What to do so that the plastic windows of the house do not sweat. What to do if the windows in the apartment sweat

  • 03.03.2020

Often in the cold season, a cloudy water haze forms on plastic windows. This is condensation that impairs visibility, reduces the level of light output and promotes the formation of fungi and mold.

Condensate(lat. condensatus- compacted, condensed) - a product of vapor condensation that occurs during the transition of a substance during cooling from a gaseous to a liquid form. It is formed if there is excess "water" in the air, and there is a low temperature outside the window.

It should be noted that each person per day allocates about 2 liters of water in the form of vapor during breathing. In addition, a boiling kettle, cooking process, leaking plumbing, and even houseplants.

At relative humidity over 60%, condensation may already appear on the double-glazed windows.

The ideal option would be to prevent a similar situation yet at the order stage plastic windows. You should choose a warmer package. Two-chamber the window is cooled much slower single-chamber, which means that its fogging is less likely.

Energy-saving euro windows actually don't sweat. The warmer the double-glazed window, the less the possibility of the appearance of "dew".

What to do if the installed metal-plastic windows fog up?

Let's give 10 useful tips To combat fogging of windows in the house:

    Need to reduce moisture. By regularly ventilating the room or installing air inlet valves in the windows.

    Reduce the number of indoor plants. Flowers and miniature trees increase the area of ​​evaporation of moisture in the room - water evaporates from the leaves and moist soil.

    Choose the “right” wall finish. Considering different variants for wall, ceiling and floor decoration, give preference natural materials that absorb excess moisture (drywall, wood).

    Repair all faucets and other plumbing. Leaking faucets and other equipment increase air humidity.

    Finish wet cleaning with a dry wipe.. This will help get rid of excess water.

    You can buy dehumidifiers. They are sold in construction supermarkets. Recuperators automatically normalize humidity and maintain comfortable conditions in room. Great but expensive solution.

    Heating in the cold season should work constantly. Periodic shutdowns (for example, overnight) increase the humidity of the air and contribute to the formation of dampness.

    Strengthen the heating of the double-glazed window by installing a powerful battery under the window or reducing the size of the window sill. The smaller the window sill, the easier the double-glazed window heats up. Ideally, when designing a structure, it is better to ensure that the heat flow from the batteries goes to the window.

    Condensation may be caused by poor sealing. For example, a loose fit of the window sash to the frame.

    A well-functioning hood is the key to minimal moisture accumulation. If constant noise interferes, you can put a humidity level sensor on it.

Finally, we suggest watching a video in which the author dispels popular myths about the causes of fogging windows and shares the secrets of solving the problem:

Steam settles not only on metal-plastic windows, but on them it is more noticeable. Condensation can appear on furniture, carpets, clothing and create bad smell"oldies". Do not forget that high humidity is one of the causes of fungus.

Many people often face such a problem as "sweating" windows. This applies to both plastic and wooden structures.

Often this is blamed on the manufacturer or the installers who carried out the installation. Yes, poor-quality production, as well as illiterate installation, take place, but this happens only in 3-5% of cases. Situations in which condensation forms on windows usually look like this:

    sweating throughout the winter cold;

    windows get wet in the morning;

    fogging of the window occurs only in some room, for example, in the kitchen.

The physics of this phenomenon is quite simple. Misting occurs when the room temperature is higher than the window temperature. And, if the temperature of the glass falls below the dew point, then the window becomes covered with condensate.

Humidity also plays an important role in the process. Accordingly, the conclusion is this: the greater the temperature difference between the room and the window itself, the stronger and more often condensation will form on the windows.

This is clearly seen in the table:

Thus, in principle, you can get rid of the problem in three ways:

  • lower indoor humidity
  • reduce the temperature in the room
  • increase the temperature inner surface window

The first method is carried out in the following ways:

  • with air dryer
  • airing the room

We will not consider the second method, since the room should have a temperature at which it will be comfortable for a person to be in it.

You can raise the window temperature:

  • installation of multi-chamber double-glazed windows
  • heated windows

Often faced with such a problem: old windows made back in the Soviet Union did not sweat, and after installing new plastic or wooden windows, condensate began to form almost instantly. The only thing is that, according to the old standards, the windows produced had a rather impressive distance between the inner and outer windows, much more than modern ones.

Accordingly, the inner window heated up more than the outer one, to which the heat did not reach, because, as you know, air is an excellent heat insulator. In addition, old window products often have many gaps between which air circulates. It is worth noting that modern windows with good ventilation should not sweat at all.

But still, what are the causes of fogging windows?

    single pane glass. If you have such a window, it is almost guaranteed to fog up in winter;

    poor ventilation in the room. This is especially true for the kitchen.

    a window sill installed directly above the battery prevents the air from circulating properly;

    there is no trunnion in the fittings to transfer windows to the so-called winter mode, or the owner does not know about the possibility of regulation. This is done within two minutes, it is enough just to move the pin to the desired position;

    plants in the room emit excess moisture;

    the room is poorly ventilated. This is especially true for kitchens;

    and finally, the same illiterate attitude that most owners sin on.

Solving the problem of fogging windows

    if the double-glazed window is single-chamber, the easiest way is to replace it. In this case, there is no need to change the entire window;

    clean ventilation. This procedure is not as complicated as it seems. It is quite enough to simply clean the air duct grilles;

    move the battery a little more distance or reduce the depth of the window sill. As an option - put a separate heater for the glass. But this is perhaps the most inconvenient solution;

    switch windows to the desired mode, most often winter. There is no need to call a specialist, the procedure is no more difficult than unscrewing or tightening a screw. After you do this, you will immediately notice how tightly the window has become pressed against the frame. This applies, of course, only to plastic windows;

    make a rule for yourself to ventilate the necessary rooms at least once every three days, and preferably daily;

    it may be worth inviting a specialist who will audit your home for heat leaks;

    If all this did not help, then, most likely, the matter is just not correct installation. If the guarantee for the windows is still valid, then from the moment of the application this ceases to be your problem. However, firms that value their reputation will do everything without a guarantee.

    finally the most effective way- Purchasing a dehumidifier.

Reducing air humidity

Air dryers

In fact, dehumidifiers will serve well not only when windows are fogged up. If you began to notice the appearance of mold, feel bad, insects appear in a house or apartment, it is most likely that there is high humidity in the living room. In this case, even the usual drying of clothes can become a problem. In this case, you simply need a dehumidifier. By the way, the problem high humidity often appears after repair.

These devices are of two types: electronic and mechanical. The latter work on special tablets and are a plastic container in which this very tablet is placed. It begins to absorb moisture from the air and release condensate into a special compartment below. A few pieces are enough to drain a small room.

Advantages of a mechanical device that absorbs moisture:

    does not require electricity to operate;

    does not emit foreign substances into the air;

    absolutely silent.

Minus, perhaps, only one, but very significant: the cost of the tablets is not small, and after stopping use, all the moisture will return back.

But in this case, there are electronic dehumidifiers. The principle of their operation is very similar to conventional air conditioners: the fan installed at the inlet captures the air and transfers it to the evaporator, then the dehumidified air is transferred to the heater, which brings it to room temperature and supplies it to the room. A characteristic of the device is a figure indicating the amount of moisture removed in 1 hour at room temperature. A good dehumidifier will remove 18-20 liters of water from the air per day.

The dehumidification function is also in some models of air conditioners. Whether or not your device works in this mode can be understood from the instructions or using the remote control by finding the appropriate designations on it (they can be very different, but the most common is “drop”).

Remember that high humidity in the apartment can lead not only to the formation of such a phenomenon as condensation, but also have an adverse effect on health and quality of life.

As soon as the cold comes, the windows begin to cry. And this problem becomes a headache for most housewives. How to deal with it? How can I get rid of condensation on the glass in order to forget about this weeping problem forever. We offer you some useful tips for caring for windows during the cold season, and ways to solve the problem of constantly misted windows.

Why do windows sweat?

Here is a list of reasons why windows sweat:

  • The difference between the temperature in the street and in the house;
  • Poor or broken ventilation in the room;
  • Bathrooms are not well ventilated;
  • Leaking plumbing;
  • If a gas stove is used to heat the apartment;
  • No kitchen hood;
  • Too many indoor plants (they release moisture that settles on the glass);
  • A wide window sill does not allow heat from the battery to pass through to the glass, so it fogs up;
  • No ceiling or floor insulation;
  • Didn't have time to prepare wooden frames to the onset of cold weather;
  • Not installed correctly plastic windows;
  • There is a manufacturing defect of a double-glazed window;
  • Drying clothes in the apartment takes place in places not intended for this;
  • When installing a double-glazed window, the builders poorly sealed the gaps, so cold air hits glass;
  • After installing plastic double-glazed windows, it is necessary to slightly open the window in winter mode, for natural ventilation.

How to wash windows so that they do not sweat?

If you have found the cause of condensation, then use this list of possible solutions to remove and prevent window fogging.

  • Any container for water (bucket, basin);
  • Soft, lint-free cloth;
  • Woolen rag;
  • Microfiber cloth;
  • Newspapers;
  • soap solution;
  • Glycerol;
  • Alcohol or alcohol-containing substances;
  • Shaving foam;
  • Anti-fog agents or other special means;
  • Scraper for windows with a rubber nozzle.

How to wash windows so that they do not sweat?

soap solution

Oily glass is becoming the most common problem that causes windows to fog up and retain moisture.

How to eliminate window fogging?

How to clean the glass from condensate and prevent its further fogging? For this you will need:

  • Wash the window with warm soapy water;
  • Wipe it with a clean, slightly damp, lint-free cloth;
  • Remove any remaining moisture with a scraper with a rubber nozzle;
  • Pour alcohol or vodka onto a sponge;
  • Wipe the entire glass with an alcohol sponge;
  • Leave to dry.

saline solution

To prevent the window from misting up, use a saline solution, namely, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in four liters of water. Wipe the glass with the resulting solution.

Attention! There may be white spots on the glass. Don't be scared! This means that the saline solution must be diluted with water and the window cleaning process must be started from the beginning. The advantage of a saline solution is that the salt prevents frost on the glass.

Glycerin and alcohol

Make a mixture of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The alcohol will evaporate, the glycerin forms a protective film that will not allow water to settle on the glass. Wash the window first warm water and wipe it off with a microfiber cloth. Apply the mixture to the glass with a cotton pad or swab. Leave it like this and don't rinse.

Should know! This method will protect against fogging and freezing of glasses from the inside.

Turpentine, potassium oil and glycerin

An effective recipe for a remedy for condensation on windows.

  • Clean the window with a damp cloth;
  • Mix 10 grams of glycerin with 20 grams of potassium oil and 2 grams of pine turpentine;
  • Apply the resulting paste to the glass with a cotton pad;
  • Polish the glass with a woolen cloth.


An easy way to keep windows from sweating. Use crumpled newspapers as a glass cleaner. Printing ink has a water-repellent effect. Thanks to him, the windows will not fog up for a long time.

Special funds

There are a huge number of chemicals to prevent fogging of glasses, these can be wipes, aerosols, special liquids. They contain surfactants. Apply any of the available products to the window, it will create an invisible film on the glass, which will repel water and keep the glass perfectly visible and clean. They are very easy to use:

  • Remove moisture from the window;
  • Apply an aerosol (liquid) to the glass;
  • For best results, leave the product for a while;
  • Wipe the window dry.

What should be done to prevent sweating windows with wooden frames?

You should start to prevent window frames made of wood.

  • All existing gaps between the glass and the frame must be sealed with sealant (silicone) or other building materials;
  • For the best effect, glue the window joints with special paper tape or adhesive foam tape.
  • Before working with chemicals and other detergents think about hand safety, and use rubber gloves;
  • Also cover the window sill protective film, or rags;
  • Read the instructions for use of chemicals and follow them strictly.

By following these tips, you will forget about the problem of condensation on the windows and all the inconveniences associated with them.

Video instruction: how to wash windows properly

Anti-fogging plastic windows

The modern world proposes to replace the "old" wooden windows, on the latest metal-plastic.

How to prevent fogging of plastic windows. How to treat plastic windows from fogging

The presence in the apartment of such windows, where there are plastic double-glazed windows, is justified. They are easy to care for, perfectly isolate the apartment from street sounds and retain heat well. They do not need to be painted, they do not rot or warp. And, with proper installation, they can delight their owners for many years. If the windows are made correctly and according to all the rules, then they are dry throughout the year. But it also happens that on some the smallest droplets of water from the side of the room are noticeable, that is, “windows fog up”. In this case, the fogging zone sometimes covers the entire lower part of each window glass, sometimes “rising” upwards by 2/3 of the glass area. This incident not only spoils appearance, but it is also a good environment for the development of a variety of molds. Yes, and excess dampness in living rooms is useless.

So why do plastic windows sweat?

They can sweat for several reasons:

  • Too humid air in the room, especially in winter;
  • A large pile of green plants on the windowsill;
  • The battery under the window is closed by any objects;
  • The channels for draining excess water in the double-glazed window are clogged;
  • Manufacturing defects.

And how to get rid of condensation on plastic windows?

What to do if double-glazed windows in the apartment fog up from the inside? To eliminate fogging, you need to know the physics of the phenomenon. In a simplified form, this means that the window itself has nothing to do with it! After all, no one, unfortunately, has canceled the dew point. Most likely, the apartment has high humidity and insulation is broken somewhere. Therefore, the glass of the window cools and the water condenses. To fix the problem, you should probably install new rubber gaskets or improve ventilation.

Why do plastic windows sweat in winter? That's why they sweat, that with increased humidity on cold glasses inside the house, dew forms faster. Therefore, moisture in the air of living rooms should be no more than 47-54%. This corresponds to normal humidity for life. But what if this humidity inside the apartment is higher?

The ways to solve this problem are:

  • forced ventilation, as by ventilation through windows, for a quarter of an hour, every day, even in winter;
  • improve breathability by removing flowerpots and other items from the windowsill that block the path of warm air to the glass;
  • the “air dryer” device will help to eliminate the window panes that are heavily fogged from the inside of the room in the apartment;
  • reduction in the number of living plants standing in the room;
  • if they blocked the battery, with some decorations, wooden shields, then everyone decorative elements must be removed;
  • if the window sill is too wide, then it is necessary to install a ventilation unit in the window sill so that air begins to flow freely to the window;
  • remove curtains and blinds so that they do not block warm air from radiators or a convector;
  • if the house does not have a hood over the stove, then you need to put it and use it every time you cook.

And why do plastic windows sweat in autumn and spring?

The reason for this may be the contamination of window panes from inside the house. And to avoid this, it is necessary to make sure that, in addition to sufficient ventilation, the windows themselves are clean and dry.

Another reason for the appearance of water droplets may be clogged drainage in the windows themselves. Inside, each plastic window has a number of channels to drain water that accumulates inside it. Drainage channels are located at the bottom of the frame "from the street", and can be easily found if the sash is opened. To prevent condensation from accumulating on the windows in the apartment. It is necessary to monitor the patency of these channels, and from time to time clean or purge them from the dirt inside.

But if the glass from the inside of the double-glazed window is heavily covered with “dew” over almost the entire surface and this does not disappear with the onset of stable heat and bright sun that shines directly into the windows, then nothing can be done about it. The reason for this is a factory defect or it is poor-quality sealant materials for the glass itself. What to do? To eliminate this, a deep repair is necessary or all worthless double-glazed windows should be replaced. In any case, all this will only contribute to the destruction of the entire structure of the metal-plastic window.

Therefore, if your windows are “crying” and “sweating”, they can and should be helped! So, by following the above simple recommendations, you can either significantly reduce or completely remove glass fogging in metal-plastic windows.

Why do plastic windows sweat? This question can often be heard from owners of high-quality PVC windows. They are surprised by the incomprehensible appearance of liquid on the surface of the window, but this is ordinary condensate. In this article, we will try to convey to you what kind of phenomenon “condensation” is and how to resist it.

Most often, condensation on the surface of a double-glazed window occurs in certain situations. This can only happen in the morning. Approximately eight to ten o'clock. There are also cases when the windows fog up in the winter cold. There is also a situation when in all rooms there is no condensation on the windows, and in one it is constantly present. It is not uncommon for water to accumulate on the windowsill.

If the windows sweat, what does it look like?

There is such a tendency that most often PVC windows sweat in the direction from the bottom up with a slight accumulation at the edges. Misting looks like a huge amount of small-small droplets, which, connecting with each other, form large drops. Large drops formed on the surface of the glass flow down. Sometimes they can fall on the windowsill of a plastic window. This usually results in a small puddle of water forming on it.

What to do if your plastic windows sweat?

Most often, people who encounter such a problem complain to the company in which they purchased PVC windows. They believe that they were sold a low-quality product or mistakes were made during the installation of windows. The main argument is that this never happened with old windows. And to explain to the client that this is not the fault of the company is quite problematic. Although in fact, due to the fault of companies, this happens only from two to five percent of all cases. In all other cases, certain factors are most often to blame, and sometimes a combination of several of them provokes the occurrence of condensate.

Having figured out where the condensate comes from, we will understand why plastic windows sweat. Condensation is a liquid that appears on the surface of a plastic window. This process itself is the transformation of water and the state of vapor into a liquid state. The lower the temperature of the side of the double-glazed window that is in the room, the higher the likelihood of condensation on the surface of the glass becomes.

The level of humidity in the room can also cause the window to fog up.

In the science of physics there is such a thing as the dew point. Dew in the morning occurs due to the fact that the air around it warms up faster than the air that is near the grass and there comes a moment when the temperature near the grass reaches the so-called "dew point". It turns out that water vapor settles on the grass, and thus drops are formed. PVC windows sweat by the same nature.

The question often arises: why did the previous windows not fog up, but the new ones do? The reason is that the windows, set back in Soviet time, have a large gap between the glasses that are in the frames. Due to this, the glass located on the side of the room has a temperature higher than the glass in a double-glazed window, especially a single-chamber one. But this does not mean that Soviet windows retained heat better. Exists whole line reasons why plastic windows sweat. Below we will consider them and give practical advice for their elimination.

The first reason is a single-chamber double-glazed window

When purchasing a plastic window, you should not try to save on it. Since the likelihood of condensation in a single-chamber double-glazed window is many times higher.

What to do with foggy windows (condensation on the glass)

In order to solve this problem, it must be replaced. Once again, note that not the entire window needs to be replaced, but only the double-glazed window.

The second reason is that the battery is blocked by the window sill

The battery, which is blocked by a window sill, disrupts the normal circulation of warm air. Therefore, the window is not heated properly. To eliminate this problem, you must either reduce the depth of the window sill, or remove the battery. The option of any alternative to the battery, which would heat the glass, is not excluded.

The third reason is poor ventilation of the room.

The ventilation grilles can become clogged with dust, which prevents them from sucking in moist air, and it remains in the room. To solve this problem, you need to clean or replace the grilles. If everything is in order with them, then it is worth seeing if the ventilation pipe itself is in order.

Flowers on windows can also cause windows to fog up, as they release liquid. This liquid settles on the surface of the glass, and as a result, condensation occurs. This problem is solved very simply - just remove the flowers from the windowsill.

The fourth reason is that your plastic windows are not switched to winter mode

In summer mode, the thermal insulation is lower than in winter mode. That's why inner side the glass of the plastic window is more cooled. Just switch the double-glazed window to winter or summer mode and the problem will disappear.

The fifth reason is that the room is ventilated for less than ten minutes a day.

Regardless of what kind of windows you have, the room must be ventilated. The micro-ventilation mode was created specifically for this, so use it.

Plastic windows located in the kitchen often fog up. The reason for this is that this room usually has the highest humidity. All because of the processes that take place in the kitchen. Therefore, we strongly advise you to give preference to a double-glazed window when choosing a double-glazed window for the kitchen.

Rarely, but it happens that plastic windows sweat due to errors that were made during installation. Then all the blame is on the company that did it and did it in bad faith. Such errors can be poor-quality installation of windows or improper installation of slopes. Because of this, blowing occurs, which lowers the temperature of the double-glazed window. As a result, the windows fog up. To solve this problem, it is necessary to eliminate the source of cold air.

How to wash windows so as not to sweat? This is a fairly common question among hosts. With the advent of cold weather, the windows begin to “cry”, what to do in this case? How to get rid of condensation on glass? What to do to keep the windows from sweating? Do you want a feeling of cleanliness and light in your home? In this article, we will give you useful advice for window care and ways to eliminate unpleasant moments. Follow our advice and your windows will delight you with cleanliness and radiant shine.

Why do windows sweat?

There are several reasons why windows sweat:

  1. Big temperature difference between outside and inside.
  2. Your apartment has poor ventilation.
  3. Bathrooms are poorly ventilated.
  4. The plumbing is leaking.
  5. Usage gas stoves for heating.
  6. No kitchen hood.
  7. The window sill is too wide and the heat from the battery does not reach the glass - it cools down quickly.
  8. A large number of indoor plants emit moisture, which settles on the glass.
  9. Lack of thermal insulation of the ceiling or floor.
  10. You have wooden frames, but you have not taken care of prevention.
  11. You have installed plastic double-glazed windows and forget to slightly open the window in winter mode for natural ventilation.
  12. You dry clothes in the apartment in places not intended for this.
  13. When installing a double-glazed window, the builders poorly sealed the cracks, because cold air penetrates the glass.
  14. Incorrect installation of a plastic window.
  15. Manufacturing defect of the double-glazed window.

How to wash windows so that they do not sweat?

Have you identified the causes of condensation? We offer a list of possible means for removing and preventing window fogging:

  • water container - basin, bucket;
  • a soft, lint-free cloth;
  • woolen rag (to rub glass);
  • microfiber cloth;
  • newspapers;
  • soap solution;
  • glycerol;
  • alcohol (vodka);
  • shaving foam;
  • special means - anti-fog;
  • a special scraper with a rubberized nozzle to remove moisture.

How to clean windows properly so they don't sweat?

We bring to your attention some ways to eliminate the "weeping" effect on the glasses.

Method 1

Most often, greasy glasses fog up and retain moisture. How to clean the glass from condensate and prevent its further fogging? Follow this instruction:

  1. Wash the window with warm soapy water.
  2. Wipe with a clean, damp, lint-free cloth.
  3. Dry the glass with a scraper with a rubber nozzle to remove moisture.
  4. Soak a sponge in alcohol (vodka).
  5. Apply alcohol to the glass. You need to wipe carefully.
  6. Let dry.

Method 2

Use a saline solution to keep the window from sweating. For this:

  1. Dissolve an incomplete tablespoon of salt in 4 liters of water.
  2. Filter.
  3. Wipe glass with solution.

Important! If a whitish veil appears on the glass, dilute the solution with water and repeat from the beginning. An additional advantage of this option is that the salt prevents frost on the glass.

Method 3

Use a mixture of glycerin and alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. The alcohol evaporates, and the glycerin forms a film, thanks to which water does not settle on the glass. So:

  1. Wash the window with warm water first.
  2. Wipe with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Apply the mixture to the glass with a swab.
  4. Don't rinse.

Important! This method prevents icing and fogging of the windows from the inside..

Method 4

We offer an effective recipe for a remedy so that the effect of “weeping” windows does not occur:

  1. Clean the window with a damp cloth.
  2. Mix 10g of glycerin with 20g of potassium oil and 2g of pine turpentine.
  3. Apply the paste to the glass with a cotton swab.
  4. Take a wool cloth and polish the glass.

Method 5

A simple and effective way to keep windows from sweating is to use crumpled newspapers as a glass cleaner. Printing ink has a moisture-repellent effect, as a result, windows do not fog up for a long time.

Method 6

If you don't like folk ways, then there are many chemical means to prevent fogging of glasses. These are special liquids, aerosols and wipes. They contain weak acids, surfactants. When applied, they create an invisible film on the glass that repels water, keeps the glass clean and provides good visibility.

Using them is easy:

  1. Remove water deposits from the window with a damp cloth.
  2. Apply an aerosol (liquid) to the glass.
  3. Leave for a while to take effect.
  4. Wipe dry.

Method 7

To prevent the glass from fogging up and freezing, use Li-Lo Liquid Concentrated Glass Cleaner. It is sold at any hardware store. They need to process glass as follows:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in the concentrate.
  2. Apply a small amount to the glass.
  3. Dilute the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. Soak the swab in the solution and repeat the treatment.
  5. Do not rinse off the solution.

What should be done to prevent sweating windows with wooden frames?

Before the onset of cold weather, take care of the prevention of wooden window frames:

  1. If there are gaps between the glass and the frame, go over them with sealants (silicone).
  2. Glue the window with special adhesive foam tape or special paper tape.
  1. Wear protective gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands with detergents or chemicals.
  2. Before work, cover the window sill with a rag or protective film.
  3. Read the instructions for use of chemicals carefully.

Follow our advice, and your windows will not “cry”, but will create comfort and coziness in the house. They can be used even in winter in the house and on the balcony.

In cold weather, condensation appears on some windows. On old wooden windows, this phenomenon is much less common than on new ones. PVC windows. Sometimes fogging of plastic windows, or others, occurs after insulation and sealing of cracks. Sometimes windows start to fog up for no apparent reason.

Most often, this phenomenon manifests itself in a kitchen with a poor hood. The steam that comes from boiling during cooking settles and condenses on the cold surface of the glass. The manifestation of condensate inside the double-glazed window indicates its depressurization and the only way out is to replace it.

Causes of condensation on window panes

  1. Condensate - in fact, the transition of vapor to a liquid state at the transition of the "dew point". The main reason for the appearance of moisture on the glass of windows is the decrease in air outside and increased humidity in the room.
  2. The condition of ventilation has a significant influence on the appearance of condensate. With the onset of cold weather, many try to keep warm as much as possible and neglect even the elementary ventilation of the room.
  3. Often the appearance of a tear on the glass contributes to excessive sealing. But it also happens the other way around, when warm and humid air enters the gaps between the windows and collides with cold glass.
  4. In the apartment, there are a lot of sources for the evaporation of moisture. People themselves, exhaling air, increase the humidity of the air. There are also aquariums flower pots, bathroom and kitchen.
  5. Heavy and thick curtains can obstruct ventilation and natural circulation air. Often, the replacement of heat sources affects the established microclimate in the house.

Fogging glass in wooden frames

  1. The old wooden windows rarely fogged up. This is due traditional methods installation. In the window opening, under the standard frame, during installation, a drain sand cushion was provided, which leveled the moisture balance and provided a drain for condensate.
  2. After replacing old wooden windows with new ones, the drain is blocked and the windows start to fog up. Heating radiators are specially located under window openings. The warmth coming from them is not only warm window panes, but also contribute to the general air circulation in the apartment.
  3. New big and wide window sills may obstruct the flow of heat. Heat shields will help to overcome such trouble. They are easy to make even on your own. Narrow plates covered with silver foil are mounted at an angle of 30° or 60° from the heat source to window block on the windowsill.
  4. Incorrect operation and errors in preparation for winter period may result in condensation. During the preparation of windows for the winter period, pay attention to the condition of the rubber seal. It must be elastic and glued evenly around the entire perimeter of the window frame.
  5. Periodically, the rubber seal requires treatment with an alcohol cleaner, make sure that the rubber does not dry out and does not lead to depressurization. It is unacceptable to get into the grooves of dirt and dust. If the rubber seal has become unusable, it is easy to replace it yourself.

Ways to combat fogging of plastic windows

  1. An old and proven way to put a thick decorative candle on the windowsill. These candles are designed to burn for several hours. The effect of burning a candle will appear immediately, the flame of a candle contributes to the active movement of air, although it emits little heat.
  2. At the same time, fix any leaking faucets, cover the aquarium, and do maintenance on exhaust systems. Remove flower pots from the windowsill. You can put a fan on the windowsill and direct the air flow to the window, and wipe the glass with a rag soaked in vinegar. Wipe at least once a week.
  3. Still have the old folk remedy anti-fogging windows in the apartment. A solution is being prepared, which includes one part of medical glycerin per 20 parts of pure alcohol. A few drops of aromatic are added to the composition essential oil. It is recommended to wipe with such a mixture at least once every 15 days.
  4. Car dealerships sell a variety of chemicals from fogging windows. You can use them too. Such products are applied to a dry and clean glass surface. The effect of the use of such funds is short-lived, expensive and unsafe for health.
  5. If fogging of PVC windows occurs in the middle of a double-glazed window, then depressurization has occurred. It is impossible to fix the problem on your own. Closer to summer, it will evaporate itself, but with the onset of cold weather, it will appear again. Masters, of course, can try to restore the seal, but most likely, they will have to replace the double-glazed window. Best of all behave double-glazed windows. Now PVC windows with two modes have appeared - summer and winter, you just need to remember in time to switch modes according to seasons.
  6. Often, the cause of fogging of plastic windows is errors during installation, installation and design. Incorrect slopes or a skew invisible to the naked eye can contribute to improper heat transfer and cause condensed moisture to appear on and inside the double-glazed window of a plastic window. Remember that regular airing of the room, at least twice a day, will help in the fight against fogging of window panes.

Any windows in the house, whether modern plastic or “Soviet” wooden, installed in a room, kitchen, balcony or loggia, under certain conditions become covered with condensate (mist). It is a mistake to think that drops of water flowing down glass are harmless. If condensation is found on the windows, you must immediately look for and fix the problem, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

The physical essence of the process. Water drips on glass do not appear for no reason. To understand why windows fog up, let's remember the basics of physics. Air saturated with water vapor is not able to retain moisture, especially at low temperatures (less than +20°C). As a result, excess moisture condenses on the most chilled surface, which most often in a residential area is wooden or plastic windows, since one part of the glass is outside, the other is inside.

Moment of occurrence of the dew point

Effects. Firstly, the microclimate in the room is disturbed: (and for a comfortable stay, the humidity should be in the range of 40-60%), which is not better side affects the health of the household.

Secondly, excess water is favorable conditions for the development of mold and other microorganisms that affect wallpaper, tiles, carpets, upholstered furniture, textiles, food. And finally, moisture collects in the crevices of the window sill and frames, reducing the life of the window structure.

Causes of fogging windows in the house

1. Poor air circulation: thick curtains or solid screens covering heating radiators, a wide window sill that prevents the normal movement of warm air and window heating. As a result, condensation collects on the windows.

A wide window sill is not always good

2. Insufficient ventilation of the room: tightly closed windows, non-functioning ventilation shaft, lack of exhaust and deflectors.

3. Violation temperature regime: turning off the heating (for example, during repairs), insufficient heating of the room.

4. Errors when installing windows: poor-quality sealing or finishing of slopes, complete construction with non-working fittings.

Not properly installed window manifested by condensation on the glass in winter

5. The presence of sources of high humidity: indoor plants and marshy soil in pots, aquariums, clothes hung out for drying, pipe leaks, plumbing, balcony roofs, loggia walls.

Ways to get rid of condensation on misted windows

1. Move houseplants from window sills to shelves, replace thick curtains, blinds or roller blinds with light curtains.

2. Replace wide window sills with narrower ones or install special convection grilles.

3. If plastic windows (PVC) fog up, be sure to switch the structure to the “winter” mode during the cold season (modern double-glazed windows have such a function).

Mode change on plastic windows

4. During cooking, use the hood, check the ventilation in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. A good hood almost guarantees the absence of condensation on the windows from the side of the room (inside the apartment).

5. Eliminate leaks and "unauthorized" accumulation of water.

6. Buy additional heaters for large and poorly heated rooms.

7. Insulate the slopes on the windows and balcony sections, seal the joints and cracks, if any, with a sealant (for example, mounting foam).

Warming and careful sealing of joints solve the problem of condensate on the balcony

8. Check window fittings, install new handles and latches if necessary. If you only plan to change old wooden windows to plastic ones, choose double-glazed windows.

9. Misted windows on the balcony are eliminated natural ventilation and heating. If possible, insulate the balcony inside and out.

10. Do not forget to ventilate all rooms in the apartment or house every day (including balconies and loggias) for at least half an hour.

It's a paradox, but wooden (especially old) windows fog up much less often than their modern counterparts. The thing is that a cracked tree, in contrast to perfectly fitted plastic frames and slopes, well passes air.

Folk methods to get rid of condensation on windows

The proposed remedies can be used as a temporary solution to the problem until the root cause of fogging windows is eliminated, when it takes a long time (several days, and sometimes even weeks).

1. Wipe the glasses at least a couple of times a month with rubbing alcohol supplemented with glycerin (20:1 ratio).

2. "Draw" a fine grid on the glass with dry soap. Buff to a shine with a clean, dry cloth (preferably cotton or microfiber).

3. In the space between the frames, place a homemade rag bag filled with table salt(you can put a saucer). Kitchen salt perfectly absorbs excess moisture.

Salt absorbs excess moisture - the best temporary solution

4. If the window is fogged up from the inside, set on fire will help decorative candle installed on the windowsill. Make sure that there are no flammable objects and substances nearby!