How to install windows in a log house. Installation of windows in a wooden house and a log house

  • 20.06.2020

It is not easy to insert a window into a log house on your own, but if you follow the basic rules, it is quite possible. Moreover, this will significantly reduce the cost of the process. How and when to do this, what types of structures are suitable for a wooden house, and what the subsequent prevention of window structures consists of, is described below.

Installation time

This is a matter of paramount importance. The time depends on the end of the shrinkage of the log house itself. A log house requires a longer period than a log house, in addition, the architecture of the building will also affect the increase in the process time.

On average, all work on the installation of fittings should be started at least 1 year after the existence of the box. If this is neglected, then the consequences are as follows:

  • Cracking of wooden frames. If, moreover, they are made of wet material, then it will not be possible to bring them down. Metal-plastic double-glazed windows are more durable, but this does not save either: they will simply be crushed under the weight of logs. Considering that the structures are not cheap, you can go broke on them - before inserting windows into a log house, it is important to determine the type of double-glazed windows used.
  • Skewed logs in the opening. Still, the window structure also has some resistance, and shrinkage is slow. Therefore, the whips will lie down as the natural process behaves - stand out from the general row, spin, crack.

Choice of window structures: plastic or wooden

Both are popular. They have different advantages, and you need to choose, taking into account your goals and capabilities. For instance:

wooden frames

  • Environmentally friendly. Even when producing frames from glued laminated timber pure formulations without chemically heavy components are used.
  • Beautiful. No one will deny the magnificence of the natural pattern. Of course, it is possible that the frames will be painted in any desired color. The paint is selected frost-resistant, impact-resistant, elastic.
  • Cheap. Double-glazed windows made of plastic of equal configuration are 3-4 times higher than wooden ones.

The popularity of wooden windows is growing year by year. The so-called eurowindows have appeared, they are of high quality and the possibility of installing an electric drive for ease of use.

PVC double glazing

Their main advantage is durability: the metal-plastic profile is reliable. Moreover:

The cost of PVC bags is also not exorbitant. In addition, the craftsmen give guarantees and can make packages of any configuration that is required for a non-standard opening.

Mounting Methods

To insert windows into wooden frame right, it is important to understand the whole technology of the process. There are several mounting methods:

Deciding how to insert a window into a wooden frame is not difficult. For independent work with a reliable result, only the casing method is suitable, the rest are carried out by professional carpenters.

Casing Features

Properly made casing has the following features, positively affecting the window structure as a whole. So:

  • Opening preparation. It is incomparably easier to install a double-glazed window on a smooth plane than on a log. Of course, the question disappears, if the task is to insert windows into a log house from a bar. But even such an object needs a wooden box.
  • Prevention of distortions of both the window unit and the walls.
  • The bottom board will immediately form the level of the window sill. You don't need to do calculations.
  • Presentable appearance, you can not even use platbands. But, if it is decided, nevertheless, to ennoble the opening, the gaps are compacted special material. Due to elasticity, shrinkage will pass without consequences.
  • Absolute sealing of the window block.

And the biggest plus of the casing - self-assembly. But if there are absolutely no skills, it is recommended to turn to professionals: an improperly designed box will become a catalyst for further destruction.

Installation instructions

So, let's start the installation. The process is divided into the following steps:

So, an affordable solution to the question of how to properly insert a window into a log house is described. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations, since each stage is connected with others and without correct execution particular task, comfortable use of the window system is impossible.

The rule - no work is done without knowledge - is relevant in this case more than ever. Now most of the companies that provide such services offer perfectly acceptable conditions, and if you do not use them, you will most likely reap the benefits of your own "skill" in the future.

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When installing windows in wooden house it is necessary to take into account some features when building a house from a bar or a log house. Wooden houses after erection shrink, for the 1st year after its installation, the log house shrinks by 3-5 cm. based on 3 meters height. This is a consequence of the logs drying out and forcing the sealing material between the crowns. That is why when installing windows in a wooden house, you need to remember that the log house (or timber) will slowly sit down for about 5-6 years. And this is the main factor to be considered when installing windows in a wooden house. In the process of further operation, the house "lives", i.e. subject to constant movement high humidity the tree swells, at high temperature and moderate humidity it shrinks. When installing windows in a wooden house, a construction is used, which experts call casing (or pigtail).

When installing windows in wooden houses, it is necessary to ensure that the walls of the house have the possibility of shrinkage, but it is necessary to avoid pressure on the windows themselves. Therefore, the main purpose of this design is the strong fastening of windows in the opening while maintaining the independence of the entire window structure from the transmitted loads of the load-bearing walls. In other words, the casing (or pigtail) serves to eliminate the pressure of the logs on the windows in the process of shrinkage and movement of the house.

How to do it right

To make the installation of windows in a wooden house without negative consequences, you need to correctly cut window openings in a wooden house. The most optimal distance from the floor to the window sill is 80-90 cm, so that you can approach the window and rest your palms on the window sill as comfortably as possible. Dining, desks and kitchen countertops have, as a rule, a height of 75-85 cm, and the window sill should be slightly higher than the countertops. It is also necessary to check that there is no curvature of the windows.


As we mentioned earlier, casing is a structure used when installing windows in wooden houses, the purpose of which is to securely fasten windows and maintain the independence of the entire window structure from load-bearing walls. wooden house, their protection against distortion during shrinkage of log cabins (beams).

Casing can be of two types: to install wooden windows in wooden houses, grooves are made in which bars of the same size are inserted; to install plastic windows in wooden houses, a comb is cut out at the ends of the logs, on which a window carriage with a groove is put on.

Builders building a house can make casing.

The window opening must be properly prepared for installation work to install the casing, and then it will be possible to start assembling the casing. To properly install the window, the width of the opening should be 3-4cm more than the width of the window for using foam insulation, and the height of the opening should be 6-8cm more height the ordered window for the installation of a window sill and the same use of foam insulation. Between the upper part of the resulting window opening and the log, you need to leave a gap of about 5 cm to allow the logs to shrink.

When installing windows, the frames should not be drilled through the casing of a wooden house, so as not to violate the tightness and thermal insulation, for these purposes it is advisable to use special fasteners - anchor plates.

Plastic windows in a wooden frame are installed according to generally accepted technology:

  • mechanical fixation of the window structure in the casing is carried out using screws and anchor plates;
  • grooves and butt holes are filled with polyurethane mounting foam, mounting tapes are installed to protect the foam;
  • internal and exterior finish with the help of plastic slopes, ebbs and window sills;
  • adjustment and check of all nodes for operability.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any construction process consists of more responsible and less responsible stages. Window installation errors are not fatal, but they can cost you dearly. Installation is carried out according to a well-established scheme and takes 1-2 days, while the preparatory and subsequent stages require much more time and attention. But correctly selected and installed plastic windows save you a lot of time and money in the future.

Recently, building your own wooden house is gaining more and more popularity. Modern technologies allow you to make your home comfortable, practical and cozy.

Whatever the design you choose, no matter what extravagant ideas are implemented in the decoration, modern windows in a wooden house are an indispensable attribute, on which it largely depends appearance and convenience of living.

Understanding all the variety of options on the market is sometimes not so easy. When evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of one or another option, it is necessary to take into account many nuances.

How to choose windows for a wooden house? Let's try to consider this issue in more detail and identify the main aspects that affect the selection process itself.

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Types of windows for a wooden house. Peculiarities

There are currently the following types windows suitable for installation in a wooden house:

  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic;
  • wooden;
  • aluminum;
  • combined.

It is impossible in principle to answer the question of which of these species is unambiguously better. It is important to consider your own preference and design features.

Plastic and metal-plastic double-glazed windows have a number of undoubted advantages, which include their low price, practicality, absolute tightness and a wide range of color shades. Among other things, they are durable and undemanding to care.

The main drawback is the materials used in the window construction itself, it is still unknown how they will affect human health in full.

Aluminum and combined windows also have their own advantages, due to the materials used in the construction, such advantages include durability, structural strength, tightness and convenience.

When choosing one or another type, look at the photos of windows for a wooden house in advertising booklets, try to imagine how the window will look, how the design will fit into the overall design, and based on your financial capabilities and subjective perception, make the final decision.

Window installation

During construction, it is important to take into account that the installation of windows has some features, the neglect of which can lead to undesirable consequences.

We are talking about the features of the construction of wooden buildings: as you know, the tree gives some shrinkage, and therefore, over time, the geometric dimensions change downwards, which can lead to gaps, distortion of the window structure, deformation of the double-glazed window, etc.

To avoid these troubles, take into account the following recommendations:

  • in log houses, window openings must be installed after the main shrinkage of the log house, for which it is necessary to wait about a year and a half. Installation should not be done immediately - it is impossible to unambiguously calculate the degree of shrinkage, it depends on the moisture content of the tree, on the conditions environment etc.;
  • if a project using glued beams is selected, you can mount window structures immediately - the shrinkage of such a structure will not exceed 2%;
  • use only sliding joints when installing window structures;
  • Provide a shrinkage gap of 6-7 cm directly above the window frame.

Another important point in the design of a wooden house, and in the context under consideration - in the calculations when installing window frames, is that a wooden building is constantly in some movement. This movement is explained by the properties of the tree, the features and quality of the foundation, as well as other external factors.

This feature must be taken into account at the design stage and directly in the construction process. To solve these problems, the window box is installed in a special design - a pigtail. In view of the importance of this element, we will consider its features in more detail.

Pigtail Features

Okosyachka like special structural element, is necessary for any type of installed window, whether it is a wooden structure or pvc windows. It provides:

  • the impossibility of vertical displacement of logs in the opening at the same time - without interfering with the shrinkage of the walls themselves;
  • increases the structural strength of the window opening;
  • the lower part of the pigtail acts as a window sill;
  • subsequent convenience is ensured when installing cashing;
  • an additional element is created in the insulation system of the entire window opening.

The pigtail can be implemented using two different schemes:

  • on the end part of the logs, after sawing out the window opening, a special groove is selected. A specially prepared beam is mounted in it. This option is suitable for installing wooden windows;
  • the second method involves the creation of a special spike at the ends of the window opening, on which the so-called window “carriage” is installed - a special bar with a groove.

When creating a pigtail, it must be remembered: the vertical height of the bars to be installed must be less than the height of the window opening by the calculated shrinkage value, otherwise you risk getting the upper rims of the frame raised with a gap.

Features of installation of plastic double-glazed windows

Plastic windows are very popular and widely used, and therefore we will present some features of their installation in a wooden house.

Installation must be carried out at an ambient temperature of at least minus 10 degrees Celsius. In no case should you install a plastic double-glazed window without a pigtail.

The gap for foaming the structure should be within:

  • 4-5 cm at the top;
  • 3-4 cm at the bottom;
  • on the sides - about 2-3 cm.

Use special fasteners for installation. Fastening through the frame with self-tapping screws causes the window to lose its tightness.

Weeping window effect

In order not to suddenly find excessive perspiration or heavily frosted glass on your windows on winter days, which subsequently begin to thaw and “cry”, certain conditions must be met, namely:

  • install windows carefully. Think over all the points, carefully consider the installation process;
  • use energy-saving glasses;
  • do not forget about airing the room;

Of course, these are only the most general tips, but even they will avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Do-it-yourself window production

Self-creation of wooden windows is a separate and complex topic. Consider some key points related to this issue.

In the manufacture of the box, the most common type of material is pine. The bars themselves must be thoroughly and properly dried. Try to pick up material without cracks and knots.

When connecting the elements, use wood glue, and additionally install wooden dowels at key points, this will ensure the rigidity of the structure. When installing glazing beads, use sealants.

Instead of an epilogue

Windows are necessary and important element in the design of the house. It is necessary to treat this issue carefully and with all the responsibility and your house will be bright, warm and comfortable for many years.

Photo of windows in a wooden house

Installing windows in a log house has a number of features. First of all, before installation, you need to wait for the shrinkage of a wooden house, which lasts 6-18 months, depending on the design of the building, the area and weight of the structure, the type of soil on land plot. Due to the shrinkage of the log house, the window structures are deformed and cracked. In addition, a log cabin that continues to sink will simply crush the installed structures. Read more about the process of shrinking a wooden house.

The specifics of installing windows in a wooden house

So that the frames do not warp, you need to make a casing or pigtail. Installation of such a box requires accurate measurements, care in manufacturing and installation. An improperly assembled and installed structure will lead to a warping of the frame and log walls. This will worsen the appearance of the building, and heat will escape through the cracks and penetrate cold air, moisture and wind.

Properly selected dimensions of the window opening are the key to successful window installation in the house. The optimal distance from the floor to the window sill is 80-90 cm. As a rule, the window sill is made just above the countertop. When installing, carefully monitor the dimensions of the openings. Let's look at how to properly make a casing and install windows in a wooden house.

window frame

Windows in a log cabin cannot be fixed directly to the ends of the opening. Otherwise, the blocks are deformed due to shrinkage. To avoid this, they make a pigtail or casing of the opening. It strengthens the ends and does not violate the functionality of the structures, prevents the displacement of the crowns.

The window sash is performed in two ways, depending on the type of windows (plastic or ordinary). For wooden structures the block is made of bars and interventional insulation made of flax or jute is used. Wooden windows are more environmentally friendly. In addition, they fit better log house. For plastic structures (PVC), a comb is cut out and a carriage with grooves is put on. Foam is used as insulation. Such windows are more airtight.

The window frame for log houses is made of wood with 10-12% moisture content. With less moisture, internal cracks appear. simple design used for windows natural materials. And the manufacture of an opening for plastic products requires special care and a more complex version of the casing.

With a pigtail between the upper element of the box and the log part of the house, a shrinkage gap is made up to 7% of the height of the opening. It will protect window and door blocks from log pressure and deformation.

Which windows to choose: plastic or wooden

Today many owners country houses choose installations from a tree. Structures made of natural materials preserve the ecological cleanliness, safety and atmosphere of a log house. Wooden windows are characterized by a pleasant forest aroma and attractive appearance, resistance to frost and temperature extremes.

Such material "breathes" and maintains a comfortable mode of humidity in the room. Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost of products. In addition, wood must be periodically treated with antiseptics to protect living material from the negative effects of moisture.

Some prefer to install plastic windows in a log house. Plastic is a more affordable cheap material that characterizes a long service life and good thermal insulation, a wide range of colors. Plastic products do not require special care and processing, but they heat up when exposed to strong sunlight.

Plastic windows highlight harmful substances and have bad smell. They attract dust and do not allow moisture to pass through, so a greenhouse effect may occur in the room.

If for a cottage you can still choose between plastic and wooden windows, then for a bath it is necessary to use windows exclusively made of wood. Wood does not heat up and does not burn the skin, does not violate the healing effect of the bath. Interesting projects baths, country cottages and country houses you will find at the link

Installation of wooden windows

A window for ordinary windows is made using a groove in the logs adjacent to the opening, where the bar is inserted. The bar becomes one of the sides of the window block. Insert the bottom one first, then the two side ones, and finally the top one. An interventional sealant is placed in the grooves and the shrinkage gap.

The sealant provides heat and sound insulation, keeps the wood from moisture and insects. Sometimes polyurethane foam is used as a heater, but it is completely unsuitable for a wooden house. The foam holds the logs together tightly and prevents natural shrinkage. It is better to choose natural linen and jute.

At the end, the shrinkage gap is closed and formed using fillets and a platband. They will give the window a finished look and make the decor aesthetic. Products can be of any shapes and sizes, colors and shades, with carvings and patterns.

Installation of plastic windows

Installing a casing for plastic windows is a laborious process, as it requires sawing out a ridge and installing a gun carriage. It is on the gun carriage that the logs will settle. It must be borne in mind that the opening should be 13-15 cm larger than the window frame.

Holes and grooves are filled with mounting foam, then covered with mounting tape. The tight connection will not let the cold into the room and provide the necessary moisture exchange. Finishing is done using plastic slopes and window sills.

Installing windows in a wooden house is a laborious process that requires a sequence of actions, accuracy and care. Improper installation of the window frame will lead to serious problems. These are frequent drafts and creaks, jammed doors and locks, skewed openings and walls.

To avoid such troubles, entrust the work to the masters of the MariSrub company. They will manufacture and install blocks, insulate openings around the perimeter with thermal insulation materials and vapor barrier film. This will protect against the penetration of wind, cold and excess moisture in the room.

Installing windows in a house made of logs has its own characteristics. The standard technology for a wooden building is not applicable: unlike a brick or concrete structure, it shrinks significantly, and the height of the log house decreases by at least 4 cm for every 3 m of height. When lowering, the walls put pressure on the plastic windows, which leads to deformation of the frame and jamming of the sashes, and the glass can simply be squeezed out. How to solve this problem?

Casing box installation

A window in a round log house can only be installed using a special casing box (it is sometimes called a pigtail). This is a wooden frame that is not firmly attached to the main wall, but is connected to it with the help of sliding elements. It will not interfere with the vertical settling of the log house, will not allow the logs to deform, and will also protect the frame from their damaging effects during the shrinkage process.

A pigtail in a wooden house made of logs can be made in several ways:

In all cases, the technological gap cannot be closed with mounting foam: it does not differ in elasticity and will not allow the log house to calmly lower. You can use mineral wool insulation. It will protect the building from the cold, and at the same time the log house will gradually decrease, crushing the insulation material, until the gap disappears altogether.

Do I need a pigtail if the building was built more than a year ago? Yes, you still can’t do without it, since the tree retains the ability to “breathe” all its life. When heated or high humidity wood expands, and when cooled - narrows, in addition, this process depends on the temperature inside and outside. All these movements negatively affect the frames, so it is better that the insertion of windows in the house from rounded logs was initially carried out in accordance with all the rules.

In all installation options, insulation material must be laid between the casing and the wall. It will avoid bridges of cold.

Glass installation technology

When the casing is installed, you can proceed directly to the installation, the technology as a whole does not differ much from the usual one. It is important to take into account the following point: windows are usually initially laid in the project, so window openings should be several centimeters larger than the planned size on each side - this will allow you to install the casing without any problems and will not reduce the illumination in the room.

Installation in the finished casing is carried out as follows:

The installation itself does not take much time. However, it is often required to dismantle the old frames, and after work to remove the debris. All this affects the final cost of services, although wood has long been the cheapest material in suburban construction.


White plastic windows in a house made of logs are a beautiful solution, but not everyone likes it. Many connoisseurs of eco-style prefer to either install modern wooden frames, or mask the plastic so that it does not violate a single architectural ensemble. For this, a wood-like film or decorative overlays that externally copy wood can be used.

To close ugly gaps that often remain after installation, you can use wooden architraves with carved pattern. They will give the wooden structure the look of a classic Russian hut, while the “plastic” will retain heat perfectly. The windows themselves look beautiful, and additional decorations will make them part of the overall design.

One more interesting solution for a wooden building - window openings of a non-standard shape: they may not be rectangular, but square. In all cases, installation rules must be observed, even if complex solutions have to be found for this.