Draft ceiling installation and insulation. How to make a ceiling in a wooden house: installation recommendations, which ceiling to make with your own hands

  • 03.03.2020

In wooden houses, the ceiling is made of beams. In such rooms, it is necessary to install a draft ceiling, along which the final finishing will be carried out. Proper arrangement of it will allow you to get a warm and presentable ceiling. This procedure can be completely do it yourself, you just need to have basic woodworking skills and have a basic set of tools. Our detailed instructions will help you independently make and sheathe a rough surface in a country house.

Floor device in a wooden house

Before building draft ceiling on wooden beams, it is necessary to understand how the interfloor overlap is arranged. It consists of several layers - each of them performs a specific role.

Consider its basic scheme:

  1. Plank floor - if there is another floor above. Can be rough or finish, as well as under finishing.
  2. Vapor barrier - reduces heat loss, eliminates the appearance of mold, fungus, increases the service life roofing materials. It is necessary to obtain a high-quality overlap, but this layer can be skipped (if not necessary).
  3. Insulation - allows you to keep warm in the room. It is necessary if an unheated attic, roof is located on top.
  4. Waterproofing - membrane type film, protects wooden surface from moisture.
  5. Draft ceiling - without it, the final finish is simply impossible. It is a support for all previous layers.

When the interfloor overlap is completely finished, you can proceed to its sheathing. For this, they are used different kinds materials, which will be discussed later.

Draft ceiling construction

This stage of work is simple and can be performed do it yourself. Hem ceiling with beams can be boards or plywood.


Consider the process of building a rough ceiling from boards. For this you will need the following materials:

  • edged or tongue-and-groove boards - 25 mm thickness will be enough;
  • nails 70 mm or self-tapping screws up to 55 mm.

Since the rough ceiling involves finishing, appearance boards is not very important, the main requirement is that they must be strong and even. Save on the quality of materials should not be.

Pre-determine the required number of boards and cut them to the desired size. Accuracy in this case is important - to avoid inconsistencies (gaps or cracks may remain).

The work is carried out in several stages:

  1. A board is attached to each log using self-tapping screws or nails in a spacer (at an angle of 45 degrees to the edge). Sheet pile boards fixed with a groove from the wall.
  2. The tree is covered with impregnation - fire-fighting and antiseptic.
  3. On top of the boards, insulation and waterproofing are attached.

The location of the boards below the beams is a convenient and practical way. However, in this case, access to the logs is closed by a plank floor, and if necessary, it will be difficult to get to them.

Alternative ceiling

There is another option for attaching boards - over the lags. He assumes that wood beam ceiling is a design approach - they act as a decorative element. Such a design can look advantageous in Provence, country, Mediterranean styles - when you need to create a textured, stylish and somewhat serious interior.

As an element of decoration, you can use the so-called false plasterboard beams - they are puttied on the ceiling, which allows you to imitate the look wooden elements to give the surface a different texture.


Draft ceiling filing on wooden beams can be made from plywood. In this case importance has a properly assembled crate on which sheets of plywood will be attached.

Work order:

  • A vapor barrier membrane is shot to the beams.
  • A frame is made (metal or from a bar) - this is the basis for plywood sheets and additional support for insulation.
  • Plywood is attached to the resulting crate.
  • The heater is installed.

Let's take a closer look at the last step.

Ceiling insulation

It is important to properly insulate beam ceiling. The material must meet the following requirements:

  • fire safety;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good sound insulation;
  • light weight.

The whole variety of heaters can be divided into polymeric and combined, organic and inorganic.

Polymer- Lightweight, durable and inexpensive. However, these materials are flammable and can be destroyed under the influence of temperature surges. It can be foam, polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam.

organic- environmentally friendly and inexpensive, but over time, their thermal insulation properties are reduced, flammable. These include straw, peat, sawdust.

Inorganic- Differ in high weight and low thermal insulation. Their use is justified if reinforced wooden beams on the ceiling having a continuous lining. This is expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, mineral wool. The latter is the most popular among specialists, as it has the best consumer properties.

Depending on the presence of flooring at the upper level, insulation can be made from above or below.

In the absence of flooring work is built in the following sequence:

  1. A vapor barrier is being installed. To do this, a special membrane film is spread over the entire surface of the ceiling, tightly pressed against the beams and the rough filing. An overlap is left on the walls - about 10 cm. It is fixed with a stapler.
  2. Insulation is spreading - it should form an even layer with beams.
  3. The insulation is covered with a waterproofing film.

With flooring it will not work to insulate the ceiling from above, but this can be done from the side of the living room. Sequence of work:

  1. Waterproofing is fixed - on the flooring and beams.
  2. The twine is stretched in a zigzag - on nails driven into the beams.
  3. The insulation is laid between the beams in such a way that the threads hold the material well.
  4. A vapor barrier is being installed.

After completion of the insulation work, the ceiling surface is covered with drywall or other selected material.


When the draft ceiling is ready, you can proceed to the final stage - fine finishing. It can be performed various materials. Consider the most popular options.


Such a design can be suspension and hemmed, have several levels. Because wooden ceiling with beams somewhat mobile (the tree "breathes"), this material is easily deformed. A two-tier frame will help prevent this problem.

Stages of work:

  1. Bearing profiles are attached to the lags - this requires special quick hangers. They allow you to create a small backlash.
  2. The second tier of bearing profiles is mounted on the first row using two-level connectors. They provide a slight offset of the profiles in relation to each other. The second row is attached with a damper tape to the walls.

The resulting frame is movable - the upper plane can move up and down by a few millimeters, while the lower one remains stationary.

  1. Drywall is attached to the frame.
  2. The surface is putty.

The advantage of using drywall sheets is ease of implementation installation work and low material cost.

For rooms with a difficult microclimate (for example, if the house is damp), opt for more expensive moisture-resistant drywall.

Plastic panels

They are lightweight and presentable. Attached to a pre-built ceiling frame (steel or plastic profile, beam). For installation, you can use liquid nails.

Clapboard and slatted ceiling

This type of finish is durable, environmentally friendly and has a pleasant appearance. They are attached to the rough coating using a wooden crate; self-tapping screws and thin nails can be used for fixing.

Stretch ceiling

The advantage of this choice is that work can be done immediately after the construction of the house, without waiting for it to shrink. Stretch ceiling due to the peculiarities of their design, they easily compensate for possible deformations of the floor. A canvas made of PVC film or a special fabric is fixed to the walls with the help of baguettes.

The choice of the final finish of the ceiling is a matter of individual preferences, and also depends on the purpose of the room. If you decide to produce construction works do it yourself, appreciate the simplicity self-assembly material. In this matter, the undoubted leader is drywall.

The quality of the rough ceiling on wooden beams directly affects the strength of the entire structure, so haste and carelessness in this matter are unacceptable. The whole process, up to the finishing sheathing, can be done independently. Please read the above recommendations carefully necessary set tools and materials, add a little patience and go for it.

Upon completion of the main works associated with the construction country house, its walls and ceiling have an unfinished look and need preliminary preparation for their subsequent finishing. Regarding the preparation, it should be said that the technique of its arrangement is individual for various categories of residential buildings and should be considered separately for each of options building structures.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that before making such a ceiling , you must first familiarize yourself with the technique of its manufacture for various types structures, such as, for example, permanent structures with concrete floors or buildings with wooden beams.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that the arrangement of any structures also depends on the material used as a decorative finish.

Preparing the concrete floor

When conducting overhaul old housing (and often when preparing in a new house), first of all, the surface should be cleaned of extraneous layers up to concrete slabs. At the same time, all irregularities on the surface of these plates are removed with a spatula, and the seams formed at the points of their joining are also cleared. Ceilings in houses old building pre-washed from whitewashing or cleaned of paint layers.

In some cases it is necessary to completely remove the worn layer of plaster, but in any case you will have to get a relatively flat surface, on which it will later be possible to apply or mount a decorative coating of the type of your choice.

All subsequent preparatory operations are carried out, as a rule, in the following order:

  • first of all, the previously cleared joints of the plates are sealed, which is necessary for reliable soundproofing of the room;
  • after this, the surface of these plates is covered with a primer layer, and then leveled with a starting putty, eliminating all small irregularities present on it;
  • at the final stage preparatory work the surface is treated with a finishing putty, after which it is carefully cleaned with an abrasive sandpaper.

Arrangement of wooden floors

It is not difficult to independently prepare a draft ceiling in a house with wooden floors. All work on its arrangement, as a rule, is carried out in the following sequence:

  • first of all, the load-bearing beams are closed from the side of the room with glassine or polyethylene film used as a vapor barrier (they are attached to the beams with a stapler);
  • immediately after this, the beams are hemmed with any material suitable for these purposes ( edged board, For example);
  • after that, a layer of thermal insulation is laid in the space between the beams, the function of which can be performed by mineral wool or polystyrene slabs;
  • on top of the insulation, another layer of polyethylene film is placed, used as waterproofing (it is laid with an overlap of about 20 cm).

At the final stage of the arrangement, pre-prepared logs are laid directly on the beams, and then laid flooring attic.

Note that filing along wooden beams, as well as the formation of a multi-layered floor pie, are made taking into account the purpose of the attic space. Small structural deviations from the above scheme will be observed if it is used as an attic, for example, or when arranging the so-called "cold" attic.

But for any use of the under-roof space, the hemming boards are attached to the joists with the help of long nails driven in “into the spacer” and with a minimum gap.

Various designs of ceilings in this case can be reduced to the following options:

Alternative wood flooring

It is known that the height of the ceilings in wooden houses is usually not enough for the living conditions in them to be considered normal. In such a situation, filing along the bottom of the wooden beams seems uneconomical in terms of using the floor structure to increase living space.

At the same time, the option of filing boards not from below, but along the top of the beams using a special crate, is considered quite acceptable. Such a solution, of course, will radically change the appearance by using protruding beams as room design elements.


More about the ceiling device in the video:

The main role of the base or draft base is to be the basis for subsequent construction and installation work related to the finishing of this surface. in concrete and brick houses for this, existing floor slabs are used, and in buildings made of wood, it is necessary to create an entire structure. To assemble a rough ceiling with your own hands, special knowledge or skills are not required. Basic woodworking skills and a minimum amount of tools are enough.

How it all works

In order to assemble everything correctly and at the same time, the assembled part of the house did not fail in the future, you need to know what role all its elements play. There are not so many of them, and understanding the role of each of them will allow you to assemble a reliable element. General scheme the device of this part of the house looks like this:

Under number "1" the bearing beam is designated. The number "2" in the diagram indicates the so-called cranial bar. It serves as a support for laying the elements of the base surface. The number "3" indicates a heater. The number "4" shows the base plane itself, and the number "5" indicates the outer decorative coating.

Depending on the features of the house, the overlap may be arranged a little differently, but the main details and the scheme for their fastening will remain unchanged. The details of the floor base or the draft ceiling are attached to the supporting beams, the insulation is laid, and the finishing layer is laid last. decorative coating.

From correct device this component, the strength and reliability of the rest of the structure will depend, so it is the construction of this layer that should be considered in detail.

Features of different designs

There are only two main types of these building details: concrete base and a rough ceiling, which is arranged on wooden beams. The first option is used in brick, concrete and panel houses, and the second - in wooden buildings.

In the first option, the main work will be in the primary finishing, leveling and preparation for finishing. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out work on additional insulation.

The second option involves a much larger volume of operations. Here it is necessary to build not just a base for finishing, but a base for laying an insulating layer and a decorative coating. Therefore, much more time and attention will be required.

Various designs and methods of device

To equip the draft plane in wooden buildings, you can use plywood or a board. The board has an undoubted advantage - for its fastening, you do not need to build a special crate, and you can fasten it directly to the bearing logs. Plywood, on the other hand, will require the creation of a crate from bars or slats.

Work on the arrangement must be done in a certain sequence. Draft ceiling in wooden house is very important element- it serves as the basis for all subsequent finishing and a support for laying thermal insulation, so everything needs to be done very high quality and carefully.

If plywood is used, then the main operations will be to correctly assemble the crate and attach plywood sheets to it without leaving gaps. According to the resulting coating, the rest will already be produced Finishing work. In this case, the insulation is laid on the upper side of the resulting structure.

First, a layer of vapor barrier membrane is shot to the lags. You can use different films or membranes for, depending on personal preference and budget.

The vapor barrier is fixed, but, for laying a heater on top of it, its strength is not enough. Additionally, wooden bars or slats are attached, at a certain distance from each other, which at the same time will be a crate for fixing plywood sheets.

Now that the strength of the resulting surface is sufficient, you can lay the heat insulator. Here, too, you can apply a variety of different materials. It is already possible to attach sheets of plywood to the resulting crate.

On top of the laid insulation, the floor of the second floor is arranged. If it is not supposed to be done, for example, in the attic, you can cover the heat insulator with a protective waterproofing layer and proceed to work from inside the room.

With a board, such an arrangement can be both simpler and more difficult. It depends on which method of arranging the overlap will be chosen. Almost always, the draft ceiling in wooden buildings is made from boards that do not have the most attractive appearance. This is due to the fact that it will not be visible, and the main requirement for this element will be its strength and reliability.

You can create a similar surface by attaching a boardwalk to the bottom of the load-bearing beams. All other materials will be stacked on top. This method is easier to perform, but it also has its drawbacks - the load-bearing beams will be hidden inside the ceiling and used as decorative element or for other purposes will not work.

The details of the coating in this embodiment are fastened closely, on the underside of the supporting beams or logs. A solid ceiling is assembled from individual rails. On the one hand, it will serve as the basis for laying all the insulating and soundproofing layers, and on the other hand, as the basis for finishing.

Can apply more complex structure. Here, the cranial bars will be attached first, on which a rough coating of sawn-off the right size boards. It is important to saw off all the boards strictly to size so that there are no unnecessary cracks and gaps. It is possible to lay an insulating layer and a vapor barrier, in this option, both from above and from the underside of the ceiling.

You can apply multiple various options execution of the draft plane and use different materials for its manufacture. In any case, reliability plays a very important role, therefore, when choosing how to hem a rough ceiling, you need to pay more attention to the quality and strength of the selected material.

Draft ceiling on wooden beams - the basis for the formation of a layer of hydro-, thermal insulation, filing, widely used, as a rule, in private and country houses. In apartments, the use of this method is irrelevant, since they have a concrete ceiling, and wooden beams are an element of decor.
All the nuances regarding the draft ceiling on wooden beams will be discussed in this article.

How to hem a draft ceiling in a wooden house

This process can be carried out using almost any starting material. The simplest and effective option- lining. If you want the smell of wood to be kept in the room, then it is worth filing the ceiling with a planed board.
Asking the question “How to hem a ceiling on wooden beams”, you can consider plywood, plastic, chipboard as additional options, and resin-free materials are best used in bath rooms.

There are 2 ways to carry out this process.

First way

The filing of the ceiling with a board on wooden beams is carried out after thermal insulation and the formation of condensate. The insulation is fixed between the beams. Mineral wool is considered the best option for this role.
After that, wooden bars are attached to the beams with nails.
Then the flooring is formed from the boards. To do this, they (boards) are adjusted to a certain size with a small indent of a few millimeters. And only after that the rough ceiling is filed along the wooden beams. The boards must be fixed as close as possible to each other or at a distance that does not exceed 30-40 cm.
If in the future the wooden ceiling is processed with heavy clay with antique imitation, then the slats should be connected using the staggered method.
After that, the rough ceiling made can be taken as a basis and the main construction processes can be carried out. For example, to form a stretch ceiling.

Second way

For implementation this method two people are required.
The boards do not need to be adjusted or cut in any way, they are all served immediately under the logs, on the side of the building. The distance from the wall and the beam placed on it should be 50 mm, then the boards are fixed together with a metal plate. A rail made of wood (Mauerlat) is laid under them, and already under it from three sides a roofing material is fixed with strips. On the fourth side, materials are supplied, so here the installation of a beam with a wooden rail is made at the very end.
As a result of any of the two methods, a structure will be obtained, where a small hole will remain from the edge. To remove it, you need to use a wooden rail of the required length and fix it to the beam.

It is very important to remember that the rough ceiling is made taking into account certain details that allow you to save the original ceiling timber, wood and speed up the installation process:

  • it is necessary to select boards according to the length of the room so that there is no waste
  • it's better to put everything at once wooden slats To outer wall, from where it will be convenient for one person to supply this material to another, laying it from inside the building on the opposite wall
  • after the necessary correction, the slats can be fixed to the beams using two self-tapping screws so that those (slats) can hold a person. This speeds up the process, since one performer can supply and the other fix the timber.
  • if the rail is less than the declared length, then it is cut with an electric jigsaw at the level of the last beam
  • if the rail is longer than necessary, then it is not fixed to the extreme beam
  • there is no point in thermal insulation of the draft ceiling if there is a heated room on top
  • when forming a vapor barrier, it is worth especially focusing on the corners, thereby preventing the appearance of rotting and mold. In the places where the fixtures are fixed, it is better to hem heat-reflecting foil 20x20 cm in size in advance.
  • the laying of the insulation must be carried out in full accordance with the instructions, it is necessary to take into account the location of the built-in light sources in advance. It is safest to pre-cut holes with a diameter of 20 cm around them to prevent the possibility of ignition of the insulation from a heat source.

It is likely that those who are conducting this process for the first time may have questions. They can be sent in the form of a consultation to a competent specialist who is able to explain and explain incomprehensible moments of the repair process. Sometimes it is even necessary, since only a third-party professional look from the outside will help to take into account everything important nuances created interior and style.
To choose source materials, of which there will be no doubt, you need to analyze the existing customer reviews in advance or send this question to a knowledgeable specialist.
This article allows you to understand how to make a draft ceiling on your own, without resorting to third-party help. By following all the instructions, you can prepare a wooden base with sufficient quality, on which in the future it will be possible to form any ceiling in a private house, adding to it a unique design.

The first thing that catches your eye in any home is the ceiling. Seeing the gloss of the ceiling, few people think about the fact that under it there is another ceiling (rough). How it is made depends on general form ceiling.

Device attic floor: 1 - ceiling beam, 2 - cranial bar, 3 - insulation, 4 - rough ceiling (roll), 5 - inner lining of the ceiling.

The draft ceiling, in addition to providing an overlap of the room, it forms the basis for the final finish. If everything is clear in urban buildings with a foundation (it was erected by builders in the form of concrete floors), then in private construction they have to be arranged from scratch.

Draft ceiling structures

There are two main designs of the draft ceiling: on the basis of a concrete floor and a wooden ceiling. A rough concrete ceiling can be based on the overlap of one monolithic slab, and then alignment is not needed (but only finishing putty). In panel houses, where the floor is usually prefabricated from several slabs, additional alignment is necessary. In one-story buildings with concrete floors, it is necessary to apply waterproofing and thermal insulation.

The manufacture of a wooden rough ceiling implies that there is only a ceiling of wooden beams and a full cycle of creating a ceiling is necessary (from installing the frame to leveling the ceiling surface). At the same time, it is necessary to form at the same time the floor of the attic (attic) and the ceiling of the room, providing protection from moisture, steam and cold.

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Rough concrete ceiling

First of all, concrete floors are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and old coatings. If manifestations of mold or fungi are observed, then these areas must be treated antiseptic composition. It is best to use a ready-made factory composition intended for this purpose, but an aqueous solution of copper sulphate can be used.

After surface preparation, a primer layer is applied. The primer is made with a solution of a dry primer mixture of deep penetration.

The plastering of the draft ceiling must be done with the installation of beacons, since it is very difficult to align the ceiling relative to the floor and control the thickness of the layer without beacons. Beacons are installed vertically at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other on plaster patches. Horizontalness is checked by the tops of the beacons using a two-meter level. The height of the beacons must correspond to the thickness of the plaster layer, which should not exceed 5 cm. It should be remembered that the accuracy of setting the beacons determines the quality of the entire draft ceiling.

The ceiling plaster itself is made in three layers. The first is a leveling layer up to 5 mm thick. Its main task is to align the seams between concrete slabs. Then the main layer of plaster up to 3 cm thick is applied. With the help of this layer, the horizontality of the ceiling is corrected. Finally, the last finishing layer ends with a smooth surface. Its thickness is 10-15 mm. For plastering the ceiling, it is better to use a dry gypsum-based mortar for internal works. The first layer for better adhesion to the concrete floor is best applied from a dry cement-based mixture. Each layer is applied after the previous layer has cured. After plastering, the beacons are removed, and their installation sites are puttied.

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Rough concrete ceiling in a private house

In a one-story private building, the draft ceiling based on concrete floors must be insulated. Insulation should be applied from the outside of the ceiling, i.e. from the side of the attic. It is necessary to sequentially lay a layer of thermal insulation, waterproofing and vapor barrier membrane on the ceiling. Protection can be made in two main ways: with a concrete screed or with the help of wooden logs.

In the manufacture of a concrete screed, you can limit yourself to applying only a layer of thermal insulation. In this case, it is advisable to use bulk expanded clay. The layer thickness should be about 15 cm. After filling the insulation and leveling it over the surface, it is made concrete screed. To do this, a concrete solution is poured from above so that it partially penetrates the expanded clay layer and forms upper layer 2-3 cm. Horizontalness is checked by a level. Further surface treatment depends on the purpose of the attic, for which the rough ceiling has become the rough floor.

If a lighter version of the draft ceiling insulation is required, then wooden logs from bars measuring 40x40 or 40x50 mm. The lattice of beams is attached to the ceiling with anchors or dowels. Between the lags, thermal insulation, a waterproofing layer made of polyethylene film or roofing felt, and a vapor barrier layer made of foil-coated film are laid in series. Mineral wool or foam sheets can be used as thermal insulation. When laying, do not allow gaps between the bars and thermal insulation. Lag is stacked on top wood flooring, plywood or chipboard.

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Production of wooden floors

The process of manufacturing a rough ceiling begins with the condition that a ceiling with a wooden beam measuring 10x10 or 20x20 cm is installed in the house. First, a ceiling grill is mounted. To do this, between the beams are attached logs of wooden beam. From below, a rough sheathing is fixed to this lattice. A grooved board with a thickness of 25-30 mm is usually used. You can use chipboard with a thickness of 18-20 mm or two layers of plywood. The advantage of using a board is that the grate, if used, is not mounted. The board is securely attached directly to the floor beams. The board is attached to the beam with at least two nails or powerful screws. When fastening with nails, it is recommended to hammer them at an angle of 45 °.

Chipboard sheets or plywood are attached to the ceiling grid. Fastening is recommended to be done with screws. At the same time, a hole is pre-drilled in the sheets in the places where the screw is screwed in order not to damage the sheets when screwing the screw with force. Screw or nail heads must be recessed.

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Choice of materials for insulation

In the manufacture of a draft ceiling, the choice of material for thermal insulation and protection against moisture and steam is important. Various materials can be used for thermal insulation. Mineral wool has high thermal insulation properties, but they decrease with aging. The material requires good waterproofing, as when wet, it sharply loses its thermal insulation properties. Its use is quite common. When laying it should not be tamped: the presence of air increases it positive traits. Expanded clay is a good thermal insulator. However, when even a minimal layer (15 cm) is applied, the weight of the insulation becomes significant, which should be especially taken into account when wooden floors Houses. At the same time, it is one of the cheapest options.

Styrofoam is one of the best thermal insulation materials, has a low weight, over time it is practically not subject to shrinkage. The disadvantages include flammability (moreover, with the release of harmful substances).

When using it, you can do without protection from steam. Styrofoam is somewhat more expensive than mineral wool, but has many advantages.

Commonly used as a waterproofing material polyethylene film. In terms of its availability, low cost, with the highest moisture resistance, the material has practically no competitors. To protect against steam, a layer of foil must be used. You can just use aluminum foil. But a film made of foamed polyethylene with a layer of foil is widely used. Such a film, when protected from steam, also provides additional thermal insulation.