How to make a wooden woodshed with your own hands. How to make a firewood shed with your own hands We build a firewood shed with your own hands

  • 23.06.2020

Each household owner of a summer house with a bathhouse, barbecue or stove will certainly have a place for storing firewood. A firewood shed can resemble a barn, a gazebo or a simple canopy on support racks in shape. However, there are also very creative options.

It is not difficult to build a woodshed in the country with your own hands. But before work, it is important to determine the type of construction, select the appropriate materials for construction, and also read the step-by-step instructions.

The purpose of this design is clear even from the name. Under the shed of the woodshed, logs are neatly stacked in stacks for further storage. However, together with its direct purpose, such a building can be a wonderful decoration for a summer cottage.

Do-it-yourself firewood construction technologies

The dimensions and design of the firewood shed are selected based on the expected amount of firewood that will be constantly stored. It would be appropriate to develop a project taking into account modern materials and technologies.

The optimal moisture content of firewood for fuel is at the upper limit of air dryness, i.e. 15-20%.

If it is planned to build a woodcutter near, or near a frame shed, then it is rational to build a structure closed type, more reminiscent of a barn (with or without a porch).

It is better to build such a structure using frame or frame-panel technologies, guided by considerations of the speed of work and the low cost of materials. Also, the woodshed can be combined with an outdoor toilet or a shed, have two separate entrances and a common wall.

How to make a gazebo

At the same time, the structure has a flooring, two or three sheathed walls, some kind of canopy (for example, from profiled steel sheets or polycarbonate). truss system such structures are not always equipped.

A firewood shed of this design can be attached to a house, bathhouse, utility block or other building, but it is better not to resort to such a measure in order to avoid the appearance of bark beetles and damage to the firewood and walls of the building.


The simplest design. The canopy is attached to several vertical support posts and protects the logs from rain.

Firewood is well ventilated and dries, but in winter they will surely be covered with snow, and in the worst case, ill-wishers will easily carry away all supplies from under such a canopy.

Modern firewood racks of non-standard shapes

For example, a firewood shed can be built using panel technology and look like a honeycomb. Firewood is stored in separate cells. This allows you to sort firewood, separating dried from wet or large from small. Firewood racks are no less convenient. However a large number firewood will not fit in them.

Another one interesting idea– use of old barrels or saw cuts of very large trunks for storing firewood. The core is removed from the cuts, the elements are placed on top of each other and fixed with wire / rope. Advantage: original design. Disadvantage: low structural strength.

The smallest firewood sheds for summer cottages are metal, wicker, glass, and plastic. and woodsheds are produced by cold or hot forging methods. The woodshed is in the form of a small basket, floor rack, etc. Small firewood racks are used exclusively indoors, for example, they are installed near fireplaces or sauna stoves.

The choice of materials for the construction of a woodshed


Wood is perhaps the most popular material for building a firewood shed and. Timber, edged and unedged boards, pallets, fibreboard, plywood, logs, etc. are used as building materials.

The tree is easy to process, installation takes a minimum of time, the buildings look quite aesthetically pleasing and are in harmony with the landscape of the dacha.

Bricks and blocks

It is possible to build a firewood shed from blocks and bricks, such a structure will be quite strong and durable, but the construction requires significant investment and labor costs.

If the woodshed is built in the form of a barn, it is required high-quality ventilation otherwise the wood will not dry and will start to rot.

Metal profile and polycarbonate

Metal structures are very durable, and the elements artistic forging turn the firewood into a masterpiece. Metal structures require protection against corrosion. Polycarbonate is usually used in conjunction with metal or wooden frames. From this material you can equip the roof, make a canopy, sew up the wall of the firewood. The advantages of the material are availability, easy installation, high light transmission.

Estimated Cost Calculation


  • board 5 × 15cm for poles - 3-6 thousand rubles. /m3;
  • board 5 × 10 cm for the floor, walls, roof rafters;
  • plywood 15 mm for the roof - from 500 to 1200 rubles / sheet;
  • board 2.5 × 5cm for finishing;
  • hot-rolled equal-shelf metal corner - about 40-80 rubles / linear meter;
  • self-tapping screws - from 0.09 rubles / piece;
  • nails - up to 100 rubles / kg;
  • fixing corner - about 30-40 rubles / piece;
  • ondulin - 450 rubles / sheet, galvanized profiled steel sheet- from 185 rubles / m 2.

How to build step by step

The video shows the process of building a classic woodshed:

Designing a wood shed

Consider step by step instructions construction of a country woodshed in the form of an arbor with sheathed walls, a shed roof and no front doors.

The frame will be made of lumber, wall cladding - plywood, a small one above the entrance. We accept the dimensions of the structure as 2.5 x 1.4 m.

Foundation laying

A firewood shed is a lightweight structure that will be supported by a foundation of horizontally aligned blocks. If desired, you can fill in a tape shallow base or lay out a prefabricated tape foundation from blocks, as is done during construction. AT winter time it is more convenient to equip a pile-screw foundation.

Sometimes a foundation is built from car tires. This is an unusual, but quite budget option.

Any type of foundation must be waterproofed with roofing material / bituminous mastic.

Bottom strapping and laying the floor

For the lower trim, which is traditionally laid on the foundation and fastened with anchors, you can use high-quality boards or timber. If a beam is used, then its opposite edges should be cut down according to the “half-tree” scheme for a reliable connection. Read about the construction of a change house from a 6x3 timber with a terrace.

The floor logs are fastened between the boards of the lower trim. For the base of the above size, you will need 7 boards 120 cm long and 28 mounting brackets. Fixation is made with galvanized self-tapping screws. For convenience, it is better to use a screwdriver.

The flooring is done with edged boards. It is advisable to leave a gap of up to 25 mm between the flooring boards to prevent moisture accumulation and better ventilation of the floor and firewood. Boards are laid across the log and attached with nails or self-tapping screws. Find out about frame houses with an attic.

All wooden elements must be treated with impregnation, which improves fire safety performance, prevents wood decay (for example, Senezh impregnation).

Installation of frame racks

Before installing the support posts, 5 x 10 cm boards are laid and fixed along the perimeter of the structure. The posts will be attached to them. Each rack is made from two boards, which are fastened together with carpentry glue and nails. Instead of boards, you can use a beam of 10 x 10 cm.

For firewood with a perimeter of 250 x 140 cm you will need:

  • 6 racks 140 cm long;
  • 2 racks 155 cm long;
  • 2 racks 171 cm long.

Racks are installed vertically and fixed with mounting brackets. For greater reliability, the corner posts are reinforced with jibs. The shortest racks are the back wall of the woodcutter, the long racks are the facade. Verticality is checked by a bubble level or a plumb line. How to do country toilet without cesspool find out by .

The front wall (aka the entrance opening) will be formed from three boards - two vertical 171 cm long and one horizontal. The length of the crossbar must correspond to the width of the entrance opening. It is best to fix the crossbar (perforated corners) at a height of one and a half meters from the floor line.

Roof installation

To equip the roof, you will need boards that will serve as rafters. These elements are laid at an angle of 15 degrees. The rafters are attached to top harness, which is a bar or board attached to the upper points of the support posts. The upper ends of the supports are sawn off at an angle of 15 degrees, the slope towards the rear wall of the woodshed. Rafters will need 6 pieces. They are attached to the top trim with nails. How to make a carport in the country, read in.

The boards are not laid flat, but on the edge.

Wood shed wall cladding

The walls of the woodshed can be sheathed with slabs crossed with slats (like a lattice), moisture-resistant plywood, etc. If it is attached and use similar materials. Cut tree trunks are perfect for decorating.

The sheathing is fixed on the support posts with galvanized self-tapping screws.

Canopy or canopy

The installation of the visor is carried out before laying the finishing roofing material. This structural element will additionally protect the woodcutter from atmospheric precipitation. For the visor, you should take 6 pieces of boards of the same length, cut the ends at an angle of 15 degrees and attach the parts to the top trim or the woodshed sheathing.

To strengthen the structure, supports are stuffed under the rafters of the visor. The ends of the rafters of the visor are sewn up with an end board. A crate is mounted on top - the basis for roofing visor. It is desirable to sew up the joint of the visor and the roof with a metal strip or a ridge profile.

Maintenance of a woodcutter in the country

built by frame technology an open woodshed does not need any special care, only wooden elements can be additionally varnished. It is better to equip the site before construction by laying out paving slabs or pouring concrete.

Lantern powered by solar panels, will decorate the facade of the woodshed and allow you to take / stack firewood in the evening in the light.

Firewood, like fuel, continues to occupy an important place in our lives. Who does not like to kindle a brazier or barbecue in the country, fry kebabs, bake meat or vegetables on an open fire and fresh air? And melt the fireplace on a cold winter evening and spend near it romantic evening? And to heat a bathhouse or sauna with firewood? Wood stoves in suburban and rural homes often remain the main or emergency heating device. Well, if there is a need for firewood, then the owner of the house or cottage involuntarily has to solve the problem of where to store and dry it.

Places for storing firewood in the country

Firewood harvested for fuel requires storage conditions that should provide them with protection from atmospheric precipitation and ground moisture, as well as the possibility of drying them.
For storing firewood, you can adapt the structures and premises already in the yard - a barn, storage room, put it under the stairs, etc.
Firewood can be stacked in a special way in the yard in a woodpile and covered on top with dense polyethylene or roofing material.
Of course, you can build a special structure - a firewood shed, she is a woodcutter or woodcutter. In this article, we will try to figure out how to make a woodcutter yourself.

Types of firewood

A woodcutter for a summer residence can be:

  • in the form of an extension (or attached) to capital building(home, barn, bathhouse, etc.);
  • a separate building.

According to the design of the firewood, there are:

  • in the form of an open canopy;
  • semi-closed canopy;
  • woodshed;
  • mobile wood box or canopy (open, semi-closed).

When choosing materials for its construction, you can be guided by the principle "from what is at hand" or purchase the necessary building materials for construction.
The woodshed can be built:

  • from skinned logs;
  • from timber - timber, obapol, boards;
  • from building bricks and cinder blocks;
  • from metal pipes round or profile section;
  • using sheets of corrugated board, plywood.

To cover the roof can be used:

  • asbestos-cement and bituminous slate;
  • sheets of metal corrugated board or roofing iron;
  • mats and fascines made of reeds;
  • roofing material, cuts of old linoleum.

Although the firewood shed is not the most important structure on the site, it will be important for a good owner to build it neat and comfortable, to fit its appearance into the exterior of the farmstead.

Determination of the parameters and design of the firewood

Having realized the need for a room for storing firewood, and having decided to build a woodshed, the home master, first of all, must determine:

  • place for its construction;
  • its design scope;
  • basic structure of the building.

A place for the construction of a firewood shed is selected based on considerations:

  • the maximum reduction in the path of bringing firewood to the place of their burning (as a rule, near the porch of the house, bathhouse, patio);
  • as close as possible to the place of sawing and chopping firewood.

The volume of the firewood shed is determined by the need for firewood, the availability of time and opportunities to replenish their stock. If firewood is needed periodically and in small quantities to light a brazier, fry kebabs or kindle a fireplace, then a small wood-burning closed or semi-closed canopy, a wood box will be enough to store them. If firewood is needed in large quantities to heat the house in heating season, and the owner has the opportunity to periodically replenish their stock, then you need a large semi-closed shed with several sections for storing firewood. If firewood is harvested for fuel for the entire heating season, then a more serious woodshed is indispensable.

The equipment, tools and accessories necessary for the construction of a firewood shed are determined by the choice of structural materials (wood and timber, brick and stone, rolled metal (high-quality, shaped, sheet)).
The home master makes the choice of the design of the woodshed according to the results of the assessment of the above factors, as well as the availability of building materials.
The design of the woodshed should have:

  • roofing (single or gable) to protect against atmospheric precipitation;
  • roof supports (pillars, columns, piers or walls);
  • high floor to protect firewood from ground moisture;
  • screens (shields or walls) to protect firewood from slanting rain.

A full-fledged woodshed, in addition, has a door block and a locking device (bolt, lock).

Do-it-yourself firewood projects

Canopy for firewood from a wooden beam

A simple design for a woodcutter is a canopy made of planed wood. wooden beam(100x100 mm, 150x150 mm) or both (200 mm). His version is a canopy made of skinned logs (about 200 mm in diameter), which looks somewhat less neat, although not without a kind of "ethno" charm.
A wooden canopy can be made attached to the wall of the house or in the form of an independently located structure.
The simplest wood shed consists of four or more (six, eight) poles dug into the ground in two rows, to which the Mauerlats of its roof are attached or the rafters themselves (in the variant of a simple shed roof). In the version of the canopy attached to the wall of the house, one row of columns can be dispensed with, the second row can replace the longitudinal bar (Mauerlat) attached directly to the wall of the house or barn.

Holes are dug for supporting pillars with an earthen drill or a shovel. Pillars made of timber or logs (obapola) are embedded in the ground at 0.25 - 0.3 of their length, so that their above-ground part is about 2 - 2.5 meters. The underground part of the pillars, in order to avoid their rapid decay, is treated with an antiseptic. The poles in the pits are fixed by crushed stone (stone, broken brick) or poured with concrete. For greater stability of the structure, it is recommended to tie up the supporting pillars of the wood shed with one or two (bottom and top) horizontal puffs (crossbars).

Shed roof

When constructing the simplest shed roof, rafters consisting of one bar (50x50 mm) or boards (50 mm) are nailed from above to the butt end to the supporting pillars. At the same time, to form a roof slope, one row of pillars is shorter than the other. In the version attached to the wall of the house, the longer poles will be closer to the wall so that the slope of the roof of the woodcutter is directed in the opposite direction from it. Moreover, the roof of the canopy attached to the wall of the house is recommended to be made only single-pitched in order to prevent rainwater from flowing onto the wall and under the wall of the house. In a separately located shed, longer poles are arranged from the side from which the approach is made for stacking or selecting firewood.

gable roof

For the installation of a gable roof, two longitudinal mauerlats (from a bar 100x100 mm) are nailed to the supporting pillars of the canopy from above. Light triangular truss frames (according to the number of pairs of supporting pillars) from a 50x50 mm beam or 50 mm boards are assembled on the ground and pulled up to the top of the canopy with ropes or by hand.
After fixing the roof rafters with nails to the mauerlats (performed strictly above the supporting pillars of the canopy) or directly to the pillars (in single-sided version) the roof lathing is stuffed onto the rafters, as a rule, from an unedged board of 20 mm. After that, using a ladder or ladder, a light roofing is applied to the crate (roofing material, asbestos-cement or bituminous slate, roofing iron or corrugated board). In some cases, in order to harmonize the exterior of the wood shed with the tiled roof of the house, relatively light bituminous shingles or metal tiles can also be laid on its roof.

The floor in the woodshed is made at a height of about 20 cm from the ground level. At this height, longitudinal logs from a beam of 100x100 mm, 150x150 mm or 200 mm both are nailed to the support pillars. Due to the solid weight of the firewood folded under the canopy, which is held by the floor logs, it is recommended to strengthen them in the area of ​​\u200b\u200battaching to the pillars with triangular (trapezoidal) struts sawn from the board, and place stones or bricks under their middle along the length.
A slatted floor made of unedged boards 50 mm thick with such a step (about 10 cm) that air freely penetrates into the gaps between them to ventilate the woodpile, but chopped firewood does not fall through.
A wood shed project can easily be extended with side screens on two or three sides, except for the side where the wood is stacked and taken. In this case, we get a semi-closed firewood.
The screens of a semi-closed firewood shed are attached (nailed, screwed) directly to the support posts and crossbars of the canopy. Side protective screens can be made:

  • from edged and unedged boards;
  • from skinned logs;
  • from sheets of waterproof plywood;
  • from sheets of corrugated board or roofing iron;
  • from sheets of asbestos-cement and bituminous slate.

Wood shed made of brick (cinder block, stone)

The variant of a canopy for storing firewood, made of brick or stone, differs from the previous one in that, in principle, it is possible to lay out supporting pillars in the form of columns from bricks. It is advisable to immediately lay down more stable and reliable transverse walls at least a brick thick. There should be at least two such walls, and if the wood shed is long and capacious, then three or more, which form transverse compartments.
If you add a back brick (stone, cinder block) wall to the transverse piers, you will get a half-closed brick firewood shed.
Brick piers and the back wall of the firewood shed already have a solid weight, and for them it is necessary to pour a small strip foundation from concrete (20–25 cm high) or put reinforced concrete pillars at their base.
When laying piers, it is necessary to provide:

  • below - ledges half a brick-brick wide and up to 20 cm high, for laying wooden logs of a plank floor on them;
  • at the top - the sealing of mauerlats from timber, logs or obapol with a thickness of about 200 mm for attaching roof truss frames to them.

You can save on wooden frames rafters, completing the upper part brick walls not horizontal, but inclined (for a shed roof) or bilaterally inclined (for a gable roof). In such cases, the plank sheathing of the roof should be laid and embedded in the upper inclined edges of the piers, which will replace the truss frames.
Laying the roofing and flooring of a brick firewood shed is similar or very close to similar operations for a wooden shed.

Mobile firewood shed welded from metal pipes

It is very tempting to have a mobile shed (or box) for storing firewood on the site, which can be installed seasonally where its position is most appropriate. In winter, its place is closer to the door of the house to quickly bring firewood to the stove or fireplace, in spring or autumn - near the bathhouse, and in summer - near the patio or lawn, where barbecue is usually fried.
In a mobile wood shed design, the optimal combination of its rigidity and weight is of great importance. You can build a wooden movable shed or a large box, but most likely it will be unacceptably heavy or not strong enough and reliable. Welded is best suited for this purpose. metal structure canopy, made of profiled or round pipes thickness (section) of about 70 - 80 mm or metal corners (with shelves 70 - 80 mm) or channel No. 8.
The basis of such a mobile structure is a welded metal frame of a cubic or rectangular-volumetric shape (width 1 - 1.5 m, length 2 - 2.5 m, height up to 2 m), reinforced on three sides with transverse puffs and corner crossbars. One side of the frame of the metal canopy, designed for access to firewood, is reinforced only with corner crossbars.
Runners from a wide corner (shelf 100 - 120 mm) or channel No. 10, No. 12 are welded to the bottom of the frame. The ends of the runners on both sides are bent up, like a sled. The top of the frame is one or two-sided inclined, for the device of one or two-pitched roof.
As a roof covering of such a canopy, corrugated board is used, which is attached to the frame with screws or bolts with pressure washers. One, two or three sides of such a metal woodcutter can be sealed with a professional sheet or sheets of waterproof plywood.


To store and dry firewood, you can build a separate shed on the site - wooden or brick. But it will already be a real building with its inherent elements:

  • strip or pile foundation;
  • solid load-bearing walls;
  • an almost full-fledged shed or gable roof (it will be possible to do without a ceiling and an attic);
  • door frame with doors;
  • ventilation windows or vents.

The procedure and technologies for the construction of a woodshed are almost the same as those used for the construction of other outbuildings.
Practice shows that there are a great many variations in the design of firewood. Although firewood projects that you can build with your own hands are quite affordable. As it was not difficult to make sure to build it home master for a summer residence, a country or rural house on your own - not such a difficult task.

Building a woodshed with your own hands is very simple, like any other barn. A firewood shed can be attached to the house or made a separate structure in the country. As a woodcutter, you can build a simple firewood shed with your own hands. A woodcutter or woodcutter is a barn used to store firewood. Using an ordinary shed for storing firewood is not profitable, because the firewood is quite voluminous and requires “special” storage: during storage, the firewood should not get wet and damp, on the contrary, it must be constantly dried. A beautifully built firewood shed not only fulfills its main function (storing firewood), but also decorates the look of the dacha.

Planning a woodshed before construction

In order to properly build a woodcutter, you should know its main function. It consists in storing firewood and logs in various weather conditions. To do this, the design of the firewood shed must protect the contents from rain and snow, while ensuring that the sun's rays stored inside the firewood are exposed and have good ventilation. The cheapest and simplest design is a canopy attached to a house or some outbuilding, with two side walls and a pallet floor on which logs are stacked.

To ensure fire safety standards, firewood should be stored away from the house and other buildings. The woodcutter should categorically not be near the barbecue or garden stove. When determining a place for a woodcutter, it is advisable to provide a car access to it (with logs), provide a place for unloading logs and a platform with a deck for chopping firewood. We strongly recommend not to make a woodcutter near the house: over time, insects living in a tree (firewood) will settle in the house! To transfer firewood from a woodcutter to a house, bath or barbecue, a firewood box is usually used.

We begin to build a firewood shed with our own hands. After determining the place of construction of the woodcutter, you should draw up its sketch or diagram. A scheme is drawn up to determine the amount of material required. Before drawing up a diagram, you should determine the dimensions of the woodshed. The dimensions of the firewood shed depend on the volume of firewood consumed, which is measured in cubic meters. With small volumes of firewood consumption (up to 3 m 3), a firewood shed built like a regular barn is suitable for storing it - 4 walls with a floor, a door and a roof. With large volumes of firewood, it will be necessary to break the woodshed into several sections with partitions. Ventilation holes should be provided in walls and partitions: firewood should be dried. An approximate scheme of a woodcutter for a volume of up to 3 m 3 is presented below:

After determining the location of the woodcutter and drawing up its scheme, you should decide on the materials from which it will be built.

As a "budget" option, a woodcutter can be made from any empty durable containers: empty barrels (both metal and wooden), containers, etc.

Tools and materials for building

For a woodcutter, a columnar foundation is ideal.

To build a woodshed, you can use the most various materials: wood, metal, brick/cinder block, etc. The choice of building material depends on personal preferences and finances. It is worth remembering that during the construction of outbuildings and a residential building for harmonious combination of all buildings in the summer cottage, it is desirable to use one construction material. Below is a rough list of materials for a wooden woodshed. It should be noted that modern industry produces ready-made forged woodsheds that will look good in the country next to a metal barbecue.

Necessary tools and consumables:

  1. Saw.
  2. Plane.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. A hammer.
  5. Ladder.
  6. Timber 50x50 (for walls), 200x200 (for a small woodcutter, 150x200 is suitable).
  7. Beams, boards.
  8. Brick / cinder block.
  9. Cement.
  10. Roof material (slate, roofing felt, metal tile, etc.).
  11. Small consumable(self-tapping screws, corner nails, etc.).

The amount of materials used depends on the size of the woodcutter.

After determining the material for the manufacture of the woodcutter, we proceed to the preparatory work.

Preparatory stage before construction

After purchasing the necessary wooden material(beams, beams, boards, etc.) it must be treated with fire and bio-protective and waterproof impregnation to prevent wood decay and extend the life of the woodcutter.

Before starting construction, the selected place should be cleared of the roots of trees and large shrubs (if any). The land allotted for the woodcutter is treated with a special solution from weeds (and from any other vegetation). After that, stands for logs are made of brick / cinder block. Under brick supports, it is imperative to pour the foundation to the freezing depth; they cannot be installed on the ground. Bricks are laid on the foundation and connected with cement mortar.

If you have the money, time and desire, you can significantly strengthen the coasters. To do this, dig trenches by connecting the corner stands around the perimeter. And if there are intermediate supports, connect them with trenches to the perimeter trench. Then, a reinforcing material - gravel - is poured into the trench. AT ideal- trenches are dug to the depth of freezing and poured with concrete. Before pouring or backfilling the trenches, they should be watered abundantly, then pour sand with a layer of 20-30 mm, pour the trench again abundantly and compact the sand.

The number of brick supports depends on the number of guides (lags) and their length. The height of the brick supports depends on the amount of precipitation - the woodcutter should not come into contact with moisture. The minimum recommended lifting height is 70-100 mm.

Woodcutter installation

Guides (logs) are laid and fixed on ready-made brick supports. Beams (0.2x0.35 m) should be used as lags. The frame of the floor and walls of the future woodshed is mounted on the logs. The frame is made of timber 200x200 (150x200). When installing the frame, do not forget to install additional racks under the doorway. After the installation is completed, the frame should be insulated with roofing material, and after the frame is insulated, flooring from boards is mounted on it. The frame can also be made of metal structures. The installation of the flooring is done without gaps between the boards. To give additional stability to the woodcutter, it is worth filling the gap between the floor and the ground with rubble.

Please note that when attaching wooden structures it is better to use self-tapping screws: they provide better mechanical strength compared to nails. When installing, use metal corners to increase mechanical strength and speed up the installation process.

After laying the flooring, rafters are made for mounting the roof and walls are stuffed. When installing roof rafters, it makes sense to provide a visor over the doorway: it will protect the firewood from “oblique” rain or snowfall. For stuffing the walls, a 50x50 timber is used. The interval between the bars should be 20-30 mm. The interval is necessary to ensure natural ventilation of the room. When stuffing the walls, the timber can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. Walls can also be made from boards.

To ensure better moisture-proof insulation of firewood, walls can be made two-layer. To do this, the bars are stuffed onto the frame on both sides in a checkerboard pattern. The gap size remains the same. Do not make the walls of the woodshed too open: in winter, snow can sweep up the wood.

When the walls are finished, the woodshed is covered with a roof. First, roofing felt is attached to the rafters, after which slate or other material is attached. The roof can be of any shape and made of any available materials— from slate to exclusive tiles. To prevent additional loads, it is better to cover the visor with roofing felt, on which to fill the metal tile - it is quite light.

If necessary, a door can be hung on the woodcutter, on which a lock can be hung.

After completion of work, floors and walls are sanded and varnished. Varnishing will make the finished structure much more beautiful and prolong its life.

Wooden surfaces that will not be accessible after the installation of the woodcutter (for example, the ends and bottom of floorboards) should be varnished in advance.

In the presence of imagination and taste, a woodcutter can be organically fit into the design of the dacha (house). So a more elegant look to the woodcutter can be given by climbing plants planted along the perimeter near the walls. It makes sense to carry out lighting in the woodcutter so that you don’t stumble in it at night. You can decorate the entrance of the woodcutter with decorative lanterns. To give a more “residential” look to the woodcutter, several windows can be made in the walls: both decorative and real.

Patterns can be carved on the walls of the woodcutter. The internal space of the woodshed can be used not only for storing firewood, but also for storing various equipment and using it to dry any items. For example, under the roof you can stretch a rope on which bath brooms or plants (mint, willow-herb, etc.) can dry.

Do you live in a country house? Do you have a fireplace or stove? In this case, you need to take care of the supply of firewood for winter period. You can arrange a convenient place for storing firewood near the house or make a special firewood rack located near the entrance to it. It is worth noting that you can make a firewood shed from materials that are available on personal plot. Most often, wooden bars are used as the starting material. Today you will learn about different options firewood and methods of its self-production.


The main task of the firewood shed is to protect the firewood from bad weather, such as snow or rain. If you make lattice walls, which is very desirable in this case, then the firewood will have enough air for timely ventilation. The size of the structure is not so significant, you can vary the dimensions according to your personal ideas about the woodshed and needs.

Do not think that neatly stacked firewood near the house can be perfectly stored for the entire heating season. This type of storage can be dangerous for two reasons. Firstly, the area near the woodpile will soon lose its attractiveness. And secondly, although the firewood will be dry inside, because of the moisture, it will smoke and hiss in the fireplace. You can solve the problem by building a storage for firewood, or at least making a canopy for them.

For the convenience of storing firewood, a special design was invented, referred to as a firewood shed or firewood shed. Such a structure could be:

  • room;
  • street;
  • portable;
  • stationary.

For the manufacture of firewood, either metal or wood can be suitable for you. There is no doubt about one thing, to build a firewood shed with your own hands is within the power of every owner of the house.

Let's get to work! We collect material and tools

If you opted for the construction of a woodcutter from a bar, then you, in fact, will need such source materials, as:

  • bars,
  • wooden pallets from building materials,
  • ruberoid or film,
  • impregnation intended for wood processing,
  • screws.

Among the tools of paramount importance should be noted:

  • hacksaw,
  • brushes,
  • screwdriver,
  • construction stapler.

We build a woodcutter from the bars

To build the base of the building, you will need 4 timber. They may not be new, but they must be durable. Pre-select a place for the woodshed and mark it with pegs and a rope. Now dig 4 holes with a depth of about 60 cm. You can do this with a shovel or garden drill. Then insert the posts, and then fill them with clay and fine gravel. Tamp the base carefully.

For better compaction, backfill with layers of fine gravel and sand alternately, corresponding to a thickness of approximately 10 centimeters. Tamp each layer using a pole.

Note! To provide good flow rainwater, you need to make a roof with a slope, which means that the beams for the base should have different heights. The height difference should be exactly 15 cm if the pillars are 1.5 m apart.

Control the dimensions of the structure so as to create and maintain the shape of a rectangle.

At this point, you need to fasten the front and back posts together. To do this, use 2 bars. You will need screws to attach the cross bars. The walls can be sewn up with a croaker, leaving gaps between them that will serve as ventilation of the room. By the way, slab is one of the most economical wood materials. And if the walls from it are sanded and varnished, then it will be a great addition to the landscape of the site. To strengthen the structure, install braces along the side walls.

Now let's talk about the roof. The easiest way is to make a flooring from the same slab and cover it with ondulin or roofing material. Place stainless steel spacers on the nails to prevent tearing of the material. As mentioned above, to improve the aesthetic appearance of the structure, it can be painted or varnished. So in a simple way out of nothing you can make a good storage for firewood.

Schemes of construction stages

We make a compact woodshed for the house

Maybe bringing a bunch of firewood into the house will not be a big deal for you, but then the dilemma arises, where to put it so as not to clutter up the place near the fireplace and keep it as clean as possible? Yes, and you are unlikely to be able to bring a lot in one armful at once, and few people will like to go out into the cold for a small portion of firewood every time. In view of this, many owners of fireplaces are thinking about building a firewood rack for their home.

Firewood for the house can be made from different materials. For example, to carry firewood, you can weave a special basket. It can be for one person or for two. Here, of course, a metal firewood rack can also be used. However, the heaviness of the metal will most likely create inconvenience for you. If it is made of sheet metal and a small section rod, then a portable firewood rack will not be so heavy. Even a wooden barrel and a school bag, after a simple alteration, can become a very convenient accessory for carrying firewood.

Metal woodcutter for home

If you know how to work with welding, but do not know how to make a woodcutter, then try to make simple design from a metal bar, about 8 mm in diameter. To do this, cut 4 identical segments having a length of 30-40 cm, and then weld them together to form a base. Bend two rods about 160-180 cm long in an arc like the letter U, so that the distance between the legs is equal to the length of the main side. So, you will lay the base for the sides of the woodshed.

Then weld the sides to the base so that the arcs remain at the top. The ends of the bars should protrude 3 cm below the base. They will serve as legs. To create resistance to them, metal plates can be welded. Open the finished woodcutter with a layer of paint on metal.

Wicker woodcutter for home

To make a wicker woodcutter, you need to purchase a willow stick, wooden slats and thick copper wire. First, put together a rectangular base from the purchased rails. On opposite sides, drill holes every 3 cm. Then insert willow rods into them, choose thick rods for this, because they will be the basis for weaving.

In the middle, insert a copper wire instead of a rod and make an arc out of it. It will serve as the basis for the handle of the woodcutter. Bend the ends of the wire using pliers. Bend the main rods at the required angle to the bottom and interlace them with thin rods.

After that, alternately bend the racks, wind it up behind the adjacent thick rod and close it into the whip from the inside. After that, wind around the wire with thin rods so as to hide its ends.

Unique types of firewood

Do you have a bench with legs near the bathhouse or barbecue? Then a place for the safety of firewood can be equipped under it. You will get a wonderful firewood without any effort. However, this option is acceptable only if the seat of your bench is solid, without holes and gaps. Otherwise, rainwater will fall on the firewood, which will subsequently dampen it.

Barrels can also be used to store firewood. It can be wood, metal or plastic barrels. Lay them on their side, and then fill solid fuel. The barrel can be used as a single woodcutter near the brazier, or lay out an entire wall from several barrels. So, you can not easily save firewood, but also divide the site into zones that are distinguished by functionality.

Can serve as a woodcutter concrete rings. This option is very non-standard, but it looks just great! To create such a structure, you need to purchase concrete well rings and apply physical force, since the rings are very heavy. So, you should lay the rings on their side, having previously prepared a crushed stone rammed pillow for them. To do this, dig a recess of 20-25 cm and fill it with rubble, and then tamp it down. Such a base will not allow the rings to budge. If your firewood rack will consist of several rings, then connect them together, for example, with anchor bolts. Layered design using rings different sizes looks especially attractive.