How and with what to process the lining in the steam room - tips from practice. How to cover the lining in the bath steam room - compositions and impregnations for the bath Do I need to impregnate the lining in the steam room

  • 23.06.2020

If you decide to use as finishing material lining in the bath, how to process this material, you need to know even before the start of work. Any wood is exposed to the destructive effects of insects and moisture, it undergoes temperature changes, and therefore needs protection. Some experts believe that this issue needs to be addressed in a differentiated way, which involves processing the material not in all rooms, but only in certain areas where conditions are not so extreme. As the main means for the protection of wood can be identified:

  • varnishes;
  • impregnation;
  • antiseptics;
  • flame retardants.

In practice, drying oil and linseed oils are most often used today, the latter of which prevent putrefactive formations. You can additionally resort to surface treatment with antiseptic agents, which, after drying, are covered

Steam room protection

many owners country houses use lining in the bath as wall decoration. How to process its surface after completion of work, you have to think in any case. If you carry out these works, then you can extend the operational life of wood and make its structure resistant to destructive influences. You should abandon the option of using conventional varnish, as it is afraid of exposure to high temperatures and exudes bad smell during application, as well as when changing indoor conditions. But you can use imported products, among which, for example, Supi Saunasoja.

This protective acrylic lacquer is used to treat the surface of wood in a steam room, as well as lining, which is installed in rooms with high humidity. If desired, you can choose a tinted or colorless composition. The main advantages of this product is the formation of a water-repellent and dirt-repellent surface after the layer has dried, which will retain its qualities even when exposed to a temperature of 120 ° C. Among other things, among its ingredients there are components that exclude the occurrence of mold on the treated surface. This varnish is universal, as it can be used on wooden and concrete surfaces. However, there is one drawback, which is expressed in the inability to use "Supi Saunusoy" as a coating for

Features of lining preparation before application

Having installed the lining in the bath, you must decide how to process it, as this will protect the material and extend its life. Before applying the above composition, the surface is dried, the humidity should not be more than 75%. It is important to create suitable conditions- The temperature in the room should not be lower than 5 °C. The walls should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then moistened a little, waiting until they dry. If loose fibers appear in some areas, they should be sanded.

Professional Tips for Applying Protective Acrylic Lacquer

If you are thinking about the question of how you can process the lining inside the bath, then you can pay attention to Supi Saunasoja, which is applied in two layers. It is advisable to ventilate the room. The first layer is diluted with water up to 20%, if we are talking about a tinted composition. If you purchased a colorless mixture, then there is no need to dilute. The second layer is applied without interruption, several boards should be treated at once, this will eliminate the difference in color. In order to find out what color the lining will have after drying, you need to test paint a separate board. You can start caring for the lining after a month, when the wood is completely saturated with a protective agent.

Using the antiseptic Interier Sauna

If you are faced with the question of how to process the lining, then you can purchase Interier Sauna, which is manufactured by Belinka. has no color and is made on the basis of water, and it is also intended for processing wooden elements rooms with high humidity. It is unacceptable to apply this composition to ceilings. Do not start work if the room temperature has dropped below 10 °, otherwise the surface may turn yellow.

The surface must be cleaned of dirt before starting work. wood chips, after the composition is mixed and applied in two layers with a roller or brush. The minimum humidity is 65%, while the optimum temperature is 20 °C. The second layer is applied after the previous one has dried, which will happen after about 3 hours.

If, thinking about how to process the lining inside the bath, you chose the antiseptic described above, then its use should not be accompanied by the use of rust-prone tools, otherwise rust may appear on the surface over time. After applying the first layer, after about an hour, it is necessary to sand the surface using a fine-grained sandpaper. This should have a positive effect on the final result. The described antiseptic is also excellent for processing lining in the dressing room.

Russian means for lining in the bath

If you want to keep the original structure and color of the wood, then you can use Aqualac Eurotex Sauna. This is a colorless varnish, which is made on the basis of water and wax. It is suitable for all types of ceilings, floors and walls. After the completion of the work process and the complete drying of the mixture, wood paint can be applied, the color of which will remain unchanged. The treated surface will not absorb moisture, which will positively affect the service life. Among other things, the composition contains an antiseptic, which eliminates the occurrence of mold and fungus, as well as other microorganisms. You can be sure that the product is safe and environmentally friendly, it is not flammable and will not emit toxic fumes over time.

Features of applying scuba

If you still cannot decide how to treat the lining in the bath, then perhaps you should prefer scuba, which is applied to a dried and cleaned surface. If there is a protective varnish on the base, then the wood is sanded to prevent contact between the products. After preparation with a roller or brush, the first layer can be applied, while the next one is applied after 40 minutes. With an increase in the time between layers, the surface after an hour suggests the use of a different technology for applying the composition, which must be rubbed into the wood. You can start using the premises after three days, having previously heated the bath. Re-treatment may be necessary only after 4 years.

Alternative protection options

Using the lining in the bath as a cladding, how to process it, you must definitely decide. As a comprehensive protection, you can use tools that have the names "Terma" and Prime. They will provide fire protection, give the walls antiseptic characteristics, resist corrosion processes, as well as the accumulation of moisture in the structure. Sometimes it also happens that the owners of country houses think about how to process the lining in the bath in the steam room when the wood is already infected. In this case, you can use funds under the brand name "Nortex". They are presented for sale in the form of "Bleach" and "Doctor for Wood". For several years, you can store a convenient container with a screw cap until you need to reprocess.

You should not paint the lining in the bath, as in a humid room the paint will exclude the ability of the wood to breathe, this will adversely affect the life of the material. If you decide to use scuba, then applying it to a wet surface is excluded. The walls are pre-dried, only after you can start work. You should be guided by the manufacturer's recommendations, where you can find information about the permissible range of temperatures and humidity during work.

When the question arises as to what is the best way to process the lining in the bath, some try to apply an antiseptic to the varnish or paint coating. This cannot be done; initially, processing is carried out to remove old coatings.


If you are thinking about the question of whether it is necessary to process the lining in the bath, you should listen to the opinion of experts, some of them adhere to the rule that it is not worth it to process the lining in the bath. However, this will complicate the care of the surface. After each procedure, the room will need to be ventilated and dried, as well as to clean the dirt that has appeared. If you notice that a fungus has appeared on the lining, the affected area must be treated using folk methods. Suitable for this, for example, copper sulfate.

When a house has been built on the site and repairs have been made, it's time to think about building a bathhouse. This is a great place where you can relax after a hard week of work and just take a good steam bath. Therefore, I want this place to be as comfortable as possible. And in order to finish the bath and steam room, they try to use natural materials that will create a favorable microclimate inside the room.

Therefore, a bath built of wood also wants to be processed with materials created on its basis. A fairly common material for finishing a bath is lining. Today it is represented by a wide range, among which, each consumer will be able to choose the option that suits him.

But when finishing with such material, the question always arises whether processing of the lining is required, and if necessary, then how to cover the lining in the bath. Here opinions differ, since this point can be considered from two sides. If the walls are not covered with protective agents, then over time they will become unusable, they will begin to become covered with mold and rot, and also, the color of the walls will lose its original attractiveness. appearance.

But on the other hand, increased humidity in the steam room and high temperatures, along with evaporation from the result of finishing the lining in the bath, will not give the best result, and will not have a beneficial effect on human health. Therefore, how to process the lining inside the bath, each owner decides personally.

Very often, the owners make such a decision: in the steam room, the lining is left without processing, and in the dressing room and the rest room, special impregnation is used for lining in the bath.

Untreated walls, of course, quickly lose their former qualities, and in a few years they will need to be replaced, but many are ready to re-repair without saving on their health.

Processing methods

But many still want to finish the bath, and not return to this issue for many years. Therefore, the question naturally arises, how to process the lining in the steam room? In this case, you should use folk remedies, or apply or apply such a processing material that can be applied in a room with high temperature and humidity.

Usually, natural wax and oils are used for this. You can use linseed or hemp oil, with the addition of flavorings to your liking. The least expensive option is sunflower oil without smell. Processing boards is required so that no dirt gets inside the wood.

They are also treated with wax, having previously melted it. But before such processing, the surface is well sanded, and only then a protective layer is applied.

But on the construction market there are also specially created impregnations for steam rooms, which are created on a natural basis and are safe for human health under the influence of high temperatures.

An important point. In a steam room, in no case should the walls be treated with paintwork, because, in this case, the wood will be deprived of the ability to breathe. And this is a very necessary property for a steam room. As well as evaporation from ordinary paints, under the influence of temperatures, will adversely affect the human body. Even the best paints and varnishes are unsuitable for this application.

In order to extend the service life of the steam room, it is necessary to follow the rules for its use, and then the mold and fungus will not be afraid of it.

How and what to process

When the question of how to process the lining in the bath, namely in the steam room, is more or less clear, the moment remains undisclosed than how to paint the lining in the bath. The bath complex usually has, in addition to the steam room, a washing room, a dressing room, and a rest room. And each of them requires a certain care and decoration.

When finishing the washing room, first of all, it is necessary to pay due attention to the treatment of boards with antiseptics, since all surfaces in it are exposed to hot water and couple.

From this influence, a very rapid spread of fungi occurs, which adversely affects the wood. And in order for the wagon boards to last as long as possible, you can use tools such as, for example, Senezh Sauna. It protects wood well from harmful microorganisms, and is safe for humans, in combination with high humidity.

In order to apply a protective layer on the surface of the walls, special skills are not required, therefore, even a non-professional master will be able to cope with this task. Everything protective equipment applied with a roller, sprayer or brush in several layers, with a sustained time interval. But each individual tool must be used, adhering to its instructions for use.

For the dressing room, water-based varnishes are often used, which have water-resistant properties. Such coatings are odorless and fit well on any surface.

Processing lining in the steam room

The choice of protective solutions will also depend on the type of wood used for the bath. In this case, one should remember the fact that not every tree is suitable for use in a steam room, because some are simply unable to withstand the effects of high temperatures. Therefore, some varieties will not be saved by any special impregnation.

Therefore, before deciding for yourself how to cover the lining in the steam room, you need to decide which wood is best suited for this room.

What is used to finish the steam room:

  • Linden. Has good resistance to high humidity. Its texture is quite soft, so it is easy to work with it.
  • Aspen. Its main advantage is the price. But it is not suitable for finishing the entire steam room; most often, shelves are made from it, which is very easy to process.
  • Alder. She gained her popularity because of her beautiful appearance with an expressive texture.
  • Abashi tree. It is a more expensive material, since it refers to import deliveries. His distinctive feature is that wood does not accumulate heat, and in contact with the body, a person cannot get burned. For a steam room, this is ideal.


The use of ordinary varnish is excluded, as it has an unpleasant odor and does not tolerate high temperatures.

Acrylic varnishes, on a natural basis, are quite popular. They perfectly protect the surface from dirt, fungi and mold, and are water-repellent. These funds are produced by foreign manufacturers.

From domestic materials, varnishes based on water and wax are used. After treatment, the surface will be protected from moisture, and also, thanks to the antiseptic, from the development of mold and fungus. Also, it is an environmental product, without emitting harmful fumes.

How is processing done:

  • the temperature in the steam room should be at least 5 degrees, and the humidity should be at least 70%,
  • the entire surface is cleaned of possible contaminants,
  • to use any of the selected means, it is worth fully following the instructions. Since the use of different impregnations may require different temperature conditions,
  • after impregnation with the first layer, you need to wait at least three hours before applying the next one,
  • You can use the bath complex no earlier than four days after its processing. Pre-heating should be done,
  • after about 30 days, you can start caring for the treated surface, for this special tools are used,
  • at least three years must elapse before the next surface treatment with protective agents.

Video: lining for a steam room

In order for the wooden surfaces of your bath to remain as attractive and delight for many years with their unique colors and aromas, after the final installation they must be treated with special impregnations.

Everything is important in the bath

When building a bath, it is important to follow all the rules and sanitary standards (however, as in any construction). All labor and financial expenses: ventilation, vapor barrier, heating, insulation and wood trim (best wooden clapboard) is only two-thirds of the work. The final, third part is wood processing.

The average buyer usually chooses lining from the following wood for bath cladding:

  • aspen - it is loved for its ease of processing, beautiful texture and low cost. It looks good in decoration, but requires careful maintenance. Once every 3 years, it is necessary to clean everything and re-open it with protective equipment;
  • alder is an excellent domestic material with good resistance to cracking, dampness and high temperatures. Due to the relatively low price and excellent qualities of wood, alder lining is popular among both professional craftsmen and beginners;
  • linden is the queen of decoration. Despite the higher price category, lining from it is legally recognized best material for interior decoration baths, especially the steam room.

Its wood is able to quickly accumulate heat and slowly release it. Even at the highest temperature, it is impossible to get burned on such coatings. The color, appearance and unsurpassed aroma of this tree pleases the eye and soul for a long time.

Lining from other species of domestic trees, such as larch, cedar, oak, is already much higher. But the price of this wood is justified by excellent technical characteristics. And it is much cheaper than "overseas" products: Cedrella, Ofram, Meranti. This board can only be purchased big cities- Exotic wood costs a lot of money.

Lining at the construction site is sold with a price tag - "lining for a bath." But! She's made of natural wood, which means that the surface of it is able to absorb moisture, dry, crack. And bath conditions: dampness, temperature fluctuations, can hardly be called ideal for preserving wooden products and coatings in their original form. The natural desire of every owner to extend the life of his bath, especially if it is made by hand.

Here the question arises: how to cover the lining in the bath? Not every varnish or impregnation is allowed for indoor use, especially in a bath. Firstly, varnishes are flammable; Secondly, they are toxic.

The old-fashioned way of processing wood in a bath was to impregnate it vegetable oil in two steps. This event is repeated every six months. You can, of course, use a blowtorch and an emery wheel every 2-3 years. But, with each such treatment, the wood becomes thinner, therefore, the service life of the product is reduced.

Modern protective means of protection are made on a water or wax basis. Both foreign and domestic manufacturers offer impregnations specifically for saunas and steam rooms, for washing and rest rooms. If you want to figure out how to paint the lining in the bath, then it’s easy to navigate - everything is written on the labels and there is a clear instruction.

But in order of information you need to know:

  • what is intended for painting lining, say, in a washing room, is not suitable for work in rooms with high temperatures;
  • what is intended for protective coating of walls or ceilings is not suitable for covering shelving and shelves in a steam room. The protective layer can create a special film that heats up from temperature and even amazing ability linden will not protect you from burns;
  • if the manufacturer for the bath wrote that you need to paint over the surface once, you should paint over only one layer. An increase in the thickness of the layer will not only entail an unjustified consumption of material, but will also deprive the wood of the ability to breathe;

Important! The resulting film will make the surface slippery and, as a result, traumatic. In addition, a thick layer will crack, and moisture will cause the wood to rot.

  • strict adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations is the key to economical consumption of material and the creation quality protection for wooden surfaces.

The first thing to do after installing the panels is to soak the lining with an antiseptic and fire retardants. It happens that the smell of such impregnations is sharp and “chemical”. Let it not bother you. The smell will disappear after complete absorption and drying of the solution .

  • The Finns are the leaders in the production of excellent wood protection products. Their impregnations penetrate deeply into the material and protect the wood from mold and decay for a long time. Antiseptic solutions "Polysept" and "Metacid" have proven themselves well. They act both as an antiseptic and as a preservative;
  • Danish manufacturers of antiseptic primers offer a wide range of quick-drying products that do not change the color of wood: Tikkurila, Teknos;
  • Domestic manufacturers offer a wide range of equally high-quality products: "Wood Doctor", "Senezh", "Neomid".

Protective measures

The procedure for antiseptic treatment:

  1. wood must be dry and clean;
  2. the places of cuts, cuts, ends are processed first;
  3. processing is carried out in a ventilated room at a temperature not lower than +5 0;
  4. humidity in the room should be at least 70%.

The antiseptic is applied with a roller, brush or sprayer (take care of personal protective equipment in advance).

The second stage of work consists in applying directly protective coatings: varnishes, gels, azure. For rooms with high temperatures, choose oil-based products. The oil will be absorbed into the wood, and the protective layer will remain on top, imperceptibly taking care of it.

For the dressing room and washing, wax or water-based varnishes are suitable. They include products with water-repellent, bactericidal and protective properties. Here general recommendations it is difficult to give - it all depends on the chosen means. The initial consultation should be given to you in a specialized store where the product is purchased, and then proceed strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Important! Among the masters there is no unequivocal decision on how to paint the lining inside the bath, directly in the steam room. It's all about the high cost of protective materials from famous manufacturers, so some prefer not to paint, leaving it as it is. Choose according to your preferences.

When using the bath, regularly maintain cleanliness in the room, ventilate and dry the rooms. Cleaning should be done after each visit. Combine general cleaning with a thorough "technical" inspection. All damage should be immediately treated with protective equipment.

WITH general rules you have read, let's go directly to the products.

Popular protective equipment


The Finnish company Tikkurila provides Supi Saunasoja, a water-based protective varnish for floors and ceilings, as well as for the treatment of concrete surfaces, for indoor woodworking.

Tip: Before applying the varnish of your choice in color, make sure that this is exactly the shade that you need - paint it with a small piece of lining taken from waste lumber.

The varnish is applied in two layers. To apply the first - the varnish is diluted with water (the proportion is indicated in the instructions). The second layer is covered after the previous one has dried, but without adding water.

The opened surface acquires dirt-resistant properties, which greatly facilitates cleaning. Even at high temperatures in the steam room, the coating does not lose its properties.


The Slovenian manufacturer Belinka supplies our market with a colorless azure Interier Sauna.

It is specially designed and used to protect wood in baths, bathrooms, saunas. Before applying a layer of azure, the manufacturer recommends treating the surfaces with Belinka Bas, which excludes the development of insects. Accordingly, the question of how to cover the lining in the dressing room, when using funds from Belinka, is automatically closed.

Attention! Some types of wood after impregnation with Interier Sauna may turn yellow at temperatures of 100 0 and above.

The azure is applied in two steps with a brush or roller. It dries within an hour, but there is no need to rush - apply the next layer after 3 hours, after lightly sanding the already painted boards.


Among domestic manufacturers, the leadership rightfully belongs to the Rogneda company. Their scuba tank "Eurotex Sauna" competes worthily with foreign analogues. It is effective even with prolonged contact with hot water.

The wax in its composition provides a water-repellent effect, and special additives - reliable protection from mold that stains and destroys wood.

Lining - one of the most popular materials for interior decoration baths. It is used to a lesser extent for facade cladding, but still . At the same time, it is thin profiled, most often made of wood, which would not interfere with protection.

That's about whether it's worth it, where, how and with what to process the lining in the bath, we will consider in this article. For those who are just going to mount this material in their bath, we advise you to familiarize yourself with.

Does it need to be processed

The question is far from being idle, because there are many bath lovers who will say that processing the lining of the bath inside is completely unnecessary, because there is no such coating that would not affect human health in a negative way.

For our part, let's say that, of course, this was the case for a long time, while the paint and varnish industry used exclusively solvents. based on organic compounds- really very poisonous and inconvenient both during staining and for some time after, until all the volatile has evaporated.

But today is at your disposal. They are recognized harmless they can paint the rooms in which there are children. As part of acrylic coating there are resins that dissolve with water only up to a certain point, namely, before polymerization. If the water has evaporated and the mixture has polymerized, then it is further resistant to moisture.

In addition to this, there are more natural impregnations, designed only to make the surface of the wood water-repellent. They are made from linseed oil, in some cases no less natural beeswax is added, or there are impregnations based on paraffin oil (paraffin is an oil refining product, but harmless, candles are made from it).

IMPORTANT! Drying oil is also made on the basis of linseed oil, but contains salts of heavy metals and other additives needed to speed up drying, so we categorically do not recommend using it in a bath. And not only in the steam room, but everywhere - her smell is strong and unpleasant.

In general, today there are enough harmless(!) Options for how to process and how to cover the lining in the bath. Therefore, we firmly declare that this must be done! There is only one reason: all coatings serve a single purpose - they extend the life of wooden building materials.

ATTENTION! This is especially true for those that are outside and are exposed to constant negative effects of precipitation, high and low temperatures, as well as ultraviolet radiation.

And if you agree with us, then we can move on to considering what is suitable for processing the lining in the bath, as well as how to soak and how to paint the lining. Do not take this as a tautology, because we are talking about a completely different compositions for different purposes.

The better

Let us clarify that processing in our understanding is preventive measure to prevent the future appearance of rot, mold, blue stain, infection with carpenter beetles and similar misfortunes. Either medical, if infection has occurred. There are also compounds to reduce the combustibility of wood.

In the first two cases, it is antiseptics Substances that kill fungi (fungicides) and insects (insecticides). In the third case, about flame retardants, which slow down the fire or make the wood non-combustible.

What to process in the steam room

Since we are talking about this, there are a couple of tools that can be used in the steam room too. However, their effectiveness is very limited.

For example, if you process the lining in the steam room of the bath bleach"Whiteness" or its analogues, you can quickly get rid of blue- this is the name of a fungal infection of a tree, with which wood is often sold, since it does not affect strength, it only spoils the appearance.

Fungal infection - blue

BY THE WAY! Why "Whiteness"? Because it is whole line different antiseptics for wood, which contain nothing but sodium hypochlorite, as in "Whiteness". Well, maybe the concentration is different and the price.

After using and achieving the result, “Whiteness” is washed off and ventilated (! more about ventilation in the bath in). You can use the bath when the smell is no longer felt.

As a close analogue of bleach can be used hydrogen peroxide- also a strong oxidizing agent that does not allow mushrooms to live.

Mold can be used boric acid or borax, but now boron compounds are considered poisonous, and from among the cumulative poisons, that is, they accumulate and are not excreted from the body. The only good news is that the poison is weak, it takes a lot to poison it.

But it’s not worth living with mold, they die faster from it than from boric. If it started up, then it’s not up to it whether it’s a steam room or not, it’s necessary to start a fight. Until you get rid of it, you can’t use the bathhouse.

However, this applies to all infections - the more serious they are, the more serious the means. It is better to process the lining in the bath professional antiseptic who is struggling with your problem, and then wash everything than change the entire lining. But it is better to change the entire lining than to risk your life because of black mold. With carpenter beetles, the same strategy - as long as it makes sense to fight - we fight, if there are too many of them - we burn the affected tree.

Processing inside other bath rooms

In this case, there is only one difference from the steam room: prophylactic agents can be used in other rooms. That is, do not wait for the problem, but prevent its occurrence, poisoning the life of pests in advance.

Since there is no steam room heat in other rooms, all these poisons will not volatilize and be inhaled by humans.

Therefore, you can safely use both, and flame retardants, which you like. V washing you will want to use non-washable compounds, but look at the label: if it says that it is for the exterior, and not the interior, then it’s better not to. Better to update from time to time.

IMPORTANT! Antiseptics can be found on sale not only in the form of separate formulations, but also in the form of primers, which precede the application of varnish, azure or paint. If you are going to paint with something, choose the right primer and you will not need a separate application of an antiseptic.

What to cover: types of coatings

Because antiseptics we singled them out in a separate class (we do not consider them “coatings”, reserving this name for paint and varnish products), then we will talk about everything else.

At our disposal:

  • impregnation for wood from oil, oil wax or wax;
  • water-based varnishes;
  • varnishes based on organic solvents;
  • water-based paints;
  • paints based on organic solvents;
  • water-based glazes;
  • glazes based on organic solvents.

As you can see, today you can purchase any coating for lining in a water-based bath, which is good for interior work.


Silicone, for lining Elcon

An affordable way to give the tree water and dirt-repellent properties. Can buy ready composition in the store - many of the companies specializing in paint and varnish products, especially if they have lines for baths and saunas, will offer you liquid and solid oils, oil waxes and waxes, which are suitable for impregnation of lining in the bath.

Those who have access to pure linseed oil, wax and other ingredients can on one's own make an impregnation that is in no way inferior to the factory one.

Yes, it should also be noted that for some reason that is not entirely clear, some people also classify bath varnishes as impregnations. We consider this to be incorrect, varnishes are a separate category.

What to soak in the steam room

Oils, oil waxes and waxes of own or industrial production quite suitable for impregnating the steam room- when it comes to purchased funds, then it will be said there whether it is suitable for walls, for, floors, or only for - one of the categories.

There is some difference between factory impregnations, but with self-manufacturing impregnation based on linseed oil, it can be used for shelves and walls. The author of the video above covered the outside of the bath with such a mixture too.

IMPORTANT! Distinguish oil-based impregnations from water-based acrylic varnishes - these are different things, even if the seller in the store says that this is a branded impregnation from some well-known company.

Oil can be not only linen or rapeseed, or some other natural, extracted from plants, but also paraffin- We have already talked about this.

Painting: varnishes, paints, azures

Example: NEOMID Sauna - acrylic based wood protection lacquer

All types of paint and varnish products can be divided into those that are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. The division is essential, because inside we have more stable microclimate, less harmful effects from the environment, but an important requirement is harmlessness to humans.

How to paint inside

The ideal option for all rooms (and not just for the steam room and washing room) would be water-based varnishes and paints. They have a lot of advantages - they smell very weakly, their smell does not lead to nausea and dizziness, reddening of the skin and other signs of body poisoning, which always occurs when working with compounds based on organic solvents.

At the same time, there are varnishes and paints that are specially designed to cover walls with ceilings or floors in a steam room. Watch a video with a test of such varnishes from Tikkurila, Dulux and another Russian manufacturer"Bath stuff"

What is the difference between varnishes and water-based paints? Both are acrylates, which dissolve in water, however varnishes are always more transparent and allow you to see the texture of the wood, and paints are more opaque, opaque, under a thin layer, unless we see the texture or feel the texture relief.

However, water-soluble paints and varnishes are not all that can be used in the interior of the bath. Painting lining in the bath can also be done with dyes based on organic solvents, if they are intended for interior decoration. The exception is, but you already know about it.

You will find more detailed information about varnishes and paints suitable for the interior in this.

How to paint outside

As already mentioned, at your disposal is the whole range of paint and varnish products marked on the label "for facades", "for outdoor use".

You need to focus on this: some formulations already contain antiseptic, others contain it not in the varnish or paint itself, but in primer, which should be treated surfaces prior to painting. Moreover, primers are produced for certain compositions, but it is also possible to combine primers from different companies.

IMPORTANT! For outdoor painting, an antiseptic is highly desirable, and a non-washable one is better. Flame retardants - optional.

Further, in addition to the antiseptic, the composition should contain UV filter, which will protect from the sun, as well as substances responsible for coating elasticity, that is, the ability to contract and expand with the wood without tearing or cracking. Of course, they are not in all varnishes and paints, but their presence is preferable.

ADVICE! Since we are talking about a bath, it would be nice to pay attention to the vapor permeability of the paintwork - the better it will release water pores through itself, the better for us. And it’s very good if atmospheric precipitation does not moisten the wood.

In general, you can paint the lining in the bath outside with everything you like and can afford - from home-made to latex paints.

exterior dyes are discussed more fully here in this one.

Overview of all paint and varnish products suitable for use in the bath and sauna, we made in this.

Dye for walls only(internal and external) is considered.

How to update lining

Over time, the appearance of the raw lining ceases to please the owners. Wood tends to get dark from moisture, but there is still soot, which is firmly embedded in the wood. For those who are no longer satisfied with this state of affairs, and he decided to update the lining in the bath, we have found tips that will help to cope with any problem.

How and what to clean from soot

When carbon is not completely burned in a furnace (completely it is CO2 or CO), it is released as an amorphous substance, which we call "soot". The soot that settled on the walls is soot.

Clean the lining in the bath from soot more difficult, than it seems at first sight. She firmly eats into the wood. And when you try to wash it with soap and a brush, cleansing does not occur.

There are two proven methods for removing soot - mechanical and chemical.

WITH mechanical everything is clear - the contaminated surface must be scrape off any accessible way. Either manually or with a power tool - the same Bulgarians with abrasive wheel. As a result, removed upper layer wood, a clean surface is exposed, the result is what you need.

Chemical the method does not require physical effort and takes much less time. On sale, you can find products that have been designed just to eliminate soot or soot from a fire.

As an example, let's name SYNTILOR Fuoco, DOCKER MAZBIT PLUS, "Facade Cleaner No. 2" from the company "Chistulya" and the like.

The video clearly shows how the first of these tools works:

But here's what's interesting: all compounds that remove soot and soot contain as the main active ingredient ... alkali. No one says the composition, but strong alkalis have been counted once, twice, and their qualities are approximately the same. We mean sodium and potassium hydroxides - KOH and NaOH.

Nothing prevents you from buying them cheaply in a store, diluting them with water and washing off the soot from the wood.

VERY IMPORTANT! If you do not want chemical burns, do not even try to work with alkali without clothing covering your arms and legs, gloves and goggles. Chemical burns are worse than thermal burns, or rather deeper. And keep an acid solution nearby - vinegar, citric acid dilute - to immediately fill the place where the alkali got. Washing off with water is useless!

After the soot disappears, be sure to wash off the remaining alkali from the wall. We recommend doing this first with an acid solution(vinegar, lemon) so that the residues are neutralized, and then with clean water.

There is another way, but we like it even less than the dangerous lye. This is about blends of gasoline and washing powder with water. You already have a fire-prone building with a stove, it seems superfluous to impregnate it with gasoline.

But if you need to wash, say, fireplace brick, and there is no alkali at hand, you can mix two tablespoons of washing powder, 100 ml of water, 100 ml of gasoline, then actively shake the mixture in a bottle and start scrubbing.

In general, it is clear that soot and soot are removed degreasers. Yes, by the way, burnt baking sheets are washed in the same way as lining - with alkalis.

How to wash the lining

We have already recommended a way to get rid of blue and brighten darkened tree with bleach"Whiteness" (by the way, this is just a solution of sodium hypochlorite, bleach - you can make it yourself from the powder).

BY THE WAY! If someone starts complaining that chlorine vapors will be inhaled for a long time, do not believe it. Because the smell (and hence the volatile substances) disappears quickly, and there are no more reasons for concern than when working with "Whiteness" at home. But it’s better not to pour on your hands, of course.

You can do without bleach at all if you walk along a darkened lining grinder.

If the task is to get rid of sweat, fat and the like, then it will be enough to wash the lining in the bath strong solution of laundry soap. Moreover, what is interesting: laundry soap contains alkali residues from the saponification of vegetable fat (this is how it is obtained), so it is not neutral, but slightly alkaline. So it turns out that you are again using alkali, only weak.

Washing with soap will seem long to someone - then just increase the alkaline component. Observing the safety precautions described above, of course! Maybe you have a "MOLE" - breed it.

Here is such a chemical and not only educational program. Like, share links with friends and subscribe to our channel in Telegram.

Where can I buy

Antiseptics and impregnation for lining are present in the assortment of many companies. Some suppliers are presented in sections "" and ""

In contact with

Wall treatment in the bath is important point for the entire building. After all, not everyone uses any compositions to finish its insides. To some extent, this is not unreasonable. We want to enjoy the amazing smell of wood, but we should not forget about its safety.

Today we will tell you how to decorate the walls in the bath and how to do it. The same on the video in this article and the photo you can find out additional necessary information.

The walls and ceilings in the bath are covered with wooden clapboard (see Finishing the bath with clapboard: doing it right), various shelves and benches quickly become dirty, especially if numerous relatives like to visit your bath. Although this reason is not the only reason why the tree needs to be processed.

Attention: First of all, there should be high-quality insulation of the walls in the bath from the stove, because there are high temperatures and this indicator should be in the first place.

  • This includes the blackening of wood, the appearance of cracks, fungus and mold, as well as the deformation of the board, which is difficult to protect against. The market is now offering a large assortment environmentally friendly and safe materials that not only easily tolerate high-temperature operation, but also ideally protect wooden surfaces.
  • Finnish and Russian baths are usually finished with hardwood. High-strength, resistant to decay, perfectly polished - its main characteristics. Most often used aspen, birch, oak, maple.
  • Low thermal conductivity is another advantage. At high temperatures in the steam room, it does not cauterize the skin. Coniferous trees are rarely used in decoration, since when the temperature rises, resin is released, which leads to burns and contamination of the skin.

Steam room and difficult operating conditions

How to process the walls in the bath in the steam room (see Finishing the steam room: materials used) is occupied by all owners. After all, there should be a pleasant smell. But here and environment pretty aggressive.

  • The constant influence of high humidity, heat eventually leads to the appearance of cracks, fungus and rot, blackening of the skin.
  • On the one hand, it is clear that wooden surface needs to be processed. On the other hand, many believe that if you build and operate the bath correctly, then there is no need for special processing.

On the modern construction market there is a large selection of impregnations.

Therefore, before buying, you need to clearly understand the goals:

  1. What needs to be treated (walls and ceiling, floor or places with which the skin is in direct contact);
  2. Required level of moisture insulation;
  3. Methods of application of the drug

Impregnations and what they are for

Processing walls and partitions in the bath has its advantages, but it was not without its drawbacks:

  • When heated, wood instantly absorbs various liquids. Therefore, water, sweat, aromatic oils leave unaesthetic stains on walls and ceilings, benches, which must be constantly removed. Some of them cannot be removed by simple flushing, so you have to use a wood stripping tool.
  • Of course, this spoils the appearance of the finish. By covering ceilings and walls with impregnations designed for this, you will not only preserve the appearance and extend the service life, but also make it easier to care for them.
  • Sometimes in saunas, the area near the stoves is trimmed with Canadian cedar, which has been heat-treated to remove resin from the wood. When heated, the air will be filled with the natural smell of pine needles and poor-quality materials will not allow the room to be filled with a fragrant smell.

Caution: Not all products are suitable for this job. In this case, you can harm your health.

  • Often they do not withstand the temperature regime. As a result, the service life is reduced, the appearance deteriorates and, if the protective layer is violated, substances harmful to health are released. Therefore, it is very important to use only the intended formulations.
  • Impregnations must be moisture resistant, have antiseptic properties and prevent wood from igniting. Create a durable protective layer and retain for a long time beautiful view wooden covering.
  • Flooring is another important step. Impregnation should not make the floor slippery. You can choose a composition with a tinting effect. Such a floor will not only acquire useful, moisture-repellent properties, but will also beautifully emphasize the pattern of the tree.

How we process shelves and benches

Bath, this is a rather large room and eats here different zones and the materials used are different:

  • For example pie frame wall in the bathhouse in the area of ​​​​the steam room, the life must be treated with materials that do not allow water to pass through.
  • For a rest room, you can already pay less attention to the moisture resistance indicator, but you should pay attention to the chemical composition of the impregnation, it should not be toxic.
  • Impregnation of tables, benches and shelves should perform a dual function: protect wood from moisture and prevent burns on the body at elevated temperatures.

Now there are such compositions that are completely absorbed into the structure of the tree, without forming a film on it.

Oil formulations have these properties:

  • SaunaNatura (Teknos)
  • Supi Laudesuoja (Tikkurila)
  • Eurotex "Sauna" ("Rogneda")

When using these drugs, you must follow certain rules:

  • Apply only to dry and cleaned areas using brushes or foam rubber;
  • The room must be warm;
  • Be sure to do a color test.
  • If the tree is old, it is necessary to remove the darkened layer and sand it;
  • Be sure to use protective equipment when working with compounds;
  • At the end of the work, dry and ventilate the room.

Attention: In places where the impregnation is quickly absorbed, the treatment is repeated and allowed to dry for 24 hours. Then the room is warmed up and the oil that has come out is removed.

The choice of compositions for ceilings and walls

There are almost no necessary products for covering wood floors in bath rooms on the market. Apparently this is the main reason that floors are often left unprotected.

  • For this reason, it is advised to make floors from heat-treated wood. It is resistant to harmful effects, has antiseptic properties. With fluctuations in humidity, it swells less and the percentage of shrinkage decreases. An ordinary tree takes on such qualities only after the use of impregnations and varnishes.
  • If you use an untrusted tree, then the question of sheathing the walls in the bathhouse or not will disappear by itself, because you need to make protection and the coating will be very useful.

When choosing products that protect the surfaces of baths, you need to know their properties well. Usually in the instructions for them everything is detailed. Even better, to get complete information contact a specialist. Even the sign on the packaging, stating that we have an environmentally friendly product, does not give a 100% guarantee.

If there are no organic solvents, this does not mean that there are no other dangerous substances:

Supisaunavaha Multifunctional impregnation with natural wax will help. It is used to cover most surfaces: ceilings and walls, windows and doors, shelves and benches.
Tikkurila and Teknos This product has been used for a long time and has proven itself on the positive side.
Antiseptic coating "Sauna" It has an acrylic base, is diluted with water, allows air to pass through and at the same time creates a water and dirt-repellent coating, resists temperature changes. Protects against pathogenic bacteria that cause various kinds of infections in humans.
Sauna cover To decorate the walls and ceilings in the steam room and to prolong their service life, use the colorless Sauna coating. Odorless, quick-drying, tolerates temperature fluctuations well and gives the wood a beautiful silky sheen. It is applied in 2 layers with an interval of 3 hours in the usual way.
Natura (Teknos) It has the same properties as the previous one. Using color, you can get the desired shade. In this case, the natural pattern of the tree will be visible.

Attention: Under no circumstances should simple paints and varnishes be used for bath rooms. Not only is the tree unable to breathe, but with an increase temperature regime stand out harmful substances capable of causing serious harm to health.

It must be remembered that at high and low temperatures, the fungus and various insects die. Therefore, when proper care and you will not have problems with the steam room.

The walls in the bath with their own hands in any case, periodically need to be processed.

  • The premises of baths (saunas) must be treated once every two years. Rot and mold most often appear in the autumn. Therefore, processing is best done at this time.
  • In order for the wood to be dry, it is not possible to use the washing rooms before processing. For re-treatments, surfaces should be prepared as described above.

Walls in frame bath and any other will serve you for a long time subject to use quality materials. Their price is quite different, but preference should be given to trusted brands. The instructions will help you make the right choice.