In the fall, you can transplant the yucca outdoors. Garden yucca, street yucca: care and reproduction

  • 17.06.2019

Exotic plants have always attracted attention. Certain styles of site design or memories of the southern regions - heat-loving representatives of the flora appear everywhere here. The use of these sissies outdoors is very limited and most often they are used as tub crops, which are transferred indoors with the onset of cold weather. But among the southern exotics there are species that can tolerate frosts, for example, garden yucca, which withstands midland winters with light shelter.

Yuccas are several species of perennial evergreen plants native to Mexico and the Caribbean. Long, tapering leaves form a cap in the form of a hemisphere, and under favorable conditions, peduncles covered with large white flowers appear in mid-summer. The flowers last for several weeks and have an amazing aroma.

In regions with cold winter able to grow in the open air:

  • Yucca garden or filamentous;
  • Yucca is nice.

Yucca filamentosa L. It has leathery leaves, split at the edges into thin fiber-threads (hence the name), and its trunk is almost invisible. The peduncle can reach two meters in height, and the number of flowers sometimes exceeds 200. The height of the entire plant in adulthood is 1–1.2 m.

Yucca garden (filamentous)
Yucca garden in winter
Yucca garden (flowers)

The standard color of yucca filamentous leaves is dark green, but there are variegated varieties: with a yellowish border on the leaves or vice versa, with a yellow center of the leaf and a pink-greenish edging.

Yucca gloriosa, unlike the above-mentioned relative, has a noticeable trunk. Its dark green, long, up to 70 cm, leaves form a rosette or bunches, and the inflorescence is looser than that of yucca filamentosa. The flowers of this southern plant are shaped like lily of the valley flowers.

Yucca is nice
Yucca gloriousa (flowers)
Yucca glorious in winter
Yucca gloriousa (variegated form)

Yucca gloriousa also has variegated forms.

All representatives of the euonymus genus are especially valued landscape designers for versatility, unpretentiousness,...

Planting Yucca

The best time to plant yucca is May, when the soil has already warmed up, but the plant has enough time to prepare for the upcoming winter.

Yucca is a plant of desert zones and is not accustomed to excess moisture, so it is not advisable to plant this beauty in lowlands and wetlands. For the same reason, plants of the Yucca genus do not grow well in heavy loams.

The planting site should be well lit by the sun in summer (otherwise it simply will not bloom), but at the same time be protected from cold winds in winter.

Before planting, prepare a planting hole with dimensions several times larger than the root system of the plant (this is especially important if the soil on the site is not at all suitable for cultivating yucca; it needs light sandy soil). A layer of drainage must be laid at the bottom of the hole. A suitable soil mixture can be obtained by mixing garden soil and sand in equal proportions.

When transplanting yucca from a container, it is important not to damage the root system - this can be dangerous for the plant. Also, the root collar should not be buried.

Caring for a Southern Belle

Despite their exotic appearance, plants of the Yucca genus are quite unpretentious.

  • The southern beauty needs additional watering only in dry summers, but it gets by just fine with rainwater. The plant itself tells you when it lacks moisture - it lowers its leaves to the ground.
  • A couple of times a season, yucca needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus, and a few years after planting, the soil can be fertilized with rotted organic matter.
  • If yucca is used as a tub plant and grows in a pot, then the frequency of fertilizing and watering is increased.
  • It is necessary to remove the leaves that have not overwintered from the plant, and after the flowers have withered, the peduncles.

Caring for a flower like yucca in the garden winter time not difficult. It is only important to cover the plant correctly: build a wooden or plastic container around the bush and cover it with spruce branches or cover it with dry leaves. You can also tie the leaves of the plant and cover it non-woven material, but not polyethylene.

The shelter is removed in April.


The most common method of propagation of yucca is by stem or root suckers, which often appear on adult plants. They are separated from the mother specimen and planted in light soil, and after the development of the root system they are planted in a permanent place.

The seed propagation method is difficult to implement, because only fresh seeds have good germination. It is possible to obtain seeds from already existing flowering specimens only by resorting to artificial pollination - in its homeland, the southerner is pollinated by a certain type of moth.

Pests and diseases

Yucca garden is rarely affected by diseases, but can suffer from pests. Thus, spider mites, with which prevention plays a significant role, and scale insects can settle in southern areas. And spoil the beauty appearance Garden slugs can too.

Spider mite
Garden slugs

If overwatered, the plant may develop stem or root rot. In this case, the stem softens and it is almost impossible to save the bush.

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Yucca in landscape design

Yucca is decorative throughout the warm season, so it is actively used in landscape design. Both single and group plantings of this plant, as well as combinations with other drought-resistant species, look beneficial.

Sadovaya. The plant, similar to an exotic palm tree, looks very impressive and festive in the garden. Recently, this decorative flowering crop has gained great popularity among landscape designs and gardeners. This article will discuss planting and the nuances of caring for garden yucca in open ground.

Description and photo of garden yucca

Exotic plant represents perennial tree shrub and belongs to the Agave family. Its hard sword-shaped leaves form a dense rosette in which they grow in a spiral. The leaf blades can have a green or bluish color and grow up to 25-100 cm. A large panicle extends from the center of the rosette - a peduncle with drooping white or milky flowers. On each inflorescence, up to 200 bells, 7 cm long and up to 5 cm wide, can bloom during the season. By the end of the season, a seed fruit is formed on the plant.

Types of garden yucca

Two types of yucca are grown in open ground:

  1. Yucca gray is distinguished by leaves up to 90 cm long and a short trunk. Its thin greyish-green leaves have lighter edges. Yellowish or greenish-white flowers form narrow, finely branched inflorescences. The peduncle can grow up to three meters. The plant is not demanding on the soil and can even grow on sand. Blue yucca tolerates drought and frost well, but can die if over-moistened.
  2. Yucca filamentosa is a bush with sword-shaped leaves up to 70 cm long. Its leaves can grow from 3 to 10 cm in width. They are framed along the edges by protruding threads and slightly bent at the top. The 2.5 m long peduncle consists of beige-white drooping flowers. Yucca filamentosa is very unpretentious plant, which can withstand frosts down to -20C.

Yucca garden: planting and care, photo

It is not recommended to plant the purchased plant immediately in open ground. First it needs to be hardened. To do this, in the first days the bush take it out into the fresh air for an hour or two. The time spent outside gradually increases, and after about two weeks the yucca can be planted in a permanent place.

This exotic plant loves light, so well-lit, elevated areas are suitable for it. When planted in shade, or even partial shade, the rosettes become loose and thin out. In variegated species, the leaves turn pale.

Landing Features

Young bushes require not very large holes, but take into account their growth. For a three year old large plant the hole in girth should be from 70 to 100 cm. Their root deepens by 40-50 cm.

It is recommended to dig up the ground and prepare a hole for planting yucca in the fall. The site should be well drained and non-clayey. Garden yucca grows best on clay-stony, sandy, calcareous soils and black soil. The plant does not like waterlogging, so there should be no groundwater near its planting site.

Coarse gravel or sand and two handfuls of ash are poured into the bottom of the hole. The bush is carefully planted and its roots are covered with earth. The soil is pressed slightly with your hands and watered with water at room temperature.

The plant is planted in the spring, after night temperatures have settled at least +10C. It is recommended to wear gloves while planting a bush, since dense leaves may prick or cut your hands.

Watering and subcortex

The tropical plant does not require excessive care. When growing it in open ground it is necessary regular but infrequent watering. It should only be done after it has dried thoroughly. upper layer soil. From time to time, the leaves of the bush can be sprayed, especially if they wither or dry out. Spraying is done in the evening or early in the morning.

Twice during active growth, garden yucca is fed with complex mineral fertilizers for succulents. The first feeding is applied at the beginning of the growing season, which begins in May, and the second - after the plant blooms.


An overgrown exotic tree that has been growing in one place for a long time requires replanting. In a new place, the garden yucca will grow with renewed vigor and bloom spectacularly. However, it is not advisable to replant the plant too often.

  1. Replant in spring or late summer.
  2. Dig out the plant very carefully so as not to damage the roots. It is necessary to take into account that in an adult plant they can go to a depth of up to 70 cm.
  3. If a shoot appears near the bush, then it needs to be separated and planted as an independent plant.
  4. The new landing site should not be much different from the old one. The area should be well lit and protected from drafts.

After two weeks, the transplanted garden yucca is fed with special complex fertilizers. It will bloom a year after transplantation.

Do I need to dig up yucca for the winter?

Many people wonder - Do I need to dig up a tropical plant?, or can I just insulate it before the onset of cold weather? If filamentous or glaucous yucca grows in the garden, then these are frost-resistant plants that can easily tolerate short-term drops in temperature. In regions with harsh winters, it is recommended to insulate garden yucca. In the first two years, young plants are insulated on any open areas. There are several ways to cover garden yucca for the winter:

Insulate the plant for the winter follows in late October - early November. Remove protection only after the last threat of frost has passed.

Reproduction of garden yucca

The plant can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • stem;
  • dividing the bush.

Dividing the bush is the most in a simple way propagation of garden yucca, which can be carried out when transplanting it. An overgrown bush is dug up in April or early May, and sprouts with roots and shoots are separated from it. The cuttings are planted in a permanent place and watered. They require special care, which consists of careful infrequent watering, shading the plant from direct sunlight and fertilizing after rooting.

When propagating by stems, a piece of the trunk is cut off slightly above the root collar, which must first be dried, and only then planted horizontally in river sand or perlite. Rooting should occur at room temperature. The substrate around the stem is kept moist. As soon as sprouts with roots appear, the stem is cut into pieces and planted in the ground. Each segment should have its own sprout.

To obtain a cutting you need cut off the top of the stem, on which there should be a bunch of leaves. Cuttings are planted in pots with perlite or coarse sand only a few days after drying. Caring for them involves spraying the substrate with water at room temperature.

Garden yuccas growing in open ground often set seeds, which can be collected at the end of August for subsequent propagation of the plant. You can buy seeds at almost any flower shop. They have a round shape and reach 0.5-1 cm in diameter. Sowing is done in an earthen mixture, which should consist of equal parts:

  • leaf soil;
  • turf land;
  • coarse sand.

The first seedlings should appear in about a month. When two true leaves appear, they are produced. picking in separate cups. Well-established and mature young plants are planted in large pots or open ground. Yucca grown from seeds will bloom only in the third year after planting.

Thanks to a tropical plant on its garden plot you can create an exotic corner. Very beautiful, colorful, and at the same time easy to care for, yucca will make your garden unusual and will delight you for many years.

Many types of yucca are ideal “office plants”, as they are quite happy with artificial lighting. And some forms (for example, filamentous) with large flowers pale cream color on a tall peduncle can decorate a gravel garden or rockery.

What a yucca flower looks like and how it blooms at home (with photo)

The genus includes species, many of which are xerophytes rather than succulents. In regions with warm climates it is often grown in open plantings. Plants are variable: from almost stemless rosettes to tree-like forms. The leaves are long and thin (up to 1 m long and 1–8 cm wide), green with a bluish bloom or bluish, jagged or smooth at the edges, often in threads, often ending in a spike, hard or hard, erect or drooping. The inflorescence is a branched panicle, multi-flowered, erect or drooping. The flowers are waxy, white or pale yellow, up to 8 cm long. During the flowering period, the plants are very spectacular. After flowering, the plant does not die off, but blooms annually or every other year. The yucca fruit is a dry capsule or a juicy fruit (in some species it is edible).

Look at the photo of how yucca blooms at home - unfortunately, this happens very, very rarely:

Most species form groups as they age. Leaf fibers of some species are used in rope production. Yuccas are deciduous ornamental plants widely used in landscape design.

Yucca- this is the tree of happiness. In modern conditions, yucca is widely used as decoration in offices and at home. Growing yucca at home brings happiness, prosperity, and good luck.

Yucca will help you gather strength in difficult times. She will not allow quarrels and scandals to grow, and inspires self-confidence.

If you know how to properly care for yucca, the atmosphere at home will become a little more businesslike and more comfortable, conducive to calm conversations.

Yucca has a stimulating and strengthening effect on the human psyche and stimulates decisive action. With proper cultivation and care of yucca, this plant will dispel doubts and instill confidence.

This flower, when present in the house, can strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the owners, protects against fractures and muscle strains, from rheumatism and any sharp pain. Planting yucca flowers is believed to help heal cuts on the skin quickly.

Conditions for growing yucca at home: soil and temperature

The main condition for growing yucca in summer is a temperature of about 20 °C; in winter it is advisable to reduce the temperature level to 12 °C. When growing yucca, do not forget that it is a light-loving plant that grows well in diffuse sunlight and partial shade.

The location for the yucca should be chosen to be bright: from a simply bright room to a very well-lit room. The plant definitely needs access to fresh air, so in the summer it is better to take it out of the house, and if this is not possible, then good ventilation must be provided. Humidity may be increased, yucca loves reasonable moisture, but it can also tolerate dry air and does not require necessarily spraying the leaves. It is important to protect from dampness and not to overwater when watering. Watering is abundant from spring to autumn, and gradually reduced in winter.

The temperature is moderate - 13–21 °C; in winter the plant requires cool conditions. During the dormant period, the plant should overwinter in a bright place, fairly cool (but not lower than 8 ° C), protected from frost. Larger, and therefore more hardy, specimens can overwinter in heated rooms, although they will lose a few leaves.

Soil for yucca at home requires the following composition: turf - 1 part, humus - 1 part, sand - 2 parts.

How to properly care for yucca: watering and fertilizing

Yucca is a fairly moisture-loving plant. When watering, you should be guided by the condition of the soil. It is necessary to water it when the soil has already dried well; it is better not to water the plant again than to fill it with water. In addition to watering, it is recommended to constantly spray the yucca with water.

Care consists of regular watering. On next year it is necessary to carry out transshipment; and then every 2 years until planting in tubs with a diameter of 30 cm. Transplantation from tubs is carried out until the latter rot. In the interval between transplants, soil is added annually and regularly fertilized with slurry at least once a month.

During the growth period, the plant needs additional feeding with special fertilizers, which are poured into the soil along with water for irrigation every fourteen days.

Look at the photo of planting and caring for indoor yucca and plants in the garden:

Planting and caring for indoor yucca flowers at home: propagation by seeds and stem sections (with photos and videos)

Yucca is propagated vegetatively (cuttings, division and suckers) and seeds. Cuttings are taken apical - the upper part of the trunk with a bunch of leaves is cut off, withered for several days, then planted in pots. The substrate for planting cuttings is sand.

It is possible to propagate yucca using pieces of the trunk: it is cut off above the root collar and placed horizontally on wet sand. With moderate watering and a temperature of at least 20 °C, shoots with roots develop; they are cut into separate rooted parts. Yuccas easily form lateral shoots on the trunk; They are separated, slightly withered and planted for rooting. Rooting of cuttings when propagating yucca by cuttings of trunk stems continues for 1–2 months.

As can be seen in the photo, when propagating yucca at home, rooted plants are planted in pots; The size of the pots is selected depending on the size of the plants:

Sowing is also carried out with freshly harvested seeds. Land for growing yucca from seeds: turf – 1 part, leaf – 1 part, sand – 1 part. Shoots appear within a month. Seedlings are planted in 6-centimeter pots one at a time and placed in a well-lit place. In the summer they are placed on the sunny side.

Here you can watch a video of yucca propagation at home using cuttings, pieces of the trunk and seeds:

Due to their decorative value, yuccas are widely grown in gardens. Yucca is suitable for landscaping both at home and in the office (shop, restaurant), for decorating winter gardens, terraces, in tubs, and in vases.

The fruits, seeds, flowers, peduncles and roots of some yucca species are edible. Yucca fibers were once used to make ropes, and the leaves were woven into baskets. All yuccas contain saponin, a natural hair cleanser that is now used to make cosmetics and soaps.

Types of yucca with photos and names: aloe leaf and giant

Yucca aloefolia (Yucca aloifolia) is a tree-like perennial up to 4 m tall from the Agave family. Homeland USA, Mexico; grows in humid subtropics. The trunk bears scars from fallen leaves. Leaves in a bunch in the upper part of the trunk, hard, sword-shaped, straight outstretched, long - 30–45 cm, 2.5–3 cm wide in the middle part of the blade and widening towards its base to 15–20 cm, dark green, with a bluish bloomed, with a hard reddish-brown spine at the top and sharp-serrated whitish edges. Peduncle short.

As can be seen in the photo, Yucca aloelia has a diamond-shaped panicle, dense, 30–60 cm long, short-branched, 12–15 cm long:

Grows on dry, open hills, sandy and gravelly soils, and coastal scrub in southeastern North America, eastern Mexico, Jamaica, and Bermuda.

It is optimal to keep it in a sunny, ventilated place, in winter at a temperature not lower than 10°. Soil mixture: 3 parts turf, 2 parts each leaf soil and sand. Propagated by freshly collected seeds, stem cuttings and root suckers. The cuttings are cut off from the top of the shoot with a bunch of leaves, dried for several days, and then planted in a damp mixture of sand and peat or perlite. To obtain stem cuttings, the shoot is cut off just above the root collar and placed horizontally on damp sand at a temperature of at least 20°, sprayed from time to time. Buds develop from the shoot nodes, from which young shoots grow, which are subsequently separated and rooted. Yuccas are excellent solitaires for group compositions (fragments winter garden), and are also very good for winter gardens.

Yucca giantYucca brevifolia. Homeland - southwestern deserts of the USA. It is typical of this group of evergreen, often ornamental, rigid-leaved agave. The largest - now felled Yucca gianta, which grew in Antelope Valley in California, reached a height of 20 m, and its trunk diameter exceeded 110 cm. However, it is not bred in gardens, since there are many other varieties that require much less hassle.

Indoor adult Yucca gigantea resembles a false palm and can reach a height of 4 m, so it is more suitable for decorating a hall or room with high ceilings. She needs a deep potty good drainage. In summer you can take it out open air. In winter, keep in a bright, unheated room. Flowering can only be achieved after many years, when the plant becomes an adult. Yucca blooms with white bell-shaped flowers. Green, bluish sword-shaped, linear leaves are collected in a bunch at the top of the trunk.

Propagated by stem suckers, less often by seeds. Propagation by trunk segments becomes a necessity, since Yucca gianta grows excessively. For this purpose, in the summer you should cut off an arbitrary number of sections from the trunk, which should be at least 20 cm long. The lower end is stuck into a slightly moistened mixture of peat and sand and taken to a shaded place in fresh air. The cut site on the mother plant should be covered with garden varnish. Cuttings with leaves are covered with a transparent film that protects them from moisture evaporation. After the appearance of their own roots, they are planted.

Yucca filamentous and gray: photo and description

Here you can read the description and see photos of filamentous and gray yucca.

Yucca filamentosaYucca filamentosa. Homeland - eastern North America. Almost stemless plant. It grows thanks to root suckers. The root system penetrates deeply into the soil. One of the most frost-resistant yuccas, it tolerates short-term frosts down to -20 °C, sometimes more.

The flowers of Yucca filamentosa are yellowish-white, drooping, up to 8 cm long. The flower panicle can be up to 200 cm tall. The fruit is a round capsule up to 5 cm in diameter. Viable seeds can only be obtained through artificial pollination. The leaves are bluish-green, up to 70 cm long, 4 cm wide, with a pointed apex, the edges are pubescent with numerous white thin curling threads.

It has a variegated form, filamentosa variegata, with yellow or white variegated leaves.

Yucca grayYucca glauca. Homeland - eastern regions of North America. The plant is stemless, the leaves are collected in a dense rosette. The leaves themselves are narrow-linear, up to 70 cm long, bluish-green with a whitish border and sparse thin curled threads along the edge.

Pay attention to the photo - the flowers of the blue yucca are very spectacular, the peduncle reaches up to 300 cm in height:

The flower panicle is narrow and poorly branched. The flowers are greenish-white or yellowish, up to 7 cm long, drooping, of various shapes, most often bell-shaped.

Yucca ivory, southern and short-leaved (with photo)

Yucca elephantofoot, Yucca elephantYucca elephantipes. The tree-like trunk is topped with a crown of long leathery leaves. In cultivation, elephant Yucca is more unpretentious and resilient than Yucca aloifolia. The plant at home reaches a height of two or more meters, has a tendency to branch, and therefore adult specimens need pruning. The reason for the relative persistence of these species is their slow growth. The decorative period lasts all year round.

As shown in the photo above, elephant yucca has green, bluish leaves 30–75 cm long, 5–8 cm wide, xiphoid, broadly lanceolate, linear, arranged spirally.

Y. australis Trel. (Y. filifera Shabaud) – S. southern. Trees up to 8-10 m tall. The trunk of powerful old trees is up to 1 m in diameter, highly branched in the upper part. The leaves are densely spaced, dense-skinned, short, 25–30 cm long and 2–3 cm wide, dark green, with threads along the edges. The inflorescence is branched, multi-flowered, pendulous, 1–2 m long. The flowers are cream. Homeland - Mexico.

Y. brevifolia Engelm. (Y. arborescens (Torr.) Trel.) – Yu shortifolia. Trees 4–9 m tall. The trunk is up to 50 cm in diameter, highly branched at the top. The leaves are densely arranged, hard, short, 15–30 cm long and 0.6–1.5 cm wide in the middle, almost triangular-widened towards the base, grooved, brownish at the apex and spiny pale green at the edges. Peduncle short; the panicle is dense. The flowers are pale yellow. Yucca shortifolia grows in dry open places in southeastern California and Arizona (USA).

Several garden forms are known, some of them are highly decorative:

Elegantissima– characterized by intensive growth and a larger peduncle;

Y. filamentosa var. bracteata Engelm– leaves (number – 50-100, 45–60 cm long and 2.5–4 cm wide, with many thin threads along the edges); inflorescence 1.5 m tall; large flowers – 7–8 cm;

Y. filamentosa var. media Garr– leaves are broadly lanceolate, thin, ending in a spine.

Y. glauca var. stricta Trel. (Y. angustifolia stricta Baker) – leaves are long and wide, up to 1.2 cm long. Inflorescences are long, branched. Grows in Kansas (USA). Highly decorative.

Y. radiosa Trel.– Yu. multiradiate. Trees are 5–7 m in height. Leaves are numerous (more than 100), densely spaced, linear, 45–60 cm long and 0.3–1 cm wide in the middle, tapering towards the base, slightly grooved, with a sharp apex, with white, narrow edges, with a large number of thin threads . Inflorescence 1.5–2 m high; panicle 0.8–1.2 m. Grows on sandy, gravelly soils in Southern Arizona (USA).

Y. recurvifolia Salisb. (Y. recurva Haw., Y. pendula Siebold) – Yu. otvorotfolia. The trunk is short, straight or branched. The leaves are in a bunch at the top of the trunk, 80-150, drooping, 60–90 cm long, grayish-green, spiky-pointed at the top, flat in the middle, slightly folded, entire or with single teeth, slightly fibrous at the edges. Found on sand dunes in Georgia (USA). A species widely distributed in culture. There are several garden forms.

Y. rostrata Engelm.– Yu coracoid. Trees with a short-branched crown. The trunk is up to 3 m high and 15–20 cm in diameter. The leaves are numerous, long, narrowly linear, 1 cm wide, flat or biconvex, thin, leathery, with a sharp spiny apex, striped and with yellow forked edges. The peduncle is long; branched panicle. The flowers are white. Homeland - Mexico. Valuable ornamental plant.

Y. schottii Engelm. (Y. macrocarpa Engelm.) – Yu. Shotta. The trunk is 3–4 m high, straight, sometimes slightly branched. The leaves are linear, 20–50 cm long and 2–4 cm wide, bluish, hard, smooth, straight, slightly tapering at the base, with thin threads along the edges. The branches and peduncle are bent. The inflorescence is a loose-flowered panicle. Grows in sandy, gravelly soils in Southern Arizona.

Y. tpeculeana Carr.– Yu. Trekulya. The trunk is 5–7 m high and 30–60 cm in diameter, highly branched. Leaves are densely spaced, elongated-lanceolate, xiphoid, 60-120 cm long, 7–9 cm wide in the middle and up to 2.5 cm wide at the base, dark green, leathery, rough on both sides, spiny at the apex, brown at the edges -red with a pale border, finely palmate at the base (old leaves have sparse threads). Peduncle short; panicle dense, 0.6–1.2 m long, branched. The flowers are white. Grows on sand dunes in Texas (USA) and Mexico.

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Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms - delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. Just pour boiling water over the glass noodles and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together and does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller pieces with scissors so as not to inadvertently snag the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have come across this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is “disguised” under different names: “jujube”, “unabi”, “jujube”, “Chinese date”, but they are all the same plant. This is the name of a crop that has long been grown in China, and was grown as a medicinal plant. From China it was brought to the Mediterranean countries, and from there jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in the decorative garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, flower seedlings are planted and seasonal decoration begins. But you shouldn’t forget about shrubs, vines, or trees. Due to the imbalance of the lunar calendar this month with ornamental plants It works best in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move to the countryside and buy dachas? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer season has already begun; a lot of work awaits us in the garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves that in order for work to be a joy, you must remember to rest. What could it be better than rest on fresh air? Just relax in a furnished corner of your own garden.

May brings not only long-awaited warmth, but also no less long-awaited opportunities to plant even heat-loving plants in the beds. This month, seedlings begin to be transferred into the soil, and crops reach their peak. While planting and new crops are being planted, it is important not to forget about other important chores. After all, not only the beds need enhanced care, but also the plants in greenhouses and seedlings, which are beginning to be actively hardened off this month. It is important to form plants in time.

Pie for Easter - home recipe a simple sponge cake filled with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. The white icing that decorates the cake is made from white chocolate and butter, it will not crack, and it tastes like chocolate cream! If you don't have the time or skills to fuss with yeast dough, then you can prepare this simple holiday baking on Easter table. Such simple recipe I think any novice home pastry chef can master it.

Indoor plants are used to add a unique note to the design of the room. One of them is yuca, a flower that grows naturally in central and southern North America. The use of this plant in interior design is mainly due to its high decorative qualities and rather unpretentious properties, both in terms of environmental conditions and care.

Exotic plant

Yucca is a genus of monocotyledons, mostly tree-like perennials belonging to the agave family, although until recently yucca was classified as a member of the lily family.

At the top of the erect stem, which has scars - a trace of fallen leaves, there is a plume of long, flat or groove-shaped, hard leaves, usually prickly, sometimes serrated. Some types of yucca do not have a trunk, and the basal rosette of leaves forms a lush bunch with long, sword-shaped and erect or drooping leaves. The color of the leaves, depending on the type of plant, ranges from pale green to dark green with a bluish tint.

Blooming yucca- a magnificent sight. A tall panicle-shaped inflorescence with numerous bell-like flowers, white or pale cream or slightly yellowish in color. The fruits are juicy or dry fruit-pods with seeds.

Today, about 30 species of this amazing plant are known; in their homeland, some species are grown on an industrial scale to produce especially strong fiber, the so-called pita. Interesting fact: the first jeans were made from fabric woven using this fiber, and only much later, when denim gained worldwide popularity, did they begin to add cotton fiber to it.

But better known decorative varieties yuccas, which serve as decoration for parks, gardens, personal plots and, of course, cultivated indoors.

Yucca - elephant leg

More recently, elephant yucca (Yucca elephantipes), which got its name due to its thick trunk, surprisingly similar to an elephant’s leg, has gained particular popularity among indoor floriculture enthusiasts. Under natural growing conditions, this tree-like perennial reaches 8 meters in height. It has long (up to 80 cm), sword-shaped, dark green leaves with a bluish tint. The flowers are collected in racemes, about 6 cm long, white with a slightly greenish color.

In indoor conditions, elephantis, of course, has a more modest size. It grows quite slowly and reaches a maximum of 1.5-2 m in height. This is an extremely advantageous quality for indoor floriculture. If we add to this the simple care of the plant, then its popularity in the art of interior gardening becomes clear.

Features of caring for indoor yucca

But still this exotic has some specific qualities: indoor plant Yucca is very demanding of light and heat, especially in summer time. This is explained by the fact that under natural conditions it grows in semi-desert and desert zones, where the maximum solar lighting and very high temperature environment. Therefore, the plant must be placed in front of windows with southern, south-eastern and south-western exposure, thus providing it with maximum sunlight. When there is insufficient light, the plant becomes stretched and the leaves gradually turn pale. In order for the southern guest to develop evenly, the plant must be turned to the light with its dark side from time to time. Or add additional lighting.

Temperature in the room where indoor yucca lives, it would be nice to keep it within +20-26°C. However, you need to know that yucca absolutely does not tolerate any drafts!

Since our southern guest moved to us from the semi-desert lands of Mexico, the dry and not very humid air of the apartments is quite comfortable for her. But still in hot weather summer days lightly spraying or wiping the leaves from dust with a damp rag will not be superfluous. After spraying, it is best not to place the indoor flower in direct sunlight, but to wait until the leaves dry.

Proper care growing yucca at home means, first of all, proper watering indoor flower. The plant is not capricious, but does not tolerate excess moisture and stagnation of water. Watering must be done very carefully and rarely, but abundantly. And only when the surface of the soil in the container dries out by at least 5 cm. Excess water from the pan must be drained. Water for irrigation should first be kept at room temperature so that the disinfectant additives evaporate from it.

Feeding and fertilizer

It is known that Yucca elephantis, being a plant of the semi-desert zone, is not spoiled in terms of high nutritional value of the soil, therefore it should be fertilized or fed less than other indoor flowers, diluting the indicated rate of complex mineral fertilizer on the package with double the amount of water.

The plant responds well to foliar feeding; for this, during the active growing season, it is enough to spray the lower part of the yucca leaves with a liquid fertilizer solution. You should not overuse frequent feedings; it is enough to carry them out 2 times a month, or even once every 3 weeks, making sure that the plant has adapted to the conditions and is healthy. You can also fertilize yucca with organic liquid infusions of mullein or compost.

Feeding or fertilizing is carried out only in spring and summer. From the very beginning of autumn, it is time to prepare the flower for the winter dormancy period and gradually reduce feeding until it stops completely. In autumn winter period The plant should not be fertilized.

Care and maintenance of yucca at home

Quality care comes down to more than just the right choice place and timely watering, but also proper pruning, as well as replanting this plant.

Trimming. Time passes, and the yucca tree grows, losing its decorative qualities. In order to return the plant to its magnificent appearance, it is necessary to trim the grown flower. Pruning is carried out in early spring or in the first month of summer. The trunk is cut almost to the base, leaving only 2 to 4 buds, pruning with a sharp knife or blade. The cut area should be treated with crushed activated carbon or covered with garden pitch. The cut part should not be thrown away. It can be rooted, thereby obtaining several more plants.

Transfer. As noted above, the yucca tree grows quite slowly at home. Therefore, it requires replanting extremely rarely - once every 4 years is enough for an adult plant. The only exceptions are young, well-developing or diseased plants. Young ones are transplanted once a year, and sick ones - as needed.

It is advisable to do replanting, as well as pruning, in the spring, before the start of the active growth period. As a rule, the signal for replanting is the overgrown root system of the elephantis.

The new container for the plant should be significantly larger than the previous one. It is advisable to use ceramic pots, since in plastic containers rotting of yucca roots occurs much more often.

A prerequisite for good growth is high-quality drainage and the composition of the soil mixture. At the bottom of the new pot you need to pour a layer of special materials intended for this purpose - agroperlite, vermiculite or expanded clay. These products undergo special processing, are sterile and have excellent protective properties: they adsorb harmful substances from the soil and conduct moisture well and promote air exchange of roots. Drainage material is sold in specialized flower shops.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself at the rate of: 3 parts turf soil, 2 parts leaf soil and 3 parts coarse river sand. But you can also use a ready-made soil mixture, remembering that it should have a neutral pH and not exceed 5.9-6.6, since yucca does not tolerate acidic and alkaline soils.

It is advisable to replant yucca by transshipment, carefully preserving the earthen ball, trying not to damage the root system. Carefully inspect the roots of the plant for rotting, and if any, remove immediately.

Self-propagation of yucca

Yucca palm, although this name is not entirely correct - this plant is classified as an agave plant, and is called a palm tree only because it is very similar to this woody plant, propagated by cuttings, seeds and root shoots.

For example, cuttings. The trunk remaining after pruning is divided into 10 cm sections. The apical part is slightly dried and placed in a vessel with boiled water, or in a light, slightly moistened substrate until the first roots appear. After this, the top is transplanted into the prepared pot. You should not delay replanting and wait for a full-fledged root lobe to grow, otherwise the cutting may rot.

The stem segments are laid out horizontally in a previously prepared container with moistened soil or sand, slightly deepening them. Cover with glass or film and place in a bright and very warm place. The mini-greenhouse must be ventilated periodically and the soil with cuttings must be sprayed warm water. Condensation on glass or film must be wiped off. After the shoots appear, the cuttings are removed from the soil, the shoots are separated and planted in small pots. The cuttings germinate within one and a half months.

Propagation by seeds is practiced much less frequently. Freshly harvested seeds are sown in a light mixture of sand and turf and leaf soil. Cover with glass and place in a warm, well-lit place, periodically checking the moisture content of the substrate and ventilating the crops. Temperature for seed germination is 25-30°C. Shoots appear within a month. They are scattered into small pots when the sprouts have formed 2 full-fledged leaves. After a week, carry out 1 fertilizing with a very weak solution of nitrophoska (1 g per 1 liter of water). Sprouts with 5 leaves are considered as full-fledged plants suitable for usual care.

Winter period

How to care for yucca in winter? The specificity of the plant is such that, being a plant of southern latitudes, elephantis tolerates winter temperature drops of up to 10°C well. But at lower temperatures, the exotic dies. And keeping yucca in winter at high room temperatures and insufficient winter lighting will cause damage to the root system and yellowing of the foliage. To avoid such troubles and give the plant the maximum comfortable conditions in winter, it must be placed on a well-insulated loggia, where there will be enough light, but not a lot of heat. In this case, watering should be reduced to a minimum so that excess moisture does not lead to the death of the plant.

Yucca blooms extremely rarely in indoor conditions. But some gardeners manage to achieve this result. If a yucca stands in front of a sunny window and pleases with its flowers, the owner took care of it impeccably.

Interesting! Astrologers believe that the yucca flower neutralizes negative emotions and thereby improves the atmosphere of relationships between people. Is this so, you can check own experience: just start it amazing plant at home.

Video - Yucca, propagation and care