
  • Attaching the door frame doorway with anchors or screws.
  • To do this, we drill holes in the door block with a drill in advance.
  • There can be several holes - 7-8 pieces on each side.
  • Then we remove the box and use a thin drill to make holes in the wall.
  • We insert plastic dowels into these holes.
  • Then again insert the door frame into the opening.
  • We fix the door frame to the wall by screwing the anchors (screws) into the dowels with a screwdriver.

Fasten the door frame to the wall

  • The space between the box and the wall must be filled mounting foam.


Mounting foam, when dried, increases its volume by 5 times. This must be taken into account when filling the space between the wall and the door block.

  • Only 1/3 of the space should be foamed. The foam will then spread and fill the voids.
  • You need to foam from the bottom up.
  • The foam should harden. This usually takes about a day.
    The door must remain stationary.
    • Then we cut the loops. As a rule, two hinges are installed, but three pieces can be installed.
    • It is necessary to attach a loop to the end of the door. Trace the outlines with a pencil.
    • With a chisel, cut out a recess for the loops.

Cut grooves for loops with a chisel

  • We fasten the hinges with self-tapping screws to the door leaf.
  • The height of the top loop attachment should be 15-20 cm from the top edge.
  • The height from the bottom edge for attaching the loop is 20-25 cm.
  • Then we attach the hinges to the door frame.
  • We cut and fasten the lock.
  • Insert the door into the door frame.
  • We insert wedges between the door and the frame at a distance of 2 mm from above and 4 mm from below.
  • We mark on the box the place of attachment of the loops and cut out the recesses with a chisel.
  • We cut the loops.
  • We put the door on the hinges. It should open and close easily.
  • Next, we fix the platbands with self-tapping screws or decorative nails.

Doors to the bathroom: installation

Installing a bathroom door is an important and time-consuming process, as with. Theoretically, you can install doors with your own hands, using improvised tools. But if you've already invested in a good quality door, then it is better to entrust its installation to professionals.

Because high-quality door installation requires special tools that are not always available. Usually at a cost, this comes out to about 2% of the total amount. But the door will look perfect. Video installation by professionals is presented below.

Installing the door in the bathroom: you can watch the video right now.

The bathroom is the place in the house where a lot of time is devoted to yourself. For this reason, installing the right door is important. The atmosphere of the room and the absence of fungi in it depend on how high-quality the door is chosen and how it is installed. Therefore, it is recommended to choose bathroom doors made of natural materials treated with preparations that make them resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Bathroom door layout.

But right choice doors are only half the battle. After all, you also need to install it properly. Do-it-yourself bathroom door installation can take all day. But if you do everything right and do not rush, then you can be proud of the result of your work.

Materials and tools

How to install a bathroom door? Before you start installing doors with your own hands, you need to stock up on all the materials and tools necessary for this. Their set does not depend on what kind of door design and installation method you will use. So, get in advance:

Door hinge adjustment diagram.

  • a set of dowels;
  • hammer;
  • mounting construction foam;
  • ruler and pencil for marking;
  • a set of screws and anchors;
  • building level and plumb;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • gypsum mortar and spatula (trowel);
  • crowbar;
  • construction knife;
  • soft cloth;
  • dust brush.

But that's not all. Now you need to decide and design the installation of the door to the bathroom yourself. And to do it right and quickly, you need to be guided by 5 universal tips. Following them will help to perform the installation as efficiently as possible.

Bathroom door fitting tools.

  1. It is advisable to call specialists to install a modern compartment door in the event that there is another room next to the bathroom, in which the doors open close. This will make it possible to avoid major inconvenience during operation in the future.
  2. As a rule, for the doors to the bathroom, it is necessary to provide for the obligatory presence of a small ventilation. There are 2 options here: either purchase doors with a ready-made small lattice, which is located at the bottom of the canvas, or install the door so that there is a very narrow gap between its bottom and the threshold. This will not affect the decorative effect and microclimate of other rooms in the house, but at the same time it will create optimal conditions in the bathroom.
  3. It is very important to choose the right fasteners and handles for the door. The main condition is reliability and strength. Therefore, it is not worth saving on material in this case. You also need to choose all metal parts and fasteners made of stainless metal, since in conditions with high humidity Ordinary iron can corrode very quickly.
  4. If you preferred even dear natural wood, you will still need to take care of additional protection. To do this, before or after installation, the door must be laminated so that moisture affects the wood as little as possible. You can also immediately purchase a laminated canvas.
  5. It is very important to make sure that the width of the wall in the opening and the width of the door leaf coincide with each other as much as possible. Not only the general aesthetic appearance of the room and the door, but also reliability will depend on this. It is especially bad if the door leaf is much wider than the wall.

Related article: We change the floor with our own hands

After the material with tools has been purchased, and all the nuances have been taken into account, you can safely proceed with the installation of the door. Such work is carried out in several simple stages, in which it is extremely important to observe the correct sequence of execution.

Preparation of a new opening and installation of the canvas

First you need to prepare the opening itself. To do this, the old canvas is dismantled along with the opening. The platbands and the canvas are removed. All metal fasteners are removed, after which the old opening is removed with a crowbar - first the side parts, and then the top. If you can't do it right away, you can use a hacksaw. To do this, cut the canvas in a cross section, and then proceed to dismantle it again.

When this is done, you can proceed to update the opening. To do this, the old layers of plaster are cleaned with a brush and spatula, after which a new layer of gypsum mortar is applied. When the solution is completely dry, you need to check with a plumb line and level and, if necessary, correct any inconsistencies. In the end, everything needs to be sanded with sandpaper.

Now you need to install the box. To do this, use screws, anchors and mounting foam. But only first, parts of the box are installed in turn, temporarily fixed with wedges to avoid deformation. After that, the evenness is checked by level and plumb, and then the anchors and screws are fixed. When the side and upper parts of the boxes are ready, you need to seal the gaps with mounting foam. After drying, the remaining foam is removed, and these places are sealed with plaster and painted over.

Next, you need to mark the places for fastening the door hinges on the boxes, and then cut out the recesses for them with a chisel. After that, everything is checked again carefully, since it will be difficult to correct the shortcomings. Then you can safely attach the hinges to the box with screws.

Among the many models of interior doors produced by manufacturers in a wide range, it is not difficult to find an option for the bathroom. You can choose and install a solid wood or MDF door, as well as a laminated, glass or veneered model with a lacquer finish.

When choosing a bathroom door, many buyers assume that the canvas will be exposed to moisture. However, in a well-ventilated bathroom, this problem should not be, so you can not adhere to any restrictions when choosing a door frame and canvas.

What exactly should be guided by is the size of the doorway. If the vending door does not fit into the existing opening, then it is expanded. It is not difficult to narrow the doorway to the dimensions of the purchased door. Usually the width of the doors issued for bathrooms is 60 cm.

If ready-made options door panels do not suit the buyer, then you can always order the manufacture of the structure right size and design in workshops specializing in this type of service. If the customer himself is not able to carry out the installation himself, then the masters can do this. At the same time, they do not need to explain to the customer how to install the door to the bathroom so that there are no further problems during the operation of the premises.

If the walls are made of brick, then they first proceed to remove the nails connecting the old door frame to the wooden inserts fixed in interior partition. If this is not done, then a large fragment of plaster may fall off when the structure is pulled out of the opening.

To make it easier to pick up the nails with a nail puller or tongs, it is necessary to cut small indentations in the bar around the hats with a chisel. After removing the nails, one of the vertical bars of the box is sawn in half. This operation facilitates the dismantling of the structure without damaging the plastered walls of the doorway.

Dismantling the old door wooden box carried out with the utmost care, while using nail pullers and other auxiliary tools

When dismantling old metal door frames found in houses with an improved layout, they act according to a different algorithm. First, the pins are cut off, with the help of which the box is attached to the reinforcement in the reinforced concrete wall.

After that, the structure is removed with a small crowbar or nail puller inserted between the box and the concrete opening. In this case, of course, you will have to make considerable physical effort.

How to properly measure a doorway?

To install doors in a bathroom or other room without much hassle, it is necessary to accurately measure the height, width and depth of the doorway. For this:

  • dismantle the old door frame;
  • cleanse lateral side partition walls to bricks;
  • remove construction debris from the floor;
  • tape measure the width of the opening between the bricks;
  • take into account the thickness of the finish when measuring the depth of the opening;
  • determine the height of the door, paying attention to the presence or absence of a threshold;
  • lay 15 mm for free placement of the door frame in the opening;
  • calculate the dimensions of the canvas, taking into account the indentation from the box, equal to 3-5 mm.

If the bathroom door has already been purchased and its dimensions do not allow installation in an existing doorway, then you will have to expand the space. In this case, they act according to the reverse algorithm, starting with measurements of the door frame.

Standard measurements of the dimensions of the doorway provided for entering the bathroom or other room in the apartment

Preparing the doorway for door installation

After dismantling the old door frame, it is necessary to prepare a concrete or brick opening for installation new design. To do this, align internal surfaces, excess concrete is removed with a perforator. Particular attention at this stage is paid to the alignment of the corners of the opening. According to the standard, the height of all doorways should be 2000 mm, and the width can vary from 600 to 900 mm.

Estimating the dimensions of the box, take into account the width / length of the door leaf, the double thickness of the vertical / horizontal beam, as well as setting the gap and adjusting the position of the door (20-30 mm).

The assembly of the door frame in the bathroom is carried out according to a lightweight version - without sawing the edges of vertical and horizontal bars at 45 degree angles

Required Tools and Consumables

For installation work to install the door frame and attach the door leaf to it with the help of canopies, you will need to stock up on some set of tools:

  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • hacksaw;
  • tape measure;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil.

In addition to a set of tools for installing an interior door to the bathroom, you will need dowels, self-tapping screws, wooden wedges, mounting foam.

Assembly and installation of the door frame

This stage of installing bathroom doors can be skipped if you purchase a door leaf with a finished (assembled) frame. This option of buying a door will cost more for the consumer, but installation will be simplified and the time required for its implementation will be reduced.

Many apartment owners who started redecorating in the bathroom, they buy a door leaf that matches the design of already installed interior doors, and they assemble the box themselves from pre-purchased bars. In this case, it is necessary to saw off parts of the desired size from the bar and fasten them together with self-tapping screws so that a rectangular frame is obtained. The sides of the box must not be skewed, otherwise the door leaf will fit into it unevenly, forming gaps of uneven size, which, in turn, will lead to difficult opening and closing of the door.

To get perfectly right angles at the door frame, it is necessary to measure the diagonals of the resulting frame when assembling its individual elements. From the school geometry course, it is known that the diagonals of a rectangle are equal. This simple method of obtaining right angles in practice without the use of special measuring instruments has long been used by carpenters, welders and representatives of other technical professions.

Another (more complex) option for connecting the vertical and horizontal bar of the door frame, which requires more skill from the installer

At self assembly the box master manages to very accurately adjust its dimensions to the doorway. After all, individual parts are sawn with a hacksaw until the design fits perfectly into the space allotted for it. Although with an accurate measurement of the size of the opening, you can get the details for the perfect assembly of the door frame the first time.

Of course, you can also remove a few extra millimeters from the door leaf by trimming a little of its side. But it is undesirable to do this, and in some cases it is simply impossible (for example, glass doors). Therefore, experienced craftsmen carefully assemble the door frame.

When fastening the parts of the box laid out on the floor with self-tapping screws, they try to prevent cracking of the wood. To do this, small holes are drilled in one of the parts in the marked places with a wood drill, the diameter of which is 2-3 mm. Then insert self-tapping screws into the holes and tighten the parts together.

There are other ways to connect individual parts of the door frame:

  • gluing, while special grooves are cut at the ends of the bars;
  • use of perforated metal corners produced specifically for this purpose.

The assembled box is inserted into the prepared opening, using dowel-nails with plastic spacers for fastening to brick or concrete, which increase the connection density by several times. But this is done after the hinges are cut in and the position of the box and the canvas is adjusted.

Door leaf installation

After the assembly of the door frame is completed, they proceed to the next stage, during which the door itself or the door leaf is installed. The door is attached to the box using detachable hinges, which are:

  • the left;
  • right;
  • universal.

Two hinges are usually installed on interior doors: above and below at a distance of 200 mm from the corresponding borders of the door leaf. First, the hinges are applied to the end of the door, circled with a simple pencil or marker. With a chisel, a layer of wood is selected, the thickness of which depends on the thickness of the hinge plate. At the same time, they do not go beyond the drawn contours of the seat.

Then the door leaf is placed in a box and the places where the metal hinges are attached are marked. According to the intended contour, wood is also excavated to accommodate the loop. Then the hinges are screwed to the box and the door leaf, adjusting their position empirically. After that, it remains only to put the loops on top of each other, and the canvas hangs freely on the box, easily opening and closing. The doors that come with the box already have holes for the hinges, so you don’t have to work with a chisel.

The contour of the seat for the detachable hinge is marked at the stage of fitting the door leaf to the frame, after which the part is fixed with self-tapping screws

Step-by-step installation of the door structure in the opening

We adhere to the following order:

  • Install finished box into the doorway, aligning its position with building level and wooden wedges.
  • Drill 3-4 holes on each side of the box, mark their projections on the walls.
  • Remove the box in order to make holes in the partition with a concrete drill in the marked places.
  • Insert the dowels into the drilled recesses.
  • Put the door frame in place, securing its position with self-tapping screws, which are screwed with a screwdriver into the dowel seals installed in the walls. Instead of dowel-nails, you can use hangers for metal profiles to fasten the box, which are used when installing drywall.
  • Foam the free space formed between the elements of the box and the walls of the doorway with mounting foam, moving from the bottom up.

Tip - dose the foam supply in such a way that the filler increasing in volume does not go beyond the opening. After half an hour, cut off the excess of hardened foam with a clerical knife.

Installation of the door frame in the opening is carried out using a plumb line, which regulates the vertical position of the structure and its temporary fixation with wedges

Finishing the doorway with platbands

The doorway on both sides along the perimeter is decorated with platbands, which cover the junction of the box with the wall. Before that, the wedges used to align the position of the box are sawn off, and the mounting foam is also cut off if it has not been done before.

Filling the space with industrial mounting foam, which does not increase much in volume when dried. This is important as the foam can push the box out and move it out of position.

When exposing the platband, make sure that it does not touch the hinges on the hinge side, for which they maintain an indent equal to 3-4 mm. The platband installed on the lock side must have a gap with the door leaf, otherwise it will prevent its free opening. There are two ways to attach trim to the box and wall, based on use:

  • liquid nails (gluing);
  • finishing nails (nailing decorative details to the bars of the box).

Sometimes these methods are combined, which makes it possible to better fix the platbands on uneven walls, as well as to eliminate the small gaps that form in this case between two non-contacting surfaces. In platbands made of MDF, holes are drilled with a thin drill for finishing nails. Otherwise, they can not be hammered into this durable material.

Experienced craftsmen advise starting the installation of platbands with the top element, cut off at both ends at an angle of 45 degrees. After that, it is more convenient to alternately expose vertical platbands, lowering their lower edges to the floor level.

The installation of additional trims and decorative trims allows you to beautifully decorate the doorway with the inserted frame, hiding all the subtleties of installation

Dobory: what is it and how are they installed?

Dobors are called special strips that are used when finishing wide doorways that do not close completely with a box. Most often, you have to use extensions when installing doors to the bathroom, separated from the rest of the premises by an internal main wall.

Additional panels or strips are available in different sizes and color solutions, which allows you to choose the right decorative element under any opening.

Previously, this issue was resolved by plastering the surface of the opening with further painting or wallpapering. Dobors not only facilitated the process of finishing doorways, but also increased the attractiveness of the interior of the apartment at times.

Additional strips are attached to the walls with the help of self-tapping screws, screwed into holes made with a special tool. The space formed when leveling the position of the additional slats between them and the wall is filled with spot mounting foam.

Installation of a door threshold to the bathroom is necessary, since this room should have a lower floor location in case of emergency flooding of the bathroom

Finishing touches - setting the threshold

The door frame in the opening leading to the bathroom must be mounted with a threshold (bottom bar). This is a mandatory requirement for bathrooms and balconies. It is better to install the remaining interior doors without thresholds so as not to create unnecessary interference when moving from one room to another.

When installing such doors, a temporary bar serves as a threshold, which is removed after the door installation process is completed. But this does not apply to the door to the bathroom.

As you can see, installing a bathroom door has many nuances, without knowing which, you can spoil the product or make its operation unbearable. Creaking doors, self-closing, wedged, ill-fitting...

The list of defects associated with incorrect installation can be extended. Therefore, it is still necessary for people who are confident in their abilities to install the door on their own. If there is even the slightest doubt about the success of the upcoming installation, then it is better not to start work, but to entrust them to professionals.

At the final stage of repair in the bathroom, the question arises of installing doors. This process has some differences from installing a door in any other room.

In this case, moisture-resistant materials should be used, the closure should be hermetically sealed, and at the same time ensure air recirculation.

These features make installing bathroom doors a more responsible procedure.

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What do you need to know before installation?

Before work on installing doors to the bathroom, you need to take into account the peculiarities of the microclimate of this room when choosing the material from which the door is made. High humidity can deform the product from natural wood, and then the question of premature replacement will arise.

In the presence of a closed shower and a large area of ​​​​the room natural materials allowed, but with a waterproof coating.

Installation is carried out after the alignment of the walls and other wet work is completed so that the box does not lead from dampness. The subfloor must also be completed, when you can find out the thickness of the finishing one in order to make the installation, taking into account the height of the threshold. If the doors themselves are changing, then these steps can be skipped.

When choosing a door and a frame, even if they are marked and sold as a set, you need to make sure that the dimensions are accurate. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer may make inaccuracies in manufacturing, which will create great difficulties during installation. The beam of the box must be even and not have black knots, and its thickness is the same as the door leaf.

Preparatory work

Installation of doors to the bathroom begins with the dismantling of the old unit which is carried out as follows:

  • Rip off trims;
  • Clean the old door tightly;
  • The box is sawn in two places;
  • The vertical segments of the old box are dismantled with a crowbar and a chisel;
  • Dismantle the top of the box.

When the opening is freed from the old structure, it is cleaned of the remnants of the old mounting material and the flaws are plastered, if any, were made during dismantling. After this stage, and also, if the door is placed in a new opening, it is necessary to prepare it. For this:

  • A waterproofing of the opening is arranged to prevent the influence of moisture on the material of the door frame;
  • Dust is removed throughout the opening and a primer is applied;
  • If the boxes are made of wood, a diffusion tape is glued around its entire perimeter, which has a sticky base. It also glues the perimeter of the opening.

Do-it-yourself door installation

When installing the door, you will need the following materials and fixtures:

  • Screwdriver and hand electric drill;
  • Building level, mallet, chisels;
  • Construction knife and pencil;
  • Miter box, hacksaw, cue ball, hammer;
  • Feather drills;
  • Self-tapping screws for wood;
  • Small nails for cashing and glazing beads;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Substrates made of wood or plastic;
  • Locks and hinges.

First, the door frame is assembled and installed. If it is purchased ready-made, it remains only to insert it, if not, then after assembly and installation, you need to perform its final adjustment.

For this:

  • The whole structure is assembled on the floor, after which it is installed in the opening;
  • Long posts cut to 200.5 cm. standard height opening. If the dimensions are non-standard, then the dimensions are calculated based on these dimensions;
  • Similarly, the top of the loot is shortened to 60 cm with a standard width;
  • Sheds are inserted at a distance of 25 cm from the edge;
  • The box is assembled, holes for fasteners are pre-made.

The loot can be mounted without a threshold, which makes the passage more convenient. The next step is to prepare the door leaf:

  • Loops are hung on it similarly to the same operation on the loot;
  • The latch is fastened, which is mounted at a height of 85-90 cm from the floor;
  • Drill with a diameter of 20 mm. a hole is made for the handle;
  • With a chisel, a place for the lining is selected from the end, having previously marked it, attaching a latch to the right place. Self-tapping screws are used for its fastening;
  • For the installation of handles, a protruding square is used, which is threaded into the hole, and handles are attached to it.

Installation of doors begins with the installation of the box. Work is performed in the following order:

  • The box is inserted into the opening and fixed with special wedges;
  • Plumb and level check the correct installation, and make the necessary adjustments;
  • The box is fixed with anchors or with dowels, which must be screwed flush. Regarding the attachment points on the doorway, marks are placed, the box is removed, and holes for attachment are made according to the marks;
  • The box is put in place, fastened, and the door is hung on the screwed hinges;
  • The gap near the box in the opening is foamed to seal the seams. Filling occurs by a third of the volume, as the foam expands, the operation is carried out from the bottom up. Upon completion of the work, the structure is not touched for up to a day, until the foam hardens.

How to avoid mistakes?

When installing doors, there is typical mistakes, which are performed by inexperienced craftsmen most often. While working, pay attention to the following features in this type of work.