What nozzle can be used to whitewash the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner. Whitewashing the ceiling with water-based paint

  • 12.06.2019

Whitewashing the ceiling is still considered one of the most safe methods finishes for human health. Unlike tension, suspension, metal and plastic structures, this surface can always "breathe".

The basis of whitewash contains only natural materials and natural raw materials. All this eliminates the possibility of any negative effects on the body. However, all this makes sense only if the condition of updating the coverage once or twice a year is met.

Stages of applying whitewash to the ceiling

Any repair, as well as construction process begins with the preparation of the working area. It includes the removal of the old coating from the plane, whether it is the old whitewash or some other finishing material. If we are talking about the first option, then you can get rid of it with the help of water. Just apply it to the lime or chalk coating and after a while remove it using a rag and a spatula.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that getting rid of chalk whitewash is much easier, unlike the composition that contains lime.

After the previous coating is completely removed from the ceiling, you need to examine the plane for any flaws or defects. If they exist, they must be disposed of. For this purpose, the surface must be treated with a deep penetration primer solution. Thus, you will not only ensure the desired degree of adhesion, but also, in addition, strengthen upper layer concrete floor.

After the ceiling has been processed, you can begin to repair existing defects. This is done using putty, which is based on cement.

It is important to know that in the process of removing the previous finish, you will damage the joints in any case. concrete slabs. What to do in such a situation? One of the solutions to this issue is the usual primer of the joints and its subsequent putty. Another method is to cover the necessary places with a sickle tape and only after that apply putty.

If there is a need to level the entire ceiling, then be sure to implement this. To do this, it is best to use a putty solution. After it dries, sand the surface sandpaper. Only after completing the above steps, you can proceed to the primer.

The main thing is to observe that each layer laid on a plane is dry enough, regardless of whether it is a primer or putty.

What is the best material to use for whitewashing?

Whitewashing the ceiling surface is done with just two solutions. One of them contains chalk, while the other consists of lime. It can be said about the first material that it has bactericidal properties, while the second is able to give the plane a deep whiteness.

In the event that the previous coverage was created using lime whitewash, then the new finish should be the same. Don't put chalk on it.

To prepare a chalk solution, you will need the following components:

  • five liters of water;
  • thirty grams of wood glue;
  • twenty grams of blue;
  • three kilograms of chalk (it should be well sifted).

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and stirred the resulting mixture. The amount of whitewash that you get is enough for a surface of ten to twelve square meters.

There are more components in the composition of the lime mortar:

  • one liter of water;
  • two or three kilograms of slaked lime;
  • from fifty to one hundred grams of salt;
  • two hundred grams of aluminum alum;
  • half a kilogram of dye (in the case when there is a need).

After all the ingredients are mixed, another ten liters of warm water should be added to the resulting mixture.

It is worth knowing that lime whitewash will be better applied to a plane that has previously been moistened.

How to whitewash the ceiling?

To carry out this process, a brush, roller, or a sprayer and a vacuum cleaner are used.

Working with a brush is not so easy, so for those who do not have enough experience, it is better to give their preference to a roller. A well-mixed mixture is applied to the ceiling in two layers. It is recommended to apply whitewash perpendicular to the wall on which the window is placed and along the entire room.

However, if you use a sprayer and a vacuum cleaner in the process of finishing the ceiling, you will be able to achieve a uniform coating.

Let's take a closer look at what a ceiling whitewash sprayer is. It has the form of a polyethylene lid, which covers a glass jar with a liquid solution.

Two holes must be made in the lid, designed to pass a tube through them. It is connected to a hose from a vacuum cleaner, and at the end there is a special nozzle. The air comes out of the device under pressure, and at the moment of its passage past the tube, it sucks in the solution contained in the jar under the associated pressure. Subsequently, it is fed through the tube to the nozzle.

The second hole in the lid is needed to regulate the flow from the can of whitewash. Closing it, the supply of material decreases, at the same time, if you open it, it increases.

Carry out whitewashing the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner on highest level It will work only when all the nuances are observed:

  • spraying chalk or lime is done in a circular motion;
  • it is necessary to observe a minimum distance of seventy centimeters from the nozzle to the ceiling surface, however, it should not exceed one hundred centimeters;
  • the best option is to apply whitewash in three or four layers, since this allows you to hide small defects that exist on the plane.

With all this, it is important to pay attention to the moment of safety.

After applying this finishing material on the ceiling, pores form on the surface, allowing it to “breathe”. Plus, the coating itself is able to absorb vapors. Whitewash, prepared strictly according to the recipe, can last at least three years.

Applying whitewash to the ceiling is a very time-consuming and time-consuming process, especially if a brush or roller is used for this. However, many people know that you can save a lot of time if you whitewash the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner. This household appliance is available in almost every family and, under certain conditions, can even replace a professional airbrush.

Features of using a vacuum cleaner as a sprayer

In order to apply whitewash or water-based paint on the ceiling by spraying, it is necessary special device, which is called a spray gun or spray gun. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that air injected by a third-party device exits the nozzle of the sprayer under pressure and draws out paint particles that settle in a thin layer on the surface of the ceiling.

The spray gun can be either an independent element equipped with an air blower, or it can be made in the form of a nozzle that is worn on a third-party device, such as a compressor, vacuum cleaner or hand sprayer. However, the use of some models of vacuum cleaners as a spray gun will not be possible if:

  • The vacuum cleaner cannot generate reverse draft or there is no blow hole in its body for connecting a hose. Many modern vacuum cleaners are simply not designed to generate outgoing airflow.
  • The unit must be powerful enough to ensure uniform spraying. Considering design features many vacuum cleaners, their reverse thrust power is usually less than direct.
  • In this regard, whitewashing with a vacuum cleaner is usually carried out using old "Soviet" technology, or through more modern models, but with a redone motor connection diagram.

Types of vacuum cleaner nozzles used for whitewashing

Professional sprayers that are used for whitewashing may have different design and features. In construction stores, you can find a fairly wide range of spray guns, which differ in the method of air supply, the principle of operation, the location of the paint tank, and also in the magnitude of the working pressure. However, in the absence powerful compressor, a special nozzle for a vacuum cleaner is used, which you can either buy or make yourself.

Three main types of nozzles are most commonly used for whitewashing:

  • Spray gun with vacuum cleaner attachment (e.g. Intertool PT 0303). This machine is equipped with a 200ml paint tank on top. From the tank, the whitewash enters the spray head with a nozzle diameter of 0.5 mm and is pushed out by the air stream.
  • Lids for glass jars. Previously, domestic-made vacuum cleaners were equipped with such devices, but in some cases they can be found on sale separately. This nozzle has a hole for connecting a hose with a diameter of 30 mm and is put on an ordinary glass jar into which a whitewash solution is poured.
  • Homemade atomizer. The nozzle for the vacuum cleaner in the form of a lid on the jar has the simplest design so you can make your own. To do this, two thin tubes are inserted into the nylon cover, one is long, which should reach almost to the very bottom, the other is a little shorter. A short tube is connected to the nozzle on the hose of the vacuum cleaner in the form of a funnel.

Features of whitewashing the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner

If there is a vacuum cleaner of a suitable model and a special nozzle is found, you can assemble a homemade spray gun and start whitewashing. It is important that all parts of the sprayer, especially if used homemade device were sealed together. When applying the solution, the sprayer must be kept at a distance of 50 - 80 cm from the ceiling perpendicular to its surface.

The optimal distance is selected empirically and depends on the density of the solution and the pressure of the injected air.

A pressure of 3 - 4 atmospheres is considered close to ideal with an average density of the solution. If the whitewash is thick enough, then the pressure should be increased, and for a too liquid solution, on the contrary, reduced. The distance to the surface to be treated should not exceed 1 meter to avoid excessive dispersion of the solution, and should not be less than 0.5 meters to prevent sagging.

Applying the solution to the ceiling with a sprayer, as shown in the video, is carried out in an even thin layer, in small areas. For best results, it is recommended to apply several coats of whitewash, with each successive coat sprayed onto a dry surface.

The times when repairs in an apartment were determined not by the desire of the tenant, but by the materials that were available in hardware stores, are long gone. Today's choice allows you to satisfy the most capricious and refined taste of interior gourmets. However, any finish will last a long time only if the technology for using building materials is fully observed.

Ceiling paint coatings are only slightly inferior to suspension systems, applicable only with a sufficient distance from the floor to the floor panels. Therefore, painting the ceiling, which plain language still called whitewashing, is a relevant and popular operation today.

Any painting technology consists in the method of applying paintwork material to the surface. There can be several such methods, and each of them must ensure both the durability of the further operation of the coating and fully convey its decorative properties.

If we talk about the visual effect, then it very much depends on which particular method of whitewashing the ceiling is chosen. In total there are three main methods for applying any coatings ( paintwork materials):

  • Brush
  • Roller
  • spraying

Painting with a brush on a large surface is a laborious and lengthy process, and the result is a “C grade”. Although, of course, there are masters who can achieve very high-quality results with a brush. But still, technologies do not stand still, tools also do not lag behind, and a brush in ceiling decoration is used only when priming or painting corners and hard-to-reach areas.

Ceiling preparation

We’ll talk about the remaining two methods a little lower, but for now let’s focus on a very important factor- preparation. V Soviet times one could often see a good slogan at the factories: “Comrade, remember: poor quality can ruin any quantity!” This principle with absolute certainty should be applied to the whitewashing of the ceiling.

The final quality of painting depends not only on the finishing operation for applying paintwork materials, but in many respects also on proper preparation surfaces. We will not dwell on each stage of this process in detail, we will simply indicate their order:

  • Complete removal old finish from the ceiling
  • Preservation of traces of leaks, rust and fungus with special primers (if necessary, also waterproofing)
  • Priming with deep penetration soils
  • Leveling - sealing seams, cracks, shells, puttying the plane
  • Re-priming over sanded putty
  • Finishing painting (whitewashing)

Skipping any of these steps in order to save money can lead to much more high costs, so you should not try to cut the budget here.

The more carefully the ceiling surface is prepared, the better the final result of whitewashing will be! One little secret: with a well-prepared plane, you can achieve a good visual effect with the help of inexpensive paints.

Whitewashing the ceiling with shpakril

There is a misconception that for quality coverage need to buy expensive material. On a solid foundation, a house will stand even from the very simple brick, but if the base is weak, then the most expensive stone will not stand. It is the same with the finishing of ceilings - if the surface is perfectly evenly prepared - even a simple water-based emulsion will fall on it very beautifully.

When there are significant defects or height differences on the ceiling, two types of putty are used: starting, with a larger fraction and the addition of reinforcing fibers, and finishing, with very fine grinding. The consumption of fine-grained material is much less, and it is not always advisable to buy a large 25 kg bag. In such cases, you can buy ready-made putty in a small bucket.

It is very convenient when there is a universal material at hand, suitable for several operations at once. In relation to the ceilings, this can be said about the fine-grained Shpakril putty. Its main application is the sealing of minor defects when the layer thickness does not exceed 2 mm. However, the same material can be whitewashed.

Fine-grained putty "Shpakril"

Whitewashing the ceiling with putty does not carry any special differences, just in this case, the putty is diluted with water in a ratio of 0.5 to 0.8 liters per 1 kg of material. Then the resulting solution is applied in one of the three above ways.

Now consider the other two methods of whitewashing.

Spray ceiling whitewashing

Applying paints and varnishes with a sprayer gives the highest quality surface. One of the subspecies of this option is airless spraying.

Airless ceiling whitewashing

Its essence lies in the fact that paintwork materials (in our case, whitewash composition) are supplied to the spray head under very high (250-300 atmospheres) pressure. At the exit from the nozzle, due to a sharp pressure drop, the jet of material "explodes", forming a directed torch.

How airless spray ceiling painting works (video).

The downside of this method is that the airless sprayer is professional equipment, which is used for large volumes of painting, and it is very expensive. It can be rented in some cities.

In addition to the high cost, the consumption of the material will be an order of magnitude higher, because part of it in the form of a spray mist does not reach the surface or is bounced off it. This method of whitewashing is the most “dirty”, but at the same time it gives a very smooth and high-quality surface.

A somewhat similar principle is used when a sprayer is used for whitewashing the ceiling, only here the material is supplied at a much lower pressure from a can (in the case of a separate nozzle for a vacuum cleaner) or a paint sprayer tank, and sprayed under the influence of a jet of compressed air.

Ceiling whitewash sprayer

If a vacuum cleaner with a reverse air supply function is available, then you can use a special nozzle that will help whitewash. And we are talking not only about the cover that came with the old vacuum cleaners. There are also more modern devices on sale, which, however, already resemble not just a nozzle, but a ready-made spray gun. They are not so expensive, and will not affect the overall repair budget too much.

Special attachment for vacuum cleaner

Well, if your house also has an old spray cap, then you can use it. In order for the material to start flowing from the nozzle, you need to close the hole on the cover with your finger. Then the air will not have an exit from the tank, and will begin to squeeze the paint out of the can. The vacuum cleaner stays on all the time. Whitewashing the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner requires some skill, and yet it is more convenient to use modern nozzles that can significantly speed up the process and achieve a better result.

Whitewashing the ceiling with a roller

The roller is the most common device for whitewashing. However, with its help, it is better to paint the ceilings with water-based paints containing acrylic polymers (the same shpakril, for example), which, when dried, combine with each other and form a kind of film.

In order for the whitewashing of the ceiling with a roller to achieve the expected result, you need to choose the right one. painting tool. Velor and foam rollers are not quite suitable here, most the best option there will be a roller made of sheep's wool or with long synthetic fur. Their advantage lies in the fact that a long pile absorbs more material, better transfers it to the surface.

Sheep wool roller

You will need a paint tray into which the finished whitewash solution is poured. The roller is dipped into the paint, while you need to turn it so that it evenly picks up the material. To do this, roll the roller several times along the inclined corrugated surface of the tray with light pressure - in this way, the white is distributed along the entire length of the pile.

Whitewash Tray

To make it more convenient to apply whitewash to the ceiling, it is better to use a long rod-handle.

In the process of whitewashing, move the tool in parallel movements, while slightly capturing the previous strip with the roller. It is painted in two layers (minimum), the next of which is applied perpendicular to the previous one after it has completely dried. If a ceiling plinth is glued around the perimeter, then at first it is painted over with a brush.

On the dried surface of the ceiling there should be no spots, streaks, stripes. To avoid this, make sure that the roller is evenly impregnated. It is quite simple to follow this: the wet strip of whitewash should be continuous, equally wetting the plane. Stains may indicate that the whitewash was uneven or that the number of passes was insufficient.

After whitewashing, do not forget to thoroughly rinse all tools with water if you do not plan to acquire new painting equipment for each new day of repair.

Updated and beautiful ceiling above your head!

There are many ways self repair ceiling surface. You can install a plasterboard structure on the ceiling, or just it. It is also possible to install a beautiful stretch ceiling even with volume effect. All these are quite expensive types of finishes. If you do not want to spend a lot of time and money on such work, it makes sense to try to cope with the problem yourself.

Whitewashing the ceiling is suitable for any type of home, whether Vacation home, cottage or city ​​apartment. This is one of the simplest and cheapest ceilings, which is environmentally friendly and safe. Choosing this method of repair will make any room brighter and tidier. Today you will learn how to whitewash the ceiling.

how to whitewash the ceiling

Despite the simplicity of the process, for its successful implementation, some preparatory work. They consist in the maximum leveling and smoothing of the overlapping surface. It is necessary to eliminate possible cracks and cracks. This will depend on the future appearance ceiling and end result. Removing old whitewash is the most difficult and time-consuming part of the work. First, all furniture and appliances are removed from the room, bulky items are covered with rags or cellophane, and the floor is covered with cardboard or film. Get goggles and a respirator ready. There will be a lot of dust. It doesn't matter which area you start with.

It is recommended to have both a narrow and a wide spatula with you at the same time. After cleaning the surface with their help, stains and stains are removed. First you need to remove the remnants of the old whitewash. To do this, it is moistened with water and a weak soapy solution. To speed up the process, in addition to a soap solution, you can use special agent. A grayish or yellowish ceiling must be completely cleaned. This process will maximize the preparation of the floor surface for whitewashing. If overhaul is not needed, but it is only necessary to refresh the ceiling, it is necessary to eliminate defects and uneven areas.

Before whitewashing with chalk, the dry mixture is sieved to remove hardened particles.

If you want without extra effort clean the ceiling yourself, it is recommended to use a spatula. Work is carried out while the surface of the ceiling is still wet. While the ceiling is still wet, you will better notice uneven segments and can significantly save time on cleaning, because then there will be much less dust.

Ceiling repair involves neat and tidy joints that need to be aligned. The excess layer of putty composition is cleaned with sandpaper. The surfaces are then allowed to dry completely. After that, you can start whitewashing the ceiling surface.

how to whitewash the ceiling in the apartment

Most often, the ceiling is whitewashed with a solution of lime or chalk. To simplify the choice of material, heed our advice. First of all, prepare a basin or bucket, oilcloth, gauze, stepladder or scaffolding.

To whitewash the ceiling with lime, you will need 2-2.5 kg of lime composition. Its amount depends on the size of the surface. This amount of the composition is mixed with a liter of water at room temperature. About 120 grams of pre-steamed brine and 150 grams of alum are added to the resulting mass. If you want to make a colored ceiling, you can add a special dye to this composition, which is sold in hardware stores.

Wetting the entire ceiling at once is not worth it, because this will greatly complicate further work.

If you opted for chalk, prepare a chalk solution. 20-30 grams of wood glue and about 2.5 kg of chalk are mixed in 4-5 liters of slightly heated water. To professionally whitewash the ceiling, it is recommended to add a few drops of blue to the prepared mixture. In this case, the surface of the overlap will become snow-white.

The readiness of the solution is checked by quickly immersing a flat metal object in water. If the solution runs off, you are using too much liquid. To solve this problem, the composition is left for several days, at which time the chalk will settle and excess water can be removed with a scoop. The remaining chalk is then laid out on oilcloth in layers no thicker than 5 cm.

How to whitewash the ceiling (Video)

Do-it-yourself high-quality whitewashing of the ceiling is usually done using an ordinary brush and roller. The latter is used more often. The whitewash composition is applied in several stages: the main layer and the finishing one. To correctly apply the second layer, it is necessary that the first is completely dry. The surface after such work will become slightly matte and velvety.

If you use a brush, you need to start working with the lightest areas of the room, gradually moving to darker ones. Thus, there will be no visible streaks from the brush work on the ceiling. If you opted for a roller, please note that it should be about 20-25 cm long. It is also advisable to start whitewashing from the corners from the window.

Whitewashing with a vacuum cleaner

There is also a more unconventional, but the fastest type of whitewashing with an ordinary vacuum cleaner. This type of repair is suitable for novice builders. A special spray cap is put on a container with a whitewash composition, a slot is made for a vacuum cleaner. If you want, you can purchase such a design at most hardware stores.

The container is no more than two-thirds full. To prevent excess liquid from accumulating on the ceiling, the solution must be applied carefully. In case of unwanted drops, it is necessary to wash them quickly. After whitewashing is completed, it is almost impossible to eliminate them. In order for the whitewash to hold well on the ceiling, sunlight should not fall on it. It is also necessary not to open the windows.


Whitewashing the ceiling is the easiest and least expensive way to repair. As you can see, even the most inexperienced person who has never done repairs before can do it. Dare!

If the old whitewash began to peel off and fall off in pieces, streaks and traces appeared on it, it is worth considering the transformation of the old surface. For this, one of three whitewashing methods is used - chalk, lime or water-based emulsion. Let's get acquainted with the features of all options, as well as the technology of their application and surface preparation for whitewashing.

We recognize the type of old whitewash - a simple test and dismantling of the layer

Protect yourself before starting work. Wear safety goggles and a respirator to prevent dust particles from entering the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, as well as overalls and rubber gloves, since in addition to water, you may have to treat the surface with an alkali or acid solution. Removing the old layer of whitewash is an integral process. If you skip this step, then soon the new whitewash will begin to crumble again and become unusable. Surface preparation gives good adhesion (adhesion) to the finishing material.

To determine which whitewash is applied to the surface, take a wet sponge and moisten the ceiling area. If it has darkened, the surface does not stain fingers, limestone whitewash. Chalk whitewash is easily erased and remains on the hands, nothing happens to the water-based emulsion. It is easier to remove chalk whitewash, with limestone the process may be delayed. The more thoroughly you wash off the old whitewash, the longer the new finish will last.

Before proceeding with the removal of the old layer, cover the furniture and floor plastic wrap. Prepare necessary materials for dismantling the finish: a bowl of thermal water, soapy water, sponges, spatulas. Remove the loose pieces of whitewash with a narrow and wide spatula, this will reduce the formation of dust in the first stages of preparation. The lower layers are removed with warm water and soap. We divide the areas into small squares and wet them. Moisturizing the entire surface at once is not worth it - the water will quickly soak into the surface while you remove the whitewash in another area. Wet the wetted areas with a hard spatula. After removing the old whitewash, we check the surface. We clean, putty and open it with a primer. If rust marks and stains remain on the ceiling, we remove them with the help of special solutions. Before removing flaws, we wash the ceiling again clean water.

Rusty marks, stains and irregularities on the ceiling - home remedies

After cleaning the surface of the old whitewash, carefully inspect it to understand what you have to deal with. We definitely get rid of bumps, rust, mold, fungus, stains. Streaks and rust are first washed off with thermal water, and then we treat the areas with a 10% solution blue vitriol. If the ceiling is soot, prepare a 3% solution of hydrochloric acid, treat the surface, remembering to wear rubber gloves. We process strong streaks on the ceiling 3 times until they completely disappear.

The solution will help neutralize stubborn stains liquid glass and water in a ratio of 1:2. In order to get rid of greasy spots on the ceiling, use a concentrated solution of soda ash. After the dirt is removed, carefully level the ceiling. To seal cracks, use store-bought or limestone plaster. To prepare the second version of the leveling mixture, take two parts of fine sand, a part of lime and water. Dilute the lime with water. Add equal amount sand and water. The result is a thick, plastic mass. When using slaked lime, first mix it with sand and only then dilute the dry mixture with water.

For deep use putty. Buy a ready-made mixture or make your own. We make a home version of putty from one part of chalk, two parts of gypsum and wood glue. To get the right solution, the glue calculation is 50 g per 1 liter of water. We apply putty on a spatula, distribute the mixture first across, and then along the cracks and irregularities on the ceiling.

After the putty dries, we pass over the surface with fine-grained sandpaper or pumice stone, removing roughness. Next, prime the ceiling. It is better to choose an acrylic primer, it is odorless, dries quickly and adheres well to the surface. When the primer dries, the ceiling will be smooth and ready for a new whitewash.

Chalk and lime - characteristics of finishes and preparation options

Ceiling whitewashing with chalk and lime two environmentally friendly and hygienic options. Plus, limestone whitewash also has antibacterial properties, tightens small cracks. However, for some people, lime is an allergen. An alternative option is chalk or water emulsion. Chalk whitewash meets sanitary and hygienic standards, allows you to achieve deep whiteness.

If you put new finish according to the old whitewash, we apply the chalk solution to the chalk, and the lime to the lime, having previously made a test for the soiled surface.

To prepare chalk whitewash, consider two options - using ordinary dry chalk in bars and chalk paste. To make the first solution, we prepare three kilograms of dry chalk, chop it into small pieces and sift through a sieve. Pour the mixture into a container and pour 3-3.5 liters of warm water. To the resulting mixture, add 100 g of wood glue and 50 g of laundry soap shavings. To avoid yellowness, add blue (ultramarine) or color of a suitable shade to the solution. For this amount of mixture, 20 g of blue will be enough. If you want a deeper blue effect, add more ultramarine. Blue protects the coating from impact ultraviolet rays makes the surface white. Mix the finished solution thoroughly with a construction mixer or manually, filter through a double layer of gauze, get rid of lumps.

In order not to crumble the chalk, purchase a ready-made chalk paste. Dissolve the wallpaper paste in warm water according to the instructions and mix the resulting solution with chalk paste in proportions of 4:1. After mixing, the mixture is ready for use, it is not necessary to filter it.

We check the readiness of the solution with a knife. We dip it into the solution and look: if the drops flow down the blade like water, the mixture is too liquid. To bring it to the required viscosity, add more chalk. The same rule applies to limestone whitewash.

Lime is sold in dry or slaked form. Depending on the quenching speed, it is divided into three types: fast (10 minutes), medium (20 minutes) and slow (more than 30 minutes) reaction. The lower the rate of quenching, the smaller the portion for quenching lime is poured. Consider three options for preparing limestone whitewash.

For the first option, we prepare six kilograms of slaked lime, pour eight liters of warm water into the dry mixture in small portions. Add half a glass of laundry soap shavings and 200 g of diluted wood glue. Mix everything thoroughly and add blue to obtain the desired shade of blue. We make whitewashing more stable: we dilute a glass in the prepared solution table salt. If you want to give the whitewash a deeper shade, use dyes. We dilute them in a separate container and pour in portions. Do not forget that after the whitewash dries, it will become a tone lighter. We take this into account when adding color.

We prepare the second version of lime whitewash at the rate of 0.4 kg of lime per 600 ml of warm water. To the resulting mixture, add 5 g of drying oil and salt. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished solution should have the consistency of thick cream. Such whitewashing will stay on the ceiling for a long time and not crumble.

For the third whitewash option, mix two kilograms of slaked lime with 100 g of sodium chloride solution or 200 g of aluminum alum. Do not forget about blue, it will take about 20–30 g for such an amount. If you want to add dye, watch the concentration. Dilute 500 g of dye and add it in portions to the solution, achieving the desired color. Stir the mixture thoroughly and add warm water, bringing the mixture to 10 liters.

Whitewashing with a brush and roller - the right application technology

Whitewashing the ceiling is carried out in several ways - using a brush, roller, spray gun or vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. At home, as a rule, a brush or roller is used, as well as combined option. The size of the whitewash brush is 15–20 cm. Before use, we recommend soaking it for a couple of hours in water so that the bristles become softer and do not stick to the whitewashed surface. When choosing a roller, look at the work item. If you want whitewash to be smooth, opt for a short pile roller. When choosing a roller with a long "fur coat", the final staining effect will resemble an orange peel. To speed up whitewashing, we recommend purchasing a telescopic handle along with the roller.

To whitewash the ceiling, divide it into several zones. We advise you to start work from the window and move to the door. Do the work slowly so as not to stain the walls. The first layer is applied along the window, and the second - perpendicular to the window opening. Remember, we apply the second layer after the first has completely dried, otherwise stains will be visible, and the whitewash itself will turn out to be not neat. For beginners, for whitewashing the main part of the wall, we advise you to use a roller, and leave the brush for hard-to-reach places- around pipes, fixtures, joints and partitions. In addition, this method will significantly speed up the work process. For convenience, pour the solution into a tray with a squeezing mesh. Before each application, we outlive the roller, minimizing streaks. The first layer, as in the case of a brush, is applied along the window, and the second - perpendicularly, rolling the roller carefully over the surface. If, after the second layer has dried, the whitewash lay unevenly, we apply the third fixing layer.

The whitewashed ceiling has a finely porous structure, the surface "breathes". This finish option is also considered bactericidal and wear-resistant. This is a budget method that allows you to update the ceiling quickly. A properly whitewashed ceiling retains its original appearance for about 5 years.

In order not to waste time preparing chalk and limestone mortars, cover the ceiling with a water-based emulsion. This paint option adheres well even to old whitewash, the finish does not crumble and becomes more resistant to abrasion. The principle of application is similar to chalk and limestone mortar. To apply the first layer, we recommend slightly diluting the paint with water. The second layer is applied with undiluted paint. Such a ceiling will be smooth and even without gaps.

Whitewashing the ceiling with a blown vacuum cleaner - learning to use useful equipment

Do-it-yourself whitewashing with a brush and roller is a reliable process, but it takes a lot of time. A spray gun (spray gun) or a vacuum cleaner with air blowing will help speed up the process several times. The airbrush in the apartment creates a lot of splashes, it is more expedient to use it in large areas (workshops, warehouses, public buildings). But a vacuum cleaner with a blowing function is the best option for home conditions.

To whitewash the ceiling with such a vacuum cleaner, fill a glass jar with a solution, close it with a lid and press firmly. Insert the hose into the opening of the lid, shake the jar, turn on the vacuum cleaner. Cover the air valve of the vacuum cleaner cover with your finger and press the spray button. Bring the sprayer at a distance of 0.7-1 m from the ceiling and spread the composition over the surface with smooth movements, not lingering in one place for a long time to avoid streaks. To get the most even and smooth surface, apply 3-4 layers of whitewash. Applying the solution with a sprayer hides roughness better, since the layer is denser and thicker.