How to make a clay tandoor with your own hands. Do-it-yourself tandoor made of bricks is the simplest and most inexpensive photo, do-it-yourself tandoor made of stone

  • 27.06.2020

Brazier, barbecue, grill - you will not surprise anyone with these cooking devices, because they are in almost every country house. Tandoor is an exotic oven for our country, in which to cook delicious food pure pleasure. Make a tandoor with your own hands, drawings and photos, step-by-step instructions - will help the summer resident to fold the stove and save the family budget.

How to make a tandoor with your own hands, video

Asian peoples have been preparing food in the tandoor for many centuries. It is for baking delicious bread, baked meat, fish, vegetables and more. The advantage of the oven is that all dishes are tasty, the food is evenly fried, remains juicy and preserves everything. beneficial features. Tandoor has simple design, so that any owner of a country house will fold it with his own hands.

After pouring the foundation, proceed to the laying of refractory bricks

talking plain language, tandoor - a brick oven in the form of a hollow vessel with a wide base and a narrowed neck. Through the hole at the top of the tandoor, firewood and food for cooking are put into the oven. At the base there is a small window that serves as a blower. A damper is also installed there, with which you can easily adjust the level of thrust.

Tandoor is made of clay - natural material, which, when heated, does not emit any harmful substances. The disadvantage of clay is that it quickly heats up and cools down. To keep the heat in the oven, it must be additionally insulated. Along the perimeter, the furnace is lined with refractory bricks so that the shape of a vessel rounded up is obtained. To between brickwork and the walls of the brazier did not have an air gap; this space is covered with clay or sand.

We offer you to watch a video about the principle of operation of the tandoor:

Due to the thick walls and special shape, the tandoor quickly gains temperature and the heat lasts for several hours. Asian housewives have adapted to simultaneously bake bread, bake meat and cook the first course.

In the manufacture of tandoor, ancient craftsmen used special clay, which has high thermal insulation properties. To prevent the tandoor from cracking due to high temperature, natural wool was mixed into the clay. Modern tandoors are made a little differently, since all the ancient secrets have remained undiscovered and many details of the correct modeling of the furnace are unknown.

Wooden template makes brick laying easier

There are various technologies for making tandoor. For example, you can buy a ceramic tandoor. It can be stationary or portable. It is very convenient to cook delicious dishes in it, as special composition ceramics also holds heat well and the dishes remain fried and juicy. However, the disadvantage of ceramic tandoor is its high price.

The main material of the classic oven is white clay containing kaolin. The material has high refractory properties and poor ductility. These are the ideal characteristics of the material for the manufacture of high-quality tandoor. White clay is used to make porcelain, ceramics and refractory bricks. Powdered dry kaolin can be purchased from wholesalers and retailers building materials. The average price per ton is about $100. The main problem faced by craftsmen who make the oven on their own is the cracking of the oven during prolonged drying. Therefore, only professionals take up the work.

We offer you to learn how to make a tandoor with your own hands according to a drawing from oven bricks. Step by step instructions include the following steps:

Tandoor device

  1. Purchase of materials. The builder will need to buy refractory bricks, special oven mixture, concrete, white clay, sand, rebar.
  2. Foundation pouring. The pit is dug round, with a diameter of about 120 cm. The depth of the pit is about 20 cm. The first 10 cm are covered with sand. A mesh is made of reinforcement, which is installed on supports, as shown in the photo. A concrete solution 10 cm thick is poured.
  3. Bricklaying. The diameter of the furnace is traditionally equal to its height. If the width of the base is 100 cm, then the height should be the same, and the neck should be 3 times smaller. To lay out a brick in the shape of an oven, you need to make a wooden template, as shown in the photo. When laying, a special refractory mixture is used, but it is important to leave a hole for installing a blower. According to the template, 4 rows of bricks are laid. For greater strength, the first and second row can be pulled together with steel wire.
  4. Finishing work. Brickwork should be coated with a 5 cm layer of clay. The top edge must be made oval. Masters usually line the tandoor with stone, ceramic tiles or simply painted on the outside with refractory paint.
  5. Burning. After completion of all work, the tandoor is left to dry. At this time, the structure is covered with a film and protected from the sun and rain. After drying, the product is gradually heated, lighting a fire inside. The product is then allowed to cool.

Video about the first firing of the tandoor:

To make the tandoor beautifully folded, it is recommended to build a template in advance. It is very convenient to use it. The base is installed in the center of the future furnace and is displaced during masonry. The wooden template is made as follows:

  • base height - 100 cm;
  • the length of the lower crossbar is 30 cm, the middle one is 25 cm, the last one is 20 cm;
  • plywood is attached to the crossbars, as shown in the photo.

The resulting pattern can be used when laying a brick oven. The rows will be equal, and the work will be done easily and quickly.

Video about making a tandoor with your own hands from brick:

Do-it-yourself tandoor, drawings and photos, step-by-step instructions for making a structure - this is what will allow even a novice builder to easily cope with the construction of a structure. Thanks to this, he will be able to save a lot of money and enjoy healthy food cooked in the bosom of nature.

Country fashion brought a new object of adoration to the podium, and many owners summer cottages they began to build a tandoor with their own hands, making mistakes and burning themselves.

What are the secrets of building a tandoor, how to choose the right type and what to consider in order to get not the black coals of meat, but a delicious flatbread and tender shish kebab.

What is tandoor

The homeland of the tandoor is most regions of Central Asia. In Tajikistan it is called tanur, in Uzbekistan it is called tandoor, and in Turkmenistan it is called tonur. By the same principle, tandoors are built in India and tonirs in Armenia. However, no matter how this universal oven-brazier is called, you will not see big differences in design.

It is a ceramic container of various sizes, with a hole at the top or side. Fuel (coal, firewood, brushwood) is placed inside a kind of clay jug, and warms it up so that the thick walls of the furnace keep the desired temperature for a long time.

Types of tandoor

Since the appearance of the first tandoor, it has not undergone any significant changes. Everything is also used to create it kaolin clay, camel or sheep wool, sand and bricks. It is these materials that are necessary for the construction of a real Central Asian tandoor. However, there is a division of the furnace into types, based on the place of its installation.

Ground tandoor is installed in the yard, on a clay platform. For bread, samsa, barbecue, tandoor set vertically, horizontal installation applicable only for baking bread.

Pit or earthen tandoor placed in a hole dug in the ground. Clay and fireclay are used in its construction. In ancient times, this species was often used for space heating.

Portable tandoor- it modern look oven, which has iron handles for carrying. small size, in the form of a barrel with a lid, it successfully replaces the brazier that is familiar to us.

Principle of operation

The Uzbek clay tandoor is a classic variant of a clay cauldron-like oven that has been turned upside down and the bottom and throat reversed. Using his example, we will consider the features of the device and the principle of operation of the tandoor.

A hole (blowing) is made in the lower part of the tandoor. Outside, the clay base is lined with bricks. Sand or salt is poured between the brick and the walls of the tandoor. Fuel (coal, firewood) is placed on the bottom of the boiler through the upper hole, and ash is removed through it. A grill is installed inside for cooking meat, fish or vegetables.

Clay base for tandoor with a special hole - supply

All materials from which the tandoor is made have a high ability to accumulate (accumulate) heat. When heated, the walls of the furnace retain a high temperature for a long time (from 250 to 400 degrees). After the tandoor reaches the required temperature, the walls are thoroughly wiped from soot and ash, and the famous Uzbek cakes are laid on them.

Important! Having heated the tandoor once, you can cook food in it for 6 hours.

How to build a tandoor

Making a tandoor oven with your own hands is not a fast and time-consuming process. If you are determined to build just such a furnace on your site, then you should carry out thorough preparatory work. By the way, the masters of Central Asia masterfully master the technique of building a tandoor, but often keep their own secret technologies in the strictest confidence.

We have prepared for you step by step instructions for the construction of a clay tandoor in the form in which it still faithfully serves many residents of these regions.

  • The classical size of the tandoor is 1-1.5 m high, the diameter of the boiler body is 1 m, the diameter of the upper hole is 50-60 cm. To form a clay jug, kaolin clay is taken, which experienced craftsmen call "live". Brick is used for facing the furnace. Therefore, you need to stock up on clay, bricks, and some sheep or camel hair.

  • Wool fibers are cut into pieces 10-15 mm long and mixed with clay. After kneading, the clay should acquire the consistency of sour cream.
  • The resulting mixture is put in a dark place for a week so that it settles.

Attention! The finished solution must be periodically checked, removed excess water but keep the mixture moist. If it is too dry, the tandoor will crack.

  • Usually, clay sheets with a thickness of 5 to 15 cm are molded from the settled mixture. It is difficult to form a tandoor from such sheets without a well-developed skill, so you will need a barrel.
  • To make a tandoor from a barrel with your own hands, relax its hoops a little, fill it with water, and leave it to swell for 5 days. Then drain the water, let the barrel dry, and process the walls from the inside sunflower oil. Give it 12 hours to soak, and the tandoor mold is ready.

Please note that both the clay and the barrel must be prepared for construction at the same time.

  • Now we roll sausages with a length of about 50 cm and a diameter of 6 cm from the finished clay. We roll each of them to a thickness of 2 cm, cut into ribbons and begin to lay out the inside of the barrel.

  • Tamping the tapes tightly on the walls of the barrel. In the upper part, we achieve a narrowing of the hole to 1/2 of the diameter of the barrel. The bottom is not covered with clay.

Tandoor is a Central Asian stove in the shape of a jug. Folding such a "brazier" with your own hands is easy. Step by step description the bricklaying process will be given below.

Today, urban residents mainly use a barbecue or barbecue for cooking. However, the tandoor, so common among the Eastern peoples, is in no way inferior to modern devices.

Inside the oven, you can cook a variety of dishes: pita bread, samsa, meat. Their exquisite taste is a strong argument in her favor. Distinctive feature Asian oven - vertical arrangement of products. Thanks to this device, the juice from the kebab soaks the meat, and does not drip into the fire. The result is a juicy dish with a rich taste.

Operating principle

The work of the tandoor can be compared with the functioning of a conventional boiler, in which heat is accumulated and stored.

In the tandoor, heat is accumulated by means of fireclay clay. After the firing process, this natural material acquires the characteristics of ceramics.

First, firewood is laid in the structure and a fire is lit. The heat generated during combustion will remain inside the stove. When the firewood burns out and the heat weakens a little, they begin to lay the dough and food. To keep warm, the oven is covered with a lid of the appropriate size.

Note: the internal temperature in the tandoor after warming up is kept at 250 degrees. This is the optimum setting for tasty and healthy food.

Folding a brick structure is easy, because the masonry technology does not provide for the presence special materials or tools. Everything you need for construction is sold in specialized stores. Full instructions and the layout of the building are shown below.


  1. Due to the peculiar shape, the structure requires less fuel, which makes its construction economically viable.
  2. Simple and fast installation. It can be done by yourself, without the involvement of specialists.
  3. As the main building materials, only environmentally friendly materials are used that do not emit toxic substances when heated.
  4. The same dishes are prepared in the oven as on the grill or barbecue. In addition, you can bake delicious oriental dishes in it.

masonry materials

The construction of the tandoor involves the use of the following materials:

  1. For the construction of the walls you need refractory fireclay bricks . Its quantity is calculated according to the wall thickness and dimensions of the furnace. The masonry will take about 700-1300 pieces.
  2. The masonry mixture can be prepared independently. To do this, take clay and clean sand. If there is no desire to knead the solution and calculate the ratio of components, you can purchase the finished mixture at any building supermarket.
  3. The constructed structure is coated with clay. If desired, use mosaic decor or a natural stone. If cakes are cooked in the tandoor, then inner part also need to be coated with fire-resistant clay.
  4. For the construction of a reliable and durable foundation, cement reinforced with a bar is used.
  5. A mandatory attribute of the furnace is a blower, which is made of brick or a small piece of pipe with a cross section of at least 10 cm.
  6. To circle with top layer masonry was even, it is necessary to lay out a template of wooden bars and boards.

To work, you need the following tool:

  • Bulgarian;
  • spatula (width not less than 12 cm);
  • a suitable container or bucket for mixing the solution (concrete, facing mixture);
  • plaster rule;
  • paint brush.

Preparatory stage

Before you start building a tandoor, you need to decide on its location.

For safety reasons, the stove should not be located near buildings, trees and plantings.

It is desirable that the soil at the construction site be dry, and the level ground water- low.

The chosen place is leveled, then a layer of quartz sand 20 cm thick is poured. A small depression is made from an asbestos-cement or metal pipe for a blower.


To prevent the masonry from collapsing under the influence of seasonal movements, it is necessary to establish a solid foundation.

It is made from concrete slab or pour cement mixture into the prepared hole.

Competent approach and observance of construction stages-the main criteria for long-term operation of the product.

  1. First of all, markup is carried out, including the designation of the dimensions of the future structure. If desired, a special platform is poured for a convenient approach to the furnace.
  2. Grass and debris are removed from the site. If the area is flat, then sand leveling is sufficient. On loamy soil, a layer of soil is removed and sand is poured into the recess, which is spilled with water and carefully tamped.
  3. When the site is located on a hill, the foundation can be made flush with the ground. It is advisable to raise a place with constant stagnant water 20 cm above the ground. In this situation, a special formwork made of wooden bars will be required.
  4. Further, a lattice of reinforcement is installed, with a cross section of at least 10 mm. The rod is knitted with wire. The optimal distance between the bars is 15 cm.
  5. The formwork is poured with concrete and leveled with a board. It is important to use high-quality cement, since the design of the furnace is quite massive and the base must withstand significant loads. Dry cement is sprinkled over the mortar, which will give the foundation moisture resistance.
  6. In the central part of the foundation, a recess is made for the template. Then the structure is covered with plastic wrap and left to dry. As the concrete dries, it should be moistened. Construction begins after curing. This period usually takes about 2 weeks.

Template installation and masonry

The tandoor oven should have an even circumference.

In order to achieve the same radius when laying bricks, you need to use a template.

For its installation, drawings and preliminary calculations are used.

Note: the distance between the two template elements is calculated according to the height of one row of bricks.

The tandoor is laid out of refractory bricks, which are placed on the end part. Therefore, the height of one row together with the cement joint will be 26 cm. Therefore, it is better to lay out the height of the straight part of the stove from 2 rows.

So that the walls of the furnace do not turn out to be curved, a right angle is left around the perimeter of the lower part of the structure. The second row exactly repeats the first, however, for strength, each brick is shifted exactly by half. In the same row, they make a blower from a pipe. Why two blocks are sawn in the center.

Next, bricks with a pipe are covered with cement. Further, the narrowing of the structure will begin, corresponding to the height of the two rows. To build a slope, the blocks are sawn with a grinder at a given angle.

Master's advice: when equipping a blower, instead of a pipe, you can use a brick, which is left loose.

In subsequent rows, the amount of material will decrease, respectively, the dressing will be equal to 1/3 of the brick. At the end of the work, the tandoor oven is dried. In the summer, for uniform drying of the mixture, the masonry is constantly moistened.

To mask all the seams formed between the bricks, you will need fireclay clay.

So that the bricks are not saturated with moisture from the liquid composition, they are moistened in advance. The mixture is kneaded from clay, quartz sand and salt. The proportions depend on the degree of fat content of the natural material.

The mortar is applied to brick blocks from 3 sides - two side and one bottom. As soon as the first layer dries, the bricks begin to be coated with a reinforcing layer. The main thing to remember is that the structure must be protected from rain with plastic wrap.

To increase the strength of the tandoor, a reinforcing metal mesh is mounted on the clay layer, and a layer is also applied. concrete mix. It is prepared from cement, sand and granite screenings. The consistency of the masonry mortar should resemble plasticine. For decorative ornament on the outside of the furnace lay out a mosaic or natural stone.

The finished tandoor is dried for at least 2 weeks. After the first drying, the oven is heated. First, only paper is used, then sawdust and wood chips are added. Thus, the structure is dried every day for 2 weeks.


After complete drying, the tandoor is fired. To do this, make a fire and maintain it for several hours.

The first firing should be long. When the oven has cooled down, it must be checked.

If the structure rings on impact, then the home-made brick tandoor is ready. In the future, it is periodically cleaned of soot and ash.


The oven can cook several dishes at the same time. For their placement, special devices are used.

For example, a metal portable rod on which skewers are fixed. Its dimensions should correspond to the diameter of the tandoor neck.

Another option is a pot lid. It is made from ordinary sheet iron. For cooking meat, vegetables and cakes, holes are cut in the lid.

Tandoor is used not only as a barbecue or barbecue, but also as a Russian oven. Vegetables are stewed in it, rich cabbage soup, meat stew are made.


The stationary tandoor is protected from precipitation with a canopy.

First, small indentations are dug from four sides, into which they are installed metal pipes or wooden beams. The recesses are covered with sand and poured with a concrete solution.

When it dries, sheets of corrugated board or slate are mounted on the device. The canopy can be anything, it all depends on the imagination and possibilities. An interesting option can be seen in the photo.

A real brick tandoor is a functional oven that ensures even roasting of vegetables and meat. Such a device helps to save on the consumption of electricity and gas.

In addition, the oven is easy to operate and maintain. Its installation will not take much time, but it will allow you to enjoy fragrant dishes and delicious pita bread.

Watch the video, which shows in detail how to make a brick tandoor with your own hands:

In this publication, we will look at ways to build a tandoor in the country - an outdoor wood-burning stove made of oriental-style bricks. After studying this material, you can choose suitable option and do simple construction works with your own hands.

Construction of a traditional tandoor

First, a few words about what a tandoor is. This is an old-style stove without a chimney, located outside and designed for cooking and baking according to oriental recipes - flat cakes, pita bread, samsa, and so on. What the device of a stationary stove looks like is shown in the diagram.

What does a classic tandoor oven consist of:

  • foundation - reinforced concrete slab;
  • a clay firebox in the form of an amphora without a bottom, closed on top with a metal lid;
  • hearth part and outer walls made of bricks;
  • between the inner and outer walls there is a filler made of heat-intensive building material (sand, fine gravel);
  • at the bottom of the firebox there is an iron grate and an ash chamber with a blower door.

The principle of operation of the tandoor is similar to the Russian stove: the flame of burning firewood heats thick walls that retain heat for a long time. Due to which, after the fire is extinguished, homemade dishes of meat and flour are prepared: shish kebab, kebab or flat cakes (according to old technology dough sticks to inner surface furnaces).

Reference. Similar portable stoves industrial production available for sale. They have a grill (as in a barbecue) and electric heating of the chamber.

We prepare building materials

To make a foundation and build a furnace, you will need the following materials:

  • a ready-made ceramic vessel for a tandoor furnace, resembling a pot without a bottom;
  • ceramic brick, preferably solid;
  • clay and sand for masonry mortar;
  • grate and ash pan door;
  • metal for the manufacture of the cover;
  • sand or fine gravel - to fill the gap between the walls;
  • cement M400, rebar and crushed stone - for pouring the foundation.

Finished ceramic insert in the oven

Note. It is quite difficult to make an internal ceramic insert shown in the photo with your own hands. If you can’t find it on sale, you will have to build a budget option tandoor with clay coating, as described below.

The amount of building materials depends on the dimensions of the furnace, which are chosen arbitrarily. To correctly lay out the fuel chamber with convex walls, it is necessary to maintain the ratio of the diameters of the hearth and the upper opening, as shown in the drawing.

If you plan to use the tandoor on weekends, then making a large structure is pointless. Feel free to reduce the dimensions indicated in the drawing by 1/3, or half. The finished insert - an amphora does not have to be bricked around in a circle, the body can be built in a square shape, which is done in the photo.

Reference. It is allowed to lay a stove made of fireclay bricks and refractory clay, but at a price the construction will cost much more.

A brick wall of arbitrary shape is built around the clay insert - round or square

We fill the foundation

Since any brick oven is a heavy structure, it cannot be installed directly on the ground. Before you make a tandoor at your summer cottage, prepare a concrete base according to the step-by-step instructions:

According to the requirements for concreting foundations, it is allowed to load a fresh foundation after 28 days. The formwork is removed earlier - after 5-7 days. For more details on pouring the foundation slab under the tandoor, see the video:

Building a stove

To protect a home-made brick tandoor from moisture from the side of the foundation, cover the concrete surface with a double-folded roofing material, and then proceed to construction. The order of work is as follows:

Advice. When adding sand to the solution, make sure that the sample does not begin to crack when squeezed into a cake - this is a sign of a lean solution.

A cake is made to test the solution

To give the firebox a convex shape, use the wooden template shown in the photo. It is easy to put together from wooden planks, checking the angle of inclination of the support rail according to the drawing.

When laying the inclined walls of the tandoor internal corners it is better to cut bricks. It’s easier to work with an internal clay coating when the structure dries, which we will discuss later. The construction process is shown in more detail in the video:

Finishing the firebox and ignition

According to the old technology, the tandoor firebox is supposed to be coated with a solution of clay, sand and sheep's wool, which works as a reinforcing component. Now to apply modern materials that give the best result - refractory clay "Mertel MP-18" and liquid glass.

The consistency of the mixture becomes thick

Finishing is performed according to the following algorithm:

You will need to apply several coats to get an even coverage. Do not strive to make the surface perfectly flat, the main task is to ensure smoothness and remove flowability so that sand does not get into the pita bread.

After the finishing layer has completely solidified, kindle the tandoor with a small amount of firewood and heat it in a gentle mode, allowing the masonry to dry completely. Watch the video of the master for performing the coating procedure:

Budget options for tandoor

One of the easiest ways to make a heat-intensive cooking oven is to use a 200-liter iron barrel as a frame. The base will be an old automobile wheel, partially dug into the ground; there is no need to build a reinforced concrete foundation.

Manufacturing technology is simple:

Under certain conditions, the tandoor is laid out of bricks without the use of mortar. The stones are placed "on the butt" in the form of a semicircle and tied with wire. The procedure is as follows:

Advice. In order for the mortar to adhere well to the brick walls, moisten the latter with plenty of water from a spray bottle.

The finished tandoor must be ignited and heated several times. How is the simplest and inexpensive option stoves, see the video.


In reality, budgetary ways constructions allow you to create an imitation of a tandoor, as they differ in a cylindrical or conical shape. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, a real Asian stove should have an amphora or jug-shaped firebox. If this was not achieved, you get a simple heat-consuming stove for cooking.

Related posts:

Lot interesting stories and culinary gossip exists around the tandoor - the most ancient and famous stove hearth in culinary circles. Some of the legends are indeed confirmed by practice, but most of the attributed characteristics and miraculous properties of the stove are the usual conjectures of traders in oriental goods. But it is worth paying tribute - the tandoor allows you to get a very high quality of meat, vegetables and, of course, the famous unleavened cakes cooked on coals. At the same time, it gives any well-known dish a richer and milder taste, even barbecue retains more than half of the marinade, fat and juice. So if you want to surprise your friends with an unusual barbecue - look for a way to make a tandoor with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of clay oven

Today you can buy or order the construction of a tandoor in a summer cottage from the masters of the furnace business. But in most cases, even a master experienced in laying all kinds of stoves will not always make a hearth of the desired quality. In fact, the design of the tandoor is not so easy to manufacture. How difficult it is to make a real tandoor hearth is eloquently evidenced by the fact that connoisseurs pay from 30 thousand to 100 thousand rubles for a ready-made clay pot of tandoor. In addition, some types of baked meat, such as tandoor kabob, are rather problematic to cook without such an oven.

The advantages of the traditional tandoor can be listed in just a few points:

  1. High economy. Just a few dry logs are enough to prepare a full-fledged feast, including traditional kebabs, baked vegetables, bread cakes, which are called tandoor-nan. Even the simplest do-it-yourself brick tandoor is able to retain heat and heat for several hours;
  2. Versatility. With it, you can cook everything that is cooked on a conventional brick oven hob;
  3. A feature of the tandoor is the principle of its operation. The heated bowl of the oven does not burn or dry the products with hot flue gases, but bakes with the heat emitted by the hot walls.

For your information! Most often, the Asian or Uzbek version is known to us, Europeans, as a tandoor amphora. The tandoor received such an unusual name for its characteristic profile, tapering upwards, like that of an ancient Greek amphora.

In addition, you can take the tandoor amphora with you on a picnic, as the manufacturers present a whole range of sizes.


The arrangement of the tandoor, its shape and dimensions have been honed over hundreds of years by nomads and residents of Central Asia. In fact, the stove is a clay pot of decent size, with a wide base, about 70-80 cm, and almost a meter high.

There are no mysteries in the design of the tandoor, moreover, a neat and thoughtful person is able to make it with his own hands from brick, using only the drawings and the recommendations below. The possibilities of such a hearth will be enough for simply roasting meat and vegetables at a very decent level.

The construction of a brick tandoor is based on the same principles as those of a clay hearth, taking into account the specifics of building walls with brickwork:

  • For prefabricated brick tandoors, the same spindle shape with a massive base is used;
  • A blower is arranged in the lower part of the body, through which air is supplied for burning firewood;
  • The body is laid out from fireclay bricks used for laying fireboxes and fire chambers of fireplaces and wood stoves. Despite the fact that firewood is used for heating, the heat inside the tandoor heats the walls from 260 ° C to 400 ° C. Red ceramic bricks the heat just can't stand it.
  • In the upper part, a flat table surface made of granite or sandstone is equipped; In the process of preparing especially important dishes, such as tandoor kabob, after burning coals and white ash on the walls of the hearth, meat with spices is hung on a hook in the center of the tandoor, where the product languishes in the heat;

The inner surface of the tandoor is covered with a heat-resistant coating of clay with the addition of fireclay, finely crushed silicon powder and grated oat straw.

Important! As in any business, success in cooking kebabs, kebabs, baked fish and vegetables depends not only on the design of the oven, but also on cooking skills.

The tandoors installed in restaurants and cafes do not even remotely resemble the classic oven device; many run on natural gas or electricity. At the same time, despite the criticism of numerous experts, meat dishes in such foci are of sufficiently high quality. In this sense, a do-it-yourself brick tandoor allows you to achieve even better results.

The tandoor device is shown in the drawing.

The dimensions of the tandoor, its depth and the diameter of the outer hole were not chosen by chance. After cooling such a furnace, you can easily reach the bottom with your hand, remove ash and coal residues without the risk of damaging the lining or the upper edges of the body.

The classic device of the tandoor involves the installation of a huge massive pot of baked clay of special varieties inside the brick body. The space between the pot and the brick walls of the hearth is filled with grated salt mixed with crushed limestone. Salt absorbs and re-radiates part of the infrared rays best of all, as a result, heating increases by 30-40% compared to brick tandoor.

The wall thickness of such a pot can reach 50-60 mm, such a mass is quite enough for baking even very large pieces of meat in the hearth without any salt filler. The main secret the tandoor lies in the clay from which the walls of the furnace are made.

The main secret of the quality of the tandoor

Before deciding whether to change the familiar and easy-to-maintain barbecue or barbecue for a bulky and unusual hearth, you just need to compare the taste of two servings of meat cooked on a barbecue or in a tandoor.

Any product fried on a steel or cast iron grill inevitably acquires a metallic taste, which is masked by burnt layers and all kinds of sauces. Clean meat, roasted steel grating barbecue, will have a pronounced sour taste of steel, due to the fact that the smallest particles of scale are transferred by hot gases to the product.

When cooking in a tandoor, the situation is somewhat different. There are no hot gas flows in the brick hearth, there is only heat radiated by the walls. Most of the water that has evaporated into the interior of the hearth dramatically increases the thermal conductivity and speed of cooking.

Part of the clay microparticles with a high silicon content, hundreds of microns in size, come off the hearth walls and are transferred to the products. It is they who give meat and vegetables a specific mild flavor. It is because of this clay raw tortillas from the dough stick to the walls of the oven, as if glued. It is this taste that is so appreciated by gourmets who pay a lot of money for original copies of the tandoor. This effect cannot be reproduced even in the most sophisticated modern computer-controlled tandoor ovens with electronic control humidity, temperature and heat distribution.

We build a tandoor from fireclay bricks

It is necessary to build a tandoor on solid ground, on a small hill, where there is guaranteed no water, and a heavy furnace body can be installed.

Preparatory stage

Initially, it will be necessary to remove the fertile layer of the earth by 15-20 cm, level it, fill it with a mixture of sand and gravel and compact a square area measuring 120x150 cm. polyethylene film and a lattice of six-millimeter reinforcement with a window size of 10 cm. A formwork 10-15 cm high is installed along the edges of the pit. The future base of the furnace must be tied to the ground, for this we hammer in one half-meter reinforcing pin in the corners. The heads of the clogged reinforcing bars are welded to the grate.

After pouring concrete M200, we carefully level the level of the filled surface with the rule. Four or five hours after pouring the base under the tandoor with a metal bar, we clean and trim the plane of the slab along the horizon. Not earlier than in three days we start building the furnace.

The construction of the base and walls of the tandoor

After setting the concrete, you need to lay out the first row of the base of the hearth. Fireclay is laid out on the usual clay-cement mortar used for laying furnaces.

The size of the circle at the base is 750 mm, it is imperative to lay a layer of waterproofing under the brickwork, otherwise the fireclay will draw moisture from the concrete and crack when heated.

The prepared fireclay brick is laid out on a screed from a masonry mortar using an original fixture. This is a frame in which one side is the axis of rotation, the second side is specially profiled so that during rotation the outer part describes the curved surface of the walls.

The frame is installed in the center of the base and used for exposure right position bricks.

The laid first row of the furnace wall is carefully pulled together with annealed steel wire. Similarly, the second, third and fourth rows are laid out along the frame. Each brick is cut with a grinder “under the wedge” so that the fireclay blocks laid along the ring have the same seam width over the entire plane of the brick.

The fourth row of fireclay is the most difficult to lay. In addition to the wedge, it will be necessary to cut the supporting part of the brick so that the fireclay block is littered 5-6 degrees inward. The result is a barrel-shaped tandoor body made of fireclay.

At the final stage, you will need to coat the inside and outside of the tandoor body. Clay and tiles are usually used for exterior cladding. natural stone. The upper hole and the inside of the tandoor are coated with masonry clay with a small amount of sand and oat straw filler.

So that the inner lining of the walls of the furnace does not crack or crumble, instead of sand, ground calcite or natural silicon, ground into powder, is added to the clay. Often it is necessary to change the lining in the furnace two or three times before it is possible to select the necessary proportions of materials.

A more complex version of the tandoor

To build a professional version of the tandoor, you will need to increase the size and thickness concrete base from 120 cm to 180 cm. In the central part of the base, a landing belt is cast in the form of a shallow niche, into which the body will be laid out. The furnace consists of two buildings separated by a layer of basalt thermal insulation.

The principle of laying fireclay is no different from the previous version. The first four rows are laid out in a wedge with obligatory arrangement blew in the front row. Inside the first building, the hot part of the tandoor is laid out in half a brick.

After about three or four days, the first body is wrapped in a layer of basalt wool 90 mm thick and sealed with foil insulation. The second body of the tandoor is laid out with an air gap of 5 mm between the insulation and the brickwork of the furnace.

A steel ring is mounted in the neck of the tandoor, on which a lid or boilers with pilaf, shurpa and other dishes will be installed. On the upper plane of the tandoor, you can lay a ring of granite, on which trays with products will be placed.

The design strength of the furnace wall will be gained no earlier than in two weeks. Up to this point, the tandoor can be covered with a cloth or an opaque film. After about a week, you can check the operation of the hearth by burning a small amount of paper and wood chips.

For tandoor, you can use hardwoods, such as acacia. Birch, larch, spruce, pine can only be used for initial kindling.

The first full-fledged kindling of the tandoor is performed by three laying of firewood, six to seven logs each. Within an hour, firewood must be added to the stove two more times. It takes about 45-50 minutes for the tandoor to warm up, the nature of the smoke will change, from whitish it will become completely transparent, and the soot and fumes on the walls of the hearth will turn white. Once white coating will begin to break down and be carried away by hot air, it is believed that the tandoor has reached the required temperature of 270 ° C, and you can load food into the oven.

It is impossible to simultaneously load the tandoor with fuel more than 1/6 of its height.


The tandoor can rightfully be considered one of the most advanced stoves ever invented by man. Such a structure can be easily built in the ground with your own hands from sandstone and feldspar in almost any area. The durability of such an oven will be small, but the made tandoor will work and help you cook food without any problems. The disadvantages include the need to use only dry and well-burning wood, which limits the widespread use of the stove in the country or in a private house.