How to build a woodcutter - a stationary and portable do-it-yourself construction. Do-it-yourself firewood shed: how to build a metal firewood shed Beautiful firewood shed

  • 23.06.2020

Shed or build a woodshed with your own hands, providing optimal conditions for stored firewood. It's about last version and the features of the construction of this building will be discussed.

Choose a place

The convenience of its use depends on the correct placement of the building, therefore, when choosing a place for a woodcutter, consider all the nuances. The structure should not be located in the most visible place and interfere with movement around the site. For a woodcutter designed for a large amount of fuel, take care of the convenience of approaching it by car, otherwise it will be a difficult task to move the brought firewood to the storage place.

Big woodcutter

If firewood is used to heat the house, they are placed near it. The fuel used in the preparation of a barbecue or kindling a bath, respectively, is stored closer to the listed buildings. There are no special requirements regarding the terrain, but fit places with high humidity Not recommended.

Drawing up a drawing of the site with the designation of all buildings on it, including the future woodcutter, will help not to be mistaken with the location. Based on the scheme and the available free space for construction, it will be easier to decide on the optimal type of building.

Type of woodcutter

The simplest construction of a woodshed is an extension to the house, which has two walls, a roof and a base raised above the ground. Such a structure is stable and saves on material due to the absence of a rear wall at the point of contact with the main building.

The second option is a separate building. It can look like a full-fledged firewood shed with a door, or it can be made in the form of a canopy with three walls.

not for storage a large number logs, portable woodsheds are convenient. You can make them from old barrels, pallets, metal rods and even vines.

Wood shed

The main purpose of a firewood shed is to protect fuel from moisture and dampness, therefore, almost any materials that can provide suitable conditions. The most commonly used board, metal, profiled sheet, there are also structures made of timber, logs and polycarbonate. A good solution would be to line the woodshed in the same style with other yard buildings.

Choosing a drawing

The drawing of the structure will help to accurately calculate the amount the right materials and facilitate the construction process. When choosing the right type of woodcutter, start from the need for fuel. If you plan to consume a small amount of firewood (up to 3 m³), ​​a design in the form of a canopy or a small shed with a door is suitable, and for large volumes it is recommended to make a woodshed consisting of several sections.

Construction scheme

To determine the need for firewood, keep in mind that a house of 100 m² with stove heating in the cold season needs about 2 m³ of well-dried pine firewood (they are considered dry after a year of storage from the moment of sawing). Fresh firewood will need 2 times more. In the storage it is desirable to have a supply of fuel for 2 seasons, taking into account heating and additional costs (barbecue, sauna).

Selection of materials

Wood - best material for construction

Before you build a woodcutter, you will need to decide on the materials for construction and purchase them. If the structure is stationary, the list of necessary items will include:

  • supports (from timber or metal);
  • corrugated board, slate or metal roof tiles;
  • wooden beams;
  • everything for cooking concrete mix(cement, sand, gravel);
  • nails and screws;
  • metal corners.

Boards, sheet metal are suitable for wall cladding, you can also lay them out of cinder block or brick. If you have recently completed the construction of a house and there are unnecessary leftover materials, it is more economical to use them.

Selection of tools

To build a woodcutter standing on supports, you will need a tool for earthworks - a drill, a shovel, as well as for woodworking - a saw, planer, electric jigsaw. If the skin is metal, you should get a grinder. In addition to the above, auxiliary equipment is useful:

  • ladder;
  • container for mixing cement;
  • hammer;
  • drill with a mixing nozzle;
  • pliers;
  • twine;
  • measuring tool (tape measure, building level).

Preparation for work

Antiseptic treatment

Preparation for construction includes pre-treatment of wood and clearing the site at the location of the building. Processing means impregnation with antiseptic and water-repellent compounds, which is necessary to extend the life of materials.

Then the selected part of the yard is freed from weeds, shrubs and tree roots, if any, and proceed to the construction of the foundation. The base is made of a columnar or tape type. You should also take care of logs made of bricks or cinder blocks (the minimum height for them is 7-10 cm), laid on top of the foundation, so that the building is raised above the ground.

Stationary woodcutter

Consider how to build a stationary firewood shed standing on a columnar foundation with your own hands. The first stage is digging holes for supports. Pits are made with a garden drill or a shovel, while their depth should allow the posts to be installed no higher than the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, when the soil swells, the building will warp.

Sand with crushed stone is poured at the bottom of the pits, foundation piles from a bar (with a diameter of 20 cm or more) are installed on top and poured with concrete. The correctness of their installation is checked by a level and a twine stretched between the supports. The purpose of this check is to make sure that the posts are in line and fixed vertically.

Important! To make the roof sloping, the support pillars are made of different heights. The minimum height difference between the front and rear piles is 15 cm.

The next stage is the connection of the front and rear supports. To do this, the timber (15 cm in diameter) is fixed with long self-tapping screws to the posts at a level of 10 cm above the ground, reinforcing the joints metal corners. In the same way, the upper strapping is done. Then the upper and lower logs are fixed and a vertical frame is installed.

Connecting a beam with corners

If the design provides for a door, two more vertical racks of timber are inserted at the opening site, on which it will be hung. The horizontal surface of the woodshed is sheathed with a standard floorboard, leaving small gaps for air circulation. The walls are performed in the same way, using the same board or slab (side part of the log).

The roof is covered with corrugated board or slate. You can save money and make it from a slab, like walls, but in this case, roofing material or ondulin must be laid on top, fixing it with nails with stainless steel gaskets.

For a woodcutter with a door, it is advisable to make a visor over the entrance. The material for it can be a wide board, planted on self-tapping screws and additionally fixed with two side supports.

The finished structure is painted or varnished. This is not necessary, but will provide additional protection to the material and decorate the building.

Wall variant

An economical option of how to make a woodcutter is an extension to a house or a utility block. This building is usually placed near the northern wall of the building so that the firewood is not constantly under the sun.

The construction of a wall-mounted woodcutter is similar to the technology of building a stationary structure. The only difference is the roof, the arrangement of which needs special attention. Due to the specifics of the location during precipitation, water from the roof of the main building will drain onto the extension, therefore, to prevent moisture stagnation, the roof of the woodshed is made flat. In this case, the slope should be directed away from the wall.

Woodshed combined with the house

Portable option

For those who do not have a need for a large amount of firewood or want to always have a supply of logs near the barbecue area or by the fireplace, and the stationary woodcutter is far away, a portable design will be convenient. There are many originals for sale. ready-made options made of wood and metal, but a self-made portable woodcutter is no worse, and when connected to fantasy work, it can turn out even more interesting. And it will definitely cost less.

One option is to use the old wooden barrel, which is in almost any household.

New life old barrel

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • We put the markup on the barrel. Its central part with one of the hoops remains intact, and the sides are cut off with a jigsaw so that it looks like a basket with a handle.
  • The saw cuts are sanded.
  • The remaining hoop is fixed with screws or bolts.
  • Two figured parts for the legs are cut out of the board.
  • In each of the parts, two holes are drilled on the sides, into which the skinned cuttings are inserted. This will be the stand.
  • The details are varnished or stained, and the portable woodcutter is ready.

And those who are familiar with the basics of weaving can make a small firewood shed from a vine. For this you will need wooden slats, flexible wire and wicker. A rectangle is knocked together from the rails, which will become the base. Then, on its opposite sides, holes are drilled every 3 cm and thick branches of the vine are inserted into them, they will serve as the basis for weaving.

Woodcutter from a vine

In the middle of the rack frame, a wire is attached and a handle is formed from it. Further, the main rods are bent and braided with thinner ones. Take the diagram below as the basis for the pattern. At the end of the work, the wire handle is also braided with rods and the ends of the wire are carefully masked.

Having an idea of ​​how to build a woodshed with your own hands, keeping firewood dry is not difficult. By choosing the right design, you will also be able to appreciate the advantages of such storage and be sure of the safety of fuel at any time of the year.

The use of firewood for heating, for barbecues or a fireplace is not uncommon in our time. For convenience and storage of dry firewood, home-made firewood racks are used. Examples different options You can see the photo of the woodpile for firewood below.

If you have private house and for heating you use firewood, it is convenient to have a shed with a roof to protect from rain and snow. But this will require significant costs for building materials. For a fireplace and barbecue with a stove, you can build a wooden rack for wood.

Regardless of which storage method you have chosen, first of all, you should decide on the size of the structure skeleton itself, depending on its location and your wishes.

Do-it-yourself firewood in the country

If you have no idea how to make a woodpile, then this example will suit you. Practical and cost-effective design, which is a rack - a good choice for wood storage. The structure must be strong and have slots for wind to increase the shelf life of firewood, saving them from dampness.

To assemble, you will need the usual set of tools for working with wood (meter, jigsaw, file, pencil, drill, screws), and a couple of boards small size about 2x4 cm thick - this parameter will be enough.

The construction should be strong and similar to the skeleton of a small inverted table. At the corners, attach an additional 45-degree cut edge beam for added stability.

By assembling the structure with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, you will have a beautifully strong structure, but with your adjustments regarding the dimensions.

Work does not deliver special efforts or costs. It is not difficult for a summer resident to move the firewood rack to any other place, and due to additional supports, the structure will last a long time, allowing you to keep firewood near the house or gazebo, you will save time and energy.

Firewood stacking methods

Common ways to store firewood are top and bottom. Main principle stacking firewood so that the structure does not fall apart and do not get enough sleep due to unstable stacking of firewood.

There are three common ways to fold a woodpile:

  • "Stack" (boards and firewood are stacked in rows parallel to each other);
  • "Cage" (any subsequent upper layer firewood is folded perpendicular to the bottom layer);
  • "Circular method" (laying firewood in a circle and filling the center with the same circular method, vertically or horizontally, since the middle will act as a support for the entire structure).


The stacking method of laying will require a wall for support, a house, a barn or a garage. Without a supporting wall, the structure will be unstable and will soon fall apart.

When folding in parallel rows, it is worth making a slope towards the support post or wall, for greater structural integrity.

The easiest way is to take the thicker edges of the firewood and stack it on the outside. Or another way is to put slats under the ends of the stumps. Also, as an option, you can use separate woodpile.

The process of laying firewood on a woodpile with your own hands is no longer routine, but creative, many perform the so-called bitmaps using a variety of sizes and colors of stumps, thereby decorating their yard.

Circle method

The circular method does not need supports or separate structures. Such a woodpile for firewood with your own hands is very simple, as it does not require additional financial and physical efforts.

To install a round woodpile, you should very carefully choose the place where the firewood will be located. To do this, select a part of the place, preferably on a hill in your area, so that after rain the water does not collect under the firewood.

In place of the woodpile, pour crushed stone and sand so that the firewood does not lie directly on the damp ground. The top of the structure can be covered with a sheet of iron or something else that you have available.

The shape of a round woodpile resembles a mushroom, this method is very convenient and simple, which is why summer residents choose it.

Photo firewood for giving

The firewood rack is a structure designed to store neatly stacked firewood, which is indispensable outside the city. It allows you to store the fuel so as not to take up much space and let it dry out. It is more convenient to create it yourself in order to guess as much as possible with the size and shape, as well as to get a product that meets the individual needs of the owners.

Features of a homemade firewood

A home-made woodpile for firewood is formed in accordance with several mandatory conditions. Firewood must be protected from rain and snow, but at the same time be able to ventilate. In addition, it is important that the chosen place is in the shade, away from open flames. Materials cannot be stored directly on the ground, the floor should be made of either brick or planks.

However, it is very bad if the floor is joined directly to the ground, so it is important to maintain a gap.

The next condition is attractive appearance designs, which should be combined with the rest of the buildings on the site and the general landscape design. It is important that the building is convenient for use: the owner has the opportunity to approach it from the required side and easily get the required amount of firewood. In this case, the fuel material must hold tightly and not fall apart.

Suitable location

It is important to say that some people in the country do not make a special woodpile, but store firewood just under open sky, covering with a material that protects against water. But also for this purpose it is possible to operate the usual shed already on the site. A special outdoor structure located near the house will be much more convenient. By the way, if most often firewood is used for cooking on fresh air, then it is more logical to place the firewood near the stove or barbecue. The optimal location is the wall metal garage or a special area near the house. The main thing is that the firewood has the possibility of support from three sides.

There are beautiful designs made of metal or wood that are installed indoors at home. For example, it can be a vertical firewood rack for a room with a fireplace. In this case, a decorative function is added to the wood storage function. A portable mini firewood rack is often made by hand.

Usually it stores a supply of firewood for kindling the stove, which you have to replenish when you go outside.

What material to choose?

From right choice material will largely depend on how long and how successfully the firewood will serve. For the street, metal is often used, which makes it possible to make a visually attractive structure that will last a long time and not deteriorate from precipitation and other weather manifestations. For example, it can be a woodpile made of aluminum profiles, independent production which takes a couple of hours. By the way, it is very convenient to use it for carrying, because its light weight greatly simplifies this procedure.

Reliable and durable products are obtained from iron or steel parts, for example, a rod or pipes.

The most popular are woodpile made of wood. If the aesthetic appeal of the issue is not too important, you can use existing materials left over from the previous ones. construction works and don't buy new ones. As an option, wooden structure can be made of pallets, pallets, beams, bars or boards. The only important condition is to pre-treat the material with a product that protects against moisture, as well as the effects of insects. A wooden firewood rack is quickly assembled, used for a long time, weighs little and is budget-friendly.

Covering a woodpile located on the street is mandatory, and slate, metal sheets, polycarbonate or even polyethylene are suitable for this purpose. By the way, the structure can even be woven from a vine, if the latter grows in large numbers on the site. Separately, it is worth mentioning the woodpile built into the fireplace or stove, that is, which is a niche next to the firebox, made, as you might guess, of brick.

Decorative woodpile, which are small in size and located in residential premises, can be forged, be an ordinary bag of thick cord or rope, a basket of sustainable material, or even an ordinary wooden box with wheels.

How to do it yourself?

On the Internet, there are a large number of projects and drawings of various woodpile. They can vary in shape and appearance, have a frame or a canopy, look like an ordinary barn with lattice walls, or be a real work of art. For a large amount of firewood used, a barn is more suitable, which can be ordinary or slatted. In the latter case, it will be possible to provide better ventilation, which means that the firewood will remain dry. In any case, it will first be necessary to prepare the base - for soft soil, dig a pit, the depth of which will vary from 20 to 25 centimeters.

Gravel and sand are laid in the resulting pit. Next, you can build a support of six blocks: a couple should be in the middle, and the rest in the corners. The parameters of the standard block are 200 by 200 and 600 millimeters. At the next stage, a double layer of roofing material is placed.

To assemble the frame, you will need to use bars with parameters of 100 by 100 millimeters, pre-treated with a special machine oil.

The formation of the lower strapping will be facilitated by the use of screws, nails or self-tapping screws, thanks to which blocks and bars will be connected. The harness is reinforced with special corners, after which you can proceed with the installation of racks - respectively, in the corners and in the middle part. In addition, you can add a pair of racks in front and one rack behind. They will be responsible for the entrance area and, accordingly, additional support. It is important to make the A-pillars slightly longer and the C-pillars shorter to provide a rainwater drainage system.

Boards are nailed to the side, after which the rafters and the roof frame are formed. Roofing material and profiled sheet are placed on top. The distance of the roof protrusion, equal to 35 centimeters, should be maintained. The floor can be laid so that there are gaps from 2 to 3 centimeters. It will be most convenient to assemble it from boards measuring 100 by 40 millimeters. The walls, by the way, are installed with an interval of 100 millimeters.

It is necessary to cover the barn with a special solution that will protect against beetles.

A small woodpile is most often located next to a home fireplace and is made of either wood or metal. In the first case, it is recommended to take an old barrel as a basis and disassemble it into separate planks. Since each part is usually bolted to a metal hoop, it will have to be cut beforehand. The bed is easy to make from chipboard or an ordinary wide board, and the legs are made from wooden blocks. It is important to varnish the resulting firewood for a better appearance, as well as long-term use.

Steel woodpile is also often made independently. It is assembled from a 2 mm steel sheet and a steel rod with a cross section of 8 mm. The leaf is bent or cut out in a semicircle, which will help the grinder or gas bottle. Next, legs and handles are attached to the resulting container. For beauty, the firewood should be painted over with black or silver paint.

The presence of a large number of vines and the ability to process it allows you to make a wicker structure at home.

First of all, a rectangle is assembled from the rails, forming a frame. Then, several holes are made on opposite elongated sides. A copper wire is inserted into the middle holes, transforming into handles, and a vine into the rest. By interlacing all the twigs, you can fix the finished firewood using stain or varnish.

If there is no time to create a full-fledged structure, you can make a woodcutter with an emphasis on stakes. First of all, the surface is processed - covered with pebbles or covered with a special waterproofing material. The material should be taken rectangular so that four pronounced corners form at the woodpile. High supports are dug into these points, for the creation of which ordinary logs are taken. Their thickness will depend on the amount of firewood that will be stored.

Building a woodshed with your own hands is easy. The structure is useful and necessary and may look different.

To store firewood for the stove, fireplace, barbecue, sauna and other things, you need a suitable place. Moreover, firewood must be stored, observing certain rules. Of course, you can use the usual shed or allocate a place for firewood in the utility block (in this case, there should be natural ventilation), but you can also equip the woodshed yourself.

As for the concept itself, in some Russian regions a woodcutter is also called a woodcutter. The name firewood is not uncommon. But there are some differences between them. A firewood shed is an ordinary barn that stands on a foundation separate from the house and has a door. Drovnik is a more simplified version. It is a wood shed. The same concept in the old days was called people who carried firewood around the yards and traded them. A firewood shed is a stand for the firewood that will be consumed in the near future.

Preparatory work

So, how to build a woodshed with your own hands with the optimal cost of money and time?

First you need to choose a place where the woodshed will be located on the site. It is necessary to consider only rational options. The design should not be too remarkable and immediately catch the eye. She should not stand too far from the house, so as not to have to carry firewood for long distances. It is necessary to install it so that the car with firewood can get as close as possible to it, otherwise you will have to carry them yourself. If the house is not furnace heating or a fireplace, it is best to put a woodcutter near the bathhouse or a place where barbecue and barbecue are usually done. It is recommended to draw a diagram of the yard and choose a place for a woodshed, taking into account all these factors. The structure may be located near the wall of the house or outbuilding, or it may be freestanding.

Before you make a woodcutter, you need to think about its appearance. First you need to deal with the budget. It will keep the fantasies at bay. The cheapest option is wood. The structure, if desired, can be sheathed on the frame with a board.

It is necessary to make a woodcutter to the dacha so that the new building looks organically on the site. It is best to build it near the main building. In this case, there will be less work and no need to think through the design.

In any case, the structure must be located in a dry place. It is best to choose the shady side. In order for the firewood to dry properly, they need ventilation. But the direct rays of the sun are prohibited. If the woodcutter is located near any building, then it is best to choose its northern side.

For wall cladding, you can use slate, corrugated board and polycarbonate. If these materials are chosen for wall cladding, then gaps must be made so that natural ventilation is present in the woodshed. If you carefully paint the structure or cover it with a colored polyurethane type varnish (this only applies to the processing of wooden elements), then the new building will look more elegant. Several trees and shrubs can be planted nearby. Thanks to this, the place will look cozier and more beautiful. If the walls of the woodshed are made of saw cut trees, and grass grows on the roof, then such a building will resemble a hobbit's house.

What to consider?

When the appearance of the future woodcutter is fully thought out, it is necessary to prepare its drawing, select materials and tools. As for the construction scheme, a more detailed version will be needed if it is planned to store not only firewood, but also other necessary items in this room (for example, various tools). In this case, the firewood shed will already be combined with the barn.

The drawing also helps to deal with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, since the stocks of firewood in each family are different. According to calculations, for heating a house of 100 sq.m. in autumn and winter, approximately 2.1 cubic meters are required. m. of dry firewood per month. This applies only to pine trees. If you use birch, then you need about 1.7 cubic meters. Dry firewood is understood to mean those in which the moisture content is no more than 20%. This is achieved after a year of storage in the woodshed. But fresh firewood will need much more, since their heat transfer is 2 times worse. In addition, the stock must be made at least for a couple of seasons. Of course, each furnace has its own productivity, coefficient useful action. For example, modern models have very high rate- more than 80%. In them, one bookmark of fuel will be enough for 10 hours of warming up. But such calculations are only suitable for conventional furnaces. It is also necessary to take into account the fuel for the bath and barbecue.

As for the tools, it is necessary to prepare a drill in advance if you plan to put a woodcutter with 4 pillars that are dug into the ground. This is a traditional village version. In addition, you will need a hammer, a hacksaw, a plumb line, a ladder, pliers and twine. As for the materials, they are chosen so that they fit the interior of the courtyard. most simple design can be supplied from the remnants of materials after the construction of other buildings or after the dismantling of old structures.

Stationary woodcutter

It is actually not difficult to build a stationary firewood shed for a summer house with your own hands. This option is called stationary, since the structure is installed on a columnar foundation. This building is not considered capital. The woodcutter will be reliable, strong and durable if pits are dug under its pillars to the depth of the soil freezing level. Also, such pillars must be filled with concrete mortar. You can only do with filling the pit with gravel and sand (but each layer is supposed to be rammed).

It is not worth putting the posts directly on the ground, as the structure will be shaky, especially in the spring, when the soil begins to swell. If the design is planned to be small, then it will be enough to make 4 pillars. If it is planned to make a more spacious room or equip a utility block that is combined with a firewood shed, then more poles will be needed.

Next, install the frame. Used timber size 15x15 cm. All wooden elements structures must be treated with an impregnation with fire retardant properties beforehand. Don't forget about waterproofing. To do this, it will be enough to fold the roofing material in 2 layers.

Now you need to install a vertical frame using the corners. First, you should mount the racks that are located at the back, then those that are middle, and at the end - the front. It is necessary to tie everything upstairs and nail the rafters to the roof. It is best to make your work easier by fixing the beams on a vertical frame with braces of a temporary nature.

Next, you need to sheathe the horizontal frame with a floor-type board. You do not need to precisely fit the boards. On the contrary, gaps should remain so that there is natural ventilation in the room. But at the same time, the gaps should not be too wide, so as not to injure your limbs. Water and debris will flow into small cracks. In addition, it is also additional lower ventilation.

The roof is recommended to be made of single-pitched type corrugated board. Depending on your preferences, you can also choose a gable material. Concerning roofing material, then any will do, but you need to rely on the budget. It is recommended to make a visor near the entrance to the building so that water does not fall on the logs. For the manufacture of a visor, you can use the end-type board. This option is the cheapest and easiest, but you can use others, depending on the taste and wishes of the residents.

Now, if necessary, you need to sheathe the walls with boards. Boards are supposed to be nailed, making small gaps. This will provide the necessary ventilation in the room. All wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting agents. After that, apply a paint or varnish of a polyurethane type. So the design will not only become more beautiful, but also last longer.

Wall-mounted and portable version

If you need to build a wall-mounted woodcutter in the country, then you need to choose the north side of the house or other building. Firewood must not be left in the sun. For proper drying, high-quality ventilation natural type. During the construction of such a firewood shed, it must be taken into account that water can flow from the walls of the main building directly onto the firewood itself. This cannot be allowed. It is necessary to slightly move the firewood shed from the wall of the main building itself or install a roof of a suitable shape.

As for the rest, the wall shed for firewood repeats all the steps for the construction of a free-standing firewood shed and practically does not differ in any way. installation work. A wall-mounted firewood shed has the following feature: the design goes a little behind the house or other main building. This option seems very simple, but if you show imagination, you can make the building interesting.

You can also make a portable firewood shed. There are many ready-made varieties of such portable structures that can be purchased at a specialized store. You can also order various forged models in the workshops. They look very beautiful. And you can independently build structures to your taste. A woodcutter forged from metal cannot be made at home, but you can show your imagination and make a canopy from improvised means. Everyone can fulfill their ideas. The main thing is to think through all the nuances.

For example, an old barrel can be used as the basis for creating an unusual woodcutter. First, everything must be marked on its body. The hoop must be moved with a hammer to the central part, where it will be needed later. Then fix it in this position, for this use self-tapping screws. You can choose beautiful bolts. Then it is necessary to cut out the selected shape with a jigsaw according to the markup. Places of sawing must be treated with plaster. With an electric jigsaw, it is also necessary to cut curly legs from the board. In the holes that were drilled, insert the old sanded handle and secure it. Paint metal parts. wooden details process with a colored varnish of a polyurethane type or stain. Such a woodcutter will look beautiful near the fireplace.

Woodcutter - an extension to the house

The benefit of a woodcutter is that under a canopy, the wood dries up and does not get wet due to snow and rain. Even a raw tree dries out during the season under a canopy and becomes suitable for use in a stove or a fire.

Firewood storage should be built as separate room, or as an extension canopy to the wall of an existing building.

Woodcutter near the wall of the house

Woodcutter variant with approx. outer wall dwelling house under a canopy.

woodcutter in country house- option at the wall of the building

You can pre-allocate a place near the wall, a niche for future firewood harvesting. It is very convenient in terms of accessibility, the main thing is that the canopy completely protects the wood from precipitation.

Choosing a place for a woodcutter

When choosing a place for a woodcutter, consider the distance to the furnace, it is best to place it near the utility block or shed. Or at the back wall of a residential building.

Woodcutter next to the bath

The photo shows a variant of the woodpile under the roof of the bath. When storing firewood in this way, take into account the direction of the prevailing winds so that slanting rains do not flood the workpieces.

A small do-it-yourself woodcutter near the house

The woodcutter can be small, in the form of a low canopy. This is good for giving, where you do not spend the whole winter, but only part of the time in the off-season. In this case, not much firewood is required. If you come in the winter for the weekend, then you will not need a lot of firewood.

Choosing the type of woodcutter

Do-it-yourself woodshed

A woodcutter canopy is the simplest and most convenient design. Allows you to fill the room without problems, the availability of firewood is excellent. Maybe with three walls and a roof, the floor is up to you. Instead of gender, an option is possible wooden lag- guides on which firewood is placed. The canopy can be attached to an existing building, this will limit itself to two walls.

Do-it-yourself woodshed

A woodshed in the form of a barn can also be built with your own hands in the shortest possible time. Walls are recommended to be done in increments for better ventilation of the interior space. The roof is usually gable, or shed, at your discretion.

How to make a woodshed barn with your own hands

The woodcutter can be combined with a utility room, the photo shows the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch an option. On the right is a woodcutter, and on the left is a utility block for storing country equipment.

Materials for construction: do-it-yourself woodcutter

wooden woodshed do it yourself

For the construction of woodsheds, wood is usually used, and it can even be used boards or substandard slabs. If your yard has a single design style, then the design of the woodshed, of course, should correspond to the general style of the site. In any case, any room for storing firewood should have natural ventilation.

Beautiful woodcutter - ideas for giving

Some summer residents make their woodcutter out of polycarbonate. The idea, in my opinion, is interesting, the only thing you should pay attention to is that ventilation in such a structure should be on all sides, since plastic does not breathe and can retain moisture.

Forged woodcutter in the country

A small forged woodcutter will be a great addition to a recreation area, a gazebo with a barbecue.

Ready-made woodsheds - for home and garden

Metal woodcutter for home and garden

Now you can buy ready-made woodsheds, absolutely different forms and sizes. from small woodsheds to full-fledged woodsheds.

Do-it-yourself woodshed construction adjacent to the wall

The woodshed itself is a fairly easy structure to build, you can take any barn as a basis and make a full-fledged woodshed out of it, the main thing is to plan ventilation in advance so that the firewood dries naturally.

If the barn is difficult for you to handle, you can attach a woodcutter to the wall of the house. If possible, choose the north side of the house - and insulate the wall and dry the firewood. If this is not possible, then just look for a free wall and make a canopy.

How to build a woodshed with your own hands

As a floor, you can use construction pallets - pallets. They should be put on bricks, or make a full-fledged floor from the boards. The frame can be made of timber, and the roof can be made of profiled sheet or polycarbonate. I do not recommend working with roofing material, as it quickly becomes unusable - in just a couple of seasons.

Do-it-yourself woodcutter near the wall of the house

The frame of the woodcutter should be sheathed with boards, with a small step for ventilation.

Construction of a woodshed - sheathing with boards

In this case, the roof of the woodcutter is made of shingles. It turned out to be a very attractive option!

Do-it-yourself woodshed - roof

Good idea, take note and make a similar woodcutter with your own hands!

Construction of a separate woodshed

Do-it-yourself woodcutter drawing

A stand-alone woodcutter can be made on a columnar foundation, or simply on concrete blocks, even without deepening, just on a crushed stone pillow.

The principle of construction of a stationary woodcutter - we form the lower harness, logs, lay the draft floor, raise the frame of the walls, make top harness and roof. Then we sheathe the frame with boards or slabs, with slots for natural ventilation, cover the roof with roofing material.