Finishing the steam room in the bath with your own hands - from floor to ceiling. Finishing the bath: choosing the best materials for the steam room, washing room and changing room How to finish the floor in the steam room

  • 23.06.2020

To perform the interior decoration of the bath, you need knowledge of the properties of wood and stone, safety requirements and minimal skills in working with wood. We will talk about the materials and types of finishes recommended for use in the bath, and the skills of a joiner and carpenter will have to be acquired along the way.

Does the bath need finishing

Regardless of what kind of bath you have - Russian, Finnish sauna or Turkish hammam, a bath is high temperature and high humidity. Without finishing, without isolating the walls, floor and roof, you will be forced to heat the steam room for hours, and with it the surrounding air, throwing money literally into the wind.

Due to the difference between the external and internal temperatures, moisture will settle on the walls as condensate, which over time will lead to the formation of fungus, mold and rotting of wooden structures. If the building is made of masonry material (brick or blocks), a steam room without finishing threatens to burn when in contact with a red-hot wall. Only in the case when the bath is cut down from logs or folded from timber, can it be left without additional finishing if the thickness of the walls provides standard resistance to heat transfer. If this is not the case, we return to reading the first sentence of the paragraph.

If the bath is made of logs, complete interior decoration can be omitted

There are many requirements for the decoration of the bath in terms of safety:

The walls and floor of the bath are most often insulated with stone or basalt wool, but this is not the best option: mats and slabs of mineral insulation contain a small amount of bituminous binder, which evaporates under the influence of high temperature, as well as the smallest particles of fibers that cause irritation when deposited on the skin.

A safer and more economical option - foam glass insulation - allows you to avoid these deficiencies. Vapor barrier is performed with aluminum foil or foiled polyurethane foam, which belongs to the group of non-combustible materials and will serve as an additional heat insulator.

Finishing materials for a bath - how not to make a mistake

Interior decoration different rooms in the bath, performs different tasks, in accordance with them, and choose the type of finish.

Table: requirements for finishing the bath

roomPeculiaritiesType of finish
steam roomHigh temperature - fire protection of wood is required. Humidity - impregnation with antiseptic and fungicide is requiredCeramic tiles or porcelain stoneware with waterproofing, hardwood flooring, drainageHardwood cladding, stone or brick cladding at the heaterHardwood false ceiling
washingHumidity - materials are needed that allow periodic washing of surfacesCeramic tiles or porcelain stoneware with non-slip surface, drainageTiling or finishing with materials that allow wet cleaningmoisture resistant painting or suspended ceiling
RestroomNo requirementsWood or underfloor heating with tilesNo requirementsNo requirements

Steam room finishing

For steam room cladding, it is better to use hardwood, which does not emit resin when heated. When choosing a material for wall cladding, one must remember that a bath is not only pleasant, but also useful. Inhaling phytoncides secreted by a heated tree into the steam room, we increase the body's resistance to colds, and heal the respiratory tract.

Type of woodAdvantagesFlaws
OakSturdy wood, durable, excellent appearance Slips when wet, high price
AshDurable wood with beautiful pattern, resistant to decayHigh price
BirchLight pleasant aromaIt is susceptible to decay, does not hold its shape well at high temperatures
LindenIt has a pleasant color when heated, exudes a delicate aroma, is resistant to rot and high temperatures, is affordableNot
AspenLow price, light pleasant aromaSubject to rotting, over time changes color to dirty gray
AlderBeautiful appearance, reasonable price, odorless, does not absorb odors, durableNot

If you are interested in a budget option for finishing - choose alder, if there are no cost restrictions, then the best option is ash.

Bath, trimmed with ash clapboard, will look prestigious and expensive

For lovers of coniferous smells, a combined finish can be offered: where contact with the skin is possible, we make hardwood finishes, and, for example, we sheathe the space under the shelves with cedar, larch or pine.

For lining the wall section near the heater, it is necessary to choose a material with high heat capacity and thermal conductivity, which ensures maximum accumulation and uniform heat transfer. The structure of the stone must be homogeneous so that it does not explode when water enters. Stones are selected round or oval in shape with a smooth surface for free air circulation, the optimal size is from 5 to 21 cm. Another requirement is environmental safety: when heated, they should not emit harmful substances.

Table: properties of stones for a bath

Gabbro - diabaseGabbro - diabase is the most affordable and popular option. The stone is dark gray, almost black in color with low water absorption, excellent heat capacity and very durable. Unfortunately, with strong heating, it emits an unpleasant odor, and when essential oil enters, it forms carbon deposits on the surface.
SoapstoneTalcochlorite is durable, strong, has excellent heat capacity, it comes in colors from light gray to cherry. In order to exclude dusting, the stones are washed and calcined before the first use. It has a pleasant, light steam with a healing effect: reduces pressure, heals respiratory system and skin. Negative characteristic - high price.
BasaltBasalt is the hardest stone of all volcanic rocks. It has only positive characteristics - it is strong, durable, has a large heat capacity, perfectly tolerates temperature changes, does not emit harmful substances. I am pleased with the availability even the price.
JadeJadeite belongs to semi-precious stones, so do not be surprised at the high price of this mineral. The color from white through emerald green to black makes it attractive in appearance, and its medicinal properties were appreciated even in ancient China. An excellent choice for people who care about their health.
Crimson quartziteRaspberry quartzite, just like jadeite, is attractive in appearance with its bright color and has excellent operational qualities - hardness, durability, heat resistance, low water absorption and environmental safety. It perfectly tolerates high temperatures, you can pour water on it without fear of an “explosion”. When buying, you should avoid split stones, as they will continue to crumble.
white quartzWhite quartz is not very durable and does not tolerate high temperatures, but due to its spectacular appearance it is one of the most expensive stones: this translucent mineral consists of silicon and oxygen molecules, and when heated, it releases ozone, which makes the steam room with it especially useful.

The ceiling in the steam room above the heater, as well as the wall behind it and the floor around it, requires protection with fireproof material. Above the heater, you can make a plot false ceiling from soapstone slab. Soapstone is a versatile material for heater stones, floor and ceiling wall cladding. A more budget option is a metal sheet above the stove, the foundation and wall cladding of solid, well-fired bricks.

Soapstone can be used not only as a material for stones, but also as a wall and ceiling decoration behind the heater

The floor in the steam room is made of concrete or ceramic tiles, with waterproofing and a drain for draining water. Hardwood flooring is laid on top.

Finishing materials for washing

A washing room with open shower screens requires the installation of channels, drains and a moisture-resistant finish: facing with ceramic tiles or other durable and moisture-resistant material that can withstand elevated temperatures.

If you plan to install individual shower cabins, such a finish is not required, you can sheathe the walls with clapboard, paint them or plaster them with moisture-resistant decorative plaster.

In order for water not to affect the frame of the sink, it is tiled

It is desirable to perform floors with heating. The tile should be with a rough surface, excluding slippage. It is undesirable to make an oak floor in wet rooms, as it is very slippery when wet. A coating of coniferous wood is welcome, especially larch, as the most resistant to decay.

The area of ​​the floor near the font, where significant spills of water are possible, is best made of ceramic tiles with a ladder.

The ceiling of the washing room will have to be washed periodically, respectively, the material must withstand processing detergents: larch lining, metal rack or cassette suspended ceilings.


The rest room has no restrictions on decoration, with the exception of a warm floor - it is always pleasant to walk barefoot on a warm tree. The rest of the interior design depends on the taste and requirements of the owner of the bath.

Photo gallery: options for finishing the premises of the bath

In this steam room, the firewood rack serves as an interesting element of the interior. Soft diffused light and heat from a brick Russian stove will create an unforgettable experience of visiting the bath Protective rail lampshades protect lamps from mechanical influences and create directional light streams It is very comfortable to take bath procedures in a small steam room The interior of the steam room is very decorated with a combined layout of a lining made of wood different types A steam room for a large company should be heated by a high-powered heater

Do-it-yourself bath decoration

In order to be beautiful in the bath, you need to choose reliable and high-quality finishing materials and mount them in accordance with the specifics of the premises described in the previous sections.

Choice of finishing materials

The choice that takes into account the size of the building, personal taste and financial component will be optimal for each owner of the bath. In order not to make a mistake when buying material, you must first:

Calculation of the area of ​​premises

To determine the need for materials, it is necessary to know the surface area to be finished. All calculations are done in meters.

For the floor and ceiling, multiply the length of the room by its width. To get the area of ​​the walls, we calculate the perimeter of the room: add the length and width and multiply by two. The product is multiplied by the height of the ceilings. From the result we subtract the area of ​​​​doors and windows, if any.

In rooms with complex combined finishes, the area of ​​​​each section is calculated separately.

How to buy quality materials and prepare them for installation

When choosing a material, it is necessary to pay attention first of all to the quality of the goods.

Calculation of the need for materials

  1. Find the area of ​​one board. So, with a standard length of 6 m and a thickness of 90 mm, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe board will be equal to 6 ∙ 0.09 \u003d 0.54 m 2.
  2. Calculate the surface area to be treated. Suppose that it is necessary to upholster the walls of a room measuring 3 x 6 m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m. The surface area is: (3 + 6) ∙ 2 ∙ 2.5 \u003d 45 m 2.
  3. Calculate the number of boards. To do this, we divide the surface area by the area of ​​​​one board: 45 / 0.54 \u003d 83.3 boards.

For example, here is the specification of the material for finishing the steam room:

In the same way, the need for wood is calculated for the remaining rooms.

To calculate paint and varnish materials, the surface area should be multiplied by the paint consumption, which is usually given on the package in liters per square meter. The product will show how many liters of paint you need to buy.

All goods must be bought with a margin of 10%, taking into account the tolerance for waste and defects in work.

Required Tools

To finish the bath with your own hands you will need:

  1. Perforator.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Building level.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Furniture stapler.
  6. Plane.
  7. Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  8. Self-tapping screws, nails or clamps.

Step-by-step instructions for finishing the bath

Work is performed after laying electrical wiring and ventilation ducts, starting from the floor. The floor of the steam room is raised 10-15 cm above the level of adjacent rooms. After the clean floor is laid, proceed to the decoration of the walls. The ceiling is completed last.

  1. Making a frame for insulation. The frame is assembled from a 100x40 mm timber impregnated with a flame retardant and fungicide. The beam is fastened with screws or dowels to the wall at intervals equal to the width of the insulation plate minus 5 mm.

    A frame made of wooden beams is mounted on the walls and ceiling

  2. Heater installation. Between the bars of the frame, slabs or mats of insulation are laid on heat-resistant glue with additional mount dowels, 5–6 pcs. per 1 m 2.
  3. Installation of heat-reflecting material. Aluminum foil or foil fire-resistant film, for example, foil foam, is fixed with staples using construction stapler to the insulation layer.

    On the heat-reflecting layer, a counter-lattice is mounted under the finish coating

  4. Wall cladding. The lining is attached to the frame in accordance with the selected layout. Nails are hammered into the grooves so that they are not visible on the finish. Nail the plinth.

    For finishing the premises in the bath, you can choose different types of wood with different shades of color.

    Frame installation false ceiling. To the floor logs or to the walls of the 100x50 timber with a vertical orientation, the frame of the false ceiling is attached. The distance between the bars should correspond to the width of the insulation board minus 5 mm for the spacer.

    The ceiling installation is started after the wall cladding

    Installation of heat-reflecting material. Foil or foil material is fixed in the same way as on the walls.

    Clapboard ceiling lining. It is carried out similarly to wall upholstery. The section of the ceiling above the stove is protected by non-combustible material: stainless steel sheet or plate material. Attached ceiling plinth.

    A foil vapor barrier is attached to the insulation, and then a lining is nailed to the finished crate

Video: interior decoration of the steam room

Having got acquainted with the requirements for the premises of the bath and having studied the information on the correct execution of the finish, you have received the necessary theoretical knowledge. The work does not require special professional skills and is within the power of any homeowner.

A truly conscientious finish of a bathhouse is not only aesthetic visual characteristics, but also an excellent smell of natural wood, a long service life of the finish, as well as the sauna building itself.
Interior decoration must be done with high quality and in such a way that everyone who doesn’t get there admires not only the beauty of the finish, smells, but also how well the steam is preserved in the cherished steam room.

Finishing the steam room in the bath the best options

As they say, in a real steam room of a Russian bath, the steam is such that “it’s just right to hang axes.” It is simply impossible to steam in some baths, as the temperature in them reaches temperatures up to 120 degrees Celsius.
Therefore, the decoration of the walls in the steam room becomes so important, which serves not only to protect the walls from the effects of steam, but also the person from paired burns or allergies.

Wall and ceiling decoration

The so-called "lining" or modern panels for sheathing as a bath finish - a truly universal choice. The question may rightly arise: why?
Well, for starters, because finishing a steam room in a bath with your own hands using the indicated materials is not a difficult process, and the walls with such a finish look more even and acquire the ability to “breathe”, which is caused by good microcirculation. Condensation will not form on such a wall of the steam room in the bath, what can we say about external characteristics. In addition, the installation of the "lining" itself is very simple, for such work you do not need to be a carpenter or a master in this matter at all.

Finishing a steam room in a bath with your own hands using lining

It is worth remembering one very, very important detail- the bath will not tolerate varnish for a wooden "lining". Some varnishes and so-called "stains" at sufficiently high temperatures will release substances harmful and dangerous to human health.

Good wood equals good finishes

The interior decoration of the bath is a fairly simple process, but it should be well prepared for it.
A large part of the whole process and the subsequent operation of the walls, their durability depend on how high-quality the wood from which the finishing material is made will be. High-quality material will always be sufficiently well dried, properly cut, will not have various notches, cracks or protruding marks from knots on the surface structure.
For example, hardwood "lining" is almost the most ideal option. It is characterized by a low heat capacity, which is why the bath room will heat up very well and quickly, and at the same time the walls will not be hot enough to burn or get burned.

Each breed is good in its own way. For example, birch panels have the ability to positively influence the human body as a whole, aspen has healing properties.
A truly universal solution can be your desire and the realization of a combination of several types of breeds at once.
Although, if you figure it out well, then the birch has a loose structure, so when harvesting it will dry out quite a lot. It is easy to process, but if there is an alternative, then it is better to refuse it.

Finishing the steam room with hardwood clapboard

And larch, as an example, has good indicators of durability due to the fact that it perfectly copes with temperature changes (sometimes very sharp and quite large) and high humidity.
As for the linden, it is attractive with its light shade. In addition, it is quite moisture resistant and has good mechanical properties. It also heats up for a long time, so it is suitable for finishing both walls and ceilings. She can even sheathe a wall near the stove for reasons of fire safety. With all this, when heated, the linden begins to smell very pleasant. To avoid darkening on this type of material, it will have to be processed special formulations.

Linden is also referred to as "honey plants", which adds to it the property and ability to "breathe". It perfectly absorbs moisture and gives additional sound insulation. What can we say about the medicinal properties.
The best option for "your taste" will be aspen. It is also suitable for finishing the ceilings of the steam room. Its mechanical performance is so perfect that it has long been used even in the construction of drinking wells, even cellars.
With proper harvesting and drying of this breed, the strength indicators grow many times, so that it will be difficult to even hammer a nail into such a plate. Suitable for your bathroom floors.
Also, aspen is not at all susceptible to festering, and its resistance to various fungal diseases - mold, for example, will be a pleasant plus. In addition, there are opinions that aspen helps to get rid of migraines and headaches.

Finishing the floor in the steam room

The floor in the steam room should have a quick "drainage"

When it comes to finishing the floor in your steam room, keep in mind that the temperature there is much lower than closer to the ceiling. It rarely reaches 30-40 degrees Celsius. The floor in the steam room of your bath can even be earthen, concrete or clay.
It is important to take into account the moment that the floor must have a quick "drainage".
Of course, in order to avoid various kinds of thermal shocks, it is recommended to additionally cover your floor with a special mat, boards or a special cork flooring.
To work with the floor and its decoration, ordinary tiles or polished boards are also suitable.

The technological process for finishing the floor is quite simple: we put the boards on the logs, preferably closer to each other, and fasten them with self-tapping screws.
If the choice is made in favor of a tile, then first you need to perform a screed, then properly level the work surface. The tile is laid on the intended special mixture. All seams are treated with a special moisture-resistant composition, which will not allow water to get under the facing layer and contribute to the formation of mold. It is worth remembering that this finishing option will give the floor a dangerous slipperiness, which means that you need to think over a wooden shield in order to create safe conditions for steamers.

Finishing the floor in the steam room with tiles

When choosing a tree or a tile, remember: the tile is good because it is easy enough to care for, and the tree will help create a general feeling of comfort and, in terms of decor, wins more in the whole composition.

What won't fit

No matter how high-quality and correct in terms of work technology your finish is, the following materials are absolutely not suitable for the steam room and bath rooms:

  • Linoleum covering;
  • plastics;
  • Pine boards;
  • Wood slabs.

The listed types of materials are characterized by insufficient resistance to high temperatures, and plastic and linoleum will completely emit harmful substances. Pine is characterized by an increased release of resins.

Finishing examples

  • Finishing the bath with exotic "abachi".
    "Abashi", aka African oak, is very well suited for finishing the steam room. At sufficiently high temperatures, this type of wood will evenly distribute the temperature throughout the room and help prevent burns. Great for making shelves and more important elements in the steam rooms of the bath.
    Properties of "Abasha": increased moisture resistance, absence of knots, absence of resins in the structure, lightness, plasticity, strength and durability. An impressive and noteworthy list, isn't it?

Finishing baths and saunas with Abashi wood

  • Bath decoration with Canadian cedar.
    This choice and material is quite popular among others. Despite the aesthetic properties and beautiful view, cedar panels also have many excellent properties influencing human health: it is rich in essential oils. The cedar itself is able to fight some varieties of microbes. It should also be noted ease of processing, moisture resistance, resistance to decay and various temperature conditions.
  • Lime "lining".
    Such a variety finishing material received sufficient distribution in Russia. Linden "lining" has a beautiful color and a pleasant smell. Also, such material is good and easy to process, it is quite hard and durable. It dries perfectly, and in the future does not give unpleasant cracks. Compared to the materials described above, it is quite affordable in terms of price characteristics.

  • Often in the advertisement of turnkey baths, options for finishing with spruce or pine are indicated. The place of origin - the northern regions, give such a breed sufficient density. Due to this, durability and resistance to the formation of unpleasant mold increase, as well as positive indicators for moisture resistance.

Finishing inside the bath with linden and pine

At the same time, it is worth considering that spruce and pine give off a rather pleasant smell, and it, in turn, gives a therapeutic effect from visiting such bath rooms finished with this material. Despite the profitability and availability, you need to understand that this type of material is very demanding for processing.

Steam room in the bath, finishing it with modern and quality material- a delicate matter. Now that we have discussed this issue, let's move on to the issue of thermal insulation.
By itself, the future thermal insulation will depend on what material we have chosen for the construction of the bath. If it's about wooden frame, then additional insulation may not be required. Although, due to the shrinkage of the beam, after some time, cracks and crevices form between the logs of this very beam. Given this feature, a “caulk” is made between them with flax or a special mixture of sawdust and clay.

Thermal insulation of the steam room in the bath

Among a narrow circle of masters in the construction of baths, there is an opinion that a completely sheathed steam room in a “lining” bath is not quite the right decision. The opinion is explained by the fact that the tree is a living material, and such a serious sheathing will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the steam room.
Although, on the other hand, under modern conditions, there is another opinion that insulating a steam room is almost a paramount task.
Of course, at the very beginning it is necessary to determine the position of the steam room. According to the classics, the entrance to it should be arranged from a room where you can wash. If the decision was made on account of the transition from the dressing room, then they should be connected by a mini corridor.

Market building materials offers a whole line of insulating heaters for baths. Such materials can be both artificial and natural.
Natural types include:

  1. Designed to combat tow cracks;
  2. Crown insulation - sphagnum;
  3. And an employee good insulation walls with special building moss.

These materials are environmentally friendly, do not emit hazardous substances at high temperatures, and have excellent insulating properties.

Materials for thermal insulation of a steam room

On the other hand, natural materials are subject to fairly rapid decay and decomposition, they are very fond of various types of insects.
The line of artificial insulation materials is represented mainly by:

  • Styrofoam;
  • Styrofoam.

They are distinguished by a rather high period of use, they are resistant to moisture and unloved by insects. Thermal insulation performance is simply impressive.
Requirements for seals
Any insulation or sealant must be fire resistant and withstand temperatures above one hundred degrees Celsius, as well as have good insulating properties.
Basalt wool (for walls) has such excellent and necessary properties, and expanded clay slabs for the floor. When it comes to the ceiling perfect choice- expanded polystyrene.

To insulate the ceiling in a steam room, much more materials are usually required than to insulate walls or ceilings. This is explained by the fact that steam, by its nature, rises very quickly to the ceiling and, in order to avoid its cooling, sufficient attention should be paid to the thermal insulation of the ceiling.
The step by step instructions are as follows:

Wall insulation

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We fasten the foil to the walls with a bar of 40 millimeters horizontally;
  2. Between them we place a sealant (foam term is suitable);
  3. On top of everything that we have, we stretch a layer of foil. A construction stapler is suitable for fixing it;
  4. Using aluminum tape, we isolate the existing joints;
  5. After we fix the bars vertically;
  6. We start facing work.

About how to conduct decorative trim and what materials are suitable for this, we said earlier.

If the floor of your steam room will be made of concrete, then proceed as follows:
plywood is attached to the floor, on top of which the so-called hydrosol is laid. We wind its edges behind the wall and fasten it with adhesive tape with the addition of aluminum. If there are gaps, then we process them with a building hair dryer. On top of the resulting we lay a reinforced mesh and pour the concrete solution.

Double room floor waterproofing

If a wooden floor is planned, then first we fasten a layer of so-called mineral wool 15 centimeters under the lags, and fix roofing material on top of it. Next, we process wooden surfaces with special compositions such as antiseptics. On top of the roofing material we lay a draft floor and sheathe it with a "lining".
Although the interior decoration of the steam room seems at first glance to be a laborious and complicated process, it should be understood that at the same time, the interior decoration of the steam room with your own hands is a fairly simple and easy process if you correctly follow all the described rules and recommendations of this article.
Good luck in your construction endeavors!

After you have built a bath on your land plot, you need to take care of the interior decoration of the steam room, which is the final, although not the easiest stage of construction. There are many materials for decoration: this is lining made of various types of wood, and ceramic tiles or a more expensive option - a natural stone. High-quality finishing of the steam room of the bath is not only a beautiful view. It ensures the durability of the structure, as it protects the walls from exposure to elevated temperatures and humidity.

Options for decorating a steam room with wooden materials

They approach the finishing of the steam room with all responsibility. It must be remembered that in such a room there is constantly high humidity and frequent temperature changes. The material for the steam room in the bath must meet the following criteria.

  1. Low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity.
  2. Breakage resistance.
  3. Optimum sound absorption coefficient.
  4. Ease of installation.
  5. Smooth and smooth surface.
  6. Resistant to changes in temperature and humidity

Lining made of different types of wood is considered a universal material for a steam bath. It uses hardwood. Their properties and qualities are suitable for finishing, as they have:

  • increased density;
  • homogeneous structure.
  • small weight.

Walls finished with wooden materials do not heat up at the high temperature of the steam room, so a person does not experience discomfort from contact with them.

deciduous trees

More often used varieties such as linden, birch, alder, aspen, ash, oak. Each breed has its own characteristics.

Titles Specifications
Linden. Outstanding durability and wear resistance. Its wood attracts many with its white color. Linden belongs to honey plants, therefore, at high temperatures, it exudes a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma, which has a relaxing and calming effect on a person. Its wood "breathes". In addition, its high resistance to water prevents the appearance of small cracks and deformations during drying. Linden is considered the leader in steam room sheathing among other hardwoods.
Aspen. It belongs to hardwoods and is not subject to rotting (they used to put it in cabbage so that it would not turn sour, as it destroys all fermentation and mold fungi). With proper preparation and drying, it acquires amazing strength (even a nail cannot be hammered into it). Possesses resistance to moisture and total absence of cracks. Therefore, floors in the steam room are often made from it. Has a bitter smell. Aspen relieves a person of headaches and inflammation in the joints. However, its disadvantage is that as a result of staying in extreme conditions, the steam room darkens faster than linden.
Alder Differs in high quality. Its perfectly smooth surface has no defects, therefore, after installation, it does not require additional processing with a grinder. Alder as a finish is perfect for a steam room: both the color and its cognac aroma only become richer and nobler with time.
Ash One of the most valuable types of wood. It has high decorative qualities: its core is especially beautiful. It is a durable, odorless material that will last for years.
Birch. Its wood has a loose structure, so it dries out a lot. In addition, she is more afraid of water than other breeds and quickly rots.
Oak. The wood is dense and heavy. Has a beautiful texture. Durable. If the steam room is finished with oak, then it will have a beneficial effect on human health.

The African abachi tree is a rare species. This material is as if created for a steam room. It does not absorb water and does not change color. The unique quality of wood is its ability to heat up for a very long time even at the highest temperatures. It has a snow-white or pale yellow color. Due to its low thermal conductivity and water resistance, this tree is popular for interior decoration of steam rooms.

Coniferous trees

Larch - has a high density and an unusual internal pattern. The secret of this tree is in the presence of gum, which makes it resistant to moisture and decay. In addition, she is not afraid of any tree bugs and rodents. The disadvantage of larch is that it splits easily, so it is not easy to process it. Also, it does not differ in increased thermal insulation properties. When finishing with larch, it is necessary to heat the steam room for the first time to very high temperatures so that the resin polymerizes and the wood does not “cry”.

Pine lining is not suitable for finishing walls and ceilings, as it contains resin. At high temperatures, it begins to flow and, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes a deep burn. But some fans of baths like this lining because of the smell of resin, which creates a unique aroma in the steam room. In addition, over time, it will cease to protrude to the surface of the finish.

Cedar, with its soft plastic wood, is easy to process. When a person touches it, the tree immediately assumes its temperature. Therefore, it is impossible to get burned about it. After heat treatment, the wood acquires chocolate color. This material gained particular popularity due to its pleasant aroma, extraordinary beauty and healing properties, since the essential oils released by the wood have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system. It is believed that this tree improves well-being and uplifts the mood. But the choice of this material can be affected by its high cost.

In addition to lining, the steam room can be finished with more budget options: edged or unedged board from various types of wood. Only untreated wood will need to be pre-prepared for installation - remove the bark and sand.

It is important to remember: wooden panels cannot be varnished or painted, even of the best quality. When heated, they emit an unpleasant chemical odor.

Finishing the steam room with tiles

Facing will be the best solution, since tiles are an inexpensive and practical material that does not require maintenance. The tiled mosaic looks especially beautiful in the steam room.

Bath tiles are resistant to various influences: they do not rot, are not afraid of moisture and high temperatures, do not emit harmful substances when heated, and do not require replacement for a long period of time.

There are several types of bath tiles:

  1. Glazed (enamelled). Due to double firing it has high strength.
  2. Unglazed. Does not tolerate temperature extremes.
  3. Metlakhskaya. Has a rough surface, great durability and strength. used as flooring but can also be used on walls.

It is best to choose tiles with a rough surface, which will prevent slipping and falling in the steam room. Its base should be smooth: the porous base will cause the spread of fungi. The shape of the tile is square and rectangular. Meet more complex structures, but to veneer them with a steam room, you will need the help of specialists.

There are several types of ceramic tiles, and not every one is suitable for a steam room. When choosing, consider:

  • moisture absorption (this indicator should be the smallest);
  • wear resistance;
  • appearance and quality;
  • increased frost resistance (this characteristic is associated with the ability of a tile to absorb water: the less it absorbs it, the more frost resistance it has);

Moisture absorption is measured as a percentage.

  1. Porcelain stoneware has a coefficient of 3%. Can be used under conditions high humidity. Very good for the floor.
  2. Tiles - moisture absorption from 3% to 10%. Its wear resistance, strength and reliability are lower than those of porcelain stoneware.
  3. Tiles with a coefficient higher than 10% are used only on walls.

The base must be smooth: a porous base will cause the spread of fungi. The shape of the tile is square and rectangular. There are also more complex designs, but in order to line them with a steam room, you will need the help of professionals.

It is better to choose a tile with a rough surface, which will prevent slipping and falling.

Decorating the walls of the steam room with stone

If you want to make the steam room original, then you should pay attention to the stone. In addition to its beautiful appearance, it has the following advantageous characteristics: the ability to accumulate and release heat, which maintains the necessary atmosphere in the steam room; resistance to high temperatures.

Stones will be required different sizes, as this greatly simplifies the finishing process. Large specimens are placed at the bottom, their size is gradually reduced, and small pebbles are placed at the very top. If chips and other defects are found, such stones are not used, as they adversely affect the functioning of the steam room, slowing down the circulation of hot air.

Often the following types of stone are used for decoration. Porphyrite - perfectly withstands repeated heating and cooling, gives off heat well, while maintaining the desired temperature in the steam room. Marble is a natural stone with a rich color palette. Differs in durability and bactericidal properties. Gabbro-diabase - resistant to low temperatures, has a weak moisture absorption. Crimson quartzite - reliable and durable, resistant to damage. It has many beautiful shades.

Jadeite - its frequent use as a wall decoration for a steam room is explained by its main properties. It retains heat 20 times longer than other stones, is durable and has healing effects. Jadeite absorbs harmful substances and cleans the environment from radiation. Destroys microbes contained in water.

Himalayan salt is a unique mineral: it has the same number of trace elements as the human body. In conditions of high humidity and high temperature of the steam room, it releases negatively charged ions into the air, due to which a unique microclimate is created. Improves the performance of the whole organism. Apply pink, red and black Himalayan salt. She veneer not only the walls, but also the ceiling in the steam room.

Soapstone, or soapstone, accumulates heat well and gives it away for a long time. The finish of it looks unusually beautiful, has a rich texture and does not slip. Talcochlorite is a reliable and durable stone. It does not melt, does not burn out and does not create microcracks. When heated, it activates the production of vitamin D in the human body, improves immunity, improves memory and mood. The soft thermal radiation of this stone coincides with the radiation of a person, and therefore has a particularly relaxing effect.

Sandstone - refers to decorative natural materials with bactericidal properties. Each stone has its own unique pattern. Combined with the unique color shade, this creates a stunning effect that allows you to create an interesting steam room design.

Serpentinite, or serpentine, is a stone with various shades of green color interspersed with marble highlights. It is durable and safe. In addition, the serpentine is rich in trace elements and has beneficial healing properties. A steam room with a serpentine finish helps to get rid of colds and diseases of the digestive tract.

Sea stones cannot be used in the steam room, as they cannot withstand high temperatures and quickly crumble under their influence.

We decorate the steam room by combining various materials

In modern baths, when designing a steam room, a combination of different types of finishes is becoming increasingly popular. Experiments on combining various finishing materials are not only possible, but also give an original result. Designers combine ceramic tiles different sizes, textures and colors with wooden panels. An unusual result is obtained using decorative types natural stone.

They combine different types of wood, which allows you to add a twist to the interior of the bathhouse. Finishing in the steam room is very beautiful. Stones are perfectly combined with wood, increasing sound insulation.

Popular original Himalayan salt panels with LED backlight. Salt stone is in harmony with natural wood. The atmosphere of such a steam room contributes to complete relaxation.

You can lay out the walls of the steam room under the shelves with tiles. The finish, which is not high from the floor, begins to deteriorate quickly and after a while will require replacement, and the tile eliminates such trouble. On top of it, the walls are sheathed with a pair of wooden lining.

Prohibited materials in the decoration of the steam room

To decorate this most important room in the bath, only natural materials are used. Even with good ventilation in the steam room, the toxic substances released by synthetics can seriously harm your health. It is strictly forbidden to finish the following materials:

  1. Plastic - emits toxic substances.
  2. Linoleum - when heated, evaporates harmful components, rots under the influence of moisture.
  3. Pine - at high temperatures, it releases resin, which is dangerous to health.
  4. Fiberboard and chipboard - produce toxic substances, which leads to poisoning. They swell when exposed to moisture. Easily ignite.

The desire to protect the walls from destruction prompts some steam room owners to treat wood panels with various compounds. But you should always remember: the tree absorbs moisture. And then it gives it away along with chemical compounds, which you will generously reward the natural material with during processing.

You can impregnate wood trim with linseed or hemp oil. Being absorbed into the tree, it forms a protective film on it, protecting the tree from pollution and destruction. But the best option is not to treat the steam room with all sorts of coatings, but to properly care for it. It is enough just to ventilate and dry it in time.

Sheathe your own steam room in the bath various materials It won't be too hard if you follow the instructions. You can create such interior premises to suit your needs. In addition, the design of the steam room with your own hands will create a special favorable atmosphere that contributes to psychological relief and physical relaxation.

It is not recommended to use non-natural materials for the interior decoration of the bath. High temperature and constant humidity make it necessary to use only stress-resistant types of sheathing for decoration. One of the classics is lining. You can find out how to sheathe a bath with clapboard inside by reading the article to the end. We will help the reader not only complete the interior decoration, but also show how to choose the material.

Steam room trimmed with linden clapboard, covered with heat-resistant oil

Linden lining should lie down unpacked before finishing

Lining for the interior decoration of the bath is chosen depending on the purpose of a particular room, the degree of humidity in it, the temperatures used, etc. All material is divided according to several criteria: size, what it is made of, type of wood.

You can subdivide the material by size :

  1. classical. It has a narrow size, it is better to mount it vertically, since the horizontal arrangement visually lowers the ceiling, which is already low in the bath. In addition, the horizontal fastening prevents water from flowing down freely, and it accumulates in the connecting locks.
  2. Eurolining. These are wider and heavier panels, more interesting in the design of the room and have the same quality characteristics as thin lining. On the back side of the lining there is a special cut, which relieves stress in the product and over time the finish will not crack.

According to its composition, the material is divided into: vinyl, plastic, wood and metal. For a bath, the best option is made of wood, the rest for facade decoration.

Types of wood for the manufacture of finishes for the bath

Steam room finished aspen clapboard looks attractive

It is important what type of wood the product is made of. For a bath, wood trim with the lowest thermal conductivity is used: linden, aspen, abachi, cedar, alder. Moreover, you can not take any cedar, but only the northern one. It has less resin and when heated, the walls and ceiling will not start to cry. Larch species have a lower density of wood and with tactile contact in the bath, the lining will be more pleasant, even at high temperatures in the steam room. Such lining is more expensive, but the costs will be justified. Each of the types under consideration is better suited for different bath rooms.

Aspen: has a beautiful reddish tint and increased moisture resistance. In terms of durability, aspen can only be compared with larch. Upon contact with water, aspen wood does not collapse, but rather hardens. It is better to use for finishing the rest room, washing department. The only negative is the high price, because of which it is not recommended to use it in the steam room and dressing room.

The original version of the steam room trimmed with lime lining

Linden: Lining has become traditional for finishing the bath from the inside. Linden does not heat up at high temperatures and has a pleasant whitish color. But linden has a serious drawback - if not treated with antiseptics and protective compounds quickly begins to darken and rot.

Cedar lining in combination with linden looks great

Cedar: This conifer tree, but its structure is of reduced density, so it is often used for a bath. Cedar has excellent antiseptic properties and, when heated, gives off a pleasant smell. But it is not recommended to use it in a steam room, since there is still some percentage of resin in it.

Alder lining in the interior of the bath looks original and modern

Alder: has a pleasant pinkish hue with a pleasant velvety texture. Holds temperature well and is not afraid of moisture. The baths can be used in any part.

When choosing lining for finishing a bath, it is better to take Extra or AB grade chamber drying. Since changes in temperature and humidity in the baths occur constantly, it is impossible to use material with inaccurate or curved shapes. And in the higher grades this is unacceptable.

A step-by-step description of the installation of lining inside the baths

Aspen lining is sewn onto the ceiling

Before finishing, you need to decide whether only the walls or the ceiling will be poured. To do this, you can see photos of finished works and stop at the design you like.

It is necessary to sheathe the bath inside starting from the ceiling. Only after this wall. But first the walls need to be waterproofed and insulated.

Bath wall and ceiling insulation

Scheme simple option clapboard lining of the steam room of the bath

It is not necessary to insulate all the walls of the bath, especially if it is a small summer log house 3x3 m in size. In such, only the steam room is insulated. In other cases, the entire Russian bath from the inside, including the dressing room and the relaxation room.

As a heater, you need to choose a fire-resistant material, such as bosalt wool. It is better not to consider all materials like polystyrene. The insulation is attached to a pre-prepared crate od which is attached to the vapor barrier. Due to the large temperature difference, condensate can accumulate on the walls, the vapor barrier will protect the insulation.

Glassine should be fixed on top of this structure. It will play the role of waterproofing. All seams are glued with a special water-repellent glue. Then everything is covered with foil, it will reflect heat and prevent steam from escaping. You need to fasten the foil between the crate using a construction stapler or buttons with an overlap of 10-15 cm.

Material handling

The walls of the bath begin to be sheathed from the opposite corner from the entrance

Before fastening, the lining must be unpacked and kept in baths for 1-2 days. The fact is that manufacturers, in order to protect the material after chamber drying, pack it in an airtight film. And getting into the natural environment, the tree absorbs moisture from the air and swells a little.

After that, you need to choose how to process the material. It is better to take the composition intended directly for baths. These contain antipyrines and moisture-resistant components.

Mounting on the walls and ceiling of the bath

Fastening the lining begins with the ceiling finish. The first bar should be fixed opposite the door. There are two ways to fix the links in the baths:

  1. Small carnations to the main crate into the groove at an angle of 45 0. Such an attachment will be invisible and the ceiling will look like a single system. It is not necessary to hammer the lining tightly to each other when wet, it will swell and warp the entire structure or it will simply move away from the wall in separate links. By leaving a gap, the lining gets space for natural movement.
  2. Small carnations through the lining to the crate. This method is more suitable for eurolining. Beforehand, small recesses are drilled in each attached link, and then a nail is driven into them. These places are closed with corks made of wood and PVA glue.

Since the lining is thin, it is inconvenient to hammer in the whole nail with a hammer. To simplify, use a tool - doboynik

To the wall, the links must begin to be fastened from the most prominent corner to the door. Mount it in exactly the same way as on the ceiling.

A ventilated gap of 4-5 cm should remain between the lining and the walls. A gap of 3-4 cm is also left between the walls and the ceiling. In order for the air to pass well under the lining, planks are attached to the main crate. Finishing material will be attached to this second crate. Lathing step 40-50 cm. The direction is perpendicular to the fastening of the sheathing.

After fastening, the bath is thoroughly warmed up and see what happens after cooling. Incorrectly fixed links are additionally strengthened with carnations.

Subtleties of finishing inside the bath

  1. It is not necessary to mount the lining horizontally in the washing and steam rooms. Water splashes will fall into the castle, and the lining will quickly darken. But if the design requires a horizontal mount, then the spike should look up.
  2. All fasteners must be taken with a zinc coating, since iron will quickly rust with moisture.
  3. All mounting corners and slats at the top need to be slightly sharpened at the bottom, so water droplets will go down faster.
  4. The slats are fixed 4-5 cm from the base, so as not to block the ventilated gap.
  5. Consider a ventilation system in the bathhouse, so the moisture will quickly evaporate and the lining will last longer.
  6. If the lining turns black, it must be immediately treated with bleaching compounds, for example, Senezh Sauna

We examined how to do the interior decoration of the bath with a clapboard with our own hands. Observing all the technique and watching the thematic video in this article, even a beginner will be able to handle the work with his own hands.

The most important room in the bath is the steam room. In addition to its main function, it must satisfy aesthetic needs, because where it is beautiful to spend time is much more pleasant. Consider how to finish the steam room inside so that it pleases with its appearance.

The choice of finishing material

Traditionally, wood is used for sheathing the steam room, which allows you to give the room a beautiful appearance, creates a healthy atmosphere and retains heat. However, there are many different types of wood and of course the question arises, what kind of wood is better to sheathe the steam room?

For the production of finishing material for the bath, various types of wood are used. However, it is not recommended to take coniferous wood for sheathing the steam room, since it can release resin when heated strongly (read: ""). It is best to use such types of wood for finishing a bath as linden, larch, oak, aspen. If you really want to enjoy the coniferous aroma during bathing procedures, then you can finish with cedar material. It is durable and not resinous.

Requirements for the material for sheathing the steam room

When choosing how to sheathe a steam room in a bath, you should pay attention to such points as:

  • The wood must be moisture resistant and dry quickly, which will allow it to avoid rotting.
  • The resin value should be close to zero. Best Option so that the resins are completely absent.
  • The surface must be flat, smooth, free of roughness, gaps and knots.
  • The wood should have a low thermal conductivity, since the wood, which is very hot in the steam room, can burn the skin.

When choosing which tree is better to buy for a steam room, you should pay attention to linden. Lining from such a tree is considered the most optimal material. First, find out which lining is best for the sauna, only then start planning the construction. Linden wood has low thermal conductivity, is easily processed, and releases useful essential oils.

Aspen is also a good material for steam rooms, as it is durable, strong and has healing properties. And another advantage is the low cost.

When deciding which tree to sheathe the bath inside, you can opt for larch. It has a positive effect on the human body, has a high density, strength, low thermal conductivity, does not absorb moisture. In general, this wood has all the necessary qualities and is perfect for finishing a bath.

Interior arrangement of the steam room

In the steam room, as a rule, benches, shelves, headrests are installed. They are easy enough to make, so you can do it yourself. Bath furniture is recommended to be made from the same type of wood that was used for sheathing the walls of the steam room.

Now the African oak or, in other words, abashi, has become widespread.

It has such advantages as:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high density;
  • durability;
  • strength;
  • does not deform;
  • pleasant to the touch.

The disadvantage of abasha is the rather high price.

Sheathing the steam room, the lining can be mounted vertically or horizontally (more: ""). If a horizontal arrangement is chosen, then the lining should begin to be nailed from the bottom up. This technique will prevent water from seeping into the joints.

First you need to install vertical racks, between which insulation material will be laid. To do this, markup is made, which should start from the corner. Distance between internal parties racks should be 59 cm. Such a step will allow you to correctly lay the insulation of the desired thickness.

To do this, you need to make a special copier. It is a thin ruler, which is pointed on one side and has holes along the entire length that match the diameter of a pencil. A stand is taken and pressed against the wall, then with the help of a copier, lines repeating the shape of the log house are drawn and drawn.

Next, the racks are processed in accordance with the drawn lines. It is enough to make sure that the rack with a step of 60 cm is tightly adjacent to the logs in several places. The vertical level must be strictly observed. The length of the contact surface should be about 2-3 cm, this will be enough. Be sure to board for the steam room is treated with an antiseptic.

A protective film is aligned under the racks installed in accordance with the markings. To do this, use a level or plumb line. To fix the material to the logs, galvanized screws or nails are suitable. You can do without screws of great length: a blind hole is drilled in the rack, which should be a few millimeters larger than the diameter of the screw head.

It is necessary to pull the rope from above and below the wall, it must be tied to the extreme racks. It will help align and install the internal racks.

It is necessary to stretch and align the protective film in such a way that air does not get between the open logs. Otherwise, such a mistake will lead to the fact that both the frame and the lining of the steam room will begin to rot and deform, as a result, bath procedures will no longer benefit the body.

During the installation of the corner posts, it is necessary to immediately lay the insulation material.

The nuances of the interior decoration of the steam room

Naturally, before starting this stage, you already need to know how to sheathe the bath from the inside, as well as purchase the entire necessary material. The most used and recommended method of fastening the lining is flush fastening.

Before proceeding to finishing work, it is necessary to prepare the material with which the steam room will be finished. Lining before fastening to the walls must be acclimatized in the room in which it will be used.

In the steam room, the floor must necessarily be higher than the floor level in other rooms. Shelves are installed about 10 cm above the heater. Benches and shelves should not have sharp corners. Inside the steam room, only natural materials should be used.

It is very important to choose which wood to sheathe the steam room with, as not all types of wood are suitable for this. You should also take into account all the features of the decoration of the most important room of the bath, on which it depends whether the procedures adopted will be useful.