The exit of the sewer pipe from a private house. How to remove the sewer pipe from the house under the foundation

  • 03.03.2020

Comfortable living is impossible without. To organize a drain system, you need to know exactly how to remove the sewer from the house. V country houses and dachas will have to do this on their own, because. most often there is no centralized system. In addition, it will be necessary to take care of the place of collection of waste and their subsequent disposal.

What to Consider

The difficult stage of the conclusion has been passed, now you need to correctly lead the pipe into the septic tank:

  • The first step is to clear the area. The entire length of the future trench is removed upper layer turf.
  • Accurate measurements of the length of the pipe from the crossing point to the wastewater collection point are made.
  • Now you need to calculate how deep the trench will need to be made. To do this, it is important to remember that the slope of the pipe should be 1–2 cm per meter. If the starting point of the transition from internal sewerage to the outside is at a depth of 50 cm, and the distance to the septic tank is 10 m, then the entry point to the drain pit should be at the level of 60–70 cm. In the case when the landscape is sloping, it is necessary to calculate the difference and subtract it from the final result. This can be done very simply. A line is projected using a laser level. From it, measurements are made to the surface near the house, as well as near the septic tank. For example, if the slope was 20 cm, then a recess of only 40–50 cm would be required near the septic tank.
  • The trench always digs 20 cm deeper than planned (usually 40 cm wide is enough). This is done in order to carry out the addition of sand to this thickness. The sand is well compacted and spilled with water. After that, he will most likely sit down, so you will need to complete this level.
  • It is better to assemble the structure on the surface, so you can ensure the best docking, and it is also just more convenient.
  • The pipe is laid. Around it, an embankment of sand is also made and well rammed. But this should be done only on the sides, because, by pressing from above, it can be easily damaged.
  • The entrance to the septic tank is sealed with a rubber cuff.
  • It is desirable that the laying site is not an area with heavy traffic. If so, then corrugated sewer pipes or additional sleeves will be required to compensate for the pressure exerted.

Note! In certain cases, external laying is allowed. In this case, it will be necessary to take care of good thermal insulation of the pipe by wrapping it in several layers of mineral wool and securing everything with thick foil. If you are not sure whether the pipe in the ground is really below the freezing of the soil, then it can also be insulated or a heating cable can be laid along it.

For outdoor installation, take a special pipe that is designed for this. Under heavy load conditions, you can use corrugated. Also take care of the ventilation of the septic tank by installing fan ventilation.


Watch a video that shows the process of defrosting a water drain in a private house:

The arrangement of the sewer system requires the most scrupulous attitude to all stages of the process, including depth, slope, and reliability of connections. Each of these factors has big influence on the performance of the entire system. Negligence is unacceptable here, if there is no self-confidence, it is better to turn to professionals.

Laying depth of the sewer system

Modern sewer systems significantly improve the standard of living in a private house. If in previous years a toilet on the street was perceived as an unpleasant necessity, inseparable from a private house, today it is a sign of laziness of the owners or their extremely low income. Moreover, in the first case, you can get out of the situation by hiring professionals who will perform absolutely all the work.

Helpful information:

The depth of the pipeline depends on the depth of the septic tank.

Advice! The pipe laid between the building and the septic tank must be straight. Knees, turns will provoke the appearance of blockages.

Before arranging the sewer system, you should find out what is the average freezing depth in your area. Pipes need to be laid a little lower than these figures. Usually, the depth at which sewer pipes are located in a private house in the south is more than 50 cm. In the central part of the country, where the climate is harsher, the depth of sewerage in a private house is at least 70 cm. These figures are especially significant if sewer pipes are located under the platforms or under the paths, which in winter period free from snow.

Features of laying sewer pipes

Laying sewer pipes must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • pipes of the required diameter must be used;
  • it is necessary to observe the standard slope rate (about 0.03 m per 1 running meter pipes);
  • it is permissible to use pipes from different materials, but in one pipeline, the pipes must match in material.

The depth of the pipeline can be determined based on the following points:

  • the nature of the site (its relief, soil features);
  • the exit point of the sewer pipe from the house.

Such convenient fixture allows you to control the work of the sewerage, in time to eliminate emerging problems. It is not very difficult to make it, but it brings a lot of comfort to the operation process.

Accounting for the depth of soil freezing is a fundamental requirement. In order not to spend money on arranging deeper trenches than necessary, you need to have clear view about the depth of soil freezing in the area. Below is a table to help guide you in this matter.

How to properly equip thermal insulation?

In cold regions, it is recommended to supplement the sewer pipeline with thermal insulation. This technique allows you to extend the service life, eliminate the possibility of freezing at very low temperatures. Most often, polyurethane foam is taken for this purpose. If the pipe is wrapped with polyurethane foam, and a polyethylene sheath is made on top, the pipe will not be afraid of frost.

If pipes are laid below the possible freezing point, then the pipes will never freeze. In this case, additional protection is made in case of extreme cold. When performing thermal insulation, special attention is paid to joints and turning points. It is these zones that tolerate the effects of cold quite poorly. So warming the turning points is a must.

In Europe, a more technologically advanced method is used. An electric cable is launched near the pipeline; if necessary, it acts as a heater for the pipe. For many residents of our country, this method is too expensive, because paying for energy is not the smallest item of expenditure. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the depth of pipe laying. In the central regions, it is better to choose a depth of 1m. And in the northern regions, it is desirable to dig deeper trenches and carry out high-quality thermal insulation. To do this, you can either fiberglass. If the pipes are located above the ground, they are also insulated with similar materials. Since they can fill with water, .

Video - Installation of external sewerage and insulation

The interior of the sewer system of a private house

For uninterrupted operation of the sewer, the requirements for the diameter of the pipes must be observed:

  • toilet, shower, bath, pool - 10 - 11 cm;
  • sink - 5 cm;
  • riser - 10 - 11 cm.

Video - A long and detailed story about the installation of sewer pipes

The external part of the sewer system of a private house

The main requirement is to ensure proper bias. The only correct drain is gravity. Too low a speed will cause blockages. Too fast movement of effluents - to accelerate the destruction of pipes.

The sewerage laying scheme in a private house includes a characteristic of the features of the pipe exit from the room. The rules for removing a pipe from a house depend on the type of foundation. At strip foundation the output is arranged on the side. With slab - the pipe is laid from top to bottom, for this a pipe section and a 45 ° elbow are used. To equip the sewer, a pipe-sleeve is laid in the foundation in advance, through which the main pipeline is then removed. Such a base is needed to protect the pipeline from excessive pressure and potential destruction.

From the exit point to the septic tank / cesspool the pipe is laid evenly, without bends. In the septic tank, the drain pipe is inserted at the top. This is done to provide a place for the accumulation of waste.

In order not to be mistaken in the depth of laying the pipe, you need to find out how things are with the neighbors who have already equipped their own drain. If they have problems with pipe freezing, you need to dig your pipe deeper. No matter how deep the pipe lies, in any case, a slope is needed. Usually they make 2 - 3 cm per linear meter.

  1. Must be done first detailed diagram piping inside the house. This will reduce time and financial costs by providing all the best options.
  2. Pipes are carried out towards the riser or to the septic tank, sharp corners are excluded.
  3. The riser on each floor must be equipped with a tee designed to service the sewer system for quick cleaning.


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Regardless of whether you connect private house to the central or autonomous sewerage, the sewage disposal system on the street must be equipped independently. Before starting this work, you need to develop an installation scheme that allows you to get by with the minimum size of the pipeline and sewer wiring.

This will reduce the cost of purchasing material and increase the efficiency of the wastewater disposal system. Particular attention should be paid to the depth of pipe laying, the angle of their inclination and the reliability of flange connections, since the performance of the sewer depends on these parameters.

Connecting a private house to the sewer

Circumstances and layout of external sewage

The outer part of the sewer system in a private house connects the outlet of the internal drain with a waste storage tank located on the site, or with a central sewer, with a pipeline network. Read about the internal wiring in the house in the article. Laying of external sewer pipes is carried out according to a scheme developed in advance, taking into account the following circumstances:

  • terrain features;
  • weather;
  • remoteness of wells and reservoirs;
  • the total volume of effluents, depending on the number of people permanently residing in the house;
  • the depth of soil freezing and its composition;
  • ways of access of the car of a vacuum truck if necessary.

In the external sewerage laying scheme, it is imperative to provide for its ventilation, since otherwise, over time unpleasant odors will enter residential areas. Read about the rules for the sewer ventilation device in the article. Ventilation is provided with fan pipe, which can be placed on the lid of the septic tank or on the section of the pipeline passing from the house to storage capacity drains.

Autonomous arrangement scheme outdoor sewerage

The septic tank is equipped at the lowest point of the geological relief of the site. This arrangement allows you to most optimally perform the installation of external sewage. It should be laid in a straight line to the location of the outlet pipe. internal system waste water removal.

Choosing a drain location

When choosing the location of the drain, it is worth, first of all, to take care that bad smell did not enter the premises. As a result, it should be located no closer than five meters from the house. The optimal distance will be ten meters, it is also not worth placing a septic tank too far, since this significantly increases the cost of laying the pipeline network. The external sewage connection to the house should not be carried out at a right angle. In addition, the following must be taken into account:

  • water sources should be located no closer than thirty meters;
  • a septic tank cannot be installed on the border of a neighboring plot;
  • for the convenience of pumping out sewage, it is better to place drains near the road;
  • especially careful sealing of the storage tank is needed when the groundwater is located close to each other;
  • the laying of the pipeline network facilitates the natural slope of the terrain.

Rules for placing a septic tank on the site

A cesspool for sewerage has been used since ancient times. Previously, they did not waste energy on sealing its walls, and when the pit was filled, it was covered with earth and a new one was dug out. Now the walls are made of bricks, concrete rings and other building materials.

Liquid waste fractions seep through the soil at the bottom, being filtered, solid components gradually fill the mine, and after a while they need to be pumped out.

The arrangement of a cesspool is advisable if the volume of wastewater in a private house does not exceed the value of one cubic meter per day. If this limit is exceeded, pollution will occur. environment.

Instead of a cesspool, you can equip a sealed container for the accumulation of wastewater. In this case, a thorough waterproofing of the bottom and walls of the shaft is performed. Thus, the possibility of contamination of the soil and drinking sources is prevented. The disadvantage of this system is the need for frequent cleaning, since the sealed container fills up rather quickly.

Decide on the type of treatment plant

Treatment facilities for a private house are equipped in the form of a simple cesspool without a bottom or a sealed wastewater tank. To improve the filtration of wastewater allows a single-chamber septic tank with soil cleaning or a two-chamber septic tank with a filter well. A variant of the construction of three chambers with a filtration field, as well as with the use of a biofilter and an air supply system is possible.

Tire filtration septic tank

A single-chamber septic tank, in essence, is a cesspool with a drainage layer. Crushed stone or gravel mixed with sand is poured at the bottom of the well. Passing through the filter layer, the liquid fractions of the waste are cleaned before entering the soil. After some time, the drainage layer must be replaced, as silt deposits are deposited on it. A single-chamber septic tank is suitable for a private house with a small amount of wastewater.

A two-chamber septic tank consists of a storage tank and a filter well, which are connected by an overflow pipe. In the sump, the faeces are partially clarified, then they fall into the mine with a drainage layer at the bottom. They seep into the soil already sufficiently cleaned.

A two-chamber septic tank is a popular sewerage option for a private house, as it does not require large financial costs for his equipment and works efficiently.

The installation of a septic tank of two or more chambers, as well as a filtration field, practically eliminates the possibility of environmental pollution. After settling in the first tank, the partially clarified effluent through the overflow pipe enters the next chamber with anaerobic bacteria that decompose organic residues. Read about how to make a septic tank with your own hands from improvised materials in the article

After successively passing through all sections, the effluent enters the filtration field, which is an area underground of about thirty square meters where the final soil cleaning takes place. If there is free space on the site, this method of arranging sewage is optimal.

Diagram of a septic tank with a biofilter

A septic tank with a biofilter is a station for deep sewage treatment. According to the principle of operation, it is similar to a treatment system with a filtration field, only in this case it is replaced by a water separator and anaerobic bacteria settled at the outlet of the overflow pipe into the fourth section, which cleans the wastewater by approximately ninety-five percent. Such water can be used for technical needs.

It is irrational to install deep cleaning stations in private houses with periodic residence, because if the sewage system of this design is not used constantly, the bacteria that decompose organic residues die. In addition, they are quite expensive.

Sewer pipe laying depth

The depth of soil freezing is a fundamental factor when deepening sewer pipes into the ground. They must be laid below the freezing point, otherwise they will freeze in winter, and it will be impossible to use the sewer until the spring thaw. The appearance of even small growths of ice on internal surfaces pipelines leads to a decrease in their patency and the formation of blockages.

Map of normative freezing depths

In the southern regions, the depth of laying sewer pipes is fifty or more centimeters, in the central regions - seventy or more centimeters. You need to know exactly the depth of soil freezing in your area in order not to go deeper into the ground than necessary, since in this case the cost of doing the work will increase.

Organization of the withdrawal of the sewer pipe from the house

The organization of the withdrawal of the sewer pipe from the house depends on the stage of readiness for operation of the building. If the house has just been built, shrinkage of the foundation is possible, therefore, drilling a hole in it to bring out the sewer pipe should be of a noticeably larger diameter than the cross section of the pipe itself.

Variants of schemes for the withdrawal of sewerage from the house

In the event that the house is just being built, the outlet pipe can be walled up during the laying of the foundation. The foundation of a house built several years ago will no longer settle, so the diameter of the hole drilled for the outlet pipe does not need to be increased. Plumbing fixtures should be located at a short distance from the common drain, since in this case it is easier to connect them to a common outlet. If the house has two or more floors, the bathrooms should be placed one above the other, in which case one riser can be dispensed with.

Do-it-yourself installation of external sewage in a private house

The external sewage system consists of a cleaning tank and a piping system connecting the septic tank to the house. Before performing installation work, an external sewerage scheme is applied on the site plan.

Practical Options sewerage out of the house

Then special pipes with a diameter of at least 100 mm are selected, intended for outdoor use. They are usually orange in color. A trench is dug to lay the pipeline. Its depth is selected depending on the climatic features of the area, the composition and characteristics of the soil, as well as other factors. If necessary, the pipeline network is insulated.

The most time-consuming part of the work when installing a sewer with your own hands in a private house is digging a pit for a cesspool or septic tank. The optimal distance at which the septic tank is removed from the house is about ten meters.

The volume of the storage capacity directly depends on the number of people permanently residing in the house and the frequency of their use of plumbing fixtures.

It is best to connect the storage tank to the outlet of the internal sewer in a straight line, bends and turns of the pipeline system increase the likelihood of clogging. For the convenience of cleaning, a long line in places of change of direction must be equipped with inspection hatches.
This is what a properly equipped external sewer looks like

Wastewater moves through the pipeline system by gravity, under the influence of gravitational forces, so you need to maintain the correct angle of inclination. If it is too small, large fragments of waste will be retained and the sewer will become clogged.

If the slope is too great, solid fractions will be thrown to the walls of the pipe, and again it will become clogged. Information on the correct sewer slope can be found in the article.

The desired angle is maintained and controlled building level when digging a trench, its depth increases as it approaches the storage tank or central sewer. A shock-absorbing cushion is laid at the bottom of the ditch, which is a sand mound, pipes are laid directly on it. If it is necessary to change the slope of the pipes, sand is poured in the right place.

important operating parameter sewer system is the depth of laying the pipeline network. It must necessarily be below the freezing point of the soil in this region. Otherwise, in winter, frozen sewage can break the pipeline network and disable the sewer. For repair work will have to wait for the spring thaw.

How to properly equip pipe insulation

To prevent the occurrence emergencies in the cold season, it is better to perform thermal insulation of the sewer. Many have good thermal insulation properties. modern materials such as polyurethane foam, fiberglass or mineral wool. You can properly equip the thermal insulation of the pipe by simply wrapping it with insulation and placing it in a sheath made of a mixture of asbestos and cement.

Options for insulation of external sewerage

Can also be fixed over thermal insulation polyethylene film. In cold northern regions, to protect sewer pipes from freezing, the insulation layer is additionally equipped with an electric heating system. In any case, the pipeline network must be laid below the freezing depth of the soil, especially if snowdrifts melt in the spring on the surface. Interesting experience on laying pipes of external sewerage can be gleaned from the following video.

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Features of the sewer device

Despite the fact that people today are striving to do more and more in order to get closer to the most comfortable living conditions, in many settlements there is not only a centralized sewage system, but also no running water. Both can be successfully dealt with in the following way. A few words have already been said about the water supply (in this case, the old proven method will come to the rescue - installing a well), and with the sewage system, the issue is resolved with the help of such a structure as a domestic sewer. On the present stage this design is a complex, which directly includes sewerage equipment, communication mechanisms (pipelines) and engineering treatment facilities(septic tanks, cesspools). Depending on the design of the sewer system, it can be concluded that it is designed to collect effluents from a source (from a sink, bathroom or toilet bowl), carry it around the house (more precisely, under it), bring it outside and, finally, disinfect and cleanse.

It is worth mentioning what may be the result of improper installation of the sewer system. The most harmless option would be a constantly clogged sink or bathtub. This may happen due to the fact that low-quality material was used during installation or the pipes will be thinner than required by sanitary standards. In addition to the fact that an illiterate installation can cause blockages, it quite often causes the water (intended for drinking and washing) in the well to be poisoned with feces.

This usually happens when the joints between the pipes are not well secured.

As a result, leaks are observed, and wastewater permeates the soil and goes even into its deepest layers, including they can reach the well with drinking water, which as a result will become completely unusable.

How to properly carry out work on the removal of a sewer pipe?

In addition to all of the above, the soil saturated with liquid begins to oscillate and this can adversely affect the construction of the house. So, over time, you may notice cracking of the foundation or even walls. Well, the most unpleasant sign of a malfunction or malfunction in the sewer system, and at the same time the most obvious, of course, will be an unpleasant smell that reaches all ends of your site (and maybe even further). That is why it is necessary not only to correctly connect all pipelines and all equipment with them, but also it will be necessary to dig a cesspool at an appropriate distance from the house. The very process of removing the sewer pipe from the house depends on at what stage of the construction of the house you are doing it.

So, for example, in order to carry out the withdrawal of sewage from a newly built house, it will be necessary to resort to drilling the foundation. In this case, the diameter of the hole should be slightly larger. This is necessary so that, as a result of possible shrinkage of the foundation (which happens very often with new buildings), it could not have any effect on the pipe laid through it. If you have not completed the house, then in this case it will not be difficult to remove the pipes intended for draining wastewater. To do this, you can wall up the pipe during the laying of the foundation, but do not forget to note in what places it should be, so that later, while digging a ditch, you can get to the pipe. A house that has been standing for several years will most likely not settle, so the sewer pipe must be removed again by drilling the foundation. In this case, you do not need to make a large gap (as in a newly built house), a hole will be enough, the diameter of which is 5 cm larger than the diameter of the outlet pipe itself.

If the outlet of the sewer pipe is supposed to be from a house located in middle lane Russia, the depth of the laid communications should reach half a meter, or even more (up to 70 cm). In more severe conditions, pipes should be deepened by much big size(after all, in severe frosts, the soil in some areas of our state freezes even 1 m deep), respectively, everything that will be in it will also freeze. That is why calculate the size of the recess as carefully as possible. Another mandatory component of the sewer pipe outlet system is that the pipe at the entrance to the foundation should not come into contact with it. To do this, a metal sleeve is inserted into the foundation hole. Further, it should be noted that the pipes should not come into contact with this part of the structure. In other words, a gap must remain between the pipe and the elements surrounding it. In order to make this possible, either foam or heat-insulating film is used, with which the pipe is wrapped. Thus, the hole is filled, preventing the sleeve from touching the pipe.

Outdoor work required for domestic sewerage to be removed

After all the homework on fastening the outlet pipes from the sinks, and from the toilet bowls, and from the bathtub has been completed, as well as after drilling a hole in the foundation and installing a pipe in it, you can begin to mount the outlet communications. In private houses, cesspools with septic tanks are used as a reservoir for the accumulation of wastewater. They should (for the purposes of sanitary and hygienic safety) be built at some distance from the house. Therefore, in order for all the drains to reach this hole, it is necessary to dig a trench. Its depth in the middle lane of our state should not be less than 50 cm, and the length will depend on how far the pit is from the house. Do not forget also that all waste will drain only if the pipes are sloped. Accordingly, if initially the depth of immersion of the pipe (at the place of its passage through the foundation) was equal to 50 cm, then with each meter the trench will need to be deepened by about 2-2.5 cm.

At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to lay a sand cushion, which should be compacted (you can spill sand with water for this). Pipes connected to each other should already be laid on it. For outdoor work, a material such as cast iron, asbestos cement or plastic is usually used. The final element of each sewer system is a cesspool or septic tank. The first element is the most common. The outlet pipe must enter the pit, which is a small but deep pit. It is impossible to simply leave it as it is after digging, as the soil will certainly begin to crumble. In order to strengthen the cesspool, you must either purchase concrete rings(which are inserted into the finished pit), or lay down the walls in it with a brick. The bottom of the cesspool does not get off in any way, since most of the liquid will go through it into the deeper layers of the soil.

It is important for every person to provide himself with good and comfortable conditions residence. In particular, during the construction country house the sewerage system should be taken care of in advance. The release of sewage using septic tanks is the key to the freshness and safety of your home.

At the design stage of a future building, many site owners include in the layout plan the layout of the sewer pipe laying before the foundation is laid directly.

During the construction and laying of the foundation, a common pipe for removing water from the house is dug into the place where all the water drains of the building are soldered and laid down to the sewer well. After the house is erected, all communications of the building can be connected to a common pipe. If you do not lay a common pipe under the foundation initially before the start of construction, you will have to spend a lot of effort drilling a hole for sewage.

Installation work on the supply and laying of the yard sewerage consists of the following stages:

  • Preparation of strobes and niches;
  • Laying pipes in the holes of the foundation or walls;
  • Digging a trench to a drain pit for sewage;
  • Preparation of a pit for the well of the future drainage system;
  • Plastering open areas and waterproofing of pipes to avoid breakthroughs in adverse weather conditions. You can waterproof with bituminous mastic or wrapping pipes with waterproofing materials, for example, roofing material, mineral wool or others;
  • Installation of a drainage system, taking into account the loading of a septic tank.

It should be taken into account that drain hole should not be located closer than 3 m from the building. In case of clogging or damage to the water pipes, they can cause significant damage to the building, washing away the foundation or wetting the bearing walls.

Wastewater outlet pipes must be laid at a certain angle so that water can flow naturally through the pipes into the sewer. If you do not have the opportunity to conduct engineering calculations, then it is enough to deepen the ditch every meter by 2-3 cm when digging a trench.

In order not to load the system, you do not need to make several conclusions of water from the house. It is better to plan the entire plumbing network so that the pipes are combined into a single riser. For a large house, you can make an exception and run the system in two risers, but the outlets from them must be at least 50 cm apart.

Don't forget the septic. This will avoid problems with internal clogging.

Sewer system installation

Independently lay the plumbing system in the house and carry out all installation work easy, but in order not to make mistakes, you must first familiarize yourself with building codes and rules (SNiP). Remember that the release of sewage water must be below the freezing level of the soil. When arranging the foundation of a house, each owner is obliged to familiarize himself with this information, it is in the directories climatic conditions in the public domain and differs for different regions.

The rules also spell out the mandatory presence of a manhole, which must be located at least three meters from the building. manhole, as a rule, is made of reinforced concrete rings with a cross section of about 0.7 m, red brick or rubble stone. The upper part must be equipped with a lid, the lower - concrete tray with a depth equal to the diameter of the big pipe waste system.

The release consists of:

  • pipes, preferably made of plastic or cast iron with a sufficient cross section, since this material is the most durable;
  • sleeves of a larger diameter than the system itself, in which, like clothes, drains will be dressed;
  • tee and branch with a plug;
  • output to a well with a septic tank.

At the first stage, you need to prepare the release of pipes into a drain tank, septic tank or other well capacity. Next, the riser is collected, which is made from the bottom up through the installed sleeves. The sleeve is needed to prevent the destruction of pipes. Such a sleeve should be thicker than the pipe, and its edges are 15 cm out of the foundation. Between the sleeve and the pipe, it is imperative to make a circular gap, which is isolated using foam spacers or a loose rope. The remaining gaps are sealed with clay or other waterproof material.

The outlet pipe must be located directly inside the sleeve. A strictly vertical position prevents clogging of the drain, while the outer part of the pipeline should be laid at a slight gentle slope. Such a system will provide sound insulation.

A tee with a plug is installed between the horizontal and vertical parts of the water supply. The tee should be selected with a gentle angle of no more than 135 degrees. The straight section of the tee must be closed with a plug. This part of the water supply will be needed to clean the system in case of contamination and in order to remove excess water if necessary.

Pipe joints are to be sealed only after checking the sewer system for operability. You can maintain tightness with a sealant.

The final point of laying the drainage system is to check the system. If there is no noise, no leaks, and water easily seeps through the drain system, then you did everything right.

The use of a septic tank is desirable to prevent clogging and clear the sewer of hardening and unpleasant odors.