Drawings from plywood for artistic sawing with a jigsaw. How to make an art vase from plywood with your own hands Drilling holes in the details

  • 16.06.2019
  1. Hand tool
  2. Electric jigsaw
  3. Stencil preparation
  4. Sawing process technology
  5. Defects in work

Wood carving with a jigsaw is rapidly gaining popularity: many people want to buy an interesting decor item to decorate their home, furniture and even clothes! Carved objects made of plywood of various thicknesses organically fit into any interior style, often people buy photo frames for photos with ornaments, sawn words and letters, or order intricate shelves and other interesting products. Few people know that artistic cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw is a business accessible to any person, even an unprepared and inexperienced one. You just need to understand how to work with the tool.

What is a jigsaw: a general description

A jigsaw is a tool designed for cutting out various contours from plywood, including curved ones. It is equipped with a blade with fine teeth that can cut the plywood evenly without the formation of significant burrs.

Hand tool

The ancestor of this type of tool is a manual jigsaw. It is a metal arc in the shape of the letter "U", between the ends of which a saw blade is stretched, attached to the clamps. They securely hold the file during operation and allow you to adjust its tension. On one side of the frame is a handle.

The clamps on the tool can rotate, creating different planes for sawing, thereby providing the opportunity for woodcarving of varying complexity.

When cutting plywood with a manual jigsaw, you need to be careful: its design is rather fragile, during intensive work the blade often breaks from effort and heat, so it has to be replaced. To do this, each master must have several dozen spare files.

When working with a jigsaw for carving internal contours, it is convenient to use such an auxiliary board as in the photo: it will help protect the table and solve the problem of conveniently positioning the workpiece.

Electric jigsaw

The tool is powered by electricity. It is a case in which working mechanisms are located, a handle for control is also made on it. The sawing organ is located in the front lower part. The blade is often protected by a foot, which allows you to cut the contour exactly along the line without deviation. Advanced and professional models jigsaws have various nozzles that facilitate the process of sawing and leveling the edges of plywood.

Blades can have different teeth in shape and size. It is necessary to select saw blades corresponding to the material being processed so that there is no damage and damage to the plywood sheet during the operation of the mechanism.

Classification of jigsaws by power and application:

In the instructions on how to use a jigsaw, or in technical passport the main parameters of the tool that must be taken into account when using the mechanism should be described.

Wood carving tools

Sawing with a jigsaw is a creative process, but it requires preparation and additional equipment. What is required for work:

Stencil preparation

Drawings for sawing with a jigsaw can be of different sizes, depending on the scale of the product being manufactured. To create a scheme for a shelf, a piece of furniture or a composite three-dimensional toy, you can take a large sheet of drawing paper A1 or A0, the wallpaper remaining after the repair is also suitable, for small figures they take plain A4 paper or another suitable format.

On the surface with a bright pencil or marker, draw the outline of the future product, adhering to the dimensions. It can be an element for assembling furniture, a shelf or other large product.

There are so many jigsaw templates on the web that choosing the right one can be difficult. It is much easier to come up with your own patterns for cutting and transfer them to paper.

Transferring the image to the surface of plywood or boards

Before you start cutting with a jigsaw, you need to transfer the image from the stencil to a wooden or plywood blank. To do this, cut out a figure from the sheet, apply it to the surface of the plywood and carefully circle it. It is desirable that the line is even and accurate. We use a simple pencil so that, if necessary, we can correct the line by erasing it with an eraser.

We apply the contour from the back side so that no remnants of lines are visible on the finished product. The inner area can be shaded so as not to cut off the excess and designate inviolable areas.

It is important to transfer the drawing in such a way as to minimize sawing along the fibers with a jigsaw - it is so difficult to get a straight line.

Sawing process technology

How to use a jigsaw, for sure, many have heard. Working with the tool will not cause difficulties if you prepare for it correctly.

Carving on plywood begins with the inner contours of the pattern. To do this, you need to make slots for inserting the tool blade:

  • Plywood is often taken thin, and there will be no problems when cutting a large contour, and tension may occur in a small residue. Sawing with a jigsaw inside can damage the product - chips, burrs, dissection;
  • It’s easier to work this way: you always have something to hold the workpiece for. A large sheet is much easier to handle than trying to hold a small sawn piece while the inside is being formed.

How to cut with an electric jigsaw:

Working with a jigsaw is much easier than hand tool, there is no need to make physical efforts and the process goes faster.

How to saw with a jigsaw:

There is nothing complicated, as you can see, in this process.

Defects in work

If you did not follow the technology, held the tool incorrectly, the saw may simply move off the line. Why does the jigsaw saw crookedly:

  • tilted the tool during operation;
  • saw blade tension loosened;
  • with an electric saw, it is possible to loosen the fastening of the saw.

To avoid such problems, be sure to check the tension of the saw and the fastening of all working elements before starting sawing. If the blade is beveled and stuck, it's best to start over and make the line parallel to the faulty one.

A little about safety

Safety precautions when working with a jigsaw for sawing plywood and wood are simple:

  • Use protective equipment- goggles, gloves, bathrobe. These things will protect you from dust and small chips.
  • Sawing with a manual jigsaw should be done carefully so as not to damage the fingers with a saw. Keep the distance between the body and the instrument.
  • If you are a beginner, carefully read the instructions on how to use a jigsaw, the main characteristics of the tool. This information will help to avoid accidental injury and damage to the unit.

Wood carving with an electric jigsaw requires accuracy and attention. Both your health and the integrity of the finished product depend on these qualities.

What can be made from plywood: interesting ideas and drawings

Sawing wood with an electric jigsaw or hand tool is a creative process. You can create many decorative products in different directions:

Drawings of plywood crafts do not have to be made in exact dimensions. Even taking an example from the Internet and changing its silent proportions, you will get unique product, which no one really has in this form.

DIY plywood crafts can be painted or left in a natural color, you can glue buttons, beads, ribbons and other decor on them to bring the product to life. To do this, it is worth involving children in the work, their imagination is a bottomless storehouse of interesting ideas.

We offer you diagrams with photos for cutting plywood with a jigsaw.

You can figure out for yourself what you can cut out using a hand or electric tool, make your own sketch and transfer it to paper, then to a canvas of wood or plywood.

Carving plywood with a jigsaw requires certain knowledge and skills. If you don't have them, consider the following rules:

How to make your own plywood art vase

Any do-it-yourself crafts perform "four tasks". The first is a great way to spend your free time, you can take a break from everyday annoying problems. The second - as a result of such a "rest", beautiful products for various purposes appear in the house, from small souvenirs to exclusive unique furniture. Third. Artistic sawing - great way accustoming a child to work is a kind of trouble-free method of education. Your child will always be happy to spend time with his father for "adult and useful activities." Fourth - by making products with your own hands, you increase your authority in the eyes of everyone around you. And in their own, of course, which is also quite nice. In this article, we offer you drawings of a Chinese style dragon vase. It is able not only to diversify any festive table, but also become its main decoration. What do you need to have to make?

A set of tools for artistic sawing

We consider it necessary to list all the tools and fixtures that you will need to complete the job.

  • Jigsaw. Previously, only manual jigsaw models were available for individual users. It was quite difficult to work with them, depending on the complexity, one product could take several weeks. Now in the implementation there are quite a few different models of jigsaws with electric drive. Such special tools not only increase labor productivity dozens of times, but also improve the quality of the cut, which is very important for the final look of the product.
  • Eclectic drill with a thin drill. With its help, “starting and technological” holes are sawn in plywood. In some patterns of the same type, using a set of drills of different diameters, you can make turns of lines or round through holes.
  • Tools for grinding plywood. The set should include sanding skins different numbers, needle files, files, stone blocks.
  • A set of devices for transferring a picture to plywood. You need to have tracing paper, pencils, scissors, rulers and compasses.

That's all, the list takes up a lot of space, but most of them necessary items and tools and so there are in almost every home.

Transferring a picture

To make a vase, take polished plywood 3 ÷ 4 mm thick, in addition to it, you will need high-quality transparent wood glue and transparent varnish or paints.

The drawings given by us need to be printed on a printer, select the scale you need. There are two ways to work with drawings.

  • Using tracing paper and a pencil, carefully transfer all the lines from the print to the plywood. This business is rather difficult and tedious, it requires great care, various errors are not uncommon, which can be noticed already during sawing. Correcting such errors can be difficult, sometimes simply impossible, and you have to start all over again. And this is very, very unpleasant, instead of calming nervous system she is additionally "excited".
  • Do not translate anything at all, but cut it out right away. To do this, you need to print as many drawings as there are elements of the product, this is easy to do. After that, we cut out the drawing of each detail already in the scale we need and, using double-sided tape or glue, fix it on plywood. The part is cut out immediately according to the paper drawing. Simple, reliable, precise and fast. In a word, what we all like. Our fathers and grandfathers could not use this method for one reason - they managed to get only one sheet of paper, on which there were drawings of all individual elements in the singular.

You can go one more way. From our drawing, take only the principle of connecting individual parts into a single structure and dimensions and make your own ornaments. It's not as difficult as you might think. Take a piece of plain paper, fold it several times and cut holes in the places with scissors. In this way, our ancestors made paper snowflakes for the New Year tree. Make several variants of patterns, choose the most successful among them and use tracing paper to transfer it to plywood. The first cut out element will be a template, with its help it is easy to draw a contour on all other parts.

Side parts

How to cut blanks for a vase

We will tell you how to cut a vase on a stationary electric jigsaw. The technology of manual sawing is not much different, so we will not talk about it separately.

  • Before starting sawing, you need to drill small holes in each “deaf” section of the ornament, the diameter of the hole should ensure the unhindered entry of the nail file.
  • Plywood should be guided along the lines smoothly, do not make sharp jerks and it is very desirable not to stop. We strongly recommend that you check the plywood for cut quality, because a lot depends on its grade and your professional skills.
  • The nail file should always be in a vertical position, do not allow it to bend or twist.
  • If you need to make a very sharp turn of the file, then it is better to do it in several steps. Rotate it little by little a few times almost idle and thus cut out sharp turns of the pattern.
  • Always start sawing from the middle of the pattern, this will eliminate the risk of cracking plywood in a very thin places along the edges. Cracking of plywood is always an unpleasant phenomenon, and in some cases it is necessary to redo the part. This applies to situations where in these places it is necessary to connect several parts into one structure.
  • Work in good light, while working, nothing should prevent you from moving the plywood freely and moving yourself.

Assembling the vase

Before assembly, all cut points must be carefully sanded. Where possible - use sandpaper, where not - work with flat or round needle files. Surfaces must be coated with two layers of varnishes, varnishing should be carried out in the usual way with technology. Almost all joints are made according to the thorn-groove principle, choose the dimensions of the thorns and grooves taking into account the thickness of the plywood, the thorn should enter the groove with little effort, the height of the thorn should exactly equal the thickness of the plywood. The same rule applies to parts that are connected to the castle. Be sure to use carpentry clear glue.

finished vase

540 rub

  • 700 rub

  • 2 000 rub

  • 650 rub

  • 450 rub

  • 225 rub

  • RUB 2,300 RUB 3,000

  • 2 400 rub

  • 530 rub

  • 1 300 rub

  • 950 rub

  • 225 rub

  • 1 500 rub 1 800 rub

  • Plywood is a very affordable, relatively inexpensive material for various crafts. Things made from it can have not only a decorative value, but also be useful in our Everyday life, at home.

    Plywood is an easily processed building material, which is produced by gluing several layers of veneer, specially processed wood chips.


    These sheets, which can be used for the manufacture of crafts and structures, may differ:

    • the number of layers of veneer - three-layer, five-layer and multi-layer;
    • the type of wood from which the multilayer sheet is made (deciduous or coniferous);
    • according to the degree of processing (polished on one or both sides, not polished).

    Building codes and standards

    To learn more about the subject building material(on the classification of all plywood nomenclature, grades, standard sizes produced), which can be purchased for the manufacture of many products and crafts, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following documents:

    • GOST 3916.1-96 "Plywood general purpose with outer layers of hardwood veneer.
    • GOST 3916.2-96 "General purpose plywood with softwood veneer outer layers".

    Schemes, drawings and patterns for products from plywood sheets

    Drawing programs for computers

    Today, you can easily find a diagram, a pattern of a plywood structure, so that later, using computer-aided design systems, you can prepare any drawing (including the above pattern of a cat). Then, using a plotter, output to a paper sheet of the required format.

    Drawing popular programs are the easiest to learn and can be used in 2D and 3D modeling, including for plywood structures:

    • "KOMPAS" - complex automated systems, with the possibility of drawing up drawings, according to the standards of the ESKD and SPDS series;
    • AutoCAD is a two- and three-dimensional computer-aided design and drafting system.

    So, if you cannot find a detailed drawing of the plywood product you need, then the application possibilities of the above software will help you make a full-fledged drawing according to any schemes and patterns posted on the Internet.


    Price construction plywood, from which the kayak is made, is simply incommensurable with the pleasure that the person who made it with his own hands, who loves water walks in rowing boats, will receive.

    The kayak among the Eskimos is the same kayak among the Aleuts - the traditional rowing boat of the peoples of the Arctic. Such a boat can be single, double or triple. We will lay out drawings of a plywood kayak for one person.

    The algorithm for building a rowing boat from plywood sheets is, in principle, general, with the exception of some nuances. A step-by-step procedure for cutting, processing and assembling a kayak can be viewed in the video in this article.

    Plywood table - simple and functional

    Clear drawings of a plywood table with your own hands, which will be easy to implement even for a person, without special carpentry skills and experience. Table cover (1 sheet) - 1300 x 600 x 16 (mm) Inner wall (1 sheet) - 1170 x 400 x 16 (mm)

    plywood constructor

    Various plywood constructor drawings are now gaining more and more popularity. The assembly of such models from safe material is very useful activity for children, teenagers. Such crafts will become good specimens of collections, decorate the corner of modellers.


    The stages of work on the installation of a tank model are as follows:

    1. Plywood is sanded (first with medium-grained, and then with fine-grained sandpaper);
    2. The drawings are carefully transferred through a carbon paper onto a plywood sheet material sanded with a fine-grained abrasive.
    3. In the corners of the contour transfer, through holes are drilled with a drill (drill 3 mm or more);
    4. Fix the file in the jigsaw and start cutting out the elements of the tank;

    Sawing parts should be started inside the contours of the tank blanks, and only after that already in the office itself.

    When assembling the plywood assemblies, have the model handy Various types needle files to fit the elements to each other at any time.

    1. After fitting all the parts, you can start gluing them (for example, with PVA glue, "Titan");

    In order for the nodes and elements of the tank to grip each other stronger and more reliably, it is possible for some time after gluing them to be tied with thread or rope.

    1. A cannon can be made by cutting the wooden handle of a watercolor brush or other auxiliary material;
    2. If desired, a tail number or other inscriptions and patterns can be applied to the tank, or to any other model, with an electric burner;
    3. For greater safety and decoration of the model, they can be coated with varnishes and paints.

    The car is retro (old Mercedes)

    When you transfer these do-it-yourself plywood machine drawings onto the plywood sheets themselves, do not forget to transfer the numbers as well.

    When assembling the model itself, carefully look at the numbers.

    In this case, the process is carried out according to the following algorithm, in accordance with the digital designations:

    • part or assembly number 1 must be connected to another number 1;
    • and part number 2 is attached accordingly with the next number 2 and so on until the machine is assembled.


    Drawings of a pistol from plywood model "Bulldog". When assembling, we follow the same rules as when assembling the car: the same numbers must be mounted with each other.

    This pistol model is best coated with a spray paint bottle, for a better resemblance to the original, layers of black paint can be applied.


    Drawings of dinosaurs from plywood, for example, presented below, can be executed during design in any scale you need according to the presented pattern in a drawing program for a computer.

    The preparation of the material, the elements of the model and the assembly itself are not difficult, but you will have to stock up on some patience when working with a jigsaw and fitting the model nodes to each other.

    Napkin holder - "Vine leaves"

    This item in the form of grape leaves is always useful in the household for its intended purpose - for napkins, and for storing, for example, sheets of paper of the selected format:

    Vase, stand for pencils, pens, brushes

    Drawings of a plywood vase, according to which you can easily cut out a craft of the size you need:

    Plywood panel

    It is the ease and simplicity of sawing with a jigsaw from plywood sheets of various configurations with different sizes, installation of them various designs, allows you to make a variety of decorative panels for the walls of our homes. Any panel, made neatly, is a great gift for relatives and friends.

    Drawings of a plywood panel, which also serves as a shelf in the household:

    Some helpful tips and warnings:

    • When transferring patterns, drawings to plywood, use the thinnest and sharpest pencil lead. It's even better to use a used ballpoint pen, then the lines will always be the same, and the carbon paper from the ball will not tear. It is convenient to transfer drawings to plywood using a laser printer.
    • For better fastening of parts, where possible, it is recommended that the width of the grooves correspond to .
    • There are two types of files with large and small cloves. It is more convenient for beginners to learn how to use a thick file, and small details are cut out with a thin one, already having some experience and skills in using a jigsaw.
    • The saw blades must cut from top to bottom, so pay special attention to the correct fastening of the saw blade in the jigsaw.
    • Files can break easily, so cut carefully, do not let parts hang on the saw blade.
    • When purchasing a file, make sure that the teeth are sharp, and the file itself should not bend easily, but rather be hard. Not flat, but the so-called “twisted files” are convenient in work - they can cut in any direction.
    • For those who have sawing structures from plywood sheets as a hobby, there is no need to purchase band saw, it is enough to purchase a jigsaw. Although everything is an amateur, some craftsmen still often resort to a manual jigsaw when "you need to feel the material."


    1. Before choosing, purchasing and directly working with the material from which you will cut models, panels, designers and structures, familiarize yourself with its types, classification according to building documents (GOST).
    2. Purchase for cutting quality tool, equipment and accessories to it.
    3. Responsibly approach the choice of high-quality plywood. Do not limit yourself to its visual inspection, tap it for internal voids and delaminations, due to poor bonding of veneer layers.
    4. Before working with a jigsaw, optimally equip your workplace. Pay special attention to its good lighting, so that the cut, markings are perfectly visible and your eyes do not get tired. It is not bad to use a stroboscope to illuminate the place of work with a jigsaw. Convenient and comfortable sawing!

    Plywood vase

    For work you will need: a jigsaw, saws, sawing machine, sandpaper, drill or saw, pliers, wire cutters, screwdriver, hammer, BF-2 or carpentry glue, compasses, ruler, pencil, carbon paper, buttons, plywood 4 mm thick, a round stick with a diameter of 14 - 18 mm, a thin cord, some small nails and screws, Oil paint, colorless la to, a sharp knife or scissors and burner.

    First, translate the scans of the parts through carbon paper onto plywood, while not forgetting about the economical use of material. Draw straight lines with a ruler, round lines with a compass. In the drawings, the centers of the circles are marked with dots, and their radii are marked with arrows.

    It is very important to consider in which direction the fibers of the top layer of plywood will be located on the details! When sawing out, a thin trace of the pencil line should remain on the edges on the outside. Carefully clean the edges of the parts with a file, and hard-to-reach places- file. The spikes in the grooves of the mating parts must fit tightly. Finally, carefully sand all surfaces with sandpaper.

    Carry out a preliminary (without glue) assembly of products: you need to make sure that everything is done correctly. Only after that, grease the parts with glue and connect. Do not forget to remove the droplets that have come out.

    Paint queue. If you decorated the details with an ornament using a burning apparatus, then it is better to cover them with a colorless varnish in 2 - 3 layers. And those without decoration, first paint with oil or aniline paints, and then with varnish.

    WALL VASE. cut parts 1 - 10. Glue parts 2 - 9 into the grooves and slots of part 1. Insert a clean mustard jar into the cavity formed. The bottom of the jar should rest on part 7. From the underside of part 10, drive a nail into the wall. Bite off the cap with wire cutters so that the remaining stem protrudes 8 mm. Insert this part with a groove (without glue) into part 1 so that you can periodically remove the jar. The vase is assembled. Hang it on the wall using the hole at the top of part 2.

    SUSPENDED VASE. Cut out parts 11 - 14. Glue part 12 into one of the grooves of part 11. Take a clean jar with a capacity of 0.33 l and put part 13 on its upper part, and put the bottom of the can on part 11. Then glue the upper part of part 12 with grooves into the part 13. Insert with glue the remaining parts 12 and all parts 14. The vase is assembled. After the final processing, a vase with flowers by the "ears" can be hung on three strings in a bookshelf.

    Description plywood vase drawings

    Drawing crafts Vase small for cookies - Vase made of plywood in the form of a sports cup drawings and tips. Vases Plywood Products jigsaw sawingPyrography carving! The complexity of choosing plywood lies in the fact Posted in: Interior items, Drawings. The approach and structure of the vase has been fundamentally changed. For sawing, you need to have a piece of plywood drawings. For work you will need: a jigsaw, saws, sawing machine Sawing a vase out of plywood. The site contains a collection of product drawings, photos of works. Interesting ideas and cutting drawings. To make a vase, you need some sheet plywood. We give you drawings of all. Now do-it-yourself plywood crafts. Do-it-yourself ladder from plywood drawings. Glass vases are held by cupids and voluptuous. The site contains a collection of product drawings, photos of works. Do-it-yourself box made of plywood: manufacturing. Drawings for cutting boxes, animals from plywood with a jigsaw: video - memo. And you can complete drawing of the vase in jpg format. On cutting plywood Literature on cutting plywood with a jigsaw. Of the four existing types plywood is suitable only for the first, in extreme cases the second. Homemade fruit vase made of wood, handmade master class, drawings. Most of the books contain sketches and drawings for sawing with detailed description. Vases from plywood drawings Vases from plywood drawings Vases from plywood drawings Vases from plywood drawings Cutting out plywood with a jigsaw. The video shows the technique and assembly process. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of chandeliers, sconces and lamps made of plywood. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of plywood products for sawing. The jigsaw gives a chance to make various internal holes. On this page you will find homemade drawings and drawings. Thickness of plywood A large selection of books and magazines on cutting plywood with a jigsaw. Crafts from plywood do-it-yourself jigsaw drawings. Cutting plywood with a jigsaw: a set of tools, material, drawings and cutting technology Image result for plywood craft drawings. Sami Frame Cabin Wooden Projects Vases. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of products and homemade products from plywood. A similar drawing of this work is presented in the drawings section; boxes, plywood vases, corners. Drawings of boxes for sawing out with a jigsaw from plywood Download Free. Sawing with a jigsaw from plywood drawings Sawing with a jigsaw from. Drawings collected the largest collection of drawings for cutting plywood. 1 Free drawings for sawing with a jigsaw and much more you will find exclusively on saw - man. Designed for 4mm plywood vase and drawing for 6mm. Literature on cutting plywood with a jigsaw. A selection of material on the topic of a box of plywood drawings dxf. User publications Artistic sawing with a jigsaw. Drawings, drawings and descriptions of products from plywood.