How to make a rack of boards in the garage. We make shelves in the garage with our own hands: practical tips, recommendations

  • 23.06.2020

I'm tired of paying rent warehouse and I wanted to spruce up my garage, so I figured it was time for some shelving. At first I thought about purchasing them, but after considering how much they would cost, I had the idea to make them myself.

Shelving design

In between working on two projects, I struggled to come up with the most functional design possible. About two weeks later, I had an idea. I started by measuring the garage, counting how many shelves I needed and how to divide the space between them. My garage is 5.5m long, but given local lumber sizing standards, the decision was made to build a 5m shelving unit. The distance from the floor to the ceiling was 2.75 m. The board length closest to this dimension was 2.45 m. Naturally, I did not want to leave a 30 cm gap between the top of the rack and the ceiling, so I will use a 3 m board cutting it to the required length. When deciding on the height of the shelves, I thought about the main goal: the storage of drawers in which you can keep things more organized. My drawers are 42 cm high, but I wanted to leave a little space on top, so the height of the shelf was 45 cm.
I also need to store some equipment (for climbing, diving, hiking) and I wanted to put it on a rack. In order not to pile one on top of the other, I decided to make one shelf 30 cm high.
At the moment, like most homeowners, I have accumulated a lot of different things (rakes, shovels, snowboard, wetsuit). For all this, I also needed to find a place. Therefore, I needed a compartment where you can hang hooks and hang everything there or just hide it.
By this point, my tool collection had grown from a small red box to three drawers and one tool bag. For them, I wanted to make a workbench so that I could work in the garage, where it was dry and warm. Ideally, it should be 1.5 m wide.
I also have a dog that loves to chew on everything. My little friend also needs a little place where he can hide and keep warm. He was given the entire lower left side of the rack.

What you need for a wooden shelving

After I made the drawing, I had to calculate how much lumber I would need.
I counted:
  • 8 boards 5 x 10 x 500 cm.
  • 23 boards 5 x 10 x 300 cm.
  • 6 sheets of plywood 1.2 x 2.4 m.
  • Screws.

Getting Started with Shelving

A couple of months ago, I evened out the walls because the previous owners did a good job of making them look terrible. After puttying and painting, they began to look very good. When I got to work, I realized that I had not thought enough about where or how I wanted to arrange things. I had good thoughts, but in general I was poorly prepared. It was planned to fix the rack beams on the supporting beams in the wall. In general, I did not know how you can easily determine their location. Luckily one of my neighbors had a special electronic device, which he shared with me for one day. First, we screwed three beams of 500 cm each: one under the ceiling, another one meter from the floor and the third at the very bottom. After that, they took 300 cm boards and cut them to the height of the ceiling. They were cut at one time so that they would definitely come out the same length.

Making the outer frame

After fixing the inner frame, we proceeded to the manufacture of the outer. Since its structure was the same, we used the internal one as a template.
After the outer frame was ready, we pushed it out, finding that the ceiling sagged a little and rested against it. With the help of a hammer, the frame was in the right place, where we fixed it on the ceiling. Next, the lower part was installed using a level so that the racks were vertical.

Shelf fixing

After the frame was level and vertical, we fixed it securely in the ceiling, in the floor and in the middle.
Now the difficult part of the work remains - the embodiment of my project into reality. I had to give up 30 cm of the shelf, since when attaching the beams, at least 10 cm of height is lost for each.
After installing the shelf fasteners, cutouts were made in the boards near the walls so that the plywood would fit snugly and nothing could fall behind the shelf.


Now that everything is assembled, I did not want to spend more money and did not buy the doors that I originally planned to install. The idea is that you can put doors with a horizontal mount on the beams. And when the garage is open, curious neighbors will not see my collection of things.

Almost every man has a set of tools in his house or garage. Therefore, it is worth keeping them in perfect order. How best to do this, a new review will tell. Surely everyone will be able to find in it examples of the organization of the storage place that interested him.

1. Plastic cans

Cropped canisters are perfect for storing nails, screws, bolts and nuts. And in order not to dig for a long time in search of the necessary, it is better to mark the containers.

2. Wooden shelf

A narrow wooden shelf with holes is a great place to store screwdrivers.

3. Stand

To prevent pliers from being scattered throughout the garage, make a special tool for them. wooden stand.

4. Railing

Thin metal rod is perfect for storage paint brushes in limbo.

5. Individual cells

From leftovers PVC pipes you can make convenient cells for careful storage of small power tools.

6. Wooden rack

A homemade wooden rack for storing wrenches will allow you to forget about the mess and tedious search for the right tool forever.

7. Open locker

Open wooden locker better fit for storage spray paints, which are most often randomly scattered in the garage.

8. Mobile stand

A small stand on wheels is great for storage hand tool. This rack is very compact and will always have the right tool at hand.

9. Wooden stand

Stylish wooden stand with a shelf, which is suitable for storing many of the most different instruments. Such a product will help not only to streamline hand tools, but will also become a real decoration for the men's monastery.

10. Homemade rack

An unused pallet can be turned into a handy stand for storing garden tools, which often take up a lot of space in the garage.

11. Hanger

A simple wooden block with metal hooks will solve the problem of storing power tools forever.

12. Hangers for clothes

Simple manipulations with an ordinary clothes hanger will turn it into handy organizer for storing electrical tape and adhesive tape.

13. Storage system

Pitchforks, shovels, rakes and other garden tools are not very stable and also take up a lot of space in the garage. Reliable wooden hooks on the walls will help you correctly place garden tools along the walls of the garage or shed.

14. Folding table

Homemade folding table made of wood and a wall-mounted rack for storing hand tools is an amazing idea for owners of a small garage.

15. Glass jars

Ordinary glass jars with metal lids are perfect for storing various small items. For greater convenience and reliability, the lids of the cans should be screwed to the shelves.

16. Vertical storage

The usual average garage looks very cluttered. The competent organization of storage systems will help to solve this problem. Instead of another closet, equip the walls with various shelves and hooks, which will allow you to neatly place a variety of things, from tools to a huge boat and bicycles.

17. Magnets

Magnetic tape or separate small magnets are a great idea for storing screwdriver bits, drill bits, and other small metal parts.

In continuation of the topic, we will talk about anywhere.

Many store in the garage not only the car, but also spare parts, tools and even conservation. Sometimes in the most spacious room it's getting harder to find desired subject. It's time to organize the space and arrange things in their places. You can go to the store and buy beautiful and convenient shelving, shields, tables with many drawers. But if there is a grinder, a drill, a welding machine, then they make shelves in the garage on their own.

Not all of the tools listed will be useful. Even metal does not have to be connected by welding, it will be replaced by bolts. In addition, there is also an affordable and easy-to-work material - wood. Many prefer to deal with it or combine it. There are many options for creating a storage system. It is not necessary to repeat exactly what was suggested, you can take an idea and adapt it to your specific needs. Everyone has different chances to acquire the necessary, design tastes, room conditions.

A wealth of possibilities - what shelves and racks are appropriate in the garage

There is a wide variety of designs sold in the store. A wide range of DIY materials are available. The purchase option has an important advantage - the thing remains to be installed in place and filled with tools, spare parts, etc. Homemade attracts with the ability to fit the dimensions of the garage and your requests, choose the method of execution.

A car enthusiast needs space for a car, for winter and summer tires, a place to store spare parts and various small things. The garage is usually also a workshop where they make minor repairs cars. Tools are placed in it, but not in boxes, but in such a way that everything is accessible and you do not have to waste time looking for the right thing. A shield is ideal for this purpose. The easiest way to arrange everything you need is racks and shelves.

The convenience of the latter is that they have different design and dimensions, so they will fit in any place in the garage where the owner wishes to place them: wall, corner, under the ceiling. They store things that are not needed very often for work. In the room they find a separate place for storing various liquid substances. The shelf is made closed or with sides so that the container does not fall to the floor and the product does not spill.

Racks are performed using several assembly options:

  1. 1. Stationary - designed for a specific place in the room. It is assembled and fastened almost forever on the wall, ceiling, floor.
  2. 2. Mobile - a trolley on rollers that allow you to move around the garage. It is important to control the load and not clutter up with too large things.
  3. 3. Collapsible - the design provides for the possibility of transfer to any other place. They also change the height and location of the shelves, width, layout.
  4. 4. Suspended - rarely used. Fastening is carried out to the wall and ceiling, which is not always easy and convenient.
  5. 5. Rotating - reminiscent of a CD-disc rack. A very practical item for storing various small things - screwdrivers, wrenches, nuts, bolts, etc.

For the manufacture of wood and metal are used, occasionally - plastic. The most practical designs are combined, in which the base is steel, and the shelves are made of wood or polymers. If the garage rack is planned for a long time, it is made of iron, which has increased strength and durability. Faster and easier, cheaper to make from wood. To prolong life, they are impregnated with antiseptics, covered with nitro enamels for external work.

When starting to plan actions for the manufacture of shelves, do not forget about the principles of its placement in space. In the first place is safety. The design and dimensions are chosen convenient for use, without the risk of injury. Dimensions should ensure the storage of everything you need, at the same time stability, no sagging of the shelves. If the length is too long, they bend under the weight. This is the risk that one day the shelves will break and all the contents will fall.

Racks are planned in such a way that no more than 15 kg of weight will be placed on one linear meter. Based on this, choose the number of shelves, their geometric parameters. When designing products for self-production, they make sure that all the contents of the garage, until then stored on the floor, fit on the racks. They are made spacious, even with some margin, because the number of things miraculously is constantly growing.

The maximum length is one and a half meters, and preferably the usual 1 m. For a single shelf, the maximum width is 60 cm, and in a multi-tiered structure - no more than 30 cm. If it is not yet clear how, what and where to place, preference is given to collapsible products. If necessary, change the location, height. They are then easily converted into stationary ones.

They develop a rack for their garage on paper, using ready-made drawings as a guide, or make original project. Be sure to specify the parameters based on the size of the box. Such a product will fit perfectly into the space. Usually placed along one wall, occupying the entire area. About 10 cm are left on the sides for ease of installation. The height reaches the ceiling so as not to lose a single centimeter. The design consists of three main elements: vertical racks, shelves, crossbars. To increase the rigidity of the frame, crossbars are sometimes used.

The distance between the two main supports is no more than 1.5 m and less for storing especially heavy items. An important role is played by the material, its rigidity. In a long rack, intermediate racks are added, which will give additional stability. The height between adjacent shelves is chosen depending on the items that you intend to store. The largest parameters are for wheels. The depth is determined independently. For this, it is envisaged that it will be placed. Narrow ones are inconvenient for large-sized things, and it is difficult to get something you need from very wide ones.

The heaviest and most voluminous things are located below, respectively, the places for them are wide and high. The top shelves are narrow and low, they are designed for smaller items. The distance from the floor is about 0.5 m, and if you use the standards of furniture makers - 37 cm. This will allow you to sweep, easily place and remove tires, canisters, heavy spare parts. Specific dimensions are developed by the owner, who knows what and where he will store. Professionals recommend making holes in the shelves for ventilation and rust prevention.

At the design stage, they are determined with the method of connecting parts, fastening. Welding is used, usually for metal structures, and bolts for wooden structures. Both technologies successfully cope with their purpose, but the first involves the manufacture of a non-separable product. When rebuilding in a garage, moving to another, they are extremely inconvenient to move, there is no guarantee that they will fit in size. The main advantage is reliability, in order to destroy, you have to cut.

Bolted connections do not provide such rigidity, but the structure can always be disassembled and moved in parts to another place. They are used not only in conjunction with wood, but also with metal, however, less often. To ensure the stability of the rack, it is additionally fixed to the wall.

Features of the use of various materials

Design, practicality determines the raw materials used to manufacture the structure. Mostly metal and wood are used. Cost plays a significant role. Iron is expensive, if you buy everything in a store, it will not cost much less than buying a ready-made rack. Various leftovers available at home help out, as well as recycling centers, where they sell at prices slightly higher than they accept. Wood is cheaper, but high-quality is required, with a lot of knots will not work.

Plastic is used to store small items. It is suitable for single shelves and in combination with other shelving materials. A big minus is fragility, easily beats, damaged. It is undesirable to store metal objects, tools.

Garage conditions are not conducive to long-term operation wooden products. With constantly high humidity, frost, sometimes heat, wood is not comfortable. The material is processed before use. protective compounds against mold, pests, fungi. It is better to take hardwoods, such as oak. It is more difficult to work with, but it is very strong and durable. For connection, instead of nails, it is desirable to use self-tapping screws, which prevent the structure from loosening. Several methods are used:

  • standard for carpenters - in a quarter or "half-lap";
  • end-to-end with reinforcement with metal corners, overhead plates;
  • on bolts - you need a drill to scroll through the holes.

A beam of 50 × 50 mm goes to the racks, the same or slightly thinner - 50 × 30 mm to the crossbars. Suitable for flooring:

  • boards from 20 mm;
  • plywood 10 mm and more;
  • laminated chipboard - the ends are treated with silicone to protect against moisture.

For a metal frame use:

  1. 1. Corner with a thickness of 3-4 mm with a shelf of 25-45 mm - depends on the planned load. Very durable material, heavy, expensive.
  2. 2. Professional pipe with dimensions for racks 40 × 40 mm, for crossbars - 40 × 25. Metal is thinner, but it is more difficult to bend than a corner.
  3. 3. Combination of materials. Racks are made of a rectangular pipe, corners are used for the crossbars.

Metal racks are assembled in one of the following ways:

  • weld;
  • connect with bolts;
  • use crab systems.

When preparing the metal for welding, it is not necessary to cut it - it takes a lot of time, and there is not much difference with the butt joint. When bolts are used, the shelves and sidewalls are mounted separately, then assembled into a single unit. It is advisable to tighten 2 bolts in each place to eliminate play. Crab systems are two plates with grooves for pipes. They are laid in the grooves, then tightened with bolts. Such a product will not withstand a large load, but time for preparing holes is greatly saved.

A profiled pipe is easier to process - it is thinner than a corner. M6 or M8 bolts are used, it takes a lot of effort to make holes with an electric drill. They do this: first use a drill of a smaller diameter, then expand it with a thicker one. The tool will have to constantly sharpen or change. To make them less dull, periodically cool with water.

Product variants for holding tools and accessories

More often in the car box there are hand-made wooden racks. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • the costs incurred are less than for metal;
  • assembled quickly and easily without the use of welding;
  • serves relatively long, durability is acceptable.

Steel rack - the most robust design. It is more expensive than those made from other materials, but very strong and durable. Reduce the cost of using for shelves of natural wood or slabs from it. The easiest way to make shelves on which it is convenient to store tools , other subjects. The only requirement is that they should not bend from the placed load.

The assembly sequence of a simple wooden rack:

  1. 1. Cut blanks from a bar for vertical racks. For crossbars, thinner slats or boards are used.
  2. 2. Collect the sidewalls, form the frame. Connect in one of the available ways, which are described above.
  3. 3. Shelves are made of chipboard according to size. So that they do not swell from moisture, the ends are carefully treated with silicone sealant. They are attached to the crossbars with self-tapping screws; for reliability, metal corners are used.
  4. 4. The entire structure is treated with an antiseptic, primed. Coated with varnish or paint.

When there is metal on the farm, a steel frame is made. It will last longer, and the shelves can be made from wood. Rectangular pipes are used, and for crossbars - a corner. They are welded to the racks, but to make the rack collapsible, they are bolted. This will allow not only to move the product to another place, but also, if necessary, change the height of the shelves.

Prepare the parts and assemble the rack in the following sequence:

  • grinder in size according to the drawing cut the necessary elements;
  • on the racks mark the location of the shelves;
  • they are welded or bolted, controlling the right angle so that the structure does not come out of a curve;
  • traces of corrosion are removed from the steel frame (with a brush, rust converter), painted;
  • shelves are cut out of wood, painted, left to dry;
  • bolted to the frame.

Relatively last operation. It is much more rational to weld the corners with the end face to the vertical posts, so that its shelves look inward. Then just pieces of boards, chipboard, plywood are laid on them. They will hold securely without additional fixation.

A practical option for a stationary rack that does not stand on the floor, but is fixed on the wall. The material does not matter, the technology is identical:

  • markings are made for fasteners, holes are drilled, dowels are clogged;
  • pipes or beams are cut to size;
  • racks are fixed to the wall strictly vertically;
  • they are interconnected by longitudinal crossbars along the height of future shelves;
  • make a similar front part, only it will stand on the floor;
  • two parts are interconnected, stacked and fixed shelves.

This general schemes garage shelving. It is impossible to foresee all options - how many masters, so many solutions. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, to use any materials at hand, and the result will definitely be.

Simple shelves made of wood and metal

Racks require quite a lot of material, bulky, so they often resort to a less complicated option. To make the shelves convenient for use, they are made no more than 1.5 m wide, up to 0.6 m deep, and 0.3–0.6 m high (for multi-tiered ones).

For wooden structure bars are used, which are marked according to a pre-made scheme. They make racks and a frame. On the shelves they take a planed board, plywood. Fasten with screws and corners.

On the metal products store voluminous and massive equipment, so welding is preferred. The blanks are cut to size and connected into a solid structure. For shelves use sheet steel or wood.

All various suspended models are mounted on a wall or ceiling. They are installed on anchors, which allows you to remove and move to another place. Ceiling are located near the ceiling on which they are fixed. They are suspended from hooks or anchors embedded in the ceiling. Usually such shelves are easily removed. They are not very popular, they are built with a lack of space. Not suitable for storing heavy and bulky items, because they are unstable.

Step-by-step instructions for creating shelves in the garage are presented in the video.

Over time, under the roof of any car garage, a whole arsenal of various household supplies and household items accumulates, which had no place either at home or in the pantry.

To prevent the formation of a chaotic landfill, the garage space must be properly organized. And you can do this with the help of a homemade shelving system. It will allow you to neatly and rationally place things stored in the garage and thereby create the most comfortable conditions not only for car care, but also for solving everyday household tasks.

Principles and possibilities for arranging a car garage

The main purpose of a garage is to store a car. And this means that, first of all, the car owner must exclude possible encroachments on the property stored inside, that is, ensure the safety of the latter. An equally important issue is the correct climatic regime in the garage space - the condition of the car should in no case depend on the vagaries of the weather or the appetites of harmful microorganisms such as fungus or mold. Another of the principles of organizing the situation in the garage - ergonomics - suggests that everything under the roof of the structure should always stand, lie or hang in its place, without interfering with the passage, passage, cleaning or car care process. With all this, it is imperative that the room be clean and tidy, which are the key not only to the health of the car owner, but also to his safety when visiting the garage and performing all kinds of household or repair operations.

In accordance with these principles, at the first stage of arranging a garage, you will need:

  1. Install on the gates and windows, if any, a reliable locking system.
  2. Insulate the structure of the structure or organize high-quality heating of the interior during the cold season.
  3. Run interior decoration reliable, durable and easy to clean materials.

After finishing finishing works you can proceed to the final stage of arrangement - the organization of the interior of the garage. To do this, you need to compose detailed plan premises and determine what and how exactly it will be stored, in addition to the car.

Garage plan for a car with estimated dimensions

As a rule, the wall farthest from the entrance to the garage is allocated for racks and shelves. If the dimensions of the room allow, it is advantageous to equip the side walls with shelves. With a lack of free space in the garage, special attention should be paid to the space under the ceiling, as well as above the car itself. Shelves equipped at the upper level will allow you to unload the lower part of the room, taking on things that need to be used from time to time.

Wooden shelves on a metal frame under the ceiling of the garage

The configuration and dimensions of the shelving system depend on the size of the garage and the needs of its owner. The materials from which the shelves will be made must be strong enough to support the weight of the stored items. For example, tiers can be made of thick plywood or boards, and the frame can be made of metal pipes or corners, but other options are possible.

Shelving system made of wood for the garage

The method of assembling and installing the shelving system depends on the material used to finish the garage room, as well as the design features of the structure itself. In many cases, the shelves are hung on the walls, and the racks are installed directly on the floor. However, the shelves can also be hung from the ceiling, while to increase the stability of an individual rack, its frame is often equipped with mounts for walls, floors and ceilings.

Open Hanging Shelving System for Garage

When calculating the parameters of the racking system, several points should be taken into account:

  1. The distance from the bottom shelf to the floor is taken at least 20 cm. This greatly simplifies the cleaning process in the garage.
  2. The width and height of the shelves must correspond to the dimensions of the stored items.
  3. It is advisable to perforate the shelves in order to improve ventilation, as well as to avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt.

Independent production of shelves and racks for the garage

To arrange the garage space should be thoroughly prepared. For this you will need:

  • perform design calculations;
  • select and prepare materials;
  • collect the necessary tools and tools for design, assembly and installation.

When planning a shelving system, first of all, you need to draw up at least an approximate list of items stored in the garage, not forgetting to evaluate their weight and dimensions. You should also draw a garage plan, on which, on a scale with an accuracy of a centimeter, you need to indicate the design parameters of the structure (height, width, thickness, pitch and number of shelves). After that, it remains to carefully consider the method of assembling and mounting and fixing the shelves or a separate rack.

Please note: The choice of the type of shelving system and the method of its installation and fastening largely depends on the properties of the materials from which the garage is made. So, if the walls of the latter are metal, you will have to tinker with hanging shelves, while the simplest rack will save the garage owner from complex manipulations with fasteners, garage insulation, etc. The most convenient option is plastered brick walls. In such a garage, you can give free rein to your imagination and install a combined shelving system with many useful functions in the household.

Material selection: highlights

Materials for creating a shelving system for a garage are selected based on considerations of ease of assembly, as well as reliability and practicality in operation. So, for shelves designed to store heavy and bulky items, you will need a reinforced frame, to create which the best way fit metal corner or profiled pipe.

But in this case, the garage owner cannot do without the skills of cutting, drilling and welding metal. In addition, the latter needs protection against corrosion, and this is associated with additional financial costs.

Wooden blocks 40–50 cm thick can also be used as a frame for garage shelves or shelving. Working with wood is much easier than with metal, but you still have to take care of protecting the material from mold, rot, moisture and other aggressive operating factors.

As for the material for the manufacture of the shelves themselves, the most practical solutions worth considering:

  • boards with a thickness of 2 cm;

Edged board is one of the cheapest and easiest materials to use. Shelves in the garage, made of planks, will last for many years. But in order to increase ease of use and increase the service life, they must be sanded and be sure to cover with an antiseptic and paint that will protect the material from mechanical damage, pests and decay.

  • multilayer plywood;

Plywood is a practical and inexpensive material with high strength and durability measured in decades. It is not difficult to work with this material, however, in the manufacture of shelves, it should be sanded with fine emery and covered with a protective layer of paint or varnish. This will prevent soaking, drying out and cracking of plywood under the influence of dampness, temperature changes and aggressive chemicals.

  • particle boards.

Chipboard - cheap and easy to use, but capricious material in operation. When making shelves particle board with the help of varnishing or painting, it is necessary to protect not only the working (upper) and lower planes, but also the ends, as well as holes for bolting and perforation, from damage and aggressive effects. At the same time, the latter require increased accuracy when performing due to the peculiarities of the structure of the material.

Please note: A quick, but rather expensive option for arranging a garage is to buy ready-made plastic or metal perforated shelves with factory fasteners or a prefabricated shelving frame. In the absence of sufficient funds, the most reasonable solution would be independent production constructions from materials prepared at the discretion of the owner of the garage.

Structural calculation

First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the rack system. If we are talking about several small shelves, you can sketch directly on the wall, while the drawing of the frame rack will have to be done on paper.

Sketch of hanging shelves on the wall of the garage

When planning a structure, consider:

  • dimensions and weight of items placed on the shelves;
  • the necessary supply of free space for passage;
  • the dimensions of the gaps between the sections and the vertical pitch of the shelves;
  • ways of attaching shelves to the walls or ceiling of the garage;
  • the need to attach the rack system to the floor or ceiling.

Calculation of the attached racking system for the garage

If a rack is installed in the garage, it is advisable to choose its height according to the height of the room. As for wall or hanging shelves, it is convenient to calculate them from top to bottom. If the dimensions and layout of the garage allow, the width of the shelving tier is selected along the entire length of the wall with a margin of 5–10 cm for ease of installation. The optimal depth of the rack is 50–60 cm, although for large items ( car tires and disks, spare parts, boxes, etc.) it would be reasonable to provide wider shelves.

Indoor Hanging Garage Shelving

The height of the tier can be different and is selected according to the needs of the garage owner. It is practical to place the widest and deepest shelves at the bottom. It is more convenient to store heavy and bulky items here, which, if necessary, are easy to get. On the other hand, deep shelves can also be installed under the garage ceiling. Indeed, on the upper tier it is very convenient to store overall, but light things or rarely used items. In addition, it is convenient to divide individual tiers into sections, which will facilitate the sorting of stored goods.

Drawing of a simple shelving system for a garage

Please note: It is undesirable that the width of the shelves, especially those made of thin material, exceed 1–1.5 m. This will lead to a decrease in structural strength and sagging of the tiers. As for the length, it is convenient to start from a size of at least 60–80 cm, otherwise the shelves will be inconvenient for storing long items. The vertical step of the racking system is taken according to the required storage height. For example, the height of the lower tier can be taken as 70 cm and taken away for storage of car tires, rims, large containers, etc. If you add another 2 tiers of 50 cm each, then the total height of the rack will be 1.7 m. In a garage with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, the topmost shelf of this design will have a 60-cm step, taking into account the 20-cm distance from the floor to the lower tier .

Tools and auxiliary materials

For self-manufacturing, assembly and installation of the rack system, you will need a considerable arsenal of tools, as well as auxiliary materials. The toolkit for performing the task contains:

  • building level;
  • tape measure and marker;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill with hammer function;
  • jigsaw;
  • circular saw with discs for metal (if the frame of the rack is made of a steel angle or profile pipe);
  • welding machine (for welding elements of the metal frame of the rack);
  • hand tools (building corner, pliers, hammer, screwdrivers and wrenches).

Please note: A welded shelving frame is difficult to manufacture, so bolted connections are often preferred to welding.

The list of supporting materials should include:

  • dowels or anchors (for attaching a wooden or metal frame to the garage structural elements);
  • self-tapping screws for wood or metal or bolts with nuts (for attaching shelves to the frame);
  • drills for concrete, wood and metal;
  • primer and paint for metal and wooden elements constructions;
  • primer brush;
  • sanding skin.

Please note: In some cases, it is more convenient to fix wooden shelves to the frame using special glue.

Making a shelving system with your own hands

Independent design of shelves or racks for garage facilities is carried out with subsequent assembly. The algorithm of work is the following:

  1. Via circular saw or a jigsaw from a steel corner, a profiled pipe or a wooden block, frame elements are cut: racks, transverse and longitudinal crossbars, amplifiers.
  2. On the vertical racks of the rack, markings are made for the installation of transverse and longitudinal crossbars under the shelves.
  3. If we are talking about shelves, on the horizontal bars with which they will be held on the wall, the attachment points are marked with dowels or anchors. Next, they must be transferred to the wall and punched holes of the appropriate diameter and depth.
  4. Holes of the required diameter are made on the frame elements for bolted connections using a drill with a drill for metal.
  5. If the choice fell on a welded frame, the elements of the latter must be joined with neat seams.
  6. The metal frame is sanded, primed and painted. The wooden base of the shelving system is also desirable to be sanded, primed and painted to protect against mold and decay.
  7. Shelves are cut out of chipboard, plywood or boards right size, after which their surface must be perforated.
  8. The shelf frame is attached to the wall or ceiling of the garage, after which the shelves are fixed on it with glue, screws or bolts.
  9. The assembly of a separate rack is carried out in several steps:
  • installation of side racks;
  • fastening of transverse and longitudinal crossbars, as well as amplifiers;
  • installation of shelves on the frame.

Homemade shelving system on a metal frame and chipboard shelves

How to make your own shelves

If there is not enough free space in the garage to install a separate rack, the room is equipped with shelves. The latter may be:

  • hanging;
  • mounted.

It is rational to install hanging shelves in rooms, the walls of which are made of materials that are difficult to process or unable to bear additional loads. In this case, the shelf frame, which is usually made of metal, will be attached to the ceiling. The latter must be strong enough to withstand the weight of not only the entire structure, but also the things stored on the shelves.

Please note: To reduce the load on the ceiling, it is desirable to equip the structure frame with wall mounts.

The manufacture and installation of suspended shelves is carried out in several stages:

  1. After taking measurements, three elements should be cut from a metal angle or profile pipe: the main longitudinal beam, vertical posts and horizontal crossbars.
  2. Holes are made on the main longitudinal beam for fastening to the ceiling or side walls of the garage.
  3. Horizontal crossbars are welded to the vertical posts or bolted to them.
  4. By means of welding or bolting, the frame is attached to the main carrier beam, fixed under the ceiling.
  5. Horizontal crossbars resting against the wall are equipped with fasteners (corners) for reliable fixation.
  6. Shelves are cut out of boards, plywood or chipboard according to pre-calculated dimensions. Before installation, they must be perforated and equipped with holes for fastening to the frame.
  7. With the help of bolts, the shelves are mounted on the frame.

Suspended shelving system with load-bearing beam fixed to garage walls

Please note: If the garage ceiling is made of concrete or other material of sufficient strength, the carrier beam can be discarded. But in this case, it will be necessary to fasten to the ceiling plane of each of the vertical racks of the frame.

Installing a shelf frame on a concrete ceiling

Hanging shelves are made in the following way:

  1. After taking measurements from a metal angle, profile pipe or wooden beam horizontal load-bearing beams are cut out for each shelf, vertical racks and horizontal crossbars.
  2. Horizontal crossbars are equipped with mounting holes and are fixed on the bearing beams.
  3. Beams are mounted on the wall with anchors or dowels.
  4. On the installed frame, with the help of bolts or self-tapping screws, shelves cut from boards, plywood or chipboard and pre-sanded and painted are fixed.

Wooden hanging shelves made of wood mounted on a brick wall

Please note: For mounting the shelf frame on the wall or ceiling of the garage, it is convenient to use special brackets that are sold in the store. The wooden base of the rack is additionally reinforced at the nodes with the help of metal corners or spacers.

Video: do-it-yourself racking system

Additional amenities in the garage

If the garage is spacious enough, it can be used not only as a warehouse for spare parts, tools, building materials and all kinds of household rubbish, but also as a home workshop. To do this, you need to add devices to the environment that greatly increase the convenience of performing various technical operations. Such devices include:

  • Workbench;

Homemade workbench for working in the garage

A workbench is a very useful detail of the situation in the garage, which is a table equipped with drawers, shelves, bedside tables and technical devices for performing various household or repair work (vice, electrical outlet, local lighting, etc.).

  • sink;

Sink and hob in car garage

A sink is a practical and useful solution that will ensure uninterrupted water supply in the garage, which is necessary not only for washing hands, but also for car care, as well as for indoor cleaning activities.

  • viewing hole;

Do-it-yourself garage viewing hole

An inspection pit is an essential device for a garage in which the car will not only be stored, but also repaired.

  • vegetable store (cellar);

Cellar (vegetable storage) in the garage

If there is not enough free space in the house, the garage can be equipped with a vegetable store, in which it is convenient to store vegetables, pickles or products that require a special temperature regime.

  • closet;

Wardrobe built into the shelving system in the garage

A cabinet built into the shelving system in the garage will not only allow you to neatly place various small things, tools or spare parts, but also restrict access to them.

  • ventilation, heating, etc.

Ventilation and heating in the garage are necessary if the room is used all year round, and not only for storing cars, but also for performing repair and household work.

Please note: the arrangement of the garage space entirely depends on the needs and financial capabilities of its owner. However, almost any of necessary fixtures for car care or housekeeping, you can either buy it ready-made, or make and install it yourself, significantly reducing cash costs.

Solution Gallery

Universal wall for storing tools, auto parts and household equipment in the garage Wooden shelving system for arranging a garage space

Storage of power tools in the garage on a special shelf

Many useful ideas are born directly in the process of arranging a garage. For example, the shelving system can be made collapsible, some of the tiers can be equipped with sides or sections for storing various small things. It is noteworthy that it is very difficult to immediately plan everything that may be needed in the process of car care and solving household problems in the garage. Therefore, it is worth starting with the most necessary, for example, from shelves or a rack, a workbench or a cabinet, which will optimize the space in the room and make it easier to carry out daily car and household maintenance.

Many men use the garage for more than just parking. Often, tools or old things are stored in the garage, which are a pity to throw away, but there is no place in the apartment for them. Also, the building is often carried out repair or other work that requires tools and dimensional material. Thus, the building often becomes like a warehouse.

Wall or hanging shelves in the garage are a great way to store a lot of things without cluttering up the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Durable and reliable material designed for heavy loads. Metal shelves withstand big weight, it is convenient to store parts, tools on them. Also, the metal is durable and wear-resistant. If the material is covered special composition from corrosion and rust, then structures made of it can serve for many decades.

Unlike metal, wood is more affordable. Easy to process, does not require welding work. Wooden shelves can also serve for a long time, the only drawback is the low resistance to changes in temperature and humidity conditions.

To improve the wear resistance and durability of the wooden elements of the shelves, it is required to periodically coat the material with special covering paints. This will help the wood avoid rotting, warping, and pest damage.

Other materials, such as plastic, plywood, stone, are rarely used to make shelves.

Structural variations of suspended shelves

May be open or closed. With or without back wall. Most often, a metal corner and a wooden base are used for the manufacture of such structures. They are hung on the walls with anchors. The type of fastening can be permanent or dismantled.

These designs are made of a metal corner, wooden base, a special cable or a metal round profile fixed to special anchors is used as side walls.

These shelves are hung on special hooks driven or welded into the ceiling beams. The advantages of ceiling shelves are quick dismantling if necessary. Disadvantages - a rather shaky design, which can sway when touched.

It is not recommended to store expensive tools or fragile items on such shelves.

Shelf in the form of a shield for tools

This design is equipped with small shelves for storing small items and special hanging fittings. The shield consists of a solid rear wall fixed in the wall with an anchor. Shelves, special hooks or tool holders are mounted on the wall.

This shelf is very convenient for carpentry and locksmith work. Most often, such a shield is hung in front of a workbench so that everyone the right tools were at hand. Sometimes the shield is equipped with additional lighting in the form of a lamp on a movable leg.

If there is a desire to save the usable area of ​​​​the room, then you can make a hanging shelf with a ceiling mount with your own hands.

Materials required for the manufacture of the structure

Tools for the job

  1. Drill with a drill for wood. The diameter of the drill should match the diameter of the stud.
  2. Perforator for drilling holes in the ceiling for fixing anchors. The drill should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the anchor.
  3. Wrenches, their marking must match the size of the nuts used.
  4. Electric jigsaw.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. bubble level.

Work order

Step 1. To begin with, a shelf of the desired width and length is cut out of a sheet of plywood or fiberboard.

It is worth knowing that it is recommended to place load-bearing studs at an average load on the material after 60-70 cm. If the shelf is longer, then over time the plywood or fiberboard sheet will noticeably bend and sag.

Step 2 To enhance the strength of the material, it can be fixed at the ends of the plate metallic profile equipped with internal stiffeners.

Step 3 Holes for studs are marked along the edges of the shelf. It is worth knowing that it is desirable to drill 5-7 cm from the edges of the plate. If the holes are located too close to the ends, the material may crumble under the weight of the items placed on the shelf.

Step 4 After the holes are drilled, the shelf must be attached to the ceiling and, using a pencil, transfer the location of the holes to the ceiling. Thus, the structure will be located without distortions and you can not be afraid that the studs are deformed.

Holes are drilled in the ceiling for the anchor, dust is removed from them. The anchors are driven into the concrete to the stop and the nuts are tightened.

Long metal studs are connected to anchors placed on the ceiling. The connection is fixed with the help of coupling nuts. It is also desirable to insure the connection with an additional regular nut, which is screwed onto the thread of the stud.

Step 5 After the studs are firmly fixed on the ceiling, the shelf installation period begins. A nut is screwed onto the stud, then a washer. After that, a shelf is strung on the ends of the studs.

Shelf fixation is carried out using Grover's washer and control nut. Washers protect the openings of the shelf from breaking under loads. Grover serves as protection against loosening of the fixing nut. You can use two nuts for safety and greater structural strength. Ultimate fit fixing accessories carried out by level.

This hanging shelf will save a lot of space in the garage. The only drawback is the mobility of the structure. You can eliminate it with the help of a special metal corner. One edge of the corner is attached to the wall, the second - to the base of the shelf. Thus, the entire suspension structure is fixed. Also, a metal corner will strengthen the shelf, which will affect its durability.

DIY tool shield shelf

In order for all small tools to be at hand during plumbing or carpentry work, you can think over and make a special shield. Shelves-shields are not distinguished by high carrying capacity and strength, they cannot be used to store heavy tools, but for small and necessary things that are always lost, this design would be ideal.

It's important to know!

  1. It is desirable to hang a shelf with a tool on a plastered wall, otherwise condensation will accumulate between the brick or block surface and the wall of the shelf. Constant high humidity will adversely affect the material of the shield, may cause its deformation or decay.
  2. Average load per square meter shield surface should not exceed 14 kg. The weight of the structure will lead to rapid destruction.
  3. The height of the shield is determined by the growth of the owner of the garage. The top edge of the shelf should not be higher than human height. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to take tools from the shield.
  4. If shelves are thought out on the shield, it is not advisable to make them closed. It will also make the job harder. All small tools and parts must be in the public domain.

How to make a shield with your own hands

Materials and tools

Step 1. First you need to choose the size of the shield. Most often, such a shelf is fixed in front of a workbench, behind which a person is engaged. repair work. It is desirable that the shield in width be slightly larger than the dimensions of the workbench.

Step 2 Then a shield is cut out of plywood or other material. Immediately a place for small shelves is marked on it.

Step 3 Then, using a jigsaw, shelves with side walls are cut. The side walls of the shelves can be made the same size as the length of the shield. Further, with the help of long self-tapping screws, the shelf structure is assembled and attached to the surface of the shield. A place to store jars and boxes with nails and other small things is ready.

Step 4 Attaching hooks. To do this, holes are drilled in the shield and dowels are driven into them and special threaded hooks are screwed in. It is advisable to think in advance where and what tool will be located. Proceeding from this, hooks are drilled.

Then, eyelets or brackets are attached to the back wall to fix the shelf on the wall. The last step is to mount the shelf on the wall. Holes are drilled with a perforator, anchors are driven into them. If the shelf is fastened “tightly”, then it is possible to strengthen the fixation of the structure with a special washer, which will prevent the eyes from slipping off the anchor.

A simple and convenient shield for tools and parts is ready. If all the tools and material are available, then it can be done in a few hours.

Video - Small shelves on the wall for storing keys and other tools