Exterior wall cladding with styrofoam. Insulation of walls from the outside with foam

  • 20.06.2020

Polyfoam was actively used already in the middle of the last century, but beyond last years his popularity has skyrocketed. This material is insulated different kinds houses and other structures. Styrofoam retains heat well and does not decompose under the influence of various microorganisms, it is also very light and easy to install. The distinctive properties of this material are versatility, environmental friendliness, long service life and cost savings.

The need for foam cladding

Warming your own home is a necessary stage of construction. The strength of the walls can provide blocks, brick or concrete. Our country has a harsh climate, so the usual stone walls can not provide the proper level of thermal insulation.

There are many options for home insulation on the market, but recently foam has become increasingly popular. It is most actively used by Europeans, who are known for their critical attitude to the choice of material. Styrofoam sheets are inexpensive and easy to install.

Sheathing the house with foam will help you insulate the building and provide comfortable conditions residence. In addition to the thermal insulation function, the foam performs a protective and moisture-removing function. Plaster or facade paint can be applied to the surface of the foam to achieve a pleasant external effect.

This material is endowed with a long service life. If the foam is installed correctly, neither the bright sun, nor frost, nor changes in humidity will affect it. Walls can be sheathed outside and inside. You can immediately feel the extra warmth and comfort, which will help you use less electricity in the future.

Styrofoam characteristic

Today, foam can be called one of the most popular heaters. The material was invented by German scientists in the fifties. It consists of 2% polystyrene and 98% air. Expanded polystyrene is obtained from oil, by a phased technical process with the economical use of natural raw materials.

The structure of the material is a small cell filled with air. It should be noted that the technological process requires appropriate protective equipment, since during it evaporate harmful substances. But the finished foam is absolutely harmless! Many people claim that when heated, the material emits harmful substances.

But this is false information. Styrofoam is only harmful when melted, when it comes into contact with an open fire. It has high thermal insulation properties under the condition of normal operating temperature, which cannot exceed the temperature of its destruction.

When choosing foam, always pay attention to quality. Good material must have appropriate expertise and sanitary-epidemiological conclusions. Unfortunately, there are foams on the market that can harm the building and the health of living organisms. But from good foam you can make not only insulation, but also toys for children and food storage containers.

Before you sheathe the house with foam, carefully study its characteristics. It is known that polystyrene foam can break down due to some technical fluids and their vapors, which you should be aware of in advance. Consider this when choosing paintwork materials for finishing.

Advantages of foam

Why is styrofoam so popular? Let's look at some of the reasons that justify choosing this particular material.

  1. Ease. Everyone knows that the foam is very light and always lies on the surface of the water. Materials with a density below water are always in high demand. Due to the low weight, the foundation and walls will not be too overloaded.
  2. Low density. The low density makes it possible to use the material even for foam cladding of old and dilapidated buildings, when the possibility of using heavy materials is excluded.
  3. Purity. Styrofoam is eco-friendly material. It is chemically pure and biologically inert, making it safe and non-toxic. Such material will never infect mold or fungus. Styrofoam does not contain or emit toxic products.
  4. thermal insulation properties. A high effect is achieved even when using a thin layer. A foam sheet of 10 cm will retain heat better than a brick of 80 cm, wooden beam 35 cm and reinforced concrete layer 1 m.
  5. Noise protection. Styrofoam not only saves heat, but also reduces the level of outside noise, bringing your home even more comfort. Additional wind protection is not required.
  6. Water resistance. The material retains its thermal insulation properties even under wet conditions. With prolonged exposure to water, the foam absorbs only a few percent. This is what makes it possible to use it for cladding facades with foam plastic and insulating foundations, since it will retain its properties even in direct contact with soil or water.
  7. chemical inertness. Modern foam plastic is endowed with good resistance to various chemical influences - salt solutions, gypsum, lime, bitumen, acids, concrete. It does not affect these materials at all and does not react with them.
  8. Resilience to external factors. The material is very resistant to temperature extremes. The upper limit of the preservation of its characteristics can be noted at a temperature of 90 degrees, it also withstands very low temperatures and is not afraid of high atmospheric pressure.
  9. Fire protection. For safety, special substances are added to the foam, which contribute to self-extinguishing in case of fire. This is done at the production stage, when a flame retardant is added to the material - a substance that resists combustion. Therefore, we can say with all confidence that the foam is a fire-fighting material. When a fire breaks out, it can even reduce the fire.
  10. High quality. During the entire period of use, the material does not move in the structure, does not shrink and does not change in size. If the heat-insulating layer is applied very high quality, it will serve for a long time and slow down the process of destruction of the walls. High-quality foam will serve from 50 years or more.
  11. Durability. It was found that high-quality foam is not subject to destruction, so you can safely use it for many years. It also has high strength and elasticity. To increase the durability of the foam will help plaster and paint, which is applied on top.
  12. Versatility. In winter, you have to use various coolants, and in summer you need to use air conditioning, but they are not able to provide a comfortable microclimate in the room. But the foam successfully copes with this task. The versatility of this material makes it simply irreplaceable. Styrofoam can be used indoors and outdoors. They sheathe absolutely any surface, whether it be walls, an attic or a floor.
  13. Availability. The use of polystyrene is very beneficial. Buying sheets and installing will cost you much less than other heaters. It is worth noting that wall insulation will help you reduce energy costs for additional heating and air conditioning.
  14. Prevalence. In the end, you can buy polystyrene foam in almost any store with building materials, which is another advantage of it. As a result of wall insulation with foam plastic, you will enjoy the ideal temperature in any season.

Styrofoam upholstery at home

Simple wall cladding made of foam sheets will make your home much cozier and more comfortable. The installation process is very simple and does not require professional labor or specialized tools. Polyfoam is an environmentally friendly material, it also has good density, vapor and water resistance, and thermal conductivity.

Preparatory work

Before you sheathe the house with foam, you should take measurements and determine the required amount of foam required. To measure correctly, you need to measure the walls and then multiply the length of the walls by their height. You will get a number from which it is worth subtracting the sizes of windows and doors.

After that, you need to make a list of materials that may be needed to install the foam sheets. You will definitely need polystyrene foam, paint corners, fiberglass for reinforcement, adhesive mixture, plinth rail, dry mix for applying plaster, deep penetration primer, as well as blocks of mineral wool, which are used for window slopes. When compiling a list of necessary materials, consult with a specialist.

When sheathing a building with foam plastic, you will need the following tools: a construction knife, a puncher, or a good hammer drill, a special nozzle for a drill - a “mixer”, a grater with metal teeth, a drill, a level, a tape measure, a brush with which soil is applied, construction stapler and staples, dowels, fishing line, a container into which glue and solutions will be poured, a spatula different sizes and start profile.

Then you should prepare the surface and eliminate all irregularities for maximum adhesion of the sheets. In no case do not glue the foam on the old peeling paint or wallpaper. You must wash and clean the walls well, remove lamps, wires, sockets, old putty and everything that peels off, comes off and falls off the walls.

Be sure to repair cracks and chips. The walls must be primed and left so until the morning. The primer will help strengthen the plane of the wall and absorb all the dust, which will help the layers to fix very firmly. At the bottom of the wall, it is necessary to install plinth profiles that correspond to the width of the foam sheets. The thickness of the sheets must be at least 5 cm. There are also sheets of 10 cm on sale.

Installation of foam sheets

Styrofoam sheets can be fixed using mounting glue or liquid nails. you can replace adhesive mixture on glue, which is used for tiles and putty. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly mix the composition with water. The result should be a homogeneous mass, creamy consistency.

The process of home insulation is very easy and fast. But this procedure must be carried out in dry and calm weather so that the glue sets well. It is very useful to watch a video about styrofoam cladding at home before work. The foam must be treated with glue and leveled with a tile spatula, and then fixed to the wall so that the width of the seams between the sheets is about two millimeters.

The walls must also be treated with glue using the same technology - using a spatula. You must step back 2 cm from the edge of the sheet and apply glue around the perimeter and in the center. Press the material well against the wall, this is best done with a special polystyrene grater for plaster.

If gaps larger than 10 mm will form between the plates, it is necessary to foam them mounting foam. Lay the second row of tiles offset from the first to ensure a bond. In places where slopes form and in the corners of the structure, make pressure so that the panels fit better with the walls.

The material must be additionally fixed with dowels at the joints in the center, this will provide mechanical fastening. To do this, you must drill five small holes in each sheet and hammer nails into them. One hole should be in the center, the other four are located at the corners.

Pay attention to the dowel caps, they should be strictly flush with the foam sheets. For the final fixation of the dowel, it is necessary to hammer the nails into the technological hole with a hammer. Try to use only metal dowels, as plastic ones can simply break. It is desirable to achieve a deepening of the nails into the foam cavity by 1-2 mm.

Final stage

The glue will dry for about three days. Only after sheathing the house from the outside with foam can you start puttingtying the sheets, which is carried out with a layer of two millimeters. You can use a special mixture or tile adhesive. Used for putty special grater by foam. As for gypsum mortars, they are completely unsuitable for this purpose, since they absorb moisture well.

You must seal the seams in such a way as to ensure good surface and remove all protruding corners. A fiberglass mesh must be applied to the plaster, but if you used reinforced foam, this can be skipped. Before this procedure, it is recommended to coat the surface with a primer. At the corner joints, it is necessary to install a corner profile.

The reinforced mesh is glued with glue-cement. It should be cut into the same pieces as the foam. Glue is applied to the surface of the foam and leveled with a wide spatula. After that, a mesh is applied and also leveled with a spatula. It will be ideal if the solution completely covers the mesh, so you can add a little more adhesive.

Then it is necessary to grout using a grater with replaceable emery. This procedure is carried out after the final solidification of the material, usually a day is enough for this. After that, the primer is again applied to the surface and then the leveling mixture, while also using a spatula.

You must achieve good quality surface so that you can later apply decorative plaster, paint, mosaic or stone veneer. But remember that it’s not enough just to watch how to sheathe a house with foam plastic on a video and follow the instructions. Minor flaws during alignment will always remain. After drying, they can be removed using the usual sandpaper. For convenience, you can fix the emery on the bar. After the final stage - decorative finishes, the building will become much warmer and more comfortable.

Styrofoam can be called ideal option to protect your walls from freezing, fungi and other negative factors. All of the above qualities will help you use it most effectively. In addition, polystyrene is simply indispensable for insulating foundations, basements, floors, underground parts buildings, roofs, walls and basements. In addition to the listed advantages, it protects the waterproofing from harmful effects. environment, and pipelines from freezing.

It doesn't matter what house you live in: it can be your own Vacation home, cottage, apartment in a high-rise building and other structures. You always want to live in warmth and comfort, for which you definitely need to take care of covering the house with insulating materials. If the walls are properly and efficiently insulated, you will not have to worry that they will freeze in the cold, the heat in your home will remain to the maximum.

How to insulate a house with foam?

Especially you can’t do without insulation if your house is built of beams, because they are not able to save heat, as a result of which you will have to pay decent amounts for heating the house in the winter cold.

So that the insulation of the house does not cost a pretty penny, it has become popular to use foam. Polyfoam is not only cheap, but also has the following advantages:

  • light weight;
  • unhindered breathability;
  • able to suppress noise;
  • It has high level thermal resistance;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • easy to work and decorate.

As warm house- the key to a properly executed installation of insulating material, further in the article we will tell you how to insulate a house with polystyrene foam, doing everything with your own hands quickly and efficiently.

What is styrofoam?

We warm private house using foam

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that polystyrene is a material in which there is no vapor permeability; it is strictly forbidden to use it for sheathing a room from the inside.

The density of the foam is also very important. Most suitable option the density should be about 25. If you decide to insulate the walls with a less dense material, there will be a possibility of injuring the surfaces, and too dense material will lead to unjustified financial waste, because excessive density will not affect the thermal insulation characteristics in any way.

Third, no less important point- the thickness of the foam, on which the quality of surface insulation directly depends. It is best to use foam with a thickness of 50mm, but you can also purchase thicker material, no one forbids you, and a thickness of 100mm also has a right to exist. By using thicker foam, prepare to see a higher price point. To avoid rash and unnecessary financial investments, you can attract experienced craftsmen who will conduct correct calculations and choose the best option for your climate zone. When calculating, they will take into account the following indicators:

  • average temperatures;
  • the thickness of the walls that you plan to sheathe;
  • the material from which those walls are made and much more.

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Comparative characteristics of conventional foam with extruded are shown in the table below.

As can be seen from the table, it is more appropriate to insulate the house with extruded foam, technical features which in many respects are superior to conventional foam sheets.

What can not be done without while working with polystyrene foam?

Do-it-yourself insulation of the house with polystyrene foam

Before you insulate the house from the outside with extruded foam, you need to acquire building materials and devices that you cannot do without in such a matter. Working with polystyrene foam you will need:

  • perforator;
  • sharp knife;
  • several different spatulas;
  • dowels made of plastic with a wide cap;
  • glue;
  • reinforcement;
  • rule;
  • putty for work outside the house;
  • priming;
  • metal spacers;
  • decorative material for facade decoration.

Home insulation technology

Insulation of the house with foam plastic yourself

Warming wooden house foam, like any other building, requires high-quality surface preparation.

It is very important to properly prepare the surfaces:

  • remove the old finishing material;
  • clean the surface;
  • repair cavities and clean out bulges;

Of course, you absolutely do not need an ideal surface, but severe damage and defects are also unacceptable, because they will not allow the surface to be properly sheathed and cold bridges can form.

Then, as the surface is properly prepared, you can start impregnating it with a primer solution. The primer must be of deep action, which will increase the level of adhesion with the mounting adhesive.

At the next stage, it is possible to directly insulate surfaces with extruded foam.

For such work, you need to dilute the adhesive mass with water following the instructions. The mass should be well mixed without dry breasts, and the consistency should be homogeneous, not too thick, but not too liquid - it is better that the density resembles the consistency of sour cream.

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To apply mounting adhesive with your own hands, you can use a spatula with teeth, but do not rush to cover the entire surface with it. It can dry out very quickly and you won't be able to treat the area properly.

In order for the cladding of the building from the outside with polystyrene foam to be done correctly, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. cover the wall with glue (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall must correspond to the size of the foam sheet);
  2. lay out the heater;
  3. apply glue under the second sheet of styrofoam and so on.

This sequence indicates that it is very important that the sheets are laid gradually, and the joints of the canvas are carefully lubricated with glue.

In order to properly insulate the house from the outside with penoplex with your own hands, control the evenness of the plates.

To keep the sheets as firmly as possible on the walls, they can not only be pressed tightly against the surface of the walls, but also fixed with special fasteners. For these purposes, it is better to choose dowels that need to be inserted into the wall 50 mm, or even deeper.

So that the fasteners do not fall into the insulation, it is worth acquiring metal spacers. Before screwing the dowels, holes must first be made in the foam using a puncher or drill.

Please note that you do not need to press the foam hard, because it can crack from your excessive exposure.

When the insulation of the building from the outside is completed, it will be necessary to attach reinforcement to the wall. To do this, you'd better cut it into strips of the same size that match the length of the walls. Then, with a wide spatula, spread the glue over the surface under one strip of the mesh, lay it on the surface and smooth it with a spatula to avoid hitches. Apply the next strip of reinforcement overlapping, this will avoid cracking the material at the joints.

Sheathing the house with foam plastic requires finishing because unprocessed reinforced surface does not look very attractive, and the constant impact on her natural disasters damage the integrity and quality of the finish.

It doesn’t matter at all what kind of house you live in: it can be your own country house, summer house, apartment in a high-rise building and other buildings. You always want to live in warmth and comfort, for which you definitely need to take care of covering the house with insulating materials. If the walls are properly and efficiently insulated, you will not have to worry that they will freeze in the cold, the heat in your home will remain to the maximum.

How to insulate a house with foam?

Especially you can’t do without insulation if your house is built of beams, because they are not able to save heat, as a result of which you will have to pay decent amounts for heating the house in the winter cold.

So that the insulation of the house does not cost a pretty penny, it has become popular to use foam. Polyfoam is not only cheap, but also has the following advantages:

  • light weight;
  • unhindered breathability;
  • able to suppress noise;
  • has a high level of thermal resistance;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • easy to work and decorate.

Since a warm house is the key to a properly executed installation of insulation material, later in the article we will tell you how to insulate a house with polystyrene foam, doing everything with your own hands quickly and efficiently.

What is styrofoam?

We warm a private house with foam

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that polystyrene is a material in which there is no vapor permeability; it is strictly forbidden to use it for sheathing a room from the inside.

The density of the foam is also very important. The most suitable density option should be about 25. If you decide to insulate the walls with a less dense material, there will be a possibility of injuring the surfaces, and too dense material will lead to unjustified financial waste, because excessive density will not affect the thermal insulation characteristics.

The third, no less important point is the thickness of the foam, on which the quality of surface insulation directly depends. It is best to use foam with a thickness of 50mm, but you can also purchase thicker material, no one forbids you, and a thickness of 100mm also has a right to exist. By using thicker foam, prepare to see a higher price point. To avoid rash and unnecessary financial investments, you can attract experienced craftsmen who will make the right calculations and select the best option for your climate zone. When calculating, they will take into account the following indicators:

  • average temperatures;
  • the thickness of the walls that you plan to sheathe;
  • the material from which those walls are made and much more.

Comparative characteristics of conventional foam with extruded are shown in the table below.

As can be seen from the table, it is more appropriate to insulate the house with extruded foam plastic, the technical features of which are superior to ordinary foam sheets in many respects.

What can not be done without while working with polystyrene foam?

Do-it-yourself insulation of the house with polystyrene foam

Before you insulate the house from the outside with extruded foam, you need to acquire building materials and devices that you cannot do without in such a matter. Working with polystyrene foam you will need:

  • perforator;
  • sharp knife;
  • several different spatulas;
  • dowels made of plastic with a wide cap;
  • glue;
  • reinforcement;
  • rule;
  • putty for work outside the house;
  • priming;
  • metal spacers;
  • decorative material for facade decoration.

Home insulation technology

Insulation of the house with foam plastic yourself

Warming a wooden house with polystyrene foam, like any other building, requires high-quality surface preparation.

It is very important to properly prepare the surfaces:

  • remove the old finishing material;
  • clean the surface;
  • repair cavities and clean out bulges;

Of course, you absolutely do not need an ideal surface, but severe damage and defects are also unacceptable, because they will not allow the surface to be properly sheathed and cold bridges can form.

Then, as the surface is properly prepared, you can start impregnating it with a primer solution. The primer must be of deep action, which will increase the level of adhesion with the mounting adhesive.

At the next stage, it is possible to directly insulate surfaces with extruded foam.

For such work, you need to dilute the adhesive mass with water following the instructions. The mass should be well mixed without dry breasts, and the consistency should be homogeneous, not too thick, but not too liquid - it is better that the density resembles the consistency of sour cream.

To apply mounting adhesive with your own hands, you can use a spatula with teeth, but do not rush to cover the entire surface with it. It can dry out very quickly and you won't be able to treat the area properly.

In order for the cladding of the building from the outside with polystyrene foam to be done correctly, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. cover the wall with glue (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall must correspond to the size of the foam sheet);
  2. lay out the heater;
  3. apply glue under the second sheet of styrofoam and so on.

This sequence indicates that it is very important that the sheets are laid gradually, and the joints of the canvas are carefully lubricated with glue.

In order to properly insulate the house from the outside with penoplex with your own hands, control the evenness of the plates.

To keep the sheets as firmly as possible on the walls, they can not only be pressed tightly against the surface of the walls, but also fixed with special fasteners. For these purposes, it is better to choose dowels that need to be inserted into the wall 50 mm, or even deeper.

So that the fasteners do not fall into the insulation, it is worth acquiring metal spacers. Before screwing the dowels, holes must first be made in the foam using a puncher or drill.

Please note that you do not need to press the foam hard, because it can crack from your excessive exposure.

When the insulation of the building from the outside is completed, it will be necessary to attach reinforcement to the wall. To do this, you'd better cut it into strips of the same size that match the length of the walls. Then, with a wide spatula, spread the glue over the surface under one strip of the mesh, lay it on the surface and smooth it with a spatula to avoid hitches. Apply the next strip of reinforcement overlapping, this will avoid cracking the material at the joints.

Sheathing a house with foam plastic requires finishing, because an untreated reinforced surface does not look very attractive, and constant exposure to natural disasters will damage the integrity and quality of the finish.

As a finish on the outside of the house, you can use decorative plaster or paint. But, before applying them to the surface, the wall must be puttied.

Before you begin to sheathe your house outside with insulation materials, read these recommendations for work:

  • in order to sheathe the house with high quality and save as much money as possible on utility bills during the heating period, select a foam plastic with a density of 25 and a thickness of 40 mm;
  • if you were unable to buy a special glue, you can use the usual glue-cement, which is used for ceramics;
  • purchase a reinforcing mesh with a mesh size of 5mm;
  • so that the foam is more firmly fixed on the wall, before applying the adhesive mass, the surface can be treated with a spiked roller, which forms additional perforation;
  • in order to increase the level of adhesion of the foam plastic with the reinforcing mesh, it is worth priming the surface before laying it.

In conclusion, I would like to add that by observing the above foam plastic installation technology, you can get warm housing without disturbing its microclimate. Thus, in the work you will not make any mistakes and reduce the amount of heat loss in your home.

As you can see, such warming of the house does not take much time and your family budget will not incur large financial expenses if you carry out the work on your own, without involving expensive specialists.

Building a house has always been an expensive project and if there is an opportunity to save on something, then why not do it. To reduce the cost of thermal insulation, the house is increasingly being sheathed with foam.

This material is not inferior in its characteristics to expensive heaters, it is easy to use, and you can sheathe the walls yourself. What are the other advantages of foam plastic and how to work with it correctly?

Material advantages

Despite the low cost, polystyrene is a high-quality and safe material. Information about toxicity is just a myth. The main property due to which it is actively used in the cladding of houses is its high thermal insulation qualities.

A foam sheet, having a thickness of 10 cm, saves the dwelling from heat loss in the same way as a concrete wall, 60 cm thick. And 5 cm thick, like brickwork in 2 layers.

Also, the material has many more advantages:

  • High soundproofing properties.
  • Light weight, which reduces the load on the foundation and walls.
  • The material is resistant to water and does not deform in high humidity.
  • Does not ignite.
  • Durable and does not lose its properties for about 50 years.
  • prevalence and availability. You can buy polystyrene at any hardware store.

But all these advantages apply only to quality material and with proper installation. How to sheathe a house with foam?

What do you need to work

Before proceeding with the installation of foam, purchased and prepared necessary materials and tools.


  • Styrofoam;
  • Adhesive composition suitable for the material;
  • Mounting foam;
  • dowels;
  • Primer and plaster;
  • Construction mesh for reinforcement;
  • Starting bar.


  • Drill (well, if there is a mixer nozzle);
  • Notched trowel for applying adhesive;
  • Ordinary spatulas;
  • Construction knife;
  • Container for diluting glue;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Drill;
  • Graters with teeth of various sizes.

It is important to purchase the “correct” foam for wall insulation. To do this, its density should be about 25 kg per cubic meter. The thickness of the plates should be at least 8 cm, 10 is most often used.

Sometimes the building is sheathed with foam plastic, 5 cm thick in 2 layers, making the seams shift between themselves for greater heat savings.

You can fix the foam with glue or dowels. But as practice shows, both are better. Glued sheets in several places are fixed with nails for greater strength.

Optionally, a starting profile-bar is installed at the bottom of the wall, which serves to secure the position of the sheets and prevents them from sliding during installation. It also prevents damage to the foam by rodents, so if there is a problem of visiting uninvited guests, then it is better to use it.

Surface preparation

Do-it-yourself sheathing of a house with polystyrene foam will be of high quality if the surface is properly prepared. Sheets should be as close as possible to it. To do this, bumps are removed from the walls, they are cleaned of debris. The holes are filled with plaster.

There are 2 ways to insulate a house:

  • inner lining;
  • External.

Which method to choose depends on whether the building is new or old, as well as how the facades are finished. If they have a high-quality and durable lining, then it is more convenient to make insulation from the inside. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will become smaller. New buildings and those in which it is planned to change the facade decoration are sheathed from the outside.

If the firmware is done indoors, then the old wallpaper and peeling paint are removed. It is recommended to go through the walls with a primer, for better surface leveling and stronger adhesion of the sheets.

Outside, the walls are cleaned and, if possible, irregularities are repaired, the relief of the protrusions should not exceed 1.5 cm. To eliminate external defects, you can use the usual cement mortar, for this, cement and sand are mixed 1: 3, water is added. The solution is applied to the niches and leveled with a spatula.

wall cladding technique

How to sheathe a house with foam plastic so that it turns out quickly, accurately and reliably? In fact, the technology is quite simple and you only need to know the sequence of steps and take into account some of the nuances that help prevent problems and delamination of the material.

You also need to carefully cut the parts and take measurements so that the gaps between the plates are as small as possible. If you still get gaps of more than 1 cm, then they can easily be sealed with mounting foam. Small gaps are filled with a solution of adhesive composition.

Step by step instructions for wall cladding:

  • According to the instructions, the adhesive composition is diluted. To avoid the appearance of lumps, you can use a drill with a special nozzle - a blade. But if one is not available, then you can mix with a spatula. The solution needs to stand a little.
  • The adhesive is applied to the foam sheet and spread over the surface with a notched trowel. If the wall is even, then the composition can be applied directly to it.
  • Sheets are pressed against the wall. Sheathing always starts from the bottom up. The starting bar will prevent the foam sheets from slipping. The second row is made with a shift of the plates relative to the first. The foam is cut with a construction knife. Particular attention should be paid to the corners and the elimination of gaps in them. Otherwise, the thermal insulation properties will be reduced.
  • The joints of the plates are filled with glue, the excess is removed with a flat spatula. The wall is allowed to dry, and the glue will set. How long this takes depends on the composition, temperature and humidity of the air. Sometimes it can take up to 3 days.
  • Holes for dowels of the required depth are drilled with a puncher or drill. Definitely in the corners and in the center.
  • The dowels should sink into the foam sheets and not protrude. This will reduce the consumption of the leveling compound, which will be used for finishing. If the insulation is used under brick lining or sheathed with siding, then you can not be zealous. This completes the work, you only need to check for cracks and, if necessary, cover up.
  • If you plan to apply plaster or other decorative coating, then a reinforcing layer is made. To do this, an adhesive composition is applied to the foam, and then a reinforcing mesh.
  • The surface is re-spackled. It is better to do this with a thick adhesive composition.
  • After everything dries, the wall is treated with graters and, if necessary, re-spackled.

In order to live comfortably in the house at any time of the year, and not have to spend a lot of money on heating, it should be insulated. There is a huge range of heat-saving materials on the market for walls, ceilings and floors.

The price category of these insulators is quite extensive. But many owners of private buildings prefer to use mineral wool as a heat insulator. These are inexpensive, popular materials with good heat-saving characteristics. How to properly insulate a house with polystyrene foam, we will consider in detail below.

Styrofoam is one of the most popular among private developers, the main advantage of which is its inexpensive cost, but besides this, the foam has many advantages:

  • small specific gravity;
  • low cost;
  • good thermal insulation performance;
  • moisture resistance, polystyrene does not absorb water, unlike mineral wool;
  • easy to install, the plates can be fixed with mounting glue;
  • you can do the work yourself.

Any material has disadvantages, and foam is no exception:

  • vapor-tight;
  • low soundproof index;
  • collapses at high temperature (800С);
  • is destroyed upon contact with organic solvents;
  • not suitable for insulation of multi-storey buildings.

For warming private buildings - this is an excellent option for, especially if the construction budget is limited.

External insulation of the house with foam

If a decision is made to use it as a heat-saving material, then first of all we will prepare everything you need.


Styrofoam - PSB-S-25 is considered the most optimal insulator for facade insulation, it has good heat-saving characteristics, while it is much stronger than PSB-15 material.

The thickness of the plate used for insulation depends on:

  • material for making the walls of the house;
  • degree of isolation;
  • the region where the building is located.

Advice: if a decision is made to insulate the house with foam plastic with a plate thickness of 10 cm, then it is better to purchase material of 5 cm, but twice as much, and make two overlap layers. This will eliminate cold bridges.

What you need to organize for high-quality wall insulation:

  • assembly glue;
  • start profile;
  • Styrofoam;
  • dowels (mushroom or umbrella);
  • perforated corner;
  • plaster;
  • reinforced mesh;
  • profile for arranging slopes;
  • facade paint.

For the strength of the foam to concrete wall, with a plate thickness of 5 cm, the dowel must be at least 9 cm, for a brick wall - 12 cm.

Wall preparation

From the base, you need to carefully prepare by inspecting for cracks, fungus, delamination. Old plaster that does not hold well should be dismantled. Fungal formations need to be cleaned and the walls treated with an antiseptic composition.

Deep cracks and irregularities should be repaired with mortar. In order for the composition to plaster the cracks well, they should be embroidered, primed. For sealing, you can use building glue, or mounting foam.

primed walls better by impregnation deep penetration - she does an excellent job with different kind biological formations, while significantly increasing the adhesion between the base and the adhesive composition.

You can check how well the surface is prepared for mounting the foam, for this the foam plate is glued to the base and after 3 days they try to tear it off. If the material comes off easily and without residue, then the wall is not ready.

Installation work

Any installation process begins with markup. You should not draw such a grid on the wall, since foam plates have tolerances, and such markup will interfere with you a lot. It is enough just to beat off an even horizontal and vertical line. To do this, it is better to use a laser level.

It is better to start the installation of a heat insulator from the far wall, especially if there is no experience in construction work, so you can gain experience on the most inconspicuous wall.

Installing a profile

Since in most cases a material 5-10 cm thick is used to insulate walls from the outside, the profile is also used with the appropriate parameters.

The starting element is installed strictly along the marked line, nails on the dowel in increments of 25-30 cm. Correct installation this element will help in the future to evenly mount the foam.

When connecting, a small gap should be left between the profiles, approximately 5 mm - to balance the expansion of the material when heated.

How to fix the foam on the walls

The material is installed on a plane in several ways:

  • for walls with small differences, the glue is applied around the perimeter of the formation, and make a few mistakes on the surface;
  • apply the composition with a spatula with teeth on the surface of the sheet, but this option is applicable for a perfectly even base;
  • apply glue similar to mounting. It is very convenient to use, as it is applied along the edges of the balloon, and firmly fixes the material on the wall.

Start gluing the foam from the far lower corner of the wall, to the starting profile.

The next row of foam sheets is laid in a beveled order relative to the first, and strong.

Particular attention is paid to the insulation of the slopes of windows and doors, as they are a source of heat loss. Need to purchase window profile, with adhesive tape and install it on the frame or door frame.

The profile will not allow the edge of the foam to deform, while the design will take on a finished look.

Interesting! Some masters create unique design foam facade, laying several layers of material in the right places and fixing them securely.

The glue will take its final strength in 3-4 days, if you do the work on insulating houses with foam plastic with your own hands, then by the end of the insulation of the entire building, the first wall is already ready for further processing.

Additional foam fixation

To keep the material on the wall more securely, you can additionally fix it with special dowels (mushroom, umbrella). They are mounted so that the wide part of the fastener is recessed into the foam, and does not stick out.

If during the installation process gaps appeared between the plates, then they can simply be sealed with mounting foam. It's not scary if the foam sticks out when it dries, you can simply cut it flush with a sharp knife.

You should not leave a foam-insulated house without finishing for more than 10-14 days, as upper layer material under the influence of sunlight will begin to disintegrate, and the entire surface of the facade will have to be sanded.

slope finishing

So that the finishing of the house after insulation has a finished and beautiful view, you need to correctly equip the corners of the structure and slopes. To do this, a perforated corner is glued on them, according to the level.

For correct installation glue is applied to the corners and the perforated element is pressed tightly against it. Then you need to go through it with glue so that the corner is even. Let it dry for about a day.

How to apply facade plaster on foam

Do not leave the insulation unprotected for a long time, it can collapse and you have to start all over again.

For finishing, you can use the following materials:

  • siding;
  • plaster;
  • lining;
  • decorative stone;
  • pvc panels and so on.

Consider how to sheathe a house with foam, which should subsequently be plastered step by step:

  • a reinforcing mesh with a 4x4 or 5x5 mesh is mounted on the wall. Thanks to this, the plaster will not crack over time. The mesh is laid on tile adhesive, overlapping by 5-10 centimeters;
  • as soon as the glue dries, you can start plastering the surface. In order for the mesh to be completely closed, one layer of plaster is enough;
  • as soon as the plaster dries, the surface is puttied in two layers, each subsequent layer is applied to the dried surface.

Conduct plastering work need in calm calm weather. Putty can crack from the rapid weathering of moisture.


Before applying finishing layer putty walls must be well primed. Once last layer the soil dries, you can apply putty. Then the surface is well polished and painted. facade paint desired shade.

Internal insulation of the house with foam

Do-it-yourself sheathing of a house with polystyrene foam is used only if another method of thermal insulation cannot be used, for example:

  • it is required to carry out insulation in the apartment, above the second floor, it is impossible to carry out work without the involvement of building climbers;
  • built new house with finished façade.

The disadvantages of such insulation are that the foam takes up part of the usable area of ​​​​the room, and besides, it is flammable.

How to choose material

Particular attention should be paid to the safety of the insulation, since the foam will be located on the side of the room.

This heat insulator has disadvantages that should be considered:

For internal insulation walls it is worth purchasing an insulating material that is as resistant to fire as possible, labeled NG (non-combustible).

House wall insulation

Consider how to properly insulate the house with foam plastic - this is a crucial stage of work, since it depends on how well the thermal insulation of the room will be performed. The workflow begins with surface preparation.

Wall preparation

Produced according to the following algorithm:

  • clean off the old coating;
  • remove dust, greasy spots and dirt;
  • remove irregularities with plaster;
  • treat the surface with a special primer with antiseptic properties.

As soon as the primer layer dries, you can proceed with the installation.

Warming technology:

  • On the prepared surface, you need to apply markings - vertical and horizontal stripes according to the level.
  • To horizontal strip screw the starting profile, equal in size to the thickness of the foam.
  • Plates are attached to the surface with glue.

When buying an adhesive, you need to make sure that it does not contain solvents or acetone, since polystyrene foam is not resistant to chemical attack.

  • After mounting the first row, the second should be fixed with an offset to the floor of the sheet.
  • The glue will dry completely on the third day, during which time no work is done on the insulated surface.

It is worth noting that if, before the insulation of the walls in the apartment, a screed was installed on the floor along the beacons, then it is not necessary to mount the starting profile, the installation of the plates starts from the floor horizon.

Ceiling insulation

If you need to insulate the ceiling from the inside, then the work is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • surface preparation;
  • arrangement of the frame - this stage is carried out if in the future it is planned to cover the ceiling with plasterboard;
  • installation of foam;
  • installation of facing material.

Ceiling preparation

If the insulation will be made on the frame, then the ceiling surface does not require special preparation. It is enough to clean the plane from poorly adhering elements, and prime with impregnation with an antiseptic.


First of all, markup is applied, this stage cannot be skipped, it depends on how smooth the surface will turn out:

  • beat off straight lines around the perimeter of the room;
  • mark installation locations ceiling profile;
  • put marks in the places of installation of suspensions.

Lathing installation:

  • along the lines on the walls, install a guide profile, fix it with a dowel of nails - a step of 25-30 cm;
  • then install direct suspensions on two fasteners along the entire ceiling, the elements are installed in a checkerboard pattern;
  • fix the ceiling profile by installing it in the guides and screwing it to each suspension with small “seeds” self-tapping screws.

Important! The pitch of the ceiling profile must be equal to the width of the material slab so as not to cut the foam during installation.

As soon as the work on arranging the crate is over, you can begin to install insulation in the cells between the profile and install a vapor barrier. Then it remains only to sheathe the ceiling along the frame.

Floor insulation

To completely isolate the room from the cold, it is necessary to insulate all surfaces, and the floor is no exception.

Floor preparation

How to prepare the surface for insulation will depend on what type of thermal protection will be chosen, external or internal.


For internal installation, you can equip the insulation on the logs, or under the screed.

Warming along the lags is carried out in the following order:

  • clean the base
  • arrange waterproofing;
  • lag installation;
  • foam laying;
  • arrangement of vapor barrier;
  • finish flooring.

When installing the insulation along the lags, the low strength of the foam is compensated. If a screed is installed on the foam, then you will have to additionally lay reinforced material, which is an additional cost.

External insulation

If the finish line is already on the floor, flooring, and it makes no sense to dismantle it, then apply external insulation floor surface. Thermal insulation must be installed from the side of the subfloor, this is not difficult to do.

Stages of work:

  • tighten the floor surface with a vapor barrier;
  • on the inside fix the floor bar 50x50 mm, using self-tapping screws;

Important! Self-tapping screws must be chosen so long that they do not come out from the side of the room through the boards and the floor covering. It is not difficult to calculate: a bar with a section of 50 and a board of five, fasteners should be no more than 80 mm.

  • lay foam between the bars;
  • all the cracks between the seams should be filled with mounting foam;
  • cut the remains of the dried foam with a construction knife;
  • lay the second layer of vapor barrier;
  • equip the rough floor. To do this, you can take a board 2 cm thick, and fix it on a bar with 34x40 mm self-tapping screws.


We can say that every owner of a private building or apartment can perform such a process as insulating a house with foam plastic with their own hands. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, and then your home will always be cozy and warm.