Tower game made of wooden blocks. Testing the board game "Jenga" from Hasbro

  • 25.09.2019

This game is very simple and at the same time can bring a lot of pleasant minutes to both children and their parents. The number of players is practically unlimited: you can train alone and hold tournaments for 2, 3 and 10 people! First you need to buy a special kit from 54 wooden blocks.

Rules of the game "Jenga"

First, a tower is built from a set of blocks on a table or on the floor. To do this, the blocks are stacked three in a row and the resulting layers are stacked on top of each other one across the other. It turns out a tower of 18 levels. As a rule, a cardboard guide is included in the kit, which will allow you to level the tower for its exceptional flatness and verticality.

As soon as the tower is built and the order of the players' turn is determined, you can proceed!

Each player on his turn tries to draw any block that he thinks is free. This must be done using only one hand. You cannot work with both hands at the same time, but you can use your hands in turn if it is convenient. After the bar is released from the tower, it is placed on top of it in such a way as to continue building according to the rules: 3 bars per layer, each next layer across the previous one. You can not take the bars from the unfinished top layer and the next layer below it.

As soon as the block is placed, the move passes in turn to the next player and then around the circle. The player on whom the tower collapsed with a roar is considered the loser, and the game begins from the beginning. You can organize a knockout game.


  • First of all, you need to look for free bars. They can be either on the edge, and then they can be “picked out” from the side, or in the center, then they must be pushed out with a finger from one side and then pulled out from the other;
  • It is very important to pay attention to the slope of the tower: sometimes, after a new block is placed on one side of the tower, on the other side it becomes possible to pull out the block that was previously clamped;
  • You can adjust the "traps" for the following players: taking into account the slope of the tower, aggravate it by placing your block on the same side. But the main thing here is not to overdo it!
  • Although both hands cannot be used, several fingers of one hand can be used, for example, to grab the block with the thumb and forefinger, and with the middle one carefully rest against the tower so that it does not fall. Well, and use your hands in turn.

Video game "Jenga":

Today I want to tell you about an interesting game for two or big company - Tower. Other names - "Tower", "Jenga", "Jenga", "Tip". We bought this game a year ago and have never regretted it, it brought us a lot of fun minutes (as well as funny photos).

Rules of the game Tower (Tower, Jenga)

Tower consists of 54 wooden blocks, they are laid out 3 on top of each other closely (you need to lay layers perpendicular) and form a high beautiful tower of 18 floors. Now the players take turns taking one block from any place in the tower (except the top two, it's too easy) and put them on the top floor of the tower. Important note: You only need to get the block with one hand, the second hand lies quietly and does not help to hold the tower, insure, etc. And here is your one playing hand can do what she wants - poke at all the blocks to check which of them is loose, correct the protruding pieces of the tower and whatever she wants. It is allowed to stop halfway through getting the bar if you feel this threatens the destruction of the turret.

Who lost?

The game is over tower fall, the one who was the culprit of this lost, that is, he tried to get his bar, and this led to destruction.

In this case, even such a situation is considered a loss, in which only one block fell, with the exception of the one that they tried to get. True, this is a rarity. In 95% of cases, the entire tower collapses epically and with a crash.

When is the best time to play?

It becomes interesting when the tower specifically grows - or maybe it has grown in height and three times. Then it is held literally by a thread and each player feels great tension during his turn and great joy if he managed to fish out the bar without consequences. Also, when the opponent moves, we usually have a cheerful encouragement: "Come on, come on, destroy it already!" and inside there is such a hope that the move will not reach you. After all, the situation is only getting worse with each move.

How to increase interest

Play on desire! How many domestic issues we have solved in the process of this game! And I washed the floors, and the dishes, and cleaned the apartment :))) But without tears and resentment against my husband, because everything was decided in a fair fight. No, of course, in fact, he laughed at me and went to help. In a big company, we really like to play, who will wash the dishes after our gathering, then everyone play with passion, at least not to lose, because this is at stake! And when all these options get boring and you don’t know what else to think of, then you can apply a number and make a sheet with transcripts, and at least even take a task for forfeits. At the time of the destruction of the tower, they look at the block with which number was left in the hands, the task under this number will have to be completed.

From what age

Our two-year-old son loves to play this game very much, it has already become quite good. I think from three - it will already be a full-fledged player. The biggest problem is that the second pen is constantly trying to help, but of course we allow :)

How else to use

When we saw this game on sale, the question was not even to take or not to take, because we had long wanted for a child wooden constructor, and compared to a constructor similar in volume, the tower came out twice cheaper! In the end, we took the tower and it turned out two in one. The son almost every day asks to get the tower and uses it in all games. He builds roads, houses, barriers and simply carries them in a truck, loading them with a tractor with a bucket.

Watch the video on how to play wooden Jenga Tower

How much does the Tower cost?

Now there are varieties of this game, for example, a very gambling version of Jenga Boom, where the tension only increases. You can get acquainted with the prices for the game Tower and make a purchase decision in the table below.

Where to buy Jenga Tower
The shops What sets Price
Classic Jenga, Jenga BOOM 970 -1400 rub

So simple and so interesting - what is the name of the game where they pull out the bars from the built tower? What was it washed away and what rules are relevant? Who and why invented it? What are the sticks for the game made of and how to build a tower?

So funny at the same time interesting game, is called - Jenga. The main essence of the lesson: the phased destruction of the tower, by pulling out the "bricks" from it. The defining moment - gradually the tower becomes an unstable structure and every move is risky. On whose turn the arable land fell apart, then he lost.

The right kit for the Jenga game: what does the kit consist of

It would seem that wooden blocks and a flat place to build a pyramid are all that is required for Jenga. In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated.

  • There must be 54 wooden blocks in the set. More or less is not allowed;
  • The length of each block should be three times its width;
  • The height of the bar is half its width;
  • It is not allowed to build a tower from plastic "bricks". The correct material is wood. It has an optimal weight and creates the necessary friction when pulling out the bars.

Building the Jenga Tower

In addition to a standardized set, for a fair game, you must follow the rules, starting from the construction of the tower.

Jenga bars are laid out next to each other in three pieces. The layer laid on top must lie perpendicular to the lower "floor".

The tower must be level with the chests of the players, with no restrictions on any player's approach. The game can be played by 2-4 people.

Jenga game rules

What is the name of the game where the bars are pulled out - do you know what the rules of this game are?

  • The most important rule, which is most often not observed in companies, is to allow the removal of the bar with both hands. The original rules allow the game to be played with only one hand. Otherwise, it will lose all meaning;
  • The one who built the tower goes first;
  • After each move, a block is placed on top of the entire tower;
  • It is forbidden to pull out sticks in the top three layers;
  • The game continues until the complete or partial destruction of the tower. An exception is the fall of a bar that was pulled out by the player in the last turn.

Who and why invented the Jenga game: pulling bars out of the tower

This funny game invented by Leslie Scott, the founder of the largest toy factory in the UK. This idea came to her mind at a young age. Leslie had best friend suffering from partial damage to the central nervous system. The disease provoked constant hand shaking. Leslie Scott wanted to create something that, in a playful way, could train and develop the motor skills of a sick friend.
By the way, and at the moment, many doctors, educators and parents use the Jenga game as a development of motor skills in children over 4 years old.

Varieties of the game Jenga

As in any business, there is no limit to perfection. Modern Jenga sets add some subtleties to make the game even more fun and interesting. For example, Jenga Fant is now gaining popularity - a comical task is written on the bar, which must be completed by the one who pulled it out.

Funny, right? But just recently, we didn’t even know the name of the game where wooden blocks are pulled out of the tower. Now, in addition to the real version of the game, electronic games are also being created that work on the basis of ordinary smartphones.

In the board game "Tower" (also known as "Leaning Tower", "Town", "Jenga"), a tower is built from even wooden blocks (each new "floor" is made with alternating laying directions), and then the players begin to carefully pull out one at a time. bar and put it on top of the tower. The winner is the one who is the last to get the bar and not bring down the tower.

The Tower board game from Tactic is, in fact, a very famous falling tower game known in Russia. The principle is quite simple: a tower is built from even wooden blocks (each new “floor” is made with alternating laying direction), and then the players begin to carefully pull out one block at a time and put it on top of the tower.

How to win at the Tower

The winner is the one who is the last to get the bar and not bring down the tower. You need to act carefully and carefully, and you should also immediately think about how to put the element on top: after all, this is often more difficult than just pulling it out of the “foundation”.

Is the tower tall?

If the players are experienced and accurate, then the tower turns out to be very high: from the outside it seems that if a butterfly sits on it, the whole structure will collapse. Many build a high tower not as part of the game, but simply for fun - for example, to take a picture with it or to drop it beautifully.

Why is this game good for kids?

  • Firstly, the "Tower" develops very well fine motor skills, that is, it activates the parts of the brain responsible for sensory and thinking. It is known that such games contribute to the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases in old age and significantly accelerate intellectual development child.
  • Secondly, the "Tower" teaches spatial and architectural thinking: to imagine which bar is less loaded in order to pull it out is a rather difficult task, but a very necessary one for a child.
  • Thirdly, the game develops a team spirit: children can play it together and improve their communication skills.
  • Fourth, The Tower is very good in quality. family game: after all, it is interesting to play it for both children and adults.
  • What will I find in the set?

    The tin box contains 48 even square-section solid wood blocks and a mold for building a flat tower, with which the game begins.

    Who came up with this game?

    The authorship of the game belongs to Leslie Scott: the first set was released in 1974. Leslie grew up near a house of similar blocks - and as a child she often assembled various structures from "wooden bricks". In the 80s, the game became famous in the UK, and in the 87th - in America.

    What other names for this game are used?

    Around the world, the "Tower" is known by different names. The most famous analogue is the board game "Jenga" or "Jenga" from Hasbro. We also call it the "Town", in Brazil - "Earthquake", in Europe they know it as the "Leaning Tower of Pisa", in Denmark - as the "Brick House".


    " Thanks for playing!! Good idea to spend time with your child! »

    The game is a hit. The game that the whole world has been playing for 40 years. A game that is given for birthdays, holidays and corporate parties.

    Jenga is a standard of its kind - an exciting game with simple rules. Play alone, two, four - it's easy! Even if you just put Jenga on the table, it will fit into any interior!

    The rules of the game are explained in just a minute. First you need to build a tower. We spread 3 bars on a table or another flat surface, there are 3 more bars on them perpendicular to the first row and so on until we lay out all 45 bars. Jenga from 15 levels is ready!

    The game started! Players take turns pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. You can not take bars from two top rows. Only one hand can be used. That's all the rules. But you can complicate the task by pulling out the bars with the numbers that fell out on the dice.

    If you play big cheerful company, then everyone will be the winner, except for the "lucky" one who destroyed the tower on his turn.


    • 45 wooden bars;
    • 2 dice.
  • Reviews for the board game Jenga with numbers Small (Jenga)


    I have a question how to play jengo I have 48 dice with numbers and 4 bones so how to play so that it falls out for example 48

    Answer: Hello! Our Jenga has 45 numbered bars and 2 dice with numbers from 1 to 6. You draw the numbered bar that comes up on the dice, eg 25, 43, 56, etc.


    I have such a voros - how to pull out parts with numbers. 7, 8 and 9 if there are only 6 faces on the dice?

    Answer: The fact is that there are no details on this jenga with the numbers 7,8,9 and 0. Let's assume that these numbers are there. In this case, special 9-sided dice or more can be used. budget options: - Draw lots, consisting of matches with numbers. - Roulette, lotto, random number generator. - Fortune telling on coffee grounds, a crystal ball and other improvised means. Have a nice game.