How to clear a blockage in the toilet. Clogged toilet - what to do? We will learn how to independently eliminate the blockage in various ways

  • 03.03.2020

A clogged toilet is a real problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Unfortunately, utilities in such cases are in no hurry to promptly come to the rescue, and therefore the residents of the house are forced to resolve the situation on their own. So, if the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case, what methods and means can help?


The easiest way to clean the toilet is to use a plunger. A plunger is a plumbing tool with a rubber cap and a wooden handle. How to clear a blockage in the toilet with this device? Very simple. It is only necessary to place the plunger tool in the toilet drain and move it up and down with sharp movements to release the blockage. However, it is important to remember that before working with the plunger, after installing it in the toilet drain, you must press the drain button, otherwise the actions performed are unlikely to be successful. You should also make sure that the plunger fits snugly against the walls of the toilet bowl - for this, the existing gaps must be filled with rags. But it should be noted that a plunger can only be effective for eliminating the simplest blockages, while to eliminate denser plugs, you should use radical methods. So the toilet is clogged. What to do if the use of a plunger does not give any results?

Hot water

Hot water is a good helper in the fight against blockages in the toilet. It is necessary to heat a bucket of water almost to a boil and pour it into the toilet bowl, while creating a strong pressure. It is important to pour water at a right angle and as quickly as possible. If, after such a cleaning, the water gradually began to leave, it is recommended to pour another bucket of hot water into the toilet. Following these simple steps will help to effectively eliminate small blockages.

Baking soda

Surprisingly, ordinary baking soda, well known to every housewife, is also a wonderful tool for flushing sewers. If the toilet is clogged, then it is necessary to pour half a pack of this product into the drain. Active alkali, formed during the interaction of soda and water, will help to quickly correct the situation. You can enhance the effect if, in addition to soda, pour half a glass of vinegar into the toilet bowl, wait 10 minutes, and then rinse the drain hole with boiling water.


The creators of household chemicals have developed many tools to help eliminate plugs in the toilet. The toilet is clogged - what to do, what chemical agent to choose and how to use it correctly? It should be noted that, unlike domestic, imported "chemistry" for cleaning sewers has a less destructive effect on pipes, and therefore it is advisable to use it for plastic pipelines. Domestic funds are quite suitable for metal pipes. Well-established drugs such as Tiret, Domestos, "Tofix", "Mr. Muscle", which not only effectively eliminate blockages in the toilet, but also eliminate bad smell. The most popular of domestic funds are "Mole", "Chimney sweep", "Ruff".

Features of the use of chemicals

What to do if the toilet is clogged, how to use it correctly household chemicals? First of all, you must strictly follow the instructions and follow the safety rules.

  1. Pour (pour) the product into the toilet in the amount required for cleaning.
  2. Wait 10-20 minutes for it to complete its mission.
  3. Flush the water (for greater efficiency, it is recommended to pour a bucket of boiling water into the toilet).


It will help to eliminate the blockage formed in the toilet bowl and a special plumbing cable, which is a twisted steel wire, at one end of which there is a handle, and at the other - a tip. The toilet is clogged - what to do if the house does not have a similar design? In this case, you can try to make the simplest version of the cable yourself. To do this, you can take a piece of steel cord and on one side make a loop that will serve as a handle, and on the other - a knob (for this you can, for example, attach a nut).

Features of using a plumbing cable

The toilet is clogged, how to clean it with a cable? It is more convenient to work with this tool together. So, one person should push the cable deep into the pipe with reciprocating energetic movements, and his partner at this time should turn the wire. If a plug has formed in the toilet pipe, then after a while the cable will rest against the existing obstacle.

In this case, you need to use reciprocating movements to try to push the blockage or take it out. In this case, if it was not possible to achieve the desired result the first time, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. When performing such manipulations, it is important to ensure that the cable is in a taut state, since if it begins to twist inside the pipe, it will be impossible to continue cleaning. Moreover, in this case, there is a high probability of damage to the inner walls of the pipes.


Dorn is a steel springy tape with a tip. It, unlike the cable, cannot be rotated, but must be slowly pushed into the drain. Such work should be carried out carefully, in the absence of sudden movements. Otherwise, there is a chance that the mandrel will burst and part of the steel tape will get stuck in the drain, which will only aggravate the situation.

Manual cleaning method

Often, clogged toilets occur due to the ingress of household items (paper, towels) into it. If it is for this reason that the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case? If possible, it is necessary to remove all excess liquid from the plumbing unit, and then manually pull out the element that prevents the passage of water. Despite the fact that this procedure seems to be very simple, with such cleaning you need to be extremely careful, since it is possible that a hand may get stuck in the neck of the toilet.

call plumber

The toilet is clogged: what to do if none of these methods gave the expected result? In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist and call a plumber. It is possible that the blockage is not localized in the toilet, but in the riser. Such a situation can become a real disaster, since everything that the neighbors from above will flush down the toilet may soon end up on your floor.

Blockage Prevention

In order to prevent clogging of the toilet, you must follow certain recommendations.

If the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case, we now know well. The presented methods in the overwhelming majority of cases will effectively help to solve this such an unpleasant problem on their own. But still, it is better to follow preventive measures so as not to encounter blockages in the toilet.

Plumbing fixtures tend to get clogged over time. This is facilitated by deposits of salts of too hard water, urea and other sediment that enters the pipes and narrows the inner hole. And the owners have to choose: either call a professional plumber, or look for ways to help clean the toilet on their own. We will analyze better ways cleaning plumbing.

How to determine the causes and degree of blockage

Sewerage may not work for two main reasons:

  • the drain system is incorrectly made;
  • misuse, misuse.

If the drain pipe is not installed according to technology, for example, with a violation of the angle of inclination, then over time deposits will accumulate in the pipe and blockage will occur.

The lack of sufficient fan ventilation also leads to clogging of the sewer. This is due to a decrease in the rate of water draining if no air enters the riser pipe.

Violation of the conditions for the use of sewerage drains often occurs through the fault of residents.

After all, they do not hesitate to pour leftover food into it, fermented home-made preparations, like pickled tomatoes. And sometimes after cleaning the apartment along with the drained dirty water accidentally "runs away" and a rag. After such a “feeding”, the toilet refuses to work, blocking the passage of water into the pipes.

Clogging the toilet with cat litter and large pieces of toilet paper leads to the same consequences. Clay, which forms the basis of the clumping filler, settles in the pipe.

Insoluble materials, objects, toys that accidentally fall into the drain form a plug in the pipe. The same happens with sand, cement, and other building materials.

Without preventive filling with chemicals, your pipes will gradually overgrow with salt sediment and stop letting water through even without additional blockages.

When choosing products for cleaning the toilet, first find out the degree of blockage and, if possible, its cause. Water may flow in a slow trickle or not pass at all. It's easy to find out: you need to pour about a liter of water into the toilet and see if it's gone in half an hour. You should not use a tank to check, because when you press the button, all the available liquid will flow into the toilet (and it is at least three liters!). If the channel is clogged tightly, then the water will begin to overflow out onto the floor of the toilet.

Next, check how local the blockage is. Turn on the faucet in the bathroom and in the kitchen and see how the drain is. If the water leaves both points in the usual way, then the pipe at the outlet of the toilet is clogged. It drains the liquid into a common sewer pipe. If the flow is weak in all places, then the problem is in the common pipes, and more serious measures will have to be taken.

To prevent sewer pipes from becoming overgrown with salt sediment, prophylaxis should be carried out at least once every three months. For this, any chemical products that are designed for cleaning pipes are suitable. Pour the liquid according to the instructions at night when plumbing fixtures are not in use. And then no sediment will have time to settle on the walls of the pipes and turn into a stone, which is very difficult to deal with.

What to do if the toilet is clogged

If prevention has not been carried out, and the pipes are still clogged, try to corrode the blockage by flooding it with special compounds.

Folk remedies

Most simple means, which are in every kitchen - soda and vinegar.

They operate like this:

  1. bail out excess water, leaving a little at the drain.
  2. Pour in 1/2 pack of soda and push it as deep as possible.
  3. Pour in a glass of vinegar.
  4. Wait for the end of the reaction (about 15-20 minutes).
  5. Pour boiling water into the toilet bowl.

Soda ash, diluted in water, instantly gives out a chemical reaction if vinegar is splashed on it.

If the owners prefer not to use aggressive chemicals, then you can resort to folk remedies that have been tested for years and are safe.

If the problem concerns exclusively the toilet, then most often they use mechanical way, chemistry and punching with a plunger.


A more expensive option for chemical washing is store-bought special products, such as Mole, Tiret, Flup. They corrode everything that has accumulated inside the pipes (hair, lime scale, salts, grease, etc.). These potent agents should be used with caution, they have a pungent odor, corrode the skin, they should not be allowed to get into the eyes, so it is advisable to work with gloves. Read the instructions carefully before cleaning. After removing the plug from the deposits, flush the sewer with water.

You can't mix multiple various means or use them at the same time. As a result chemical reaction toxic substances can be formed and the situation will only worsen.

But the maximum effect should be expected if the pipes are not too “overgrown”, and the deposits are in their initial stages. If the sediment has time to petrify, then no chemistry is capable of penetrating it. That is why it is recommended to regularly flush the sewer with special products.

mechanical cleaning

If some object (a rag, an apple, etc.) got into the toilet bowl, and the owners guess the cause of the plug, then the first thing to do is to examine the place of release and the siphon. To do this, you have to scoop out all the water standing in the bowl, pull a rubber glove over your hand and, if possible, cover your nose with a gauze bandage, because the smell will not be pleasant. The hand is thrust as deep as possible into the drain hole and by touch they find out if there are any objects in the pipe. A rag or sponge can be easily pulled out with your fingers, and if some vegetable or fruit has got in, you can pry it off with a wire with a hook bent at the end.

If an object or a rag gets into the toilet, you should not blow it with air, otherwise you will drive the cork even further, from where you can’t remove it yourself

Using a plunger

If the cause of the blockage is not exactly known, but the water continues to drain slowly, then you can use it. Almost everyone has this device, so it will not be difficult to find. The main thing is that the diameter of the rubber suction cup should be larger than the diameter of the drain hole. Traditional models have a wooden handle, but more are available. modern designs. In this way, it is possible to eliminate the blockage that has formed in the siphon or a local pipe that discharges drains into public sewerage. Under the pressure of air and water, the garbage plug will move deeper and exit into a pipe of a larger diameter, after which it will float away from the house without hindrance.

The size of the rubber suction cup in the plunger should be larger than the toilet drain hole in order to tightly seal the area that you will punch

In order for the punching to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to close the hole for the lower and upper drains in the bathroom, kitchen and pump water in the toilet bowl with sharp jerks. With a slow drain, not only in the toilet, but in all sinks, this procedure should be repeated in each plumbing fixture, closing the holes of the rest.

How to get rid of blockage with a "doll"

Another makeshift fixture, which plumbers call a "doll", is used to clear pipe blockages. Sand is poured into a small bag and tightly tied, forming a punching "doll". It is attached to the end of a bent thick wire and abruptly lowered into the drain hole, breaking through the blockage, pushing objects or a lump of toilet paper further into the pipe, from where it goes down the riser. After this procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly flush the toilet.

"Doll" is a tightly tied bag of sand

Cleaning with a plastic bottle

From improvised means that can always be found at home, an ordinary plastic water bottle with a volume of 1.5 - 2.5 liters is suitable. The lid is left twisted, the bottom is cut off with a sharp knife and immersed in the toilet so that the cut edge touches the bowl deeper. Make a sharp push down, repeat several times. With such actions, we push through the blockage, causing a small water hammer and freeing the drain.

Not less than effective tool in some cases it will become a regular plastic bottle

Video: Using a plastic bottle to clear blockages

Using a rubber hose

This method acts on the blockage not only mechanically, but also hydrodynamically, with the help of pressure and high temperature. It works great in combination with by chemical means. We attach one end of the rubber hose to the faucet with hot water, and lower the other end into the toilet drain as far as possible. Open the faucet all the way and turn on hot water with strong pressure.

Corrugation cleaning

It often happens that the toilet is attached to the riser using a corrugated pipe. In the event of a blockage, such design feature will help clear the blockage. The water in the drain must be drawn out as far as possible, then the pipe must be removed, cleaned and replaced.

How to eliminate the complete coking of the system

Now let's figure out what to do if the toilet is completely clogged, blocking the flow of water. In this case, they buy or look for from neighbors special devices. Of all the things that can be used to clean the toilet, the most effective and convenient is the special one. It is quite flexible, has a metal braid and a handle at the end.

The flexible sewer cable is able to pass through the bends of the drain hole and pipes, but it needs to be assisted by the rotational movements of the handle

It is better to clean the pipes together, as the cable is advanced gradually and at the same time they make rotational movements with the handle. It is necessary to rotate so that the cable can pass the pipe bend, which is made for. Having advanced the device to the maximum depth, it is necessary to move it back and forth several times in order to stir up deposits on the pipe walls.

When you take out the cable after the end of the procedure, put an old rag on the floor and immediately wipe the removed part with a rag soaked in dishwashing detergent. Otherwise, you yourself will be smeared, and the floor will suffer. And the smell on the hands will be felt for a very long time.

Video: flexible sewer cleaning hose

Where to go if the toilet is clogged, but it was not possible to clean it

If you tried, as best you could, to clean the clogged toilet, but there was no improvement, then the problem may be with the common riser, through which sewage is removed from all apartments on the floors above. In this case, urgently call the organization servicing the house, and let the specialists deal with the problem.

In this case, water can not only stand in the toilet, but also arrive at a considerable speed and, after a short time, flow over the edge of the bowl and end up in the apartment.

In this case, urgently call the emergency service, the brigade that is in each management company, HOA, or call the organization serving the house, and let the specialists deal with the problem. You can call any plumbing service or master plumber. They eliminate the traffic jam quickly with the help of professional equipment.

The problem of toilet blockage has been solved, and in order for it not to occur again, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your plumbing and use it without violations. Regularly carry out prevention with the help of special means and then the atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort will reign in the house.

Clogging is the most common plumbing problem. It can be provoked by deposits of hard water salts, organic sediments and other debris that enters the sewer pipe, narrowing its inner hole.

In some cases, the clogging of the toilet is the result of the actions of the owners of the apartment, pouring leftover food into it, fermented homemade preparations and dirty water after cleaning the room. How to diagnose a blockage and what to do if the toilet is clogged without involving expensive specialists, let's try to understand this material.

Sewerage is an integral part of the water disposal and water supply system. It is designed to remove liquid and solid products of human vital activity, to purify household water from pollution and return them for further use or to a reservoir. The sewerage system is necessary for comfortable living in a house or apartment.

Residents apartment buildings are responsible for the condition of the sewer pipes in the apartment, and the owners of private property must independently deal with the arrangement of local treatment facilities, withdrawal of sewage and maintenance of pipelines and equipment.

To avoid unpleasant problems in the future, you should follow the requirements normative documents SNiP for water disposal and sewerage. Then the system will work normally, without requiring constant monitoring or adjustment.

Having a properly designed and installed system sewerage will make life more comfortable, help maintain the ecological balance on the site and extend the life of buildings

The structure of internal sewer networks includes:

  • plumbing fixtures with water drainage;
  • common riser , to which sewer pipes are connected;
  • piping, which ensures the process of transporting wastewater from the drain to the riser.

Requirements for internal networks are specified in SNiP " Internal sewerage”, in GOST and SNiP “Sewerage”. The systems are mounted inside the building and ensure the transportation of all drains from the place of their formation to the outlet of the pipe from the building.

Basic requirements for internal networks:

  1. When installing plumbing on drains, it is necessary.
  2. For laying networks, cast-iron or plastic pipes are used.
  3. The diameter of the outlet of the sewer system from the house is at least 110 mm.
  4. When laying pipes, a slope of 2 to 2.5% must be maintained.

The internal networks of the sewer system must be equipped with ventilation. The process of ventilation of networks is carried out through common sewer risers - an exhaust part is installed, which is displayed on the roof.

The main reason for clogging of sewer pipes in the bathroom is a significant accumulation of fat and other deposits on inner surface pipes

Due to the resulting blockages, the normal drainage of wastewater becomes impossible, therefore, it is necessary to immediately resume the full functioning of the sewer system. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences due to a blockage in the pipeline, you need to call specialists or clean the sewer yourself.

How is the sewerage system in the apartments?

Sewerage in modern apartments performs the task of removing human waste. To this end, from each point where waste is generated (toilet, sink and bathtub), a waste output line is installed to a common sewer riser.

The apartments located on the neighboring floors are connected to it. Riser - a large pipe with a diameter of 0.1 m, located in the bathroom.

All sewer systems that are being built in apartment buildings and private houses must strictly comply with building and sanitary standards.

Previously, only cast iron pipes, and now mainly plastic ones are installed. In a plastic pipeline, the possibility of blockages is less likely, since defects do not appear on the walls, and the “overgrowth” of the riser section is very rare.

To facilitate cleaning of the riser in a high-rise building, holes are made on each floor - sewer revisions.

Most often, cast-iron pipes of the sewer system, which are found in houses of the old fund, are subject to blockages. Overgrown pipes have increased resistance to drains, are subject to external factors

The standard configuration of a plumbing fixture (toilet, washbasin or bathtub) is quite simple:

  • drain hole of the device;
  • siphon (curved elbow, which is connected to the waste disposal line);
  • pipeline supply to the riser;
  • large pipe or riser.

A blockage can be observed in any area, while it should be borne in mind that the cause of its appearance is man-made. In the case of using a plumbing fixture for its intended purpose, problems should not be observed.

What to do if there are signs of blockage?

Every property owner should know what to do if the toilet is clogged in the bathroom. The first step is to warn the neighbors living on the floor above and ask them not to temporarily use the toilet, bathroom and washbasin. Then it is recommended to make a chop or kwach, which should be plugged into the drain hole.

How to make the simplest chop:

  1. It is necessary to take a wooden block about 0.5 m in length, the cross section of which is 1 cm smaller than the toilet drain.
  2. The bar should be wrapped with sheet foam rubber (1 cm thick) in several layers.
  3. On the "balda" you need to put on several plastic bags, tying them with twine.
  4. "Bald" chop must be firmly installed in the drain hole.

After that, with the help of neighbors, you can find out the cause of the blockage. plumbing device and locate the blockage.

The most correct solution for a clogged toilet is to call a housing office plumber who will make an accurate “diagnosis” and fix the problem on his own or call an emergency service

If the water from the toilet is slowly leaving, and everything is in order with your neighbors, then the blockage occurred before the line exited the sewer pipe. With a local blockage, you can call a plumber to your house, or you can try to eliminate the cause of its appearance yourself.

If the water in your toilet rises with the taps closed and without draining the tank, then the clog is located down the common riser.

A common cause of a clogged toilet is the “overgrowth” of sewer pipes. In this case, a rag or other object thrown into the toilet will lead to unpleasant consequences.

In most cases, clearing a clogged toilet or cleaning a sewer pipe can be successfully done on your own. Chemicals are used to clean pipes. mechanical methods. Methods for removing blockages in an apartment building or in a private house do not have fundamental differences.

The main causes of clogged toilet

The main task of the owner of the house is to identify the problem of clogging plumbing in a timely manner and urgently take measures to eliminate it. When water stagnates in the toilet, it is necessary to act quickly, but first you need to determine whether the water is draining in the remaining sewer units (sink, shower, bath).

The main causes of clogged toilets are:

  • "overgrowth" of sewer pipes;
  • improper operation of plumbing equipment;
  • poor choice of model and errors in the installation of the toilet.

If the water from the toilet gradually leaves, and your neighbors are all right, then the blockage is located no further than the outlet of the main into the sewer pipe. In the event of local clogging of plumbing, you can call a professional specialist, or you can try to fix the problem yourself.

The main reason for the slow departure of water is the "overgrowth" of sewer pipes.

As a rule, minor blockages can be eliminated independently by various methods. Home sewer cleaning: soda, cable, plunger

In case of violation of the rules for operating the sewer system or due to the ingress of sand, grease, hair and other insoluble substances into the system, blockage often occurs. The lumen of the pipe decreases and if the problem is not immediately eliminated, then the drain becomes denser, causing the "paralysis" of the sewage system.

As a result of clogging of plumbing, water stops partially or completely leaving, and an unpleasant smell appears in the bathroom. In order to eliminate this problem, it is necessary to clean the sewer.

Errors in the installation of plumbing equipment usually occur when you choose the wrong model of the toilet, which is not structurally compatible with the place of its installation. The presence of this problem is indicated by an incorrect slope of the water drain line from the plumbing fixture to the riser. In rare cases, the design of the toilet contributes to the formation of blockages.

In order to choose the right high-quality plumbing equipment that is optimal for your conditions, it is recommended to consult with professional plumbers before buying

Blockage in the riser apartment building- this is a “public” problem, since you or your neighbors can be its initiators, and collective participation is not excluded.

Clogging of liquid waste along the highway within the apartment is your problem, so it’s better to fix it yourself. rags, cat toilet, diapers, construction debris and other items that have fallen into the toilet are not liquid waste, so these blockages are rather difficult to eliminate.

Effective Ways to Clear a Clogged Toilet

A blockage often forms in the sewer, as a result of which the water stagnates and it becomes impossible to operate the plumbing equipment. At the same time, an unpleasant smell arises in the bathroom, which cannot be weathered.

Before you start cleaning sewer pipes, you need to identify the source of standing water. Usually a toilet blockage is the result of improper use of the drain hole.

In every 2nd sewer pipe there is mud plug, which can create discomfort for residents of an apartment or a country house

There are several effective ways to get rid of a clogged toilet on your own.

Method number 1 - cleaning pipes with vinegar and soda

If the sewer pipes are clogged in the bathroom, in most cases you can not seek help from professional plumbers. First, you can try to clean the sewer system yourself, using water, table vinegar and soda. It's simple and effective method cleaning sewer pipes from simple blockages.

A quick fix for a simple clogged toilet is baking soda, vinegar, and hot water. These methods are distinguished by their availability and ease of execution.

Before you start removing the blockage, you need to heat a bucket of water to the boiling point, after which you need to pour the water into the problematic toilet bowl, while creating a strong pressure. To do this, install the bucket in such a way that hot water is poured into the toilet as quickly and at right angles as possible.

If the liquid after cleaning began to gradually go away, you must repeat the procedure. These simple steps will allow you to cope with light blockages.

An equally difficult option for cleaning the toilet from blockage is using vinegar and ordinary soda. The ingredients are poured into the siphon in equal amounts(2-3 spoons). After about 20-30 minutes, they can be washed off with hot water. Despite the simplicity of performing the above steps, self-cleaning of clogging requires strict adherence to safety measures.

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It should be noted that a single cleaning of the equipment with special means does not always help, after a while it must be repeated. You can combine the chemical method of removing clogging with a mechanical one.

Chemical methods of influence can be successfully combined with mechanical ones, which is especially important for those who at a particular unpleasant moment do not have plumbing tools and fixtures:

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The length of the cable may vary and is selected depending on the design of the plumbing equipment. The tool will help eliminate the "far" blockage of the toilet

Possible complications after punching a blockage

What to do if the cable hits an obstacle:

  • if the tool rests against the back of the bowl of the toilet bowl, it is necessary to continue pushing movements until it slips deeper;
  • if the vertical wall of the riser interferes with the movement of the cable, then a tool with a length of more than 1.5 m is needed;
  • if the toilet has a direct outlet, the cable is pushed horizontally through the pipe to the riser. The tip of the cable may come across a blockage, which must be pushed into the riser with translational movements back and forth.

Everyone at least once in their life faced with the solution of the problem of how to clean the blockage in the toilet.

It is important to assess the situation before you begin active disaster relief efforts.

If contaminated water is overflowing and threatening to flood your home, call the emergency services and management company immediately.

Even in the middle of the night, on a day off, and you are not a permanent resident, all this no longer matters.

The emergency must be dealt with by the emergency services.

It is also necessary to block the sewer riser, notify other residents.

All this should be done by utilities while you perform emergency actions while waiting for an emergency.

But if the situation is unpleasant, but not critical, the toilet is clogged, water accumulates and passes very slowly, when the water is drained, the drains rise into sewer hole bathroom, an unpleasant smell appears, you can start looking for a place of blockage and try to find out how to clear a blockage in the toilet yourself.

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of clogged pipes, since improper sewage operation threatens the sanitary condition of the room.

Blockages usually occur at bends, transitions, pipe joints.

On a straight and smooth track new pipe tubal obstruction is unlikely. In old cast-iron pipes, overgrown with various deposits from the inside, everything is possible, but then it is urgent to completely change the sewer risers.

What can cause a clogged pipe?

Thick paper, newspapers, unshredded food waste, rags, sponges, congealed grease, any items accidentally dropped into the sewer, hairballs, plastic bags, used hygiene products.

Recently clumping chemical cat litters have been added to the usual causes of pollution.

Such funds literally cement the sewer, creating a complete obstruction. In this case, only professionals can clean the pipes with the help of special tools.

In order to avoid obstruction of the sewerage, it is highly advisable to place a convenient bucket with a lid for paper waste in the toilet. If all neighbors in the riser do the same, the likelihood of traffic jams in the sewer will be minimized.

What cleaning products are available?

Remedies and methods for clogging the toilet can be divided into the following groups:

  • 1. Chemicals and washing.
  • 2. Mechanical means without examining the pipe
  • 3. Deep mechanical means(sanitary cables)
  • 4. Technical. Analysis of the corrugation, pipe section, complete or partial replacement of the pipeline. In such cases, it is better to call the emergency services.

The common task of all methods is to clear the clogged section of the pipe and remove contamination.

Chemical pipe cleaning methods

Hot water

If you are confident in the quality of your plumbing, try clearing the clogged toilet by pouring a bucket into the toilet hot water. Be careful, the water should be hot, but not boiling water.. It is necessary to fill the toilet bowl by 80% and wait a couple of minutes, then try to break through the blockage with a plunger or just flush the water.

By the way, this method works great if you clog the toilet with cat litter.

An easy way - a bucket of hot water with soda

A bucket of water will take about half a pack of soda.

This is a rather aggressive composition, but it will not be able to damage the pipes.

Soda effectively dissolves various organic contaminants and fats.

By the way, soda washes burnt fat no less effectively than vaunted branded gels.

Another thing is that soda can simply clean off the Teflon surface due to a slight abrasive effect.

If the cork is soluble, then a hot soda solution will cope with it.

Mole and its modifications

Acid-based products do not dissolve blockages, but they can really damage pipes.

For cleaning the toilet "Mole" is practically not suitable due to the presence of a water lock.

into the pipe, i.e. workplace"Mole" will hit only in a very diluted form, absolutely incapable of dissolving the blockage, but completely damaging the pipe.

Why are acid products not effective? The answer to this question lies in the course of chemistry of the 8th-9th grade of high school and in the selective action of various acids. Acids that dissolve organic matter do not dissolve polyethylene, and plastic bags are the cause of half of the blockages.

Acids that dissolve polyethylene do not dissolve organics, but easily dissolve plastic sections of pipes and part of metal structures.

The use of "Mole", effective in the past decades, before the significant spread of plastic packaging, was very effective.

Currently, "Mole" can be successfully used to dissolve organic blockages in the sewers of private houses.

Tricks with Fae

It is better to really pour half a bottle of "fairy" into the toilet. If the blockage is fatty, the "fairy" will dissolve it without difficulty. But greasy blockages, often found in the kitchen, are quite rare in the fecal sewer.

Shampoos and regular foaming detergents it is highly undesirable to lower it into the sewer.

Folk remedies "Pepsi and Cola"

Remove effectively yellow coating and darkening from plumbing. It's true. On this, the benefits of these drinks are exhausted.

Of the remedies presented, the most effective is a solution of soda in hot water..

We will not consider options with a solution of bleach and pouring bottles of "whiteness" into the sewer.

Chlorine solutions effectively prevent blockages with regular use.

Several decades ago, disinfection of sanitary facilities with chlorine was a mandatory procedure in all public places.

In clinics, hospitals, first-aid posts, state institutions. This procedure was abandoned due to the harmful effects of toxic chlorine vapor on the body. Modern disinfectants have a viscous structure and are characterized by a longer duration of action compared to liquid solutions and less harmful fumes.

The use of disinfectants in cistern or in the toilet bowl reduces the risk of blockages.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Mechanical pipe cleaning methods are generally more effective than chemical methods. There are household methods for removing obstructions, such as a plunger and more technologically advanced ones, to eliminate blockages deep inside pipes, using plumbing cables.

Using a plunger

Plunger is essential tool for effective elimination small blockages.

The plunger creates hydraulic tension in the pipe, destroying and pushing most of the contaminants forward.

How to use a plunger?

Take the plunger by the handle, place the suction cup over the drain and perform 5-10 sharp and strong pushing movements. Unstick the plunger, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Usually, several approaches and about 10 minutes are enough to eliminate pollution. After removing the pollution, for preventive purposes it is good to pour one or two buckets of warm water with soda into the toilet bowl.

The plunger must be kept clean and placed in a disinfectant liquid. after use or rinse thoroughly.

Plastic bottle

In case of emergency, a plastic bottle can replace the plunger.

How to use a pipe cleaning bottle?

FROM plastic bottle the bottom is cut off, the lid is screwed tightly and with the resulting device you can try to create a hydraulic wave, like a plunger.

After use, the contaminated bottle should be immediately disposed of in the trash.

Using a plumbing cable

There are several modifications.

From household, no more than 5 meters long, to professional devices, which can easily break through a blockage in a toilet bowl or pipeline.

A conventional plumbing cable is a metal elastic springy cable with a handle.

The cable is gently inserted into the plumbing fixture and rotates, pushing through and destroying the cause of blockages. A metal brush is often made at the end of the cable, with which you can get the object that caused the obstruction.

If the cause of the blockage of the pipe could not be eliminated, contact the plumbers serving your home. Eliminating the cause of a blocked tube can take a long time and require special knowledge and skills.

In order not to take on unnecessary responsibility for flooding neighbors with fecal masses as a result of unprofessional actions, it is better to seek help from specialists.

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The worst thing that can happen in an apartment is a clogged sewer, or rather a toilet. The only thing worse is the collapse of the ceilings. If this happens, your first helper is calmness. Assess the degree and nature of the blockage. There may be several external signs of blockage assessment: without your participation, the toilet is filled with anything, and all this also pours out through the top. The reason is the drain stop on the riser below the drain hole from your apartment. What to do? Read more about this in our article.

Warn the neighbors upstairs not to use the toilet, bathroom, washbasin. Make a quach or chop and plug the drain hole in your toilet. The simplest chop can be made as follows:

  • take any wooden block 0.5 m long, which in cross section is 1 cm smaller than the toilet drain;
  • wrap it around sheet foam 1 cm thick in several (3-4) layers;
  • put on a "balda" plastic bag(preferably several) and tie with twine in 1-2 places;
  • hard to install "bastard" into the toilet flush.

Now you can take a break and, with the help of your neighbors, clarify the situation with the blockage site, and possibly the cause. The most correct thing in this situation is to call the housing office plumber, who will make a more or less accurate “diagnosis” and either fix the problem himself or call an emergency gang.

If the water from the toilet goes at least a little, and the neighbors are all right, it means that the blockage has occurred no further exit of your highway into the sewer pipe, i.e. all the troubles you have nearby, in the apartment. Such a blockage is called local - you can call a plumber, or you can try it yourself.

Water slowly leaves the toilet, but everything shows that she will soon get tired of it. The main reason is the "overgrowth" of pipes. After that, any rag thrown into the toilet will put the entrance "on the ears."

Causes of blockages

The main causes of blockages are "overgrowth" of pipes, improper operation and errors in the installation and installation of the toilet. "Overgrowth" of the runoff occurs in cast iron and metal pipes, on the walls of which, during operation, roughness appears, for which hair, threads cling, toilet paper, small items such as buttons, pins when draining a tub or sink. Even a small piece of soap can become the center of a blockage - it sticks to the pipe wall, accumulates small particles of everything in the world that happens in domestic wastewater - fish scales, vegetable peelings, food leftovers on plates ... and off we go.

Clearance sewer pipe decreases and if the blockage is not immediately eliminated, then the drain is rammed and "paralysis" of the sewer system. Rags, ropes, children's toys and other items that are not at all intended for disposal through the sewerage of a residential building “help” blockages especially well.

Installation errors occur when a particular toilet is chosen incorrectly - it is not structurally compatible with the installation site. This is expressed in wrong slope of the highway drain from the toilet to the riser. And finally, often the design of the toilet bowl itself contributes to the formation of blockages. Therefore, not everything that looks beautiful is suitable for use without a headache - before buying a toilet, consult knowledgeable people. But a certain "sewer technical minimum" you need to know yourself.

Clogged riser- the problem is "public": you and any apartment above you can be its initiators, and collective creativity is not excluded. A blockage along the liquid waste route within the apartment is your personal achievement, and it is better to fix it yourself. Construction debris, rags, diapers, cat litter - do not belong to the category of liquid waste at all, so blockages from them are sometimes extremely difficult to remove.

How is sewerage arranged in our apartments?

Sewerage in our apartments performs the noble task of removing liquid waste. To do this, from each point where such waste is generated - a sink, a bathtub, a toilet - there is waste outlet line before sewer riser, to which all apartments located one above the other are connected.

The riser is a pipe large diameter, up to 100 mm, located in the bathroom. Before the onset plastic technologies cast-iron pipes were used, and now they are predominantly plastic, for which the problem of blockages is less likely, because their walls do not have burrs and surface defects, due to which "Overgrowing" of the section of the riser almost excluded.

To facilitate cleaning of the riser in the "skyscrapers", auxiliary holes are made in it on each floor - sewer revisions. The standard configuration of a plumbing fixture - a bathtub, a washbasin, a toilet bowl - looks simple:

  • drainer;
  • siphon (curved elbow included in the waste disposal route);
  • pipe supply to the riser;
  • riser.

A blockage can occur in any area, but you should know that its cause is man-made - when using plumbing for its intended purpose, there are no problems.

Dealing with clogged toilets

It is best to deal with blockages when they are not there - to properly operate the plumbing, carry out prevention at least once every 3-4 months and respond in time to the first sign of an impending disaster - a slow drain of water. The best and correct option is to invite a plumber, but they rarely pamper us, and the toilet in the house is in demand all 24 hours a day. There are many ways to eliminate blockages, which one will help for sure - you can’t say in advance, but by consistently applying a set of measures, you can succeed at home to the delight.

If you have a simple blockage or it has just begun to appear, proceed in sequence:

Did not help?

This means that your blockage qualifies as dense and a professional is used to eliminate it. technical means for mechanical cleaning pipes and risers - plumbing cable. Its design is simple and its efficiency is maximum. In addition, after applying any of the above cleaning methods, it is still recommended to additionally “cut off” with a cable sediment residues from the walls of the pipes.

They work with the cable, as a rule, together: one rotates the handle, and the second pushes the cable into the main. The alternation of rotation and reciprocating motion allows you to either push the cause of the blockage down or pull it out.

Another way - chemical, is associated with the use of substances that dissolve blockage in the truest sense of the word, but it is used less frequently than others because of the complexity and danger of working with chemicals.

It is very easy to check the result of your work - two or three tank drains will establish the status quo of your increased skill. After removing the blockage, it is not out of place flush the toilet at least hot water - this will be the first preventive maintenance. If in the course of work you had to dismantle the toilet bowl, then when reassembling, update the gaskets, seals, connecting nodes and you can expect that the next emergency will not be soon.

Preventive measures during the operation of the toilet

Helping you avoid toilet problems preventive measures. Their set is not so big, but it's sad that not everything depends only on the residents of a particular apartment - anyone in the riser can send a diaper down the drain. Fat deposits and "overgrowth" of pipes are a "working environment" for sewers and the main cause of blockages. How to deal with them is described above, but you can only warn them when strict observance simple rules , which are hard to take root:

  1. Use the toilet only for its intended purpose - the bathroom is not a trash can.
  2. If you had to eliminate the blockage, then you need to do this carefully, and not just before the elimination of standing water: process rope several times the site of blockage, accompanying cleaning by rinsing with hot water.
  3. Once a month or two, to destroy deposits on the walls of pipes, drain 2-3 buckets of hot water.
  4. Siphon cleaning chemical means should become a mandatory preventive measure - 2-3 minutes of monthly maintenance will save you from stressful situations. The simplest option such cleaning - soda, vinegar in equal amounts (2-3 tablespoons) are poured into the siphon, after 20-30 minutes they are washed off with hot water.

To combat blockages, a primitive, but still, tool is used. If your household is always on the alert gloves, plunger, chop, find a place for them in the bathroom or behind the bath screen, and they will help you out. And if a cable a couple of meters long is added to this, then you are not afraid of any emergency situations.

As old as the world is a warning-wish - your comfort is in your hands, so use this life wisdom so that you and your neighbors can live without problems with "sewer" overtones.

Cleaning the toilet with improvised means