If plastic windows fog up. How to fix fogging windows

  • 27.06.2020

The double-glazed window sweats inside - what to do?

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The fact is always unpleasant when a double-glazed window sweats inside. There can be many reasons for this, and the outcome is one - unpleasant to the eye. appearance windows and a very difficult view through it.

The reason for the fogging of a double-glazed window inside, as a rule, is a partial depressurization. It is for this reason that moisture or condensation may appear inside the fiberglass window. The very same depressurization of the double-glazed window can occur due to factory defects or improperly performed.

Be that as it may, but before replacing a double-glazed window, you should make sure that the reasons for its fogging inside are precisely depressurization. So, what to do if a double-glazed window sweats inside and will be discussed in this review of a construction site.

There is such a vivid expression as "". This is a very unpleasant problem associated with many different factors: high humidity, lack of high-quality ventilation in the house, and much more. Therefore, if you notice that plastic windows sweat, then you should first find out the cause of the trouble that has arisen, and only after that try to solve it.

So, the reasons for fogging plastic windows can be:

  • đź›  A large amount of moisture in the apartment. Very often, humidity rises due to cooking, washing, etc. Then the problem of its appearance may be faulty ventilation in the kitchen or in the bathroom, where clothes are usually washed.

  • đź›  Problem with the heating system. Often, plastic windows sweat in winter, when a significant temperature difference is observed on the street and in the apartment. Thus, the problem of condensation on the windows inside lies in the heating system, namely:
  • đź›  Window decoration outside or inside is not done correctly. The same goes for insulation. window slopes.
  • đź›  Incorrect placement of heating radiators (not under the windows, where they must be located to provide an “air curtain”).
  • đź›  In insufficient heating of the living space;
  • đź›  Poor quality window fittings;
  • đź›  The adjustment of the plastic window was made with errors, as a result of which they do not fit snugly against the sash frame, thereby ensuring the appearance of drafts.

First, you should check the windows for all of the above problems. If at least one of them is noticed, then you should first eliminate it and only after that move on in solving the question of why the double-glazed windows sweat inside.

The double-glazed window sweats inside - what to do?

If the double-glazed window is sweating inside, then most likely it is in its depressurization. In the manufacture of double-glazed windows, a special gas is used, therefore, as a rule, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of this problem without replacing the double-glazed window.

Depressurization of a double-glazed window can occur as a result of marriage, improper installation of windows, or installation of additional accessories on them. Such accessories are blinds, mosquito nets, etc., as a result of which the profile is drilled.

Therefore, for the installation of all of the above accessories, it is best to use a sealant. By the way, with the help of it, you can also try to close up the existing holes in the frame of the plastic window and thereby partially get rid of the annoying problem with fogging of the glasses.

You can also try to remove the double-glazed windows, find a crack and try to seal it with the same sealant. However, before that, it is imperative to dry the double-glazed window so that there is no moisture inside it. It is not easy to do this at home, but you can try, especially if there is nothing left to do, how to completely replace the double-glazed window.

Here are some other causes of fogging of plastic windows inside a double-glazed window:

  • đź›  Incorrectly made or clogged drainage channels inside the plastic window;
  • đź›  Defective fittings can also cause fogging of plastic windows inside a double-glazed window. If the windows close with difficulty or there is the slightest misalignment of the sashes, then the reason for the appearance of condensation on the glass may be hidden precisely in this.
  • đź›  Incorrect window trim. It is important that when finishing window slopes with plaster, the frame of the plastic window should not come into contact with the mortar or the wall. There must be a small gap between the frame and the surface with a vapor barrier laid in it.

  • đź›  Errors when installing low tide. It has been noticed that if a window tide is installed with voids inside, then cold can penetrate through them to the window frame, due to which condensation will form on the windows all the time in winter.
  • đź›  Errors in window installation. Such blunders, such as, for example, a frame that is not level, will also cause moisture to appear on the windows.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a double-glazed window can sweat inside. Therefore, before changing it to a new one and throwing money away, you need to make sure that the reason lies precisely in the depressurization of the double-glazed window.

Plastic windows are completely sealed and can guarantee warmth and comfort in your home. The only problem associated with their tightness is when the windows sweat. Why does condensation appear, and how to prevent fogging of windows?

What is the problem

What is the problem with foggy windows? In general, condensation appears on windows as a result of a sudden change in temperature. Ordinary physics can explain this, or rather, the transition of a liquid from a gaseous state to a liquid one.

When there is a lot of vapor in the air, when it hits cold surfaces, it turns into a liquid. The coldest point in the house is the window, so this is where condensation occurs.

Oddly enough, windows can fog up in different ways.

Here are some of the most common scenarios:

  • Condensation appears with the onset of cold weather. This situation is the most common, condensation forms when the temperature drops to a certain level. When the air temperature rises, the windows stop sweating
  • the windows are sweating in the kitchen. This is natural, because the kitchen is constantly cooking. The temperature in the room is constantly changing, which leads to fogging of the window.
  • the window sweats only in one room. This problem occurs due to certain features of the room itself, or due to problems directly with this window.
  • the window sweats only in the morning. Closer to dinner, the condensate completely disappears, and the window remains dry.

Why do windows sweat

To understand how to solve the problem with fogging windows, you need to find out what reasons can lead to this.

Flowers on the windowsill are one of the most common causes of condensation on windows.

Typically, this problem manifests itself for a number of the following reasons:

High humidity level in the room. This problem often causes windows in the kitchen or bathroom to fog up. If there is high humidity in the room, condensation will form on the windows. Frequent cooking leads to a deterioration in the situation, faulty ventilation or exhaust, drying clothes after washing.

Poor circulation of heat from various heating sources. This problem is more common in autumn or spring, when it is still cold and humid outside and the temperature in the room is not warm enough. Warm air does not enter the lower part of the window sill, especially if it is wide, and condensation forms in this place.

Incorrectly installed windows. Experienced installers perform this work in accordance with all standards, so there are no problems. Those who charge less for work cannot guarantee a quality result, they are usually in a hurry and perform installation with deviations from the norm. In such situations, the design is not completely sealed and cold air can enter the middle of the room. Another problem during installation is level mismatch. Over time, the window frame warps and the tightness is broken. This can cause problems not only in the formation of condensate, but also in the operation of the window as a whole: opening the sash, operating fittings, etc. When self installation the scenario is about the same, no experience, if something doesn't go according to plan you won't even know about it until the first signs of a problem appear.

Poor quality glass. This problem also often arises from the desire to save money. Poor insulation or faulty fittings in windows allow cold air to enter, causing condensation to form.

Double glazing. This so-called cold glazing system, which is used only for non-residential premises. This design does not have sufficient thermal insulation properties, which leads to the appearance of condensate.

Hardware not adjusted correctly. During seasonal temperature changes, the profile can expand and contract. Therefore, window fittings are adjusted according to the season. Otherwise, the tightness of the window may be broken and it will start to sweat.

The insulation was worn out or was initially of poor quality. All window structures are equipped with a seal, which is located along the contour of the sash. It tends to wear out over time or harden. In cheap models, this happens faster, so the window “sweats”.

Clogged drainage holes. You can find them at the bottom of the opening sash. Their purpose is to allow water to flow down the outside of the glass when the sash is in ventilation mode. When the drainage holes are clogged, water flows onto the window sill indoors.

Plant on the windowsill. If the flowers are very close to the window, there is a high probability that condensation will begin to form. Plants release moisture, or it evaporates after watering.

The concept of dew point

The dew point is the temperature at which water changes from a gaseous state to a liquid. This point is located in the heat-insulating layer of the wall, and is located at different levels in different situations. This point cannot be visually detected, it is marked only on the graph.

The most important rule is that condensation forms due to temperature and humidity. The lower the humidity in the room, the lower the dew point.

Factors that affect the dew point:

  • outside temperature
  • wall thickness
  • room temperature
  • indoor humidity
  • outdoor humidity

Why you need to remove condensate

The complete tightness of plastic windows can disrupt the natural microclimate in the room. If wooden structures can "breathe", then fully sealed PVC windows prevent natural circulation air.

Condensation is one of the reasons for the appearance of fungus

If condensation forms on the windows, then the microclimate in the room is unfavorable for human health. Because of this, pathogenic bacteria, fungus and mold can develop in the room.

For a person, the ideal living conditions are 20-22 degrees Celsius and 30-45% humidity in the room. Condensation on the windows is the first sign that the atmosphere in the room does not meet these requirements. To return a favorable atmosphere to the room, this problem must be eliminated.

Condensation and wooden windows

As a rule, in houses with wooden windows, the problem of fogging is not known. This is due to the very structure of the tree, which allows air to circulate and they are not as airtight as plastic ones. So the room maintains a normal level of humidity.

Modern window structures are completely sealed. On the one hand, this is good, because the room becomes much quieter and warmer after their installation. This does not allow air to circulate as originally intended.

To get rid of the appearance of condensate, sometimes it is enough just to ventilate the room daily. This will help natural air circulation and prevent fogging. In addition, some modern window systems have special channels for micro-ventilation. But they can sweat wooden windows but why is this happening?

Why do wooden windows sweat?

As in other cases, the first reason for the formation of condensate is an excess of humidity in the room. If the air humidity is more than 50%, this is immediately reflected in the misted windows.

Get rid of condensation on the windows - organize them by blowing warm air. To do this, you can use a heat gun, fan heater, air dryer, etc.

Incorrect installation of radiators can also cause this problem. If the radiator is located far from the windows, it is most likely impossible to completely get rid of the manifestation of dew. For normal air circulation, the radiator will have to be placed in the right place. In addition, a cold wall that is not heated by a radiator will also cause frost to form on the window.

Condensation between glasses, what to do

If condensation at the bottom of a plastic window, or over its entire surface on the inside of the window, is a common thing, then misted windows from the inside are much less common. Most often this happens due to depressurization of the structure.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • the product was released with a defect. This happens when they want to save money when buying and buy windows from an unverified manufacturer. Another reason may be a violation of window manufacturing technology.
  • window damage during shipping. If during the transportation of the product, chips or cracks formed on the window, the gas or compressed air that fills the space between the double-glazed windows could escape. It could also be to remove a layer of sealing sealant
  • if the window owner performs some manipulations with the product, disassembled them and assembled them back, the gas also came out, and after assembly it was not sealed back. If the double-glazed window was disassembled, its original properties were lost in 90% of cases

If condensation begins to form between the panes, the only solution is to completely replace the double-glazed window with a new one. A professional can replace a double-glazed window in just half an hour, but this work can be done independently. In addition, a new double-glazed window is not at all expensive.

Regular ventilation is important for the prevention of “dew on windows” and for human health.

Sometimes the problem catches by surprise, and you have to look for a solution literally on the go.

If for some reason it is not possible to find the root of the problem, professionals recommend preventing window fogging using the following recommendations:

  • if you have condensation on your windows, first of all, you should remove all plants from the windowsill. Plants evaporate moisture, after which problems arise
  • ventilate the apartment regularly. Give it 10-15 minutes daily, let it become a kind of ritual
  • in the kitchen you need to install a hood. With its help, most of the moisture that appears during cooking will be absorbed. This will help reduce the level of humidity in the room itself and prevent condensation. You also need to adjust the traction of the device, if it is too strong, the result may be the opposite.
  • Windows should be inspected regularly for damage. Carefully check the fittings once a year, and the seals for wear. If necessary, defective parts must be replaced.
  • once a season, fittings must be switched to winter or summer mode
  • try to raise the temperature in the room. In some situations, this is enough, and when the temperature stabilizes, condensate ceases to form.
  • make the window sill already. This is true if the "dew" appears mainly at the bottom of the window. This means that the heat from the battery does not reach this area.
  • make an additional hole for ventilation under the windowsill. It must be transparent. Additional ventilation will increase air circulation and possibly prevent condensation.

Ventilation of the room can not only help in the fight against condensation, but will also be good for the health of the inhabitants of your home.

The causes of condensation can be completely different. In some cases, the problem is minor, for example, the same flowers. Therefore, before taking drastic measures, it is worth taking these preventive actions.

Mold is a companion of misted windows, what to do with it

One of the most unpleasant consequences of the formation of frost on the windows is mold. If you do not pay attention to the formation of condensate and start the problem, this can lead to more serious consequences, or rather fungus and mold. And what to do when the slopes are covered with mold?

When you notice the appearance of black spots around the windows, you should take care to remove this plaque. To do this, you can use various chemical compositions, including bleach or an alcohol solution. After removing the plaque, you need to make it a rule to regularly ventilate the room. Such precautions are taken only in winter period.

With the onset of heat, it is necessary to take more serious measures, and completely remove the areas of plaster affected by mold and replace it with a new one. After the new layer has dried, it must be treated with an antiseptic.

Read also:

  • Plastic windows in a wooden house: a description of the main characteristics, how to install it yourself, photo and video instructions
  • How to insulate a private house with your own hands: roof, walls and foundation, description of thermal insulation materials offered on the market (Photo & Video) + Reviews

How to get rid of condensate folk methods

To combat condensate, you can use folk methods. They are more forgiving of the design itself, but these methods effectively deal with the problem.

Method 1

An old and proven way to deal with "dew" and frost on the window is a candle.

In the fight against fogging windows, a regular wax candle can help. It works in the case of double-glazed windows and the formation of frost on the windows. This method has been used for several decades. This method has been used to eliminate frost on windows. Several candles are placed on the windowsill along its entire length. They warm the glass and prevent frost from forming.

Many recommend using thick candles. They burn out more slowly, respectively, will last longer. At the same time, with the help of such candles, you can “brighten up” the interior of the room a little, make it more comfortable. If desired, candles can be scented.

When burning, a candle releases carbon dioxide. If there are indoor plants on the windowsill, this can be an excellent feed for them, and you do not have to remove the flower pots.

Method 2

Sometimes cleaning windows properly can help. Depending on the initial cause of condensation, sometimes this is sufficient. Of course, the "success" of such a struggle can be expressed in varying degrees, but sometimes it helps.

For washing you need to use:

  • soft, lint-free fabric
  • microfiber cloth
  • newspapers to wipe
  • soap solution
  • glycerol
  • alcohol (you can use vodka)
  • shaving foam
  • car window fogging spray
  • rubber scraper

A window with a fatty layer is subject to fogging most often. That is why the “fight” with condensate must begin with cleaning windows with alcohol.

This will degrease the surface, and the work is carried out as follows:

  • first of all, the windows must be washed in the usual way with a soapy solution
  • glass must be wiped dry with a lint-free cloth
  • the rest of the moisture is removed from the surface with a rubber scraper
  • alcohol is applied to the sponge, and with its help the entire surface of the double-glazed window is processed
  • waiting for the window to dry completely

Thus, the surface of the window will be completely degreased, which will not allow condensation to form for some time.

Salt anti-fog solution

You need to prepare the solution itself. To do this, take 4 liters of water and dissolve in them 1 tbsp. l.

Wash glass with soapy water, and after it dries, evenly apply the solution.

If there is too much salt, white stains will remain on the glass after drying. In this case, the whole procedure will have to be repeated from the very beginning.

Glycerin solution

It will be no less effective in case of fogging.

This will require:

  1. Alcohol and glycerin are mixed in a ratio of 10/1.
  2. The solution is applied to a pre-cleaned glass surface and left for a while. After some time, the alcohol will evaporate, and the glycerin will remain on the glass surface as a protective film.

Potassium oil, glycerin and turpentine

First you need to prepare the solution itself.

To do this, mix:

  • 40 g potassium oil
  • 4 g pine turpentine
  • 20 g glycerin

The mixture will turn out to be quite thick, but it must be applied to pre-washed glass with a sponge. Apply the product in an even layer, distributing it over the entire surface. Using a woolen cloth, polish the glass to a shine.

newspaper method

Window cleaner Sekunda

Folk remedies do not always help to the right extent, and then you have to look for other ways to deal with this problem. Modern household chemicals- Another simple way to deal with fogging windows.

All chemicals that are designed to deal with condensate work on the same principle. The composition is applied to the glass surface and aged for a certain amount of time (which is indicated on the package, this period is different for all products). After that, the window is wiped dry with a lint-free cloth.

Tested chemicals:

"Li-lo." An effective remedy for fogging and freezing windows. The tool is very concentrated, so you need to work with gloves. You can buy it at most hardware stores. The agent is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the glass, for this you can use a dish sponge. After that, you need to treat the surface with an already diluted agent a second time. We breed "Li-lo" with water in a ratio of 10/1. Without washing off the previous layer, apply a diluted product and do not rinse. We are waiting for complete drying.

The same comb on the window

As mentioned above, most often the most effective method the fight against the formation of frost on the glasses becomes high-quality ventilation. Window construction must be equipped with ventilation.

  • Windows with a window leaf. Today, windows with a window are extremely rare, they are made only by the individual order of the buyers themselves. But this design is most effective in combating condensate. The flow of cold air from the street is easily regulated, it enters the room at the top of the room, where it combines with warm room air. Thus, the microclimate in the room is getting better.
  • Micro-ventilation. It has already been mentioned before, now we will consider this method of ventilation in more detail. This is the name of the ventilation mode, which is available in almost all modern window structures. The window opens quite a bit, and there is a small gap through which the air exchange passes. Through this gap, a lot of cold air cannot enter the room, so airing in this mode will not bring discomfort to the inhabitants of the house, even in cold weather.
  • Self-ventilation. This feature is native to all window designs. It is a set of small holes in the lower and upper frames of the window. Air circulation eliminates fogging, in the lower part, cold air enters, through the holes in the upper frame, the air leaves the room.
  • Combs on the windows. A comb is an accessory for plastic windows, which can be purchased at any specialized store. It helps to regulate the intensity of ventilation and opening of the sash.
  • Ventilation channel. Many neglect to install it right away, and install it only after a problem occurs. Such ventilation duct installed either under the window sills or in the profile itself. The devices are completely different. The cost of such a channel is quite high, so a professional should deal with the installation of ventilation.
  • Convection screens will help in the fight against condensate

    But chemistry and folk remedies are far from all that helps to cope with the problem of fogging windows.

    Of the other methods, the most effective are:

    • With fan you can create air circulation in the room near the window. The device is placed on one of the window sills, and its direction should preferably touch several window sills at once.
    • convection screens. This is a special device that directs the flow of warm air to the window and prevents condensation from forming. Install these screens at an angle of 30-60 degrees. If the method in your case turns out to be effective, the device can be decorated in accordance with the general interior in the room.
    • Electricity against dew on windows. This method is considered extraordinary, but in most cases effective. A foil, nichrome thread, or other material that conducts current is attached around the perimeter of the entire window. They operate under a voltage of 12-24 watts. This solution warms the windows and prevents condensation from forming.

Private home needs attention. This also applies to keeping structures in good condition. technical condition. This is important not only for load-bearing elements. For example, the same windows. Even minor problems in their operation can cause serious problems. For example, you asked yourself the question, why do plastic windows in a house sweat from the inside in winter and what consequences can this lead to?

Fogging windows is familiar to many users of private houses, as well as. Many do not pay attention to this, but this is wrong, as it can lead to some negative consequences. Let us analyze the question of why condensation forms from the inside in more detail and how to minimal cost can solve this problem.

What is the danger of moisture on the windows

First, let's find out the importance of the problem. Maybe you should not think about why plastic windows sweat and flow and not try to solve this issue? So, the main dangerous moments that can occur with the frequent formation of moisture on the surface of building envelopes are:

  • with abundant condensation, water can fall on the walls and floor covering, destroying them;
  • high humidity in the wall area near the window opening can be a good environment for the emergence and development of a fungal infection: the wall and window turn black, fungal spores spread throughout the room;
  • when using electric heaters, water from the window sill may fall on them, causing malfunctions in their operation.

Now let's try to figure out why plastic (metal-plastic) windows sweat and what to do in this case. We also consider the issue of fogging wooden windows.

Why do plastic windows sweat in a private house in winter

Both for metal-plastic and for wooden windows, there is only one reason for fogging: the temperature of the structure and the humidity of the air reach such values ​​that it becomes possible to condense moisture from the air. To understand the question of why a plastic window sweats inside a house, we will analyze two concepts: relative humidity and dew point.

Humidity and dew point

In nature, all air contains some amount of water vapor. This applies to both atmospheric and indoor air in residential and public buildings. Since the moisture content is importance to determine some parameters, methods of calculation and analysis have been developed. Humidity can be absolute or relative. To understand the question of why condensation appears, it is important to disassemble the relative humidity.

Atmospheric and internal air can contain a finite amount of water vapor, the excess of which leads to dew falling out of it. This level is different for different air temperatures. The higher the temperature, the more moisture in absolute terms it can contain.

Relative humidity just shows: what percentage of the maximum water vapor is contained in the air. It is indicated as a percentage and has the following properties:

  • when the air is heated, the relative humidity in it decreases, provided that the mass of water vapor remains the same; this explains why in winter, when heating devices are operating, the air seems dry, although outside at this time the relative humidity reaches 100%;
  • at a stable temperature, but with the appearance of sources of moisture, relative humidity rises; for example, in bathrooms and swimming pools.

To answer the question why the windows in the house sweat a lot, you also need to know the concept of the dew point. It is directly related to relative humidity. The dew point is the temperature at which moisture condenses from the air. At this temperature, the relative humidity of this air reaches 100%, and dew begins to fall on the surface. Temperature inner surface reaches the dew point and moisture from the room air condenses on it.

That is, the cause of condensation on the windows is the high humidity of the indoor air and the low temperature of the surface of the double-glazed window.

Understanding this issue gives us the opportunity to figure out methods for solving the problem.

Methods for reducing fogging

As we have already found out, the answer to the question why plastic windows sweat in a private house is high humidity and low surface temperature of the structure. To fix the problem, you need to remove excess moisture and increase the temperature of the window. By what methods is this done?

Ventilation and dehumidification are used to lower the humidity level.

An increase in temperature on the inside of a double-glazed window is achieved by using special heating devices or replacing windows with more energy-efficient ones.

Ventilation and dehumidification systems

Excess moisture is removed by ventilation systems due to the fact that in winter, when cold outside air is heated, its relative humidity drops sharply. For example, if you heat outside air with a temperature of -1 °C and a humidity of 100% to 20 °C, its relative humidity will be set at 23%. This air, when mixed with indoor air, lowers the overall humidity level.

The outdoor air is heated special devices as part of the ventilation system, as well as conventional room heaters.

To remove condensate, ventilation systems use:

  • supply valves and installation;
  • supply and supply and exhaust mechanical systems;
  • natural ventilation systems.

The least expensive options: window and wall valves. But such devices are not always able to supply the required amount of air to sufficiently reduce the level of humidity. In this case, it is better for the house to design and install a mechanical ventilation system that will supply fresh air and remove polluted air.

Moisture can also be removed by drying. Then the excess water vapor is condensed by the dehumidifier and removed from the served room. Dehumidifiers are also common, which use an absorbent material that removes excess moisture. The disadvantage of the dehumidifier is that they do not always work in winter conditions. Optimal use of ventilation systems.

Ventilation in pools of private houses

Why do windows sweat from the inside in a private pool? We have already analyzed the answer to this question and the methods for solving the problem are no different from those for other rooms in the house. But there are also features.

The humidity level in the pool is so high (60-80%) that it is quite difficult to lower it to a level where it stops condensing on the windows. To solve the problem in this case, ventilation systems are used, which are located in a certain way or a special dehumidifier. The dehumidifier in pools is much more efficient than in ordinary rooms, since the air parameters in this room are optimal for its operation.

When installing ventilation in the pool, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

  • First of all, it is important to properly design the system. It is necessary to correctly calculate the required amount of fresh air and its distribution.
  • It is desirable to supply air directly to the window. This will increase its temperature and eliminate condensation.
  • To save on air heating for ventilation during periods of inactivity, it is advisable to cover the pool mirror with a special film.

It is optimal to use both the ventilation system and the dehumidifier. In this case, the dryer operates in continuous mode, keeping the humidity normal between uses, and ventilation turns on when people are in the pool.

Use of heating appliances

Since one of the ways to reduce fogging is to heat the surface of the window, you should always place heating radiators under the windows.

In this case, in addition to the ventilation device, it is advisable to install a convector under the French window, which is installed directly into the floor. It can be either an electric or a water device. During its operation, warm air rises directly through window glass heating it and preventing condensation from forming.

The same option can be used to heat ordinary windows. But since most often there is a window sill between the heating device and the window, which blocks the flow of hot air, special transfer grilles can be used. They crash into the window sill as close to the glass as possible.

Fogging windows in wooden houses

Let's talk separately about wooden houses, as there is a myth that they do not need ventilation and they always maintain the ideal humidity and temperature for a person. Why do plastic windows sweat in a wooden house? Despite all the theories, the reason is the same as for other houses - the humidity and temperature of the double-glazed window.

But for wooden houses there are some nuances, since the tree itself contains a certain percentage of water, in a house from it there will always be a slightly different level of humidity, as in the same building made of brick or concrete.

There are two building technologies. Wooden houses are built from wood of natural moisture and after drying. If the house is built from a bar or log of natural moisture, then in the process of drying it also enters the room, slightly increasing the overall level.

When using chamber-dried wood, the situation is different: dry timber is able to absorb excess moisture from the air, maintaining the humidity at a certain level. But in this case, the humidity changes slightly, and is not able to significantly affect the formation of condensate on the windows. After clarifying the question of why PVC windows sweat in a private wooden house, we will also consider the option of using wooden windows.

Why do wooden windows in a private house sweat from the inside and what to do in this case? When using metal-plastic energy-saving windows, micro-ventilation through cracks and leaks is blocked, but also when wooden structures condensation may form. Most often this happens when severe frosts, or if a wooden window is of such high quality that its characteristics are close to metal-plastic windows. In both cases, you need to do the same as when using PVC windows: arrange ventilation in the premises.

To better understand why windows sweat in a new house in winter, you can watch the video.

Under certain conditions, condensation may form on the windows.

PVC windows are installed in my house. In the cold season, droplets appear on their surface, because of this, double-glazed windows sweat and flow. This is not the most pleasant phenomenon, so I decided to find out why plastic windows sweat and how to fix such a problem with my own hands. I share my findings below.

Top 5 Reasons

It is possible to find out why plastic windows sweat in an apartment only after a detailed consideration of the concept of "tightness". Double-glazed windows help to increase the thermal insulation in the room, so they are considered to be of higher quality than wooden ones.

Due to their design, PVC windows retain heat better.

Unlike wood, PVC designs make the room more airtight, they pass cold air from the outside worse and, in fact, poorly release warm air from the inside. Therefore, the windows sweat very much if we add poor ventilation and malfunctions of the heating system to the above factor.

Why do plastic windows sweat in winter? This is due to the fact that condensation forms on the glass only when the temperature inside is below +18 °C. Usually this situation occurs during the heating period, when the air outside is much colder than indoors.

In addition to tightness, heating quality and indoor air convection, there are 2 more common reasons why a plastic window sweats from the inside:

  • improper microclimate in the room;
  • errors in the production and installation of windows.

Poor sealing of slopes and improper installation of windows lead to the appearance of strong condensate.

About the microclimate and ventilation

As mentioned earlier, PVC windows are completely airtight, which means that the air in the room can only circulate with the help of good ventilation. Before through the cracks in wooden frames air could easily pass through and the humidity in the room was always naturally regulated.

Now we do not have such a source of ventilation, and, therefore, the humidity of the air is growing all the time. A certain amount of water vapor (humidity) is always present in the premises, and at a certain temperature it becomes so thick that it begins to settle on the windows.

High humidity in the room often leads to the appearance of fungus.

Droplets appear on the coldest surface of the room, most often it is glass.

The main sources of indoor moisture that cause our windows to sweat are:

Image source of moisture
Reason 1. Water in building materials

After repair, a certain amount of moisture always remains on the wallpaper, plaster and slopes. Therefore, mold and fungus can appear on the walls.

After any, even cosmetic, repair, the room must be well ventilated.

Reason 2. Human factor
  • On average, each person, simply exhaling air, adds up to 90 g of moisture per hour.
  • Laundry, cleaning, cooking - up to 1000 g / h;
  • working washing machine– 300 g/h;
  • Taking a shower (bath) - 2600 g / h.

The hotter the water is used, the faster the air is saturated with water vapor.

Reason 3. Pets
  • Medium aquarium - 200 g/h;
  • Cat / dog - 50-80 g / h;
  • Each indoor flower– 10 g/h

One of the most likely reasons why plastic windows sweat is high humidity and poor ventilation.

Ways to solve the problem

What to do in such a situation? Since there are several options for why plastic double-glazed windows sweat, there are a lot of solutions:

  • reduce humidity;
  • increase the heating of PVC windows;
  • normalize ventilation.

Method 1. Reduce humidity

I propose a solution to the problem in 2 steps:

  1. Remove excess moisture from the room using a special device that absorbs water vapor (sold in large hardware stores, the price is affordable).

In the photo - a device that eliminates humidity in the room.

  1. Thoroughly ventilate the room.

It is the second step that will allow you to constantly adjust the amount of moisture in the room. How to properly organize ventilation? There are three ways:

Image Instruction
Long-term ventilation

Leave the sash open all day.

Such a reception is allowed if the room is well heated, since with prolonged ventilation there is a strong loss of heat.


Open all windows wide open for 15 minutes. Moist air will change to dry. In this case, there will not be a large loss of heat.


Arrange the maximum draft: all windows and doors wide open for 5 minutes.

Make sure that windows and doors do not slam too much, because this can break them.

Method 2: Increasing the heating of the windows and ensuring good ventilation

Other likely reasons why windows in a private house sweat may be problems with heating and ventilation. How to deal with them on your own:


I hope I was able to answer the question why plastic windows sweat. There are several reasons for the appearance of condensation on the windows, but now we know how to eliminate them. Watch the video in this article to see clearly. And if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them in the comments.


Why and what to do if plastic windows sweat?

Many people face the problem of fogging plastic windows, but not everyone knows why it occurs. Find out the causes of condensation and start getting rid of it.

How does condensation appear?

Window fogging is, in fact, the formation of condensate, which is small droplets on the glass. Condensation occurs due to increased levels of humidity or a significant temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.

A few decades ago, people did not encounter such a problem, since most houses had wooden windows with split sashes. And it was precisely this design that protected against condensation: a significant distance between the glasses made it possible to neutralize the temperature difference, keeping the heat inside and not letting the cold outside. In addition, wood is a porous and, accordingly, “breathable” material that allows air to pass through and absorbs moisture, which also helped to neutralize condensation.

Description of the problem

The problem can manifest itself in different ways:

  • The windows begin to sweat in autumn and winter, in the warm season the condensate disappears.
  • Misting is observed exclusively in the kitchen.
  • Condensation is observed in the morning, and disappears around noon.
  • Plastic windows sweat only in one room, in the rest everything is in perfect order.

Usually, when the windows are fogged up, wiping the glass does not give the desired effect, and after a while the condensate appears again. Drops can flow down the surface of the double-glazed window, leaving puddles on the windowsill. In addition, the humidity in the room will be increased.

What causes plastic windows to fog up?

Why do plastic windows sweat? The problem is quite common, and the reasons for its occurrence can be very different:

  • Installed the most inexpensive single-chamber double-glazed windows. The design has only one air chamber (the space between the panes), and it does not protect against the penetration of cold into the room, which causes a large temperature difference and its sharp drop when it gets cold outside.
  • Poor fittings will break the tightness of double-glazed windows.
  • Failure or poor quality of the seals between the frame and the profile. The window in this case does not close completely, and cold penetrates through the cracks.
  • Errors during the installation of plastic windows, which could lead to the formation of gaps between the opening and the profile: cold will penetrate into the room through the holes. In addition, the employees involved in the installation could damage the double-glazed window and break its tightness.
  • High humidity in the room. Its level may increase due to constantly drying clothes, numerous plants, water containers or water sources placed around the room.
  • Lack of proper ventilation in the room. Assess the health and function of the vents and consider whether you are adequately ventilating the room.
  • Not carried out transfer of double-glazed windows to winter mode. Windows that are in summer mode do not provide proper thermal insulation in the cold season.
  • Wide window sill. It will completely cover the batteries located under it and block the access of heat to the windows. Accordingly, the lower parts of the windows will not warm up enough, which will lead to condensation. In addition, the spread of heat can break the shield mounted on the heatsink.
  • Recently completed renovation. Majority repair work involves the application liquid formulations, which will evaporate for some time, increasing the humidity in the room.
  • Defective or damaged double-glazed windows. If the window sweats from the inside, that is, between the panes, and not from the outside, then, most likely, the tightness, which is a prerequisite for normal functioning, is broken.
  • Insufficiently insulated and insulated slopes through which heat escapes and cold penetrates from the outside.

How to solve the problem?

What can I do to stop the windows from sweating? The solution to the problem will depend on the causes of its occurrence and may involve the following actions:

  1. If the windows are not installed correctly, contact the installer and report the problem. Employees are obliged to come and eliminate the gross errors made, and such a service should be free.
  2. It is desirable to replace a single-chamber double-glazed window with a better one and having best thermal insulation two or three chambers.
  3. Poor-quality fittings must be replaced, as well as failed or badly damaged sash seals.
  4. Numerous plants standing on the windowsill, especially abundantly watered and having juicy fleshy leaves, are best removed to other places.
  5. If the humidity in the room is high, reduce it: do not dry clothes here, remove water containers, turn on heaters (they dry the air well).
  6. If the problem is slopes, then ensure their high-quality and correct thermal insulation. In addition, it is important to choose a suitable and good insulation.
  7. After a significant drop in temperature, all windows should be switched to winter mode so that they protect the interior from the cold.
  8. The battery must be open so that the heat generated by it evenly warms the windows. It is desirable to shorten a wide window sill. Remove the screen covering the radiator.
  9. To ensure proper air circulation and proper ventilation, clean or replace the ventilation grilles if they are defective. You should also regularly ventilate all rooms in the apartment, and it is advisable to do this twice a day.
  10. In a kitchen that often prepares food (and this inevitably increases the humidity level and increases the temperature difference), install a range hood. And even more often open the sashes and leave them in the micro-ventilation position.

Prevention measures

To avoid condensation, observe a few simple rules. First, monitor the microclimate in the room: humidity level, temperature. Secondly, follow the recommendations regarding the proper operation of plastic windows. Thirdly, monitor the serviceability of double-glazed windows and fittings and promptly fix any problems that arise.

If plastic windows sweat a lot, this may be due to various reasons. And they should be identified and eliminated in order to forget about the problem.


Why plastic windows sweat at home

Installed plastic windows bring not only coziness and comfort to the apartment, but also unexpected problems. With the advent of cold weather, condensation appears on the glass. Sometimes there are so many of them that puddles remain on the windowsill.

This is a serious problem, since dampness on the windowsill leads to mold. The fungus is difficult to remove and has a detrimental effect on all family members. Its pores fly in the air and enter the human body.

Read the article on how to remove mold.

First, let's look at the causes of condensation.

Why do plastic windows sweat?

There was no condensation on the old wooden windows, but it appeared on the new plastic ones. So the reason is in the windows themselves? You're right. The old wooden windows were not so airtight, there was ventilation from micro, and sometimes no more :) cracks. And the new ones fit so tightly that they do not allow air to penetrate from the room to the outside.
This is how humidity accumulates in the apartment.

Since the glass on the window is the coldest surface in the apartment, condensation forms there.

The first thought that comes to mind is to make the glass not so cold. This can be achieved by increasing the number of air chambers in a double-glazed window. On a triple and double glazing, much less condensate accumulates than on a single-chamber.

The second reason may be poorly made slopes. If they are not well insulated, then naturally they will freeze, leaving drops of water on the surface. Although slopes for plastic windows are easy to do with your own hands.

What to do with sweating plastic windows?

There is an interesting video: how to cope with a very large amount of condensate on the window.

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7 ways to get rid of sweat

The advantage of plastic windows has already been appreciated by many. Modern eurowindows have a more aesthetic appearance, as well as more practical advantages. They retain heat better, isolate noisy sound and block dust access to the apartment. However, they also have one disadvantage. The problem appears when plastic windows sweat.

Main reasons

Condensation, which turns into small droplets of water, can appear indoors for several reasons. They must be removed as quickly as possible. Most often, glasses sweat in winter, as the room is much warmer than outside. Let's figure out why euro windows sweat.

Main reasons:

Quite often, the cause of "weeping" windows in a private house can be a leaky double-glazed window. Cold air from the street seeps through small cracks and heats up, while forming high humidity. All the blame lies with the manufacturers who make a low-quality product.

In a wooden house, a plastic structure can get wet most often due to a lack of ventilation or stove heating, which leads to uneven heating of the air.

Windows in the apartment sweat - reasons

The reasons why Eurowindows become damp in an apartment and a private house are, in principle, the same. Just a few key points to note:

Advice! Glazing of balconies and loggias with single-chamber double-glazed windows is not rational. This will increase the moisture in the room itself, and metal-plastic windows will last much less.

The fogging of PVC windows in an apartment may depend on the floor. The higher the windows are placed, the more often they become damp. The thing is that in most multi-storey buildings the roofs are poorly insulated.

Wet from the street due to a sudden change temperature conditions, and there is nothing to worry about, because the windows “weeping” from the outside indicate the correct installation of double-glazed windows.

What to do if the windows sweat a lot?

There are a large number of ways that will help answer the question of how to fix the problem. In most cases, you need to fight not with the problem itself, but with the cause of its occurrence.

So, effective measures:

Installing an air conditioner in the room will help to eliminate the fogging of windows. In order for the eurowindow not to get wet on the balcony and loggia, you need to take the following measures:

  1. Ventilate daily even in winter time. It is especially important to do this after drying the laundry.
  2. Install double or triple glazing. In this case, the entire structure does not need to be changed.
  3. Periodically, you need to clean the drainage holes and check the condition of the sealing gum.
  4. Insulate the balcony inside and outside.
  5. If possible, install heating.

Why do windows sweat? Expert opinion - video:

It is worth paying attention to the fact that some owners are not worried about sweating on the windows. But this does not mean that the problem should not be dealt with. You must understand that excessive moisture on the plastic structure significantly reduces their service life.

How to wash

There are folk remedies that will help prevent condensation on the glass. Consider step by step instructions washing eurowindows using home remedies.

Method number 1. Salt solution

  1. Dissolve in 4 liters warm water a tablespoon of salt.
  2. Be sure to filter so as not to scratch the glass.
  3. Wash with a cotton napkin.

Advice! If, after drying, white stains appear on the glass, then the prepared solution must be diluted with water and the procedure repeated.

Method number 2. Alcohol

  1. To remove grease (especially on the kitchen window), wash the glass with soapy water.
  2. Let dry a little.
  3. Soak a cloth in alcohol and apply to the glass.

Interesting! This method will not only help remove condensation, but also prevent windows from freezing in winter.

Method number 3. Pasty mixture

  1. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix glycerin (10 g), pine turpentine (2 g) and potassium oil (20 g).
  2. Before application, the glass should be washed with a damp cloth.
  3. Using a cotton pad, apply the paste to the glass.
  4. Polish with a woolen cloth.

This method will help to cope with fogging of PVC windows.

Method number 4. Newspaper

  1. Moisten glass with window cleaner.
  2. Polish with crumpled junk newspaper

When the windows get wet, the printing ink, which has a water-repellent effect, will remove excess condensation.

Method number 5. A mixture of glycerin and alcohol

  1. Mix in a ratio of 1:10 glycerin and alcohol.
  2. Wash the eurowindow with a damp cloth.
  3. Wipe dry with a cotton cloth.
  4. Apply the mixture in a convenient way on the glass.

The alcohol will evaporate, and the glycerin forms a thin film, which will protect the glass from fogging from the inside.

Fighting sweaty windows - video:

If plastic windows sweat a lot, you can wash them with special chemicals. Sprays, aerosols, wipes are widely represented on the modern market. They contain weak acids and surfactants that create an invisible film that repels moisture.

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Why do plastic windows sweat in winter: how to fix it yourself

Plastic windows perfectly fulfill their function: they perfectly retain heat, isolate street noise and keep the temperature in the room. But a frequent occurrence is the appearance of condensate on the glass in the cold season. Why do plastic windows sweat in winter and how to fix such a problem?

Causes and consequences of fogging windows

The reason for fogging windows is hidden in the physical properties of water. Being in a gaseous state, it is imperceptible, but when the temperature drops, the so-called dew point is reached, that is, water vapor passes into a liquid. It is in this case that condensation forms, which settles on plastic windows.

The cause of moisture settling on the glass is high humidity.

If the windows began to fog up from the inside, there can be only one reason - this is a defective double-glazed window. This element of the entire system must be sealed, and if this condition is violated, water vapor enters, where it settles on the inner glass when cooled. This problem is eliminated by replacing the double-glazed window, the frame can be left.

However, most often condensation forms on the outer surface of the window. Why do plastic windows sweat in winter and how to eliminate such a factor? There can be several answers to this question:

Subsequently, fogging leads not only to a violation of the view through the glass. Often this process provokes the occurrence of worse phenomena:

  • Freezing windows and the formation of frost on them.
  • High humidity is the cause of mold, rot and fungus.
  • Water and low temperatures gradually destroy the foam in the gap and break the tightness of the entire system and the house.

Constant fogging of windows can lead to mold growth

What to do with such negative influence And how to eliminate the causes of fogging windows?


If your windows are leaking, you need to establish the cause of the phenomenon. It happens that the situation arises as a result of placement on the windowsill a large number indoor plants that evaporate a large amount of moisture.

Window adjustment

You can make sure what is the cause by making a simple inspection of the entire window. The first thing to do is to check the correct adjustment of the flaps and the degree of their locking.. This is done in the following way:

  • You can feel a strong draft by running your hand along the window.
  • Set fire to a match or candle, if the light fluctuates, then the tightness is broken.
  • Paper is placed in the sash and locked. You can pull out the sheet without any effort.

If deficiencies are found, proceed with the adjustment. The sash is set vertically and horizontally with screws located on the bottom hinge.

To adjust the sashes, tighten the bolts located on the bottom hinge

The degree of pressing is regulated by eccentrics at the ends of the window, as well as by tightening the pressure plates.

Transfer to winter or summer mode is carried out using eccentrics

Do not forget about the seasonal adjustment of windows. To do this, the regulators turn the marker inward for the summer, and towards the street in the winter.

window sills

Often windows cry due to improper air circulation during the cold season. The reason lies in the wide window sills, which block the access of warm air masses to the surface of the double-glazed window.

In this case, to normalize the circulation in the window sill, you need to drill several holes that will ensure normal access of heat to the glass.

Holes in the window sill allow warm air to heat the windows

You also need to pay attention to the grilles covering the heating radiators, perhaps they also interfere with air exchange.

slope finishing

If the window was installed with violations of technology (leaky gaps, the frame has moved), then you should contact the installer. Installers are obliged to fix such a problem free of charge.

An independent attempt to seal the gaps may not correct the situation, since the double-glazed window was initially installed incorrectly.

Finishing and insulation of slopes prevents fogging of windows

Another thing is with slopes. If the finish has not been done, it must be carried out immediately, otherwise it will lead to the complete destruction of the mounting foam in the gaps. In order for the windows not to cry, it is best to additionally insulate them using heat-insulating material ( mineral wool, polystyrene or foam plastic).


Quite often, windows cry due to poor-quality or worn fittings. All mechanisms must function normally and smoothly lock the sash with normal pressure.

Damaged seal must be replaced

The seal must be carefully inspected. It should be elastic, without tears and cracks. If there is damage, and elasticity is lost, proceed to replace it.


The ventilation of the room must be approached very carefully. This is especially true for rooms with increased level humidity (kitchens, bathrooms), where windows sweat most often in winter.

After all, plastic windows completely seal the room and make it difficult for air to enter from the street. You can solve the problem of air exchange in the following ways.

Check existing ventilation for blockages. This can be done by lighting a candle near the channel exits. If the light does not deviate, then the hood does not work. The grids are removed and cleaned until normal functioning is restored.

However, in addition to the exhaust system, there must be forced ventilation. This issue is solved by installing ventilation valves on the windows.

Fresh air ventilation can be ensured using a valve built into the handle

Today, there are modern supply systems installed in the window handle, they do not spoil the appearance and provide a sufficient amount of fresh air.

With the provision of a normal level of ventilation, the problem of high humidity is also eliminated..

thermal insulation

Single-chamber double-glazed windows are used in most non-residential premises, where thermal insulation is not so important. If such a double-glazed window is installed in the living room, then it will not provide proper heat conservation.

Thermal insulation of glass with film will not solve the problem of cold

You can fix the problem by insulating the slopes and applying an energy-saving film to the glass. But these measures will not ensure the preservation of heat in full.

Humidity level optimization

As mentioned above, this phenomenon can be eliminated by ensuring the normal ventilation of the rooms. However, if this does not help, then you can mount dehumidifiers under the windowsill. Such cartridges are inexpensive, and their efficiency is quite high..

Recent renovations can contribute to the increase in humidity in the room. A large area of ​​plastered surfaces evaporates a huge amount of moisture, which ventilation cannot cope with. This is a temporary phenomenon and as the walls dry, the humidity level returns to normal.

As a rule, these are the main reasons that windows cry in winter. When they are eliminated, the situation will normalize and there will be no problems with fogging.


answering the main question of the season

If your plastic windows are constantly covered with moisture, you should not leave this problem unattended. Ignoring dampness, you risk facing the formation of fungus and mold in the apartment.

In most cases, dew on glass is due to high level humidity in the room, and in this case, neither the repair of the double-glazed window, nor its replacement will bring results.

The source of the problem may be in the window itself. To get rid of water on, you need to find the cause of its occurrence.

What is window condensation?

The liquid that covers the surface is condensate. It occurs when water changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state. The transition occurs at the moment of cooling of the substance. Accordingly, the colder that side of the PVC window, which is directed into the room, the higher the likelihood of drops on the glass.

The temperature near a window at which the vapor in the air turns into droplets on the glass is called the "dew point".

Fogging windows indicates problems with the microclimate in the apartment. These include:

  • high humidity;
  • poor ventilation;
  • weak heating.

If everything in the room is in order with air exchange, and it is well heated, even the cheapest and imperfect double-glazed window should not fog up.

When and where do the windows of the house fog up?

You may have noticed patterns associated with fogging windows. For example, in one part of the house, the windows sweat more than in all others, or in the morning, condensation falls on the windows more often than at any other time of the day. Such observations help to identify the cause of fogging.

Glass "weeps" in winter

Most often, glass is covered with moisture in winter. Dampness on the glass can be combined with the formation of frost.

Most likely, there was a significant difference between the temperature of the double-glazed window and the air temperature in the apartment.

With what it can be connected?

  • Batteries in the apartment heat too hot (25-29 ° C).

The heating system in the house was designed taking into account the fact that excessive heating regulated by the flow of street air from the cracks.

Replacing old windows with sealed double-glazed windows leads to the fact that the humidity and temperature in the apartment rises, and this is a sure way to the appearance of condensation on the glass.

  • It is possible that cold bridges have formed in the plastic, due to which the air surrounding the window sill becomes colder than the air in the room.

If you measure the temperature of the window sill, it will be lower than room temperature by more than 5-7 ° C.

  • The window may blow.

Most often this happens in the vestibule area. If it blows from under the lower loop, it freezes from the cold air coming from the street.

Plastic windows “sweat” in the morning

The formation of dew on grass and water on glass in the morning are similar phenomena. Perhaps the mode of operation of the central heating is to blame. In some houses, the heating is stronger at night than during the day. The temperature outside, on the contrary, reaches the minimum.

Because of this, in the morning the air temperature near the windows reaches the “dew point” and drops form.

Only in one room

If you find a room where the glass is sweating more than the rest, it means that the humidity level is increased in this room or the air circulation is disturbed.

Fogging can be affected by the following factors:

  • washing and drying clothes;
  • the presence of an aquarium in the room;
  • density and location of curtains;
  • a large number of indoor plants;
  • window sill width;
  • the presence or absence of ventilation.

Leak in the kitchen

The kitchen is always a territory of high humidity, it is here that it is possible to leak on the glass. If your hood does not work well, the steam from the stove and the boiling kettle will settle on hermetically sealed windows.

Problems in the house can also be sources of abnormal humidity in the apartment: a leaking roof, dampness in the basement, clogged ventilation.

Why do PVC windows sweat from the inside of the room?

If the glasses are sweating from the side that faces the apartment, you need to look for the cause of fogging first in the house, and then in the design of the double-glazed window.

Humid air in the apartment

To find out if the humidity in the apartment meets the standards, get the simplest hygrometer. A humidity level of 55% is considered normal. Keep in mind that in frosty weather, the humidity in houses always decreases.

If the humidity is normal, you should look for flaws in the double-glazed window.

Disturbed air circulation

Problems may arise due to non-compliance with the rules for installing windows and utilities. Perhaps the air circulation in the apartment is disturbed, as heating system designed incorrectly. What could be wrong:

  • the windows are not hermetically sealed;
  • heating radiators are installed without taking into account the location of windows;
  • wide window sills prevent the passage of air between the glass and the battery.

Can be reduced heat loss if the building envelope is thoroughly insulated. Changing the heaters will also help distribute heat more evenly in the apartment. The problem of window fogging is eliminated by underfloor heating and chiller-fan coil systems.


If the glass is not blown with warm air, it becomes the coldest surface in the room and condensation settles on it. A wide window sill can interfere with the flow of heat to the glass. Another reason for freezing is insufficient tightness of the double-glazed window.


The window can overheat and fog up in winter if the warm air surrounding the radiator does not circulate freely around the apartment. In this case, you need to make changes to the heating system.

Lack of ventilation

Glasses are covered with moisture when water particles constantly “hang” in the air. When the air is cooled to a certain level, the water vapor condenses so much that it forms droplets. Ventilation can solve this problem.

Pay attention to the ventilation in the house - its poor performance can cause abnormal air humidity.

In old houses, ventilation was designed taking into account the fact that the house would have wooden windows. An air handling unit in the apartment will help improve the situation with air exchange.

Repair in the apartment

High humidity in the apartment after repair or during it is a normal situation. You can protect windows from condensation by tightly closing them from the inside with polyethylene. Then the moisture will settle on the film, and the glass will not sweat and will not be covered with frost.

Problems with adjustment or parts

The window can get wet if you forget to switch it to winter mode. Bad fittings can also interfere with thermal conductivity, preventing it from closing tightly.

Check the seals periodically. They can eventually become unusable, as a result of which the glass freezes and becomes covered with water or frost.

Small glass thickness

Glasses may be damp due to the fact that you have installed a double-glazed window that does not match the profile. When choosing the thickness of double-glazed windows, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the region.

The desire to save money by purchasing a thinner and cheaper double-glazed window will result in problems with the thermal conductivity of the product.

Unsuccessful installation

Condensation may occur due to illiterate installation of double-glazed windows. What mistakes can employees of a window installation company make:

  • poorly sealed mounting seam;
  • the location of the package is too close to the outer surface of the wall;
  • loose connection casement to the frame.

Window masters should help you choose a PVC package suitable for climatic conditions your region and warn about the possible risks associated with choosing not the most successful design. For example, setting wide window sill for flowers may interfere with air circulation.

The video tells about the causes of fogging of plastic windows.

Could there be moisture inside the double glazing?

To avoid the formation of condensate, it is necessary to install double-glazed windows with several chambers (at least two-chamber) or single-chamber energy-saving type. The formation of moisture is not always a sign of a defective product.

Defective double-glazed window

If you find moisture or frost between the panes, you should contact the company that provided you with the window. Before you is a clear manufacturing defect that is unacceptable according to GOST standards. In this case, the glass unit will have to be replaced.

The formation of liquid inside the double-glazed window indicates that it is not tight enough.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

Owners of single-chamber packages are more likely to face the problem of condensation, because this type of double-glazed window has poor thermal insulation properties. The exception is energy-saving double-glazed windows.

How to solve the problem of fogging PVC windows?

So, the main reasons for the formation of moisture on the windows are poor ventilation and high humidity in the house. How can you adjust the air circulation:

  • install regelairs on the windows - devices that let in a small amount of air from the outside;
  • change the foam on which the double-glazed window was installed;
  • often ventilate the room or install forced ventilation;
  • install underfloor heating, which provide uniform heating of the room.

There are also folk recipes to reduce the formation of condensation. Glass can be wiped with a weak solution of glycerin (a few drops per liter of water) or salt (a third of a glass per liter of water).

If your double-glazed windows sweat regularly, you should look for the cause of the problem not only in the windows, but also in the house. Even the highest quality window can fog up when the air in the apartment is filled with water particles.


What to do if plastic windows sweat a lot?

What to do if plastic windows sweat a lot? This question is asked by many owners of plastic windows, the review of which, due to abundant condensate, sometimes becomes simply impossible.

There are many reasons for the appearance of condensate on the windows, and without their elimination the solution of the problem turns out to be impossible.

But such a question should not be left to chance, because the constant appearance of condensate subsequently causes an increase in humidity in the room, damage to the finishes on the windows and the formation of fungus, which is dangerous for human health.

What causes fogging of plastic windows?

The appearance of condensation on plastic windows can be due to many reasons, the main ones are:

  • High humidity in the room. You may have noted more than once that condensation appears most often during cooking, after washing and in similar situations, so the problem is temporary.
  • Violations of air circulation in the room. Plastic bags need proper heating, which is not achieved with low heat levels in the radiator and extremely cold outside temperatures.
  • Incorrect position of the window sill. Even with a hot radiator, fogging of the windows can be observed, due to the fact that reaching the heat near the window zone becomes impossible due to the too large projection of the window sill.
  • Lack of adequate ventilation for any reason.
  • Carrying out repair work in the room or on the loggia. This is due to the release of a large amount of moisture from all freshly laid building materials.
  • Incorrect installation of plastic windows. This problem is the most serious, because fixing it is a rather painstaking task. In this case, you can sin both for poor-quality sealing of the gaps separating the profile and window openings, and for improper installation of the ebb.
  • Violation of levels when installing a window, which causes the formation of skew and loose fit of the valves.
  • Low-quality fittings or improper installation.
  • Improper performance of work regarding the insulation of external or internal slopes. A mandatory solution is their high-quality insulation using foam and cement mortar for filling gaps.
  • Poor sealant, which can also cause cracks.
  • Incorrect adjustment of plastic windows.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for fogging plastic windows, and only their elimination will help solve the problem.

Ways to solve the problem

As practice shows, only in rare cases, to solve the problem of condensation on the windows, it is sufficient to move all indoor plants from the windowsill and regularly ventilate the room. Houseplants and the soil in which they germinate can actually cause moisture to appear on the windows, but in small amounts.

It is quite difficult to independently determine the causes of strong fogging of windows, especially if a person is poorly versed in construction topics. Following some recommendations still allows you to get rid of the problem or reduce its intensity.

It is about the following:

  • The choice of ventilation mode is as frequent as the temperature outside the window allows.
  • Using the range hood on a regular basis and also mandatory while cooking in the kitchen or taking a shower.
  • Correction of the window sill if it is extremely wide, as well as moving the radiator away from the wall.
  • Getting rid of decorative grilles on the windowsill and installing convection counterparts.
  • Adjustment of the ventilation system in the apartment. If the ventilation hatches in the room are not equipped with an electric hood, you need to check their performance. To do this, it is recommended to attach a sheet of paper to the holes. Sticking of the sheet indicates the normal operation of the ventilation system.
  • Check fittings for wear and replace components if necessary.

If the reason for the regular appearance of condensate on plastic windows is a violation of the rules for their installation, then with this claim you can contact the company that sold and installed them.

By the way, it is very difficult for a person who is very far from the construction subject to independently identify such flaws. Therefore, if the implementation of all the above tips was unsuccessful, you can invite specialists to assess the quality of the installation of a plastic window.

Most often, fogging of windows occurs in the kitchen, where it is constantly monitored temperature regime just impossible. In this case, the cause of condensation may be the wrong choice of a plastic window for this room.

If plastic windows are covered with moisture, then this problem should not be ignored. Ignoring dampness can lead to the formation of mold and mildew in the room. Dew on the windows is associated with a high level of humidity. In this case, the repair of the double-glazed window or its replacement may not bring results. The reason may lie in the window itself. You can get rid of water, but you need to find the cause.

Causes of fogging plastic windows

Moisture covering the surface is condensation. It occurs when water changes from a gaseous to a liquid state. This process is carried out at the moment of cooling of the substance. The colder the side of the plastic window facing the room, the more likely it is that condensation will form.

The temperature near the window, when the steam is converted into droplets on the glass, is called the "dew point".

Fogging windows indicates problems with the microclimate in the room.

These include:

  • high humidity;
  • weak heating;
  • poor ventilation.

If everything is in order with air exchange in the apartment, it is well heated, then even the cheapest double-glazed window should not fog up.

It happens that in one part of the room the glass sweats more than in others, or in the morning condensation appears on the glass more often. Identification of these patterns will help determine the cause of the appearance of moisture.

Windows fog up more often in winter.. In addition, moisture on the window can be combined with the formation of frost. There is a big difference between the temperatures of the eurowindow and the air in the room. This may be related to the following:

If plastic windows fog up in the morning, then the reason may be stronger heating of the room at night. It turns out that the temperature in the house is high, and on the street it reaches the minimum. Therefore, the air temperature near the windows reaches the "dew point", forming drops.

If euro windows get wet in only one room, it means that there is high humidity in it or air exchange is disturbed. The kitchen is an area of ​​high humidity. If the hood does not work well, the steam from the stove will settle on the windows.

Fogging is influenced by the following factors:

Solutions to the problem

Scroll possible causes and how to fix them.