Wood gymnast. Making a dynamic toy "gymnast"

  • 03.03.2020

Iron tempers steel, and steel tempers the spirit. The soul, hardened by steel, has formed the strong steel spirit of our magnificent gymnast, who performs on the crossbar. "Street Workout", like popular street workouts, captures the attention of everyone who has ever watched the performance of a turnstile. Let's try to reproduce one of them from the easiest means at hand.

The final look of the craft.

To create such a mobile toy you will need:
1. Wire with a total length of 50 cm. It can be an insulated aluminum wire, or copper wire - whatever it is.
2. Nippers.
3. Small pliers and pliers.
4. Ruler, plastic cap from the pen.
5. Sandpaper, Veselok or a grinder with a grinding disc.
6. Napfel round thin.
7. A small nail the thickness of wires without insulation, or a drill with a drill bit of similar thickness.
8. Stove / candle / heating pad / stove.

Work begins with the preparation of aluminum wire. It needs to be insulated. It can be done by anyone accessible way. For example, burn the insulation: in the stove, in the burner, above the candle. If there is a stove, then simply lower the wire into the fire, and it will burn easily and quickly.

Burnt insulation is removed with pliers. Then, with wire cutters, you need to cut the wire 14 cm long. Thus, you need to cut only 3 pieces of aluminum wiring.

Black and charred wire is cleaned with sandpaper.

The ends of the segments need to be sanded more diligently: aluminum should become light and clean.

Instead of a veselka, you can use a grinder with a grinding disc for metal.

Now let's start creating holes in the pen cap with a nail and pliers.

The nail must be calcined in an oven or use the flame of a candle, electric stove, gas burner.

After that, you need to try to pierce the cap through the upper part - for the hands of the gymnast. If it doesn’t work the first time, then you need to ignite the nail again and again.

The same must be done to pierce the bottom of the cap - for the legs.

The design of the head is as follows: the extra elongated part of the cap must be removed with wire cutters. Get a head with a nose.

We proceed to the most crucial moment - assembly: the first wire is threaded through the top of the cap.

With the help of small pliers we form the arms of the turnstile.

Properly placed hands on the body:

The legs are formed in the same way. In this case, you need to pay special attention to the corner bends.

Now you need to bend your arms and bite off the excess. The length of the arm together with the elbow should be slightly longer than the torso.

The hands are attached to the horizontal bar with the help of wire cutters. First, the end of the wire must be bent, and then rounded and clamped tightly to the crossbar.

It remains to bend the feet of the athlete - and the toy is ready!

The final look of the craft.

What is attractive about this turnstile model?
1. To create a toy, it is not at all necessary to spend money: everything you need for work can be found at home.
2. Even a child can make such simplicity.
3. You can decorate a gymnast with colored paper and plasticine. A large spectrum has been created to embody the most daring fantasy.
2. Due to the simple structure, the gymnast is very agile in structure.
3. All "Street Workout" lovers can play with it, regardless of gender and age.
4. And the combination of maneuvers, dynamics of movements and gracefulness of the performed acrobatic elements can excite the heart and imagination of anyone who sees the turnstile in action.

Tatiana Titova

I bring to your attention a surprise toy "Gymnast on the horizontal bar", made of clothespins and waste material. The toy will bring your child a lot positive emotions. At the same time, in the process of making handicrafts from waste material, along with technical skills, the child develops independent thinking, creativity, artistic taste, valuable personality traits are formed (accuracy, purposefulness, perseverance in achieving the goal, etc.).

Purpose: for game motivation, director's play, gift.

Target: fostering interest in sports, gymnastics.

Material: plastic clothespins, chenille wire, wooden skewer, plastic lids, used disk, markers, 2 old felt-tip pens, awl, scissors, nail polish.

Step by step description manufacturing method:


We make bars from old felt-tip pens, plastic caps, skewers and wire.

Step 1. We heat the awl and pierce the holes in the felt-tip pens.

Step 2 Similarly, we make holes in the lids (with an awl small holes are obtained, so you can expand it with scissors or the tip of a knife).

Step 3 We insert felt-tip pens into the holes in the lids.

Step 4 Filling with old plasticine inner part covers for stability.

Step 5 Install to disk.

Step 6 We shorten the wooden skewer and insert it into the racks of felt-tip pens.


We make gymnasts from plastic colored clothespins.

Step 7 We cover the part of the clothespin for the face with white varnish and draw a face with a marker.

Step 8 Cut the wire in half and insert your hands.

Craft "Gymnast on the horizontal bar" is ready. Gymnasts made of clothespins have movable wire handles that can be given different positions: up, down, to the sides.

The surprise is that the gymnast on the uneven bars is swinging and spinning.

The toy will be interesting for both younger and older preschoolers.

How to play?

Game Goals:

Introducing children to sports games;

Raising children's interest in gymnastics;

Acquaintance with the purpose of the bars;

Fixing orientation in space and on the plane; development of fine motor skills;

The development of connected speech.

Plots for director's games:

"Sports training"

"Sports Competition"

Game content: actions with plot toys using substitute objects (for example, cubes as a pedestal for rewarding, etc.)

Thank you for attention! I wish you creative success!

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Homemade children's toys have always been interesting. Every toy made for a child has the love and energy that goes into its construction. No wonder children are sometimes very careful about seemingly unsightly toys.
Currently, there are a lot of different colored and beautiful children's toys in stores, so homemade toys are very rarely made. But the hidden meaning in the self-made technical toy that is precisely the process of creating a toy, thinking, building it with your own hands with the help of a tool. Moreover, such a process takes place together with one of the parents or older brothers and sisters, especially when the children are small and cannot work with the instrument on their own, this is both a game and a learning process.
Purchased educational toys(like the "Lego" constructor) are very good, they allow you to assemble many structures, but the weak link is that everything is assembled from ready-made bricks - just fasten these bricks together and get the intended design.
In such a game, the original elements of creativity disappear - the choice of materials, processing them by hand with the help of various tools until the required shape is obtained, fastening in the necessary ways, achieving the necessary function.
Therefore, a homemade toy is a truly educational toy.
As children, we were forced to build ourselves toys and equipment for games. Many of them are undeservedly forgotten. Let's try to recall some homemade toys for boys May they bring joy to children and their parents.

Wooden reel tractor

Such a tractor is interesting for boys 3-7 years old. It is made from a spool of thread or, as we called it, a katonchik.
Indentations are carefully cut out on the wooden cheeks of the katon with a sharp knife - this is the prototype of the tread on the wheels or the hooks on the tracks.

Such hooks allow reel tractor crawl freely on sofas and pillows.
The basis of the engine is rubber. Its length should be slightly longer than the coil. The best rubber is aircraft model, good rubber can be carefully pulled out of ordinary clothing gum. This tire gives you a lot of power.

On one side, a small carnation or two is hammered into the katon. The rubber band can be hooked at one end to the carnation, or you can place a piece of a match behind the carnations - then the rubber motor is fixed exactly in the center, which gives another half a meter of extra travel.

In order for the rubber to spin at a low speed, a clutch of laundry soap is placed between the support stick (or match) and the cheek of the coil.
Its diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the wheel (so as not to interfere with movement), and the thickness is about a centimeter. A hole with a diameter of 4-5 mm is made in the center, for a supporting match - a small groove.
You can make a muff from bath soap - it is a little softer, you can use a candle or ski wax. How softer material clutch, the more it slows down and, consequently, the slower the tractor goes.
Assembling and starting the tractor is shown in the video.

Such a tractor does not spoil anything and does not make any sounds. Only the child himself growls a little when he plays.

Toy "Pinocchio with a ring"

This toy is cut out of 4mm plywood with a jigsaw.
First, a pattern is applied to the plywood through a copy, then it is cut out. The edges are treated with sandpaper, then everything is painted and varnished. A small hole is drilled at the end of Pinocchio's nose and a harsh thread 50-70 cm long is tied. A ring 3-7 cm in diameter is tied to the end of the thread.
The ring can also be cut out of plywood or you can find a suitable ready-made one.
Holding the Pinocchio profile in your hand, you need to throw the ring up with a jerk of the thread and put it on your nose. The smaller the diameter of the ring, the more difficult it is to do.
Several people play at once, trying to score as many effective throws as possible in a certain number of attempts.

Working model sailboat

Being on vacation near the water in the summer, you can with great pleasure engage in the manufacture and launch of small sailing boats.

To make these, it is enough to have only a sharp knife with you.
A suitable piece of dry wood is taken, or, even better, pine bark, which sometimes comes across on the banks of a river or lake. The hull of the boat is cut with a knife - a flat-bottomed boat with a sharp bow and a rounded stern.
The hull is tested for lack of roll.
Then two cuts are made in the hull - one vertical in the middle of the stern for attaching the rudder and another cut with the tip of a knife right in the middle of the hull along the fibers for attaching the mast.
The mast is made of a round twig, light and durable. One end of the twig is sharpened with a spatula and hammered into a cut in the middle of the body with a knife handle.
The rudder is pulled out of a flat piece of wood about the thickness of a ship's hull and about one-third the length of the hull. The rudder is also driven with a knife into a notch in the stern of the hull, and the rudder must be completely immersed in water.
The sail is also cut out of birch bark with a knife. Round holes are made at the top and bottom of the sail, with the help of which the sail is carefully pushed tightly onto the mast.
It is possible to equip one mast with several sails.

Sails can be made from plastic bottles, and the body is made of foam.
You can build a frigate by equipping the ship with three masts and a lot of sails. The main thing is that he does not roll over from the severity of the equipment and tolerates pitching well.
After several buildings, experience comes and the ships keep their course well and gain good speed.
If you have several sailboats, you can arrange a small regatta for speed and accuracy. It is very convenient when there is a shallow closed reservoir, where you can work out launches without fear and without loss of ships.

paper planes

A child of 5 - 7 years old is usually already easily controlled with scissors, and he is quite capable of building these schematic flying models of aircraft himself.

The best thing paper planes are obtained from postcards - they have a good thick paper and suitable sizes. Planes keep their shape well and fly well inside the room.

You can cut out models of various shapes and designs, you can test a flying wing, make two stabilizers, make wings of various sweeps.

Each form of the model has its own flight characteristics, its own flight speed and its own stability in flight.
When building a flying model, it should be taken into account that one hundred and all lines of the aircraft must be perfectly straight, that is, the paper should not be crumpled. The folds of the papers are gently ironed with a fingernail.

The center of gravity of the model should be in the first third of the wing. The angle of attack of the hind wings should be within 15-20 degrees, it is selected experimentally and then obtained automatically.
A well-gliding, slow-moving model should come out of a vertical dive with an outstretched arm and land smoothly on the floor. An airplane launched up from the floor makes a dead loop and makes a soft landing.

Gymnast on the bar

The basis of the toy is an "H"-shaped frame made of two wooden slats, fastened in the middle with a bar.
Two parallel threads are stretched in the upper part of the frame, threaded through the holes in the hands of the gymnast figurine in the "feet up" position.
The figurine of a gymnast is cut out of veneer or other thin material.
The arms and legs of the gymnast are articulated with the body using a thin wire.
In the initial state, the gymnast hangs on the threads with his feet down, and the threads are twisted 180 degrees to the left and right of him.
If now you slightly squeeze the lower ends of the crossbar with your hand, then the threads at the top will stretch and the gymnast will do a handstand. If at this moment the ends of the crossbar are unclenched, then the gymnast, by inertia, will turn over to the other side and the threads will twist again, only in the other direction.
By changing the strength and sharpness of the pressures, you can get very interesting pirouettes of the gymnast.

Ship models with a rubber motor

Creation boat models with a rubber motor, even a very simple, already the process of creating a technique. There are already shafts, screws and brackets, there is something to think about and do.
The simplest ship model - wooden boat with a rubber motor.

From wooden plank the hull of the boat is cut out, a cabin is made from a suitable block or piece of foam. Next we build a rubber motor.
For the operation of the screw from tin, we make a bracket with a tube for the shaft (we beat the nail) and bend the ears for fastening. The bracket can be attached with nails or small self-tapping screws.
We cut out the screw from tinned sheet, solder the axis from a paper clip in the middle and bend the propeller blades.
Then we put a bead on the axis as a bearing, insert the axis into the bracket and bend the hook.
In front of the body we hammer in a wire hook for an elastic band. The rubber motor is made from aircraft model or fishing gum. The number of rubber bands is selected empirically. In the free position, the rubber motor should sag about half the length of the rubber. The ends of the rubber can be covered with threads by inserting rope loops.
The rudder blade of the boat should be directly in the center of the propeller. The axis on which the rudder blade rests must ensure that the rudder turns at least 45 degrees, then the model can be launched in an arc.
For the convenience of planting a rubber motor, instead of a hook in the bow of the hull, you can put a nose bracket with a fixed handle.
On the rubber motor, you can build a submarine that can dive to a depth of up to a meter or even more.

In order for a submarine to dive into the water on the move, it needs depth rudders and very little positive buoyancy. Two pairs of depth rudders are also made of tin.
To control buoyancy, we use flat lead weights. We strive to ensure that only the cabin of the boat is visible from the water afloat. The trim should be zero, that is, the boat should not peck down either bow or stern.
Before adjusting the buoyancy, the submarine must be painted, otherwise, after several launches, the wood will get wet and the submarine will go under water forever.
The longer the hull of a ship model with a rubber motor, the greater its power reserve. The quality of the lead screw also affects the power reserve.

boomerang frame

Being in nature, you can make a very simple boomerang in two minutes - a frame of five flat wooden slats 20-25 centimeters long.
For this, the slats are intertwined according to the figure. The design is held by the bending of the rails.
The frame is taken in the hand by the lower part of the central rail and thrown in a vertical position forward and slightly upward, and it, like a real boomerang, lies on its side and, making a circle, returns back.
If it hits a hard object, it shatters into pieces. It's cool, you can collect again.

A simple car with an electric motor

The simplest car with an electric motor has wooden frame made of plank or plywood, four wheels in pairs on two axles, no steering, direct transmission - from the engine shaft, on which a rubber tube is dressed - directly to the rubber wheel of the car.

The meaning of such a car is to feel the excitement of construction, to see the dynamics and power of the electric motor, to study the basics of electrical engineering.
The wheels of the model are taken ready-made from a suitable toy, the axles are made from bicycle spokes. The axle mounting brackets are cut out of tin and fastened with self-tapping screws or screws.
The electric motor is attached with a bracket to the frame.
It would be better to fix the electric motor on a non-rigid elastic loop bracket, then the grip with the wheel will be more reliable.
The car is powered by a double wire (from any low-voltage adapter). Batteries and the stop-forward-back switch are assembled in any plastic box of suitable sizes.
You can play just by running after the car, or you can make a circular track and fix the wire in the center of the circle.
Developing the interest of the child, you can design with him the speed controller, steering, and then he himself will design cool controlled cars and disassemble your favorite car.

Cannon of two cannons

The children's cannon is assembled from 2 wooden cannons.
One of the ends of the first katon is planed straight, leaving the front sight, at the second end the lower edge is cut off to the level of the middle, and a sight cutout is made in the upper part. This will be the barrel of the gun with the shield.
The second katon is used without modification. These will be the wheels of the cannon.
You also need a piece of rail 2 cm wide and 4-6 mm thick, about one and a half lengths of the caton. This will be a kind of emphasis and hook for the ramrod.

The most difficult part in the gun is the ramrod. Its pushing part should be round and without friction enter the barrel. Length - slightly shorter than the barrel of the gun.
The back part: width - along the width of the stop, height from above 1-2mm, height from below 2-3mm, but so as not to wedge when shooting. All edges in contact with the shield of the barrel (except the top to avoid injury) must be steep so as not to jam. The length of the back is 2.5-3 cm, on the back there is a small cutout for an elastic band. Material - birch. Pine is also good, but more often falls apart when shooting.
A cannon is assembled on threads for sewing.
First, a rubber loop is tightly tied with threads with ends on both sides. Then the emphasis is tied and immediately we tie the lower caton - the wheels across, tightly fitting the threads crosswise.
We insert the ramrod and put on the back of the rubber. The gun is ready.
We shoot with peas or whatever we find. We cock the ramrod, hook it on the edge of the stop, load the pea, put it in the firing position.
Now, if you press your finger on the top of the shield, the cannon will fire.

Bow and arrows

Bow and arrows are acceptable for playing outside the city, because an arrow shot from a bow flies relatively far.
This is not a sports bow, but its distant analogue for playing and training with its own shooting techniques and techniques.
The bow is made from an even piece of willow with skin or veres (juniper), which is even better. A piece of the barrel 50-100 cm long is selected with the necessary rigidity so that there is enough strength to pull the bow.
The bowstring is made of strong kapron thread. the bowstring is tied at the ends of the bow into cut grooves, and is tied in an unstretched state.
In order to pull the bowstring, one end of the bow rests on the ground, with the other hand and body they bend the bow and wind the bowstring into the groove to the required tension. Therefore, the groove for winding the bowstring should be made deeper with a channel for pulling.
The arrow is cut with a knife from a lath split off from an even piece of wood, precisely split off so that the knife is processed exactly along the fibers. Otherwise, the arrow will be impossible to craft.

In front of the arrow, a thick wooden tip is left in the form of a thickening, which is rounded off so that the arrow cannot do much harm.
A shallow groove for the bowstring is cut from the back of the arrow. The shooting technique is the most common, the only thing with this design is that the grip of the arrow shank is not athletic - on the bowstring, but playful - with two fingers on the arrow shank.

A simple toy self-propelled tank with an electric motor

Approximately in the same technology as for a simple car, you can build toy self-propelled tank. It is even more interesting to play such a tank, because it can overcome significant obstacles.

Its speed is small, so it is convenient to work with a wired remote control.
Simple design the tank does not provide for its turns, only movement back and forth.
The design of a tank's transmission is much more complex than that of a car. It uses a multi-stage gearbox made of gears from toy cars. You can choose a suitable ready-made gearbox, or you can assemble a simple gearbox yourself.
First you need to pick up the gears.
The main running gear is tightly hammered or soldered onto the axle. Carnations are selected for fastening gears desired diameter and cut to desired length.
A suitable rectangular block of strong wood is taken. The position of the gear adjacent to the running gear and, accordingly, the position of the bar are tried on.
Then we work separately with the bar. In the marked place we pin the tried-on gear, then try on and pin the next one.
We press the bar with the gearbox to the running gear and fasten it to the tank frame with self-tapping screws.

When hammering a small gear onto the motor shaft, the second end of the shaft must be rested against the anvil so as not to break the engine.
We press the gear of the electric motor to the gearbox and fasten it with a clamp.
We select the drive shafts and sloths of the tank from unnecessary cars.
Rollers are more of a problem. They can be made from playing plastic checkers.
We drill holes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm in the centers of the checkers, connect the two checkers with the planes inward, thread a tight suitable piece of PVC tubing into the holes and hammer in the axis. As long as the measurements are correct, everything will fit perfectly.
We glue the caterpillars from a rubber strip from the bicycle camera, rubber lugs can be glued, or wooden ones can be sewn from matches. Caterpillars should be tightly put on the tank rollers. When scrolling the caterpillar, the drive roller can be rubbed with rosin.
Such caterpillars sometimes fall off during operation, but this can be corrected by restrictive collars on sloths. In general, full scope for modernization.
Tank superstructures can be glued from any suitable material.
If you put a separate gearbox with an electric motor on each tank track, you get a fully functional model. The axles of rollers and sloths must be replaced with separate axle shafts for each side.
The control unit will also have to be modified to be able to control two engines.




Improve and develop skills in sawing with a jigsaw;

Learn to cut curved surfaces according to the template.


Develop the ability to correlate new information with previously learned;

Develop creative thinking and imagination;

The development of self-control in students.


Cultivate accuracy, accuracy in the performance of work;

To continue the formation of such qualities as collectivism,

a responsibility.

Methodological equipment of the lesson:

1.Material and technical base:

Office of labor training;

Tools, fixtures;


2. Didactic support:


Additional literature;



Object of work: box.

Lesson Methods : verbal, visual, practical.

Intersubject communications : art, drawing, history.

Lesson type : Combined

During the classes.

I. Organizational part:


Checking student attendance;

Filling out the class journal by the teacher;

Checking the availability of educational and work supplies;

Hello guys!

Checking student attendance

On duty today Maslyukov Ivan.

There should be nothing superfluous on workbenches. For work you will need: a ruler, a pencil, an eraser, as well as overalls. Does everyone have? Well done, ready for class.

Knowledge update.

Before you know the topic of our lesson,we'll play. Your task on my command is to solve puzzles. Having solved the puzzles, we will find out what tool we will work with and what to make. And so, we started. Well done boys. As you understand today, we will work with a jigsaw and start making the Gymnast dynamic toy.

Write down the topic of our today's lesson. Making a dynamic toy "Gymnast ».

This wonderful toy is distributed all over the world: from South America to China. Who its author is unknown, but, of course, he was a very talented person.

It consists of two long sticks, which are connected in the middle of a short one. A figurine of a gymnast is suspended on threads at the ends of long sticks. With a slight compression of the lower ends of the sticks, the figure begins to move, imitating the exercises of a gymnast on the crossbar.

These toys will go to the school playroom.

(Jig saw on the screen).

Please tell me what the jigsaw is intended for, and what parts does it consist of?

Jigsaw- it hand tool with interchangeable saw blade, designed for curved sawing of plywood and thin boards along an internal, closed contour, consists of a frame, a handle, upper and lower clamps

Now try to formulate what you need to know and be able to .

Know : jigsaw device, safety precautions when working with a jigsaw,

Be able to : install a file, cut curved surfaces according to a template, transfer a drawing through a carbon paper,

And now let's listen, the history of the development of artistic sawing has prepared a short message for usIvan.


(1Slide) Saw-cutting is an ancient kind of arts and crafts, the traditions of which are still alive in our time. Sawing with a jigsaw is not a fashionable hobby today, it is rather a call of the heart and a wonderful way to cultivate not only patience, perseverance and accuracy, but also a sense of beauty!

Artistic sawing out of wood is one of the most common types of arts and crafts available to the general public. Saw-cutters create wonderful patterns and drawings on wood, and also make artistically designed products that adorn our everyday life (vases, caskets, watches, various coasters, etc.)

(2 slide) ANDThe history of artistic sawing originates from the second half of the 19th century, improving each time. The options for drawings, ornaments, products are as wide and varied as the master can afford.

(3 slide) Artistic sawing out of plywood has outgrown from openwork, slotted and house carving, which distinguishes it only by the material, plywood, and the absence of a cutter. When artistic sawing out of plywood, the edges and ribs are served only for finishing and processing with fine-grained sanding paper.

(4 slide) Currently there are 4 main types artistic carving on wood:





From the slotted thread formed artistic sawing from plywood.

(5 slide) The main feature of a slotted thread is the removal of the background, sawing through the workpiece.

Wide use slotted thread received due to the fact that it is the least laborious, simple in execution technique and therefore accessible to anyone, even children.

(6 slide) From the second halfXIXcentury from the Central regions Russian Empire Russian and Ukrainian peasants began to move to the East, including Kazakhstan. After the resettlement, they founded new villages here. On the territory of our district were founded: Nadezhdinka, Terentyevka, Verenka and others. The settlers brought their culture with them, including house carving.

(7 slide) The tool with which cutting occurs is called a jigsaw. The history of the appearance and development of this instrument goes back to distant centuries and countries!

Today, the manual jigsaw is not forgotten, it is being improved and new models of jigsaws appear.

(8 slide) The first such patented tool appeared in 1876 and was called the Boule saw.

(9 slide) It looked like a stationary jigsaw with a foot drive.

(10 slide) Modern stationary jigsaw with electric motor.

(11 Slide) Volumetric products made at technology lessons.

As I already said , today in the lesson you will make a dynamic toy "Gymnast". Look at the screen.

And tell me what are the main criteria that everyone who is going to produce this or that product must rely on:

· Durability


Material consumption

・Practical to use


・Low labor intensity

Originality of forms

material availability

・Mass production capability

We will do the practical work in pairs, so let me divide you into pairs.

Before starting practical work, let's get acquainted with the execution order. (On the screen)

3.Practical work: Making a dynamic toy. "Gymnast"

3.1. Introductory briefing:

Reporting the name of the practical work;

Explanation of the tasks of practical work;

Acquaintance with the object of labor;

Familiarization with educational and technical documentation technological map

Stages of work:

Transferring the drawing to the material;

Jigsaw preparation;

Installation of a cutting table;


Product cleaning;

Drawing a picture on the product;

Safety briefing:

1. Work with a jigsaw and an awl with securely fastened and serviceable handles

2. Securely fasten the cutting table to the workbench

3. Securely fix the file in the frame of the jigsaw

4. Do not make sudden movements with a jigsaw when cutting, do not lean low over the workpiece

Fizminutka (video) Physical education:

Guys, are you a little tired? Let's take a break and do a little warm-up. Put away your tools and stand near your work stations. Look at the screen and repeat.

For the eyes: look left, right, up, down, at the tip of your nose, turn your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;

For the neck: head tilt to the left, right, forward, backward, head rotation in one direction and in the other;

For the shoulder girdle: hands on the shoulders - circular movements of the shoulders;

For the hands: circular movements of the hands, flexion - extension of the fingers into a fist;

For the muscles of the back: sipping with the torso tilted back and tilted forward with the fingers touching the toes of the shoes;

For leg muscles: squats 5-8 times.

And most importantly, in order to work well and efficiently, we must remember the Japanese proverb "Hurry slowly." What similar Russian proverbs do you know?

"Hurry up - make people laugh"

3.2. Independent work of students

Current briefing (target walks):

Correct setting of the jigsaw;

Compliance with the techniques of sawing with a jigsaw;

Compliance with the methods of cleaning the product;

Compliance with safety regulations during work.

3.3. Final briefing:

Execution Analysis independent work students;

Parsing common mistakes;

4. Cleaning jobs.

5. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher's message about the achievement of the objectives of the lesson;

Objective evaluation of labor results;

Mutual evaluation.

The mark "5" is set if the product is made exactly according to the drawing; all dimensions are maintained; finishing is made in accordance with the requirements of the instruction card or according to the sample.

The mark "4" is set if the product is made according to the drawing, the dimensions are maintained, but the quality of the finish is lower than required.

The mark "3" is set if the product is made according to the drawing with slight deviations; the quality of the finish is satisfactory.

The mark "2" is set if the product is made with deviations from the drawing, does not correspond to the sample. Additional development cannot lead to the use of the product.

Grading in the class journal and in the diaries of students;

Homework; (make a test on the topic studied).

Workplace cleaning.

7. Lesson reflection . Reception "Traffic light".

Green circle - I liked it, everything was clear;

Circle yellow color– I liked it, but there are questions;

Red circle - I didn’t like it, everything was not clear.

Technology lesson introspection
Lesson topic:
Making a dynamic toy "Gymnast"

The lesson was held in a combined metal and woodworking workshop.
The purpose of the lesson:improve the skills and abilities of working with a jigsaw, learn how to cut curved surfaces according to a template.

I think that combined type lessons are relevant to the topic. In accordance with modern requirements for conducting classes on technology, 30% of the time is devoted to theory and 70% to practical work.
Everything is prepared for the lesson - there are necessary tools presentation.

The organizational part of the lesson was carried out clearly, the transition to the next stage of the lesson is smooth, logical. The actualization of previous knowledge was aimed at making it necessary, necessary, in addition to psychological preparation students to the topic being studied. This stage made it possible to assess the degree of readiness of the student for the perception of new material.
The topic of the lesson was announced and goals were determined together with the students. A presentation was used to organize attention.

The formation of new knowledge was carried out by the method of storytelling, conversation. The material was presented sequentially. During the explanation, a demonstration of actions was carried out. During the lesson, a friendly tone was maintained. The pace of work is normal. The material is selected effectively in accordance with the goals and objectives of the lesson. Questions and tasks contributed to a deeper assimilation of the material.

Students are taught to work independently, exercising self-control and mutual control.
The introductory briefing was carried out in an accessible form for students, with a demonstration of operations and techniques, visualization was used during the briefing. current instruction. All students were involved in practical work, jobs were organized. Practical work was carried out individually, under the supervision of a teacher.

Consolidation of knowledge was carried out in the form of a crossword puzzle, showed the assimilation of the studied material by students.

During the conclusion of the lesson, all students received d / s, the grades were commented on (exhibited with the help of students).
The objectives of the lesson were achieved, the time was distributed rationally, the lesson was carried out according to plan.